HEILICHER - Heilicher Jewish Day School

Page created by Sara Cortez
HEILICHER - Heilicher Jewish Day School
S’TAV 5782 • FALL 2021


HEILICHER                                              MAGAZINE

                                         Strength to Strength:
                                      Where We Go From Here
                                                   What’s Next for Heilicher
                                         Aimee Orkin’s Sabbatical Reflections
                                               Record-Breaking Fundraising

 Enduring Values • Extraordinary Education
HEILICHER - Heilicher Jewish Day School
Dear Heilicher Families & Friends,

                              A         s we emerge from the worst of the COVID-19 pandemic, my heart is
                                        filled with awe and gratitude for how this school community rallied to
                                        get us to this point. The creativity and resilience of our teachers ensured
                              that students received a top-quality education despite challenges posed by the
                              pandemic. Our administrators showed great flexibility and care as they helped
                              teachers and families navigate the unknown. Families worked in so many important

    From the                  ways to support the school and each other. Our students delighted us with their
                              smiles (we could still see them under their masks) and unwavering enthusiasm for
                              learning and friendships. Kol HaKavod (All the respect)! What a year!

      Acting                  So what’s next? I’m excited to share my plans for the coming school year in my
                              new role as Acting Head of School (page 4). It’s also a pleasure to introduce you

     Head of
                              to my new educational leadership partner Dr. David Ackerman, who joined us
                              this summer as the Director of Jewish Living and Learning (facing page). David’s
                              expertise and fresh perspective have already made a meaningful impact on our

      School                  plans for a robust year of Jewish Studies.

                              We welcome the leadership of Robyn Schein, a Heilicher parent and volunteer
                              leader for many years, who is now Board President (page 5). One critical initiative
                              we’re pursuing is a year-long examination of racial justice, inclusion, and diversity
                              as we confront our personal biases and our institutional ones. We as a staff are
                              working on this with consultant Joelle Allen, CEO of Interaction Traction Inc., and
                              look forward to involving parents and students in the work as it progresses (page 6).

                              Our theme for this issue is “Strength to Strength,” and one measure of our strength
                              is financial health. We are grateful to announce record-breaking fundraising totals
                              this year that helped sustain us through a most challenging time. We’d like to keep
                              that momentum going with our Annual Benefit on October 10 as we honor Stacy
                              Pinck and Brad Birnberg, and Jill and Jon Halper, for their dedicated service to
                              Heilicher (page 15). Please join us!

                              May the Jewish New Year 5782 bring you and your families good health, happiness,
                              and strength.

                              L’shanah tovah,

                              Maia Poling, Acting Head of School

Cover photo courtesy of
Jeffrey Schmieg Photography

HEILICHER - Heilicher Jewish Day School
Meet David Ackerman, Director of Jewish Living and Learning

In May, we sat down with our new            honestly, just sitting at the dining room
Director of Jewish Living and Learning,     table. My father (z”l) was a renowned
Dr. David Ackerman.                         Jewish educator and camp director.
                                            My mother (z”l) was a psychiatric social
David recently relocated to Minneapolis     worker by profession and was the “camp
from New Jersey, where he was Director      mom” (yes, that was an official title!).
of JCC Association’s Mandel Center for      Family dinners were analogous to a
Jewish Education. He brings a strong        master class on Jewish education. Israel
background in Jewish school leadership,     was another formative influence. I grew
having served as the Educational Director   up in a Zionist home and lived in Israel
of a comprehensive synagogue school         in 11th grade when my father was on
system in Los Angeles, the Associate        sabbatical. After the outbreak of the
Dean of the Fingerhut School of             1973 war, I left college temporarily and
Education at the University of Judaism,     went to Israel to work as a volunteer
and the Director of Educational Services    on Kibbutz Nirim.
for the Bureau of Jewish Education of
Greater Los Angeles. He holds a doctorate   What aspects of Heilicher’s
in special education.                                                                   Dr. David Ackerman
                                            Jewish Studies program will
                                            you focus on first?
What are you most looking                                                               What do you like to do in
                                            I’m excited about Israel education. Also,
forward to in your new role?                                                            your spare time?
                                            I have spent a lot of time thinking about
I’m excited about the opportunity           t’filah (prayer/worship) and why it can     My primary hobby is music. I play
to help young people tackle the big         be such a struggle. I am interested in      guitar, mandolin, and Baroque recorder.
questions they have about navigating        children’s spiritual development. How       I specialize in Yiddish folk music,
life in the 21st century. I look forward    can we nurture that in a world hungry       Klezmer music, and Israeli folk songs.
to introducing them to the ways Jews        for meaning but often unwilling to          I love to cycle and enjoy photography
have both asked and answered those          explore tough topics?                       and baking: I’ve been working my way
questions over the centuries. It is                                                     through the Jewish canon of babka,
exciting to help people feel rooted in a    I have read a great deal these past few     rugelach, mandelbrot, and strudel
tradition while taking on responsibility    years about text learning in Jewish         throughout COVID!
for contributing to the evolution and       life. How can we help people not only
continued vibrancy of that tradition.       engage with the text but also develop       What are you most excited
                                            a sense of ownership and feel this text     about in Minnesota?
I look forward to bringing my “fresh        is theirs? How can text study help          I am most excited about the adventure
eyes” to the work the school has            young people see themselves as active       of coming to a new place, making
underway and to experiencing different      participants in the ongoing story of the    new friends, and establishing a new
ways of doing things I might not            Jewish people?                              community for myself.
have considered before. I’m eager to
bring what I can offer based on my
                                            Can you tell us a little bit
background and experience but also to
                                            about your family?                          David looks forward to meeting
see what I can learn from Heilicher and
the Minneapolis community.                  I have three grown children—Adina,          Heilicher families and can be reached
                                            Benja, and Aaron. Adina lives in            at dackerman@hmjds.org.
                                            Durango, Colorado, with her husband,
What were your most
                                            Sean, and their two daughters, Eleanor
meaningful personal Jewish
                                            and Ruby. Benja lives in Los Angeles
educational experiences?                    and works in design and sales. Aaron is
My most important influences were           a human-factors cognitive researcher
Jewish summer camp (Camp Yavneh             who lives in Concord, California (San
and Camp Ramah in California) and,          Francisco Bay Area) with his wife, Lynn.

