Healthy Lifestyle Your New - Your nacional retailer - Kona Ozone

Page created by Erin James
Healthy Lifestyle Your New - Your nacional retailer - Kona Ozone
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Healthy Lifestyle Your New - Your nacional retailer - Kona Ozone
An ozone treatment is
                                                                                                              capable of destroying
                                                                                                                 pesticides and
                                                                                                               chemical residues in
                                                                                                                wash water and on

                                                                                                                                  The most                                        Chemical-free
                                                                                                                                  powerful                                              &
                                                                                                                                   oxidizer                                        eco-friendly
                                                                                                                                  available                  Disinfect of
                                                                                                                Maintain oral
                                                                                                                                                           cookware and
                                                                                                                                                          chopping boards
                                                                                                                prevent tooth
                                                                                                                  decay and
                                                                                                                   diseases                                                               Ozone is tested &
                                                                                                                                                                                           proven safe &

                                                                                              times more
                                                                                            germicidal than

                                                                                                                          How is ozone
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Keep vegetable
                                                                                                                                                                                                  fresh and crispy

                                                                                                                          to our lives?
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Ozone is FDA
                                                                                                                                                                                                  approved for direct
                                                                                                                                                                                                     food contact

    Ozone                                                          Eliminate the use
                                                                   of hot water and
    What makes ozone this effective is its high oxidation
                                                                   sanitisers, hence
    potential. Ozone is about five times more oxidizing than
                                                                    saving on daily
    oxygen and about twice as oxidizing as chlorine. Ozone
                                                                   operational costs                                                                                              Implementing ozone
    has a well-documented kill rate of microorganisms such as
                                                                                             Ozone leaves no                                                                       reduces the risk of
    fungus, bacteria and viruses.
                                                                                             chemical residue:                                                                    cross-contamination
                                                                                            No Final Rinse - Less                                                                    of pathogens
                                                                                               Water Usage                                                           Get rid of

    Ozonized                                                                  No chemical
                                                                                                                                       Ozone keeps
                                                                                                                                       wash water

    Pure water and disinfection processes are essential in the                  storage
    food and the quality of the water determines the quality                   required
    of the product. The challenge is to ensure a consistently
    high water quality to ensure a consistent product quality.
    With ozone the natural taste and smell of the water is
    preserved. Chemical free disinfection of process                                                                                                 Disinfect
    equipment is another challenge, where ozone is an             Ozone lowers counts
                                                                       of spoilage                                                               microorganisms
    efficient alternative. The Kona ozone systems provide a                                                                                      without adding
    cost effective and reliable solution to water challenges in      microorganisms
                                                                   in wash water and                                                          chemical by-products
    your household.                                                                                                                             to the food being
                                                                  on produce surface:
                                                                    Prolong Shelf Life                                                               treated

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Healthy Lifestyle Your New - Your nacional retailer - Kona Ozone
In the
              Free your food from bacterias & toxins                       Maintain Freshness
              Foods are exposed to pathogenic bacteria, antibiotics,       Ozone water will keep your food fresh. It not only
              growth hormones and pesticides in the process of             effectively kills micro-organisms that cause food spoilage
              growing and packaging. At retailers, where foods are         but also destroys ethylene gas that causes vegetables to

              purchased, they are exposed to bacteria from the hands of    wither. The reduction of ethylene gas increases shelf life
              vendors and customers. When fruits, vegetables, seafood      and reduces shrinkage. Ozone delays moulding and decay
              and meat are washed by ozone water, surface bacterium is     of many perishable foods, including fruits and vegetables,
              killed. Harmful pesticides and herbicides are rendered       helping them retain their freshness and flavour longer.
              harmless, making foods safer to eat.

              Neutralizes Pesticides
              Studies showed that pesticides are linked to cancer and
              other health disorders. Ozone enhances the taste of fresh
              perishable food by oxidizing pesticides and neutralizing
              ammonia and ethylene gases produced by ripening or

              Disinfect your kitchen
              Dish soap and water remove germs from surfaces, but they
              cannot kill germs. By disinfecting your kitchen equipment
              regularly with ozone water, you greatly reduce the risk of
              unknowingly transmitting germs through surface contact.
              Ozone removes mildew, fungus, germs and odours that
              soap and water alone leave behind.

