Page created by Jerry Barnett
                275 Riccarton Road
                   PO Box 6460
                Christchurch 8442
             Telephone 03-341-6705
      E-Mail - christchurch@hearing.org.nz


  Hours— Tuesday to Friday 9am-3pm

           AUGUST 2018
           Registered under the Charities Act 2005
                  Registration No CC20011
Subscriptions/Donations 2018 are now due
                PLEASE REMEMBER …...
                That we are not funded in any way by the Government and we rely totally on donations,
                subscriptions, grants and bequests in order to keep our services going.

                                   Thanks for your wonderful support!
Maybe you would like to consider us when making your Will. See Notice Board, later in this publication.

                            Included with this Newsletter you will find your
                                     2018 Donation/Subscription Form.
If this form is green, then you have paid your donation/subscription for the 2018 year—thank you very
much for your ongoing support. However if you would like to make a further donation, that is of
course, very welcome! ☺
If this form is pink, then your 2018 donation/subscription is outstanding.
Thank you for your support and also the encouragement of many of you as we continue our work to
assist the Hearing Impaired of Canterbury.
Please note that we include space on your form for you to complete if you wish to be part of our Email
Contact Group and kept up to date with what is happening on a regular basis. Please note that you do
not need to fill this in every time you send in your subscription/donation—but do let us know if you
change your email address.

                                       Membership discount offer!!!
   Introduce a new member to the Hearing Association and we will give you $5 off your next membership subscription.
   Make sure you tell your friend to let us know who recommended them so that you get your discount!

                                                Did you know we are now on Facebook?

This is a great platform for us as it is free exposure about us and our services. If you
already have a Facebook page we would love it if you would LIKE our page, add us to
your Friends list and ask your friends and family to LIKE us as well.
Liking a page or post helps us get Hearing Support Christchurch and our message out into the
social media community, therefore spreading the word about how we can help people who struggle
with hearing loss issues.

Disclaimer: The views or information contained in this Newsletter are not necessarily the views of the Hearing Support
Christchurch Board.
From Pauline’s Desk……                                                Ashburton in order to view venues and take part in a planning
                                                                     meeting. We are very excited to have a fabulous Keynote
                                                                     Speaker, Gael Hannan, all the way from Canada. Some of you
Well it has been a bit of a sad few months. As some of you will      may recall that back in 2007 Gael joined us in Christchurch and
know Russell Simes, our immediate Past President had been            she was amazing.
very unwell for a long time and he passed away mid-July.
Many of us attended his funeral and overleaf you will find the       I delivered a presentation to a local rest home on Care of Hear-
tribute I read on behalf of Hearing Support Ch Ch. Russell cer-      ing Aids / Understanding Hearing Loss in the Elderly and have a
tainly made a difference in our organisation both locally and        few more similar talks lined up.
nationally and has left a legacy that will continue to benefit the
hearing impaired in our region for quite some time. We miss          Grants – We have been fortunate to receive some much need-
his input and presence greatly; he was an awesome Kiwi Bloke.        ed financial assistance towards our upcoming Tinnitus Seminar
                                                                     from Pub Charity and funds towards updating our computer
Marie Sutton our Services Co-ordinator has resigned after 11         systems from CERT. Funding for the Tinnitus Seminar enables
years of quality service to the hearing impaired that have           us to provide the workshop FREE of charge making it accessible
accessed our services. Marie says goodbye to you all overleaf        to everyone.
and we wish her well in her new role. We are currently
recruiting in order to find a suitable replacement for Marie.        Regarding our Tinnitus Seminar – Dr Grant Searchfield, head of
                                                                     Audiology at Auckland University will be our Keynote Speaker
So much has been happening since our AGM; which also                 and we have decided to run an evening workshop this year
marked our 80th year supporting the Hearing Impaired of Can-         following requests for one. If you would like to attend or know
terbury. We celebrated with a cake and our Patron Ruth Dyson         of someone who will benefit, see our advertisement for this
along with Lesley, cut this yummy creation for us all to share.      later in this newsletter.
If you weren’t there, you missed out on a delicious creation.
                                                                     Our Strategic Plan has been finalised which outlines our goals
You will see later in this edition our new Board line-up voted       and plans for approximately the next five years. It is exciting to
on at the AGM in April. We are delighted that Lesley McKone          have a document staff can refer to and use in order to keep us
is now officially our President following a few months as Inter-     all focused on a clear direction for Hearing Support Christ-
im President due to Russell Sime’s illness. Also stepping up is      church and the service we can offer to the Hearing Impaired in
Glenda Martin into the role of Vice President vacated by Les-        our region.
ley. We also voted on and welcomed some new Board mem-
bers - Neil Hardisty, a local Audiometrist; Jane Forrest, a Pre-     Telecommunications Technology Roadshow – Hearing New
school Head Teacher and Carolyn Till, a local Audiologist. We        Zealand, Deaf Aotearoa and CCS Disability co-operated with
feel really fortunate to have people of this calibre adding to       Swedish technology company T-Meeting Global to showcase a
our already strong Board and look forward to achieving some          pre-release peek at how communications in the future could
great stuff together.                                                be better for Deaf, Deaf-blind, those who have difficulty speak-
                                                                     ing, and those with a Hearing Loss; basically better solutions for
The other exciting thing is we now have a Board Meeting Sec-         people with communications disabilities.
retary – Lisa Campbell, thanks to Lesley. Lisa will record and
type up Minutes from Board meetings in order to enable me to         Some of us attended a meeting regarding this proposed new
take part fully in meetings and to lessen some workload. Great       technology which still needs to be approved by the NZ Govern-
to have Lisa on board.                                               ment. We shall keep you informed of progress.

