Hear The Call TUESDAY, 25 JANUARY 2022 - 7PM SA AND 7:30PM IN ACT, VIC, NSW, TAS - cloudfront ...

Page created by Alfredo Malone
Hear The Call TUESDAY, 25 JANUARY 2022 - 7PM SA AND 7:30PM IN ACT, VIC, NSW, TAS - cloudfront ...
Hear The Call

   AT 4:30PM WA, 6PM NT, 6:30PM QLD,
You are invited by one of our most senior Aboriginal Christian Leaders, Aunty Jean
Phillips, to gather together to pray in unison to #ChangeTheHeart on the evening
before January 26. Tune in to this unique, national service led by Aboriginal
Christian Leaders simulcast on ACCTV, commongrace.org.au, and on the radio.
Hear The Call TUESDAY, 25 JANUARY 2022 - 7PM SA AND 7:30PM IN ACT, VIC, NSW, TAS - cloudfront ...
How to tune in

Foxtel Channel 182
Optus D2 D2 Satellite
FetchTV Channel 291
Android TV Get the free ACCTV App to stream the service
Chromecast from the ACCTV App on your Android mobile device
Apple TV (4th generation) Get the free ACCTV App to stream the service


View on www.commongrace.org.au/watch
Watch ACCTV Live via any web browser at https://watch.acc.tv/live/videos/live
(Create an account beforehand)
Use the ACCTV App on your Android or Apple mobile device


94.9FM Rhema Central Coast Radio NSW       89.9 theLight Melbourne
96five Family Radio Brisbane QLD           Ngaara Media Pilbara WA
94.1 Pulse Wollongong                      100.1FM Life FM Bathurst
98.5 theLight Albury Wodonga NSW/VIC       Dubbo’s 94.3
1035FM Orange                              101.9FM Life FM Wagga

and more at....www.commongrace.org.au/hearthecall_watch

Before the Service
Have you let Aunty Jean Phillips know you are watching
#ChangeTheHeart 2022? Please let us know you are committed to
watching and sign up online at www.commongrace.org.au/hearthecall

Hear The Call TUESDAY, 25 JANUARY 2022 - 7PM SA AND 7:30PM IN ACT, VIC, NSW, TAS - cloudfront ...
Order of Service
Cultural Warning: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are
warned the following Order of Service and the #ChangeTheHeart 2022
service contains names and images of people who have died.

Opening Credits

Welcome to Change The Heart: Brooke Prentis, CEO, Common Grace

Acknowledgement of Country: Hear the voices of our younger generation as
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and young people acknowledge
Country, who they are and where they live, from across these lands now called
Australia. From Country to Country from Wuthathi, Boon Wurrung, Kamilaroi,
Birpai, Darkinjung, Wiradjuri, Dunghutti, Wangal, Gadigal, Noongar, Kalkadoon,
Bindal, Wannaruah, Awabakal, Wakka Wakka, Gubbi Gubbi, Butchulla, Garawa,
Gomeroi, Kaurna, Wurundjeri, Anangu, Pitjantjatjara, Anangu, the Country you
participate on tonight, together, we acknowledge the over 300 nations of
Aboriginal peoples, we declare sovereignty has never been ceded, and we pay
our respects to all Elders past, present, and future.

Song of Community: We are Gathering Together Unto Him
“We Are Gathering Together Unto Him” Performed by Uncle Nelson Varcoe with
Tahlia Smith and Bianca Manning

The story of Change The Heart: Featuring Aunty Jean Phillips, Senior
Aboriginal Christian Leader and Lea Maslen, Aunty Jean’s non-Indigenous friend
of 25 years. 10 years ago Aunty Jean and Lea gathered a small group of people
for prayer before January 26. This small gathering has now grown to a national
gathering of #ChangeTheHeart. Hear from some of the non-Indigenous peoples
who attended the first prayer service in 2012, Rev Alison Cox, Rev Andrew
Gunton, Rev Bruce Johnson, The Rev’d John Arnold. Also hear the continuation
of the story with Brooke Prentis, Scott Sanders (former CEO of Common Grace),
and Anglican Archbishop of Sydney, the Most Reverend Kanishka Raffel.

