Page created by Helen Maxwell


CONTRACT NO. 4015-E-0036
GWP NO. 4914-15-00


APRIL 2018


CONTRACT NO. 4015-E-0036


PROJECT NO.: 16M-01435-00


T: +1-905-823-8500
F: +1-905-823-8503
TABLE OF                                         1          INTRODUCTION .............................................1

CONTENTS                                         2          PURPOSE .......................................................1

                                                 3          PIC DETAILS ...................................................1

                                                 4          PUBLIC AND AGENCY NOTIFICATION .........2
                                                 4.1        Mail / E-mail Distribution ...............................2
                                                 4.2        Newspaper Notification .................................2
                                                 4.3        Community boards ........................................3
                                                 4.4        Project Website ..............................................3
                                                 4.5        Twitter .............................................................3

                                                 5          STAFF ATTENDANCE ....................................3

                                                 6          MATERIAL DISPLAYED ..................................4

                                                 7          FORMAT AND ATTENDANCE ........................5

                                                 8          COMMENTS RECEIVED.................................5
                                                 8.1        Summary of Verbal and Written Comments
                                                            Received at the PIC........................................6
                                                 8.2        Summary of Written PIC Comments
                                                            Received After the PIC ..................................7

4015-E-0036                                                                                                                         WSP
Highway 62 Norris Whitney Bridge Rehabilitation / Replacement                                                                 April 2018
PIC #1 Summary Report                                                                                                             Page i
                                                     EXHIBIT 1 – PUBLIC INFORMATION
                                                                 CENTRE #1 COMMENTS.......8

                                                 A          AGENCY CONTACT LIST
                                                 B          NOTIFICATION MATERIAL
                                                 C          NEWSPAPER NOTICES
                                                 D          PUBLIC INFORMATION CENTRE #1 DISPLAYS
                                                 E          COMMENT RESPONSE TABLE

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PIC #1 Summary Report                                                                         April 2018
4015-E-0036                                                                                      Page ii
The Ontario Ministry of Transportation (MTO) is undertaking a Class Environmental
Assessment (Class EA) and Preliminary Design Study to identify the short-term and long-
term structural and operational needs of the Highway 62 Norris Whitney Bridge over the
Bay of Quinte.
The study is being conducted in accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of
Transportation Class Environmental Assessment for Provincial Transportation Facilities
(2000) as a Group ‘B’ undertaking.
The purpose of this Class Environmental Assessment Study is to assess and identify
improvements including operational and safety improvements to Highway 62 within the
study area; short-term structural improvements, including rehabilitation and/or widening;
and long-term structural improvements, including rehabilitation, widening and/or
The first Public Information Centre (PIC) was held on Thursday, December 14, 2017.

PICs are informal meetings where area residents, interested stakeholders, agencies, and
Indigenous communities are provided an opportunity to review project information,
identify concerns and provide input to the Project Team.
The purpose of the first PIC was to present:
          An overview of the study and Class Environmental Assessment process;
          Study background including existing conditions and problem / opportunity
          Alternatives being considered and the recommended short-listed alternatives;
          Proposed evaluation criteria and process; and
          An opportunity for the public / stakeholders to review, discuss and provide any
           input on the study with the Project Team, including the navigational clearance of
           the bridge.

The location, date, and time of the agency preview sessions and PIC is noted below:

                      Date:                                December 14, 2017

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PIC #1 Summary Report                                                                 April 2018
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Location:                            The Banquet Centre
                                                           1 Alhambra Square
                                                           Belleville, ON

                      Preview Session:                     3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.

                      Public Session:                      4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

The PIC was held as a joint session with the Environmental Assessment and
Preliminary Design for the Replacement of Structures and Widening of Highway 401 in
Belleville ON.

Consultation is an integral component of the Class Environmental Assessment process.
Per the process, appropriate methods of notification are required to be selected based
on the nature of the study area, the external parties to be contacted, the stage of the
study, and the issues to be addressed. For PIC #1, a Notice was developed and widely
advertised using mail / e-mail distribution, newspaper notification, community board
posting, the project website and the project Twitter account.

Letter invitations and Notices were distributed via e-mail to Federal (MPs) and Provincial
(MPPs) politicians with ridings in the study area, government agencies (federal and
provincial), Indigenous Communities, local municipalities, utility services providers, and
interested stakeholder groups on November 29, 2017. A copy of the agency contact list
can be found in Appendix A.
In addition, a copy of the PIC Notice was mailed directly to approximately 6,500 adjacent
property owners in the study area via Canada Post Ad Mail.
Copies of the notification materials can be found in Appendix B.

The PIC Notice was also published in local newspapers, as follows:
          Picton Gazette – Thursday, November 30, 2017
          Belleville Intelligencer – Friday, December 1, 2017
A copy of the newspaper notices can be found in Appendix C.

Highway 62 Norris Whitney Bridge Rehabilitation / Replacement                             WSP
PIC #1 Summary Report                                                               April 2018
4015-E-0036                                                                            Page 2
The PIC Notice was placed in the Quinte Sports & Wellness Centre Community Board
on December 4, 2017.

The Notice of PIC was uploaded to the project website (www.Hwy62NorrisWhitney.com)
on December 1, 2017. The website included the time, location and purpose of the PIC.
Following the PIC, all materials presented were available on the project website.

The Project Twitter account (@Hwy401Belleville) also tweeted to its followers with
information on the PIC:

The following MTO and consultant members of the Project Team attended the PIC:
          Glenn Higgins – MTO, Project Manager
          Muhammad Waseem – MTO, Deputy Project Manager
          Sharon Westendorp – MTO, Environmental Planner
          Lori Brake – MTO, Traffic
          Morgan Smith – MTO, Co-op Student
          Neil Ahmed – WSP, Consultant Project Manager
          Brent Gotts – WSP, Consultant Assistant Project Manager
          David Hiett – WSP, Consultant Designer
          Sandy Nairn – WSP, Consultant Environmental Planner
          Nicole Cooke – WSP, Consultant Environmental Planner

Highway 62 Norris Whitney Bridge Rehabilitation / Replacement                              WSP
PIC #1 Summary Report                                                                April 2018
4015-E-0036                                                                             Page 3
The following exhibits were presented at the PIC:
          Welcome (sign-in)
          Introduction (text and graphics)
          Study Area (text and key map)
          Project History and Background – Norris Whitney Bridge (Highway 62) (text and
           study graphics)
          Class Environmental Process (text and graphic)
          Consultation (text)
          Schedule (text and graphic)
          Existing Conditions – Area Features (map)
          Existing Conditions – Transportation (text and graphics)
          Existing Conditions – Heritage (text and graphics)
          Existing Conditions – Archaeological Assessment (text and maps)
          Traffic Data Collection (text and graphics)
          Travel Demand Model (text and graphic)
          Problems and Opportunities (text and graphics)
          Alternatives to the Undertaking (text and table)
          Norris Whitney Bridge Structural Improvement Alternatives – Potential
           Alignments (graphic)
          Long List Screening of Alternatives (text and graphics)
          Short-List of Alternatives (graphics)
          Evaluation Criteria (text)
          Navigational Clearance (text and graphics)
          Next Steps and Contact Information (text)
A copy of the PIC displays can be found in Appendix D.

