Page created by Francisco Mason
2021-2022 FALL / SPRING


                                 School Profile.........................................................1     Academic Programs....................................... 11
                                             Philosophy                                                                  Good News Theology
                                             Mission                                                                     Teologia Buenas Nueva
                                             Vision                                                                      课程描述
                                             Governance                                                                  Gracias Music
                                             Facilities                                                                  Mahanaim English

                                 Admissions...............................................................3   Student Conduct and
                                              Prospective Student Requirements                                Substance Policies......................................... 55
Looking Forward To Your Future                                                                                           Disorderly Conduct
                                 Tuition and Fees...................................................4                    Fire Alarms
                                              Payment Policy                                                             Firearms and Weapons
                                              Refund Policy                                                              Fireworks
                                              Refund Procedure                                                           Illegal Entry of Campus Building
                                              Financial Aid                                                              Policy Against Harassment
                                              Scholarship Initiatives                                                    Reporting Complaints on Harassment
                                 Academic Policies...............................................7                       Alcohol
                                              Attendance                                                                 Illegal Drugs
                                              Tardiness                                                                  Smoking
                                              Leave of Absence                                                           Mahanaim Disclosure Statement
                                              Conditions for Interruption                                                Mahanaim Discipline Policy
                                              Academic Probation
                                              Expulsion Policy                                                Student Life & Services...............................57
                                              Academic Integrity                                                         Career Services
                                              Classroom Conduct                                                          Learning Disabilities
                                              Dismissal                                                                  Physical Disabilities
                                              Academic Grievances                                                        Tutorial Services
                                              Registration                                                               Student Health Services
                                              Drop/Add Policy                                                            Food Services
                                              Transfer of Courses                                                        Identification Cards
                                              Academic Progress                                                          Student Housing
                                              Late Payment Policy                                                        Christian Involvement
                                              Full Time and Part Time Enrollment                                         Spiritual Counseling
                                              Graduation Requirements                                         Mahanaim Staff
                                              Bible Study                                                     Mahanaim Faculty......................................... 58

                                 Academic Calendar...........................10
PHILOSOPHY                                                         of performance skills, enabling them to soothe the hearts
For many years, the International Youth Fellowship (IYF)           of audiences. Gracias Music ultimately aims to glorify God
and International Youth Fellowship Educational Foundation          through administering music education with these specific
(IYFEF) have directed many college students, utilizing the         goals in mind.
knowledge of the world of the heart that is manifested in          Mahanaim English equips students from all over the world,
the Bible. Through this methodology, many students have            with the powerful tool of English. It serves as a cornerstone
amazingly acquired progressive and healthy mind-sets while         for individuals that wish to become leaders of the world who
evolving into more effective individuals.                          strive to serve others, not themselves.
We have discovered with assurance, how people such as
Abraham Lincoln, and Biblical figures such as Joseph and
David, gained wisdom from the Word of God. We have also            GOVERNANCE
discovered education methodologies that will produce               Mahanaim is governed by the International Youth Fellowship
leaders for the next generation who will become catalysts of       Educational Foundation (IYFEF), in pursuit of becoming
peace and bliss for all people.                                    an accredited institution of higher education. Mahanaim’s
                                                                   institutional policies and academic programs are reviewed,
                                                                   accepted, and formally implemented by the IYFEF Board
MISSION                                                            of Directors. Mahanaim is reviewed on a quarterly basis by
The Mission of Mahanaim is to cultivate selfless servant           the IYFEF. Institutional changes such as general direction,
leaders who possess the qualities needed to comfort, heal, and     key personnel changes, and financial policies, are voted
transform the world. Mahanaim achieves this by providing           upon and implemented by the IYFEF. The IYFEF retains
unsurpassed academic programs while instilling in our              sole responsibility for the effectiveness of all Mahanaim’s
students faith in God, hope for the future, and the inspiration    programs and initiatives, both curricular and extra-curricular.
needed to ignite change. Mahanaim is constantly striving
to contribute to the academic, spiritual, cultural, and artistic
enrichment of its students, as well as fulfill our obligation to   FACILITIES
our surrounding communities.                                       The Huntington Campus
                                                                   Mahanaim’s New York campus is located in Huntington, NY,            ____
                                                                   approximately one mile from the Huntington Station, which             1
VISION                                                             provides easy access for commuter students and convenient
Mahanaim will fulfill its mission through rigorous, intensive      transportation to the campus. The town of Huntington lies
learning that pushes students to expand their boundaries of        approximately ten minutes north of Mahanaim. The Huntington
knowledge and gain insight on their respective fields of study.    campus was erected in the late 1930’s as a middle school in the
Mahanaim will pursue the proper licensing needed to confer         Huntington School District, and has since established itself as a
degrees in New York State and institutional accreditation, both    notable landmark in Northern Long Island. Mahanaim is proud
on the national and regional level.                                to be part of the Huntingtoncommunity and serves as a great
Mahanaim is making this vision a reality by implementing           center of education and culture, creating an ideal learning and
educational programs in theology, music, and English as a          living environment for all.
Second Language.
                                                                   Computer Lab
Good News Theology teaches Biblical, Gospel-based
                                                                   Mahanaim strives to enhance the learning experience for
Theology and equips students with the armor of God.
                                                                   its users (currently enrolled students, faculty, and staff )
Mahanaim will then dispatch theological scholars all over
                                                                   through the innovative and effective use of technology at
the world to preach the Gospel and faith according to the
                                                                   our computer lab. The computer lab also serves as a music
Bible. Theologians from Mahanaim will also fight against the
                                                                   lab with extensive music resources which allow students
forces that cloud the Gospel to ultimately contribute to its
                                                                   to enjoy music from different eras. The computer lab aims
mission for the world: Spreading the truth of the Gospel to
                                                                   to create an environment that supports the educational
every corner of the Earth.
                                                                   pursuits of Mahanaim students. To ensure that these goals are
Gracias Music at Mahanaim specializes in unsurpassed               met, the lab provides quality, state-of-the-art software and
classical music education. Musicians from Mahanaim will            hardware resources. High-speed internet access, multimedia
develop pure hearts toward music and acquire a high level          capability, and knowledgeable professionals managing the
                                                area will allow students to obtain the information they need      Disabled Access                                                     Mahanaim Gymnasium                                                      Mahanaim currently offers three programs of study: Good
                                                to succeed in today’s academic landscape.                         Mahanaim is committed to creating an accommodating                  This newly renovated gymnasium provides recreation space                News Theology, Gracias Music, and Mahanaim English.
                                                                                                                  environment by providing disabled access to all parts of the        for Mahanaim students, faculty, and staff and is also used for          Students will select one of the three programs offered at
                                                Multimedia Lab                                                    campus. Our facilities are equipped with automatic doors,           special events hosted by the school and the community.                  the time of application. Tuition, deadlines, and application
                                                The multimedia lab at Mahanaim is designed to optimize            widened hallways and corridors, and an elevator to ensure                                                                                   requirements may differ according to the program.
                                                in-class instruction. A full range of language development        that individuals with disabilities may be full participants in      Mahanaim’s Licensure
                                                materials is available for student practice. Students are         the Mahanaim community.                                             Mahanaim is currently licensed to operate as a private school
                                                strongly encouraged to use these materials to develop                                                                                 by the New York State Education Department, Bureau of                   PROSPECTIVE STUDENT REQUIREMENTS
                                                their language skills. Students may use the language lab          Cafeteria                                                           Proprietary School Supervision.                                         FOR ALL STUDENTS
                                                to practice listening skills, enrich vocabulary, and improve      This on-campus eatery provides the finest quality food and                                                                                  1. A completed and signed admissions application
                                                their reading rate. The multimedia lab also offers computer       service at a reasonable cost to our students, faculty, staff, and   New York State Education Department                                     2. A copy of the applicant’s official high school diploma, an
                                                assisted instruction, which gives students the opportunity        guests. Our meal plans, which offer flexibility, exceptional        Bureau of Proprietary School Supervision (BPSS)                         official transcript, or GED
 Mahanaim | 1.631.944.4400 | www.mahanaim.com

