HASLAM - SHELLY SUN The Franchising Genius of - Haslam College of Business

Page created by Brent Watson
HASLAM - SHELLY SUN The Franchising Genius of - Haslam College of Business
Haslam Magazine is the premier
publication of the Haslam College
of Business at the University of
Tennessee, Knoxville.
                                                    Summer 2021

                       The Franchising Genius of

HASLAM - SHELLY SUN The Franchising Genius of - Haslam College of Business
The possibilities?

                                                   US EMBA Program

                                                       Overall Alumni

                                                                                                # 17
                                                   (Financial Times, 2020)
                  Supply Chain
                 UT's Largest Major                                                           Best Business
                   (2019 – 2021)
                                                                                             Among US Publics
                                                                                            (U.S. News and World

                               # 26                              Worldwide
                                                                                                Report, 2021)

# 17                       Among US Public
                                                             for Alumni Rating of
                                                             MBA Career Services
                                                               (The Economist’s
Academic                  Undergrad Schools
                                                               WhichMBA, 2021)

                                                                                       # 20
Experience                  (Poets&Quants, 2021)

                     #6                                                                 Worldwide

                                                         # 19
                                                                                     Archival Accounting
                    Worldwide                                                          (Brigham Young
           Archival Audit Research                                                   University’s Research
               (Brigham Young                                MBA
                                                       Among US Publics             Rankings of Accounting
             University’s Research                                                     Programs, 2020)
            Rankings of Accounting                      (The Economist’s
               Programs, 2020)                          WhichMBA, 2021)

                                      Be what’s possible.
HASLAM - SHELLY SUN The Franchising Genius of - Haslam College of Business
                                                     SUMMER 2021

     Thought Leadership
     4 Haslam College of Business
     faculty are cited and featured by
     global news sources
     5 News from our
     Departments and Centers
     8 Scott Roark is building up
     real estate
     Faculty Spotlight
     6 Laura Cole, Sharon Pryse/The Trust

     Company of Tennessee MILC Director
     12 Predicting Businesses’ Brain
     Power Needs Is Possible

     STUDENT NEWS | 22
     Student Spotlights
     22 Taylor Boyer
     27 Tyler Young
                                                  The Franchising
     News                                            Genius of

     23 News from our
     student body
     24 The Haslam Volunteer
     Impact program

     REPORT | 28
     Leaders in Philanthropy
     28 Diane Walker Markarian
     & Raffi Markarian


              Ben Weprin’s adventurous journey

     30 2020 Donor Report
     34 Newly Established
     32 The Richard L.
     Townsend Chair of Accounting

     ALUMNI NEWS | 36
     36 Alumni Update
     Recent Graduate
     40 Haslam Alumni
     Inspire in Podcast
HASLAM - SHELLY SUN The Franchising Genius of - Haslam College of Business

                                                                                                    M        A   G     A     Z     I    N     E
                                                                                                    Haslam Magazine is the alumni publication
                                                                                                    of the Haslam College of Business at the
                                                                                                    University of Tennessee, Knoxville.

                                                     dependable, experienced care. BrightStar,
                                                                                                    HASLAM COLLEGE OF BUSINESS
                                                     Sun’s entrepreneurial brainchild, connects     EXECUTIVE LEADERSHIP
                                                     local caregivers and medical personnel with
                                                                                                    STEPHEN L. MANGUM
                                                     those in need of services in their area. Its   Dean and Stokely Foundation
                                                     national support network keeps overhead        Leadership Chair

                                                     and anxiety low for franchisees.               BRUCE K. BEHN
                                                                                                    Associate Dean for Graduate and
                                                        Diane Walker Markarian (HCB, ’83),          Executive Education and Deloitte Professor
                                                     and her husband, Raffi, have leveraged         in Accounting
                                                     their success to remove worries of             MICHAEL “LANE” MORRIS
                                                     entrepreneurial-minded current students.       Associate Dean for Undergraduate
                                                                                                    Programs and Student Affairs and
                                                     Their connection with the Anderson Center      Ergen Professor
                                                     for Entrepreneurship & Innovation allows       CHARLES NOBLE
                                                     more students to attend pitch competitions     Associate Dean for Research and Faculty

                                                     by alleviating some of the financial burden    BETSY ADAMS
                                                                                                    Assistant Dean of Finance and Administration
                                                     involved with travel. The competitions open
                                                     doors for students in their careers and give
                                                                                                    HASLAM MAGAZINE
                                                     them the confidence to move forward with
                                                     their dreams.                                  TANYA G. BROWN
                                                                                                    Executive Director of Marketing and Public
                                                        In yet another example, a large group       Relations | Editor-in-chief
                                                     of connected alumni have come together         SETH REAGAN
   CONNECTION…IS THERE EVER TOO MUCH?                to honor the professor who encouraged          Executive Director of Advancement

   If so, how much is too much? After months         them on their paths to success. In             MEREDITH HULETTE
   of waving to grandparents through windows         acknowledging the impact and expertise of      Senior Director of Advancement Operations

   and depending on spotty internet for work         Dick Townsend’s 42-year career teaching        JESSICA LEIGH BROWN
   and family get togethers, some feel that more     accounting, Marty Brown (HCB, ’85) and
                                                     other beneficiaries of Professor Townsend’s    JILL KNIGHT
   connection is not only necessary to thrive
                                                                                                    Design and Production
   but to survive. Others may find themselves        expertise and devotion have memorialized
                                                                                                    CHARLES BROOKS
   looking back upon time spent this past year       his impact through a “happy beginning.”
   in gardens, books, and computer screens, and      Their fundraising efforts have created the
                                                                                                    STACY ESTEP
   feel more complete with less connection.          Department of Accounting and Information       AND SCOTT MCNUTT
      Connection often hinges on “what ifs?” If      Management’s first endowed chaired             News Lists and Compilations

