High Resolution Millimeter Interferometer Observations of the Solar Chromosphere
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1 Astronomy & Astrophysics manuscript no. bima˙maria January 24, 2006 (DOI: will be inserted by hand later) High–Resolution Millimeter–Interferometer Observations of the Solar Chromosphere S. M. White1 , M. Loukitcheva2,3, and S. K. Solanki3 1 Astronomy Department, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742 e-mail: white@astro.umd.edu 2 Astronomical Institute, St. Petersburg University, 198504 St. Petersburg, Russia 3 Max-Planck-Institut für Sonnensystemforschung, D-37191 Katlenburg-Lindau, Germany Received / Accepted Abstract. The use of millimeter–interferometer data for the study of chromospheric structure and dynam- ics is tested using 85 GHz observations with the 10–element Berkeley–Illinois–Maryland Array (BIMA). Interferometer data have the advantage over single–dish data that they allow both high spatial resolution and dense temporal sampling simultaneously. However, snapshot imaging of the quiet solar atmosphere with a small number of dishes is challenging. We demonstrate that techniques are available to carry out this task successfully using maximum entropy deconvolution from a default image constructed from the entire observation: one of our results is that the solar chromosphere at millimeter wavelengths exhibits features that are long–lasting and the map of the entire observation is significant provided that atmospheric phase errors do not prevent de- convolution. We compare observations of quiet Sun, active region and coronal hole targets. The interferometer is not sensitive to the disk emission and the positivity constraint of the maximum entropy algorithm used forces the zero level in the images to be at the temperature of the coolest feature in each field. The brightest features in the images are typically 1000 – 1500 K above the zero level, with a snapshot noise level of order 100 K. We use extensive tests to determine whether oscillation power can be recovered from sequences of snapshot images and show that individual sources can be down to quite weak levels at locations in the image where significant flux is present; oscillation power located in cool regions of the image is not well recovered due to the deconvolution method used and may be redistributed to brighter regions of the millimeter image. We then investigate whether the data do show oscillation power using uninterrupted 30–minute scans of the target regions. Intensity oscillations with signifi- cant power in the frequency range 1.5-8.0 mHz are found in the quiet–Sun and active region targets. For the quiet–Sun region we compare the oscillation properties of network boundaries and cell interiors (internetwork) in the spatially–resolved time series. In agreement with investigations at other wavelengths, in the millimeter data the power in the network tends to be at periods of 5 minutes and longer while power in the internetwork is present also at shorter (3-minute) periods. Key words. Sun: chromosphere – Sun: radio radiation
1. Introduction Lindsey & Kopp, 1995). The Nobeyama 45 m telescope has been able to achieve similar reso- Observations of the quiet Sun at millimeter wave- lution at λ = 3 mm (Kosugi et al., 1986; Irimajiri lengths are an important technique for study- et al., 1995), while the NRAO 12 m telescope ing the solar chromosphere. At these short wave- at Kitt Peak can reach a resolution of 4000 at 1 lengths the Sun’s atmosphere becomes optically mm (Buhl & Tlamicha, 1970; Kundu, 1970, 1971; thick in the chromosphere and since the wave- Lantos & Kundu, 1972). length lies in the Rayleigh–Jeans limit, the mea- However, by their nature single–dish observa- sured radio brightness temperature corresponds tions are not ideal for searching for spatially– to the electron temperature in the layer be- resolved time variability in the solar chromo- ing observed, without the complications of non– sphere. A single dish only samples the flux from equilibrium line formation that have to be taken a given location when it is pointing there, and into account when analyzing visible and UV line thus its duty cycle for sampling the time varia- observations of the chromosphere. Millimeter– tion at a given point is poor if the telescope is wavelength observations have played an impor- carrying out imaging since, by definition, most of tant role in forming thermal models of the the time it is pointed at the other locations within chromosphere (e.g., Vernazza et al., 1976, 1981; the field being mapped (e.g., the raster scan of a Fontenla et al., 1990; Gu et al., 1997), and it is 40000 square region by Lindsey & Jefferies, 1991, natural to ask what they reveal about chromo- required 45 minutes with a 1 s integration at each spheric heating (see Solanki, 2005). of 1600 pointings). Single–dish observations are There have been many single dish observations excellent for studying time variability in the to- of the Sun at millimeter and sub–millimeter wave- tal flux from a fixed location (i.e., the spatially– lengths. The limitation of single dish measure- integrated flux within the telescope beam; e.g., ments is always spatial resolution: a typical tele- Simon & Shimabukuro, 1971; Kundu & Schmahl, scope with a diameter of 10 m has a spatial res- 1980; Lindsey & Roellig, 1987; Kurths et al., olution of λmm 3000 , where λmm is the observing 1988; Kopp et al., 1992), but cannot simultane- wavelength in mm, and thus, e.g., a 10 m tele- ously image. Multibeam receivers on single–dish scope operating at 90 GHz cannot resolve features telescopes can speed up this process but do not smaller than about 10000 . This problem has been change the nature of the data. The attraction of circumvented in two ways: by observing eclipses, interferometer observations is that they offer the when the Moon’s limb acts as a knife edge cross- opportunity for simultaneously achieving higher ing the field of view, and the time dependence of temporal and spatial resolution observations than the millimeter flux can be converted into (one– can be achieved with a single dish telescope. Since dimensional) spatial resolution much finer than for a single dish telescope the field of view is the the telescope beam (e.g., Tolbert et al., 1964; same as the spatial resolution, the telescope must Hagen et al., 1971; Beckman et al., 1975; Swanson have a large aperture and be physically driven to & Hagen, 1975; Shimabukuro et al., 1975; Lindsey different pointing locations in order to map a re- et al., 1984; Roellig et al., 1991; Ewell, Jr. et al., gion. By contrast, an interferometer with smaller 1993); and by going to submillimeter wavelengths dishes (sensitivity not being much of an issue for (smaller λ), which is possible with the James the Sun) can make an image with many resolu- Clerk Maxwell Telescope (JCMT) and Caltech tion elements across the field of view, and achieves Submillimeter Telescope (CSO) on Mauna Kea, high time resolution because it forms an image Hawaii. These telescopes have been able to make without repointing and thus can stare at the images of the solar disk at submillimeter wave- same field of view continuously, providing com- lengths with a spatial resolution as small as 2000 plete sampling of the light curve in each resolu- (Horne et al., 1981; Lindsey & Jefferies, 1991; tion element. On the other hand, an interferome- Bastian et al., 1993a,b; Lindsey et al., 1995; ter has two disadvantages: it is insensitive to the Send offprint requests to: S. White background flux of the Sun, which is resolved out