The PIC was held as a joint session with the Environmental Assessment and Preliminary
Design for the Replacement of Structures and Widening of Highway 401 in Belleville ON.
The event was held as a drop-in style, open house format. A preview session took place

Highway 62 Norris Whitney Bridge Rehabilitation / Replacement                             WSP
PIC #1 Summary Report                                                               April 2018
4015-E-0036                                                                            Page 4
from 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. for invited agencies, Indigenous communities, local elected
representatives and municipal staff, and a public session occurred from 4:00 p.m. to 8:00
p.m. Project Team members were available to discuss the project one-on-one with the
Attendees were asked to sign in at the register.
During the preview session, three (3) attendees participated including representation from
Quinte Conservation, the City of Belleville, and a participant from a real estate investor /
developer, Partners REIT.
Of the eighty-two (82) people who attended the PIC, forty-four (44) were interested in the
Highway 62 Norris Whitney Bridge Rehabilitation / Replacement study, and seventeen
(17) had general interest in both projects (did not check a box for either project).
Media representatives did not attend the PIC.

Altogether, thirteen (13) comment submissions were received during the comment period
which ended January 18, 2018. These comment submissions consisted of:
          Nine (9) comment sheets submitted during the PIC;
          Two (2) comment submissions were received via the project website contact form
           following the PIC; and
          Two (2) comment submissions were received through the project e-mail address
           following the PIC.
The following sections summarize the common verbal and written comments received for
the Highway 62 Norris Whitney Bridge Rehabilitation / Replacement Class Environmental
Assessment and Preliminary Design Study.

Preferences of Alternatives:
     -     West twinning is preferred option (3 submitted comments).

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PIC #1 Summary Report                                                                 April 2018
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Navigational Clearance
     -     Importance of maintaining navigational clearance for summer tourists; any change
           will have negative effect on tourism and local economies.
     -     Request for bridge height to remain as is, not any higher.
     -     Ensure navigational clearance remains as a reduction would result in many
           negative impacts (reduced visitors / boating activity, marina failures, marina
           business reduction, municipal business reduction, reduction would preclude local
           sailing community from passage through Bay of Quinte, safety would be reduced
           as Bay of Quinte provides inland passage as opposed to Lake Ontario conditions).
     -     Bay of Quinte Yacht Club (over 300 members representing 110 boats in the
           immediate vicinity of the bridge) submitted formal comments requesting that the
           navigational clearance not be reduced to anything below 75 ft.
                o Many boats with varying mast clearances.
                o Bridge is also part of navigation path for boats along the North Shore of
                  Lake Ontario travelling toward Kingston and the 1000 Islands.

Active Transportation
     -     Many cyclists were in support of the 4 m barrier-separated bike lane.

Miscellaneous Comments:
     -     General support of project as Prince Edward County is becoming more and more
           popular as a cottage and tourist destination.
     -     Consideration for a tunnel at Wallbridge Road as both bridges would be closed in
           times of high winds; tunnel would remain open.
     -     Concern over whether bridge would be shut down at same time as Hwy 49 Bay of
           Quinte Skyway Bridge (3 submitted comments).
     -     Request for fish habitat to be fully considered and protected.
     -     Concern over traffic disruption.
     -     What consideration is given to climate change elements?
     -     Concern over bottle necking effect on Dundas as traffic makes its way south from
           the 401 and tries to connect on bridge.

Preferences of Alternatives:
     -     Twinning is preferred option as seems to be least disruptive.
     -     West twinning was preferred (3 comments).

Highway 62 Norris Whitney Bridge Rehabilitation / Replacement                              WSP
PIC #1 Summary Report                                                                April 2018
4015-E-0036                                                                             Page 6
Navigational Clearance
     -     One (1) comment regarding consideration for replacing the bridge with a seasonal
           swing bridge (short boating season, existing clearance is still not high enough to
           serve many tall ships, the Murray Canal is common entry point for boats coming
           off lake, Kingston is contemplating a new bridge with limited navigational
           clearance, price of higher bridge must be more, high bridge results in closures due
           to wind, safety concerns associated with height).

Miscellaneous Comments:
     -     Request for study area to expand to include the Highway 62 and County Road 28
           intersection. Concern with rehabilitation / replacement design change on the south
           end of the bridge(s), specifically the intersections of Highway 62 and
           County Road 3 and Highway 62 and County Road 28.
     -     Request to extend 4 lane traffic to the County Road 28 intersection.

Exhibit 1 provides a summary of the number of comment sheets submitted at the PIC
and the number of comments which were submitted by mail, phone, fax, or email before
the PIC, following the PIC notification; and after the event through to January 18, 2018.

                         Exhibit 1 – Public Information Centre #1 Comments

                            Submitted              Project      Mail   Phone   Email   Total
                              at PIC               Website

   Number of                        9                    2       0       0      2       13

Appendix E provides an overview of comments received and responses provided.

Highway 62 Norris Whitney Bridge Rehabilitation / Replacement                                   WSP
PIC #1 Summary Report                                                                     April 2018
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Highway 62 Norris Whitney Bridge Rehabilitation / Replacement - Stakeholder Contact List

      Title            FirstName              LastName                       Job Title                                  Company                                                 Branch                            Address1               Address2                    City     Province     Postal Code           Phone              Fax                             Email

Indigenous Communities
Chief         R. Donald              Maracle             Chief                                    Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte                                                                            24 Meadow Dr.                                                      ON          K0K 1X0         613-396-3424 x106                    rdonm@mbq-tmt.org
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Mohawk Territory
              Pete                   Brant               Capital Projects Coordinator             Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte                                                                            24 Meadow Dr.                                                      ON          K0K 1X0         613-396-3424 x141                    peterb@mbq-tmt.org
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Mohawk Territory
              Nicole                 Storms              Environmental Services Coordinator       Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte                                                                            24 Meadow Dr.                                   Tyendinaga MohawkON
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Territory     K0K 1X0         613-396-3424 x125                    nicoles@mbq-tmt.org

Chief         Jim Bob                Marsden             Chief                                    Alderville First Nation                                                                                 11696 2nd Line Rd.       PO Box 46              Alderville         ON          K0K 2X0         905-352-3000          905-352-3242   jbmarsden@alderville.ca

Chief         Laurie                 Carr                Chief                                    Hiawatha First Nation                                                                                   123 Paudash St.                                 Hiawatha           ON          K9J 0E6         705-295-4421                         chiefcarr@hiawathafn.ca

Ms.           Karry                  Sandy-Mackenzie     Barrister & Solicitor                    Williams Treaties First Nations                                                                         8 Creswick Court                                Barrie             ON          L4M 1J7         705-792-5087                         k.a.sandy-mckenzie@rogers.com

Federal Agencies

Sir/Madam     Environmental Unit                         Environmental Assessment Coordination    Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada                Lands and Economic Development                    25 St. Clair Ave. East   8th Floor              Toronto            ON          M4T 1M2                                              EACoordination_ON@aandc-aadnc.gc.ca
              Fisheries Protection
Sir/Madam                                                                                         Fisheries and Oceans Canada                                                                             867 Lakeshore Rd.                               Burlington         ON          L7S 1A1         1-855-852-8320                       fisheriesprotection@dfo-mpo.gc.ca
Sir/Madam                                                                                         Transport Canada                                                                                        330 Sparks St.                                  Ottawa             ON          K1A 0N5         613-990-2309          613-954-4731   NPPONT-PPNONT@tc.gc.ca

Mr.           Benjamin               Smith               Environmental Officer                    Transport Canada                                                                                        4900 Yonge Street                               Toronto            ON          M2N 6A5         416-952-0474                         benjamin.smith@tc.gc.ca

