Page created by Gladys Powers
                                        Patron: Dr Chris Alexopolous
                                                ABN: 89707260020

                                                                                   JANUARY—FEBRUARY 2020 —NO:7

NEWS FROM YOUR PRESIDENT….                                                          Inside this Issue:
The new year is upon us, so what do you expect from it. ?
 For me I expect that I will remain healthy and be able to help others              Secretary’s Report & Walking
who have had a heart event, BUT that is not all of what I expect from               Groups Reports …………..…...Pg. 2
this year.                                                                          Hospital Visitation Report…..Pg. 3
I would like to see our organisation grow in numbers with more
                                                                                    Trivia #5 Answers &
support coming from our members to become “Accredited
                                                                                    Trivia #6 Question.……………. Pg. 3
Volunteers” . Now this will mean that you will need to become
involved with either joining :- the Rehab team, the Hospital visitation             Carers Support Programme...Pg 4
team , the carer’s team and also the markets team and the walking                   The Life of a Carer—My Story
teams. Now don’t panic, you only have to join one of these teams .                  Robyn Garry ….…...………... Pg.5
But if that is not you!! You can just be involved in any or all of the
social events that will be planed for this year, and in saying that our             Welfare Report       …………. Pg.5
FIRST event is to the Marine Discovery Centre at Newman's college ,                 Executive Contacts …………….Pg 6
this will be held on Tuesday the 18th February. This is a great event
                                                                                    Laughter is the Best
as we are looked after by the college students (morning tea) which is
                                                                                    Medicine……………………….…. Pg. 6
followed by a guided tour through their marine centre .           More
information to follow.                                                              Zucchini & Ham Slice ……… Pg 6
If you have any locations for us to go to and spend for a day’s outing ,            Heartfelt Thanks Volunteers..Pg 7
send the information to me please and I will get it into our calendar
for this year.
As mentioned in the Secretary’s report we have over 100 members,
so the more that put their hand up to help in any area, the less load is
DEFIBULATER> (IT could save someone's life)                                       Helping one another is the Key to
                                                                                  a vibrant and active Organisation.
So until next time, take your HEART for a walk each day.                          HOW CAN WE DO THIS? Come
                                                                                  along to our General Meetings
Robert Edwards, President.                                                        and find out.

                  OUR NEXT GENERAL MEETING ‘S are on Wednesday 22nd January, 2020 —at Bonny Hills
                Tavern, —10:30 am— AND Wednesday 26th February, 2020 at Bonny Hills Community Church
                         Bonny Hills.—10:30 am.
                     Come along and hear how our group is going and what we are planning to do during 2020
Page 2                                                                                              HEART HEALTH NSW INC.
Well 2019 has come to a close and I would like to wish all our members a very Happy New Year.

2019 saw the completion of the first calendar year for Heart Health NSW and what a year is was. We
were able to donate to the hospital over $40,000 thanks to donations and grants, and ALL in our first
calendar year of operation. We added to our services by commencing 2 new walking groups (Gladstone
and Wauchope), commenced the Carer Support Programme and were able, through grants expand our
markets to include Gladstone, increase our Information talks and purchase defibrillators, first aid kits
and oxygen kits for our walks. We are, to our knowledge, the only organisation that takes these on our
regular weekly walks. In addition, we developed our own volunteer training workshop which has been
accepted by the hospitals as accredited training for our volunteers to go into the hospital and assist in
the programmes we deliver.
2020 is shaping up to be even more exciting with meetings with Hospital staff and the Cardiologists to
discuss how Heart Health works within the hospital, more information talks planned and there are 4
grants that we are expecting announcements on before the end of February.
Our membership is above 100 with 19 volunteers having completed the Workshop and a second
workshop planned for the end of February. SO if you are interested in getting involved as a volunteer in
one of our programmes please let me know.
We developed our own website, www.hearthealthnsw.com which is expanding continually with
additional information and videos on heart issues and activities.
Looking forward to catching up with you all at the walks and markets.

Adrian Lee-Archer - Secretary

                                                                                               Meet our visitor at the Bonny
Paddy: “Hey look ! There’s a flock of cows.”
                                                                                               Hills Hotel luncheon area at
Mick: “Herd”             Paddy: “What ? ”                                                      our Christmas lunch after our
Mick: “ Herd of cows” Paddy: “ Of                                                              last meeting on 11th Decem-
course I’ve heard of cows! There’s a flock of                                                  ber. He checked us out really
them over there! “                                                                             well. The Christmas lunch
                                                                                               was enjoyed by everyone.


