HEALTH MATTERS 'R' number going in right direction Be optimistic, but don't breathe a sigh of relief just yet Case rates and hospitalizations are ...

Page created by Benjamin Contreras
HEALTH MATTERS 'R' number going in right direction Be optimistic, but don't breathe a sigh of relief just yet Case rates and hospitalizations are ...
VOL. 2, NO. 4 • FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 2022

Island County COVID Response Community Guidance

‘R’ number going in right direction
 Be optimistic, but don’t breathe a sigh of relief just yet

         ase rates and hospitalizations are two
         metrics used to understand how many
         people are infected or hospitalized for
     And then there’s the
R0 number, a means used
to rate a disease’s ability      n Washington
to spread among a given          Gov. Jay Inslee
population.                      announced
     In a nutshell, the          Feb. 17 that,
R0 number – the “R”              as of March         R
standing for “reproduc-
tion” – is the average           21, masks will
number of people to              likely no longer to
whom one infected per-           be required in
son will pass the virus.         most indoor
     More useful when            settings, in-
tracking a pandemic such         cluding schools
as COVID-19 is the “ef-          and childcare
fective reproductive num-
ber,” said Jamie Hamilton,       facilities.
an epidemiologist for the               See story on
Island County COVID                           page 4
Response Team. “The
effective reproductive
number can be a good guide in determining how
easily COVID-19 is spreading in a population,
and whether we can expect more or fewer cases
in the future.”
     “The effective reproductive number, often
referred to as Rt or Re, describes the number of
secondary cases each positive case infects at a
particular time,” he explained. “When Re is great-
er than one, it means each case is, on average,
infecting more than one other person and that
case rates are growing.”
     “When Re is less than one, each case is, on
average, infecting fewer than one other person,
so case rates are decreasing,” he said.
     “Here in Island County, over the course of
the pandemic, we have had some of the lowest
total unadjusted rates of disease, hospitalization
and death from COVID-19 in the state,” said
            See OPTIMISTIC, page 2                       Jamie Hamilton is an epidemiologist for Island County Public Health.
HEALTH MATTERS 'R' number going in right direction Be optimistic, but don't breathe a sigh of relief just yet Case rates and hospitalizations are ...
OPTIMISTIC: ‘R’ going in right direction
        Continued from page 1
     “However, the more transmission
there is around the world, the more
opportunity there is for a new variant to
evolve that might challenge our preex-
isting immunity – and our community
– once again.”
     And when it comes to Island Coun-
ty, the R number is clearly headed in
the right direction, Hamilton said.
     “Any time that cases are decreasing
Rt is below one, and the sharper the de-
cline in case rates, the lower Rt will be
at any point in time,” Hamilton said. “If
Rt is more than 1, the virus will spread
to more and more people, and the case
rate will continue to go up. Unchecked,
this can give rise to an epidemic. If Rt is
1, then the disease is spreading at a sta-
ble rate. If Rt is less than 1, then the case
rate will decline as the disease becomes        Hamilton talks with coworker Melissa Hartmann.
less and less prevalent.
     “It would be far more helpful for          that we currently see. “There’s still          “Hopefully, most people are
each of us to imagine how our personal          enough disease in the community           immune so that that won’t happen,
behavior can change the pandemic by             that we could drop our guard and          but I’m not gonna breathe a sigh of
changing our personal R number,” said           encourage it to spread, and thus lose     relief for another two to three weeks,”
Island County Public Health Officer Dr.         some of that downward momentum.”          Leibrand said.
Howard Leibrand.
     “The takeaway message is that
everything we do to make the virus
spread less quickly can be measured in
                                                   Epidemic, pandemic or endemic?
retrospect by the changing R number,”                   What is the difference be-               pandemic.”
said Leibrand.                                     tween a pandemic, epidemic and                      “These all have to do with
     “Think about the extremes. Some-              endemic?                                      the number of people involved
one with the virus who has no contact                   According to the Centers for             and the geographic distribution
and gives it to no one has an R of zero.           Disease Control, an outbreak is               of the illness,” he said.
Someone with the virus who gives it to             called an epidemic when there                       “Once a pandemic has
                                                   is a sudden increase in cases.                played out, it becomes an en-
40 people at a ‘superspreader’ event has           As COVID-19 began spreading                   demic,” Leibrand said.
an R of 40.”                                       in Wuhan, China, it became an                       “This means that the illness
     There’s little likelihood that                epidemic.                                     continues to exist in the com-
COVID-19 will disappear, however.                       Because the disease then                 munity, but at much lower rates
     “Unfortunately, the elimination               spread across several countries               and in a much more sporadic
of COVID-19 is not a realistic goal,”              and affected a large number of                pattern.”
Hamilton said. “As a result, we will be            people, it was classified as a                      “Endemic disease can
hoping to see our Re stay under one                pandemic.                                     change back to epidemic and
                                                        “An infectious disease starts            pandemic disease in basically
as we move further from our omicron                as an individual case, spreads                two ways, one preventable and
peak, and then, eventually, hovering               to a cluster, and then becomes                the other not. If we fail to get
around one for the foreseeable future,             an outbreak,” explained Island                boosted at regular intervals or
indicating that transmission has stabi-            County Public Health Officer Dr.              fail to follow common-sense
lized at a low rate.”                              Howard Leibrand. “If nothing is               infection control practices we
     “The short-term message that is               done to stop the spread, it soon              could trigger another cluster,
most important right now is that we                becomes a regional epidemic. And              another outbreak, another
shouldn’t alter our behavior too soon              if an epidemic continues to spread            epidemic and maybe another
                                                   to many countries, it is declared a           pandemic,” Leibrand said.
and too drastically and end up revers-
ing the very good downward trend