Ms.           Karen                  Campaigne           Administrative Assistant                 CFB Trenton                                                                                             Stn Forces               PO Box 1000            Astra              ON          K0K 3W0         613-392-2811 x2205                   Karen.campaigne@forces.gc.ca

Mr.           Stefan                 Linder              Manager, Public Works                    CN                                                    Design & Construction                             4 Welding Way                                   Vaughan            ON          L4K 1B9         905-669-3264          905-760-3406   stefan.linder@cn.ca

Provincial Agencies

Ms.           Susan                  Rapin               Director                                 Ontario Power Generation                              Environmental Services                            700 University Ave.                             Toronto            ON          M5G 1X6         416-592-6399                         susan.rapin@opg.com
                                                                                                  Ministry of Environment and Climate Change
Mr.           Rob                    Dobos               Manager                                                                                        Environmental Assessment Section                  867 Lakeshore Rd.        PO Box 5050            Burlington         ON          L7R 4A6         905-336-4953                         rob.dobos@canada.ca
Mr.           Walter                 Kloostra            Manager                                  Hydro One Networks Inc.                               Transmission Lines Sustainment Investment Planning 483 Bay St.             15th Floor             Toronto            ON          M5G 2P5         416-345-5114                         w.d.kloostra@hyrdoone.com

Mr.           Paul                   McCoy               Manager                                  Quinte Conservation                                   Planning and Regulations                          RR2, 2061 Old Hwy 2                             Belleville         ON          K8N 4Z2         613-968-3434 x108                    pmccoy@quinteconservation.ca

Mr.           Terry                  Murphy              General Manager                          Quinte Conservation                                                                                     RR2, 2061 Old Hwy 2                             Belleville         ON          K8N 4Z2         613-968-3434 x103                    tmurphy@quinteconservation.ca

Mr.           Tim                    Trustham            Planner / Ecologist                      Quinte Conservation                                                                                     RR2, 2061 Old Hwy 2                             Belleville         ON          K8N 4Z2         613-968-3434 x110                    ttrustham@quinteconservation.ca

Sir/Madam                                                Consultation Unit                        Ministry of Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation                                                     160 Bloor St.                                   Toronto            ON          M7A 2E6                                              maa.ea.review@ontario.ca
                                                                                                  Ministry of Agriculture and Food & Ministry of Rural
Mr.           Arthur                 Churchyard          Rural Planner                                                                                 Environmental & Land Use Policy                    95 Dundas St.                                   Brighton           ON          K0K 1H0         613-475-4764          613-475-3835   arthur.churchyard@ontario.ca
                                                         Acting Team Lead, Heritage Land Use                                                           Culture Services Unit, Programs and Services
Ms.           Laura                  Hatcher                                                      Ministry of Tourism , Culture and Sport                                                                 401 Bay St.              Suite 700              Toronto            ON          M7A 0A7         416-314-3108          416-212-1802   laura.e.hatcher@ontario.ca
                                                         Planning                                                                                      Branch
Ms.           Valerie                Andrews             Manager                                  Ministries of Citizenship and Immigration                                                               347 Preston St.          4th Floor              Ottawa             ON          K1S 3J4         613-742-3366          613-742-5300   valerie.andrews@ontario.ca

Mr.           Brandon                Lui                 Environmental Management Associate       Infrastructure Ontario                                                                                  1 Dundas St. West        Suite 2000             Toronto            ON          M5G 2L5         416-212-6975                         Brandon.Lui@infrastructureontario.ca

Ms.           Lisa                   Myslicki            Environmental Specialist                 Infrastructure Ontario                                                                                  1 Dundas St. West        Suite 2000             Toronto            ON          M5G 2L5         416-557-3116                         lisa.myslicki@infrastructureontario.ca

Mr.           Damian                 Dupuy               Manager                                  Ministry of Economic Development and Growth           Cabinet Office Liaison and Policy Support Unit    900 Bay St.              6th Floor, Hearst Block Toronto           ON          M7A 2EI         416-326-0938          416-325-6825   damian.dupuy@ontario.ca

Mr.           Charles                O'Hara              Manager of Growth Policy                 Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing             Ontario Growth Secretariat                        777 Bay St.              4th Floor, Suite 425   Toronto            ON          M5G 2E5                                              charles.o'hara@ontario.ca

Ms.           Catherine              Warren              District Planner                         Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry                                                              300 Water St.            PO Box 7000            Peterborough       ON          K9J 8M5         705-755-3294          705-755-3125   catherine.warren@ontario.ca

Ms.           Joy                    Fishpool            OPP Facilities Section                   Ontario Provincial Police                                                                               777 Memorial Ave.        2nd Floor              Orillia            ON          L3V 6H3         705-329-6815          705-329-6808   joy.fishpool@opp.ca


Mr.           Rick                   Kester              Chief Administrative Officer             City of Belleville                                                                                      169 Front St.                                   Belleville         ON          K8N 2Y8         613-967-3268          613-967-3206   rkester@city.belleville.on.ca

Mr.           Matthew                MacDonald           City Clerk                               City of Belleville                                                                                      169 Front St.                                   Belleville         ON          K8N 2Y8         613-967-3256          613-967-3206   mtmacdonald@city.belleville.on.ca

Mr.           Rod                    Bovay               Director                                 City of Belleville                                    Engineering and Development Services              169 Front St.                                   Belleville         ON          K8N 2Y8         613-968-6481 x3257                   rbovay@city.belleville.on.ca

Ms.           Karen                  Poste               Manager                                  City of Belleville                                    Economic Development                              169 Front St.                                   Belleville         ON          K8N 2Y8         613-967-3273                         kposte@city.belleville.on.ca

Mr.           Ray                    Ford                Manager                                  City of Belleville                                    Engineering and Development Services              169 Front St.                                   Belleville         ON          K8N 2Y8         613-968-6481 x3231                   rford@city.belleville.on.ca

Mr.           Spencer                Hutchison           Manager, Approvals                       City of Belleville                                    Engineering and Development Services              169 Front St.                                   Belleville         ON          K8N 2Y8         613-968-6481 x 3234                  shutchison@city.belleville.on.ca

Mr.           Art                    MacKay              Manager                                  City of Belleville                                    Policy Planning                                   169 Front St.                                   Belleville         ON          K8N 2Y8         613-968-6481 x3222                   amackay@city.belleville.on.ca

Mr.           Taso                   Christopher         Mayor                                    City of Belleville                                                                                                                                      Belleville         ON                          613-967-3267                         mayor.christopher@city.belleville.on.ca

Mr.           Pat                    McNaulty            Manager                                  City of Belleville                                    Transportation Services                           169 Front St.                                   Belleville         ON          K8N 2Y8         613-967-3239                         pmcnulty@city.belleville.on.ca
Mr.          Robert                 Quaiff            Mayor                                       Prince Edward County                                                             332 Main St.                         Picton          ON   K0K 2T0   613-476-2148 x1001                  rquaiff@pecounty.on.ca

Mr.          James                  Hepburn           Chief Administrative Officer                Prince Edward County                               Administration                332 Main St.                         Picton          ON   K0K 2T0   613-476-2148 x1003                  jhepburn@pecounty.on.ca

Ms.          Kim                    White             Clerk                                       Prince Edward County                                                             332 Main St.                         Picton          ON   K0K 2T0   613-476-2148 x1021                  kwhite@pecounty.on.ca

