HEALTH & MEDTECH PROSPECTUS 2021/2022 - Invest Frankston

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HEALTH & MEDTECH PROSPECTUS 2021/2022 - Invest Frankston
HEALTH & MEDTECH PROSPECTUS 2021/2022 - Invest Frankston
Invest Frankston Health & MedTech Prospectus

HEALTH & MEDTECH PROSPECTUS 2021/2022 - Invest Frankston
IF you’re looking to be part of a       IF YOU’RE READY
dynamic and progressive health and      TO BECOME PART
                                        OF AN ESTABLISHED
medical services hub, Frankston City    AND REPUTABLE
is just what the doctor ordered.        HEALTH CARE
                                        INDUSTRY, YOUR
Over the past decade Frankston City     NEXT CHAPTER
has transformed into an industry-       BEGINS IN
leading health hub, servicing the
booming Mornington Peninsula and        Frankston City has so much to offer,
Melbourne’s South East.                 including:
Our rapidly expanding health sector        large and skilled health
presents a range of opportunities for     sector recruitment pool
primary and allied health businesses       ccess to industry leading
to more specialised services, such        MedTech manufacturers and
as hospitals and medical specialists.     medical researchers
Frankston is set to be a health
                                           Health and Education precinct
care leader long into the future. As
                                          featuring some of Melbourne’s
Australia’s MedTech and Pharma
                                          most reputable health education
capital, the Melbourne metro region
                                          and health care facilities
has become renowned as a world-
class contributor with some of the         pportunities to develop and
best universities, teaching hospitals     invest in Frankston becoming
and medical research facilities.          a world leading health care city
                                           nrivaled work-life balance,
With a strong focus on fostering          featuring coastal living and
cross-industry collaboration and          a vibrant cultural scene
innovation, Frankston is set to
                                           roximity to infrastructure
continue growing as a health care
                                          and transport
stronghold in Australia.
HEALTH & MEDTECH PROSPECTUS 2021/2022 - Invest Frankston
Invest Frankston Health & MedTech Prospectus

Whether you’re a major player or new to the game, IF it’s a well
seasoned health care industry you’re after, Frankston is ready
for you.
The health care industry is a vital part       In Frankston, inter-industry partnerships
of the fabric of Frankston, contributing       are consistently being developed and
a massive $1.2 billion to the city’s annual    strengthened. With all the right ingredients
$12.7 billion output.                          to support your growth, you’ll have access
                                               to top tier, locally based, medical research
    The Health Care and                        organisations, health care providers,
    Social Assistance sector                   MedTech manufacturers and pharmaceutical
    is Frankston’s largest
    employer, accounting for                   Located close to Frankston Hospital,
                                               Frankston Private Hospital, and Monash
    a significant 20 per cent                  University’s School of Primary and Allied
    of the city’s employment.                  Health Care, Frankston is on track to become
                                               Australia’s education and research leader.

$1.2                                           9,200                                          HOME TO

BILLION                                        EMPLOYED                                       MONASH
in health care and social assistance           in health care and social assistance           UNIVERSITY
output annually                                in Frankston                                   one of the Group of 8 Universities

HEALTH & MEDTECH PROSPECTUS 2021/2022 - Invest Frankston
Invest Frankston Health & MedTech Prospectus

HEALTH & MEDTECH PROSPECTUS 2021/2022 - Invest Frankston
HEALTH & MEDTECH PROSPECTUS 2021/2022 - Invest Frankston
Invest Frankston Health & MedTech Prospectus


Featuring location and learning opportunities second to none, Monash’s
School of Primary and Allied Health successfully combines first class
education with an unrivalled lifestyle. With a uniquely Australian
environment, Head of the School of Primary and Allied Health, Professor
Terry Haines, shares what makes a Frankston education so special.