PORT MACQUARIE :              Port Macquarie walkers resume this Thursday 9th January.
LAURIETON:              We appear to have acclimatised to the 8.30am start on Mondays, with the LUSC kindly
letting us into the club at 9.30am. We were open for business on the 23 rd and the 30th December 2019, with 25
and 24 walkers respectively. Our walks are continuing from Monday 6th January, 13th January, 20th January , 27th January
(after Australia Day Sunday ) PLEASE NOTE the walk on Monday 27 th January (Public Holiday) will commence as usual at
8.30am, but we will not be allowed in the club until 10.00am, feel free to start your walk at 9.00am if you think an hour and a
half is too long to wait for a cuppa.; and continuing through February.
WAUCHOPE: For those interested the Wauchope Walking Group will be recommencing this Tuesday 7th January, after a short
Christmas lay off. Time: 8.30.am Place: Waterman's Café…….. Coffee afterwards at the Café. See you there if you want an
extra walk to burn off the Christmas Kilos.
GLADSTONE: Our walks will be resuming on Friday 10th January, 2020. We are looking forward to our activities, including
the Markets soon. Contact Cally Costigan if you have any questions.
Page 3                                                                                        HEART HEALTH NSW INC.
TRIVIA QUIZ— From Reg... Answers to Trivia                    7: The Magi (Wise Men)
                                    Christmas Quiz 5          8: Charles Dickens
    1: Christmas Island                                       9: Christmas
    2: Christmas Bells                                        10: Rudolph the red Nosed Reindeer
    3: Earle Christmas Grafton Page                           11: Woolworths
    4: Harold Holt                                            12: Christmas Card
    5: White Christmas
    6: Capricorn

    1: What were stocks used for?                             Street ?

    2: What was a gallows?                                    8: What at least in stories was the traditional punish-
                                                                  ment meted out by pirates to their captives.
    3: What did it mean if criminals were transported ?
                                                              9: Which Roman slave was crucified after leading a slave
    4: What does the expression “to let the cat out of the        rebellion.
        bag” refer to ?
    5: What was a ducking stool used for ?
    6: What official body was appointed by the Roman Cath-
        olic Church to root out heresy ?
    7: Who was known as the demon barber of Fleet

YOUR BODY ON SUGAR: Is sugar worse for you than, say, cocaine? According to a 2012 article in the journal
Nature, it’s a toxic substance that should be regulated like tobacco and alcohol. Studies show that too much sugar
(both in the form of natural sucrose and high-fructose corn syrup) not only helps make us fat, it also wreaks havoc
on our liver, mucks up our metabolism, impairs brain function, and may leave us susceptible to heart disease,
diabetes, and maybe even cancer. Most agree on: Minimise added sugar and processed foods.
AGEING SKIN: Sugar contributes to premature ageing, just as cigarettes and UV rays do, and when sugar is
present in the skin, it forms cross-links with amino acids that may have been damaged by free-radicals. These cross
-links jam the repair mechanism and, over time, leave you with prematurely old-looking skin. A wiser choice: Once
cross-links form, they won’t unhitch, so keep sugar intake as low as you can. Avoid soft drinks and pastries, and
swap sugar for cinnamon—it seems to slow down cross-linking, as do cloves, ginger and garlic. The American
Heart Association recommends—no more than 9 teaspoons a day for men, 5 for women. Read labels and
nutrition information: a 500ml vanilla latte and a muffin could max out your day’s allotment ! A good alternative is
a black coffee and plain yoghurt with blueberries and walnuts.

Hospital Visitation Team Report for December 2019/ January 2020 , Hi members,
We have had a very good year with our visits to CCU, 3D and the MAU at Port Macquarie Base Hospital.
Enjoying good rapore with the staff and I would like to thank our present team of Max, Bob, Traci
Barbara and Myself and we are hoping to add Greg in the New Year. We finished the year on the 23rd
December and resumed on 6th January 2020. Looking to have another fruitful year explaining how we
work at Heart Health.