PAGE 2                          		                ISLAND COUNTY COVID RESPONSE COMMUNITY GUIDANCE
HEALTH MATTERS 'R' number going in right direction Be optimistic, but don't breathe a sigh of relief just yet Case rates and hospitalizations are ...
WHO says BA.2 remains ‘variant of concern’
    As part of ongoing work to track        has been increasing relative to BA.1         suggest that infection with BA.1 pro-
variants, the World Health Organiza-        in recent weeks, however the global          vides strong protection against reinfec-
tion’s Technical Advisory Group on          circulation of all variants is reportedly    tion with BA.2, at least for the limited
SARS-CoV-2 Virus Evolution (TAG-            declining.                                   period for which data are available.
VE) met Feb. 22 to discuss the latest           BA.2 differs from BA.1 in its ge-            While reaching the above deter-
evidence on the Omicron variant of          netic sequence, including some amino         mination, the TAG-VE also looked
concern, including its sublineages          acid differences in the spike protein        at preliminary laboratory data from
BA.1 and BA.2.                              and other proteins.                          Japan generated using animal models
    Based on available data of transmis-        Studies have shown that BA.2 has a       without any immunity to SARS-CoV-2
sion, severity, reinfection, diagnostics,   growth advantage over BA.1. Studies          which highlighted that BA.2 may cause
therapeutics and impacts of vaccines,       are ongoing to understand the reasons        more severe disease in hamsters com-
the group reinforced that the BA.2          for this growth advantage, but initial       pared to BA.1.
sublineage should continue to be con-       data suggest that BA.2 appears inher-            They also considered real-world
sidered a variant of concern and that it    ently more transmissible than BA.1,          data on clinical severity from South
should remain classified as Omicron.        which currently remains the most             Africa, the United Kingdom, and Den-
    The group emphasized that BA.2          common Omicron sublineage report-            mark, where immunity from vaccina-
should continue to be monitored as          ed. This difference in transmissibility      tion or natural infection is high: in this
a distinct sublineage of Omicron by         appears to be much smaller than, for         data, there was no reported difference
public health authorities.                  example, the difference between BA.1         in severity between BA.2 and BA.1.
    The Omicron variant of concern is       and Delta.                                       WHO will continue to closely
currently the dominant variant circu-           Further, although BA.2 sequences         monitor the BA.2 lineage as part of
lating globally, accounting for nearly      are increasing in proportion relative        Omicron and requests countries to
all sequences reported to GISAID.           to other Omicron sublineages (BA.1           continue to be vigilant, to monitor and
    Omicron is made up of several           and BA.1.1), there is still a reported       report sequences, as well as to conduct
sublineages, each of them being moni-       decline in overall cases globally.           independent and comparative analyses
tored by WHO and partners.                      Studies are evaluating the risk of re-   of the different Omicron sublineages.
    Of them, the most common ones           infection with BA.2 compared to BA.1.            The TAG-VE meets regularly and
are BA.1, BA.1.1 (or Nextstrain clade           Reinfection with BA.2 following          continues to discuss available data on
21K) and BA.2 (or Nextstrain clade          infection with BA.1 has been docu-           transmissibility and severity of vari-
21L). At a global level, the proportion     mented, however, initial data from           ants, and their impact on diagnostics,
of reported sequences designated BA.2       population-level reinfection studies         therapeutics, and vaccines.