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Healthy Lifestyle Your New - Your nacional retailer - Kona Ozone
Natural skin care
               Ozone water is an excellent natural skin treatment for
               softer and healthier looking skin. It helps to keep the skin
               free from germs with less drying compared to ordinary
               chemical cleansing substance. Ideal for facial cleansing to
               reduce pimples and acne caused by germs on your skin.
               Ozone water is also excellent for topical treatment to wash
               sores, ulcers, burns, and use to promote the healing of
               wounds and skin diseases caused resulting in red, dry
               or scaly skin inflammation

               Oral hygiene care
               Using Ozonated water could prevent teeth and mouth
               from having decay and halitosis. Also it could disinfect
               toothbrush stored in the bathroom.
               Gargling with ozone water can remove unpleasant odours,
               keep the mouth fresh and prevent oral infections. It can
               also treat canker sores and other sensitive oral areas.

    In the
               Foot hygiene care
               Ozone water is good for treating and preventing skin
               diseases such as athlete's foot or other foot fungus
               conditions, in addition to reducing unpleasant odours.
               Simply wash your feet by ozone water for 5 minutes is most

               natual and effective foot hygiene.

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Healthy Lifestyle Your New - Your nacional retailer - Kona Ozone

    Mantener las flores frescas por más                                    Jardinería en el hogar
    tiempo                                                                 ¡A las plantas de interior les encanta! El agua con ozono puede
                                                                           contener las enfermedades de las plantas y las plagas de insectos,
    El agua del ozono neutraliza los microorganismos de la superficie
                                                                           previniendo así el deterioro de las raíces y extendiendo el período
    que causan que las flores cortadas se descompongan. El ozono
                                                                           de floración. Regar las plantas con agua con ozono las mantiene
    destruye los gases de Etileno producidos por el envejecimiento y
                                                                           más sanas, promueve el crecimiento y eleva el pH del suelo. El
    la descomposición de la planta. También ayuda a reducir las algas,
                                                                           ozono también ayuda a aumentar el contenido de oxígeno y de
    los hongos, el moho, las esporas y la podredumbre de las raíces.
                                                                           nitroglicerina haciendo que las plantas sean más frescas y
    Durante la oxidación del ozono, se crea oxígeno adicional, lo que
                                                                           duraderas. También reduce los olores que producen las plantas
    ayuda a las flores a conservar su frescura por más tiempo. Los
                                                                           infectadas por hongos.
    floristas y los viveros experimentan los beneficios de una vida útil
    más larga y mejores plantas usando el ozono.

    Lavandería y ropa de cama limpia                                       Higiene de las mascotas
    Ponga la ropa en una bolsa de plástico con una boquilla de ozono       El agua con ozono no es tóxica y es buena para lavar animales. Se
    durante unos minutos. ¡Es tan simple! Usar el agua con ozono para      disipa rápidamente y deja atrás oxígeno puro después de oxidar
    lavar la ropa en la última lavación, para eliminar los gérmenes, las   los gérmenes, las impurezas químicas y los olores.
    impurezas químicas. También desodoriza y da brillo a la ropa. El       El lavado con agua con ozono, además de detergente, puede
    ozono funciona oxidando y descomponiendo las manchas y los             aumentar el poder desinfectante, reduciendo así el uso de
    olores.                                                                productos químicos y manteniendo la eficacia de la eliminación
    El agua con ozono también puede utilizarse para desinfectar la         de gérmenes y olores. Esto es un beneficio tremendo para que las
    ropa de cama, la ropa de los bebés y los calcetines malolientes.       perreras o los veterinarios mantengan una higiene adecuada.