1.   TELL US A BIT ABOUT                         2. HOW DOES                                        3. WHAT BENEFITS
     MONASH’S SCHOOL                                BEING BASED                                        DOES BEING BASED
     OF ALLIED AND                                  IN FRANKSTON                                       IN FRANKSTON BRING
     PRIMARY CARE.                                  SUPPORT THE                                        TO THE UNIVERSITY?
     The school is made up of six teaching          EDUCATION                                           Most of our students come from
     departments and one research                   OF MONASH’S                                         the South East corridor so getting to
     centre. The teaching departments               STUDENTS?                                           the campus is very easy. There’s so
     based in Frankston are physiotherapy,         Being collocated at the Health and                   much potential for growth. We hope to
     occupational therapy and paramedicine.        Education Precinct is a distinct                     reach out into the areas of Pakenham,
     Social work, medical imaging and              advantage. You can get to the hospital               Cranbourne and other growth spots to
     general practice are based on other           so quickly from the university, it’s just            become the key education provider for
     Monash campuses. Our Frankston based          across the road. This makes it very                  these areas. We want to be catering for
     research centre is The Rehabilitation,        easy to take theory into practice. For               growing populations.
     Ageing and Independent Living Research        example, our physiotherapy course has
     Centre. Its focus is very much aligned        a very high rating and draws in people          4. WHAT ARE SOME
     with the activities of physiotherapy,         from all of Melbourne. It’s the leading            OF THE LIFESTYLE
     occupational therapy and the nursing          program in the country in terms of                 BENEFITS OF
     departments on campus.                        student satisfaction. People come from             BEING BASED IN
                                                   far and wide to participate in it.                 FRANKSTON?
     Frankston was viewed as being the                                                                  The Frankston campus is a really
     most appropriate location for this, given     Our other faculties are also big draw                Australian environment. You’ve got an
     the city’s ageing population and also         cards, including business, nursing and               abundance of gum trees and native
     the need to provide research leadership       midwifery, and education. We have a                  birds. At the Frankston campus you get
     for providers of services in the area.        wide set of offerings at the Frankston               a beautifully serene, native landscape
     We also have the National Centre              campus. We’ve also got a growing                     to enjoy while you study.
     for Healthy Ageing, which the school          international student population, with
     and research centre are a part of. The        people coming from other countries to                Around the corner from the campus is
     centre was established as part of a $32       study the courses that we have at the                Jubilee Park and the bay is nearby, so
     million investment.                           Frankston campus.                                    there’s lots of access to open spaces.
                                                                                                        Being here really gives people the
                                                                                                        opportunity to live and study at an
                                                                                                        enjoyable pace.
HEALTH & MEDTECH PROSPECTUS 2021/2022 - Invest Frankston
Invest Frankston Health & MedTech Prospectus

HEALTH & MEDTECH PROSPECTUS 2021/2022 - Invest Frankston
Invest Frankston Health & MedTech Prospectus

IF you’re looking to get into the medical research game,
Frankston’s the name!
As a leader in the region for health research               models of care for those who need it
and clinical trials, Frankston offers researchers           most. Prioritising aged care, mental health
unique and exciting opportunities. Monash                   and addiction, successful models will be
University Peninsula Campus and Frankston                   scaled up and rolled out across Australia.
Hospital are set up to accommodate a range
of projects and programs.                                   Bringing together Monash University and
                                                            Frankston Hospital, this facility will play a
Demographic factors also provide a unique                   vital role in securing better health outcomes
research pool. The Mornington Peninsula                     for local and national residents alike.
region has a higher ageing population than
the state average with one in five people over          2. National Centre
the age of 65.                                             for Healthy Ageing
                                                            Included within the Health Future Hub,
    Frankston is proud to be                                the National Centre for Healthy Ageing
    the home of a community of                              will be the first of its kind in Australia.