                                                                                                                  hmjds.org | 3
HEILICHER - Heilicher Jewish Day School
Cover Story

Moving Ahead Strength to Strength

BY MAIA POLING                                 will examine how each curriculum                    Finally, last year we learned how to rely
                                               is applied and offer training on best               on our Heilicher Core Values as our
                     Now that we’re            practices and innovative approaches                 north star. Kol Yisrael Arevim Zeh B’Zeh,
                     moving into a more        to reach every student. An enrichment               we are all responsible for one another,
                     “normal” school           specialist will create engaging and                 was a guiding principle of school
                     year at Heilicher, it’s   challenging programs as enhancements                leadership through the pandemic. It
                     exciting to examine       to the curriculum for students who                  was a marvel to watch our Heilicher
                     the opportunities in      would benefit from them. Our goal is                teachers, students, administrators,
                     front of us. We don’t     to provide proper supports for each                 families, and community members care
                     have a road map for       student’s successful academic and social            for one another.
                     how a day school          journey through eighth grade.
                     reemerges from a                                                              To this value I would add one more:
                     global pandemic.          After quarantine and online preschool,              Lo Alecha, it is not entirely upon you.
Maia Poling          I wish we did! As         we foresee that our incoming                        During the past 18 months, we had to
                     much as we might          kindergarten class may have an                      let go of our best laid plans, time-tested
want to return to the way it used to be,       unusually wide range of abilities,                  class projects, and some of our favorite
that’s neither possible nor advisable.         experiences, and social-emotional                   pastimes. Some of us may have lost
We’ve learned so much this past year           needs. To ensure each kindergartener’s              family members. In the letting go, we
and a half, and we need to apply those         success, we are pioneering a K-Plus                 grieved, but, hopefully, we were also able
lessons toward building the school’s           model at Heilicher. K-Plus provides                 to embrace some welcome surprises—
future. So, what were the lessons and          one additional kindergarten teacher                 the joy of seeing a friend after a long
how are we going to apply them?                (not assistant teacher) for General                 period of separation, the wonders of the
                                               Studies. K-Plus allows for better                   outdoors, and special family bonds. We
The pandemic allowed us to rediscover          differentiation for each learner,                   are taking bold steps forward—together.
how valuable our teachers are. In my           more small group activities, and                    I have 100% confidence in the Heilicher
view, a school is only as strong as its        added enhancement and support                       team to press forward from a position of
faculty, and we are so fortunate to            opportunities for our youngest students.            strength into what’s next.
have such a strong faculty at Heilicher.
Moving forward, we’re doubling down
on professional development (PD),
which we necessarily put on hold for
the most part during the pandemic.
Investment in the ongoing development
of our teachers and their craft is
essential to our mission.

We have come to realize that the
transition from pandemic life will not
be an easy road for some students. Our
knowledge of students’ neurodiversity is
growing. With this in mind, we created
new faculty positions and programs to
address these emerging needs.

Through PD and our Student Services
Department, we are committed to
creating classroom environments that
support all types of learners. Two new
teacher leadership roles will support
teachers and students in providing the
best academic experience possible.
An instructional curricular coach              Maia shares reading time with incoming third grader Annie B.

HEILICHER - Heilicher Jewish Day School
Q&A With Heilicher Board
                                                 President Robyn Schein
Maia Poling is Acting Head of School,                                       Robyn Schein,      Looking five years ahead,
a position she feels lucky to hold. “I am                                   philanthropy       what would you like Heilicher
grateful for the community’s trust in me                                    professional,      to look like?
and for the fantastic team I’m privileged                                   mom of three
                                                                                               I don’t have a crystal ball, but in my
to call my colleagues and my friends,”                                      Heilicher
                                                                                               ideal 2026, Heilicher would:
she shared.                                                                 students, and
                                                                                               • Be continuing on the path toward
Maia and her family (and dog Bowie)                                                               financial sustainability.
                                                                            member of
live in Southwest Minneapolis. They                                                            • See an increase in enrollment.
                                                                            the Heilicher
enjoy spending time in the backyard,                                                           • Have more robust involvement and
                                                                            Board of
playing football at the Rose Garden,                                                              engagement of parents in the school.
biking, swimming, and anything                                                                 • Continue to deliver on the product of
                                                 Robyn Schein               became
Wisconsin sports related.                                                                         an excellent education.
                                                                                               • Be viewed as an enduring
                                                 president in July. We caught up with her
                                                                                                  community asset.
                                                 to find out about her aspirations for the
                                                 day school.
                                                                                               What’s something that you
                                                                                               think you’ll always remember
                                                 What excites you most
                                                                                               about Heilicher even long
                                                 about this new role?
                                                                                               after your children graduate?
                                                 I’m most excited to be moving out of
                                                                                               Each of my three kids is a distinct
                                                 COVID-19. Through lots of hard work and
                                                                                               learner. I’ve loved and been grateful that
                                                 dedication, Heilicher was able to thrive
                                                                                               the school meets each of them where
                                                 over the last 18 months, and we have
                                                                                               they are. They each get the attention,
                                                 done a great job in a difficult situation.
                                                                                               pedagogy, and approach that works best
                                                 It’s an exciting time to think about what
                                                                                               for them. The teachers have also helped
                                                 we learned over this period of crisis and
                                                                                               me as a parent to see their strengths
                                                 to now be able to say intentionally, “What
                                                                                               and differences and to adapt how to
                                                 do we want to accomplish?”
                                                                                               support them at home. I am so grateful
                                                                                               the teachers have seen my kids for the
                                                 What are some of your                         individuals that they are.
                                                 priorities over the next
                                                 two years?                                    Anything else you’d like
                                                 At this moment, we have a chance to           to share with the Heilicher
                                                 take stock and consider the future we         community?
                                                 want to create for Heilicher. Some of the
                                                                                               I take this leadership opportunity
                                                 things I’m thinking about are:
                                                                                               seriously, and I hold the role with a
                                                 • Navigating change as we are coming
                                                                                               lot of honor. This is an indisputably
                                                    out of the pandemic and experiencing
                                                                                               unique and challenging period of time,
                                                    school leadership transition.
                                                                                               yet I am confident that my kids are in
                                                 • The school’s organizational work
Maia, her husband, Patrick, and their sons,                                                    the right school, getting a values-based
Otto (7) and Adrian (10), pose in the sun on a      around diversity, equity, and inclusion.
                                                                                               education within a Jewish context. Their
family trip to Arizona.                          • Reenergizing our endowment
                                                                                               Heilicher education will help them
                                                    campaign to ensure the financial
                                                                                               navigate and make positive changes in
                                                    sustainability of the school.
                                                                                               this wild world. I believe strongly in the
                                                 • Volunteer roles and how can we make
                                                                                               school’s ability to do this, and I want to
                                                    them meaningful and impactful.
                                                                                               help ensure that future generations of
                                                 • Taking time to hear from our
                                                                                               Heilicher students will be able to benefit
                                                    stakeholders and families. What do they
                                                                                               from our hard work today.
                                                    care about? What do they hope for?

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HEILICHER - Heilicher Jewish Day School

A Deep Examination of
Diversity and Inclusion
                            Heilicher is
                            embarking on a
                            examination of
                            diversity and
                            inclusion guided
                            by consultant
                            Joelle Allen, CEO
                            of Interaction
                            Traction Inc. Joelle
                            has spent her career
                            educating and
Joelle Allen
                            coaching on diversity
                            and inclusion to
businesses and nonprofits. She has worked with
scores of organizations, both in the Twin Cities
and throughout the country.

“It’s an honor to be able to help Heilicher
kick-start and develop new goals for diversity
and inclusion,” said Joelle. “It will be wonderful
to see what positive changes will be catalyzed
by this work.”

Over the course of this year, the faculty, staff,
and board will delve into issues of diversity and
inclusion and formulate goals. As a first step,
Joelle will guide our faculty and staff through
a school-focused Intercultural Development
Inventory (IDI), which is a tool to provide
insights on how people make sense of cultural
differences and also how they respond to them.

The results will help Heilicher identify and
implement school-wide goals for progress
in this area and will guide the school in
furthering diversity education for the Heilicher
community. Areas of focus may include racial
literacy, microaggressions, integrating diversity
into the curriculum, external messaging, and
inclusive leadership.