White, Loukitcheva & Solanki: Millimeter Observations of the Chromosphere 3 because it comes from a source too large to be to fill in the sampling (the technique of “Earth– sampled by the interferometer spacings; and an rotation synthesis”), but this can only work if interferometer is equivalent to a sparsely filled the target observed is steady over the time pe- aperture, meaning that it does not completely riod used: if not, then samples at different times sample the spatial structure within the field of refer to different brightness distributions and can- view at any instant, and this creates difficulties in not be combined. If the chromosphere’s millime- reconstructing images (discussed further below). ter emission is such that its pattern changes from Interferometer observations of the (non–flaring) minute to minute, then clearly Earth–rotation Sun at millimeter wavelengths have been carried synthesis will not work. Single dish observations out since the 1970s (e.g., Labrum et al., 1978; do not suffer from this problem, since each point Labrum, 1978; Janssen et al., 1979; Belkora et al., is only observed briefly, but equally single-dish 1992; White & Kundu, 1994), but generally not observations cannot easily be used to investigate with a sufficient number of telescopes for snap- this issue. shot imaging to be feasible. Here we discuss inter- In this paper we analyze millimeter– ferometer images of the Sun made at a wavelength interferometer observations of the solar chro- of 3.5 mm with the Berkeley–Illinois–Maryland mosphere obtained with BIMA and look for Array (BIMA), which, with the largest number of spatially–resolved oscillation power in the dishes of any existing millimeter interferometer, observations. We observe and compare an active is the telescope best suited for such observations. region, quiet–Sun region and a coronal hole. The It is not at all clear, a priori, that millimeter in- imaging technique used for the millimeter data is terferometer observations of the quiet Sun will be discussed in some detail. An important question successful due to the dynamic nature of the chro- is the sensitivity of the observations to oscillation mosphere. Evidence from all wavelengths is that power, and we present extensive tests of this the chromosphere is a turbulent layer, constantly issue. In the companion paper by Loukitcheva pushed from below by convective motions and et al. (2005) we compare the observed millime- waves, and being bombarded from above by en- ter intensity variations derived in the present ergetic particles. Radiative energy loss timescales analysis with the oscillation properties predicted are quite short, and motions are common: Zirin by the Carlsson & Stein models (Carlsson & (1996) comments that “In high–resolution movies Stein, 1995, 1997) and discuss the reasons for the Hα chromosphere is a seething, oscillating differences that we find. mass of fibrils”. At centimeter wavelengths radio images of the Sun are usually dominated by very 2. Radio emission from the quiet Sun bright, relatively compact sources in the corona above active regions, but at millimeter wave- at millimeter wavelengths lengths the image consists of temperature fluctu- Radio emission at millimeter wavelengths be- ations on the optically thick layer in the chro- comes optically thick in the solar chromosphere mosphere corresponding to the frequency ob- due to the opacity contributed by thermal served, and these will fill the field of view with bremsstrahlung. At temperatures below 104 K the low–contrast features. Such an image requires dominant species (H and He) are mostly neutral, many components to describe it adequately and, but the total electron and proton densities can as we discuss below, a single instantaneous obser- remain high because the total density increases vation, even with BIMA, does not contain enough rapidly with depth and compensates for the de- information to reconstruct the brightness distri- crease in fractional ionization. Below 5000 K (i.e., bution within the field of view. A standard tech- in the temperature minimum) essentially all hy- nique used by interferometers to overcome the in- drogen is neutral. Free electrons are still present stantaneously sparse sampling of spatial scales is at these temperatures due to ionization of met- to integrate over a long period, using the Earth’s als such as sodium, but there are insufficient free rotation and the changing elevation of the source protons to provide significant free–free opacity.
4 White, Loukitcheva & Solanki: Millimeter Observations of the Chromosphere EIT 195 A In this situation a mechanism involving free elec- 1000 trons and neutral H dominates the radio opac- ity: an electron polarizes an H atom and the in- teraction between the electron and the dipolar 500 atom provides opacity known as “H− opacity”. However, at the wavelength we investigate here, AR CH 3.5 mm (85 GHz), we can assume that electron– arcsec proton bremsstrahlung still dominates the radio 0 QS opacity. The expression for this opacity from the top of the solar corona down to a height h0 in the -500 chromosphere is given by .01 τ = f2 -1000 Z -1000 -500 0 500 1000 ∞ ne (np + 4nHe++ )(17.6 + 1.5 ln T − ln f ) arcsec dh h0 T 1.5 Fig. 1. An EIT 195 Å image of the Sun at 19:12 UT where f is the frequency, ne the electron number on 2003 August 31 (reversed color table, so that dark density, np the proton number density, nHe++ the features represent bright emission) together with cir- cles showing the targets observed by BIMA. The cir- fully–ionized Helium number density and T is the cles have a diameter of 15000 , just slightly larger than temperature. Apart from f , all these quantities the half–power beam width of the BIMA antennas at depend on height and this expression can only be 85 GHz, and are labelled for the appropriate feature: evaluated in the context of a model atmosphere “AR” (active region), “QS” (quiet Sun), and “CH” in which both the density and the ionization frac- (coronal hole). tion are specified as a function of height. Radio measurements of T (which is the same as the ra- dio brightness temperature since the radio mea- surement is in the Rayleigh–Jeans limit and the source is optically thick) as a function of f pro- vide constraints for such models (e.g., Vernazza et al., 1976, 1981; Fontenla et al., 1990; Ewell, Jr. layers around τ = 1 should lead directly to an in- et al., 1993; Gu et al., 1997). At millimeter wave- crease in the millimeter brightness temperature lengths the temperature varies much more slowly since the integrated column above the heated lo- than electron density as a function of height. As cation will not change greatly. Heating in the op- a result, the optically thick frequency, i.e. the fre- tically thin layers above the τ = 1 surface, on the quency at which optical depth unity (τ = 1) is other hand, decreases the optically thin contri- reached at a given height h0 , depends predomi- bution from the locally heated material but can nantly on the density gradient: lead to an increase in the column density of ne as Z ∞ heat propagates downwards to the denser layers f2 ∝ ne np dh. and causes them to expand, pushing the τ = 1 h0 layer up the temperature gradient. This is likely With only a weak dependence on the tempera- to occur on a timescale slower than that of the ture gradient, this result implies that the optically heating, but may well affect the radio brightness thick surface at a given frequency is determined temperature and thus also result in sensitivity of by the column density above the surface and is mm–wavelength radiation to heating that is lo- relatively independent of the temperature on the calized in a layer away from the τ = 1 surface surface. Thus, heating in the chromosphere in the (Loukitcheva et al., 2004).