                                                to work with word processing programs, the internet               value, and convenience, may be purchased at the Office of           89 Washington Avenue, Room EBA 560
                                                communications network, and language skill development            Student Life. Students also have the option of purchasing           Albany, NY 12234                                                        Additional Requirements for Gracias Music
                                                programs. In addition to being a component of regular             meals on a meal-to-meal basis.                                      bpss@nysed.gov                                                          1. Pre-screening recording (mp3 file or DVD) - due at time of
                                                course work, the multimedia lab is designed to help students                                                                          (518) 474-3969                                                          application
                                                develop their skills at their own pace and in areas of personal   Mahanaim Auditorium                                                                                                                         2. Live Audition (as specified in the Application for Admission)
                                                interest.                                                         The Mahanaim Auditorium serves as the site for Gracias              Mahanaim’s Nondiscriminatory Policy
                                                                                                                  Music concerts and various academic events. With seating            Mahanaim (incorporated as International Youth Fellowship
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Additional Requirements for Good News Theology
                                                Music Practice Spaces                                             for approximately 850 people, the Mahanaim Auditorium
                                                                                                                                                                                      Educational Foundation) admits students of any race, color, national
                                                                                                                                                                                      origin, and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs and   1. Essay – Statement of Calling (as specified in the
                                                There are 31 practice spaces equipped with 37 grand or            can facilitate academic lectures and seminars as well as            activities generally accorded or made available to students at          Application for Admission)
                                                studio upright pianos available throughout the school. The        cultural events. The Mahanaim Auditorium aims to be a               the school. Mahanaim does not discriminate on the basis of race,
                                                Gracias Music Office allows students to reserve practice                                                                              color, national origin and ethnic origin in the administration of its   There are no specific requirements for Mahanaim English program.
                                                                                                                  cultural center in the town of Huntington.
                                                                                                                                                                                      educational policies, admission policies, and athletic and other
                                                rooms on a daily basis. Mahanaim is planning to build more                                                                            school administered programs.
                                                music practice spaces in the near future.                                                                                                                                                                     The CELSA Placement Exam
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Students enrolling at Mahanaim must exhibit English proficiency.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              This can be done through submitting TOEFL scores or taking the
____                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Mahanaim administered CELSA English placement test. Students        ____
  2                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           who do not meet Mahanaim’s CELSA score requirement of 42              3
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              must be enrolled in supplementary ESL courses. These courses will
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              be determined by an academic advisor.
                                                GOOD NEWS THEOLOGY (GNT)                                                                                      Registration Fee .......................................................................$ 50.00              PAYMENT POLICY                                                       according to the above policy, or may fill out a Mahanaim
                                                (1 term = 15 weeks)                                                                                           Technology Fee.........................................................................$ 25.00               Registration is not complete until the Office of the Bursar has      provided form. The date on which the application is filed
                                                Full-time (FT) 4 terms:                            Clock Hours: 1125                                          Book Fee .................................................................................... $ 100.00       received the full payment for all tuition and fees.                  is considered the official date of the student’s withdrawal
                                                                                                                                                              Total................................................................................. $ 800.00                                                                                   and any refund to which the student may be entitled is
                                                Full-Time Program Cost Per Term                                                                                                                                                                                            -    Payments by cash, check, money order, Visa, 				                computed using that date. The appropriate refund amount
                                                Tuition...................................................................................... $1,850.00       ESL Explorer                                                                                                      MasterCard, Discover, and/or American Express can be            will be issued according to the tender it was received.
                                                Registration (one-time fee)................................................$ 100.00                           Part-time (PT): 1 term = 8 weeks                                           Clock Hours: 120                       made at the Office of the Bursar
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           -    Make checks payable to Mahanaim                                 -   Tuition will be refunded in full for those courses which
                                                Activity Fee.............................................................................. $ 25.00            Tuition.......................................................................................$1,470.00
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           -    Payments, other than cash, can be dropped off at the                at any time are cancelled by Mahanaim.
                                                Technology Fee......................................................................$ 100.00                  Registration Fee .......................................................................$ 30.00
                                                Total.............................................................................. $2,075.00                                                                                                                                   Office of the Bursar during operating hours or mailed to:       -   Student activity fees will be refunded only in cases

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Tuition and Fees
                                                                                                                                                              Total..............................................................................$ 1,500.00
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    where the student’s registration is cancelled because
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Office of the Bursar
                                                                                                                                                              Mahanaim ESL                                                                                                                                                                          of withdrawal of all courses by Mahanaim.
 Mahanaim | 1.631.944.4400 | www.mahanaim.com