Hear The Call TUESDAY, 25 JANUARY 2022 - 7PM SA AND 7:30PM IN ACT, VIC, NSW, TAS - cloudfront ...
Order of Service continued

A Call for Treaty: Listen deeply to a story of thousands of years, the last 250
years, and a story for our future. An invitation to come together in pursuing
friendship and Reconciliation in our lifetime, by hearing the call for Treaty.

Song of Lament: Deep Cries out to Deep
“Deep Cries out to Deep” Performed by Uncle Nelson Varcoe with Tahlia Smith
and Bianca Manning

Hear the Call of Aboriginal Christian Leaders Across Generations:
Aunty Jean Phillips and Brooke Prentis

Thanking Aboriginal Christian Elders: Aunty Jean Phillips
Pastor William Cooper, Sir Pastor Doug Nicholls, Aunty Pearl Gibbs, Pastor David
Kirk, Pastor Cecil Grant, Pastor Bill Naden Snr, Pastor Bill Naden Jr, Pastor Don
Brady, Pastor Charlie Harris, Pastor Bill Bird, Pastor Ben Bird, Pastor Henry
Collins, Pastor Keith Warner, Pastor Cedric Jacobs, Pastor Ronnie Williams,
Pastor Bill Hollingsworth, Pastor Ben Mason Pastor George Rosendale, Pastor
Fred Ferguson, Pastor Sealin Garlett, Pastor Lyle Browning, Pastor Minniecon
Senior, Pastor Max Wright, Pastor Lenny Watson, Pastor Wali Fejo, Pastor
Edward Law, Bishop Arthur Malcolm, Mr Kevin Naden, Mr Andrew Long, Aunty
Erykah Kyle, Aunty Flo Grant, Aunty Dorothy Harris, Aunty Tottie Demlin, Aunty
Hoya Brown, Aunty Evelyn Walker, Aunty Rachel Lacey.

Aboriginal Psalm 23: Aboriginal Christian Leaders
Written by Uncle Rev Ron Williams. Read by Senior Aboriginal Christian Leaders
of today, Uncle Vince Ross, Aunty Shirli Congoo, Aunty Dr Anne Pattel-Gray, The
Rev Canon Uncle Bruce Boase, Aunty Ravina Waldren, Aunty Sue Hodges, Uncle
Nelson Varcoe, Uncle Tom Little, Uncle Darryl Lingwoodock, Aunty Rev Dr
Denise Champion, Uncle Joe Kirk and Uncle Rev Mark Kickett.

Hear The Call TUESDAY, 25 JANUARY 2022 - 7PM SA AND 7:30PM IN ACT, VIC, NSW, TAS - cloudfront ...
Order of Service continued
A New Day: Song and poetry collaboration by Helen Wright and Brooke Prentis

The Common Grace Movement Prays:
We thank the many people who are part of the Common Grace movement and
recognise that together we are all praying to #ChangeTheHeart of our nation.
Many of the contributors to the #ChangeTheHeart 2022 prayer answered the
call in 2017 and hosted the first #ChangeTheHeart national services across
these lands now called Australia.

Take Action: Brooke Prentis invites us to create a heartbeat across these lands
now called Australia and to accept the Aboriginal hand of friendship, to pray and
take action together for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander justice.

              #ChangeTheHeart             @CommonGraceAus

Song of Prayer: What a Friend we Have in Jesus
Written by Joseph Scriven and Charles Crozat Converse
Performed by Tahlia Smith, Pete Smith, Gavin Power and Zeek Power

Benediction: Written and Spoken by Brooke Prentis
Hear The Call TUESDAY, 25 JANUARY 2022 - 7PM SA AND 7:30PM IN ACT, VIC, NSW, TAS - cloudfront ...
Join the social conversation

Participate in the social conversation by using #ChangeTheHeart and tagging
@CommonGraceAus. Join, Like, Comment, and Share at:




use #ChangeTheHeart and tag @CommonGraceAus

Share your photos and let us know who you are gathering with and where
you're tuning in from! We'd also love to receive your photos on email -

Hear The Call TUESDAY, 25 JANUARY 2022 - 7PM SA AND 7:30PM IN ACT, VIC, NSW, TAS - cloudfront ...
Hear The Call
Brooke Prentis shared one of her hopes of #ChangeTheHeart
was to spark continuing conversations. Why not start right now!
Whether you are gathered with family, friends, church, or
community here are some reflection and discussion questions to
help spark those continuing conversations.