White, Loukitcheva & Solanki: Millimeter Observations of the Chromosphere 5 3. BIMA observing procedure and been implemented by R. L. Plambeck and D. data analysis Bock (described in Plambeck, 2000). Each chop- per wheel on the BIMA antennas carries in one 3.1. BIMA Observations quadrant a partially transparent vane (a “pel- licle”) with a transmission factor of order 70% BIMA is a 10-element interferometric array con- (measured in the laboratory prior to installation). sisting of 6.1 m diameter dishes (Welch et al., The pellicles can be rotated into the beam path 1996). The BIMA observations followed the stan- and the receiver response at 70% of the Sun’s dard practice of alternating observations of an brightness temperature can then be compared unresolved strong point source for phase calibra- with the response when the Sun is observed di- tion with observations of the target regions. In rectly. A suitable modification of the Ulich & this case, we alternated between the three tar- Haas (1976) formula allows the gain to be com- gets (active region, quiet Sun and coronal hole) puted, under the assumption that the Sun’s tem- with scans 31 minutes long (29 minutes of inte- perature at 3 mm wavelength is 7000 K, which gration) interspersed with scans of the calibration should be appropriate (e.g., see the survey by source 1058+015. The three target regions are Urpo et al., 1987). This correction is implemented shown on an EIT 195 Å Fe XII image in Figure by a customized module in the on-line correla- 1. BIMA tracks a fixed point on the solar sur- tor software. The dielectric beamsplitter used for face by correcting for solar rotation in real time. the vane is polarization-dependent and this in- The correlator was set to observe two 800 MHz– troduces some uncertainty in the amplitude cali- wide sidebands at 85 and 88 GHz. BIMA was in bration. We cross–checked the amplitude calibra- its most compact (“D”) configuration for these tion scheme by comparing BIMA data with three observations, resulting in a nominal resolution of other sources: Nobeyama Radio Polarimeter data order 1000 , but minimizing the effects of atmo- for a flare at 80 GHz that BIMA observed at 85 spheric phase distortions on the data. Phase vari- GHz; estimates of thermal free–free emission dur- ations in the data due to diurnal changes in the ing the decay phase of flares based on GOES soft lengths of the optical fibers connecting the anten- X–ray data; and total power measurements on nas to the central building amounted to several BIMA antenna 3, which has an older Schottky thousand degrees, but these are measured accu- receiver that is more linear than the receivers on rately by the on–line system and removed during the newer BIMA antennas. From this comparison, the calibration process. Errors due to atmospheric we presently estimate a conservative uncertainty phase fluctuations appeared to be relatively small in the absolute interferometer fluxes of 30%. until the end of the observation when the Sun was low on the western horizon, and we exclude the last (fifth) scan of the active region for this rea- son, leaving four scans of each of the three target regions. The time resolution was 4 seconds with The total power level on antenna 3 at BIMA is an integration time of 3 seconds. known to show oscillations associated with Solar observations with BIMA do not use the the water chiller on the antenna that can standard amplitude calibration method because propagate into the visibility data. The os- the Sun fills the antenna beam with a bright- cillation was seen in total power with pe- ness temperature of order 7000 K, and requires riods ranging from 13 to 16 minutes dur- the receivers to operate in a regime quite differ- ing this observation but there was no obvi- ent from normal observations where the system ous sign of such oscillations in the visibil- temperature is of order 300 K. In order to mea- ity data; in any case, at those long periods sure the system gain at the Sun’s brightness tem- they should not interfere with the search perature, a modified version of the conventional for periods from 3 to 5 minutes. None of the chopper wheel method (Ulich & Haas, 1976) has other antennas show such oscillations.