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Mahanaim (300 Nassau Road, Huntington, NY 11743)
                                                GRACIAS MUSIC                                                                                                 Full-time: 1 term = 15 weeks                                                Clock Hours: 525                                                                                          The application fee, instructional fees, and all other
                                                Gracias Music I (1 term = 15 weeks)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 fees and service charges are not refundable.
                                                    Full-time (4 terms).....................................Clock Hours: 1155                                 Tuition.............................................................................................$3,000
                                                Gracias Music II (1 term = 15 weeks)                                                                          Total......................................................................................$3,000            MAHANAIM LATE ADMISSION
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Students must pay the non-refundable registration fee as
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           PENALTY POLICY
                                                    Full-time (4 terms)....................................... Clock Hours: 870                                                                                                                                                                                                                 well as the cost of any books received/used.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Applicants to the Gracias Music at Mahanaim program must
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Student refunds for full-time and part-time students will be
                                                                                                                                                              Practical ESL                                                                                                submit all applications and supporting documents (pre-
                                                Full-Time Program Cost for Gracias Music I,II                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   issued at the following rates:
                                                                                                                                                              Part-time (PT): 1 term = 16 weeks                                            Clock Hours: 96                 screening material, transcript, etc.) by March 1st of the year for
                                                Tuition.................................................................................... $30,000.00
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           the Fall semester, and by October 1st for the Spring semester.
                                                Registration............................................................................. $ 100.00            Tuition......................................................................................... $ 625.00                                                                             During First Term
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           A late admission penalty of $100 is assessed to students who
                                                     Total                                                                                 $30,100.00         Registration Fee .......................................................................$ 50.00                                                                                       If termination occurs                  Refund Rate
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           submit applications and supporting documents after the
                                                                                                                                                              Technology Fee.........................................................................$ 25.00                                                                                        Prior to or during the first week           100%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           deadline for each semester or to students who submitted
                                                Gracias Music at Mahanaim (1 term = 15 weeks)                                                                 Book Fee .................................................................................... $ 100.00                                                                                During the second week                        80%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           documents that were not completed/missing information.
                                                    Full-time (4 terms)                                                                                       Total................................................................................. $ 800.00                                                                                       During the third week                         65%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           This must be paid before or on the first day of classes. Failure
                                                    Choral Conducting ..................................Clock Hours: 1305                                                                                                                                                                                                                           During the fourth week                        50%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           to pay the penalty in time will result on a hold being placed
                                                    Voice..............................................................Clock Hours: 1455                      ESL Explorer                                                                                                                                                                          During the fifth week                         30%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           on the student’s academic record. Students with the hold
____                                                Piano..............................................................Clock Hours: 1110                      Part-time (PT): 1 term = 8 weeks                                           Clock Hours: 120                                                                                           After the fifth week                           0%           ____
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           are unable to obtain a copy of their transcripts or use other
  4                                                  Stringed instruments...............................Clock Hours: 1200
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           school services requiring a student ID number. In addition,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    During Subsequent Terms
                                                                                                                                                              Registration Fee .......................................................................$ 30.00              students will not be able to access to their grades for the
                                                Full-Time Program Cost for Gracias Music at Mahanaim                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                If termination occurs                  Refund Rate
                                                                                                                                                              Total..............................................................................$ 1,500.00                term until they pay.
                                                      Tuition............................................................................... $30,000                                                                                                                                                                                                Prior to or during the first week           100%
                                                      Fee (one-time fee)........................................................ $100                                                                                                                                                                                                               During the second week                        80%
                                                      Total................................................................................... $30,100                                                                                                                                                                                              During the third week                         65%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           STUDENT REFUNDS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    During the fourth week                        50%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Refund Policy                                                            During the fifth week                         30%
                                                *Payment Plan per term is available.                                                                                                                                                                                       Students who find it necessary to withdraw may do so. The                After the fifth week                           0%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           effective date of a student’s withdrawal will be his or her last
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           official day of attendance. All monies due to the student will
                                                MAHANAIM ENGLISH                                                                                                                                                                                                           be refunded within 30 days of the last date of attendance.           FINANCIAL AID
                                                Mahanaim ESL                                                                                                                                                                                                               A student who cancels within seven days of signing the               Mahanaim currently offers no financial aid for any of its
                                                Full-time: 1 term = 15 weeks                                                Clock Hours: 525                                                                                                                               enrollment agreement, but before instruction begins, will            programs.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           be refunded in full with the exception of the non-refundable
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           registration fee. In all other cases, a percentage of tuition        SCHOLARSHIP INITIATIVES
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           costs will be refunded based on the elapsed time from the            Mahanaim is currently in the process of establishing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           course start date as shown below.                                    scholarships for students who display academic excellence
                                                Practical ESL
                                                Part-time (PT): 1 term = 16 weeks                                             Clock Hours: 96                                                                                                                                                                                                   and reflect the values Mahanaim advocates and pursues.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Refund Procedure                                                     When ready to be offered to students, information on
                                                Tuition......................................................................................... $ 625.00                                                                                                                  A request for refund of tuition and fees must be made                applying and qualifying for scholarships will be made
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           in writing to the Office of the Registrar. The student may           available to the students.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           submit a dated letter formally requesting a refund of tuition
                                                    ATTENDANCE                                                            class sessions for unauthorized reasons.                         one’s own. It involves failure to acknowledge material copied
                                                    Regular and punctual class attendance is expected and is                                                                               from others or failure to acknowledge one’s indebtedness
                                                                                                                          5. Students shall not be penalized for missing class for
                                                    essential to optimizing academic achievement. If a student                                                                             to another for the gist of important thoughts in a formal
                                                                                                                          authorized school activities by loss of attendance points.
                                                    has more than six absences, the student will be dismissed from                                                                         statement, written or oral. Charges of violating academic
                                                                                                                          On the rare occasion it would be impossible to make up
                                                    the class. If the dismissal happens during the period in which                                                                         integrity shall be handled according to established student
                                                                                                                          a missed class or lab, the student should miss the activity.
                                                    the student is entitled to a refund, the refund amount will be                                                                         discipline procedures.
                                                    calculated from Mahanaim’s tuition refund policy, according
                                                    to the date of dismissal, which is the sixth day of consecutive     ACADEMIC PROBATION
                                                    absence. The student will not be eligible for a tuition refund                                                                         CLASSROOM CONDUCT
                                                                                                                        Probation is a term used to designate a period of close academic
                                                    for that class. Any student dropped from a class for excessive                                                                         Students are expected to behave in a manner that best
                                                                                                                        supervision, generally including reduced allowable activities,
                                                    absences will receive a grade of “W” (withdrawal).                                                                                     promotes a positive learning experience for all. Common
                                                                                                                        imposed to improve unsatisfactory academic performance.
                                                                                                                                                                                           sense is to be exercised and students should be considerate
     Mahanaim | 1.631.944.4400 | www.mahanaim.com

                                                                                                                        A student’s official transcript will reflect academic probation    of the whole learning environment. Students are expected
                                                    TARDINESS                                                           following any full term in which a student’s current or            not to sleep in class, nor excessively walk in and out of the
                                                    Students are expected to be in class on time and shall be           cumulative grade point average drops below a “C” average           classroom while a lecture or examination is taking place.
                                                    penalized at the discretion of the instructor for tardiness. The    (2.0). The designation will remain on the transcript unless the    Students are expected to remain silent during lectures and
                                                    instructor will determine the norms and consequences of             student receives a change of grade prior to the end of the         in-class work.
                                                    tardiness and students are obligated to abide by them.              withdrawal period of the following semester.