    Limpiador natural y libre de                                           Acuarios
    químicos                                                               El ozono destruirá todas las bacterias y algas de una pecera, y no
                                                                           tiene ningún efecto perjudicial ni en absoluto en los peces que
    El agua con ozono a veces puede ser sustituida por los productos       habitan en la pecera. El ozono no produce ningún residuo
    químicos de limpieza severos y peligrosos que afectan a nuestro        químico o subproducto dañino. Simplemente volverá al oxígeno
    medio ambiente y, como resultado, mejorar el medio ambiente            después de destruir el microbio. El ozono también aumentará el
    porque no es un pullutant. El ozono es mucho menos peligroso           nivel de oxígeno disuelto en el agua.
    que la lejía común y muchas otras sustancias químicas que se           Como resultado, los peces estarán más sanos y el agua será más
    encuentran en el hogar promedio. A diferencia de la lejía o el         clara. El ozono también le ahorrará dinero, al tiempo que evitará
    cloro, el agua con ozono es perfectamente segura y natural para        los residuos nocivos que dejan los limpiadores químicos (sólo se
    ser usada como limpiador o desinfectante.                              necesitan 1-2 minutos para el agua de la pecera).

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Healthy Lifestyle Your New - Your nacional retailer - Kona Ozone
Kitchen series 4 way                      Description:    Ozone 4 Way Kitchen Faucet With Filtered Water (Tall Spout)
                                                                                                                                                        Model:    SKO-O3-02-SN
                                                                                                                                                      Material:   Brass
                                                                                                                                                     Finishing:   Brushed Nickel
                                                                                                                                                     Cartridge:   Ceramic disc cartridge
                                                                                                                                                Size of Faucet:   215mm(L) x 430mm(H) x ø40±2mm(I.D.)
                                                                                                                                                     Function:    For washing (Ozone cold/ warm/ hot water)

     Products                                 Drawing inspiration from women's sleek curves. It is a
                                              really attractive and modern faucet that combines a
                                              smooth design with the purity of Kona water. Mature,
                                              minimal, and following an ultra-luxurious theme is what
                                              the concept of the design. Adorn your kitchen with
                                                                                                                               Filtered Water

                                              stylishly finished faucets.                                                                         Ozone Water

     Kitchen series 3 way     Description:    Ozone 3 Way Single Lever Kitchen Faucet                   Kitchen series 4 way                      Description:    Ozone 4 Way Kitchen Faucet with Filtered Water (Short Spout)
                                    Model:    SKO-O3-01-SN                                                                                              Model:    SKO-O3-07-SN
                                  Material:   Brass                                                                                                   Material:   Brass
                                 Finishing:   Brushed Nickel                                                                                         Finishing:   Brushed Nickel
                                 Cartridge:   Ceramic disc cartridge                                                                                 Cartridge:   Ceramic disc cartridge
                            Size of Faucet:   215mm(L) x 425mm(H) x ø40±2mm(I.D.)                                                               Size of Faucet:   160mm(L) x 320mm(H) x ø40±2mm(I.D.)
                                 Function:    For washing (Ozone cold/ warm/ hot water)                                                              Function:    For washing (Ozone cold/ warm/ hot water)

                                                                                                                                 Filtered Water

                                                                                                                                                  Ozone Water

     Kitchen series 3 way     Description:    Ozone 3 Way Twin Lever Kitchen Faucet                     Kitchen series 3 way                      Description:    Ozone 3 Way Single Lever Kitchen Pull-Out Faucet
                                    Model:    TKO-O3-01-SN                                                                                              Model:    SKO-O3-04-SN
                                  Material:   Brass                                                                                                   Material:   Brass
                                 Finishing:   Brushed Nickel                                                                                         Finishing:   Brushed Nickel
                                 Cartridge:   Ceramic disc cartridge                                                                                 Cartridge:   Ceramic disc cartridge
                            Size of Faucet:   215mm(L) x 425mm(H) x ø40±2mm(I.D.)                                                               Size of Faucet:   245mm(L) x 440mm(H) x ø40±2mm(I.D.)
                                 Function:    For washing (Ozone cold/ warm/ hot water)                                                              Function:    For washing (Ozone cold/ warm/ hot water)