“Building a truly inclusive school requires a
deep dive into our personal and institutional
biases,” said Acting Head of School Maia Poling.
“We are fortunate to have Joelle to help us in
our ongoing work toward becoming a more
welcoming community.”

HEILICHER - Heilicher Jewish Day School
Heilicher Highlights
Our 2020-21 faculty and staff gather following the last day of school to
celebrate staff milestones and wrap up the school year together.

Orly R-S shows her beautiful talit, which she created for her Bat Mitzvah.
Sixth graders create talitot (prayer shawls) and other ritual objects using
batik technique.
Fifth graders enjoy biking to get ice cream together as a special treat for
the last week of school.
Iris M. and other second graders engineer boats to learn about buoyancy
as part of their science unit on properties of materials.

In honor of Earth Day, sixth graders have an outdoor adventure around
Cedar Lake.
First grader Na’amah S-R works on clay Judaica creations in Art class.
Matthew D. takes part in an eighth-grade challenge to design and build a
thermos that could keep water warm for 30 minutes—part of the study of
thermal energy and heat transfer.
First grader Louie H. shares his artwork based on Heilicher values: “You
can be nice by being helpful.”

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HEILICHER - Heilicher Jewish Day School
Amazing Alumni

Everything Clicks for Adam Ward

                                          “Brick x Brick,” with how-to instructions   Helen Siegel (who retired as Associate
                                          for building a wide variety of practical,   Head of School in 2017), and Elly Becker
                                          creative, and decorative LEGO items.        (a long-time faculty member who retired
                                          This highly popular show ran for four       in 2018). Not surprisingly, he also recalls
                                          years and confirmed what Adam knew          having fun in the art room—and always
                                          to be true—LEGO can be a great outlet       making a mess!
                                          for people of all ages.
                                                                                      One of Adam’s core beliefs is that
                                          In December 2020, Adam released his         whatever we need, we have around us.
                                          first book, Brick x Brick: How to Build     Growing up, there was no such thing
                                          Amazing Things with 100-ish Bricks          as a LEGO Ninja Turtle, so Adam had
                                          or Fewer (Penguin Randomhouse).             to create one! “Creative people do not
                                          This book gives children and adults         believe in object fixedness,” said Adam.
                                          instructions for fun LEGO builds            “Instead, creative people will see many
                                          and crafts, along with trivia, micro-       different uses for an object. LEGO allows
Adam Ward                                 challenges, and advice to boost             us to see items as possibilities. The past
Kids everywhere love to play with         people’s creative confidence. Adam          1.5 years has taught us that pivoting and
LEGO® bricks, as they are among the       also continues to create and sell larger    ‘making magic’ with what we have is the
most popular and enduring toys. Adam      structures and artwork out of LEGO          best way to maintain sanity, and LEGO is
Ward, who attended Heilicher in the       bricks and works with the LEGO              the perfect vehicle for doing that.”
early 1990s through fifth grade, has      company on a variety of content and
made a whole career out of LEGO,          promotions, including for the show          Adam and his wife, Stacey, live in Los
inspiring a new generation of youth and   “LEGO Masters,” where teams compete         Angeles with their two rad daughters,
adults to build, create, and explore.     to build the best LEGO projects.            Plum and Storey. To see more of
                                                                                      Adam’s work, visit his website
Adam first became interested in LEGO      Reflecting on his Heilicher experience,     www.peaceandbricks.com and follow
at the age of two, and the interlocking   Adam said that he felt very special there   him on Instagram at @peaceandbricks.
building blocks continued to be a         and has particularly fond memories of
passion for him throughout childhood.
After mostly taking a break from LEGO
during high school and college, Adam
reconnected with it in his mid-20s
while living as an actor and writer in
Los Angeles and seeking to decorate his
apartment. He used his childhood LEGO
to build practical items for his home,
including bedside tables, coasters, and
lamps. Adam quickly realized that
LEGO bricks were not only useful but a
great outlet for his tremendous energy
and creativity.

Adam began posting his creations
online, and, fueled by a Kickstarter
campaign, he soon launched an online
business, Adam Builds (now called
Peace + Bricks). Through his business,
Adam customized and built special-
order household items from LEGO. In
2015, Adam launched a video series,

HEILICHER - Heilicher Jewish Day School
Mazal tov and l’hitraot (until we see you again)
to the Heilicher graduating class of 2021

A few parting words excerpted from
eighth-grade graduation essays:                                     Heilicher Class of 2017 alumni are
“When I first walked through the Heilicher halls at the
                                                                    taking their next steps at these colleges,
beginning of first grade, I was nervous, I didn’t know anyone,
                                                                    universities, and other experiences this
and didn’t have any friends. The class brought me into their
                                                                    fall. Mazal tov!
community and they became my family.”                               • Carleton College
                                                      —Dahlia H.    • Fashion Institute of Technology
“From reading with Ms. Ziessman in kindergarten to talking          • Gap Year/Johns Hopkins University
about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict with Wendy [this year],      • Indiana University
you helped me learn, inform, and grow as a student. This is         • Lewis & Clark College
something I am grateful for, and I wouldn’t be here today           • Minnesota State University–Moorehead
without all of my teachers.”
                                                       —Micah S.    • Olin Business School at
                                                                       Washington University in St. Louis
“Heilicher has not only taught me about the core value of ‘Get      • Rice University
yourself a mentor and make yourself a friend,’ but it has also
                                                                    • Southeast Missouri State University
taught me about what it truly means to be a mentor and a
friend to other people.”                                            • University of California–Los Angeles
                                                       —Sarah T.    • University of Kansas
“I am very grateful to Heilicher for giving me the confidence       • University of Miami
to be able to move on to the next [step]—high school—stronger       • University of Minnesota–Twin Cities
than ever. Thank you.”                                              • University of Wisconsin–Madison
                                                         —Josh F.
                                                                    • Vanderbilt University
“Probably what this school does best is accepting everybody         • Wellesley College
for who they are.”
                                                       —Jack S.     Listings are those known by Heilicher at the
                                                                    time of publication.