6 White, Loukitcheva & Solanki: Millimeter Observations of the Chromosphere 3.2. Image processing flux, and restored the deconvolved images with restoring beams of 1000 for the images presented The advantage of using an interferometer to ob- here. Since maxen has a positivity constraint, the serve the chromosphere is that it can achieve bet- deconvolution process sets the zero level at the ter spatial resolution than a single dish observa- flux of the most negative real feature in the image tion at the same frequency. The disadvantage is and forces all other features to be brighter than that the interferometer is insensitive to flux on this. Therefore the zero level in the images has lit- spatial scales larger than the angular scale cor- tle meaning. The total power measurements from responding to the Fourier fringe spacing of the the receivers indicated that the active region tar- shortest antenna spacing, and in particular it is get showed a total power about 2% larger than insensitive to the background solar disk level. the quiet Sun region and about 1% larger than We know that millimeter images of the solar at- the coronal hole. mosphere should consist of features with contrast of order hundreds to 1–2 thousand K against a The 6.1m BIMA antennas have a half–power flat background of order 7000 K, and relative to beam width of 13700 at 85 GHz and the first null that background the images will have patterns of is at a radius of 17000 from the center of the pri- positive and negative emission. This is seen in, mary beam (Lugten, 1995). We made images 128 e.g., high–resolution interferometer images of the pixels square with a cell size of 300 , and looked for solar chromosphere at microwave frequencies (4– flux in the inner region of the image, i.e., a circu- 22 GHz: Erskine & Kundu, 1982; Gary et al., lar region of diameter 19200 , which extends 1990; Bastian et al., 1996; Benz et al., 1997). beyond the half–power size. However, gener- ally flux in the deconvolved images is confined to Since the images are expected to have emis- within the half–power region. sion in many pixels but with relatively low con- trast, the appropriate deconvolution method is maximum entropy (“MEM”) rather than the 3.3. Snapshot imaging and BIMA “CLEAN” process usually used for high–contrast sensitivity images with small bright features (Cornwell, 1988). We attempted to use the “CLEAN” pro- One of the goals of this investigation is to look cedure but it failed to produce maps that were for oscillations in the chromospheric emission at believable, presumably because of the combina- timescales from 3 to 5 minutes, requiring imaging tion of high sidelobes (up to 50% in snapshot to be carried out on much shorter timescales, i.e., maps) and the presence of flux in just about ev- snapshot imaging. We made images at intervals ery pixel in the image. Even small amounts of flux of 15 seconds throughout the day, with each in- being redistributed by the point–source response terval including about 4 integrations. Maximum causes problems in a low–contrast image because entropy deconvolution of these snapshots without at any location you can get spurious contributions using a priori models did not produce satisfactory from pixels all across the image, whose decon- images. The reasons for this can be understood volution by “CLEAN” would require excessively as follows. When all ten antennas were operat- large numbers of “CLEAN” components and a ing (only true for a period after 21 UT), BIMA very slow “CLEAN” step. We used the maxen pro- obtained 45 complex numbers in a snapshot (one gram in the MIRIAD package for MEM decon- for each antenna pairing), so that at best an im- volution1 , allowing the program to find the total used by maxen, but also has a positivity con- 1 We compared the results from maxen straint), and UTESS (which has no positivity with the MEM deconvolution programs constraint). VTESS gave essentially the same re- in the AIPS package maintained by the sults as maxen, with the total fluxes determined National Radio Astronomical Observatory, by the two programs agreeing to within 10%, VTESS (which uses the Cornwell entropy mea- but UTESS failed to converge to a suitable so- sure rather than the Gull entropy measure lution.
White, Loukitcheva & Solanki: Millimeter Observations of the Chromosphere 7 age with about 30 distinct emission components the chromosphere are so close to one another. in it can be reconstructed (a single point source The snapshot images at the two frequencies were requires 3 pieces of information: a flux and two made independently using identical methods and position coordinates). The BIMA field of view, compared. The two images were always consistent however, contains about 400 resolution elements with one another. The noise level in the snapshot (14000 field with 1000 beam, requiring 4 samples difference maps was typically of order 0.006 solar per beam), and we expect flux to be present ev- flux units (sfu) per beam (1 sfu = 104 Jy) or 100 erywhere, unlike the case at longer wavelengths K brightness temperature (for a 1000 beam). or for flares where a few bright sources dominate. Secondly, we added model point sources of dif- Therefore a snapshot does not contain enough in- ferent fluxes to snapshot visibilities and mapped formation to reconstruct the brightness distribu- the resulting data as before. This test indicated tion completely. that model sources as weak as 0.001 sfu (17 K) We address this problem by using a priori mod- could be recovered adequately in regions of the els as default images for each snapshot. The mod- images where the flux is high, but in other regions els used are the results of deconvolving the data (regions with low flux) sources as strong as .05 sfu for each target region for the whole day. Earth ro- (800 K) could not be recovered. We present an tation synthesis then gives us enough information explanation for this behaviour later in discussing to reconstruct the brightness distribution, pro- tests of the recovery of oscillating sources. vided that it is reasonably stable over the day. At a gross level this was found to be the case, 4. Comparison of millimeter images particularly for the active region target. Using a model as a default image for deconvolution is the with other diagnostics well–discussed process of supplying a priori in- In order to provide a context for understanding formation (Cornwell & Braun, 1989). The decon- the millimeter observations, we compare them volution procedure should then only modify the with the following data: (i) a longitudinal mag- model where the snapshot data require it, i.e., netogram obtained at 19:11 UT by the Michelson only where the data contain features that are not Doppler Interferometer (MDI) on the Solar and consistent with the default model to within the Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO); (ii) a 195 Å noise level. In a sense, we are asking the deconvo- image (dominated by an Fe XII line formed in lution process to reconstruct changes in a small the corona at 1.5 × 106 K) at 19:13 UT from the number of pixels where the emission changes by Extreme–ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (EIT) on amounts that are significantly larger than the SOHO; (iii) a 304 Å EIT image at 19:19 UT dom- noise level (smaller changes are irrelevant), rather inated by the He I line formed at about 105 K; than in every