Hauptseminar Modelling with and simulation of PDEs
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Lehrstuhl für Numerische Mathematik Hauptseminar Modelling with and simulation of PDEs A model is a physical, mathematical, or logical representation of a system entity, phenomenon, or process. A simulation is the implementation of a model over time. A simulation brings a model to life and shows how a particular object or phenomenon will behave. It is useful for testing, analysis or training where real-world systems or concepts can be represented by a model. – cit.
Lehrstuhl für Hauptseminar: Modelling with and simulation of PDEs Numerische Mathematik Criteria for passing the seminar • 45–60 min. slide presentation with discussion round afterwards • Short handout (2-4 pages) for all participants • Block seminar Dates of presentations: to be discussed Final meeting • Feedback on presentations • Feedback on mathematical topics
Lehrstuhl für Hauptseminar: Modelling with and simulation of PDEs Numerische Mathematik Dates of meetings: a proposal Dates: • Thursday 17 June 2021 • Friday 25 June 2021 • Monday 5 July 2021 • Tuesday 13 July 2021 Time slots: • 1PM – 4.30PM • 3.30PM – 7PM
Lehrstuhl für Hauptseminar: Modelling with and simulation of PDEs Numerische Mathematik Order of topics 1. Phase separation and transport equations 2. Acoustics and absorbing boundary conditions 3. Isogeometric analysis 4. Fractional calculus 5. Discontinuous Galerkin discretizations 6. Multigrid methods BW Barbara Wohlmuth wohlmuth@ma.tum.de 03.10.057 LM Laura Melas melas@ma.tum.de 03.10.060 UK Ustim Khristenko khristen@ma.tum.de 03.10.033 TK Tobias Köppl koepplto@ma.tum.de 03.10.035 MM Markus Muhr muhr@ma.tum.de 03.10.036 MR Mabel L. Rajendran rajendrm@ma.tum.de 03.10.058
Lehrstuhl für Hauptseminar: Modelling with and simulation of PDEs Numerische Mathematik Finite Volume discretization of the Cahn-Hilliard equation Phase separation processes of two immiscible fluids at a con- stant temperature can be modeled by means of the Cahn- Hilliard equation, which reads as follows: 1 ∂t c − ∇ · (M(c)∇µ) + ∇ · (vc) = 0 Pe c is the concentration of one fluid, v a given velocity field, M(c) denotes the mobility of the fluid, Pe is the Pecletnumber and µ represents a flux accounting for the phase separation. Four steps within a The goal of this project is to implement a numerical so- phase separation process of two lution method for the Cahn-Hilliard equation using e.g. immiscible fluids. the PDE framework DUNE or MATLAB. In particular, the performance of the finite volume method is to be examined. This project can be processed by two students. Literature: • Frank, F., Liu, C., Alpak, F. O., & Riviere, B. (2018). A finite volume/discontinuous Galerkin method for the advective Cahn–Hilliard equation with degenerate mobility on porous domains stemming from micro-CT imaging. Computational Geosciences, 22(2), 543-563. • https://www.dune-project.org
Lehrstuhl für Hauptseminar: Modelling with and simulation of PDEs Numerische Mathematik Numerical methods for transport equations The subject of this project is the numerical dis- cretization of the transport equation: ∂u + ∇ · (vu) = S(u, t). ∂t u stands for a concentration variable modeling a substance transported by a velocity field v and S is a source term modeling an external impact. Solv- ing this PDE numerically poses some interesting challenges, in particular if the velocities are high. Students working on this project are supposed to Transport of a drug in a vascular study and illustrate these challenges. system. Literature: • Quarteroni, Alfio, Riccardo Sacco, and Fausto Saleri. Numerical mathematics. Vol. 37. Springer Science & Business Media, 2010. • Kuzmin, Dmitri. A new perspective on flux and slope limiting in discontinuous Galerkin methods for hyperbolic conservation laws. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 373 (2021): 113569. • LeVeque, Randall J. Numerical methods for conservation laws. (1992).