Mr.          Robert                 McAuley           Commissioner of Engineering, Development andPrince
                                                                                                   WorksEdward County                                                              332 Main St.                         Picton          ON   K0K 2T0   613-476-2148 x1007                  rmcauley@pecounty.on.ca

Mr.          Peter                  Moyer             Director of Development Services            Prince Edward County                                                             332 Main St.                         Picton          ON   K0K 2T0   613-476-2148 x2021                  pmoyer@pecounty.on.ca

Mr.          Neil                   Carbone           Director                                    Prince Edward County                               Community Development         332 Main St.                         Picton          ON   K0K 2T0   613-476-2148 x2501                  ncarbone@pecounty.on.ca


Mr.          Mitchell               Glass             Manager                                     Trans-Northern Pipelines Inc.                      Engineering and Integrity     310-45 Vogell Rd.                    Richmond Hill   ON   L4B 3P6   289-475-5369         905-770-8675   info@tnpi.ca

Mr.          Larry                  Mussio            Implementation Manager                      Bell Canada                                        Access Network Provisioning   75 Bridge St. East     Floor 2       Belleville      ON   K8N 1L9   613-966-3573

Ms.          Michelle               Rogers            Utility Services and construction Manager   Union Gas                                                                        1653 Fortune Cres.                   Kingston        ON   K7P 0E9

Mr.          Brian                  Watts             Area Distribution Engineering Technician    Hydro One Networks                                                                                                                                   705-931-0037                        brian.watts@hydroone.ca

Sir/Madam                                                                                         Belleville Water                                                                 195 College St. East                 Belleville      ON   K8N 5B6   613-966-3651

MPs / MPPs

Mr.          Todd                   Smith             MPP                                         Prince Edward-Hastings                                                                                  PO Box 575    Belleville      ON   K8N 5B2   613-962-1144         613-969-6381   todd.smithco@pc.ola.org

Mr.          Neil                   Ellis             MP                                          Bay of Quinte                                                                    100 Station St.                      Belleville      ON   K8N 2S5   613-969-3300         613-969-3313   NEIL.ELLIS@PARL.GC.CA

School Boards

Ms.          Mandy                  Savery-Whiteway   Director of Education                       Hastings and Prince Edward District School Board                                 156 Ann St.                          Belleville      ON   K8N 3L3   613-966-1170 x2201   613-962-1048   directors.office@hpedsb.on.ca
                                                                                                  Algonquin & Lakeshore Catholic District School
Ms.          Jody                   DiRocco           Director of Education                                                                                                        151 Dairy Ave.                       Napanee         ON   K7R 4B2                                       info@alcdsb.on.ca
Emergency Services

Mr.          Mark                   MacDonald         Director / Fire Chief                       City of Belleville                                 Fire Services                 169 Front St.                        Belleville      ON   K8N 2Y8   613-771-3075                        firechief@city.belleville.on.ca

Mr.          Ron                    Gignac            Chief of Police                             City of Belleville                                 Police Services               93 Dundas St. East                   Belleville      ON   K8N 1C2   613-966-0882 x2202   613-966-1834   rgignac@police.belleville.on.ca

Mr.          Doug                   Socha             Chief                                       Hastings - Quinte Paramedic Services               Emergency Services            111 Millennium Pkwy.                 Belleville      ON   K8N 4Z5   613-771-9366 x224    613-771-9370   sochad@hastingscounty.com

Mr.          Scott                  Manlow            Fire Chief                                  Prince Edward County                               Fire Department               8 McDonald Dr.                       Picton          ON   K0K 2T0   613-476-2148 x3051                  smanlow@pecounty.on.ca

Mr.          Barry                  Freeburn          Sergeant                                    Ontario Provincial Policy - Prince Edward DetachmentPolice Services              332 Main Street                      Picton          ON   K0K 2T0   613-476-2151

Potentially Interested Parties / Stakeholders

                                                                                                  Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs                                                                                                                                                   ofscd3@gmail.com

Mr.          Doug                   Luff                                                          Ontario Federation of Snowmobile Clubs                                                                  PO Box 125    Keene           ON   K0L 2G0   705-295-3473                        dbluff@nexicom.net

Sir/Madam                                                                                         Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters                                                               PO Box 2800   Peterborough    ON   K9J 8L5   705-748-6324 x230                   offe@ofah.org

Ms.          Erica                  Holgate           Executive Director                          Downtown Belleville                                                                                                   Belleville      ON             613-968-2242                        executivedirector@downtownbelleville.ca

Ms.          Maria                  Doucet            General Manager                             Fairfield Inn & Suites                                                           407 North front St.                  Belleville      ON   K8P 3C8   613-962-9211                        maria.doucet@marriott.com

Mr.          Ryan                   Williams          General Manager                             Best Western Belleville                                                          387 N Front St.                      Belleville      ON   K8P 3C8   613-969-1112

Mr.          Bill                   Saunders          CEO                                         Belleville and District Chamber of Commerce                                      5 Moira St. E                        Belleville      ON   K8P 2S3   613-962-4597                        bill@bellevillechamber.ca
                                                                                                  Prince Edward County Chamber of Tourism &
Mr.          Gilbert                Leclerc           Board President                                                                                                              116 Main Street                      Picton          ON   K0K 2T0                                       manager@pecchamber.com
Ms.          Edie                   Haslauer                                                      Belleville Downtown Improvement Area                                             267 Front Street                     Belleville      ON   K8N 2Z6                                       ownyourlifestyle@gmail.com

Mr.          Steve                  Macklin                                                       Bay of Quinte Yacht Club

Ms.          Kristine               Davis                                                         Bay of Quinte Yacht Club Commodore                                                                                                                                                       commodore@bqyc.ca

Directly e-mailed to Indigenous communities
                                                                                    listed on the Stakeholder Contact List with
                                                                                    copy of Ontario Government Notice enclosed.

Ministry of Transportation        Ministère des Transports

Planning and Design Section       Section de la planification et de la conception
1355 John Counter Boulevard       1355, boulevard John Counter
Postal Bag 4000                   CP/Service de sacs 4000
Kingston, Ontario K7L 5A3         Kingston (Ontario) K7L 5A3
Tel.: 613 540-5130     Tél. : 6   Tél.: 613 540-5130
Fax: 613-540-5106                 Téléc. 613 540-5106


        (GWP 4194-15-00), PRELIMINARY DESIGN

The Ontario Ministry of Transportation (MTO) has retained WSP Canada to undertake the Preliminary
Design and Class Environmental Assessment Study (Class EA) for the rehabilitation and/or replacement of
the Norris Whitney Bridge, on Highway 62 between the City of Belleville and the Regional Municipality of
Prince Edward County. This study will examine alternatives for facilitating the rehabilitation of the bridge, as
well as alternatives for increasing the traffic capacity of the bridge, including the future widening, twinning,
or replacement of the structure.
This project is being carried out in accordance with the approved environmental planning process for Group
‘B’ projects under the MTO Class Environmental Assessment (Class EA) for Provincial Transportation
Facilities (2000) and will be documented in a Transportation Environmental Study Report (TESR).

The purpose of this letter is to notify you of the first upcoming Public Information Centre (PIC) for this project.
This PIC has been arranged to introduce the study and to provide your community, as well as agencies,
interested groups, business representatives and members of the general public with an opportunity to review
and comment on the proposed alternatives for rehabilitation and/or replacement of the structure and to
present the proposed evaluation process.