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Healthy Lifestyle Your New - Your nacional retailer - Kona Ozone
Kitchen series 3 way                  Description:     Ozone 3 Way Wall Mount Kitchen Faucet       Sensor series                Description:    Ozone Sensor Faucet
                                                 Model:     SKO-O3-05-CH                                                                   Model:    SEO-O3-01-CH / SEO- O3-02-CH
                                               Material:    Brass                                                                        Material:   Brass
                                              Finishing:    Chrome                                                                      Finishing:   Chrome
                                              Cartridge:    Ceramic disc cartridge                                                 Size of Faucet:   125mm(L) x 192mm(H) x ø38±2mm(I.D.)
                                         Size of Faucet:    215mm(L) x 140mm(H)                                                         Function:    O3-SEO-01-CH For washing (Ozone cold water)
                            Distance of Mounting Holes:     152.4mm                                                                                  O3-SEO-02-CH For washing (Ozone cold/ warm/ hot water)
                                              Function:     For washing (Ozone cold/ warm/ hot water)

     Kitchen series                         Description:    Handheld Ozone Side Faucet                  Commercial Sensor series     Description: Commercial Ozone Sensor Faucet-Tall Spout
                                                  Model:    SKO-O3-06-SN                                                                   Model: SEW-O3-03-SN / SEW-O3-04-SN
                                                Material:   Brass                                                                        Material:Brass
                                               Finishing:   Brushed Nickel                                                              Finishing:Brushed Nickel
                                               Cartridge:   Ceramic disc cartridge                                                 Size of Faucet:215mm(L) x 403mm(H) x ø40±2mm(I.D.)
                                          Size of Faucet:   120mm(L) x 182mm(H) x ø40±2mm(I.D.)                                         Function: SEW-O3-03-SN For washing (Ozone cold water)
                                               Function:    For washing (Ozone cold water)                                                        SEW-O3-04-SN For washing (Ozone cold/ warm/ hot water)
                                                                                                                                         Feature: Water flows continuously when remove hands from detection
                                                                                                                                                  area, water cuts off when placing hands again.

     Basin series 3 way                    Description:     Ozone 3 Way Single Lever Basin Faucet       Commercial Sensor series     Description: Commercial Ozone Sensor Faucet-Short Spout
                                                 Model:     SLO-O3-01-SN                                                                   Model: SEW-O3-01-SN / SEW-O3-02-SN
                                               Material:    Brass                                                                        Material:Brass
                                              Finishing:    Brushed Nickel                                                              Finishing:Brushed Nickel
                                              Cartridge:    Ceramic disc cartridge                                                 Size of Faucet:160mm(L) x 303mm(H) x ø40±2mm(I.D.)
                                         Size of Faucet:    160mm(L) x 320mm(H) x ø40±2mm(I.D.)                                         Function: SEW-O3-01-SN For washing (Ozone cold water)
                                              Function:     For washing (Ozone cold/ warm/ hot water)                                             SEW-O3-02-SN For washing (Ozone cold/ warm/ hot water)
                                                                                                                                         Feature: Water flows continuously when remove hands from detection
                                                                                                                                                  area, water cuts off when placing hands again.

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Healthy Lifestyle Your New - Your nacional retailer - Kona Ozone
Sensor series        Decscription: Ozone Sensor Faucet-Short Spout
                               Model:     SEO-O3-03-SN / SEO-O3-04-SN
                              Material: Brass
                             Finishing: Brushed Nickel
                        Size of Faucet: 160mm(L) x 303mm(H) x ø40±2mm(I.D.)
                             Function:    SEO-O3-03-SN For washing (Ozone cold water)
                                          SEO-O3-04-SN For washing (Ozone cold/ warm/ hot water)

     Water Filtration     Decscription:   Water Filtration Faucet
                                Model:    SGC-02-SN
                              Material: Brass
                             Finishing: Brushed Nickel
                             Cartridge:   Ceramic disc cartridge
                         Size of Faucet: 130mm(L) x 245mm(H) x ø12mm(I.D.)
                             Function:    For drinking (cold water)

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Healthy Lifestyle Your New - Your nacional retailer - Kona Ozone
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