Regards Mike.
Page 4                                                                          HEART HEALTH NSW INC.
                                  CARER SUPPORT PROGRAMME

    Carer Support within Heart Health NSW Inc. re-commenced in April 2019.
    The impotence behind this resurrection came from the absence of support I received following
    Adrian’s Heart event in November 2017. This lack of support was very evident whilst Adrian
    undertook Rehabilitation – there was nothing for me as a carer.
    As a result, I discussed the re-establishment of this programme with Rob Edwards (President) and
    with his help the programme recommenced in April 2019 after much research and discussion.
    Whilst there was no-one there for me, being involved with the programme has given me empathy
    with other carers and great satisfaction in knowing I have helped another carer cope with the many
    issues and difficulties of being a carer of someone who has suffered a heart event.
    The Carer Support Programme is designed to provide support to the carers 24/7 listening,
    supporting and providing information about any concerns they may have.
    Initially there was considerable time setting the programme up, doing carer training, linking with
    Carers Australia NSW, developing a Carer’s Handbook and package which is given to each carer
    highlighting the issues associated with being a carer for a partner who has experienced a heart
    event and giving them other useful information on what is available for carers.
    Since commencement we have connected/assisted with some 30 plus carers from all walks of life,
    mainly caring for patients who have had heart events but also some caring for their partners with
    other medical issues as well. As caring covers a broad spectrum of illnesses some patients have
    multiple medical issues, not just heart issues.
    Carer Support’s current focus is on connecting with carers weekly whilst their partners undertake
    rehabilitation at Port Macquarie Base Hospital, attending and communicating with carers during
    and after Heart Health’s weekly walking programmes at Laurieton, Port Macquarie Gladstone and
    Wauchope and talking with carers at information sessions about Heart Health.
    I look forward to the Carer Support Programme growing and assisting an increasing number of
    carers but also welcoming any member who would like to be involved by volunteering on a
    Thursday 12-3pm at PMBH whilst Rehab is in progress and at Laurieton, Port Macquarie ,Kempsey
    and Wauchope following their weekly walks
    In the meantime “Take your Heart for a Walk” and stay active.

    Lyn Lee-Archer
    Carer Support Volunteer/Co-ordinator
Page 5                                                                                         HEART HEALTH NSW INC.
THE LIFE OF A CARER, MY STORY.          Robyn Garry. (Husband Don is the heart patient.)
Some 23 years ago I met my future husband. He was very honest with me on our first date at a coffee shop, he
blurted out that he had been through bypass surgery (5) fairly recently and that he shared the custody of his 2
children, now this was before I even had the chance to settle into my seat. I remember thinking ‘what have we
got here’ well of course what we had here was a very honest, caring man who believed that a relationship based
on honesty and trust was important to him.
Now some 23 years later our relationship has grown stronger as we have had and continue to face health issues
that have affected our lifestyle.
I am officially a ‘carer’ now what this means to me is that I feel more involved in the decision- making process and
emotionally it has given me an important role in terms of the way forward for us as a couple.
I must admit that as the partner of someone who has a serious heart condition I have days where my emotions
appear to be all over the place, at times frustration, anger, premediated grief as I try to imagine a life without him
should he predecease me, some days in my frustration I play with the idea of what would I sell or give away, how
much more wardrobe space would I have (now that’s not such a bad thought). Would I sell up and move away,
would I sell the king size bed, crazy thoughts some days.
As a carer I know that I have to take care of myself both physically and emotionally so need to find interests that
enable me to tune out for short periods, I am fortunate in that he can occupy himself and doesn’t need me to
entertain him, so I can disappear if I so choose.
At this stage I don’t feel isolated and am very fortunate to live in an over 55s resort where there are plenty of
activities available and lots of people to talk to and ask for help if needed.
Now having said all of the above I am still trying to find myself as at times life seems to be all about my husband
and his ongoing health issues and it’s very easy to become lost and forget about self, we do discuss this and at
times I give him a fair serve about the fact that there a 2 people in this relationship.
OK what have I learned about myself in the role of carer, patience, sympathy, the need to be better organised,
talk to others about how I am feeling and increase my socialising activities.
I feel so lucky that we have a comfortable, loving, caring relationship based on trust and respect. This helps bring
me back to reality when I am having an ‘off’ day.
My only advice to other carers is that it’s OK to feel a myriad of emotions as our dear partner comes to terms with
his/her acceptance or not of their health issues and adjustments that must be made to ensure safety and comfort
in the immediate and long term.
The role of the carer in this relationship is a privilege and will continue to be until fate takes a hand in our future.