                                                                                                                   hmjds.org | 9
HEILICHER - Heilicher Jewish Day School
Faculty Spotlight

My Life-Changing Sabbatical

BY AIMEE ORKIN                                 I received a Schochet Family Jewish                  me to take a deep dive into my own
                                               Educator Grant to travel to Israel during            spirituality and artistic development.
                     The idea of a             my sabbatical and had an artist residency            I returned fresh and energized to take
                     sabbatical year           at the Kol HaOt art gallery in the Hutzot            my craft to a new level and to bring my
                     emerged through           HaYotzer (Artists’ Colony) located                   learnings back to Heilicher. Despite the
                     my participation in       outside the gates of Jerusalem’s Old City.           emergence of the pandemic, I was able
                     a national Jewish         I continued to work with mentors David               to develop new facets of the Heilicher
                     day school teacher        Moss and Rabbi Matt Berkowitz and also               art curriculum incorporating Hebrew
                     institute for the         studied with a Hebrew calligrapher and a             calligraphy, Judaic art, and visual prayer.
                     arts conference           rabbinic student teacher.
                     in 2017-2019                                                                   I’m ever grateful to the Heilicher
                     generously funded         Before I left for Jerusalem, I led a                 community for their investment in
                     by an anonymous           collaborative art project resulting in an            my development, and I look foward
Aimee Orkin          foundation. The           “Interfaith Prayer Wall,” a 6-by-9-foot              to continuing to share my experiences
institute showcased high-level curricula       canvas featuring original artwork by                 and nurture my students’ creativity
integrating Judaic Studies and Art. I          18 women artists of Jewish, Christian,               into the future.
met so many inspirational artists and          and Muslim faiths. The backdrop
teachers there, including Judaic artists       features architectural forms reminiscent
David Moss and Rabbi Matt Berkowitz,           of important prayer walls from three
who motivated me to more deeply                major world religions. Especially in this
examine my own teaching methods and            time of religious and political strife, I
Judaic art practice.                           wanted to create art that reminds us of
                                               our human connections and common
With more than 25 years of teaching            hopes for the future.
and Judaic art making under my belt, I
approached Heilicher administration            The “Interfaith Prayer Wall” was first
with the idea of taking some time off from     exhibited at the Kol HaOt gallery and
my classroom to pursue Judaic Studies          is part of the Visual Prayer exhibit
and art in new ways. The sabbatical,           currently at the Wilson Library. This
which I took in 2019-2020, gave me the         wall has been reserved already for three
time to study Hebrew and prayer, travel        more installations with interactive
to Israel, work with a variety of mentors,     projects to build interfaith bonds
and create new art collaborations.             through the arts. I hope to bring those
                                               interfaith connections back to Heilicher
During this time, I studied prayer with        in the coming years.
Rabbi Debra Rappaport and Rabbi                                                                     Aimee stands with Israeli artist and mentor
                                               The sabbatical broadened my artistic                 Hannah Yakin (second from left) and other gallery
Arielle Lekach-Rosenberg of Shir Tikvah                                                             visitors in front of Aimee’s "Judaic Prayer Wall."
and Lon Rosenfield from Adath Jeshurun         and pedagogic circles and allowed
and other local scholars. I led workshops
                                                                                                                   Another project that came
and created an art exhibit on the theme
                                                                                                                   to fruition during Aimee’s
of Visual Prayer with my Interfaith Artist                                                                         sabbatical was a website for
Circle. The exhibit has toured online                                                                              her Interfaith Artist Circle
and in person and is displayed at the                                                                              (www.interfaithartistcircle.
University of Minnesota Wilson Library                                                                             com) designed by Heilicher
(through October 1, 2021) and then                                                                                 alumna Shoshana (Rosie)
will be shown at St. Thomas More                                                                                   Mann. You can view Aimee’s
                                                                                                                   Judaic art, and that of women
Catholic Church and School in St. Paul.
                                                                                                                   artists from multiple faiths,
You can see the exhibit online through                                                                             on the website.
the University of Minnesota and the
Jay Phillips Centers for Interreligious                                                                            For more photos and videos
Studies and Interfaith Learning at the         On the first day Kol HaOt exhibited the “Interfaith Prayer Wall,”   from Aimee’s sabbatical,
                                               several Arab college students from East Jerusalem visited and       please visit the Heilicher Blog
University of St. Thomas and Saint John’s      enjoyed the Islamic-inspired imagery. They returned the next day    on hmjds.org.
University, respectively, at bit.ly/3tgoIys.   with more of their family members.
Family Welcome

Get To Know the Silvers

When Alicia Silver (née Gedan) and
her husband Brady began looking
for a school for their elder son Edan,
they searched for robust academics,
great teachers, and a supportive
community. They had to look no
further than Heilicher.

Edan will be joining the Heilicher
kindergarten class this fall, and the
family couldn’t be more excited.
“Because of the pandemic, Edan hasn’t
even been able to tour the school, and
yet he wakes up every morning asking
to go to Heilicher,” Alicia said.

Alicia is an alumna of the Minneapolis
Jewish Day School, as it was then
known. Her kindergarten teacher was
Niza Schear, who also taught her sons
                                            Brady and Alicia Silver with sons, Eyal (3) and Edan (5)
at the Beth El Aleph Preschool (and
who returned to teach second grade at       and holiday celebrations with family                  connections with teachers. “I can hardly
Heilicher during the 2020-21 school         are a centerpiece of the Silvers’ Jewish              believe how much the school has
year). “It’s a close-knit community,” she   practice. They look forward to how                    changed and developed over the years,”
pointed out. “My hope is Edan will also     Heilicher will help Edan feel even more               Alicia said. “We feel Edan will be able to
experience close connections with his       grounded in Jewish history and heritage.              grow, learn healthy independence, and
teachers as I did.”                                                                               be known at Heilicher.”
                                            Alicia remembers the many public
Alicia remembers the warm and               speaking opportunities she had as a                   Alicia, Brady, Edan, and younger
welcoming environment, emphasis             young student at MJDS. She credits                    brother Eyal reside in Minnetonka.
on community building, and the              these early experiences with plays,                   Their favorite hobbies are getting
friendships she made at MJDS. “Some         music performances, oral reports, and                 outdoors and traveling (one of which
of these friendships have lasted a          debates for her ability to speak in public,           they were able to do during the
lifetime,” she said.                        which is a big part of her current health             pandemic). They look forward to an
                                            policy job.                                           opportunity to get involved and meet
“I remember how family life extended                                                              new families this fall. “We know Edan
into the Jewish life at MJDS,” Alicia       When looking at schools, the Silvers                  will love kindergarten, and we can’t
recalled. “My parents would come for        were impressed by Heilicher’s                         wait to see the friendships he develops,”
every Kabbalat Shabbat, and many of         Jewish community, small class sizes,                  Alicia said. Welcome, Silvers!
their closest family friends were day       and opportunities for one-on-one
school parents.” Today, Shabbat dinners

   “My hope is Edan will also experience close
     connections with his teachers as I did.”

                                                                                                                             hmjds.org | 11
Heilicher Donors
JULY 1, 2020 THROUGH JUNE 30, 2021
We extend our deep gratitude to the 460 donors who supported Heilicher with generous philanthropic gifts during this unusual
pandemic year. Heilicher raised over $3.8 million this year including both endowment contributions and annual gifts, which
represents our highest fundraising achievement ever. This success was particularly notable given that Heilicher did not hold an
Annual Benefit during the 2020-21 school year (please see page 15 for information on our upcoming gala on October 10, 2021).

The below list reflects all monetary donations to Heilicher during the last fiscal year. We apologize if any donor was inadvertently
left off this list.

For corrections or questions about philanthropy, please contact Institutional Advancement Director Rebecca Skelton at
952.381.3503 or rskelton@hmjds.org. We welcome online contributions at hmjds.org/donate.