    thriving medical research                               The National Centre for Healthy Ageing
    organisations, including                                will fast track and improve the health
                                                            care of the nation’s most vulnerable
    Peninsula Health which has                              people. It will bring together major
    been conducting clinical                                health training, education and research
    trials for over 20 years.                               activities at Monash University and
                                                            Frankston Hospital.
Already Peninsula Health, Frankston
Hospital and Monash University Peninsula                    Through the use of state-of-the-art
Campus have formed a Centre of Excellence                   ‘living labs’ and technology, new models
for Alcohol and Other Drugs, looking to                     of care will focus on delivering greater
gain an international reputation for research               independence so people can stay at
specific to this health area.                               home for longer and avoid unnecessary
To create opportunities for more research
and clinical trials in the future, Frankston is             The centre will work on industry leading
becoming home to a series of new facilities:                studies including two comprehensively
                                                            funded dementia research projects. One
1. Health Futures Hub                                       of which will be the first in Australia to
    Thanks to a $55 million investment                      use electronic data to develop ways of
    by the Federal Government, Peninsula                    monitoring the prevalence of dementia.
    Health and Monash University, this
    hub will be dedicated to designing and
    delivering improved and integrated

HEALTH & MEDTECH PROSPECTUS 2021/2022 - Invest Frankston
Invest Frankston Health & MedTech Prospectus

With our finger on the pulse of what’s to come, IF you’re
next generation health, make an appointment with Frankston
City today.
The health care sector has been invaluable        Here in Frankston, you’ll
to Frankston City’s rapid growth. This is aided
by the impressive level of investment the         find the land of opportunity.
industry is currently experiencing, including
three major private hospitals committing
millions towards redevelopments.

FRANKSTON HEALTH                                                                                   PRIORITIES
AND EDUCATION                                                                                      FOR THE
PRECINCT                                                                                           PRECINCT’S
Playing a vital role in supporting the health    THE FUTURE IS BRIGHT
and wellbeing of the wider South East            A high-level feasibility study has illustrated
Melbourne region, Frankston’s Health and         the council’s ability to develop and deliver
Education Precinct supports a collaborative      a Frankston Health and Education Precinct
and integrated approach to health care and       to guide us into the future. With the precinct
                                                                                                     reating opportunity
learning. Already featuring many industry-       already an invaluable asset to Frankston City      for all
leading initiatives, this health and education   and the wider Melbourne region, over the
hub represents a bright new future for           coming years the precinct will continue to
Australian health care.                          grow in all the right directions.
                                                                                                     ontinuing to grow
                                                                                                    as a world class
    Employing a significant                      The development of the precinct will centre
                                                                                                    regional education
    number of Frankston                          on the creation of inviting streetscapes and
                                                 accessible transport connections between           destination
    residents, the precinct has                  precinct facilities and the wider community.
    been an important part of
                                                 Placing people at the heart of the                  upporting the
    Frankston’s revitalisation.                  development, the precinct will offer an
                                                                                                    longevity and vitality
                                                 unparalleled environment for health care
IF you want to play a role in making
                                                 and education workers, precinct residents,         of Frankston and
Frankston a health care world-leader, your
expertise will be welcomed.
                                                 as well as the entire Frankston population.        wider communities
                                                 Combining high quality commercial offerings
The precinct has received a resounding           and amenities, alongside industry leading
vote of confidence from both the Victorian       innovation, the precinct represents a unique        roviding lively,
and Federal Governments with upcoming            opportunity to make your mark in a rapid           modern and high
developments including:                          growth environment.
                                                                                                    quality amenities
    562 million redevelopment of                The long-term vision for the precinct includes:
   Frankston Hospital, including 120
                                                    Improved and expanded accommodation             eveloping a
   additional beds, two new operating
   theatres, a women’s clinic and special
                                                    options for students and health care            collaborative
   care nursery, maternity, obstetrics and                                                          environment that
   children’s wards.                                 ccess to a diverse range of amenities
                                                                                                    benefits the whole
    32 million for an industry leading              reater connectivity to Frankston’s CBD
   ‘Health Futures Hub’ operated by                 and beyond                                      health care sector
   Peninsula Health and Monash University            ngaging and modern urban planning
    10 million for a Paediatric Emergency                                                           uilding a cohesive
   Centre at Frankston Hospital
                                                                                                    environment for the
                                                                                                    whole community
                                                                                                    to enjoy

