Holy Family Parish Paróquia Sagrada Família - Boston Pilot

Page created by Darrell Sparks
Holy Family Parish Paróquia Sagrada Família - Boston Pilot
Holy Family Parish
Paróquia Sagrada Família
Holy Family Parish Paróquia Sagrada Família - Boston Pilot

                                                 Mass Intentions
   Holy Family Parish
Paróquia Sagrada Família
                                      SATURDAY, JUNE 25, 2022
         30 Grafton Street              4:00 PM Anna Thomas Cullen
         Lowell MA 01852                6:15 PM Rosary—Brazilian
                                        7:00 PM Brazilian Mass
    Main Phone: (978) 453-2134
Brazilian Community: (978) 934-0622   SUNDAY, JUNE 26, 2022
         Fax: (978) 453-0933          10:00 AM Ellen & Al Frangente
 Email: holyfamilylowell@gmail.com    11:45 AM Brazilian Mass
                                       6:00 PM Brazilian Mass
    Reverend Nicholas Sannella        SATURDAY, JULY 2, 2022
                                       4:00 PM Teresa & Richard Ozella
         Pastoral Staff                6:15 PM Rosary-Brazilian
 Reverend Donald G. Lozier, OMI        7:00 PM Brazilian Mass
 Reverend Gilmond Boucher, OMI
                                      SUNDAY, JULY 3, 2022
     Deacon Alvaro Soares
       Business Manager                10:00 AM Priest Intention
                                       11:45 AM Brazilian Mass
         David McLean                   6:00 PM Brazilian Mass
   Director of Religious Education
                                                   MONDAY JULY 4TH
           Claire Couillard
       Immaculate Conception
         Parish Secretaries
       Cathy Martel (English)
     Lira De Moraes (Brazilian)
           John Perry
      Immaculate Conception

           Marlene Heiss

                                                     HOLY HOUR
                                                    JULY 5TH 2022
                                                     @ 7:00 PM
                                                   UPPER CHURCH
                                                  ALL ARE WELCOME
Holy Family Parish Paróquia Sagrada Família - Boston Pilot
HOLY FAMILY PARISH                                            13th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME

We pray…...                                                                    PRAYER AND REFLECTION
                                                                               June 26, 2022 – 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Forr thosee thatt aree sick
                          k orr recently
                                       y in
                                          n thee hospital…
Rina Bedford, Fr. Gil Boucher, Buote Family, Loretta
Caira, Bill Calhoun, David Carpenter, Roger Char-                              We are all called to follow Jesus is no surprise. This sacramen-
trand, Francine Clay, Robert Connolly, Bob Conway,                             tally-sealed call is operative for as long as we live. We also
Sue Conway, Anne Marie Countie, Davidson Family,                               know that accepting it has implications we will only discover as
Debbie Demers, DeRocco Family, Teresa Dipersio,                                we go. Today’s readings remind us that calls can be unexpected,
Anthony Di Sanzo Jerry Dockett, Mary Dockett, Jean-                            demanding, even dangerous. But Paul assures us that freedom,
nine Donohoe, Cathy Durand, Cynthia Evans, Sandra                              love and the Spirit’s guidance are all part of it.
Frechette, Travish Forsyth, Joshua Geoffroy, Roger
Geoffroy, Sr. Marilyn Gignac, Andrew Gosselin, Su-                             Prayer of the Faithful
san Goyette, Donna Gravelle, Sr. Joan Gregoire, Ilene
Hallisey, Len Hallisey, Havelka Family, Frank Holden,                          Let us pray for all who are called to difficult journeys and tasks.
Marge Keefe, Annette Knust, Jim Knust, Kozowyk                                 For the church as it struggles with the meaning of discipleship in
Family, Fran & Jerry Labadini, Nora & Bob Labadini,                            every age and especially for its call to accountability, transparen-
Maryann Lanzara, Anthony Lavina, Betty LeClaire,                               cy and reform at this time in history, we pray:
Raymond LeLacheur, Carol Leonard, Terry Lesard,
Pauline Letourneau, Betty Mallett, Donald Marcouilli-
                                                                               x For those hesitant to engage in living the Gospel fully, who
                                                                               may be reluctant to let go of what is comfortable; and for a will-
er, Steven Marks, Barbara Matyl, McDonagh Family,
                                                                               ingness to change, we pray:
Chris McHardy, Margaret Mello, Georgette Mendonca,
Manuel Mendonca, Caryn Misquita, Pat Modrich, Paul-                            x For the courage to examine what love of neighbor really
ine Moore, Sr. Shirley Letourneau Morrison, Pamela                             means in this divisive time, especially when we are called to
Murphy Aparecida Nascimento, Francis O’Donnell,                                love those with whom we disagree, those we fear, or those who
Brenda Ouellette, Linda Paradise, Kim Peirce, Mary                             have hurt us, we pray:
Richardson, Ruthelyn Rivanis, Mary Rivas, Robert                               x For all whose discipleship calls them into the public arena
Rivas, Joel Rivera, Jean Marie Rotondi, Sr. Jeanne                             — who risk their reputations and lives or take difficult stands on
Rouillard, Fr. Nick Sannella, Freeman Shepherd, Don-                           behalf of the common good, we pray:
na Sherman, Stephanie Southworth, Bea Stamp, John                              x For those who follow the call to discipleship through caring
Stamulonis, Jay Sullivan, Joseph Sullivan, Marilyn                             for those in need, resisting injustice, or dealing kindly with diffi-
Sullivan, Rose Sweeney, Amy Teixeira, Diane Wing-                              cult people, we pray:
field, Collette Wooldridge, Adonis Youssef.
                                                                               x For those in extreme poverty or danger, those with over-
Mayy they
        y experiencee God’ss healing
                                   g lovee and
                                             d com-                            whelming medical or psychological problems, and those whose
                                                                               call to follow Jesus may consist of putting one foot before the
fort..                                                                         other each day, we pray:
                                                                               x In gratitude for those who encourage us to look beyond our-
                                                                               selves and push beyond our limitations, without whom we might
                                                                               miss the Gospel call, we pray.
                                                                               Presider Loving God, you created us for the love and freedom
                                                                               to which Jesus calls us and the Spirit guides us. Grant us the de-
                                                                               sire and courage to respond to whatever call is uniquely ours.
                                                                               We pray in the name

