Historic Gardens and climate cHanGe recommendations for Preservation - International Conference 4th - 6th September 2014 Potsdam, Nikolaisaal and ...

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Historic Gardens and climate cHanGe recommendations for Preservation - International Conference 4th - 6th September 2014 Potsdam, Nikolaisaal and ...
Historic Gardens and Climate Change
Recommendations for Preservation

International Conference
4th – 6th September 2014
Potsdam, Nikolaisaal and Park Sanssouci
Historic Gardens and climate cHanGe recommendations for Preservation - International Conference 4th - 6th September 2014 Potsdam, Nikolaisaal and ...
The consequences of global climate change are also clearly apparent in the Berlin-
Brandenburg region: extreme weather events with storms and cloudbursts, and
increasingly frequent droughts, are new environmental phenomena that affect the
conservation and care of the gardens in the World Heritage Site, ‘Palaces and Parks
of Potsdam and Berlin’ and other historic gardens.
Concern for the survival of the cultural heritage entrusted to them has led the
Prussian Palaces and Gardens in Berlin and Brandenburg Foundation (SPSG),
which cares for gardens covering some 750 hectares, to address the issues of
climate change at an early stage and with a view to the future. The international
conference “Historic Gardens and Climate Change” brings together and discusses
multi-disciplinary research findings and proposals for their preservation, aiming
to produce practical guidelines for action.
Mulching or modern soil improvement techniques, flood defence measures,
tree care and appropriate replanting: in order to take the gardens into the future
in all their beauty and as historical witnesses, it will be necessary to rethink old
concepts and orientate towards cooperation among the most various scientific
and academic fields.

Thursday 4 Sept 2014                       How may climate change affect the
Nikolaisaal Potsdam                        region? How serious is the threat from
                                           global climate change to plants in
9.00 / Welcome                             historic gardens? And how should
Prof. Dr. Hartmut Dorgerloh / SPSG         this threat be appraised on an
Dr. Heinrich Bottermann / DBU              international scale?
                                           Further panel members
9.30 / Introduction                        Dr. Michael Lee /
Prof. Dr. Michael Rohde / SPSG             University of Virginia, USA
                                           Barbara Jäckel /
9.45 Uhr / Opening Lecture                 Berlin Plant Protection Department
Prof. Dr. Hans Joachim Schellnhuber        Brigitte Mang /
Potsdam-Institut für Klimafolgen-          Austrian Federal Gardens, Vienna
forschung (PIK)                            n.n. / PIK
“Climate Change, Creation,                 12.20 / Discussion
and the Cultural Heritage of
Humanity”                                  12.50 / Book presentation
                                           “Historic Gardens and
10.30 Uhr / Coffee break                   Climate Change”

11.00 Uhr / ROUND TABLE I                  13.00 / Lunch break
How serious is the threat to
historic gardens?                          14.30 / ROUND TABLE II
Impulse Statement                          Scientific Findings:
Dr. Paul Becker /                          Soil – Water – Plants
German Meteorological Service (DWD)        Impulse Statement
Mónica Luengo Añón /                       Dr. Bernd Uwe Schneider,
ICOMOS-IFLA, Spanien                       Prof. Dr. Reinhard Hüttl / German
Our everyday memory retains                Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ)
experience of weather but not of global    Helmholtz-Zentrum Potsdam
long-term changes to the climate.
Historic Gardens and climate cHanGe recommendations for Preservation - International Conference 4th - 6th September 2014 Potsdam, Nikolaisaal and ...
Prof. Dr. Martin Kaupenjohann /              Friday 5 Sept 2014
Technische Universität Berlin (TUB),         Nikolaisaal Potsdam
Department of Ecology, Department
of Soil Science                              9.00 / Welcome and lecture
Dr.-Ing. Sylvia Butenschön /                 Dr. Roland Bernecker /
Landscape architect, TUB,                    German Commission for UNESCO
Department of Heritage Conservation          “Historic Gardens and Parks as
Various academic disciplines provide         the Heritage of Humanity”
useful information for the preservation      Prof. M. Norton Wise / University
of historic gardens. How do plants           of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)
react to drier soils when rainfall           „water as art in the parks“
becomes irregular? Are there modern
techniques and prescriptions, or are         9.45 / Review of the
old gardening practices such as              first conference day
mulching still relevant?                     Prof. Dr. Michael Rohde,
Further panel members                        Dr. Heiner Krellig / SPSG
Prof. Dr. Steffen Rust /
University for Applied Sciences and          10.00 / Lecture
Arts (HAWK), Göttingen                       Prof. Dr. Hubert Weiger / BUND
Prof. Dr. Eeva Ruoff /                       (Friends of the Earth Germany)
Aalto University, Aalto, Finland             “Heritage and Nature
Dr. Graziano Ghinassi /                      Conservation in the Age
Università di Firenze, Florence, Italy       of Climate Change“
Werner Sellinger /
Landscape architect, Vienna                  10.30 / Coffee break
16.15 / Discussion