Student Volunteer Expo @ Canty Uni is an opportunity for non         Silent Leadership Challenge (SLC) – we took part in this last
-profits to recruit volunteer students to help out. This fell on     year, raising a good amount for our Rest Home Programme and
the same day as our AGM, and Russell, in true Russell style          planning is currently underway to do the same this year on 21
volunteered to be there along with Bev, our Rest Home Field          September. You may recall that the SLC challenges business
Worker and Russell’s daughter who took time off from her job.        leaders and staff to take part by wearing hearing protectors to
They gained some new volunteers and we will use their ser-           simulate hearing loss and then participate in tasks like being in
vices over the coming months.                                        a meeting, or having coffee with colleagues. Each participant
                                                                     raises funds and helps highlight the issues around hearing loss,
Next year the bi-annual Hearing NZ Conference will be in Ash-        while having a small experience of it for themselves.
burton and the Southern Regional Branches are all working
together to organise it. Lesley and I recently made a trip to

                                                      Thank you!!!
  A huge big thank you to those of you who remember to include a stamped self-addressed envelope
  when you want a receipt for your subscription/donation. Not to mention those of you who receive
  the newsletter by e-mail ☺
  Our newsletter costs about $400 to produce and send out so we really appreciate it!
Goodbye from Marie                              the many things he achieved for our organisation
It’s hard to believe that I have been in the office here
                                                               - implementing the delivery of Safe Sound Indicator
for 11 years now. So much has changed in that time—I
                                                               ‘traffic lights’ to early childhood centres to help educate
have worked under four Presidents and seen many
                                                               on noise awareness
people come and go. I have really enjoyed the variety of
my job here, but most of all I have loved helping people       - working with and challenging local hospitals to ensure
over the years and will miss seeing all the regulars that      the needs of those with hearing loss were catered for in
pop in. My children have now grown up and left school          the re-builds or refurbishments
and the time has come for me to move on to a new               - helping organise, support and take part in a fund
challenge.                                                     raising programme called the Silent Leadership
I will be taking up a full-time position as Clinic Adminis-    Challenge
trator at the Speech and Hearing Clinic at the University      - working with Student Volunteers to develop our new
of Canterbury. This is where the students do their             website
supervised training to become audiologists and speech
                                                               - organising Student Volunteer recruitments at Canter-
therapists, while they complete their degrees. My last
                                                               bury University – including building a whole stand to
day in the office here was Friday August 3rd.
                                                               attract students to – and this while he was incredibly
I am looking forward to my new role but it is tinged           unwell! This highlights Russell’s steely determination to
with quite a bit of sadness - the Hearing Association has      get a job done and get it done well, no matter what!
been a big part of my life and I have really loved getting
                                                               In light of all Russell achieved for us, it was our pleasure
to know you all over the years. I will keep an ear out to
                                                               and privilege to nominate him for a Volunteer Recogni-
hear what Hearing Support is up to and maybe I will run
                                                               tion Award via Volunteer Canterbury, which he humbly
into some of you if any of you use the University
                                                               received last year.
Hearing clinic.
Bye for now, Marie