                                                                                                                             k Ending
                                                                                                                                    g June
                                                                                                                                         e 5th
                                                                                                                                             h 2022

                                             k Ending
                                                    g June
                                                         e 12,, 2022
Holy Family Parish Paróquia Sagrada Família - Boston Pilot
HOLY FAMILY PARISH                                 13th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME

                                                            Oblate Retirement Residence
                                                                486 Chandler Street
                                                               Tewksbury, MA 01876
                                                                                                        June 29, 2022

                                             L.J.Cet M.I.
                                             Very dear parishioners of Holy Family,

                                             These are comfortable summer days.        Children will soon be out of
                                             school. Vacations are on hand.

                                             All is well in the parish. We will be moving to the lower church next
                                             weekend, the air conditioning is a blessing during the offensive hot days.

                                             Our prayers are with you. Have safe and enjoyable vacations.

                                             God keep you all in the palm of his hands.

                                                                 Fr. Don

Our parish offers “Online Giving”, a web
based electronic contribution application.
           Check us out at...
Holy Family Parish Paróquia Sagrada Família - Boston Pilot
HOLY FAMILY PARISH                              13th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME

Ride with us on September 10th 2022. I will be riding with the
New England Parkinson’s Ride.

        Scan here to support Deacon Alvaro Soares
Holy Family Parish Paróquia Sagrada Família - Boston Pilot

 JUNE 12, 2022

Alana Nascimento
 Alicia Almeida          FIRST HOLY COMMUNION
                                   MAY 28, 2022
 Amanda Souza              Alexandre Nogueira de Paula
  Antonio Silva                       Junior
                        Ana Manuela Nogueira de Paula
  Davi de Souza              Ana Sofia Dias de Paula
Emanuelle Portes           Bernardo Antonio Cordeiro
                             Brigida Pereira da Silva
Gabriel Magalhaes          Camila Vitoria Costa Souza
  Isabelle Gallo         Gustavo Jose de Paula Monteiro
                             Henrique Vargas Ribeiro
   Lara Vieira            Isabella Aparecida de Oliveira
   Layla Souza                      Magalhaes
                             Isabella Machado Souza
  Luana Testoni         Joao Gabriel de Matos Trombetta
   Lukas Silva           Joaquim Leao Mendes Fontana
                                  Jolie Coutinho
 Raphael Portes         Joshua Wilson Rodrigues Benicio
 Sophia Correia              Kimberly Back Morona
                             Lannarah Cardeal Saints
 Sophia Oliveira                  Lara Bachman
 Tatiana Fisher            Lucas de Oliveira Magalhaes
                            Manuella Bobroff Franco
                             Maria Eduarda Campos
                          Pedro Bortolatto Della Justina
                          Pedro Henrique Bezerra Lima
                           Pedro Henrique de Oliveira
                                  Sophia Almeida
                                  Sophia Guedes
                                 Stefany Colombo
                       Tracisio Pereira Figueiredo Pimenta
                             Victoria Maria Jeronimo
Holy Family Parish Paróquia Sagrada Família - Boston Pilot

         Faith into Action

         TH AN K Y O U F OR S U P P O R TI N G O U R P ARIS H ES ,
         S C HO O L S, AN D CO M M U N I TI E S .

                                        SCAN HERE to
                                        make your gift
                                        or visit


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For Advertising call 617-779-3771                                                                  Pilot Bulletins                                                                           Holy Family, Lowell, MA   4584
Holy Family Parish Paróquia Sagrada Família - Boston Pilot
105 Moore Street
                                                                                                                                                   Lowell, MA 01852

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                      Helpline: 855.781.9898                                                           To learn about our programs, please contact us at: 617-522-0630
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                   Videophone: 339.224.6831
                         (for Deaf and Hard of Hearing)
                 Email: info@myombudsman.org
                                                                                              Fr. Tom Nestor has served as pastor at the Collaborative
                   www.myombudsman.org                                                        Parishes of Resurrection and Saint Paul in Hingham for
                                                                                              the past ten years, and previously served at St. Eulalia’s
                                                                                              in Winchester for 17 years. A Harvard graduate and
                                                                                              native of West Roxbury, Fr. Nestor is known for fostering

        AD SPACE                               Lowell                                         a sense of community wherever he goes.

        AVAILABLE                                                           Member FDIC
                                                                                                        donate at          OR
            617-779-3771                                                                             clergytrust.org
                                    McDonough Funeral Home                                                    Mahoney Funeral Home
                                    14 Highland St. Lowell, MA 01852                                    187 Nesmith St. Lowell, MA 01852
                                    978-458-6816                                                                                     978-452-6361
                                    www.mcdonoughfuneralhome.com                                          www.mahoneyfuneralhome.com
                                                  Independently Owned & Operated By The McDonough Family
For Advertising call 617-779-3771                                                 Pilot Bulletins                                                             Holy Family, Lowell, MA              4584
Holy Family Parish Paróquia Sagrada Família - Boston Pilot Holy Family Parish Paróquia Sagrada Família - Boston Pilot
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