                                                                                                                        Academic probation will continue for the student until
                                                                                                                        the current and cumulative GPA (Grade Point Average) is
                                                                                                                                                                                           Students are subject to dismissal if they meet the criteria for
                                                    LEAVE OF ABSENCE                                                    raised to 2.0. If a student is on probation for more than two
                                                                                                                                                                                           probation two terms in a row. Any student dismissed from
                                                    Students may request up to two terms for leave of absence.          consecutive terms, he/she is subject to dismissal.
                                                                                                                                                                                           Mahanaim may petition to the Admissions Committee for
                                                    The request must be made to the School Director at least
                                                                                                                                                                                           readmission. The case will be carefully reviewed to determine
                                                    two weeks before the start of the term. The request should
                                                                                                                                                                                           if there is a basis for the student to resume their program
                                                    state the reason for the leave of absence. The School Director      EXPULSION
                                                                                                                                                                                           of study at Mahanaim. Readmission is not guaranteed and
                                                    will have the authority to grant or deny the leave of absence.      Ultimate authority for student discipline is vested in the
                                                                                                                                                                                           should not be assumed. A student dismissed and then
                                                    Two weeks before the start of the returning term, the               School Director. Failure to meet the attendance requirement
___ ____                                            student must submit a written notice of intention of return         or a violation of the student conduct or substance policy
                                                                                                                                                                                           readmitted by the Admissions Committee is placed on               ____
 6    6                                             or a written request for an extension to the School Director.       outlined in the Mahanaim catalog are considered grounds
                                                                                                                                                                                           academic probation and must maintain a GPA of 2.0 or higher         7
                                                                                                                                                                                           for each term thereafter in order to remain at Mahanaim.
                                                    If a student takes two or more consecutive terms for leave          for expulsion.
                                                    of absence, the student must be re-evaluated to determine
                                                    proper program and/or English proficiency placement.
                                                                                                                        ACADEMIC INTEGRITY                                                 ACADEMIC GRIEVANCES
                                                                                                                                                                                           To assure an open atmosphere in academic life at Mahanaim,
                                                                                                                        The Mahanaim faculty, staff, and students affirm that the
                                                                                                                                                                                           procedures have been established to provide a fair process
                                                    CONDITIONS FOR INTERRUPTION                                         principles of truth and honesty are absolutely necessary in an
                                                                                                                                                                                           for any academic complaint registered by a student.
                                                    Absences occasioned by participation in a school-approved           academic environment. Upholding the standard of academic
                                                                                                                                                                                           Students who feel they have been improperly evaluated
                                                    activity (field trips and special events) are governed by the       integrity that relies on honesty is the responsibility of both
                                                                                                                                                                                           by their instructor or any other member of the Mahanaim
                                                    following:                                                          faculty and students. Conduct that violates the academic
                                                                                                                                                                                           academic committee should first try to address the issue
                                                                                                                        integrity of Mahanaim include:
                                                      1. Students are responsible for initiating the process                                                                               with the head instructor of his/her program. If this avenue
                                                      of makeup work. Work must be submitted when due                   1. Dishonesty                                                      proves unsuccessful, the student should submit, in writing,
                                                      whether or not the student is present.                            Examples of dishonesty include: Copying examinations,              all the pertinent details of the grievance within one month
                                                                                                                        allowing one’s own examination paper to be copied, reading         of the alleged impropriety to the Office of Academic Affairs.
                                                      2. Scheduled special events constitute an excuse to miss          a copy of an examination without the instructor’s consent          The issue will then be dealt with by the Mahanaim Academic
                                                      class, but preparations or practice will not be a viable          prior to the date it is given, unacceptable aid on take-home       Judiciary Committee. Each case will be dealt with on its
                                                      excuse for class absence.                                         assignments or examinations, use of unauthorized aids,             merits. Students can also contact BPSS for grievances. Please
                                                      3. Students should clear their class schedules with directors     submitting the same work for different courses, and disclosing     see page 2 for contact information.
                                                      before registering for classes to minimize potential conflicts.   or accepting information if one takes a test at a different time
                                                                                                                        than other students that are taking the same course.
                                                      4. Missed classes for authorized events will count
                                                      as absences, so students who are involved in such                 2. Plagiarism                                                      REGISTRATION
                                                                                                                        Plagiarism is stealing or using ideas or language of another as    Student registration is considered complete when all tuition
                                                      events should be particularly careful not to miss other
and fees have been paid. Students with outstanding balances     Midterm Grades and Appraisal                                      It is important to note that Mahanaim is not an accredited          students have incurred. When students are notified that their
                                                may not register for a new term. Good News Theology,            At the end of the 8th week of each term, students will receive    institution and there is no guarantee that courses taken at         withdrawal status has been removed they must contact the
                                                Gracias Music, and Mahanaim English courses are offered at      an evaluation in the form of a percentage or letter grade. This   Mahanaim will be transferable to any other accredited or            Admissions Office to re-register for subsequent coursework.
                                                Mahanaim only in the fall and spring terms.                     grade is not the final grade that appears on the transcript.      unaccredited institution if the student wishes to transfer.         The following rules apply for students wishing to return from
                                                                                                                This only indicates academic standing at the midpoint of                                                                              a withdrawal:
                                                                                                                the semester and urges those who have fallen out of good                                                                               1. Financial clearance must be granted from the Office of
                                                ADD/DROP POLICY                                                 academic standing to make changes to better their learning.       FULL TIME AND PART TIME ENROLLMENT                                   the Bursar before the student may return.
                                                Students may add or drop courses prior to the start of the                                                                        Most students enrolled at Mahanaim will follow the set program
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       2. A Petition for Readmission prior to confirmation of
                                                each term and throughout the first two weeks of the term.       Final Examinations                                                requirements of the respective programs. Students registered
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       registration is required. Students must submit a written
                                                Course changes must be approved by the Dean of Academic         Mahanaim operates on an academic calendar, which includes         for the courses outlined in the program requirement for his/her
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       explanation of their ability to return to the program.
                                                Affairs. Any courses dropped after the second week of the       finals week as an integral part of each spring and fall term.     respective terms are considered full-time. Students who do not
                                                term will be handled as a withdrawal from the course. When      During the week of final exams, each class meets at the time      follow the program requirements, but register on a class-by-         3. If students are not enrolled for more than one year and
 Mahanaim | 1.631.944.4400 | www.mahanaim.com

                                                dropping courses, students should make sure they are            designated in the published exam schedule.                        class basis, are considered part-time.                               are later re-admitted, they must meet the requirements
                                                meeting the 24-credit-per-year requirement found under the      Makeup examinations may be requested from the course                                                                                   current at the time of re-admission.
                                                standards of Satisfactory Academic Progress. Also, students     instructor. Allowance for makeup examinations is at the sole
                                                must maintain a 12-credit minimum per term.                     discretion of the instructor.                                     WITHDRAWAL
                                                                                                                                                                                  Students who decide to withdraw from Mahanaim will abide            GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS
                                                                                                                                                                                  by the following polices:                                           A Certificate of Completion will be awarded upon the Office
                                                TRANSFER OF COURSES                                             LATE PAYMENT POLICY                                                 1. A voluntary withdrawal will be granted if students request
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      of the Registrar and School Director’s verification that all of
                                                Transfer students that plan on enrolling at Mahanaim will be                                                                                                                                          the following graduation requirements have been fulfilled
                                                                                                                                                                                    it in writing from the Office of the Registrar. In addition,
                                                given the opportunity to present their transcripts for course   Adult Programs                                                                                                                        and posted on the student’s transcript:
                                                                                                                                                                                    students must meet with an academic advisor prior to
                                                equivalency. It is at the discretion of the school whether or   A student becomes liable for his/her tuition upon registration.
                                                                                                                                                                                    withdrawal to ensure good standing with Mahanaim.                   1. Pass all required courses
                                                not to accept courses students have completed at other          Failure to make the payment by the due date will result in a
                                                                                                                                                                                    Failure of a student to notify the School Director in writing       2. Paid all tuition and fees in full
                                                accredited and unaccredited institutions as sufficient          late payment fee of $50.00 on the following business day.
                                                                                                                                                                                    of withdrawal may delay refund of tuition due pursuant to
                                                instructional hours for its own programs. The student           The student will be give an additional 10 business days
                                                                                                                                                                                    Section 5002 of the Education Law.
                                                will be notified before the start of his/her program as to      to pay the total balance on the account including the late
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      BIBLE STUDY
                                                which courses are accepted by Mahanaim as satisfactorily        payment fee. If the student misses the extended due date,           2. Students who have not attended classes, or who have
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      To advocate the values stated in Mahanaim’s mission
____                                            completed courses.                                              then an additional $50.00 late payment fee will be charged.         not participated in instructional events, without any prior
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      statement and also to enhance the Christian mindset, all          ____
                                                                                                                Incremental late payment fees, up to $150.00 per semester,          written notice, will - in accordance with school practice - be
  8                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   non-theology full-time students can register for a Bible Study      9
                                                                                                                will be assessed on all accounts not completely paid by             assumed to have withdrawn without authorization from
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      class consisting of five instructional hours per week. This
                                                ACADEMIC PROGRESS                                               the due dates. The student will be notified concerning              Mahanaim and will be withdrawn from all administration,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      course is to equip students with the proper mentality and to
                                                                                                                outstanding tuition delinquencies and given an opportunity          forfeit fees and any deposits paid to the institution. This
                                                Grading System                                                  to make arrangements to pay tuition and fees. If the student        unauthorized withdrawal will result in an “F” for the class the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      enrich their spiritual experience at Mahanaim.