$100,000+                          $5,000-$9,999
Minneapolis Jewish Federation      Affiance Financial
Lynne & Andrew Redleaf             Kenneth and Sally Leafman
	Foundation                       	Appelbaum Science
Wendy Lovell-Smith and                Endowment
	Colin Smith                      Amy and Stan Baratz
Harold Smith                       Ali and Josh Berdass
Rabbi Mitchell Smith               Marni and Chuck Bond
                                   Esther Goldberg-Davis and
                                   	Rabbi Alexander Davis
$25,000-$99,999                    E. Michelle Drake and
Anonymous                          	Michael Flamenbaum
Carl and Tammy Birnberg            Jacob Garber Endowment Fund
	and Family*                      Kaplan Family Fund/
BMO Harris Bank                    	Laura and Ross Kaplan
Beverly and Richard (z"l) Fink*    Pam and Ron Kaufman*
Heilicher Foundation               Faye and Mayer Krupp
Kaplan Family Fund/                	Family Foundation*
	Marge and Harvey Kaplan*         Lurie, LLP
Sheila and Steve Lieberman*        Leonard and Betty Parker
Liebhaber Family Foundation        	Endowment Fund
Kris and John MacDonald            The Phillips Family
Nancy and Mike Schoenberger*       Linda Pinck*
Toodie and Frank Trestman          Posada and Lerner* Families
	Special Needs and                Mindy and Dan Ribnick                 Mike Zis and Deb Olkon with their children, (L to R) Saul, Meyer, and Abe
   Collaborative Education         	Family Foundation
   Endowment Fund                  Carol and David (z”l) Rosenblatt*     2021 ANNUAL FUND
Elly and Mike Zweigbaum            Penny and Steve Sanderson
                                   Judith and Jerel Shapiro              Led by our Annual Fund Co-Chairs Deb Olkon and Mike
                                   Sharon and Joel Waller*
$10,000-$24,999                                                          Zis, as well as their parents, Ellis and Nancy Olkon and Burt
Anonymous                                                                and Gayle Zis, we had the most successful Annual Fund
The Barry Family                   $1,500-$4,999
Beverly Foundation                 Mark Appelbaum                        achievement in Heilicher history. The Annual Fund closed
Stacy Pinck and Brad Birnberg      Augeo                                 on June 30, 2021, at just over $578,000 from 334 donors.
Nancy and Neil Fink/               Baratz Family Foundation
	Caren Page and Bruce Fink*       Pearl Berdass*                        We are honored and humbled by the generosity of the
Amy, Jack, Linda and               Judith and Michael Berman             Heilicher community, which helped to bolster the school
	Mike Fiterman*                   	Foundation
Cindi and Harold Goldfine*         Barry, Betsy, Annie and               during this unique year.
Jill and Jon Halper                	Sam Birnberg
Sharon and William Hope*           Michele Kaplan Clinard and           JJ Taylor Distributing Company          Amy Rosenblatt Lui and
Horovitz, Klarfeld and             	Alan Clinard                       	of Minnesota                          	David Lui
	Lang Families*                   Sara Martin/Colliers International   Beatrice Johnson*                       Barbara and Sherwood Malamud*
Merle and Mort Kane                Cuneo Advertising/                   Beth and Todd Johnson/                  Debbie and Gil Mann
Suzanne Fenton and                 	Katie Jackson-Richter              	Elaine and Michael Johnson            Maslon LLP
	Daniel Lieberman                 Darchei Noam Synagogue               Mary Ann Lippay Kanee                   Michele and Seth Meisler
Dedee and Stephen Lovell*          David Fine                           George Kaplan                           Shana Krupp Melendez and
Heidi Schneider and Joel Mintzer   Fingerhut Family Foundation          	Memorial Foundation                   	Michel Melendez
Lisa and Mark Ratner               Judy Finkelstein*                    Kaplan Insurance Agency/                Sam Miller Foundation/
Louise and Jerry Ribnick           Debbie and Michael Finn              	Addie and Brad Kaplan                 	Miller and Kupritz Families
Judy and Keith Rosenblum           Naomi Zuk-Fisher and                 Norma and Steve Kaplan*                 Rabbi Avi Olitzky and Zoe Stern
Robyn and Ben Schein               	Julian Fisher                      Hanna Bloomfield and                    Bobby and Bruce Nemer*
Hindy and Scott Tankenoff/         Fredrikson & Byron, P.A.             	Robert Karasov*                       Treva and Michael Paparella
	The Tankenoff Families           Talya and Josh Gepner                Marilyn Karasov*                        Park State Bank
   Foundation                      Audrey and Mace Goldfarb             Audrey and Alvin Kaufman*               Paustis Wine Company
Deborah Olkon and Michael Zis      Jacy and Jason Grais                 Eileen and David Kohn                   Fay and Leonard Ribnick Family
                                   Melissa Mark and Steve Hanovich      Shira and Ron Krebs                     	Philanthropic Fund
                                   Zehorit and Matt Heilicher           Barbara and Gary Krupp*                 Paula and Howie Roston
                                   Liba Zweigbaum and                   Latitude Beverage Company               Nancy and Steve Schachtman*,
                                   	Jeff Herman                        Beth Kieffer Leonard and                	Amy and David Zaroff,
                                   Kimberly and Ross Herman             	Todd Leonard                            Todd and Nicole Schachtman
                                   Tamar Green and Ben Hofkin           Mark and Lisa Lerman                    The Frank and Freda Schochet
                                   Ann Ginsburgh Hofkin and             	and Family                              Educational Fund
                                   	Mike Hofkin*                       Judith Levitan                          Louise and Steven Schoenberger
Renee and David Segal            Jewish Community Foundation       Raleigh and Richard Fromstein      Ashlea Tysk
Michelle and Gabe Segal          	Jewish Education                Amit Yahav and Yaniv Garama        VMware
Judith and Richard Spiegel         Scholarship Fund                Gayle Newman                       Sue and Jim Walder*
SR Harris Fabric/                Myra Juster                       Alla and Rafi Geretz               Heidi and Eric Weinberg
	Andrea and Scott Harris        Alyson and Amir Kats              Abigail and Jonathan Gewirtz       Randi and Barry Wolfish
Estelle and Robert Stillman      Sarah and Daniel Kaye             Riva and Alex Ginzburg*            Ellie and Mark Wolpert
Sunrise Banks                    Mary and Jacques Koppel           Debbie and Mark Glotter            Carol Woodward*
Gail and Joel Tilsner/           Cindy Reich and                   Sarah Gollust and                  Heather Fruen and Jeffrey Zacker
	Tilsner Carton Company         	Rabbi Harold Kravitz            	Ezra Golberstein                 Bonnie and Leonard Zeff*
United Health Group              Anna and Brian Latzer             Nancy and Marshall Golden          Penny and Mark Ziessman*
Vegas Consulting Group/          Dee Burton and Harlan             Shelly and Ira Golden*
	Rachael and John Vegas         	Lehman—Minnesota/               Rani Halpern and Joel Green*
Wells Fargo                        Wisconsin Playground            Shelley Kornblum and               Up to $99
The Wine Company                 Elyse and Ron Less                	Mickey Greenberg*                Jeanne and Phillip Aaron
Julie and Scot Ziessman          Joyce Levitan*                    Diane and Martin Greenberger       Debra Allerhand
Sara and Boris Zuk*              Julie and Scott London*           Orlee Tatarka and                  Jenna Anderson
                                 The Luxe, Apartments at           	Yehuda Gruenberg                 Anonymous
                                 	Ridgedale—Lisa and              Jennifer and Aaron Hage            Sofya and Adam Barth
$1,000-$1,499                      Richard Rotenberg               Sandra and Tristan Hage*           Caren and Steven Baumwald
Amanda and Berek Awend           Susan and Neil Moses-Zirkes       Wendy Goldberg and                 Nicole and Ken Benjamin-Fink
Taylor Sztainer/Moss & Barnett   Sheryl and Rabbi Kerry Olitzky*   	Dan Halpern                      Best Buy
Talia and Adam Baruch            Rebecca and Robert Portnoe        Julie Haskovitz*                   Jordyn Bomberg
Marilyn Levi-Baumgarten and      Keren and Simcha Prombaum*        Heilicher Sunshine Fund            Susan and Richard Bunin
	Allan Baumgarten               Dana and Jeff Prottas             Judy and Ryan Herman               Corinne Calderon
CBIZ & Mayer Hoffman             Lynn Lederman and Ken Raskin      Michelle Gendlin and Bill Heyman   Stuart Chazin
	McCann P.C.                    RBC Wealth Management             Rachael and David Hoffman          Reida Lazer-Chein and
Lisa and James Cohen             Rootstock Wine Company            Miriam Hope                        	David Chein
Susan and Alan Divine*           Sandy and Jason Sondell           Elizabeth Davis and Rob Jacobs     Michelle Reed and Sean Colton
Sybil Dunlop                     Lauren and Josh Weiser            Jenny and Matt Johnson             Deborah Orman and
June and Ron Garber              Tammy Marinac and                 Jeanne and Stan Kagin              	Thomas Davies*
Marlene and Sandy Goldberg*      	Thomas Williams                 Orlee and Jeff Kahn                Nancy and Jay Dworsky
Karen and Steve Hoppe            Rhona Shwaid and Jon Wolpert      Jean Kanter*                       Robin and Jeff Estrin
Sara and David Jurisz            Kathy and Howard Zack             Erica and Aaron Karasov            Paul Estrin*
Jennifer and Bob Kaplan          Sharon Zweigbaum*                 Wendy and Nisso Khabie             Roni and Michael Falck
Debra Glassman and                                                 Christine and John Kitchener       Ellen and Joseph Feldman
	Robert Kaufman                                                   Joyce and Myles Koshiol*           Barbara and Rabbi Steven
Land O’Lakes Foundation          $100-$499                         Marni and Ted Koshiol              	Fineblum*
Suzanne Weinstein and            Margo and Cantor Barry Abelson*   Sara and Michel Krug               Noreen Fisher*
	Daniel Levey                   Alissa and Stephen Abelson        Heather Grulkowski and             Stella and Simon Fishman
Arielle Kaufman and              Reeva Abrams*                     	Elizabeth Lamin                  Patricia Fountinelle
	Ohad Ludomirsky                Shari and Boris Abramovich        Gina Letts                         Linda Esteves and Christian Frias
Tamar and Schelomo Marmor        AmazonSmile                       Steve Leventhal                    Francie and David Gale
Mike Miller*                     Anonymous (2)                     Jennifer and Jeff Lewin            Lucille and Burt Garr
Amy and Barry Newman             Mirit and Shai Avny               Peg and Joel Mandel                Dan Geller
North American                   Barbara Bach*                     Tricia Cornell and Bruce Manning   Beth and Gordon Gendler
	Banking Company                Wendy and Howard Bach             Esta Miller*                       Margie Wasserman and
North Star Bank                  Jennifer and Paul Bagdade         Esther Miller*                     	Neal Gendler
Ellen Sue and Jonathan Parker    Maia Poling and Patrick Barry     Rabbi Yocheved Mintz*              Samuel Gendler*
Liuodmila Sitnikova and          Linda Batson                      Tony Moldo                         Laurie and Joel Goldsmith
	Ilya Perepelitsyn              Bonnie and Bruce Berezovsky*      Lynne and David Nathan             Shani and Sam Graber
Kathryn Klibanoff and            Batsheva and Jeremy Berman        Jill and David Orbuch              Benjamin Grad
	Jeremy Pierotti                Lois Berman*                      Sue Ostfield                       Annika and Michael Graif
Nancy and Kevin Rhein            Sara and Burton Bernstein         Lyudmila and Mikhail Pekurovsky    Ellen and Laurence Granof*
Sara Schlipp-Riedel and          Dina and Chad Blumenfield         Arlene and Jerry Perloff*          Andrea and Dayn Hansen
	Aaron Riedel                   Charles Blumenfield*              Shirley and Burt Politz*           Victoria Thor and Marty Harris
Rue 38 Wine Distribution         Shellie Blumenfield*              Susan and Robert (z”l) Prottas*    Sherry Harris*
Helen and Rick Siegel            Marilyn and Tim Broms             Tina and Ivan Rafowitz             Roberta Hoffman*
Gail and Bill Skelton*           Jacalyn Broze*                    Amy and Ben Rajkowski              Ann Hunegs
Amy and Michael Stern            Jennifer and Benjamin Bukstein    Jody and Fred Rappaport            Jane Hutchison
Steven Scott Management          Marlene and James Bukstein*       Liz and Matt Rappaport             Tanya Feldberg and Neal Joffee
Debbie and Jed Stillman          Meryl Cohen*                      Yelena and Evan Ribnick            Kris and Noah Joseph
Rachael and John Vegas           Yaffa Cohen-Appelbaum             Laurel and Claude Riedel*          Deborah and Edward Juda
Judi Belzer and Jerry Waldman*   Zohara and Shmuel Cohen-Lissek    Eileen and David Roston*           Liz and Malcolm Kaplan
Kim and Matt Walzer              Nadine Antin-Colla and            Wendy and Steven Rubin*            Naomi and Barry Kaplan
Dana Beth and David Weisman      	Coleman Colla*                  Nadia Maccabee-Ryaboy and          Rosalind and Fred Kaplan
Gayle and Burt Zis*              Marilyn Condon*                   	Oleg Ryaboy                      Shirley and Arnold Kaplan*
                                 Cooper Family Charitable Fund     Naomi and Yoni Saad                Sherry Knazan and
                                 Phyllis and Rabbi Barry Cytron*   Sarah and Jack Salita              	Ron Kelmenson*
$500-$999                        Rena and Lu Daitzchman            Ellen Berkelhamer and              Natalia and Pavel Kenigsberg
AA Equipment Company             Jodi and Jeff Danovsky            	David Samuels                    Risa and Steven Kessler