pixel in the image that contains (iv) a line–center Hα image obtained by the Big flux. This approach should minimize the effects of Bear Solar Observatory (BBSO) at 19:02 UT; (v) the snapshot u, v distribution varying throughout a BBSO Ca II K line image acquired at 16:37 the day, but it complicates the issue of determin- UT; and (vi) a 17 GHz image from the Nobeyama ing the sensitivity of the method to fluctuating Radio Heliograph (NoRH) made by averaging 60 sources. This approach produced snapshot maps samples 1 minute apart covering the time range of excellent quality that clearly showed changes 23:00–23:59 UT (after sunrise in Japan) with so- with time, whereas images constructed without lar rotation removed from the brighter features. using a priori information were poor (with both Since it is close to the mid–time of the BIMA ob- CLEAN and maximum entropy deconvolution). servations, we use 19:00 UT as the reference time The tests carried out to determine the be- and all images were rotated to the common time lievable level of fluctuations in the images were for comparison. The 85 GHz images used here twofold. Firstly, images in the two sidebands at have a spatial resolution of 1000 . The 17 GHz im- 85 and 88 GHz should be essentially identical age has a spatial resolution of 1200 , while all the since the corresponding optically thick layers in optical and EUV images have resolutions of order
8 White, Loukitcheva & Solanki: Millimeter Observations of the Chromosphere 2–400 . The line–center Hα and Ca II K emissions clearly indicates a chromospheric component. In are believed to form in the chromosphere at tem- the 17 GHz image this feature has a peak bright- peratures of order 6000–8000 K. At 17 GHz the ness temperature contribution of order 15000 K solar disk has a brightness temperature of 10000 (median of order 10000 K), and if it is optically K, so this frequency is also a chromospheric di- thin bremsstrahlung from coronal material then agnostic in principle and is optically thick at a it should contribute a peak of 600 K (median 400 height above the formation levels of Hα and Ca K) to the 85 GHz image. The actual brightness II K. However, in active regions coronal material temperatures in the 85 GHz image in this region can also contribute at 17 GHz due to optically are in the range 900 (median) to 1500 K above thin bremsstrahlung from the hot plasma in coro- the sunspot level, so the optically thin coronal nal loops. Since optically thin bremsstrahlung has contribution from this feature may be partially a brightness temperature spectrum ∝ f −2 , where masked by a larger optically thick chromospheric f is frequency, the brightness temperature contri- contributions along the line of sight at 85 GHz. bution of coronal material at 85 GHz should be Comparisons of the 85 GHz and magnetic field just 4% (≈ (85/17)−2 ) of its contribution at 17 data with the Ca II K image of the region are GHz. Coalignment of target region images at dif- shown in more detail in Figure 3. In this case ferent wavelengths was based on full–disk images; the 85 GHz data and the magnetic field mea- fine coalignment was possible using the active re- surements (represented by the ± 40 G contours gion field in which the sunspot is clearly visible plotted over the Ca II K image) are from times at many different wavelengths. closer to the acquisition time of the Ca II K image (16:37 UT). In the left panel we plot a single 85 GHz contour at a brightness temperature of 500 4.1. Active region K (about 20% of the peak). This contour follows The small active region NOAA 10448 north of the outer edge of the bright Ca II K emission ex- the solar equator (Fig. 1) was the target for tremely well, and confirms the success of the 85 these observations. Images of the region at six GHz imaging. Note that there are two “holes” in- wavelengths are shown in Figure 2. The largest terior to the bright Ca II K emission of different sunspot in the region is actually at the trailing character: the hole on the left lies over the sunspot (eastern) end of the region. Clear depressions over and is prominent in the 85 GHz image, while the this sunspot are seen in all six panels: at 85 GHz, hole to the right of center lies over weak mag- this is the location of the weakest emission (the netic fields and is simply a low–activity region: zero level in the maximum entropy maps). The it is not as prominent in the 85 GHz image. The loop of bright emission encircling this sunspot in high degree of association between strong mag- the Ca II K image is essentially reproduced in netic fields and bright Ca II K emission is obvious the 85 GHz image. The Hα image shows a nar- in the right hand panel, with the obvious excep- row filament in the south of the region that is tion of the sunspots. The visual impression of a not a prominent feature at any of the other wave- high degree of correlation of the 85 GHz emission lengths. with the Ca II K emission is confirmed quanti- The brightest emission in the 17 GHz, 195 Å tatively. Within a radius of 8000 the linear cor- Ca II K and Hα images consists of a broad upright relation coefficient (Pearson’s) between the two “V” of emission north of the center of the region. images is 0.60, and the rank correlation coeffi- This feature is not conspicuously present in the 85 cient (Spearman) is 0.70, while for the magnetic GHz image, although there is certainly millimeter field strength the correlations with Ca II K are emission in its vicinity. The nature of this feature 0.44 and 0.70, respectively. We take this excellent (coronal or chromospheric) is not obvious from correlation as confirmation of the success of the the images: the 195 Å image suggests that it con- BIMA observations. Also note that these correla- sists of discrete features low in the atmosphere, tion coefficients cannot take account of temporal while its presence in the Ca II K and Hα images variations: the 85 GHz images are averages over
White, Loukitcheva & Solanki: Millimeter Observations of the Chromosphere 9 300 85 GHz 17 GHz 195 A 250 arcsec 200 150 300 Ca II K Magnetogram Hα 250 arcsec 200 150 0 50 100 150 0 50 100 150 0 50 100 150 arcsec arcsec arcsec Fig. 2. Comparison of the active region (AR) field of view at a number of wavelengths (labelled): the BIMA image at 85 GHz, the NoRH image at 17 GHz, the EIT 195 Å Fe XII image, the BBSO Ca II K image, the MDI longitudinal magnetogram and the BBSO Hα image. The 85 GHz image is of the data from the first two 30–minute scans and has been corrrected for the primary beam response and truncated in a 96 00 radius field of view, which is also imposed on the 17 GHz, 195 Å and Ca II K image. The magnetogram display range is ± 500 G, at 17 GHz the display range is 1.0 to 2.5 × 10 4 K, and at 85 GHz the display range is 0 to 2000 K (above the background disk level of order 7000 K). an 8 hour period, while the images at most of the 1000 K brighter. However, in standard chromo- other wavelengths are instantaneous snapshots. spheric models such as Vernazza et al. (1981) and Fontenla et al. (1990, 1991), we expect that the The total flux recovered in the BIMA image is 3.5 mm emission comes from somewhat higher about 5 sfu; for comparison, the BIMA primary in the atmosphere than the 0.85 mm emission, beam filled with a source at 7000 K should pro- and thus larger variations in brightness tempera- duce 77 sfu at 85 GHz. The peak flux