             Tribute to Russell Simes
              (our former President)
On the 11th July we lost a passionate champion for the
hearing loss cause. Russell was not just our President
but also a good friend. He was a man who liked to get
things done and was always very generous with his
time, and sharing his wisdom.
We first met Russell back in 2010 when he came to us
for help with his hearing on the phone and watching TV.
As was the norm with Russell, we got chatting and he
expressed an interest in helping us out, particularly with
a need we had for someone with electrical and tech-
nical knowledge to visit people at home to help them
set up devices for their hearing loss issues. As an electri-   Russell was a leader who inspired by example and
cian Russell was perfect for the job and we always had         provided a great level of support, encouragement and
great feedback on how helpful he was from our clients .        mentoring to our Team at Hearing Support.
Before long Russell was also volunteering to be on our         Russell had a vision to see people with hearing loss live
Board, eventually becoming Treasurer and then Presi-           normal and productive lives, with their rights being
dent in 2016, serving in that role until his health            upheld and he worked tirelessly, even when very
became too challenging.                                        unwell, to achieve his goals.
Russell also served the hearing impaired nationally as a       And in true Russell style, he was still supporting us at
board member for our National Organisation – Hearing           his funeral service by seeking donations for Hearing
NZ, and was on our Southern Regional Board as both a           Support.
member and in the Chair. Both roles gained him much            It is certainly an understatement to say that Russell is
respect for his wisdom and perception in many matters.         sorely missed by us all. Our thoughts are with his wife
He was a true inspiration and a man with a vison and           Yvonne, his children, grand children and his extended
purpose for the work of Hearing Support. Just a few of         family.
Things to consider when changing over to Fibre
As we continue to get calls from people who wonder             that uses fibre but some still need the copper phone
why their amplified phone doesn’t work anymore after           line. If you need copper, again choose Option 2.
they switch to fibre, we thought it might be a good            Do you have other analogue devices that use the
idea to run this article again.
                                                               copper wiring?
When changing to fibre you have two options:
                                                               If you rely on a flasher ringer, fax or amplified phone to
1. Keeping your landline                                       use the phone you need Option 2.These devices need
2. Getting your broadband/phone bundle all supplied            to use copper wire jack points to work. My Sky boxes
   by fibre                                                    also require integrated wiring.
Since we don’t currently know of any fibre phones be-          TV decoders
ing brought into New Zealand that are good for the             If your telecommunication provider is offering a deal
hearing impaired you may want to consider Option 1.            for TV with your phone & broadband it pays to ask spe-
An important thing to keep in mind is that fibre               cific questions about the decoder. E.g. the current de-
phones or any other equipment using the fibre will             coder being supplied for Vodafone TV does not have
not work in a power outage. Battery backup storage             the same capability to decode subtitles as other decod-
devices (UPS – uninterruptable power sources) are an           ers. If you rely on subtitles to watch TV this is an im-
option but they are not funded and can be very expen-          portant consideration. You may want to stick with the
sive.                                                          decoder that you have if you are happy with it.
Keeping your landline                                          When building or buying a brand new home
Again you have two options:                                    Once we would have assumed that a house had a
1. Have your phone plugged directly into the optical           phone line and that if we plugged in our phone it
   network terminal (ONT) – this is the fibre box that         would work as long as we paid for a landline connec-
   gets installed on your internal wall. This is only suita-   tion. Now more houses, especially in the large new