    SARS-CoV-2 Lineages Circulating in Washington State

ISLAND COUNTY COVID RESPONSE COMMUNITY GUIDANCE		                                                                        PAGE 3
HEALTH MATTERS 'R' number going in right direction Be optimistic, but don't breathe a sigh of relief just yet Case rates and hospitalizations are ...
Mask rules lifting most places March 21
     With dropping hospitalization rates,     in certain settings such as public trans-   ments regarding distancing, ventilation,
improving vaccination rates and broad         portation and school buses.                 and sanitation so they become recom-
access to masks and tests, Gov. Jay               The statewide mask requirements         mendations.
Inslee Feb. 17 announced the state can        for most indoor settings will expire            Until Monday, March 21, the K-12
soon move into a less restrictive phase       March 21. There are some exceptions to      Schools Requirements 2021–22 remain
of the COVID-19 response.                     protect medically vulnerable people or      in effect.
     Beginning March 21, face masks will      to comply with federal requirements.            “Our students, educators and school
no longer be required in most settings,                                                   employees and families have been in-
including K-12 schools and childcare             Guidance for K-12 schools                credibly resilient as we’ve navigated the
facilities.                                          will be updated                      impacts of the pandemic,” said Super-
     The lifting of statewide measures            The week of March 7, DOH will           intendent of Public Instruction Chris
does not prohibit local governments           issue updated guidance for K-12 schools     Reykdal.
from the ability to enact measures in         to go into effect March 21. The guidance        “Our efforts over the past two years
response to COVID-19 activity in their        will be released early to help schools      have led us to this moment. Nearly all of
communities, Inslee said.                     prepare for this transition.                our school employees are vaccinated, the
     “The virus has changed significantly         Schools will still be required to       number of vaccinated students increases
over the past two years, and so has our       report COVID-19 cases and outbreaks,        each day, and we have one of the most
ability to fight it,” Inslee said. “While     and cooperate with public health            robust COVID-19 school testing pro-
caution is still needed, we are entering a    authorities in responding to these          grams in the country,” Reykdal said.
new phase of the pandemic.”                   consistent with procedures for other            “Moving away from a statewide mask
     Inslee and leaders from the state        communicable diseases, according to         mandate to masks being encouraged is a
Department of Health said the combi-          the governor’s office.                      safe next step as we move from pandemic
nation of dropping COVID-19 hospi-                Students and staff with symptoms of     to endemic.”
talization rates and efficacy of vaccines     COVID-19 will continue to be required
in preventing severe illness and hospi-       to quarantine away from school build-           Safe workplace protocols
talization are important indicators that      ings. Schools must also ensure access to             remain in place
statewide requirements can begin to           testing for staff and students who have         COVID-19 remains a recognized
loosen.                                       symptoms of or who may have been            workplace hazard. When masks are
     “Vaccination remains our most            exposed to COVID-19.                        no longer required in the workplace,
essential protection against severe illness       If a student or staff member tests      employers must continue taking steps
and death from COVID-19. It’s also            positive for COVID-19, they must re-        to assess COVID-19 transmission
crucial to prevent our hospitals from         main at home and follow the CDC and         risks to employees and taking steps to
being overwhelmed again,” Inslee said.        DOH isolation protocol.
“If you’ve been procrastinating, now is           DOH will also shift existing require-            See MASKS, page 5
the time to get the shot.”
     Unvaccinated adults are 16 times
more likely to be hospitalized for                   Projected COVID-19 Hospital Admissions - DOH Modeling
     By the end of March, statewide
COVID-19 hospital admissions are
projected to fall to levels that no longer
overwhelm hospital systems, according
to Inslee.
     While most indoor mask require-
ments will likely be lifted, masks will
still be required in health care settings
such as hospitals, outpatient and dental
offices, long-term care settings and cor-
rectional facilities.
     Also, beginning March 1, vaccine
verification for large events will no lon-
ger be required.
     Businesses and local governments
can still choose to implement vacci-
nation or face mask requirements for
workers or customers, and school dis-
tricts can still choose to have students
and teachers wear masks.
     Federal law still requires face masks