Anonymous                        Mollie and Jason Divine           Deborah and Rabbi Jeffrey          Betty Kohn*
Tamar Herman and David Bagley    Nancy Drake*                      	Schein*                          Alixandra and Peter Kolbe
Margo Berdass*                   Andrew Dresdner                   Laura and Jeff Schmieg             Patti and David Kopstein*
Heather and Kevin Besikof        Linda and David Estrin*           Ellen and Brian Schupper           Danya Kornblum
Deb and Yoni Bundt               Sig Feiger*                       Sharon and Stephen Segal           Jennifer and Roger Kramer
Nan and Marc Fine*               Kathy and Steven Feiger*          Rabbi Michael Latz and             Mitchel Kirshbaum*
Michal and Micah Garber          Alana and Brett Fine              	Michael Simon                    Bette and Gerrit Lamain*
Amy and Todd Geller              Jessie and Rabbi Jeremy Fine      Davida Cytron and Ted Smetana      Michelle and Seth Levich
Cheryl and David Goldenberg      Andrea Golden and                 Joanne and James Smith             Hannah Levine
Tiffany and David Goldman        	Cantor Joshua Fineblum          Rachel Glotter Snitzer and         Elena and Matt Levitt
Jill and Steve Gottlieb          Galina Guterman and Adam Fink     	Jonathan Snitzer                 Pam and Glenn Liss
Marina and Mark Guterman*        Stephanie Bell and Howard Fink    Rebecca and Dan Steinberg          Joan and Lawrence Littman*
Beckie Skelton and Shep Harris   Stephanie and Jeremy Fink         Susan and Gabe Steinberg*          Adam Lokeh
Hodroff-Epstein                  Marjorie and Mitchell Fink*       Taylor and Lior Sztainer           Gail Freedman and
	Memorial Chapels               Dani and Alex Fisher              Laura and Norm Taple               	Reuben Lubka
Inver Grove Ford Lincoln/        Wendy and Mel Flamenbaum*         Helene and JR Tapper               Rebecca and Michael Madigan
	Mike and Polly Saxon           Ellen and Patrick Flannigan       Thrivent Financial Foundation      Peter Manning*
                                                                                                                      hmjds.org | 13
Ilena and Kip Marron
Medtronic Foundation
Fran and Bernard Meier
                                    Tributes and Memorials
Genna and TJay Middlebrook          JULY 1, 2020 THROUGH JUNE 30, 2021
Trish and Steve Mintz
Irene and Zoran Mojsilov*
Nicole Mondt
Eva and Jack Moreimi*               GENERAL FUND                      Matt Horovitz (Honor)              Yoni Binus and Maia Poling
                                                                      Joanne and James Smith             (Honor)
Suzanne Morgan                      Madi Abelson (Bat Mitzvah)
                                                                                                         Wendy and Nisso Khabie
Lynn Slobodien and                  Rebecca and Dan Steinberg
                                                                      Ann Hunegs (Retirement)
	Kevin Mummey                                                        Esther Goldberg-Davis and          Shirley and Burt Politz
Sarah Olitzky                       Dr. David Ackerman (Mazal Tov
                                                                        Rabbi Alexander Davis            (70th Anniversary)
Ruth and David Olkon                and Welcome to Heilicher)
                                                                                                         Shelley Kornblum and
Joyce and Martin Orbuch*            Wendy and Nisso Khabie
                                                                      Stan Hunt (z”l)                      Mickey Greenberg
Etta Fay Orkin*                                                       Cheryl and David Goldenberg
Cathi and Craig Oskow               Gev and Tzuk Avny (Honor)
                                                                                                         Addie Prottas (Honor)
Lauren and Max Paletz               Julie Haskovitz
                                                                      Leon Krebs (z”l)                   Susan and Robert (z”l) Prottas
Romy Percansky                                                        Heilicher Board of Directors
Cheryl and Jack Perecman            Colleen Barnett (z”l)
                                                                      Cindy Reich and                    Sam Resnick
Janet and Ron Plotsker*             Heilicher Sunshine Fund
                                                                        Rabbi Harold Kravitz             (College Graduation)
Robyn and Manny Plotsker                                              Lynne and Andrew Redleaf           Amy Rosenblatt Lui,
Dan Porter and Ken Rafowitz         Ali Berdass (Appreciation)
                                                                                                           David Lui and Yoni Lui
Casey and Adam Reiter               Susan Salita
                                                                      Reva Lear (z”l)
Elizabeth and Joel Riklin                                             Nancy and Mike Schoenberger        Matthew Ribnick
Amy and Dan Rogovin                 Rabbi Seth David Binus (z”l)
                                                                                                         (College Graduation)
Sharon Feinstein-Rosenblum and      Alixandra and Peter Kolbe
                                                                      Len Levitan (z”l)                  Amy Rosenblatt Lui,
	Mark Rosenblum                                                      Ellen and Joseph Feldman             David Lui and Yoni Lui
Judith Schleyer-Rubin and           Yoni Binus (Honor)
                                    Esther Goldberg-Davis and         Lucille and Burt Garr
	Rabbi Adam Rubin                                                    Shani and Sam Graber               Erwin Rodich (z”l)
Susan Salita                          Rabbi Alexander Davis
                                                                      Wendy and Nisso Khabie             Cheryl and David Goldenberg
Marilyn and Darrell Schultz*                                          Cindy Reich and
Harriet Schwartz                    Isabelle Calderon (Bat Mitzvah)
                                                                         Rabbi Harold Kravitz            Rabbi Adam Rubin (Honor)
Alexis and Scott Seiler             Rebecca and Dan Steinberg
                                                                      Elizabeth and Joel Riklin          Nadine Antin Colla and
Barbara and Arthur Silver                                             Louise and Steven Schoenberger       Coleman Colla
Nina and Brian Sinykin              Selma Cutler (z”l)
Nancy and Larry Sperling            Shelly and Ira Golden
                                                                      Wendy Lovell-Smith (Honor)         Andrea Ruby (Appreciation)
Davida Alperin and                                                    Esther Goldberg-Davis and          Batsheva Berman
	Rabbi Sharon Stiefel              Davida Cytron and
                                    Colleagues (Honor)                  Rabbi Alexander Davis
Chelle and Marvin Stillman*                                                                              Mary Jane Ruff (z”l)
Marilyn Stone*                      Phyllis and Rabbi Barry Cytron
                                                                      Jeff Mintz (z”l)                   Heilicher Sunshine Fund
Chaya and Jonathan Sulman                                             Marilyn and Tim Broms
Marcia Taple*                       Judah and Ruben Fisher
                                                                      Reida Lazer-Chein and              Katherine Carlson, Dan Geller,
Barbara Taragan                     (Honor)
                                                                        David Chein                      Mike Madigan, Mel Newman,
Kim and Scott Teplinsky             Patti and David Kopstein
                                                                      David Fine                         Maia Poling, Jeremy Savran
Erin and Michael Waldman                                              Nancy and Neil Fink                (Appreciation)
Ardis and Tom Wexler                Farrah and Phoenix
                                                                      Heilicher Sunshine Fund            Shep Harris
Jill and Yarden Wolfe               Flamenbaum (Honor)
                                    Wendy and Mel Flamenbaum          Wendy and Nisso Khabie
Jill and Steve Wolpert*                                               Rabbi Jeremy Fine, Rabbi Micah     William Savran (z”l)
Anna Lamin and Sabina Yesmin                                          	Miller, Cantor Joshua Fineblum   Linda Batson
Barbara and Larry Zweigbaum*        Yasmin Mei Garber (Birth)
                                    Esther Goldberg-Davis and           and Temple of Aaron
                                                                                                         Barbara Schear (z”l)
*Dor l’Dor Circle members             Rabbi Alexander Davis
                                                                      Dr. Albert Mintzer (z”l)           Heilicher Sunshine Fund
(grandparent & alumni                                                 Heilicher Board of Directors
grandparent donors)                 Zach Geller
                                                                      Amy Rosenblatt Lui,                Ilan Schein (Bar Mitzvah)
                                    (College Graduation)
                                                                        David Lui and Yoni Lui           Karen and Steve Hoppe
                                    Amy Rosenblatt Lui, David Lui
                                                                      Heidi Schneider and Joel Mintzer   Jenny and Matt Johnson
Heilicher apologizes if any           and Yoni Lui
                                                                                                         Cindy Reich and
donor was inadvertently left                                          Robert Mummey (z”l)                   Rabbi Harold Kravitz
off this list. For corrections or   Jan and Stu Goldman (Honor)
                                                                      Heilicher Sunshine Fund            Amy Rosenblatt Lui,
questions about philanthropy,       Tiffany and David Goldman
                                                                                                            David Lui and Yoni Lui
please contact Institutional                                          Marni and Gal Noyman
Advancement Director Rebecca        Bari Gordon (z”l)
                                                                      (Anniversary)                      Laila Schoenberger
Skelton at 952.381.3503 or          Cheryl and David Goldenberg
                                                                      Mort Naiman                        (Bat Mitzvah)
rskelton@hmjds.org.                                                                                      Esther Miller
                                    Shep Harris (R’fu’ah Sh’leimah)
                                    Marilyn and Tim Broms             Akiva, Aliza, Miryam and
                                                                      Yonatan Olitzky (Honor)            Laila and Micah Schoenberger
                                    Alana and Brett Fine
                                                                      Joan and Lawrence Littman          (B’nai Mitzvah)
                                    Cheryl and David Goldenberg
                                                                                                         Diane and Martin Greenberger
                                    Ann Hunegs
                                    Jody and Fred Rappaport           Aimee Orkin and Michael            Jeanne and Stan Kagin
                                    Nancy and Steve Schachtman        Raymond, Cathi and
                                                                      Craig Oskow (Honor)                Nancy and Mike Schoenberger
                                    Nancy and Mike Schoenberger
                                                                      Etta Fay Orkin                     (Honor)
                                                                                                         Keren and Simcha Prombaum
                                    Sasha Hausman
                                    (College Graduation)              Sam Orloff
                                                                      (College Graduation)               Gabe Segal (Special Birthday)
                                    Amy Rosenblatt Lui, David Lui
                                                                      Amy Rosenblatt Lui,                Sharon and Stephen Segal
                                      and Yoni Lui
                                                                        David Lui and Yoni Lui
                                                                                                         Tally Shaver
                                    Dahlia Herman
                                                                      Patti Seglin Palay (z”l)           (High School Graduation)
                                    (Heilicher Graduation)
                                                                      Jennifer and Aaron Hage            Amy Rosenblatt Lui, David Lui
                                    Carol Woodward
                                                                                                           and Yoni Lui
                                    Jay Hoffman (z”l)                 Ellen Sue Parker (Appreciation)
                                                                      Nancy and Mike Schoenberger        Gerard Smetana (z”l)
                                    Cheryl and David Goldenberg
                                                                                                         Marilyn and Tim Broms
                                                                                                         Heilicher Sunshine Fund