Reflection questions from the service

You have watched, engaged, and participated in #ChangeTheHeart 2022.
Before going into a discussion, observe one minute of silence, to Hear the Call
and listen deeply.

Reflect on the service and what impacted you? Look through the different
elements of the service and consider your thoughts, feelings and responses.

This year marks 10 years since Aunty Jean Phillips first called people to prayer
before January 26 and has become the national #ChangeTheHeart service
around in these lands now called Australia. Reflect on your participation with
Aunty Jean Phillips, and #ChangeTheHeart over the last 10 years. Share when,
how, and where you have attended and participated, whether this is your first
#ChangeTheHeart service or your tenth. Ask how has #ChangeTheHeart
impacted you and how has it helped create the space for listening, learning, and


   “It’s only through the cross that there can be forgiveness in this country and as
 Australia thinks about its history, and it’s not a very good history, but how can we
              make it right - it’s through the cross”. Aunty Jean Phillips


Hear The Call TUESDAY, 25 JANUARY 2022 - 7PM SA AND 7:30PM IN ACT, VIC, NSW, TAS - cloudfront ...
Hear The Call cont.
In 2022, we are invited to #HearTheCall of Great Creator Spirit, God, Papa,
Jesus, echoed through Aboriginal Christian Leaders of the past, present and
future, and across all Creation. A call to come on a journey towards national
truth-telling, justice, Reconciliation, friendship, and healing together. Reflect on
the #ChangeTheHeart 2022 theme of #HearTheCall.

Ask how might you #HearTheCall towards learning the true history, the shared
history, of our nation? Ask how you can join in prayer to #ChangeTheHeart and
accept the Aboriginal hand of friendship in 2022?

 “You’ve heard Aunty Jean Phillips tell you about the true history of these lands now
 called Australia and how it’s not a very good history. Aunty Jean has invited you to
learn. Aunty Jean often says, ‘Your history is our history. Our history is your history.’
  As she speaks to our shared history of the last 250 years, this is a shared history
 which includes the injustices of stolen land, stolen wages, stolen children with the
Stolen Generations, and stolen lives. It includes massacres, it includes racism. It also
 includes the injustice of the lack of Treaty with Aboriginal peoples.” Brooke Prentis


Reflect and Share what stood out to you in the Treaty video?

Ask and Share how can we respond to the calls from Aboriginal peoples for
truth and justice, with prayer and action, when pursuing friendship and
Reconciliation, “with open minds to learn” and “with open hearts to care”?

  “Let us paint a new picture, let us sing a new song, let us dance in new colours,
      let a new story rise up from the campfire”. Brooke Prentis, Treaty Video

Hear The Call TUESDAY, 25 JANUARY 2022 - 7PM SA AND 7:30PM IN ACT, VIC, NSW, TAS - cloudfront ...
Hear The Call cont.

Reflect, Share, Ask, Take Action Consider how you could take action for
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander justice? There are ideas for action on the
Common Grace website here:

Pray Spend time in prayer for truth, justice, and healing in these lands now
called Australia and to #ChangeTheHeart of our nation.

In the following pages is a copy of the prayer of the Common Grace movement
prayed during #ChangeTheHeart, other prayers are available here:

The Common Grace Movement Prays

Great Creator Spirit, God, Papa, Jesus

We gather together.
All peoples, of all cultures,
From generation to generation.
Across these lands now called Australia.

We hear the cries rise from the land and your peoples.
We join our voices, and together, we call to you, "How Long, O Lord".

We Hear the Call,
And we pray.

We come in acknowledgement of the peoples you placed in these lands
thousands of years ago.
We come in lament of the injustices of the past and present.
We come in confession of not loving our Aboriginal neighbour as ourselves.
We come in thankfulness for the Aboriginal Christian Leaders of the past and
We come in solidarity as we lay down indifference and ignorance.
We come in repentance, seeking restoration.

Jesus, forgive us.
Jesus, unsettle us.
Jesus, guide us.

The Common Grace Movement Prays cont.

We pray that the truth will set us free.
We pray justice will roll down.
We pray in declaration for the healing of the nations.