16.45 / Coffee break

18.30 / Public evening lecture
Park Sanssouci

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr. Sabine Kunst
State of Brandenburg Minister
of Science, Research and Culture
Prof. Dr. Hartmut Dorgerloh / SPSG
Prof. Dr. Dr. Klaus Töpfer / Institute for
Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS)
“The Cultural Sustainability of
Preserving Historic Gardens”

Followed by reception
11.00 / ROUND TABLE III                   To preserve historic gardens sustainably
Tradition and Innovation in               demands long-term concepts and
the Specialist Care of Historic           strategies. The conference publication
Gardens                                   offers promising findings, but also
Impulse Statement                         demonstrates the need for further,
Prof. Dr. Norbert Kühn / TUB,             more specific research. What is yet
Institute of Landscape Architecture       to be done, if the aesthetic message
and Environmental Planning, Faculty       of gardens is to live on for future
of Engineering Biology                    generations?
Mike Calnan / The National Trust,         Further panel members
England                                   Annegreth Dietze-Schirdewahn /
Investigations of the specific care       University of Life Sciences, Ås, Norway
requirements of the vegetation in         Dr. Johanna Leissner / EU research
historic gardens under the condition      project, “Climate for Culture”
of global climate change are only         Prof. Dr. habil. Rolf Kätzel /
just beginning. As early as 2002 the      Ebers-walde Forest State
National Trust, which looks after         Competence Centre
230 gardens in England and Wales,         Stéphanie de Courtois / Université
commissioned a study on gardening         Paris 1-Pantheon Sorbonne, France
in “the global greenhouse” and drew       Ludwig Trauzettel / Dessau Wörlitz
up a programme for environmental          Cultural Foundation
standards in garden care.                 16.10 / Discussion
Further panel members
Prof. Dr. Hartmut Dorgerloh / SPSG        The round table discussions will be
Dr. Roland Bernecker /                    chaired by Volker Panzer (journalist)
German Commission for UNESCO
Prof. Dr. Hartmut Troll / State Palaces   16.40 / Coffee break
and Gardens of Baden-Württemberg
Jens Hendeliowitz / Landscape             17.30 / Tour of the
architect, Copenhagen, Denmark            “Paradiesapfel” garden
12.10 / Offene Diskussion                 exhibition in Park Sanssouci

12.40 / Ratification of the               19.00 / Evening event for
“Sanssouci Declaration”                   authors and speakers

13.00 Uhr / Lunch break
                                          Saturday 6 Sept 2014
14.30 Uhr / ROUND TABLE IV
Research requirements and                 10.00 – 12.00 /
strategies for the future of              Excursions in the SPSG palace
historic gardens                          gardens, led by the scientific
Impulse Statement                         staff and park section heads
Prof. Dr. Albert-Dieter Stevens /         of the Gardens Department
Berlin-Dahlem Botanic Garden and
Botanical Museum                          12.00 / End of the conference
Prof. Dr. Jan Woudstra / University
of Sheffield Department of Landscape,
Vela Portugalskaja / Russian State
Museum, St. Petersburg
A book has been published for the conference by Edition Leipzig
Historic Gardens and Climate Change
Recommendations for Preservation
                            Editor: Prussian Palaces and Gardens Foundation,
                            Concept: Michael Rohde
                            Funded by the German Federal Environmental
                            Foundation (DBU)

                                                                 German/English, 368 pp., 270 colour and
                                                                 monochrome illustrations, 39,95 E in Germany
                                                                 ISBN 978-3-361-00700-0 (German)
                                                                 ISBN 978-3-361-00701-7 (English)
                                                                 EDITION LEIPZIG

Orangerieschloss / An der Orangerie 3–5, 14469 Potsdam
Nikolaisaal / Wilhelm-Staab-Straße 10/11, 14467 Potsdam

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Contact and registration klimawandel@spsg.de
Conference fees Entire conference 30,– E / Concessions: 20,– E /
One conference day: 20, – E

Please transfer the conference fee by 31 August 2014 to the SPSG’s account
IBAN: DE46 1604 0000 0100 1775 00 / BIC: COBADEFFXXX
Reference: Tagung Klimawandel - DM134002

Funded by the German                                              In cooperation with the
Environmental Foundation                                          German Commission for UNESCO and ICOMOS-IFLA
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