WELFARE: To our members who are celebrating their birthdays for the month of         JANUARY 2020, we wish
you all a very Happy and blessed birthday : Royce Dudley, Ross Hay, Magelle Robertson, Mona Logan, Cally
Costigan, Alan Baxter, Jennie Baxter,   Graham Barry, Ken Overton, Denis Culliton, Roy Cornwell, Janice de
Rose, Merrel Hubka and Rebecca Watson. And FEBRUARY 2020; Greg Sneddon, Carol Cosgriff, Jannie Denyer,
John Barnett, Carol Davis, Max Heslehurst, Sheila Ockers, Rose Pontifex, Boy Vinson, Denise Middleton.
For our members who are not well at this time, including Margaret Bartlett, we trust you will be feeling a lot better
soon. Please let us know if there is anything we can do to help you. .. Lyn Edwards.
Page 6                                                                                HEART HEALTH NSW INC.



This baked savoury slice is very nice served with a tossed salad or eaten on its own as a snack. It's a nice
addition to school lunches.

Serves: 6
 1 medium zucchini, grated
 1 medium onion, finely diced
 4-5 slices ham, diced
 5 eggs, lightly beaten
 1 cup (125g) grated cheese
 1 cup (125g) self raising flour
 1/2 cup vegetable oil
salt and pepper to taste

Preparation:10min › Cook:30min › Ready in:40min
1. Preheat oven to 180 degrees C. Grease a medium sized casserole dish. Mix together zucchini, onion,
ham and cheese. Add flour, oil and eggs and season to taste.
Bake for 30-40 minutes or until golden brown.

LAUGHTER IS THE BEST MEDICINE: “HAD HER IN STITCHES”: My Mum wasn’t much of a sewer, which
she proved when attempting to hem my school skirt. As I was standing waiting, I heard a gasp—then
Mum informed me matter-of-factly that she’d just swallowed a sewing needle she’d been holding
between her lips. Sure enough, at the hospital the X-ray showed the needle wedged in Mum’s stomach.
We heard the nurse explaining the situation to the doctor and , while we couldn’t see his face, we did
hear his droll comment: “Well, let’s just hope she doesn’t knit.”
SO SATISFYING: “Where do you want this huge roll of bubble wrap?” I asked my boss. “Just pop it in the
corner.” he replied. It took me three hours.
How many fishermen does it take to change a lightbulb? Five– but you should have seen the size of it!
Five of us almost weren’t enough.
When a local farmer asked whether he’d be interested in spending eight hours a day scaring off birds in
his field, Jamie Fox, a music and English graduate from Bangor University, UK, leapt at the chance for a
Other than flapping his arms at partridges, his time is spent sitting, reading and playing random tunes on
his ukulele. He does t his all for the not-so princely sum of £ 250 a week.
Page 7                                                                                       HEART HEALTH NSW INC.
                                        < Lyn Lee-Archer, a Heart Health NSW Volunteer, with Dawn Stevens and Mary
                                       Jean Bevan, patients who completed their cardiac rehabilitation program earlier
                                       this year.

                                       HEARTFELT THANKS TO A SPECIAL GROUP OF VOLUNTEERS……
                                       (From the Christmas edition 2019 of the PULSE—Port Macquarie
                                       Base Hospital)
                                     Port Macquarie Base Hospital’s Cardiac Rehabilitation program held
                                     its final rehabilitation session for the year recently. Cardiac Rehabili-
                                     tation Co-ordinator Jannie Denyer said the session was a wonderful
                                     gathering of staff, volunteers and patients from sessions throughout
the year. “The rehab session is supported by the Heart Health Volunteers, a wonderful group of mostly
past cardiac patients, who participated in the rehabilitation program,” Ms Denyer said.
“They do an amazing job of spreading news of the walking groups across our district.”
“They now have four walking groups in our area, with last week’s session attracting up to 100 people.”
“The groups are located in Port Macquarie, Laurieton , Gladstone and, most recently, Wauchope.” “The
social interaction that is a part of these groups provides a much needed meeting place for so many of our
community.” “It was a truly wonderful experience for myself and physiotherapist Carolyn Hamilton to
have so many people come back together after the experiences that they have been through.”
“We want to wish everyone a Happy Christmas, and want to express our sincere gratitude to the hard
work and tireless efforts of our Heart Health NSW Volunteers.”

Numbers needed for those interested in going. There will be a lovely morning tea supplied with the visit.
It’s well worth the time spent there, seeing how they breed fish of different types from little ones to adults.
You can even get to hold a fish in the water too. Let Adrian know if you want to go. …..Regards—Robert

Branch Executive and Contacts:    Branch Address: P O Box 497, Laurieton, NSW 2439.

Mobile Phone Contact: 0481 721 636
President: Robert Edwards -    Vice President’s: Mike Storrier - Greg Sneddon -

Secretary : Adrian Lee-Archer - Treasurer: Reg Wilkinson -
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