   ble for a small house and means that you really need        subdivisions, are being built with only fibre connec-
   to have a cordless phone; otherwise your only               tions so always ask if there is copper wire in the house
   phone is permanently fixed wherever the box is in-          itself, or you will be restricted to what equipment you
   stalled.                                                    can use.
2. Put in a hybrid cable with both fibre and copper. If        Just because you see a jack point does not mean it will
   any of the following situations apply to you then you       work for your phone – it may in fact be a network jack
   will want to go for this option. Integrated Wir-            point for a computer or smart TV so it will pay to ask
   ing connects your phone jack points to your ONT so          for this information so you can consider what extra
   that you can keep using them. It is important to re-        costs you may have or whether it is even possible for
   alise you need to make this decision before installa-       you to get your essential equipment working. Don’t let
   tion as fixing the problem later can be quite expen-        the real estate agent fob you off with saying the house
   sive.                                                       is all up to date with everything you need—ask to see
                                                               paperwork that shows you what type of connections it
Do you have a Captel phone?
                                                               has before making your purchase decision.
The Captel phone requires an analogue phone line con-
nection as well as a broadband connection. This
means that you need to plug your Captel into an                                     Good News!
analogue telephone (POTS) connection on the box and
your broadband cable into the modem (which is                            We now stock Rayovac batteries
connected to the ONT) so it will need to be located
wherever these are in the house.                                  Oticon have offered Hearing Associations
If you have integrated wiring you can use another jack            nationwide a deal so that we can now offer
point in your home but you will have to use Wifi for              these batteries cheaper to you.
your Captel phone. This can sometimes mean you will
lose captions if there is any dropout in the Wifi. If you         Standard price                          $7
have a larger house you may need to consider a Wifi
range extender.
                                                                  Member price                            $6.30
Do you have a monitored security or medical alarm?                Member with Supergold card              $5.60
It is important to check if these will work over fibre.
Some security firms have invested in new technology
        EVER THOUGHT ABOUT MAKING A                              HAVING PROBLEMS
       BEQUEST OR FUNERAL DONATION TO                            HEARING YOUR TV?
              HEARING SUPPORT?
                                                               Ever tried using Captions?
   Your Bequest will help secure our future and
                                                      Captions are just like Sub-titles, but they are
   assist us to continue to provide a long-term
                                                      designed for people with hearing loss and can
   service to hearing impaired Kiwis in our region.
                                                      help you to fill in the gaps.
   Once you have taken care of your family, may-
   be you could think of us.                          Depending on what platform you receive your
                                                      TV signal through the set-up is slightly
   Have a chat with your Lawyer if this is some-
                                                      different. See http://able.co.nz/captioning/
   thing you would like to consider doing. You
   will need our Charities commission registration
   no. (CC20011) and our correct name - Hear-
   ing Support Christchurch T/A Hearing Associa-      The captioning service is available on TV1,
   tion Christchurch Inc.                             TV2, TV3 and Four.
                  Thanks so much!                     PLUS……..
   OR….                                               Don’t forget that we have TV Devices that
   When a loved one passes, donations can be          may be the answer to your TV viewing
   made at the Funeral towards the work of            woes.
   Hearing Support Christchurch.                      Call the office for a free appointment to trial.
            We appreciate your support!