Jonah Smith                        Bella and Ezra Zacker (Honor)       Elly Zweigbaum                      Laila and Micah Schoenberger
(High School Graduation)           Jacki Broze                         (R’fu’ah Sh’leimah)                 (B’nai Mitzvah)
Amy Rosenblatt Lui,                                                    Nancy and Steve Schachtman          Marlene and James Bukstein
  David Lui and Yoni Lui           Julie Ziessman (Honor)                                                  Susan and Richard Bunin
Lynne and Andrew Redleaf           Esther Goldberg-Davis and
                                      Rabbi Alexander Davis            PATTI AND JEV BASKIN
Leah Smith (Bat Mitzvah)           Nancy and Neil Fink                 BOOK FUND                           HELEN SIEGEL
Amy Rosenblatt Lui,                Francie and David Gale              Julie Ziessman (Honor)              SCHOLARSHIP FUND
  David Lui and Yoni Lui           Ellen and Laurence Granof           Lynne and David Nathan              Len Levitan (z”l)
                                   Diane and Martin Greenberger                                            Joyce Levitan
Noah Smith                         Heather Grulkowski and
(College Graduation)                  Elizabeth Lamin                  HEILICHER ARTS                      Debbie and Jed Stillman
Amy Rosenblatt Lui,                Wendy and Nisso Khabie              PROGRAM                             (Honor)
  David Lui and Yoni Lui           Susan and Neil Moses-Zirkes         Julie Ziessman (Honor)              Caren and Steven Baumwald
                                   Liz and Matt Rappaport              Penny and Mark Ziessman
Becka Steinberg (Honor)            Robyn and Ben Schein
Susan and Gabe Steinberg           Ellen and Brian Schupper                                                HAROLD AND MICKEY
                                   Rabbi Michael Latz and              HERB KOHN                           SMITH JUDAIC STUDIES
Hector Sztainer (Retirement)          Michael Simon                    SCHOLARSHIP FUND                    FUND
Esther Goldberg-Davis and          Lauren and Josh Weiser              Charles Marks (z”l)                 Julie Ziessman (Honor)
  Rabbi Alexander Davis                                                Betty Kohn                          Wendy Goldberg, Dan Halpern,
                                   Heidi Ziman (Anniversary)                                                 Maya and Noam Halpern
Levi Velleman (z”l)                Mort Naiman                                                             Michele and Seth Meisler
Nancy and Neil Fink                                                    FAY AND LEONARD
Heilicher Sunshine Fund            Michael Zis (Special Birthday)      RIBNICK SCHOLARSHIP
Jody and Fred Rappaport            Ruth and David Olkon
Nechamit Yaari (Retirement)        Adin Zweigbaum                      Debbie Mann (R’fu’ah Sh’leimah)
Esther Goldberg-Davis and          (High School Graduation)            Cheryl and Jack Perecman
  Rabbi Alexander Davis            Lynne and Andrew Redleaf