is around .09 ture are possible. The higher spatial resolution of sfu per beam, corresponding to a brightness tem- our observations are another likely cause of the perature of order 1600 K (without primary beam higher brightness temperature contrasts. Lindsey correction). Recall that this peak brightness tem- et al. (1990) also observed sunspots at 0.85 mm perature really reflects the range in temperature and did not find them to be significantly darker from the coolest (the sunspot) to the hottest fea- than the quiet Sun level (although clearly darker ture in the image. This range is similar to that than the surrounding plage in active regions), but seen in probably the highest quality single–dish Lindsey & Kopp (1995) carried out a more ex- millimeter image, that of Bastian et al. (1993a) tensive analysis and concluded that sunspot um- with a resolution of 2100 at 0.85 mm. They ob- brae at 0.85 mm can be considerably cooler than served an active region in which a sunspot ap- the quiet Sun, as low as 4000 K (at least 2000 peared as a depression with a temperature of 6000 K cooler than the chromosphere at that wave- K, while the surrounding active region was up to
10 White, Loukitcheva & Solanki: Millimeter Observations of the Chromosphere 300 85 GHz/Ca Mag/Ca 250 arcsec 200 150 0 50 100 150 0 50 100 150 arcsec arcsec Fig. 3. Overlays of contours of the BIMA 85 GHz emission (left) and the MDI longitudinal magnetic field (right) on the BBSO Ca II K 16:37 UT image (greyscale) for the active region field of view. The millimeter contour is for the second active region scan at a brightness temperature of 500 K, while the magnetic field contour is at ± 40 G. length). The sunspot in Fig. 2 is not large enough The prominent 17 GHz depression is not evi- for us to treat the penumbra and the umbra sep- dent as a feature at any other wavelength apart arately here. from 85 GHz, where it is also the coolest loca- tion in the image, 400 K cooler than the median level in the image but 2000 K cooler than the 4.2. Quiet Sun brightest feature. The location of the depression The target for this observation was a region of at 85 GHz is not exactly the same as in the 17 diffuse coronal emission in the EIT 195 Å im- GHz image, but it is a steady feature during the age that clearly lay neither over an active region observations and since the 17 GHz image corre- nor in a coronal hole (Fig. 1). Images of the re- sponds to a period at the end of the BIMA obser- gion at six wavelengths are shown in Figure 4. vation, we are confident that they are the same This field of view is distinguished by the almost feature. Inspection of MDI data for several days complete absence of strong magnetic fields in the before and after the day of the BIMA observa- magnetogram: the largest field strength is 120 G, tion did not show any optical feature at this lo- but only 5% of the pixels shown in Fig. 4 have cation. The 17 GHz and 85 GHz images have a field strengths in excess of 20 G. The Hα image linear (Pearson’s) correlation coefficient of 0.23, is correspondingly devoid of prominent features. and a rank (Spearman) correlation coefficient of The BIMA image at 85 GHz shows a pattern of 0.19, but due to the absence of strongly mag- bright and dark features resembling the cell pat- netic features in this field of view, the degrees tern of the network, while the 17 GHz image is of correlation between the other images at dif- dominated by a depression on the east side of the ferent wavelengths are generally low. While this field of view that is 2000 K cooler than the sur- may raise questions about features in the 85 GHz rounding 10000 K disk. By contrast, the brightest images, we note that the quiet–Sun and coronal feature at 17 GHz is only 1000 K above the disk hole scans were interleaved with the active re- level. The total flux in the 85 GHz image is about gion scans during the observation and the data 4 sfu. from all three targets were processed in exactly
White, Loukitcheva & Solanki: Millimeter Observations of the Chromosphere 11 85 GHz 17 GHz 195 A 0 -50 arcsec -100 -150 Ca K Magnetogram Hα 0 -50 arcsec -100 -150 -350 -300 -250 -200 -350 -300 -250 -200 -350 -300 -250 -200 arcsec arcsec arcsec Fig. 4. Comparison of the quiet Sun (QS) field of view at a number of wavelengths in the same format as Figure 2. The magnetogram display range is ± 100 G, at 17 GHz the display range is 9000 to 10900 K, and at 85 GHz the display range is 0 to 2000 K (with correction for primary beam respose). the same way: the excellent correlation of the 85 tive polarity. 12% of the pixels in this field have GHz active–region data with other wavelengths field strengths exceeding 20 G and 5% exceed (Fig. 3) establishes that the features in the other 50 G, with a maximum field strength of 300 G. 85 GHz target regions should be valid. However, as the 195 Å image shows, the corona Gary et al. (1990) measured brightness tem- has very low density over the coronal hole. Again perature contributions of up to 15000 K from the the Hα image shows little structure but Ca K network at a wavelength of 3 cm. Bastian et al. shows significantly more bright features than did (1996) used the VLA to observe the quiet Sun at the quiet Sun region, and they are well corre- wavelengths of 2 and 1.3 cm. They determined the lated with magnetic field strength (linear correla- absolute level of emission using total power mea- tion coefficient of 64%, rank coefficient 0.35). The surements from the VLA antennas themselves, brightest features in the 85 and 17 GHz images accurate to about 20%. They found a tempera- coincide, and lie over a bright Ca K feature in the ture range of about 2000 K across their field of south-east of the field but still within the coronal view at 1.3 cm and 3000 K at 2 cm. hole. The correlation coefficients between the Ca K image and the 85 GHz image are 0.26 (linear) and 0.31 (ranked), while between Ca K and 17 4.3. Coronal hole GHz they are 0.41 (linear) and 0.42 (ranked): we The coronal hole target chosen is just to the west do not regard the difference between these corre- of disk center (Fig. 1). Images at six wavelengths lations as significant. are shown in Figure 5. In contrast to the quiet Sun Figure 6 shows overlays of contours of the 85 region, this coronal hole field contains a number GHz emission (left) and the longitudinal mag- of strong magnetic features, almost all of nega- netic field (right) on the Ca K image for the coro-
12 White, Loukitcheva & Solanki: Millimeter Observations of the Chromosphere 200 85 GHz 17 GHz 195 A 150 arcsec 100 50 200 Ca K Magnetogram Hα 150 arcsec 100 50 300 350 400 450 300 350 400 450 300 350 400 450 arcsec arcsec arcsec Fig. 5. Comparison of the coronal hole (CH) field of view at a number of wavelengths in the same format as Figure 2. The magnetogram display range is ± 300 G, at 17 GHz the display range is 8500 to 12500 K, and at 85 GHz the display range is 0 to 2000 K (with correction for the primary beam response). 200 85 GHz/Ca Mag/Ca 150 arcsec 100 50 300 350 400 450 300 350 400 450 arcsec arcsec Fig. 6. Overlays of contours of the BIMA 85 GHz emission (left) and the MDI longitudinal magnetic field (right) on the BBSO 16:37 UT Ca II K image (greyscale) for the coronal hole field of view. The millimeter contour is for the second active region scan at a brightness temperature of 600 K, while the magnetic field contour is at ± 40 G.