PAGE 4                         		               ISLAND COUNTY COVID RESPONSE COMMUNITY GUIDANCE
HEALTH MATTERS 'R' number going in right direction Be optimistic, but don't breathe a sigh of relief just yet Case rates and hospitalizations are ...
to ease
Continued from page 4
minimize those risks.
Risks vary depending
on the work space and
conditions. Possible steps
could include promoting
vaccination, improving             Working together, we
                                    can beat COVID-19
ventilation, offering face
masks, encouraging social
distancing or installing
sneeze guards or barriers.
    Employers are still       Two years into this pandemic, we’ve all learned to adapt to a new way of living –
required to notify work-      thinking about our friends, family and neighbors as much as we do ourselves.
ers of potential exposures
when a co-worker has a        We do this by masking up properly, keeping at least six feet apart, staying home
suspected or confirmed         when you’re sick, and, most importantly, getting vaccinated for COVID-19.
case of COVID-19. In             Yes, we are making strides, but we cannot let down our guard. To bring
worksites with 50 or
more employees, report                      this pandemic to an end, we need to work together.
outbreaks of 10 or more
confirmed cases to the                                        And this is how we can do it:
state Department of La-
bor & Industries.
    Employers must also          Continuing                               Getting good                                  Looking out
allow workers to contin-        safe practices                            information                                    for others
ue to wear masks if they
choose.                             GET VACCINATED: The most
                               important thing anyone can do to
                                                                             WITH SOCIAL MEDIA, we’re
                                                                        flooded with information about
                                                                                                                           IN ADDITION TO getting
                                                                                                                       vaccinated, masking up, washing
    In 2021, the Legis-        prevent spread of COVID-19 is to get     COVID-19. Unfortunately, not all of            your hands, social distancing and
lature passed SSB 5254,        fully vaccinated.
                                    People ages 5 and older are now
                                                                        it is accurate. In fact, misinformation        staying home when you feel sick,
which protects a worker’s      eligible to get a COVID-19 vaccine,
                               which is safe, effective and free.
                                                                        is detrimental to the effort to end this
                                                                                                                       there’s more you can do to help
right to wear a face cover-         Everyone 12 and older should             That begs the question,                   Here are some ideas:
                               get a booster shot.
ing and other protective            To find local vaccination sites,    “where can I go for the most up-to-
                                                                                                                       • Locate and contact your local
                                                                        date, accurate information about
devices during a public        visit online or call
                               the Island County COVID Response         COVID-19?”
                                                                                                                       food bank to see how you can
health emergency. The          Call Center at 360-678-2301.                  Locally, you can go to www.
                                                                                                                       help familes in need during this
governor is amending                WEAR A MASK: It isn’t an act of
                               opression, nor is it unhealthy to wear
                                                               and click on “Is-
                                                                        land County COVID-19 Public Health
                                                                                                                       • Give blood if you are able. The
an existing worker safety      a mask. It’s a simple barrier to help    Information.” That will take you to the
                                                                                                                       Red Cross and other organiza-
                                                                                                                       tions are in dire need of blood.
                               prevent your respiratory droplets
and protection emergen-        from reaching others. Studies show       COVID Response website, which is               They offer safe, healthy ways to
cy order, Proclamation         that masks reduce the spray of drop-
                               lets when worn over the mouth and
                                                                        rich with local information about who
                                                                        should get vaccinated for COVID-19,
                                                                                                                       • Volunteer your time, it’s a great
21–08, to reflect this new     nose. You should wear a mask even
                               if you do not feel sick.
                                                                        and where the vaccines are avail-              way to give back to your commu-
state law.                         WASH YOUR HANDS: It’s easy
                                                                        able.                                          nity. Opportunities to volunteer
    Proclamation 21–08         and one of the most effective ways to
                                                                             There’s also information about
                                                                        local pharmacies and other locations
                                                                                                                       abound on Whidbey and Camano
already prohibits employ-      prevent the spread of germs. Clean
                               hands can stop germs from spread-        that offer testing.                            • Check on neighbors and family
ers from taking adverse        ing from one person to another and
                               through the entire community.
                                                                             If you are symptomatic for                members, especially those who
                                                                                                                       live alone, are elderly, have health
                                                                        COVID-19, you can call the Island
action against a worker             KEEP YOUR DISTANCE: Put             County COVID Response Call                     or mobility issues or are caring for
for taking COVID-related       at least six feet between yourself       Center at 360-678-2301 to make an              children. Schedule time to remote-
health actions, includ-        and others. This helps protect those
                               at higher risk of severe illness from
                                                                        appointment for a rapid-antigen test.          ly connect to let them know they
                                                                                                                       are not alone.
ing getting vaccinated         COVID-19.                                   Other reliable sources of                   • Support frontline health work-
                                                                        COVID-19 information are:
and taking time off to             IF YOU FEEL SICK, STAY HOME:
                               Get tested if you have symptoms of       • The Washington State Depart-
                                                                                                                       ers and first responders, even if
                                                                                                                       it’s just saying “thank you.”
get vaccinated or seek         COVID-19, including fever, cough,        ment of Health at               • Support local businesses,
treatment, and it will now     nausea, diarrhea, sore throat, fa-
                               tigue, body/muscle aches, loss of
                                                                        • Centers for Disease Control and
                                                                        Prevention at and its
                                                                                                                       schools and child care centers.
                                                                                                                       • Stay informed about COVID-19
also protect workers from      taste/smell, congestion or shortness
                               of breath.                               vaccine locator at            and stay calm.
any adverse action for
wearing a face covering
while we remain in a state
of emergency.
                              Island County COVID Response Call Center 360-678-2301         .
ISLAND COUNTY COVID RESPONSE COMMUNITY GUIDANCE		                                                                                                  PAGE 5
HEALTH MATTERS 'R' number going in right direction Be optimistic, but don't breathe a sigh of relief just yet Case rates and hospitalizations are ...
Studies: Boosters safe, offer protections
     Data from two recent CDC reports
showed COVID-19 vaccine boosters
remain safe and continue to be highly
effective against severe disease over
     In the first study, CDC reviewed
data from two of its vaccine safety mon-
itoring systems, v-safe and the Vaccine
Adverse Event Reporting System, or
     They found that people 18 years
and older who received the same mRNA
vaccine brand for all their vaccinations
experienced fewer adverse reactions
following the booster dose than they
did after their second dose of mRNA
     Ninety two percent of reports to
VAERS were not considered serious, and
headache, fever and muscle pain were
among the most commonly reported
reactions.                                  TWO CDC studies showed COVID-19 boosters are not only safe, but also offer a high-level of
     V-safe data found medical care was     protection against the virus.
rarely received after a booster dose.
     A second study reveals that a third    waves. In the study, about 10% of people      recommended COVID-19 vaccinations,
dose of mRNA vaccine continues to offer     were boosted and over 50% of people           to ensure optimal protection against hos-
high levels of protection against severe    hospitalized were over 65 years old.          pitalizations and severe outcomes.
disease, even months after administra-          During Omicron, vaccine effective-             For most people, that means getting
tion, underscoring the importance of        ness against hospitalization was 91%          a booster dose five months after receiv-
staying up to date when eligible after      during the first two months after a third     ing an mRNA vaccine or two months
receiving a primary series.                 dose and remained high, at 78%, four or       after receiving Johnson and Johnson’s
     CDC examined data on 93,000            more months after a third dose.               Janssen vaccine.
hospitalizations and 241,000 emergency          Boosters are safe and effective, and           CDC is continuing to closely mon-
department and urgent care visits across    CDC continues to recommend every-             itor the effectiveness of COVID-19 vac-
10 states during the Delta and Omicron      one 5 and older remain up to date with        cines to help inform public health efforts.