The first PIC will be held on Thursday December 14, 2017 at The Banquet Centre located at 1 Alhambra
Square, Belleville, Ontario. There will be a one-hour agency/stakeholder preview session from 3:00-
4:00 pm, followed by the PIC from 4:00-8:00 pm. Members of the Project Team will be available at the
PIC to discuss the project and answer any questions you may have.

A copy of the notice is attached for your information.

If you wish to have a separate meeting and/or PIC within your community, or if you’d like to obtain additional
information, or submit comments, please feel free to contact the undersigned at the address below, or visit
the project website at www.Hwy62NorrisWhitney.ca.
Directly e-mailed to Indigenous communities
                                                                     listed on the Stakeholder Contact List with
                                                                     copy of Ontario Government Notice enclosed.

  Glenn Higgins
  MTO Project Manager

  Ministry of Transportation – Eastern Region
  1355 John Counter Blvd., Postal Bag 4000
  Kingston, ON K7L 5A3

  Phone: (613) 545-4806
  Toll-free: 1-800-267-0295
  Fax: 613-540-5106
  E-mail: info@Hwy62NorrisWhitney.ca

Under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIPPA) and the Access to Information
Act, comments and information regarding this project, with the exception of personal information, will become
part of the public record. If you have accessibility requirements in order to participate in this project, please
contact the undersigned.

Yours truly,

Glenn Higgins
MTO Project Manager

cc:     Neil Ahmed, Consultant Project Manager – WSP Canada
        Sharon Westendorp, Senior Environmental Planner – MTO Eastern Region
        Sandy Nairn, Consultant Environmental Planner – WSP Canada
Directly e-mailed to External Agencies listed
                                                                                 on the Stakeholder Contact List with copy of
                                                                                 Ontario Government Notice enclosed.

                               November 30, 2017

                               To Whom It May Concern:

                               RE:     NOTICE OF PUBLIC INFORMATION CENTRE
                                       (GWP 4194-15-00), PRELIMINARY DESIGN

                               The Ontario Ministry of Transportation (MTO) has retained WSP to undertake the Preliminary
                               Design and Class Environmental Assessment Study (Class EA) for the rehabilitation and/or
                               replacement of the Norris Whitney Bridge, on Highway 62 between the City of Belleville and
                               the Regional Municipality of Prince Edward County. This study will examine alternatives for
                               facilitating the rehabilitation of the bridge, as well as alternatives for increasing the traffic
                               capacity of the bridge, including the future widening, twinning, or replacement of the

                               This project is being carried out in accordance with the approved environmental planning
                               process for Group ‘B’ projects under the MTO Class Environmental Assessment (Class EA) for
                               Provincial Transportation Facilities (2000) and will be documented in a Transportation
                               Environmental Study Report (TESR).
                               The purpose of this letter is to notify you of the first Public Information Centre (PIC) for this
                               project. This PIC has been arranged to introduce the study and to provide agencies, interested
                               groups, business representatives and members of the general public with an opportunity to
                               review and comment on the proposed alternatives for rehabilitation and/or replacement of
                               the structure and to present the proposed evaluation process.

                               The first PIC will be held on Thursday December 14, 2017 at The Banquet Centre located at
                               1 Alhambra Square, Belleville, Ontario. There will be a one-hour agency/stakeholder
                               preview session from 3:00-4:00 pm, followed by the PIC from 4:00-8:00 pm. Members of
                               the Project Team will be available at the PIC to discuss the project and answer any questions
                               you may have.

                               A copy of the notice is attached for your information.

                               If you are unable to attend the PIC but wish to obtain additional information, or to submit
                               comments, please feel free to contact the undersigned at the address below, or visit the project
                               website at www.Hwy62NorrisWhitney.ca.

610 Chartwell Road
Suite 300
Oakville, ON, Canada L6J 4A5

T +1 905-823-8500

                                                                                                                         WSP Canada Inc.
Neil Ahmed, P.Eng.                        Glenn Higgins
  Consultant Project Manager                MTO Project Manager
  WSP Canada Group Limited                  Ministry of Transportation – Eastern Region
  610 Chartwell Road, Suite 300             1355 John Counter Blvd., Postal Bag 4000
  Oakville, ON L6J 4A5                      Kingston, ON K7L 5A3

  Phone: (905) 829-6241                     Phone: (613) 545-4806
  Toll-free: 1-877-562-7947                 Toll-free: 1-800-267-0295
  Fax: (905) 823-8503                       Fax: 613-540-5106
  E-mail: info@Hwy62NorrisWhitney.ca        E-mail: info@Hwy62NorrisWhitney.ca

Under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIPPA) and the Access to
Information Act, comments and information regarding this project, with the exception of
personal information, will become part of the public record. If you have accessibility
requirements in order to participate in this project, please contact the undersigned.

Yours truly,

Neil Ahmed, P. Eng.
Consultant Project Manager

cc:     Glenn Higgins, MTO Project Manager – MTO Eastern Region
        Sharon Westendorp, Senior Environmental Planner – MTO Eastern Region
        Sandy Nairn, Consultant Environmental Planner – WSP Canada

                                                                                      Page 2
Directly e-mailed to Local Elected Representatives
                                                                                    listed on the Stakeholder Contact List with copy of
                                                                                    Ontario Government Notice enclosed.

Ministry of Transportation        Ministère des Transports

Planning and Design Section       Section de la planification et de la conception
1355 John Counter Boulevard       1355, boulevard John Counter
Postal Bag 4000                   CP/Service de sacs 4000
Kingston, Ontario K7L 5A3         Kingston (Ontario) K7L 5A3
Tel.: 613 540-5130     Tél. : 6   Tél.: 613 540-5130
Fax: 613-540-5106                 Téléc. 613 540-5106

November 29, 2017

«City», «Province_» «Postal_Code»

Attention:        «FirstName» «LastName»

       (GWP 4194-15-00), PRELIMINARY DESIGN

The Ontario Ministry of Transportation (MTO) has retained WSP Canada to undertake the Preliminary
Design and Class Environmental Assessment Study (Class EA) for the rehabilitation and/or replacement
of the Norris Whitney Bridge, on Highway 62 between the City of Belleville and the Regional Municipality
of Prince Edward County. This study will examine alternatives for facilitating the rehabilitation of the bridge,
as well as alternatives for increasing the traffic capacity of the bridge, including the future widening,
twinning, or replacement of the structure.

This project is being carried out in accordance with the approved environmental planning process for Group
‘B’ projects under the MTO Class Environmental Assessment (Class EA) for Provincial Transportation
Facilities (2000) and will be documented in a Transportation Environmental Study Report (TESR).

The purpose of this letter is to notify you of the first upcoming Public Information Centre (PIC) for this
project. This PIC has been arranged to introduce the study and to provide agencies, interested groups,
business representatives and members of the general public with an opportunity to review and comment
on the proposed alternatives for rehabilitation and/or replacement of the structure and to present the
proposed evaluation process.

The first PIC will be held on Thursday December 14, 2017 at The Banquet Centre located at
1 Alhambra Square, Belleville, Ontario. There will be a one-hour agency preview session from 3:00-
4:00 pm, followed by the PIC from 4:00-8:00 pm. Members of the Project Team will be available at the
PIC to discuss the project and answer any questions you may have.