                                                         HEARING AID TUBING & CLEANING
              BATTERY PRICE LIST
   Don’t forget to stock up on your hearing aid               Do you struggle to change the
    batteries and other hearing aid supplies                  tubing on your hearing aids?
                                                      Is it difficult for you to clean your hearing
         We stock the following batteries:
                                                         aids—getting into all those nooks and
Type         Retail      Member      Supergold +                          crannies?
                         Price       Member Price               Hearing Support can help!

Power One $8.00          $7.20       $6.40                    We now offer a cleaning &/or
                                                           tubing change service at the rooms.
Oticon/      $7.00       $6.30       $5.60
13, 312, 675

    Order your batteries by mail to save a trip!

  Postage     $2.00 for up to 10 cards                              FREE to Members
                                                                (charge applies for tubing)
  Don't forget to include your name and address
                                                           Just call in and see our friendly staff.
  so we know where to send them to!
Hearing Aid Maintenance Supplies
                                                   Retail     Member       Member with Supergold

Hearing aid wax guards – Widex                     $ 9.50     $ 8 .50      $ 7.50

Hearing aid wax guards – Oticon                    $12.80     $11.50       $10.20

Hearing aid wax guards – Beltone                   $ 8.30     $ 7.50       $ 6.70

Air puffers                                        $12.50     $11.30       $10.00

Drying capsules                                    $ 1.90     $ 1.70       $ 1.50

Mini bottle-brushes for mould clearing             $ .80      $ .70        $ .60

Brush with wax hook & magnet for battery removal   $ 1.50     $ 1.40       $ 1.20

Vent cleaning tool                                 $ 1.50     $ 1.40       $ 1.20

Cleaning pin                                       $ 1.00     $ .70        $ .60

Hearwell gel                                       $11.00     $ 9.90       $ 8.80

Ginkocare cream                                    $11.50     $10.40       $ 9.20

      Check out the new badge we’ve                         Massey University
              had designed!                                      Study
                                                       Massey University is researching the reasons for the
                                                       lengthy insurance claims process in greater Christ-
                                                       If you would like to take part go to :
Pop in to the office or contact Pauline at
hearingchch@xtra.co.nz if you would like one
                                                            Text 111 Service
   $10.90 to members with supergold card
   $13.60 to non-members                              If you have problems talking
                                                       on the phone you can
                                                       register your name and num-
                                                       ber with the TEXT 111 services,
         Check out this website featuring              so in an emergency you can
               Accessible Travel in NZ                 text 111 instead of having to
                                                       call.        Visit:       http://
                                                       www.police.govt.nz/111-txt/how-register-111-txt to
                                                       register, or visit us and we can help you with the pro-
                                                       NB If you do not get a response within 4 minutes
          http://www.oysternz.co.nz/                   please use another method of contacting emergency
Introducing two of our new Board Members
                                   Neil Hardisty
After fifteen years working in engineering in the UK I retrained in 2002 and
qualified as a Registered Hearing Aid Dispenser.
In 2009 I was invited to work for Bay Audiology and moved to New Zealand
with my wife and children. I have worked in the New Zealand hearing industry
ever since. I love the client interaction and the prospect of reducing stress and
isolation for our clients. I particularly enjoy sharing their journeys as they settle
into a life of better hearing. Russell Simes came to us a year ago for help with
his hearing aids and later asked if I would consider offering my services to the
I look forward to getting to know all my fellow board members in the coming

                                    Carolyn Till
Hi there. I recently joined the Hearing Support Christchurch Board. I am a born
and bred Cantabrian and am a local Audiologist. I went through the University
of Auckland Masters of Audiology programme in the mid 1990s and took up my
first Audiologist role at Hutt Valley DHB where I worked for nine years before
returning to my home town, Christchurch, with my husband and family in 2005.
I have worked in private audiology clinics in Christchurch since my return and
started up an independent audiology clinic in St Albans four years ago along
with another audiologist. My interest in audiology was sparked when my grand-
father had ‘dizzy spells’ when I was a child (he was subsequently diagnosed
with Meniere’s disease) and my late uncle was a Teacher of the Deaf at Van
Asch. I feel very lucky to help those with hearing loss on a day to day basis and
take great satisfaction in seeing people’s lives improve when they hear better.
Prior to going to university and training in audiology I was a legal secretary/legal executive in Christchurch and
went on an ‘OE’ for 18 months around Europe, the Middle East and America.
Now my children have grown up I have some spare time and energy and am delighted to be able to contribute to
the Board in any way they require. I look forward to working with Pauline and the team at Hearing Support Christ-
church. In my spare time I enjoy a bit of gardening, travelling, reading and drawing.

                                             E-mail address changes
 There are still a few e-mails bouncing back from members. Despite assurances from Vodafone I’m afraid
 they are definitely not forwarding on all e-mails to your new e-mail address so if you have changed your e-mail
 address when Vodafone stopped providing their e-mail service (mainly Telstraclear & Paradise e-mails) and you
 still wish to receive information and newsletters from us, please get in touch with your new e-mail address.