Tuning in Together, we Hear The Call -
Of our heartbeats, of all creation, and of you - our Creator.
We pray you bring all into rhythm.

In the dawning of a new day,
Jesus, help us to see like never before.
Jesus, help us to hear like never before.
Jesus, help us to love like never before.
Jesus, inspire us, as we step into a new day
On ancient lands, in a new way - your new way -
As we pray for healing in these lands now called Australia
And pray to #ChangeTheHeart of Australia.


Closing Blessing for #ChangeTheHeart 2022

Written and Spoken by Brooke Prentis

As we see the beauty of the sunrise -
    May we hear the call of the kookaburra.
As we taste the saltiness of the beach -
    May we hear the call of the ocean.
As we smell the eucalyptus of the gum trees -
    May we hear the call of the wind.
As we feel the heat in the desert -
    May we hear the call of the red dust.
As we listen on the concrete of the city -
    May we hear the call for truth and justice.
As we walk hand-in-hand in friendship -
    May we hear the call of each other's heartbeat.

And so now,
    with all our human actions,
        and with all Creation -

Go to Hear The Call of Great Creator Spirit, God, Papa, Jesus


Where to from here?
Consider how you could take action for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
justice. Below are some ways you can join in prayer and action with Common
Grace for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander justice in 2022.

Sign up and follow us on social media
Help amplify the voices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples
@CommonGraceAus, www.commongrace.org.au

Learn about and speak up for Aboriginal justice
Aboriginal Deaths in Custody
There have been over 500 Aboriginal Deaths in Custody since 1980 - over 400
since the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody released their
report with 339 recommendations in 1991. This grieves the heart of God. It is
important that we learn the names and stories, we lament together, we pray
without ceasing and we act to see change. Find out how:

Further ideas to learn, engage and take action are available on the Common
Grace website.

Join in recognising key moments in 2022:

Check out the Common Grace calendar and share with your church

Where to from here? cont.
Key moments in 2022:

  26 January - Day of Mourning
  13 February - National Apology Day
  26 May - National Sorry Day
  27 May - Anniversary of the 1967 Referendum
  27 May - 3 June - National Reconciliation Week
  3 June - Mabo Day commemorating the handing down of the Mabo No. 2
  case on 3 June 1992
  3 - 10 July - (first Sunday to second Sunday in July each year) NAIDOC
  Week: Celebrating Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures all week.
  2022 theme is: Get up! Stand up! Show up!
  4 August - National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children’s Day
  9 August - International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples
  1 September - National Wattle Day
  26 September - Common Grace Movement Prayer Vigil for Aboriginal
  Deaths in Custody (on the anniversary of the death in custody of Wayne
  Fella Morrison)
  22 January 2023 - Sunday before 26 January every year - Aboriginal Sunday

What to do on January 26?

  Post your Acknowledgement of Country on social media using the
  Common Grace website tool
  (www.commongrace.org.au/change_the_heart_acknowledge) and talk about
  it with whoever you meet on the day
  Stand in solidarity with Aboriginal peoples attending rallies and events,
  including online, across the these lands now called Australia. See a list of
  events here - www.commongrace.org.au/jan26_events_2022
  Observe 65 seconds of silence, one second for each thousand years
  Spend time in prayer - prayer and church resources are available at

How to give
Help change the heart of Australia. Donate now.
You can help pursue a world where we are led by our Aboriginal Christian Leaders
to see friendship and Reconciliation in our lifetime.

By donating to #ChangeTheHeart you help acknowledge and lament the
true history of these lands now called Australia.

Your donation helps empower Aboriginal Christian Leaders to lead our nation
and followers of Jesus to listen deeply, advocate for truth-telling, and change the
heart of Australia.

Your donation can help:
   Cover the costs for #ChangeTheHeart in 2022,
   Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Christian led initiatives and resources to
   be created,
   Mobilise Christians to advocate for Aboriginal justice, and
   Employ Aboriginal Christians to lead Common Grace.

Scan this QR code             OR you can give online at
to donate:
                              or donate via bank transfer. If making a direct
                              debit donation please use the following details:
                              Account Name: Christians for Justice Ltd
                              BSB: 633-000
                              A/c: 152 835 336
                              Ensure your name and 'Aboriginal Justice' is
                              written in the description field and email
                              info@commongrace.org.au to let us know that
                              your gift is on its way.
Common Grace relies on the generosity of individuals who give monthly and one
off gifts. To become a monthly donor and help support the work of Common
Grace, please visit: www.commongrace.org.au/monthly_donor_campaign.