Please be advised that the Ontario Government Notice (OGN) advertising the PIC (attached for your
information) will be published in local newspapers as follows:

        Picton Gazette                                                              Thursday November 30, 2017
        The Belleville Intelligencer                                                Friday December 1, 2017

If you wish to schedule a meeting and/or presentation to Council in advance of the upcoming PIC please
contact the undersigned below.
In addition, if you are unable to attend the PIC but wish to obtain additional information, or to submit
comments, please feel free to contact the undersigned at the address below, or visit the project website at

  Glenn Higgins
  MTO Project Manager

  Ministry of Transportation – Eastern Region
  1355 John Counter Blvd., Postal Bag 4000
  Kingston, ON K7L 5A3

  Phone: (613) 545-4806
  Toll-free: 1-800-267-0295
  Fax: 613-540-5106
  E-mail: info@Hwy62NorrisWhitney.ca

Under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIPPA) and the Access to Information
Act, comments and information regarding this project, with the exception of personal information, will
become part of the public record. If you have accessibility requirements in order to participate in this project,
please contact the undersigned.

Yours truly,

Glenn Higgins
MTO Project Manager

cc:     Neil Ahmed, Consultant Project Manager – WSP Canada
        Sharon Westendorp, Senior Environmental Planner – MTO Eastern Region
        Sandy Nairn, Consultant Environmental Planner – WSP Canada


A copy of the OGN was mailed to property owners within 500 m of the study area and to members of the public on the contact list.

             Highway 62 Norris Whitney Bridge Rehabilitation / Replacement
                         (GWP 4194-15-00), Preliminary Design
 The Ontario Ministry of Transportation (MTO) has retained WSP to
 undertake the Preliminary Design and Class Environmental Assessment
 Study (Class EA) for the rehabilitation and/or replacement of the Norris
 Whitney Bridge, on Highway 62 between the City of Belleville and the
 Regional Municipality of Prince Edward County. This study will examine
 alternatives for facilitating the rehabilitation of the bridge, as well as
 alternatives for increasing the traffic capacity of the bridge, including the
 future widening, twinning, or replacement of the structure.
 The first of two Public Information Centres (PICs) has been arranged to
 introduce the study and to provide agencies, interested groups, business
 representatives and members of the general public with an opportunity
 to review and comment on the proposed alternatives for rehabilitation
 and/or replacement of the structure and to present the proposed
 evaluation process. Members of the project team will be available at
 the PIC to discuss the project with you and answer any questions you
 may have.
 The first PIC is scheduled as follows:
 Date:     Thursday, December 14, 2017
 Location: The Banquet Centre
           1 Alhambra Square
           Belleville, ON
 Time:     4:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
 This project is being carried out in accordance with the approved
 environmental planning process for Group ‘B’ projects under the MTO
 Class Environmental Assessment (Class EA) for Provincial Transportation
 Facilities (2000) and will be documented in a Transportation
 Environmental Study Report (TESR).
 We are interested in hearing any comments that you may have regarding this study. If you wish to obtain additional
 information or provide comments, please contact the Consultant Project Manager or MTO Project Manager listed
 below, or visit the project website at www.Hwy62NorrisWhitney.ca.
 Neil Ahmed, P.Eng.                                             Glenn Higgins
 Consultant Project Manager                                     MTO Project Manager
 WSP Canada Group Limited                                       Ministry of Transportation – Eastern Region
 610 Chartwell Road, Suite 300                                  1355 John Counter Blvd., Postal Bag 4000
 Oakville, ON L6J 4A5                                           Kingston, ON K7L 5A3
 tel: 905-829-6241                                              tel: 613-545-4806
 toll-free: 1-877-562-7947                                      toll-free: 1-800-267-0295
 fax: 905-823-8503                                              fax: 613-540-5106
 e-mail: info@Hwy62NorrisWhitney.ca                             e-mail: info@Hwy62NorrisWhitney.ca
 If you have any accessibility requirements in order to participate in this project, please contact one of the Project Team
 members listed above.
 Information will be collected in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and the
 Access to Information Act. With the exception of personal information, all comments will be part of the public record.
The Picton Gazette                                                                                   NOVEMBER 30, 2017 13

New Hospice staffers follow their hearts to positions with palliative care organization
 Deb MacDonald returns to Downes Avenue facility as residential manager, while Gillian Chapman takes on important task as fundraising co-ordinator
     ADAM BRAMBURGER                   worker.                                  connect. They don't need to be a      couple of patients palliating on site.    from the time she was here and          United Kingdom as a chartered
          STAFF WRITER                      "I've had quite an extensive        caregiver any more, they can just         Moving forward, she said a            out in the community and top-of-        management accountant. She
                                       range of experiences working             be a family and we take care of the   goal is to utilize residential volun-     the-line references. I think every-     moved to the county in 2005 and
Deb MacDonald and Gillian              hands-on with the residents. I fell      other stuff. That journey can be      teers as fully as possible.               body was really excited to see her      had a role as business develop-
Chapman are proof of the impact        in love with hospice and it kind of      the best it can be," he said.             "Our volunteers have so much          come back," he said. "It's great that   ment manager at the Prince
palliative care can offer.             became my heart," she said. "I left          The Trenton native believes       to offer and some of those things         she has a background as a PSW           Edward-Lennox and Addington
    Both women started working         it for about a year and went back        her experiences as a personal sup-    we're not utilizing and tapping           and I think that's a real asset for     Community Futures Develop-
at Hospice Prince Edward this          in the community, but I always           port worker will help her as she      into yet. They're an invaluable           us. She understands what it's like      ment Corporation, then opened
month after being moved to a           had that feeling that eventually,        learns the administrative side of     resource for us," she said.               to be upstairs."                        her own business with her hus-
career in the field through their      eventually the right thing would         the home as it will allow her a           Executive director Karen                  Moore said she's looking for-       band. Now, she's the fundraising
own life experiences — MacDon-         come along."                             broad perspective to see all sides    Moore said MacDonald was an               ward to seeing MacDonald's              co-ordinator at Hospice Prince
ald through her work and Chap-              When MacDonald heard                of the care model.                    impressive candidate for her posi-        ideas for additional training and       Edward.
man through her family.                about the opportunity to start in            Having started Nov. 7, Mac-       tion.                                     supports.
    MacDonald returns to the           Prince Edward, she jumped on it          Donald has already overseen a             "Deb has a great reputation               Chapman had a career in the            See ADDITIONS, page 14
Downes Avenue residential care         because she values the work that
centre as its manager after having     is done at the centre.
previously worked there and in              "I really believe this is a place
the Heart of Hastings Hospice in       where families and their loved
Madoc as a personal support            ones can have that last chance to
                                                                                                      NOTICE OF PUBLIC INFORMATION CENTRE
                                                                                                  Highway 62 Norris Whitney Bridge Rehabilitation / Replacement
                                                                                                              (GWP 4194-15-00), Preliminary Design
                                                                                     THE STUDY
                                                                                     The Ontario Ministry of Transportation (MTO) has retained WSP to
                                                                                     undertake the Preliminary Design and Class Environmental Assessment
                                                                                     Study (Class EA) for the rehabilitation and/or replacement of the Norris
                                                                                     Whitney Bridge, on Highway 62 between the City of Belleville and the
                                                                                     Regional Municipality of Prince Edward County. This study will examine
                                                                                     alternatives for facilitating the rehabilitation of the bridge, as well as
                                                                                     alternatives for increasing the traffic capacity of the bridge, including the
                                                                                     future widening, twinning, or replacement of the structure.
ON THE JOB Deb MacDonald, left, and Gillian Chapman joined Hospice                   PUBLIC CONSULTATION
Prince Edward earlier this month as the organization’s new residential man-          The first of two Public Information Centres (PICs) has been arranged to
ager and fundraising co-ordinator.(Adam Bramburger/Gazette staff)                    introduce the study and to provide agencies, interested groups, business
                                                                                     representatives and members of the general public with an opportunity
                                                                                     to review and comment on the proposed alternatives for rehabilitation
                                                                                     and/or replacement of the structure and to present the proposed
                      Prince Edward County                                           evaluation process. Members of the project team will be available at
                                                                                     the PIC to discuss the project with you and answer any questions you
                     Construction Association
                   Your connection to construction professionals
                                                                                     may have.
                                                                                     The first PIC is scheduled as follows:
   This series of profiles will introduce the members of                             Date:     Thursday, December 14, 2017

    The County Workshop
   the Association. For more information please visit the                            Location: The Banquet Centre
   website: www.pecca.ca.
                                                                                               1 Alhambra Square
                                                                                               Belleville, ON
                                                                                     Time:     4:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.