                                                   YOUR STORIES
This is your Newsletter and we would love to hear from any of our Members who have an experience to share
about their own hearing journey. Something that would encourage others; an experience that has helped as you
adjust to your hearing loss; or perhaps a good news story outlining how you have overcome barriers in your own
hearing loss journey.
Email your script to hearingchch@xtra.co.nz with “newsletter story” in the subject line.
Please note that submitting items will not guarantee publication. Articles printed will be at the discretion of the
newsletter editor and Board.

                   Hearing Support Christchurch is running a
                            Workshop to help you!
                         Thursday 4th October 7-9pm
Key note speaker—Dr Grant Searchfield (from Auckland University)
                        Please call or e-mail to book your place
                                  Numbers are limited!

                             Hearing Support Christchurch
                                          341 6705

                               Funded by

              We are very grateful for a
         grant from Pub Charity of $918.58
      to fund our Tinnitus workshop in October              We are very grateful for a
                                                            grant of $2646 from CERT
                                                         to fund new computer equipment
                                                                  for our office

If so, drop us an email or call the office and we will
pop you on our Newsletter Email list.
And of course this will help us keep postage, paper
and printing costs down—bonus!!

Positions Available: Board Members
Objectives: To assist Hearing Support Christchurch in continuing to offer an excellent service of help and support
to the hearing impaired in our region. To support and encourage our staff as they seek to deliver a quality ser-
vice to those with hearing loss and their significant others.
Personal Qualities: An understanding and empathy for those who have hearing loss and willingness to
contribute in positive ways to assist us in delivering our current service. Able to communicate well and work
with a committed team of individuals, as well as our staff.
Commitment: Bimonthly meetings currently held on the 2nd Thursday of every other month at 1pm for around
1.5 hours. Meetings held at the office at 275 Riccarton Road.
This is your opportunity to give something back to the community. Our current Board comprises of amazing peo-
ple who are committed and passionate about the issues that affect those with hearing loss, but we are always
looking for fresh faces that bring fresh inspiration and new ideas.
If this sounds like something you would like to get involved in, then please contact Pauline at the office asap for
further information. OR—if you have family members or friends that you think would be interested, have a chat
with them and get them to call us. We would love to hear from you or them.

 President                             Lesley McKone
 Vice President                        Glenda Martin
 Secretary                             Lisa Campbell
 Treasurer                             Theona Blom
 Hon Solicitor                         Allister Davis (Clark Boyce Lawyers)
 Auditor                               Community Accounting Christchurch
 Patron                                Hon. Ruth Dyson
 Board                                 Jane Forrest, Gerard Gibbs, Neil Hardisty, Carolyn Till
 Honorary Board                        Tony Rush
 Services Co-ordinator                 Currently Vacant (recruitment in process)

 Manager                               Pauline Marshall
 Field Worker                          Bev Peterson
                                  DONATION FORM
Approximately 18.9% of our population has some form of hearing loss. It is estimated that this number
can rise up to 66% amongst those in residential aged-care.

Remember that we receive no Government Funding and wish to continue to assist Hearing Impaired
Residents in Rest Homes /Villages. While we now charge rest homes a small fee, this by no means covers
all our costs, so we are very grateful for any donations received by you.
This allows us to keep providing this valuable service.
                                    We appreciate your generosity!

                      I wish to donate to the Rest Home Programme:
                           $10          $20           $50          $100 (please circle)

                            Other $ ____________

                       MR / MRS / MS / MISS / DR / Other ________

                       NAME _________________________________

                       ADDRESS _______________________________

                       Receipt Please     □
                       Your donation is tax deductible, but you need to let us know if you
                       would like a receipt. Please tick the box above if you do.

      If you ever pick up one of our Newsletters and think to yourself, “I wonder if there will be an article
      about …………………………………………………………………………………(fill in what you would like to read
      about) this time”, only to find that there isn't , then please drop us an email or give us a call and
      tell us what you would like to read about in regards to hearing loss.
      Please note — We will do our best to include your suggestions but we may not be able to
      find suitable or reliable information on the topic you request.
Hearing Support Christchurch
PO Box 6460
You can also read