WA Verify reaches milestone of one million
   The state Department of Health’s         proof of vaccination at businesses,               The digital record includes a QR
WA Verify, the state’s Digital COVID-19     restaurants, events, and more,” said          code that, when scanned by a SMART
Verification Record system, has now         Secretary of Health Umair A. Shah,            Health Card reader, will display the
generated more than a million QR            MD, MPH. “If you have not utilized            person’s COVID-19 vaccination in-
codes for Washington residents.             this tool yet, I highly encourage you         formation and can be easily added to
   Wa Verify makes it easier and faster     to do so today. It is easy, fast and          Android or iPhone digital wallets or
for people to provide digital proof of      convenient – and helps ensure you             printed on paper.
their COVID-19 vaccination status.          always have proof of your COVID-19                Those who received an additional
   DOH’s Office of Innovation and           vaccination with you.”                        dose and/or booster dose after gener-
Technology worked closely with part-           WA Verify draws COVID-19                   ating their initial QR code through WA
ners at MITRE, Microsoft, and the state     records from the state’s immunization         Verify will need to repeat the process
of California to create       system.                                       to receive an updated QR code that re-
Since launching in October 2021, WA            To use the tool, people enter their        flects their up to date vaccination status.
Verify has created 1,000,057 QR codes       name, date of birth, and an email or              To ensure updated vaccination
and counting, and currently supports        phone number associated with their            information has been submitted to the
more than 40 languages.                     vaccination record. If the information        state’s Immunization Registry, DOH
   “Thanks to WA Verify, Washing-           matches an official record, they will         recommends people wait at least three
tonians all across our state have been      receive a text or email with a link to        days after getting vaccinated to retrieve
able to successfully access their digital   their digital COVID-19 verification           their digital verification record and QR
COVID-19 vaccination records to show        record.                                       code through WA Verify.