    Architectural Design
                                                                                     THE PROCESS

      Elmer Bentley
                                                                                     This project is being carried out in accordance with the approved
                                                                                     environmental planning process for Group ‘B’ projects under the MTO

          79 Bridge Street
                                                                                     Class Environmental Assessment (Class EA) for Provincial Transportation

        Picton, ON, K0K 2T0
                                                                                     Facilities (2000) and will be documented in a Transportation

                                                                                     Environmental Study Report (TESR).

                                                                                     We are interested in hearing any comments that you may have regarding this study. If you wish to obtain additional
                                                                                     information or provide comments, please contact the Consultant Project Manager or MTO Project Manager listed

   The County Workshop's owner Elmer Bentley
                                                                                     below, or visit the project website at www.Hwy62NorrisWhitney.ca.

   always was involved in the construction industry,
                                                                                     Neil Ahmed, P.Eng.                                                        Glenn Higgins
                                                                                     Consultant Project Manager                                                MTO Project Manager

   so when health prevented him from hands-on
                                                                                     WSP Canada Group Limited                                                  Ministry of Transportation – Eastern Region

   physical construction, he decided to enrol in
                                                                                     610 Chartwell Road, Suite 300                                             1355 John Counter Blvd., Postal Bag 4000
                                                                                     Oakville, ON L6J 4A5                                                      Kingston, ON K7L 5A3
   college to be trained in architectural design. After
                                                                                     tel: 905-829-6241                                                         tel: 613-545-4806

   establishing The County Workshop in 2003, Mr.
                                                                                     toll-free: 1-877-562-7947                                                 toll-free: 1-800-267-0295
                                                                                     fax: 905-823-8503                                                         fax: 613-540-5106
   Bentley began doing architectural design
                                                                                     e-mail: info@Hwy62NorrisWhitney.ca                                        e-mail: info@Hwy62NorrisWhitney.ca

   drawings for permit applications, new homes,
                                                                                     If you have any accessibility requirements in order to participate in this project, please contact one of the Project Team

   additions, decks, garages, gazebos as well as
                                                                                     members listed above.

   commercial buildings, renovations and new
                                                                                     Information will be collected in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and the

   construction. While located in Prince Edward
                                                                                     Access to Information Act. With the exception of personal information, all comments will be part of the public record.

   County, The County Workshop has done projects
   north beyond Bancroft, west to Toronto, and east
   to Ottawa.
FRIDAY, DeCeMBeR 1, 2017                                                                                                                                                                                          THe INTeLLIGeNCeR           B3

‘It’s a beautiful love story’
While U.S. fans boo,
Toronto FC faithful
draw Altidore, Bradley
close to the heart
Neil DaviDsoN

  TORONTO — After hearing Jozy
Altidore and Michael Bradley
showered with derision at recent
away matches, Toronto FC coach
Greg Vanney savoured the home-
town love shown to his U.S. stars
Wednesday night.
  Loyal servants to their country,
they have combined for 250 caps
and 58 goals. But since the failed
U.S. World Cup qualifying cam-
paign, the two have been targeted
with constant boos and abuse
south of the border.
  Toronto fans, however, have
drawn them closer to their heart.
And the love affair escalated in
Game 2 of the eastern Conference
  Both players had key roles in
the 1-0 win over Columbus Crew
SC that sent Toronto to the Dec.                                                                                                                                                                                       vaughaN RiDley/GETTy ImAGES
9 MLS Cup final against either                                          Michael Bradley lifts the MLS Eastern Conference Finals trophy and celebrates with his Toronto FC teammates after their victory over the Columbus Crew on
the Seattle Sounders or Houston                                         Wednesday. Bradley and Jozy Altidore, U.S. national team players who draw the ire of American fans, played crucial roles in Toronto’s recent win.
  Bradley stopped a goal in the first                                      “I know they know they have it                   moment.                                   ward who beat Zack Steffen with         lot of people didn’t know what to
half. And an ailing Altidore, playing                                   in our stadium but when you get it                    “I think they appreciate that and       a right-footed shot from the edge       expect from me. We were feeling
on a bum ankle after a Columbus                                         like that, it’s a reminder and a spe-               they know that they have this city        of the six-yard box.                    each other out.
defender fell on him, scored one in                                     cial thing. I don’t know if he heard                and the fans behind them.”                  The ball in the net, the ankle pain      “And I think it’s a beautiful love
the second half.                                                        it or not because he’s so immersed                    Altidore carved himself into local      was forgotten as Altidore ran to the    story because I fell in love with the
  The sellout crowd of 30,392 at                                        in the game. But for me, I heard it                 lore by shrugging off his rolled          corner flag pumping his fists. Soon     city and I think the fans have fallen
BMO Field loved both moments.                                           just on the periphery of what I was                 ankle — which had required treat-         the big man was swallowed up in         in love with me. I hope it’s the last
So did Vanney.                                                          doing. I thought he needs some-                     ment on and off the field — to com-       a ball of teammates as the crowd        club I play for.”
  On Thursday, the Toronto coach                                        thing like that and it’s a great thing              plete a delicious give-and-go with        celebrated. He limped off the field        On Thursday, Altidore did not
recalled how Bradley — making                                           for him.                                            Victor Vazquez for the decisive           eight minutes later.                    speak to the media, but reported
like Usain Bolt — ran down Justin                                          “And Jozy (the) same by getting                  60th-minute goal.                           After the game, Altidore — while      for duty moving slowly and with
Meram to make a saving tackle as                                        the goal. Whenever he puts those                      Goalkeeper Alex Bono started the        downplaying the U.S. World Cup          a limp.
the Crew forward prepared to take                                       moments in, where he’s just bigger                  play with a long boot downfield. The      qualifying hangover — opened up            “He’s doing OK. They’re treating
a shot in the 21st minute.                                              than everybody, I think everybody                   ball went to Sebastian Giovinco,          about the goal and his appreciation     him,” said Vanney.
  “I think maybe 15 seconds later                                       appreciates that. And those guys,                   who held off two defenders and            for the Toronto fans.                      “We’ll see over the next few days
the crowd is chanting ‘Michael                                          they’re loved up here regardless.                   then backheeled it to Altidore. He          “It’s a big goal, I’m happy for it    but it’s going to be tough to keep
Bradley.’ What a special moment                                         And I think honestly they’re loved                  dinked a short pass to Vazquez who        because this city means a lot to        him back,” he added. “I think the
for him to have that support,” said                                     down there (in the U.S.), they’re                   paused to allow Altidore to create        me,” he said. “I came here, I didn’t    (medical) guys will get him there,
Vanney.                                                                 just scapegoats right now in the                    space and then fed the burly for-         know what to expect. I’m sure a         I think he’ll be ready to go.”