                                                                                                                continually fails to make tuition payments or fail to make          student has enrolled in. Student refunds will only be issued,
                                                 A  4.0 Excellent
                                                 A- 3.7 Outstanding                                             arrangements for tuition and fee payment by the allotted            in concordance with Mahanaim’s refund policy. For full time
                                                 B+ 3.3 Very Good                                               time, the student will have his/her academic progress               students, there are no refunds per class, only per term.
                                                 B  3.0 Good                                                    discontinued for the term and will not be able to attend class
                                                 B- 2.7 Above Average                                                                                                               3. If students have not registered for classes for two
                                                                                                                or receive grades.
                                                 C+ 2.3 Better than Satisfactory                                                                                                    consecutive terms and neglect to turn in a Leave of
                                                 C  2.0 Acceptable                                              Late 1 to 10 Business Days        Tuition + $50 late fee            Absence form, the institution will assume that students
                                                 C- 1.7 Minimally Acceptable                                    Late 11 to 20 Business Days       Tuition + $100 late fee		         have permanently withdrawn from Mahanaim. Students
                                                 D+ 1.3 Unsatisfactory                                          Late 21 to 30 Business Days       Tuition + $150 late fee           wishing to be re-admitted must su`bmit an Application for
                                                 D  1.0 Lowest Passing Grade
                                                 F  0.0 Failure
                                                			Inferior Performance                                         Youth Programs                                                    Students may be withdrawn due to failure to meet financial
                                                 W  N/A Withdrawal                                              The parent or guardian becomes liable for his/her child’s         obligations. Proper notices to the student will be given
                                                			No Penalty
                                                                                                                tuition upon registration. Failure to make the payment by         before such a withdrawal is issued. These students are
                                                			     Only by authorization of
                                                			School Director                                              the due date is subject to 10% of the balance in late payment     prohibited from continuing in coursework and attendance
                                                 P  N/A Pass                                                    fee. The student will not be able to participate in classes       of classes until all financial obligations to the school are met.
                                                 NP N/A No Pass                                                 if the parent or guardian fails to make payments or make          Possible causes of such action may result from delinquency
                                                                                                                arrangements for payments by the due date.                        of payment to the school for any outstanding balance

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COURSE DESCRIPTIONS - GOOD NEWS THEOLOGY                                                                                                                                                                                      COURSE DESCRIPTIONS - GOOD NEWS THEOLOGY
                                                GOOD NEWS THEOLOGY PROGRAM                                                                                                                                                              Genesis I                                                           Romans
                                                DESCRIPTION                                                                                                                                                                             [THEO 110]                                                          [THEO 150]
                                                                                                                                         TERM 3                                                                                         An in-depth examination of significant events throughout            Prerequisites: NONE
                                                Good News Theology will help students possess a fully                                    Course                                                             Instructional               the first eleven chapters of Genesis, specifically the creation     The book of Romans is often called the greatest book on
                                                developed spiritual formation, extensive knowledge of both                                                                                                   Hours/Week                 process, the fall of man, Cain and Abel, the genealogy              Earth, the Diamond of the Bible, and a summation of its
                                                the Old and New Testaments, and essential skills needed                                  The Pentateuch II [THEO 220].....................................3                             of Adam, the events behind the greatest damnation to                sixty-six books. Martin Luther was inspired by it, leading to
                                                for the next step of their careers, whether in the ministry, or                          The Pauline Epistles [THEO 170] ...............................3                               humankind, the reasons for God’s specific providence during         the biggest religious reformation in history. This course will
                                                short/long-term world missions. The program lasts a total                                Systematic Theology -                                                                          this period, and the true heart of God.                             observe how and why Romans has garnered this reputation
                                                of 60 weeks, spanning four 15-week instructional terms.                                  Soteriology [SYST 210]..................................................3                                                                                          among other Biblical works through examination of the
                                                Students are given one week at the end of each term for final                            Church History III - Modern                                                                    Genesis II                                                          nature of man, the intricacies of righteousness versus sin, the
                                                examinations.                                                                            Religious Movements [CHIS 310]...............................3                                 [THEO 210]                                                          true meaning of the law, and the state of man after the death
                                                                                                                                         Individual Counseling [INDV 110].............................3                                 This is the second and final course of study on the book of         of Christ.
                                                This educational program is designed to offer both an
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                                                                                                                                         Witnessing [WTNS 001] ...............................................4                         Genesis from chapters twelve to fifty. This course will identify
                                                immersive in-class experience where students learn a wide
                                                range of Biblical topics, and genuine field experience through
                                                                                                                                         TOTAL....................................................................... 19                and analyze Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph, the four main         The Acts
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        figures that foreshadow the major character of the Bible,           [THEO 190]
                                                witnessing, community outreach, and event planning and
                                                implementation. The Good News Theology program offers
                                                                                                                                         TERM 4                                                                                         Jesus Christ. This course will closely examine why and how          Prerequisites: NONE
                                                                                                                                         Course                                                             Instructional               they foreshadow Jesus Christ and what aspects of Christ they        This course not only tracks the works of the saints, but also
                                                no electives and is designed to be completed at the exact
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Hours/Week                 represent.                                                          traces the providence of the Holy Ghost. Also covers how
                                                specifications of the program layout below. Mahanaim
                                                                                                                                         Old Testament History [THEO 300]...........................3                                                                                                       Peter, Paul, and Phillip, all who lived completely different
                                                is excited to offer prospective students an educational
                                                experience that is relevant to our times, and grounded in the
                                                                                                                                         The Acts [THEO 190].......................................................3                    The Pentateuch I- Exodus and the Tabernacle                         lives from Jesus Christ, became His living manifestations
                                                                                                                                         Romans [THEO 150]........................................................3                     [THEO 120]                                                          through the divinity of the Holy Spirit upon His ascension.
                                                roots of Bible-based theology.
                                                                                                                                         Church Event Management [CEM 110]...................4                                          Prerequisites: NONE
                                                                                                                                         Witnessing [WTNS 001].................................................5                        The first course of a two-term course sequence that covers          The Four Gospels I
                                                GOOD NEWS THEOLOGY PROGRAM
                                                                                                                                         TOTAL....................................................................... 18                the Exodus of the Jews, and the structures, functions, and          [THEO 130]
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        significances of the Tabernacle which leads to the discovery        Prerequisites: NONE
                                                                                                                                         TOTAL INSTRUCTIONAL HOUR............................ 75                                        of the heart of God in each component of the Tabernacle,            Jesus ministered on the Earth for three years and His life
                                                TERM 1
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        such as the Ark, bread table, veil, altar, laver candlestick, and   is exclusively depicted in the first four books of the New
                                                Course                                                                   Instructional
____                                                                                                                                     STUDENT PROGRESS CHART                                                                         incense table. The unfolding of the revelation of the person        Testament. Through His ministry, many people were                   ____
 12                                             Genesis I [THEO 110]......................................................3
                                                                                                                                         Term               Instructional Hours                                       Minimum GPA		     and work of Jesus Christ within the first few works of the          changed, and through His death, the entire world. This course        13
                                                                                                                                                                       Required                                            Required     Pentateuch will be closely examined.                                will detail Jesus’ life, including the beginning of His ministry,
                                                The Four Gospels I [THEO 130]...................................3
                                                                                                                                         First................................19................................................. 2.0                                                                       healings, miracles, death, and resurrection, all of which are
                                                Church History I - The Early Church
                                                [CHIS 110]...........................................................................3
                                                                                                                                         Second.........................19................................................. 2.0         The Pentateuch II                                                   recorded in the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.
                                                                                                                                         Third..............................19................................................. 2.0     [THEO 220]
                                                Systematic Theology - Repentance
                                                and Faith [SYST 110].......................................................3
                                                                                                                                         Fourth...........................18................................................. 2.0       Prerequisites: THEO 120                                             The Four Gospels II
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        The final course of a two-term course sequence that covers          [THEO 230]
                                                English Composition [COMP 010].............................3
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        the last three works of Moses: Leviticus, Numbers and               Prerequisites: THEO 130
                                                Witnessing [WTNS 001].................................................4
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Deuteronomy, while continuing to unfold the revelation of           Jesus Christ often times conveyed His sermons through
                                                TOTAL....................................................................... 19
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        the person and work of Jesus Christ.                                parables in order for layman comprehension. Through these
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            original stories and examples of Jesus, we can understand
                                                TERM 2
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Old Testament History                                               and appreciate His precious heart. This course will analyze
                                                Course                                                             Instructional
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        [THEO 240]                                                          key parables of Jesus Christ, including the Good Samaritan
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Prerequisites: NONE                                                 and the Prodigal Son, as well as their implications on
                                                Genesis II [THEO 210].....................................................3
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Old Testament History is a theology course that provides            salvation and spiritual life.
                                                The Four Gospels II [THEO 230]..................................3
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        accurate account of the history of Israel as well as the
                                                The Pentateuch I -
                                                Exodus and the Tabernacle[THEO 120]...................3
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        journey of the Ark of the Covenant to the establishment             The Pauline Epistles
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        of the Temple, beginning with the prophet Samuel, until             [THEO 170]
                                                Church History II -
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Babylonian captivity. This course also provides exegesis of         Prerequisites: NONE
                                                Religious Reformations [CHIS 210]............................3
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        significant events from the books of 1 Samuel, 2 Samuel,            In his Epistles, Paul deals with spiritual life, rather than
                                                Speech Communication [SCOM 010].......................3
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        1 Kings, and 2 Kings, describing the heart of God towards           religious life. This course allows us to closely observe the
                                                Witnessing [WTNS 001].................................................4
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Israel, and the comparability of that heart towards modern          structure of the early church, as well as appropriate Christian
                                                TOTAL....................................................................... 19
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        man.                                                                and church conduct, life after salvation in the Holy Spirit and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            the Gospel, and the analysis of the law in relation to grace.
Church History I: The Early Church
                                                [CHIS 110]
                                                                                                                     Individual Counseling
                                                                                                                     [INDV 110]                                                                                                             TEOLOGIA
                                                Prerequisites: NONE                                                  Prerequisites: NONE
                                                This is the first course of a three-term course sequence,            This course involves the study of spiritual counseling, topics
                                                outlining key periods in the establishment of the church after       in Christian anthropology, and conversational strategies for
                                                the death of Christ, including the first church, the persecutions,   leading non-believers to Jesus Christ.
                                                the rise of heresy, and the development of Roman Catholicism