White, Loukitcheva & Solanki: Millimeter Observations of the Chromosphere 13 0.015 nal hole field. This overlay again emphasizes the general agreement between the 85 GHz morphol- 0.010 ogy and the Ca K morphology (consistent with 0.005 the fact that the ranked correlation coefficient of Flux (sfu) the two images is larger than the linear correla- 0.000 tion coefficient). The boundary of the bright 85 -0.005 GHz emission matches the bright features in the Ca II K image very well. The ranked correlation -0.010 coefficient between the magnetic field image and -0.015 the Ca II K image is 0.35, very similar to that 0.015 between Ca II K and the 85 GHz image. There 0.010 are no deep depressions in the radio images of 0.005 this field. The total flux in the 85 GHz image is Flux (sfu) about 4.9 sfu (not corrected for primary beam 0.000 response), with a peak flux of order 0.10 sfu per -0.005 beam corresponding to a brightness temperature range of 1700 K. -0.010 -0.015 5. Sensitivity of millimeter 0 500 1000 1500 Time (s) interferometer data to oscillations Fig. 7. Comparison of the recovery of the flux of the A motivation for observing the solar chromo- test oscillating source in two cases. In each panel the sphere with a millimeter–wavelength interferom- plus symbols are the fluxes recovered by fitting the eter is to be able to make images with high spa- difference between the deconvolved image with the tial resolution at high time resolution and thus to test source and the deconvolved image without it, look for wave power. Due to the unusual way in while the solid line represents the flux of the oscil- which the snapshot BIMA images have to be de- lating test source. The upper panel shows the results rived (i.e., maximum entropy deconvolution with for a 290 s oscillation with an amplitude of 0.012 sfu a default image based on the average over the located in a region of low flux, while the lower panel whole time period), in a search for wave power shows the results for a 185 s oscillation of amplitude it is important to understand the sensitivity of 0.008 in a region of higher flux. the imaging technique to waves. In section 2 we briefly described tests of the sensitivity of the im- we made the test somewhat more complex by ages to changes. In this section we specifically test adding two point sources at a time, one with a pe- for the ability to recover oscillations. riod of 290 s (five–minute oscillation) and an am- The tests were carried out as follows. The ac- plitude of 0.012 sfu that was 15% of the maximum tual sequence of visibility data for a given tar- in the mean image, and the other with a period of get was modified by the addition of point sources 185 s (three–minute oscillation) and an amplitude whose amplitude varied sinusoidally in time (us- of 0.008 sfu that was just 10% of the maximum ing the MIRIAD task uvmod). The data with in the mean image. In the images these point test and without the test source were then processed sources should appear as 1000 features with bright- identically, as described above: dirty maps were ness temperature amplitudes of 200 and 135 K, inverted from the visibilities and deconvolution respectively. Seven different test sequences were was carried out using maximum entropy with a run, each consisting of 118 integrations 15 s apart default image. The final maps without the test using the second scan of the quiet–Sun target re- source (i.e., the original BIMA data) were then gion, with the two sources in different locations subtracted from the corresponding maps made each time. In each case, Gaussian fits to the dif- with data including the test source. In practice, ference images were made at the known locations
14 White, Loukitcheva & Solanki: Millimeter Observations of the Chromosphere of the test sources, limiting the size of the fit- We also plot values for two other comparisons: ted source to be no bigger than about twice the in a given test we can create the above product restoring beam size. using the “wrong” test source fluxes, i.e., mul- The nature of the results can be seen in Figure tiplying the measured fluxes at the location of 7, where we compare the resulting light curves the 290 s source with the model fluxes for the for one of the best recovered oscillations (lower 185 s source, and vice–versa. These two quanti- panel, 185 s period) and one of the worst (upper ties should be out of phase and thus on average panel, 290 s period) with the input test source cancel out: the triangle symbols in the right panel fluxes. Even in the poorer case, the oscillation is represent this quantity and show that this is in- clearly seen, while in the lower panel the agree- deed the case. Secondly, to investigate whether ment between the input fluxes and the recovered flux that is not recovered at the location of the fluxes is extremely good. However, the fits al- test source is spread out over the rest of the map, ways recovered sources that were spatially more we measured fluxes at the location marked by the extended than the model point source, indicat- square in the left panel of Fig. 8. This location has ing that maximum entropy deconvolution did not a mean flux that is 20% of the maximum in the have enough information in the data to get the average map. The squares in the right panel of source dimensions correct. The recovered source Fig. 8 show the “fraction of the model flux recov- dimensions were small in cases where the oscil- ered” at this location, i.e., the sums defined above lations were well recovered but much broader in where the Si values are measured at this location, cases of poor recovery. In some cases the decon- for both the 290 s and 185 s test source Ti values. volved test source did not resemble the model at This quantity is zero in the cases where the test all: for example, the test source located in the cir- source was well recovered, but can be quite large cular depression centered at coordinates (-23300 , - and often negative in the cases of poor recovery, 5300 ) produced flux in the deconvolved maps that suggesting that indeed the flux of the oscillating appeared in the bright ring surrounding the de- source can be redistributed over the image, but pression rather than in the depression itself, con- often out of phase, when the oscillation is located sistent with poor flux recovery at low flux values. in a region of low mean flux. In Figure 8 we present a summary of the overall The pattern in the upper panel of Fig. 7 ac- test. In the left panel we show the locations of the tually suggests a reason for the poor recovery of test sources overlaid on the mean image for the test source flux at locations of low flux in the period being considered. On the right panel we mean map. There is an asymmetry in the recovery plot the fraction of the oscillation recovered (en- of the positive and negative values of the model circled plus symbols) as a function of the flux at source: the positive values in general seem to be the location of the test source in the average map. better recovered. This may be related to the pos- The fraction of the oscillation recovered here is itivity constraint of the maximum entropy algo- P P defined as the quantity ( i Si Ti )/( i Ti2 ), where rithm used here: if the test source location be- Si are the measured fluxes from the Gaussian comes more negative than the rest of the field, fits to the difference images and Ti are the in- then in order for it to be recovered while the pos- put fluxes of the test source at that location; this itivity constraint is satisfied, all other pixels in the quantity is unity for perfect recovery of the model image need to have their flux values increased. In fluxes, Si = Ti , but if the Si measurements do this case recovery of the model requires changes in not correlate with the Ti values the product will many pixels to be correctly tracked by the decon- be zero. The results are in agreement with the volution within the finite number of iterations of earlier tests: at locations where the mean flux is maximum entropy deconvolution typically chosen high the test source is recovered extremely well, to reach a stable result within a reasonable time. whereas at locations with low mean fluxes recov- By contrast, in the case where the test flux is ery can be quite poor (although in no case do we positive or the underlying flux is quite large, the fail to see the test source at all). deconvolved image will only show changes at the