Canucks’ Dorsett retires due to spinal issues
   Vancouver Canucks forward                                            this season. Canucks rookie head                    Columbus Blue Jackets, the New            in that category.                       accomplish when you persevere,”
Derek Dorsett says he is devastated                                     coach Travis Green had upped his                    York Rangers, and the Canucks,              Dorsett, who was selected in the      said Canucks general manager Jim
after deciding to follow medical                                        minutes and cast him in a shutdown                  Dorsett collected 51 goals and 76         seventh round of the 2006 draft         Benning. “He is a great teammate,
advice and end his hockey career                                        role along with Brandon Sutter and                  assists. Undersized in the role he was    by Columbus, tops the NHL this          a terrific role model and leader for
due to spinal problems.                                                 Markus Granlund, where he regis-                    cast at just six feet and 192 pounds,     season with 77 penalty minutes          younger players. This is truly unfor-
   Doctors have recommended he                                          tered seven goals and two assists in                the Kindersley, Sask., native also        despite sitting out the last five       tunate news for Derek, his family
not return to the ice because of                                        20 games.                                           finishes with 1,324 penalty min-          games.                                  and our team.”
“long-term, significant health risks”                                     In 515 career NHL games with the                  utes after twice leading the league         “He’s an example of what you can      — The Canadian Press
associated with a cervical disc herni-
ation, the Canucks said Thursday.
                                                                          Thinking about quitting?

   “It will take a long time for this
to truly sink in,” Dorsett said in a
                                                                                                                               NOTICE OF PUBLIC INFORMATION CENTRE
release. “As hard as it was to hear,                                                                                        Highway 62 Norris Whitney Bridge Rehabilitation / Replacement
(the) diagnosis is definitive. There                                                                                                    (GWP 4194-15-00), Preliminary Design
is no grey area, and it gives me clar-
ity to move forward.”                                                                                           THE STUDY
   Dorsett was shut down 14 games
                                                                                                                The Ontario Ministry of Transportation (MTO) has retained WSP to
into the 2016-17 season when the                                                                                undertake the Preliminary Design and Class Environmental Assessment
numbness he often felt after deliv-                                                                             Study (Class EA) for the rehabilitation and/or replacement of the Norris
ering or receiving a hit became pro-                                                                            Whitney Bridge, on Highway 62 between the City of Belleville and the
gressively worse.                                                                                               Regional Municipality of Prince Edward County. This study will examine
   The 30-year-old underwent spinal                                                                             alternatives for facilitating the rehabilitation of the bridge, as well as
surgery a year ago and was cleared                                                                              alternatives for increasing the traffic capacity of the bridge, including the
to play this season. But he recently                                                                            future widening, twinning, or replacement of the structure.
began experiencing back and neck                                                                                PUBLIC CONSULTATION
stiffness.                                                                                                      The first of two Public Information Centres (PICs) has been arranged to
   Dr. Robert Watkins, who per-                                                                                 introduce the study and to provide agencies, interested groups, business
formed Dorsett’s surgery, said tests                                                                            representatives and members of the general public with an opportunity
revealed that he has sustained a “cer-                                                                          to review and comment on the proposed alternatives for rehabilitation
vical disc herniation adjacent and                                                                              and/or replacement of the structure and to present the proposed
separate to his previous fusion.”                                                                               evaluation process. Members of the project team will be available at
   Watkins and Canucks team doc-                                                                                the PIC to discuss the project with you and answer any questions you
                                                                                                                may have.
tor Bill Regan both advised Dorsett
to end his pro career.                                                                                          The first PIC is scheduled as follows:
   “His pre-existing conditions, com-                                                                           Date:     Thursday, December 14, 2017

bined with the recent surgery and                                                                               Location: The Banquet Centre
the risks associated with continuing                                                                                      1 Alhambra Square

to play led to a recommendation that                                                                                      Belleville, ON
Derek seriously consider not playing                                                                            Time:     4:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
again,” said Regan.                                                                                             THE PROCESS
   Known more for his fists than his                                                                            This project is being carried out in accordance with the approved
skill with the puck most of his career,                                                                         environmental planning process for Group ‘B’ projects under the MTO
Dorsett had exceeded expectations                                                                               Class Environmental Assessment (Class EA) for Provincial Transportation
                                                                                                                Facilities (2000) and will be documented in a Transportation
                                                                                                                Environmental Study Report (TESR).
      STOP YOURHUNTMOUSE HUNT                                                                                   COMMENTS
  • Proofing Exclusion • Decontamination                                                                        We are interested in hearing any comments that you may have regarding this study. If you wish to obtain additional
       • Proofing
          P fi• Best
    • Removal        Exclusion
                     Excl        •D Decontamination • RRemovall • W
                       in class warranty                          Warranties
                                                                                                                information or provide comments, please contact the Consultant Project Manager or MTO Project Manager listed
                                                                                                                below, or visit the project website at www.Hwy62NorrisWhitney.ca.
                                               • Mice      • Skunks
                                               • Squirrels • Snakes                                             Neil Ahmed, P.Eng.                                             Glenn Higgins
                                               • Raccoons • Other                                               Consultant Project Manager                                     MTO Project Manager
                                               • Bats        Pests                                              WSP Canada Group Limited                                       Ministry of Transportation – Eastern Region
                                                                                                                610 Chartwell Road, Suite 300                                  1355 John Counter Blvd., Postal Bag 4000
                                                                                                                Oakville, ON L6J 4A5                                           Kingston, ON K7L 5A3
         RACCOONS & SQUIRRELS ARE LOOKING                                                                       tel: 905-829-6241                                              tel: 613-545-4806
                TO ESCAPE THE COLD!                                                                             toll-free: 1-877-562-7947                                      toll-free: 1-800-267-0295
                                                                                                                fax: 905-823-8503                                              fax: 613-540-5106
              THEY WILL TARGET YOUR:
                                                                                                                e-mail: info@Hwy62NorrisWhitney.ca                             e-mail: info@Hwy62NorrisWhitney.ca
                                   • Root Vents                        • Roof Peaks                             If you have any accessibility requirements in order to participate in this project, please contact one of the Project Team
                                   • Chimneys                          • Shingles
                                   • Soffit/Roof                       • Under Decks                            members listed above.
                                     Intersections                       & Sheds                                Information will be collected in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and the
                                   • Exhaust Fans                                                               Access to Information Act. With the exception of personal information, all comments will be part of the public record.
                              We offer humane removal of squirrels, raccoons, skunks, groundhogs and bats.
                                 Repairs to these areas, preventative proofing and a 1-10 year warranty!

                                    Family Owned & Operated, Local Service
      www.greenshieldpestcontrol.com        Belleville 613-966-6665


     CENTRE #1
Preliminary Design and Environmental Assessment Study for
Highway 62 Norris Whitney Bridge Rehabilitation / Replacement, Belleville
PIC No.1

                                    Welcome to
                           Public Information Centre #1
                                             December 14, 2017

 Preliminary Design and Environmental Assessment Study for
             Highway 62 Norris Whitney Bridge
        Rehabilitation / Replacement in Belleville, ON

                               Please sign in at the front desk
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