Invest Frankston Health & MedTech Prospectus

A HISTORY OF                                    has affiliations with leading academic               Highly sophisticated computerised
EXCELLENCE                                      institutions such as Monash University               human simulators provide students
With a 40 year education history, the Health    and Deakin University.                               the opportunity for hands-on training
and Education Precinct is a destination for                                                          in emergency situations.
                                                The hospital is a multidisciplinary facility
high quality education and training and plays
                                                providing services including medical and       2. Monash University
an essential role in meeting the demands of
                                                surgical, mental health, maternity, and           With a longstanding reputation for
Frankston’s growing health and education
                                                paediatric. The hospital includes:                excellence in nursing, allied health,
sector. Offering the chance to provide and
experience successful and exciting careers,                                                       education and business, Group of
                                                    54 beds providing general and
the precinct attracts first-class health and                                                      8 University, Monash, provides a
                                                   specialist medical and surgical
education workers.                                                                                variety of courses for all levels of
                                                                                                  study. Approximately 58 per cent of
Within the Health and Education Precinct           T
                                                    he academic centre is a shared               the 4,500 students at the campus are
you’ll find:                                       facility that accommodates                     enrolled in courses relating to health
                                                   professional development for                   care professions, including nursing,
1. Frankston Hospital                              Peninsula Health clinical staff,               midwifery, physiotherapy, occupational
     Operated by Peninsula Health, the             teaching of Monash University health           therapy and paramedicine.
     hospital is the major provider of acute       professional students and expanded
     secondary and tertiary hospital services      joint research activities.                  3. Chisholm
     in South East Melbourne. In its role as       T
                                                    he Simulation Centre enables                 Home to 12,000 students in 131 courses,
     a major teaching centre, the hospital         learning to be realistically replicated.       Chisholm is one of the largest providers

Invest Frankston Health & MedTech Prospectus

   of vocational education and retraining          and ENT, as well as day surgery and                 rovide support and access to
   in Victoria. Their significant focus on         oncology services. In 2017, the hospital           commercialisation activities and health
   health and community services includes          completed a major redevelopment and                care expertise
   courses relating to alcohol and other           expansion project, to improve its ability
                                                                                                       evelop commercial accommodation,
   drugs, mental health, community                 to service the wider community.
                                                                                                      health care facilities and retail property
   services, working with disability, health
                                                                                                       rovide amenities and hospitality
   services assistance, dental assistance      THE TIME IS NOW
   and nursing. The Frankston Campus has
                                               The precinct represents an opportunity to           As the precinct expands there will be a
   recently undergone a major $75 million
                                               strengthen Frankston’s role as a major health       greater demand for expertise and services
   redevelopment with a future $64 million
                                               and education hub in Australia. Exciting            across a range of industries. IF you’re ready
   Stage 2 development confirmed.
                                               opportunities exist across a range of sectors       to help build healthier futures, we’re ready
                                               in health services, technologies, property          for you.
4. Frankston Private Hospital
                                               and lifestyle services. IF you’re ready to
   Supporting a range of private health
                                               help shape the future of health care and
   needs, Frankston Private Hospital
                                               education, opportunities exist to:
   houses acute medical and surgical
   patient beds, a High Dependency Unit,           ommercialise ideas coming through
   operating theatres and a pathology             research or clinical experience
   laboratory operated by Australian
                                                   ndertake R&D by capitalising on
   Clinical Labs. The hospital offers
                                                  the expertise of the city’s universities,
   orthopaedics, urology, general surgery
                                                  hospitals and workforce

Invest Frankston Health & MedTech Prospectus

Frankston is home to an abundance of             3. Alphacare
highly skilled and specialised manufacturers.       Servicing the aged care, hospital,
Whether you’re seeking MedTech services             allied health and wholesale markets,
or a MedTech manufacturer looking to join a         Alphacare is a specialist provider of
thriving community, right here in Frankston         medical and rehabilitation equipment.
you’ll find:
                                                 4. Frankston’s Industrial precincts
1. Lovell Surgical Solutions
                                                    Frankston’s industrial precincts at
     A leading developer of innovative              Seaford and Carrum Downs include a
     surgical devices, from surgical procedure      wide range of available modern and
     kits for ophthalmic, heart and lung            brand new industrial buildings, in a
     and gynaecology to DNA testing kits.           variety of sizes that would suit MedTech
     Lovell are the Australian distributor of       and Pharma new investments or
     the Xenios range of integrated heart           expansions. The city’s precincts feature:
     and lung therapy solutions. If it’s
     something specific you’re after, Lovell            omponent manufacturers and
     offers contract manufacturing both                suppliers with a history of innovation
     domestically and internationally.
                                                        xisting MedTech and Pharma
                                                       manufacturers and distribution bases
2. Hodei
     Hodei specialises in the design and                skilled manufacturing workforce
     commercialisation of innovative products           raining opportunities for staff
     for the health care sector and have
     grown to become the largest supplier of
     infant feeders to Australian hospitals.