                                                during the Middle Ages.                                              Witnessing*
                                                                                                                     [WTNS 001]*
                                                Church History II: Religious Reformations                            Prerequisites: NONE
                                                [CHIS 210]                                                           Students experience remote town witnessing, street
                                                Prerequisites: CHIS 110                                              and slum witnessing, money-less witnessing trips, kiosk
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                                                This is the second course of a three-term course sequence            witnessing, prison and juvenile center witnessing, hospital
                                                that examines Martin Luther and the Reformation, the                 witnessing, and door-to-door witnessing, while learning and
                                                missions of Hudson Taylor, the works of John Wesley and              practicing strategies for each type of witness setting. Only
                                                John Calvin, and the birth of American Christianity.                 witnessing overseas will count for four instructional hours
                                                                                                                     per week.
                                                Church History III: Modern Religious
                                                Movements                                                            ENGLISH FOR THEOLOGICAL STUDIES
                                                [CHIS 310]                                                           STUDENTS
                                                Prerequisites: CHIS 210
                                                                                                                     English Composition*
                                                This is the third and final course of a three-term course
                                                                                                                     [COMP 010]
                                                sequence that covers post-modern individuals that have
                                                                                                                     Prerequisites: Satisfactory English Proficiency
                                                made a lasting impact on the Gospel throughout the world,
                                                                                                                     A basic course in writing with an emphasis on pre-writing,
                                                including Charles Studd, Norman Grubb, and D.L. Moody, as
                                                                                                                     revising, and editing. Students will explore and analyze the
                                                well as influential organizations such as WEC, Shield of Faith,
                                                                                                                     work of scholars, essayists, and creative writers in order to use
                                                and the Good News Mission.
                                                                                                                     their prose as models for their own. Students will complete
____                                                                                                                                                                                      ____                                                                                 ____
                                                                                                                     critical essays on a variety of topics and be provided an
 14                                             Systematic Theology- Repentance and Faith                            opportunity to submit their work for review and discussion
                                                                                                                                                                                           10                                                                                   15
                                                [SYST 110]
                                                                                                                     with peers and the instructor.
                                                Prerequisites: NONE
                                                This is the first course of a two-term course sequence that
                                                                                                                     Speech Communication*
                                                deals with the systematic study of salvation, Christology,
                                                                                                                     [SCOM 010]
                                                and Ecclesiology regarding the specific path a born-again
                                                                                                                     Prerequisites: Satisfactory English Proficiency
                                                believer must take for a genuine spiritual life.
                                                                                                                     This course explores theories of civic discourse and the
                                                                                                                     role of language in public life. Students will develop skills
                                                Systematic Theology- Soteriology                                     in applying the principles of effective public speaking in
                                                [SYST 210]
                                                                                                                     structured speaking situations. A number of speeches on a
                                                Prerequisites: SYST 110
                                                                                                                     variety of topics will be presented and analyzed to enable
                                                This the final course of a two-term course sequence that
                                                                                                                     students to critically evaluate one another to become
                                                specifically deals with the study of Soteriology, Christology,
                                                                                                                     effective public speakers. A preaching practicum will also be
                                                and Ecclesiology regarding the specific path a born-again
                                                believer must take for a genuine spiritual life.