White, Loukitcheva & Solanki: Millimeter Observations of the Chromosphere 15 50 Oscillating fraction recovered 1.0 0 -50 0.5 arcsec -100 0.0 -150 -0.5 -350 -300 -250 -200 -150 0 5 10 15 20 arcsec Mean flux Fig. 8. Tests of the recovery of oscillating test sources in the BIMA observations. The left panel indicates 14 locations (black plus symbols surrounded by white circle) where oscillating sources were placed in seven separate simulations (two sources per simulation, one with a 290 s period and the other with a 185 s period) of the second scan of the quiet Sun (average image shown). The right panel shows the fraction of the test P source flux recovered for each of the 14 sources (plus symbols surrounded by circles), defined as ( i Si Ti ) P 2 /( i Ti ) where Si are the recovered flux values and Ti are the input test source fluxes, so that a value of 1.0 corresponds to perfect recovery of the input source. For comparison, the triangles are the same quantity for the 14 locations but swapping the 185 s and the 290 s test fluxes: the S i and Ti values then should be out of phase with each other and cancel, as is found. The squares represent the same quantity but for the location marked by a square in the left panel, where no test source was located: in each of the seven tests we extracted the light curve at this location and constructed the product above for both the 290 s and 185 s oscillations, resulting in the 14 values plotted. In each case the square symbol is plotted underneath the corresponding test source product. location of the test source and relatively few pix- but the test sources used here represent only a els need to be changed, presumably making for a small fraction of the total flux present (in these simpler deconvolution problem. tests, the two sources total about 0.5% of the 4 From these tests, we conclude that individual sfu of flux in the deconvolved images), so the re- oscillating sources can indeed be recovered down sults do indicate that quite small levels of oscil- to quite low amplitudes (certainly less than 10% lation power can be detected with the technique of the contrast in the image, i.e., of order 100 K) described. using the mapping technique for BIMA data ap- However, if oscillation power is present every- plied here, provided that they lie in regions where where in the image simultaneously then the lim- the mean flux is not too low. It seems plausible ited number of baselines available to make the that heating power should predominantly lie in snapshot images will limit our ability to recon- regions where the mean flux is higher since we struct oscillation power in many resolution ele- expect that regions of strong heating are likely ments simultaneously. We have carried out a test to be bright in the BIMA images. These tests do in which 8 model point sources are added to the not, of course, truly represent the likely appear- visibility data for a single snapshot at random lo- ance of oscillation power in the millimeter images, cations and then the resulting snapshot data are
16 White, Loukitcheva & Solanki: Millimeter Observations of the Chromosphere deconvolved using the same default model as be- parison with models is presented in a com- fore. As expected based on the arguments given panion paper by Loukitcheva et al. (2005). above, we find that some of the sources are well recovered in the deconvolved map, while those lo- 6.1. Analysis Technique cated in regions of weak flux are not and their flux appears redistributed, spread as diffuse emission After the procedures of image restoration and across other brighter locations in the image. On elimination of poorer data we are left with nine this basis, we argue that oscillation power present uninterrupted 30–minute sequences of snapshot in the target region does not seem to be lost by images (in units of brightness temperature): 3 the deconvolution approach we adopt here, but successive quiet-Sun scans (QS2, QS3, QS4), 3 it may not appear in the correct location since active region scans (AR2, AR3, AR4) and 3 the tests indicate that power located in regions of coronal hole scans (CH1, CH2, CH4). All im- low flux may not be accurately recovered. Bright ages were corrected for the primary beam re- oscillating sources in locations of steady bright sponse and truncated in a 7200 radius field of view. emission, on the other hand, may be well repre- For the analysis of the radio oscillations we em- sented in the final maps. This is a limitation of ployed two standard techniques: Fourier power the technique we employ (the only technique we spectra, and wavelet transforms. Comparison found which produced satisfactory results, lim- of results from two independent techniques ited by the small number of antennas in the ar- gives us more confidence in our conclu- ray and the low–contrast nature of the bright- sions. Power spectra were obtained by applying ness distribution), and better results will require the Fast Fourier Transform algorithm including images from an interferometer with many more a 10% cosine apodisation. Before processing, the elements, such as the Atacama Large Millimeter long term evolution in each pixel was removed Array (ALMA). We briefly investigate what oscil- by subtracting a third order polynomial fit to the lation properties the BIMA image sequences dis- brightness temperature time series. No other fil- play in the following section. tering was carried out in order to preserve the original oscillatory power. The statistical signif- icance of the oscillations for individual and spa- 6. Oscillation power in the millimeter tially averaged time series was estimated using the prescription of Groth (1975), depending on images the level of the (white) noise in the power spec- Based on the analysis given in the pre- tra. (The actual noise characteristics are difficult ceding section, we expect that if the os- to assess given the complex processing undergone cillation power is dominated by a small by the data, but for simplicity we will proceed number of features located in regions of as if white noise is the appropriate assumption.) bright emission then it should be well rep- Only power above the 99% significance level was resented by these data, but if significant considered significant. oscillation power resides in locations that The Nyquist frequency of the image sequences are faint in the daily average image used is 33 mHz, corresponding to a period of 30 sec- as a model for the time–dependent analy- onds, and due to the discrete sampling any pe- sis then it is likely to be redistributed into riod in the signal shorter than 30 seconds will regions of bright emission and contaminate be aliased. The duration of the significant oscil- the oscillation spectra there. In this sec- lations as well as the evolution of their periods tion we investigate the oscillation proper- were studied by means of a wavelet analysis. As a ties shown by these data using standard mother wavelet we use the complex valued Morlet analysis approaches, bearing in mind the wavelet that consists of a plane wave modulated limitations imposed by the deconvolution by a Gaussian. For the wavenumber k, which method. A more detailed analysis and com- describes the number of oscillations within the
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