Lehrstuhl für Hauptseminar: Modelling with and simulation of PDEs Numerische Mathematik Acoustics and absorbing boundary conditions Thinking of the simulation of e.g. an earthquake at a specific location, one does not wish (or can) simulate the wave propagation around the whole Fig: Wave reflection vs. Transparent globe. Instead one will truncate the simulation boundary domain Ω at some artificial (!) boundary. Now, what happens if the seismic wave hits that bound- ary? Classical boundary conditions like Dirich- let or Neumann result in reflections that are - for artificial boundaries - unphysical. A trans- parent boundary condition is needed. Similar to d’Alembert’s formula for waves, such conditions can be derived by decomposing a wave into in- bound and outbound parts. Fig: Artificial truncation of Ω Literatur: • Kaltenbacher, Manfred. Numerical simulation of mechatronic sensors and actuators. Vol. 2. Berlin: Springer, 2007. • Shevchenko, I., and B. Wohlmuth. ”Self-adapting absorbing boundary conditions for the wave equation.” Wave motion 49.4 (2012): 461-473.
Lehrstuhl für Hauptseminar: Modelling with and simulation of PDEs Numerische Mathematik Isogeometric analysis Isogeometric analysis aims to bring together com- puter aided design (CAD) and finite element anal- ysis (FEA). Coming from CAD, objects in engi- neering are often represented by spline-surfaces or volumes. IGA makes use of that by choosing no classical polynomials but the same splines as Fig: B-spline FEM-basisfunctions basisfunctions not just for the geometry represen- tation but also the FEA. This yields advantages like exact geometry representation (of e.g. a cir- cle) or easily accessable high order finite elements. Disadvantages like denser matrices or restrictions to tensorial grids have to be taken into account. Fig: 3D spline geometry with displacement Literatur: • Cottrell, J. Austin, Thomas JR Hughes, and Yuri Bazilevs. Isogeometric analysis: toward integration of CAD and FEA. John Wiley & Sons, 2009. • Vázquez, Rafael. ”A new design for the implementation of isogeometric analysis in Octave and Matlab: GeoPDEs 3.0.” Computers & Mathematics with Applications 72.3 (2016): 523-554.
Lehrstuhl für Hauptseminar: Modelling with and simulation of PDEs Numerische Mathematik Isogeometric analysis & Acoustics Some possible topics related to isogeometric analysis ... • Foundations of B-splines, NURBS and isogeometric finite elements → Relates to (projective) geometry, FEM-meshing theory and practice → Geometry representation and scalar PDE solutions with GeoPDEs • Linear elasticity - continuum mechanics and structural analysis → Relates to vector analysis, tensors and mathematical modelling → Derivation of vectorial deformation PDEs, Simulation using GeoPDEs ... can be mixed very well with acoustic topics (possibly in teams) • The acoustic wave equation - derivation and numerical methods → Relates to mathematical modeling, FD/FEM and time integration → Derivation as pressure equation, integration of time dependent PDE • Absorbing boundary conditions - derivation and implementation → Relates to differential calculus and/or more advanced implementations → Focus can be put on theory and/or implementation
Lehrstuhl für Hauptseminar: Modelling with and simulation of PDEs Numerische Mathematik Fractional calculus Many natural complex phenomena like long range interactions, memory or hereditary effects, when integer order differential models face their limita- tions, are often modelled with non-integer (frac- tional) differential equations. Non-locality of such problems leads to extra computational and mem- ory costs. So, special techniques have to be considered. Lack of basic properties like chain and product rule poses challenges in the analysis. Two applications are proposed: time-fractional diffusion (TFD) or fractional Laplacian problems. Task 1: Show the existence and uniqueness of Fig: Evolution of time fractional heat equation the solution for TFD. Task 2: Implement a finite differences numerical scheme for TFD. Task 3: Numerical solution of the fractional Laplacian. Literatur: • Diethelm, Kai. The Analysis of Fractional Differential Equations: An Application-Oriented Exposition using Differential Operators of Caputo Type. Springer, 2010. • Baleanu, Dumitru and Diethelm, Kai and Scalas, Enrico and Trujillo, Juan J. Fractional calculus: models and numerical methods. Vol. 3. World Scientific, 2012.