PAGE 6                       		               ISLAND COUNTY COVID RESPONSE COMMUNITY GUIDANCE
HEALTH MATTERS 'R' number going in right direction Be optimistic, but don't breathe a sigh of relief just yet Case rates and hospitalizations are ...
Q&A looks at vaccinating kids
   Parenting isn’t easy, especially
during a pandemic. You’re trusted to
make daily decisions — around school,
child care, socializing, travel — that
impact the safety of your child and your
family. It’s a difficult and sometimes
lonely position to be in. Fortunately,
there’s a choice you don’t have to make
   On Feb. 10, the state Department
of Health held a question-and-answer
interview with Dr. Elias Kass, a naturo-
pathic doctor at Intergalactic Pediatrics
in Seattle, about the decision to vacci-
nate your child against COVID-19 —
specifically children ages 5–11.
   The conversation comes as
COVID-19 cases among children con-
tinue to rise across the United States.
Research from the American Academy
of Pediatrics finds that more than 1.1
million children were diagnosed with
COVID-19 during the week of Jan. 20.
   That number is double what it was        Parents who have young children and are vaccine hesistant had concerns addressed
just two weeks before.                      during a DOH Q&A on Feb. 10.
   Question: Thank you for joining us,
Dr. Kass. We know parents have a lot of     chances of your child having a severe        can prevent much of the damage that
questions about the vaccine, especially     illness or dying. We see less hospitaliza-   COVID-19 can cause.
when it comes to safety. Is the vaccine     tion among vaccinated children.
                                                We also see fewer cases of a condi-         Question: A 5-year-old can be a lot
necessary for children?                                                                  smaller than an 11-year-old. Will all kids
   Dr. Kass: We know kids can and           tion called Multisystem Inflammatory
                                            Syndrome-Children, or MIS-C, among           in this age group have protection at that
do get sick from COVID-19. Early in                                                      dosage?
the pandemic that risk was lower. But       vaccinated children. MIS-C is a rare but
                                            very serious post-COVID-19 condition            Dr. Kass: The dosage is picked in
that’s completely changed with the new                                                   the early phases of the vaccine trials.
variants, and with restrictions easing      that affects different organs and sys-
                                            tems in the body, like the heart, lungs,     Health experts aim to find the dose that
for adults leading to more commu-                                                        provides the best protection with the
nity transmission. I’ve seen more           brain, and skin. Even kids who have a
                                            mild COVID-19 infection can later get        fewest side effects. For this reason, they
COVID-19 cases in my office in the last                                                  chose 10 micrograms (which is 1/3 the
month than I have during the entire         MIS-C.
                                                                                         dosage of the adult version) as the dose
pandemic.                                                                                for kids ages 5–11.
   Unfortunately, some of these                 Question: How can we trust the vac-
                                            cine won’t impact a child’s development?        The size of the child doesn’t matter
kids can get very sick and can have                                                      for this vaccine. What matters is the
long-lasting effects from their illness.        Dr. Kass: It’s not biologically real-
                                            istic for the vaccine to cause long-term     maturity of the child’s immune system.
Some kids and teens have even died                                                          That’s different from medication.
from COVID-19–1,266 kids in the U.S.        developmental problems in children.
                                            We have lots of studies on other vac-        Medicine needs to get to every cell in
as of Feb 10. It’s become one of the top                                                 the body, or a collection of cells in the
10 causes of death for kids age 5–11.       cines to back this up. These vaccines
                                            are extensively tested to ensure they        body. Vaccines only need to get close to
And it’s hard to predict which kids may                                                  the part of the immune system that will
be at a higher risk of severe illness or    don’t cause problems in a child’s devel-
                                            opment.                                      take them back to “protection head-
death.                                                                                   quarters” in the body to get analyzed.
                                                But unlike vaccines, COVID-19 in-
   Question: How can we trust that the      fection can cause problems for children      Kids’ immune systems don’t need as
vaccine works if infections are increas-    for years after infection, like it does      much of the COVID-19 vaccine to
ing?                                        with adults.                                 accomplish that.
   Dr. Kass: The vaccine is giving your         The choice is not between the vac-         Question: What side effects should I
child’s body a head start in fighting the   cine or nothing; the choice is between       watch for after my child gets vaccinated?
virus. That’s the goal of the vaccine.      the vaccine or a potentially severe
   We know the vaccine decreases the        disease. The vaccine is the only way we                 See Q&A, page 13

ISLAND COUNTY COVID RESPONSE COMMUNITY GUIDANCE			                                                                       PAGE 7
HEALTH MATTERS 'R' number going in right direction Be optimistic, but don't breathe a sigh of relief just yet Case rates and hospitalizations are ...
COVID-19 Vaccines
   Common Worries and Facts
   I’M WORRIED...                      FACT
   The vaccine will give          You cannot get COVID-19 from the vaccine.
   me COVID-19.
                                  COVID-19 vaccines do not contain the virus that causes COVID-19.

   I’M WORRIED...                      FACT
   The vaccines are unsafe
                                  The COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective.
   and don’t work.
                                  Vaccines were tested on tens of thousands of participants in clinical trials.
                                  They met FDA’s rigorous scientific standards for safety, effectiveness, and
                                  manufacturing quality needed to support emergency use authorization or
                                  full approval. They were all found to be very good at preventing people from
                                  getting sick with COVID-19.

   I’M WORRIED...                      FACT
   The Johnson & Johnson
                                  The Johnson & Johnson vaccine does not contain parts of
   vaccine contains fetal
   tissue.                        fetuses or fetal cells.
                                  The vaccine was created using the same technology as many other vaccines.
                                  One piece of the vaccine is made in lab-grown copies of cells that originally
                                  came from elective abortions that took place over 35 years ago. Since then,
                                  the cell lines for these vaccines have been maintained in the lab. No further
                                  sources of fetal cells are used to make these vaccines. This might be new
                                  information for some people. However, vaccines for chickenpox, rubella and
                                  hepatitis A are made in the same way.

   I’M WORRIED...                      FACT
   The COVID-19 vaccines
   cause infertility or           The vaccines are not known to interact with your reproductive
   impotence.                     organs.
                                  Your worries around reproductive health and vaccines are understandable.
                                  Here is what we know: there is no scientific evidence that vaccines cause
                                  infertility or impotence. When the vaccine enters your body, it works with
                                  your immune system to create antibodies to fight the coronavirus. This
                                  process is not known to interfere with your reproductive organs.

  For more information, visit or call 1-800-525-0127,
  then press #. Language assistance is available.

HEALTH MATTERS 'R' number going in right direction Be optimistic, but don't breathe a sigh of relief just yet Case rates and hospitalizations are ...
I’M WORRIED...                          FACT
   I don’t need the
                                     You should still get vaccinated if you already had COVID-19.
   vaccine if I already had
   COVID-19.                         Data show it is uncommon to be re-infected with COVID-19 in the 90 days
                                     after you were infected. That means you might have some protection from
                                     COVID-19 (called natural immunity) for a little while. However, we don’t know
                                     how long natural immunity lasts.