Invest Frankston Health & MedTech Prospectus

Invest Frankston Health & MedTech Prospectus

IF you’re looking for a place that makes a statement, for your
team to live, play and enjoy, Invest Frankston.

Frankston has it all; pristine beaches, access   beer and distilled gin. What’s more, all this
to great education, connectivity sure to boost   action is just a stone’s throw away from the
your productivity and a calendar packed          crisp country air.
with cultural events to keep your business
flourishing and your family busy. All brought    Here you’ll find an oasis of work-life balance
to you with affordability and convenience.       where your passions are fostered and
                                                 interests are catered to. Stretching along
Want to swim in the ocean after work on          11km of stunning coastline, within easy reach
a hot day, or enjoy dinner with family and       of Metro Melbourne, Frankston combines the
friends at a local eatery by the water after a   best of coastal and city living.
long day? It’s all possible in Frankston.
                                                 With unparalleled access to transport,
Frankston’s buzzing city centre features the     education and health care, you and your
works of local street artists and enviable       team will want for nothing.
artisan cafes and bars serving locally brewed

Invest Frankston Health & MedTech Prospectus

IF you need to get from A to B? No problem. We’ll get you there.
With expanding road infrastructure and an       The award-winning Frankston Station
enviable public transport network, wherever     has given a fresh face to public transport.
you need to go is always within arms reach.     Here you’ll find trains departing Frankston
With Melbourne CBD and many other               Station to Melbourne every ten minutes,
South Eastern suburbs under an hour away,       with the Stony Point service connecting
travelling to and throughout Frankston is       the Mornington Peninsula to Frankston.
easier than ever.
                                                Regular local bus services, including
The EastLink tollway is the fastest and         a Skybus connection to Tullamarine airport,
most direct route from Melbourne to             means public transport offers a convenient
Frankston City. With Nepean Highway             alternative to getting around.
a scenic alternative, taking you along the
coast and through inner city suburbs from       The Victorian and Australian Governments
Melbourne through Frankston towards the         are also undertaking extensive upgrades to
Mornington Peninsula.                           Frankston’s transport networks, meaning the
                                                city’s connectivity and livability is set to soar
The alternative is Peninsula Link, directly     even higher!
connecting Frankston and outer Melbourne
suburbs to the Mornington Peninsula
through winding country roads past world
class vineyards.


                            FROM FRANKSTON TO                                       JOURNEY TIME (APPROX.)

                                Airport (Tullamarine)                               55 minutes

                                Melbourne (CBD)                                    50 minutes

                                Dandenong                                           19 minutes

                                Ringwood                                           28 minutes

                                Cranbourne                                          19 minutes

                                Mornington                                          16 minutes

                                Doncaster                                          34 minutes

                                Rosebud                                            27 minutes

Invest Frankston Health & MedTech Prospectus


The $562 million redevelopment of Frankston Hospital will mean improved
health care for all. The bigger and better Frankston Hospital will bring together
enhanced services and new capabilities to ensure Peninsula Health can
continue to provide exceptional care to a growing community for generations
to come. Peninsula Health’s Director, Redevelopment, Bridget Rusling,
provides us with a glimpse of what’s to come.