                                                                    nk you
With Thanks
We thank Aunty Jean Phillips for over 60 years of ministry and leadership

and for calling our nation to prayer.

Special Thanks to Aunty Jean Phillips, Brooke Prentis, Lea Maslen, and Scott


Special Thanks to Uncle Nelson Varcoe for his “Gift of Music”

Special Thanks to Uncle Vince Ross, Aunty Shirli Congoo, Aunty Dr Anne Pattel-

Gray, The Rev Canon Uncle Bruce Boase, Aunty Ravina Waldren, Aunty Sue

Hodges, Uncle Nelson Varcoe, Uncle Tom Little, Uncle Darryl Lingwoodock,

Aunty Rev Dr Denise Champion, Uncle Joe Kirk and Uncle Rev Mark Kickett.

Special Thanks to the Common Grace Team, Brooke Prentis, Tahlia Smith,

Bianca Manning, Safina Stewart, Monique Hughes, Emma Lalic, Jane Kelly,

Katrina Breuker, Abbey Sim, Katrina Woodrow, Ellaina Welsman, Gershon

Nimbalker and Jasmin Mawson

Special Thanks to ACCTV https://acc.tv

Special Thanks to our Radio Partners 94.9FM Rhema Central Coast, 96five

Family Radio Brisbane, 98.5FM theLight, Albury Wodonga, Ngaarda Media,

Pilbara WA, 89.9 theLight, Melbourne, Pulse Wollongong - 94.1, Life FM

Bathurst, Dubbo’s 94.3, 1035FM Orange, Wagga’s Life FM and more.

Produced by Adam Niven and Brooke Prentis

Directed by Leigh Ockey and Adam Niven

Graphic Design Monique Hughes

Didgeridoo playing by Gavin Power

Credits cont.
Acknowledgment of Country Arieta Fergie, Mackye Bron, Noah Farr, Dylan

Farr, Henry Anderson, Charlie Anderson, William Lloyd, Ava Moran, Marni

Morris, Jayda Stanley, Letty-Brooke Stewart, Samu Stewart, Mitchell Garlett,

Lloyd Garlett, Xavier Garlett, Clarence Garlett, Brooklyn Congoo, Tanah Congoo,

Pip Gilmore, Kade Hodges, Chloe Hodges, Blake Hodges, Poppy Roberts, Tya-

Yani Weatherall, TJ Weatherall, Fayelene Weatherall, Ivy Weatherall, Camisha

Sharpe, Spencer Riches, Teddy Riches and Jack Riches. With special thanks to

Knox Grammar School and Presbyterian Ladies’ College Sydney.

Treaty Video - Spoken by Brooke Prentis, Written by Brooke Prentis and Kylie

Beach, Animation by Lee Arkapaw, Leearkapaw.com, Soundtrack by Stu Fergie

& Oka, Okamusic.com, Edited by Biz Adams

A New Day - Poetry by Brooke Prentis, Music & Lyrics by Helen Wright, Vocals,

Acoustic Guitar & Djembe by Helen Wright, Spoken Word & Clapsticks by

Brooke Prentis, Acoustic Guitar & Bass by Chris De Souza, Produced by Chris De

Souza and Filmed and Edited by Biz Adams.

To all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Christian Leaders past and present -
we thank God for you. May God continue to sustain and encourage you.

Thank you to the Common Grace movement and to everyone who is praying
and taking action for justice for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples
and to #ChangeTheHeart of these lands now called Australia.

Don’t forget to add your name at www.commongrace.org.au/hearthecall
as someone who is part of #ChangeTheHeart 2022!

About Common Grace
Common Grace is a movement of people pursuing Jesus
and justice. A grassroots movement that’s navigating
denominational, theological, and political differences to
come together for the common good, discover common
ground and share in common grace.

Common Grace responds to Jesus’ call to love our

Join the movement at www.commongrace.org.au

                     © COMMON GRACE

But let justice roll down like waters,
and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream.
               Amos 5:24 NRSV




          © COMMON GRACE
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