          Planting Seeds,                                                                   HEILICHER
                                                                                       2021 ANNUAL BENEFIT
        Growing Community                                                       Sunday, October 10, 2021 • 5:30 p.m.
                                                                                              Beth El Synagogue
              and the tree will give its fruit                                                     HONOREES
                                                                                        Stacy Pinck and Brad Birnberg
                                                                                              Jill and Jon Halper

                               PRESENTING CORPORATE SPONSOR •
                                        NER TAMID SPONSOR • Carl and Tammy Birnberg & Family
                        PRESENTING COMMUNITY SPONSORS • Stacy Pinck and Brad Birnberg • Jill and Jon Halper
          Jack, Amy, Mike and Linda Fiterman • Lisa and Mark Ratner • Hindy and Scott Tankenoff/The Tankenoff Families Foundation
                                            Marni and Chuck Bond/Judy and Keith Rosenblum

              Invitation mailed separately • To learn more, log on to www.hmjds.org/news-events/annualbenefit-2021
                                          Early Bird discount available through September 3.

                                                                                                                          hmjds.org | 15
                                Amos & Celia Heilicher                           U.S. POSTAGE
                                Minneapolis Jewish Day School                         PAID
                                Barry Family Campus                            TWIN CITIES, MN
                                4330 South Cedar Lake Road                      PERMIT NO 3839
                                Minneapolis, MN 55416


ISACS: Independent Schools Association of the Central States
MAIS: The Minnesota Association of Independent Schools
MISF: Minnesota Independent School Forum
NAIS: National Association of Independent Schools
PRIZMAH: Center for Jewish Day Schools

             Strong Identities Begin Here

                                                       INFORMATION EVENINGS
                                   Tuesday, November 16 and Thursday, March 31 @ 7 p.m.
                                     Schedule a tour today at 952.381.3500 or www.hmjds.org
You can also read