Lehrstuhl für Hauptseminar: Modelling with and simulation of PDEs Numerische Mathematik Discontinuous Galerkin discretizations Discontinuous Galerkin (DG) discretizations are based on piecewise polynomial but discontinu- ous approximations and allow for non-conforming grids and locally varying polynomial approxima- tion orders. Moreover, they feature high order ac- curacy. The built-in flexibility of these schemes is useful in complex two and three dimensional prob- Fig: Non-conforming grid lems that feature multi-scale phenomena. On the other hand, one of the main drawback of the DG techniques is that the approach is applied elemen- twise, and therefore the proliferation of degrees of freedom cannot be kept under control. However since the elements are discontinuous, DG meth- ods are highly parallelizable, which is demanding Fig: DG solution in complex numerical simulations. Literatur: • Rivière. Discontinuous Galerkin methods for solving elliptic and parabolic equations: Theory and implementation, 2008
Lehrstuhl für Hauptseminar: Modelling with and simulation of PDEs Numerische Mathematik Algebraic Multigrid Multigrid methods are among the most efficient techniques to solve the linear systems of equa- tions stemming from the discretization of differ- ential problems. Algebraic Multigrid (AMG) is a class of multigrid methods that is based on a hierarchic and purely matrix-based approach. Be- Fig: Matrix hierarchy sides the smoothers and the coarse-level correc- tion strategies at the basis of the V- and W-cycle, we have to construct suitable coarsening strate- gies and define how to construct the associated transfer operators. There are two main techniques in the literature: classical and smoothed aggrega- tion algebraic multigrid. Fig: V-cycle Literatur: • Briggs, Henson and Mc Cormick. A multigrid tutorial, 2000 • Vaněk, Mandel and Brezina. Algebraic multigrid by smoothed aggregation for second and fourth order elliptic problems. Computing , 56(3):179–196. 1996
Lehrstuhl für Hauptseminar: Modelling with and simulation of PDEs Numerische Mathematik Algebraic Multigrid & Discontinuous Galerkin discretizations Some possible topics related to discontinuous Galerkin discretizations ... • Foundations of DG discretizations → Non-conforming grids, DG FE discretizations, PDE solutions → Stability and convergence analysis • Linear elasticity and elastodynamics - continuum mechanics → Mathematical modelling for static and dynamic problems in continuum mechanics Some possible topics related to algebraic multigrid ... • Foundations of AMG methods → Coarsening strategies and transfer operators: classical (C-colouring) scheme and smoothed aggregation • AMG as efficient solver for the discretization of PDE problems → AMG for conforming/discontinous Galerkin discretizations as stand-alone solver or preconditioner → AMG for elliptic problems (e.g. Laplace, linear elasticity, ...)
Lehrstuhl für Hauptseminar: Modelling with and simulation of PDEs Numerische Mathematik HyTeG: A matrix-free multigrid solver for HPC HyTeG is a matrix-free multigrid framework special- ized in solving finite-element discretizations on tetra- hedral grids. It uses a hybrid-grid structure, which combines the efficiency of uniform grids with the flex- iblity of unstructured grids to take todays hardware to its limits. Possible projects within this framework are Fig: A hybrid-grid. • the implementation of a diagonal preconditioner for a linear Cahn-Hilliard scheme, • writing a preconditioner for the Schur-complement of a nonlinear Cahn-Hilliard scheme or • implementing the GMRES method inside of HyTeG. Fig: Uniform grids allow stencils. Strong background in C++ is recommended! Literatur: • Kohl, Nils, et al. ”The HyTeG finite-element software framework for scalable multigrid solvers.” • Brenner, Susanne C., et al. ”A robust solver for a mixed finite element method for the Cahn–Hilliard equation.”
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