                                                                                                                     Bible Study for Non-Theology Students I, II, III
                                                Church Event Management                                              [BIST 010, 020, 030]
                                                [CEM 110]
                                                Prerequisites: COMP 010, SCOM010, two semester completion
                                                                                                                     Prerequisites: NONE                                                 Track in Spanish
                                                of WTNS 001
                                                                                                                     This institutional course is required for all non-theology          The goal of the Track in Spanish is to provide Good News Theology program in
                                                                                                                     studies students for all terms of their respective programs.        Spanish to meet the particular needs of Hispanic ministries in the United States
                                                This course is designed to cover planning, implementation,
                                                                                                                     This course allows students to create depth in their hearts         as well as fulfill the mission and the vision of Mahanaim as a world mission center
                                                and effective management from start to finish for a variety
                                                                                                                     and minds while learning the ethos of Mahanaim from a
                                                events including Bible conferences, Bible seminars, Bible                                                                                dispatching missionaries throughout the world.
                                                                                                                     spiritual perspective. This course meets five times a week,
                                                crusades, youth camps, and community functions.
                                                                                                                     one hour per session.
DESCRIPCIÓN DE CURSOS-TEOLOGÍA BUENAS NUEVAS                                                                                                                                                                     DESCRIPCIÓN DEL CURSO- TEOLOGÍA BUENAS NUEVAS
                                                DESCRIPCIÓN DE PROGRAMA DE                                                                PERÍODO 3                                                                                  Génesis I                                                            Romanos
                                                TEOLOGÍA BUENAS NUEVAS                                                                    Matería                                                           Hora de instrucción      [THEO 110]                                                           [THEO 150]
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       /Semana       Una revisión minuciosa de los eventos significativos a lo largo      El libro de Romanos a menudo se llama el libro más grande
                                                Teología Buenas Nuevas ayudará a los estudiantes que posean                               Pentateuco II [THEO 220]..............................................3                    de los primeros once capítulos del Génesis, específicamente          en la Tierra, el diamante de la Biblia, y un resumen de sus
                                                la formación espiritual desarrollada, conocimiento profundo                               Las Epístola Paulinas [THEO 170] ..............................3                           el proceso de creación, la caída del hombre, Caín y Abel, la         sesenta y seis libros. Martín Lutero se inspiró en él, dirigiendo
                                                del Antiguo y el Nuevo Testamento, y las habilidades esenciales                           Teología sistemática II- Soteriología                                                      genealogía de Adán, los hechos detrás de la mayor condena            la reforma religiosa más grande de la historia. En este curso
                                                necesarias para el siguiente paso de su carrera, ya sea en el                             [SYST 210]...........................................................................3     a la humanidad, las razones de la providencia específica de          se va a observar cómo y por qué el libro de Romanos ha
                                                ministerio, o misiones mundiales de corto / largo plazo. El                               Historia de la Iglesia III- Movimientos religiosos                                         Dios durante este período, y el verdadero corazón de Dios.           ganado esta reputación entre otras obras bíblicas, a través
                                                programa dura 60 semanas en total, que abarca cuatro periodos                             modernos [CHIS 310].....................................................3                                                                                       de la revisión de la naturaleza del hombre, las complejidades
                                                de 15 semanas de instrucción. Los estudiantes tienen una                                  Consejería individual [INDV 110]...............................3                           Génesis II                                                           de la justicia contra el pecado, el verdadero significado de la
                                                semana de examines finales al final de cada trimestre.                                    Evangelización [WTNS 001] .......................................4                         [THEO 210]                                                           ley y el estado del hombre después de la muerte de Cristo.
                                                                                                                                          TOTAL....................................................................... 19            Este es el segundo curso y el final del estudio del libro del
                                                Este programa educativo está diseñado para ofrecer tanto una
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                                                experiencia inmersa de clase donde los estudiantes aprenden
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Génesis del capítulo doce al cincuenta. Este curso será para         Hechos
                                                una amplia gama de temas bíblicos, y la experiencia de campo
                                                                                                                                          PERÍODO 4                                                                                  identificar y analizar Abraham, Isaac, Jacob y José, las cuatro      [THEO 190]
                                                                                                                                          Matería                                                     Hora de instrucción            principales figuras que prefiguran el personaje principal de         Prerequisites: NONE
                                                real a través de predicaciones, alcance a la comunidad, la
                                                                                                                                                                                                           /Semana                   la Biblia, Jesucristo. Este curso examinará detenidamente            Este curso no sólo examina las obras de los santos, sino
                                                planificación de eventos y la implementación de los mismos.
                                                                                                                                          Historia del Antiguo Testamento                                                            cómo y por qué son el preludio de Jesucristo, y qué aspectos         también las huellas de la providencia del Espíritu Santo.
                                                El programa de Teología Buenas Nuevas ofrece cursos no-
                                                                                                                                          [THEO 300]............................................................... 3                de Cristo que representan.                                           También se explica cómo Pedro, Pablo y Felipe, todos los que
                                                electivos y está detalladamente diseñado para completar
                                                                                                                                          Hechos [THEO 190]................................................ 3                                                                                             llevaban una vida completamente diferente de Jesucristo,
                                                los programas exactamente especificados a continuación.
                                                Mahanaim se complace en ofrecer a los estudiantes del futuro
                                                                                                                                          Romanos [THEO 150]............................................. 3                          Pentateuco I- Éxodo y el Tabernáculo                                 se convirtieron en sus manifestaciones de vida a través de la
                                                                                                                                          Gestión de eventos de la iglesia                                                           [THEO 120]                                                           divinidad del Espíritu Santo en su ascensión.
                                                una experiencia educativa que sea relevante en nuestros
                                                                                                                                          [CEM 110]................................................................. 4               El primer curso de cursos de dos períodos seguidos que
                                                tiempos, y fundamentada en las raíces de la teología Biblia-
                                                                                                                                          Evangelización [WTNS 001].................................. 5                              abarca el éxodo de los Judíos, y las estructuras, funciones          Los Cuatro Evangelios I
                                                                                                                                          TOTAL....................................................................... 18            y significados del Tabernáculo, que conduce a descubrir              [THEO 130]
                                                                                                                                          HORA TOTAL DE INSTRUCCIÓN........................... 75                                    el corazón de Dios en cada uno de los componentes del                Jesús ministró en la tierra durante tres años y su vida está
                                                REQUISITO DEL PROGRAMA DE TEOLOGÍA
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Tabernáculo: como el Arca, la mesa de los panes, el velo, el         exclusivamente representada en los primeros cuatro libros
                                                BUENAS NUEVAS
                                                                                                                                          TABLA DE PROGRESO DE LOS                                                                   altar, el candelero de oro, y el altar del incienso. El desarrollo   del Nuevo Testamento. A través de su ministerio, muchas
____                                                                                                                                      ESTUDIANTES                                                                                de la revelación de la persona y obra de Jesucristo dentro           personas se han cambiado, y con su muerte, el mundo                  ____
                                                PERÍODO 1
 16                                             Matería                                                           Hora de instrucción
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     de los primeros estudios de Pentateuco será examinado con            entero. En este curso se observa la vida de Jesús, incluyendo         17
                                                                                                                                          Período        Requisito de la hora                                  Promedio mínimo       detalle.                                                             el comienzo de su ministerio, sanidades, milagros, la muerte
                                                                                                                                                               de instrucción                                           requerido                                                                         y la resurrección, todos los cuales están registrados en los
                                                Génesis I [THEO 110]......................................................3
                                                Los Cuatro Evangelios I [THEO 130]..........................3
                                                                                                                                          Primero.........................19................................................. 2.0    Pentateuco II                                                        libros de Mateo, Marcos, Lucas y Juan.
                                                                                                                                          Segundo......................19................................................. 2.0       [THEO 220]
                                                Historia de la Iglesia I- La iglesia primitiva
                                                [CHIS 110]...........................................................................3
                                                                                                                                          Tercero..........................19................................................. 2.0   Prerequisites: THEO 120                                              Los Cuatro Evangelios II
                                                                                                                                          Cuarto...........................18................................................. 2.0   El curso final de cursos de dos períodos seguidos que                [THEO 230]
                                                Teología sistemática I- Arrepentimiento y la fe
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     cubre las tres últimas obras de Moisés: Levítico, Números            Jesucristo muchas veces transmite sus sermones a través de
                                                [SYST 110]...........................................................................3
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     y Deuteronomio, mientras continúa desarrollándose la                 parábolas para que los laicos también comprendan. A través
                                                Composición en inglés [COMP 010].........................3
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     revelación de la persona y obra de Jesucristo.                       de estas historias originales y ejemplos de Jesús, podemos
                                                Evangelización [WTNS 001]                                ............................4
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          entender y apreciar su corazón precioso. Este curso analizará
                                                TOTAL....................................................................... 19
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Historia del Antiguo Testamento                                      las parábolas clave de Jesucristo, incluida la del buen
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     [THEO 240]                                                           samaritano y del hijo pródigo, así como sus implicaciones en
                                                PERÍODO 2
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Historia del Antiguo Testamento es un curso de teología              la salvación y la vida espiritual.
                                                Matería                                                            Hora de instrucción
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     que ofrece una cuenta exacta de la historia de Israel, así
                                                Génesis II [THEO 210].....................................................3
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     como el viaje del arca del pacto para el establecimiento del         Las Epístolas Paulinas
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     templo, comienza con el profeta Samuel, hasta la cautividad          [THEO 170]
                                                Los Cuatro Evangelios II [THEO 230].........................3
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     de Babilonia. Este curso también ofrece la exégesis de los           En sus epístolas, Pablo trata de la vida espiritual, en lugar de
                                                Pentateuco I- Éxodo y el tabernáculo
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     acontecimientos significativos de los libros de 1 Samuel, 2          la vida religiosa. Este curso nos permite observar en detalle
                                                THEO 120]            .................................................................3
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Samuel, 1 Reyes y 2 Reyes, que describen el corazón de Dios          a la estructura de la iglesia primitiva, así como la conducta
                                                Historia de la Iglesia II- Reformas religiosas
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     hacia Israel, y la comparabilidad de este corazón hacia el           apropiada del cristiano y de la iglesia, la vida después de la
                                                [CHIS 210]...........................................................................3
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     hombre moderno.                                                      salvación en el Espíritu Santo y el Evangelio, y el análisis de la
                                                Discurso de comunicación [SCOM 010] .................3
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          ley en relación a la gracia.
                                                Evangelización [WTNS 001].........................................4
                                                TOTAL....................................................................... 19
Historia de la Iglesia I: La iglesia primitiva                        Consejería individual
                                                [CHIS 110]                                                            [INDV 110]
                                                Prerequisites: NONE                                                   Este curso comprende el estudio de la consejería espiritual,
                                                Este es el primer curso de los tres cursos seguidos, destacando       los temas de la antropología cristiana, y las estrategias de
                                                los períodos clave en el establecimiento de la iglesia después        conversación para dirigir a los no creyentes de Jesucristo.
                                                de la muerte de Cristo, incluyendo la primera iglesia, las
                                                persecuciones, el aumento de la herejía, y el desarrollo del          Evangelización*
                                                catolicismo en la Edad Media.                                         [WTNS 001]*
                                                                                                                      Prerequisites: NONE
                                                Historia de la Iglesia II: Reformas religiosas                        Los estudiantes experimentarán a predicar en los campos
                                                [CHIS 210]                                                            alejados, las calles y barrios, en hospitales, puerta a puerta,
                                                Este es el segundo curso de los tres cursos seguidos que              mientras que aprende y practica las estrategias para cada
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                                                examina Martín Lutero y la Reforma, las misiones de Hudson            tipo de situaciones de evangelización.
                                                Taylor, la obra de John Wesley y Juan Calvino, y el nacimiento
                                                del cristianismo estadounidense.
                                                                                                                      INGLÉS PARA LOS ESTUDIANTES DEL
                                                Historia de la Iglesia III: Movimientos                               ESTUDIO TEOLÒGICO
                                                religiosos modernos
                                                [CHIS 310]                                                            Composición en inglés
                                                Este es el tercer final del curso de los tres cursos seguidos         [COMP 010]
                                                que trata los personajes de la etapa post-moderna que                 Un curso básico de escritura con énfasis en la pre-escritura,
                                                han hecho un impacto duradero en el Evangelio en todo el              revisión y edición. Los estudiantes explorarán y analizarán el
                                                mundo, incluyendo a Charles Studd, Norman Grubb, y D.L.               trabajo de los estudiosos, ensayistas y escritores creativos con
                                                Moody, así como de organizaciones influyentes como el                 el fin de utilizar su prosa como el modelo por su propia cuenta.
                                                WEC, escudo de la fe, y la Misión Buenas Nuevas.                      Los estudiantes completarán los ensayos críticos con los varios
                                                                                                                      temas y tendrán la oportunidad de presentar su trabajo para la
                                                Teología sistemática- Arrepentimiento y Fe                            revisión y discusión con los compañeros y el instructor.
____                                            [SYST 110]                                                                                                                                                                                     ____
 18                                             Este es el primer curso de dos cursos seguidos que se ocupa del       Discurso de comunicación                                                                                                  19