   I’M WORRIED...                          FACT
   The vaccines have
   microchips that track             The vaccines do not contain a microchip or a tracking device.
   people.                           The vaccines only contain an active ingredient that helps your body create
                                     antibodies to fight COVID-19, plus fats, salts, and sugars.

   I’M WORRIED...                          FACT
   COVID-19 vaccines are
   unsafe for people who             Medical experts in pregnancy and birth recommend the COVID-
   are pregnant or                   19 vaccine for people who are pregnant, lactating, or planning
   breastfeeding.                    to get pregnant.
                                     Data show the COVID-19 vaccines are safe during pregnancy. In fact, some
                                     studies show that a vaccinated parent can even pass antibodies against COVID-
                                     19 along to their baby through pregnancy and lactation. Pregnant people are at
                                     risk for severe illness from COVID-19, including death. The vaccines are the
                                     best protection.

   I’M WORRIED...                          FACT
   The COVID-19 vaccines
   will change my DNA.               COVID-19 vaccines do not change or affect your DNA.
                                     All the vaccines available deliver instructions to our cells to start building
                                     protection against the virus that causes COVID-19. The vaccine does not enter
                                     the part of the cell where our DNA is kept. Instead, the vaccines work with our
                                     body’s natural defenses to build immunity.

   I’M WORRIED...                          FACT
   I’ll get a blood clot after
   getting vaccinated.               The risk of getting blood clots is extremely low.
                                     For example, the risk is much lower than the risk of getting blood clots from
                                     taking birth control, which millions of women use every day. However, the
                                     Washington State Department of Health (DOH) recommends you get an mRNA
                                     COVID-19 vaccine (Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna) instead of the Johnson &
                                     Johnson (J&J) vaccine due to the potential risk.
                                     The J&J vaccine is still available if you aren’t able or willing to get an mRNA
                                     vaccine. Talk to a health care provider about your risk.

                                 DOH 820-200 January 2022
                                 To request this document in another format, call 1-800-525-0127. Deaf or hard of
                                 hearing customers, please call 711 (Washington Relay) or email

ISLAND COUNTY COVID RESPONSE COMMUNITY GUIDANCE			                                                                     PAGE 9
No. of COVID-19 cases in Washington state:

                                     1,414,233                       *

                               No. of COVID-19 Deaths in Washington
                                         11,522             *

                               No. of COVID-19 Deaths in Island County:

                                               66      *

                                                           * As of Feb. 24, 2022

Well-being of children during COVID studied
    Last week, the Centers for Disease    or unpredictable childcare, illness,          identify a single reason for changes in
Control released two new reports          financial hardship, and mental health         mental health conditions during the
in MMWR that provide important            concerns, might increase a child’s vul-       pandemic.
insights on the health and well-being     nerabilities.                                    While extended time at home could
of children and adolescents during the        Loss of a parent or caregiver,            increase familial support for some
COVID-19 pandemic.                        increases in other challenges, and            youth, it may have increased challenges
    The first report looked at pediat-    disruptions in daily routine due to the       and stressors among others.
ric emergency department visits. The      COVID-19 pandemic might have also                These factors, as well as other
study found that overall pediatric        increased a child’s behavioral health         pandemic-related stressors that impact
emergency department visits decreased     concerns and unhealthy coping behav-          families (e.g., increases in parental
in 2020, 2021 and in January 2022         iors.                                         mental health problems, parental sub-
compared with visits in 2019, while           The second report examined chang-         stance use, financial strain, and loss of a
COVID-19-related emergency depart-        es in pediatric emergency department          parent or caregiver), could have created
ment visits increased across all pan-     visits for mental health conditions           or increased the risk for mental health
demic years and among pediatric age       and found that adolescent girls (12–17        conditions.
groups.                                   years) accounted for the largest increas-        Early identification and expanded
    There were also increases in the      es in the number and proportion of            evidence-based prevention and inter-
weekly number and proportion of           emergency department visits for mental        vention strategies are critical to improv-
emergency department visits for certain   health conditions in 2020, 2021, and in       ing children’s mental health, especially
types of injuries, some chronic dis-      January 2022 compared with 2019.              among adolescent females who might
eases, and visits related to behavioral       Weekly visits for eating and tic disor-   have increased need. CDC recom-
health concerns, especially among older   ders increased for females, and particu-      mends increased awareness for health
children (5–11 years) and adolescents     larly adolescent females (12–17 years),       concerns among children and adoles-
(12–17 years).                            during 2020, 2021, and in January 2022.       cents that could arise due to delayed
    Factors affecting caregivers during       The highly complex nature of indi-        medical care and heightened emotional
the pandemic, including unavailable       vidual experiences makes it difficult to      distress.