1.   TELL US A BIT ABOUT                            2. WHAT WILL BE                                        The new facility will be more inviting
     THE FRANKSTON                                     INCLUDED IN THE                                     and easier to navigate, and will include
     HOSPITAL                                          REDEVELOPMENT?                                      more parking, making it easier to visit
     REDEVELOPMENT.                                   The Frankston Hospital redevelopment                 family and friends, while providing
     Frankston Hospital was originally built          will bring together health care services             comprehensive services.
     in 1941. While it has undergone periodic         from across the existing hospital to
                                                                                                       3. WHAT ARE SOME OF
     developments, this redevelopment will            offer more streamlined and connected
                                                                                                          THE BENEFITS THE
     create a space that really meets the             services for patients. It’s a hugely
     needs of the growing community of                diverse and large-scale redevelopment
                                                                                                          WILL PROVIDE
     Frankston and the Mornington Peninsula.          that will vastly improve the experience
     The priorities for the project are to ensure     of patients, visitors and staff. A multi-
                                                                                                          RESIDENTS WITH?
     everyone in the local community has              level tower will provide dedicated space
     equitable access to high-quality health          for enhanced mental health services,                 The redevelopment will give local
     care services. It will be a world-class          capacity for an additional 120 beds,                 residents easy access to high-quality
     facility for patients, staff and visitors.       new operating theatres and new and                   health care, close to home. It will also
                                                      improved oncology facilities.                        provide better working conditions
     Led by the Victorian Health and Human                                                                 and access to newer technology for
     Services Building Authority (VHHSBA),            With around 3,000 babies born at                     staff. The project will boost the local
     the redevelopment will transform health          Frankston Hospital each year, the                    economy and create up to 1,700 jobs
     care services for Frankston and the              redevelopment will also deliver                      at the peak of construction and in new
     Mornington Peninsula.                            expanded women’s and children’s                      opportunities for the health care sector.
                                                      services. These improvements will
                                                      include new maternity, obstetrics and
                                                      paediatric wards, a women’s clinic and
                                                      a special care nursery.
Invest Frankston Health & MedTech Prospectus

Invest Frankston Health & MedTech Prospectus

IF you need help bringing your ‘what if’ to life,
you’ll be in good company
With a strong commitment to helping                         dvice on potential sources of
investors secure the best opportunities the                discretionary grants to support your
area has to offer, Frankston City Council’s                business’s proposed investment
Investment Attraction Team provides support
                                                            ssistance with other requirements,
programs to facilitate investment enquiries.
                                                           such as staff recruitment, training,
Our skilled team will work closely with you                links to state and federal programs
to develop a bespoke and flexible support                  of assistance and publicity
program to ensure you’re armed with the
                                                        Evidence of Frankston City Council’s
best information to make an investment
                                                        commitment to providing dynamic assistance
decision. These programs offer:
                                                        to business is nowhere better illustrated than
                                                        by the creation of our priority planning initiative.
    ccess to a network of commercial
                                                        This initiative allows major development
   property agents
                                                        applications demonstrating significant
   ‘Investor visits’, giving you the opportunity       economic benefit to the region to be decided
   to be hosted and shown the Frankston                 within 60 statutory days.
   property market and solutions
    uration of information, specific to
   C                                                    Additionally, after eight years of business
   your business’s investment making                    grants, Frankston City Council has stepped up
   considerations                                       its commitment to support business growth
                                                        and attracting new businesses and startups to
    ssistance in navigating Council and
                                                        our city by increasing the business grants pool
   other regulatory requirements that may
                                                        to a total of $160,000.
   impact you


Invest Frankston is our commitment       We will continue to work with the
to creating the most robust, forward     Victorian and Australian governments
thinking, energetic, exciting,           to ensure we remain at the forefront
progressive suburb, city, municipality   of infrastructure and investment
and region in Melbourne.                 facilitation, now and into the future.

We aim to become an epicentre            We are committed. We are dedicated.
of innovation, growth, industry,         We are unswerving. IF you share the
modernity and thinking. Fully            vision and the passion for what can
supported by Council, this is our        be, Invest Frankston.
ethos; the mantra we live, grow and
develop by.

 We will continue to support and
encourage the people and businesses
of Frankston City to make it happen,
through our highly innovative and
successful support programs.
1300 322 322
PO Box 490
VIC 3199
Invest Frankston Health & MedTech Prospectus

1300 322 322
PO Box 490
VIC 3199
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