                                                estudio sistemático de la salvación, la cristología, eclesiología,    [SCOM 010]
                                                respecto a la ruta específica para un creyente nacido de nuevo        Este curso explora las teorías del discurso cívico y el papel
                                                debe cómo tener una vida espiritual auténtica.                        del lenguaje en la vida pública. Los estudiantes desarrollarán
                                                                                                                      habilidades para aplicar los principios de la oratoria eficaz en

                                                Teología sistemática- Soteriología                                    las conversaciones estructuradas. Un número de discursos
                                                [SYST 210]                                                            sobre varios temas serán presentados y analizados para que
                                                Este es el curso final de dos cursos seguidos que específicamente     los estudiantes puedan evaluarse de manera crítica entre
                                                se ocupa del estudio de la soteriología, la cristología, respecto a   sí para así convertirse en oradores eficaces. La predicación
                                                la ruta específica para un creyente nacido de nuevo debe cómo         práctica también será un tema integrado en el curso.
                                                tener una vida espiritual auténtica.
                                                                                                                      Estudio bíblico para los estudiantes de no-
                                                Gestión de eventos de la iglesia                                      teología I, II, III
                                                [CEM 110]                                                             [BIST 010, 020, 030]                                               课程简介
                                                Prerequisites: COMP 010, SCOM010, two semester completion             Prerequisito: NADA                                                 好消息神学课程帮助学生们获得一种发展式信仰构建, 丰富的旧约新约知识以及职业生涯所需的核心技能。
                                                of WTNS 001                                                           Este curso institucional es requerido para todos los               不论是长期从事宣教事业还是短期海外宣教都可以受益。课程总长是60周,共4个学期,每个学期15周 。每学
                                                Este curso está diseñado para cubrir la planificación,                estudiantes que no son de estudio de teología de todos             期末有一周期末考试周。此课程通过学习广泛的圣经专题,给学生们丰富的课堂体验,并且通过传道,社区服
                                                implementación y gestión eficaz de principio a fin para los           los programas que corresponden. Este curso permite a los           务,以及活动策划实行等给学生们提供实际经验。
                                                varios eventos, incluidas las conferencias bíblicas, seminarios       estudiantes obtener la profundidad en sus corazones y sus
                                                bíblicos, las cruzadas bíblicas, campamentos juveniles, y las         mentes mientras se aprende el espíritu de Mahanaim desde           好消息神学课程没有选修课,需要完成下表中的全部内容。最后的两个学期学生会参与高等神学,教会历史,以
                                                funciones de la comunidad.                                            la perspectiva espiritual. Este curso se reúne cinco veces a la    及实际宣教实践,包括传讲话语,开展传教活动等。玛哈念很荣幸能给学生们提供符合当今时代的基于圣经的
                                                                                                                      semana, una hora por sesión.                                       神学.
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