FDA delays meeting to discuss request to authorize
   Pfizer vaccine for children ages 6 Months to 4 years
       On Feb. 11, the U.S. Food and           sion as part of their usual scientific and   protection to move forward with
   Drug Administration was notified            regulatory processes for COVID-19            authorizing the use of the vaccine in
   by Pfizer that new data recently            vaccines, according to the FDA.              this age group.
   emerged regarding its emergency use              The FDA said it will provide an              The FDA said its approach has
   authorization request for the use of        update on timing for the advisory            always been to conduct a regulato-
   the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vac-           committee meeting once it receives           ry review that’s responsive to the
   cine in children 6 months through 4         additional data on a third dose in           urgent public health needs created
   years of age.                               this age group from the company’s            by the pandemic, while adhering to
       As part of its rolling submission,      ongoing clinical trial and have an           its rigorous standards for safety and
   the company informed the FDA of             opportunity to complete an updated           effectiveness.
   additional findings from its ongoing        evaluation.                                       Being able to begin evaluating
   clinical trial.                                  Since the early days of the pan-        initial data has been useful in the
       Based on the agency’s prelimi-          demic, FDA said in a press release           review of these vaccines, but at this
   nary assessment, and to allow more          that it has always followed the sci-         time, they believe additional informa-
   time to evaluate additional data, the       ence in this ever-changing situation.        tion regarding the ongoing evaluation
   FDA determined that additional                   Given the recent omicron surge          of a third dose should be considered.
   information regarding the ongoing           and the notable increase in hospi-                The FDA said it will ensure the
   evaluation of a third dose should be        talizations in the youngest children         data support effectiveness and safety
   considered as part of their deci-           to their highest levels during the           before authorizing a COVID-19 vac-
   sion-making for potential authoriza-        pandemic so far, FDA officials said          cine for use in our youngest children.
   tion.                                       they believe it is their responsibility           In the meantime, the FDA said,
       As a result, the FDA is postpon-        as a public health agency to act with        the best way to protect children,
   ing the Vaccines and Related Biolog-        urgency and consider all available           including when they are at school or
   ical Products Advisory Committee            options, including requesting that the       daycare, is to practice social distanc-
   meeting originally scheduled for Feb.       company provide them with initial            ing and masking in accordance with
   15.                                         data on two doses from its ongoing           public health recommendations, and
       This delay will give the agency         study.                                       for their family members and care-
   time to consider the additional data, al-        The goal was to understand if           givers to get vaccinated or receive a
   lowing for a transparent public discus-     two doses would provide sufficient           booster dose when eligible.

Q&A: COVID vaccinations safe for children ages 5-11
        Continued from page 7                  COVID-19. Not vaccinating means you           it may hurt for a very short period of
    Dr. Kass: The little kids ages 5–11        are acting to not protect your children.      time, but then they’re going to feel so
don’t seem to have many side effects           I encourage parents to voice any po-          proud that they got their vaccine and
after the vaccine. They may have a low         tential concerns with their health care       will be protecting themselves and the
fever or a headache, or some soreness          provider.                                     people they care about.
in the arm they got the shot in. But for                                                        For the appointment itself, bring
the most part, kids are fine to go right          Question: How do you address               something they can be distracted with
back to school and their day-to-day life.      rumors your kid might be hearing about        (like a favorite toy or something they
It’s really low drama.                         the vaccine from other kids?                  can watch on your phone). Bring a treat
                                                  Dr. Kass: The same way you would           they can enjoy while they’re waiting af-
   Question: How should you navigate           address any misinformation: remind            terwards, like a favorite snack. Provide
conversations with your partner if you         them it’s not true. The child can share       comfort. They may want to sit on your
don’t agree about vaccinating your child?      their own experience getting the vac-         lap, and that’s OK. They can also ask
   Dr. Kass: This is really hard, and          cine. They can also ask a trusted adult       their health care provider any questions
I know it’s something a lot of families        — like a parent or teacher — for help.        on their mind.
are struggling with. Know that you’re                                                           The Meg Foundation for Pain has
not alone if this is something impacting          Question: How can I comfort my             great resources for kids who are afraid
your family.                                   child if they are nervous about getting       of needles.
   But also remember, as a parent, your        the vaccine?                                     A lot of kids are actually surprised by
job is to protect your children. And              Dr. Kass: We like to do a lot of work      how little it hurts, since it’s such a small
vaccination is an incredibly power-            and preparation. Show them your ex-           amount.
ful way to protect your children from          citement but be honest. Let them know             Again, it’s very low drama.

ISLAND COUNTY COVID RESPONSE COMMUNITY GUIDANCE			                                                                           PAGE 13
          | COVID-19 |

          If you are at high risk of
          getting very sick from
          COVID-19, and test positive,
          treatment may be available.

                                                                  Get tested as soon as possible
                                                                  after your symptoms start.

           Contact your healthcare
           provider right away if your
           result is positive.

                                                                       Don’t delay. Treatment must
                                                                       be started early to work.

          CS329478-A | February 6, 2022 10:26 AM

PAGE 14                                            		   ISLAND COUNTY COVID RESPONSE COMMUNITY GUIDANCE
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