   we connect with this, then we do not connect      professorship, the Richard L. Townsend         Haslam Magazine is published twice a year
   with that. If that connects us, then this may     Chair of Accounting.                           by the University of Tennessee, Knoxville’s
                                                        As summer comes into full swing, may        Haslam College of Business and is printed by
   pull us apart. In the 1990s writer-director                                                      University Printing & Mail.
   Peter Howitt dedicated an entire movie to         you find ways to connect with those around
   the idea of connections–how losing them or        you and encourage fresh outlooks and new       WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU!
   making them changes not only one person’s         beginnings.                                    Haslam College of Business
   life–but the lives of all those around them. In                                                  408 Haslam Business Building
                                                     With gratitude,                                Knoxville, TN 37996 - 4140
   an interview with The Ringer in 2018, Howitt                                                     865-974-3955 | haslam.utk.edu
   talked about his movie “Sliding Doors” and                                                       Fax: 865-974-1766 | email: tgbrown@utk.edu
   the moments that make us by saying, “It’s a
   happy beginning rather than a happy ending.”                                                              FACEBOOK.COM/
      We celebrate the joys of making strong
   ties and finding happy beginnings in this                                                                 HASLAM COLLEGE OF
   issue of Haslam Magazine. For our cover
   subject, Shelly Sun (HCB, ’92), a struggle        Stephen L. Mangum
   with her grandmother’s illness inspired a         Dean and Stokely Foundation Leadership Chair            HASLAMUT
   business that meets a need felt nationwide–       Haslam College of Business

HASLAM - SHELLY SUN The Franchising Genius of - Haslam College of Business

                                            MOLLY ADAMS                        DENNIS R. HENDRIX                  MINTHA E. ROACH
                                            EVP, Chief Integration &           Chairman (retired)                 President & CEO (retired)
                                              Transformation Officer           PanEnergy                          Knoxville Utilities Board
                                            Fanatics                           Houston, TX                        Knoxville, TN
                                            Tampa, FL
                                                                               JOSEPH E. JOHNSON                  MARTIN ROBINSON
                                            TOM BELL                           President Emeritus                 General Partner
                                            Chairman                           The University of Tennessee        Wedge Capital Management
                                            Mesa Capital Partners              Knoxville, TN                      Charlotte, NC
                                            Atlanta, GA
                                                                               WILMA JORDAN                       KING W. ROGERS, III
                                            CHRISTI BRANSCOM                   Founder and CEO                    Attorney, Of Counsel,
                                            Commissioner                       JEGI                               Glankler Brown, PLLC
                                            Tennessee Department               New York, NY                       Memphis, TN
                                              of General Services
                                            Nashville, TN                      REED A. KELLER                     A. DEAN SKADBERG
                                                                               Vice Chairman (retired)            Director of Industry Affairs
                                            SHIRLEY PIH BROADBERY              PwC                                 (retired)
                                            Global Finance Transformation      Atlanta, GA                        P&G
                                             Director (retired)                                                   Knoxville, TN
                                            The Coca-Cola Company              CHRISTOPHER P. KINNEY
AS A PROFESSIONAL SCHOOL, the               Bay Harbor Islands, FL             CEO                                GREG SMITH
Haslam College of Business at the                                              SteelRiver Infrastructure Fund     EVP, Global Operations &
                                            RICHARD W. CARDIN                  Knoxville, TN                        Supply Chain
University of Tennessee must keep           Managing Partner (retired)                                            Medtronic

in touch with the world in which its        Arthur Andersen                    CHRIS LaPORTE                      Fridley, MN
                                            Loudon, TN                         Executive Vice President
graduates will function. One important                                         FTN Financial                      DAVID STEVENS
                                            PAUL A. CASTAGNA                   Houston, TX                        Private Equity
avenue for maintaining this contact is      Co-Founder, Chairman, and CEO                                         Healthcare Services
the Dean’s Advisory Council.                Golden Gate Financial Group, LLC   WILLIAM LEE                        Knoxville, TN
                                            San Francisco, CA                  Principal (retired)
   Since its formation in 1975, this                                           Killarney Securities Corporation   WILLIAM B. STOKELY, III
council has played an increasingly vital    AGENIA CLARK                       Robbinsville, NC                   Chairman and President
                                            President/CEO                                                         The Stokely Company
role by developing plans and strategies     Girl Scout Council of              A. DAVID MARTIN                    Knoxville, TN
to guide the college’s future. The advice     Cumberland Valley                Chairman & Founder (retired)
                                            Nashville, TN                      Martin & Company                   MICHAEL STRICKLAND
and insights of these leaders have                                             Knoxville, TN                      Chairman
proven invaluable to the college as it      DAVID EVANS                                                           Bandit Lites
                                            Managing Partner, Advisory         JACK MILLS                         Knoxville, TN
strives to improve its reputation as a      DHG                                Partner
national leader in business education.      John’s Creek, GA                   JB&B Capital                       HOLLY SULLIVAN
                                                                               Knoxville, TN                      Vice President, Worldwide
   These professional and business          JOSEPH A. FIELDEN                                                       Economic Development
executives meet with the deans and          President/CEO                      JIM NEWSOME                        Amazon
                                            J.A. Fielden Co. Inc.              President & CEO                    Rockville, MD
faculty each year to discuss current        Knoxville, TN                      South Carolina State
business issues. Through the years,                                              Ports Authority                  R. ANDREW TAYLOR
                                            DEE BAGWELL HASLAM                 Charleston, SC                     Partner (retired)
this continuing dialogue has shaped         CEO, Haslam Sports Group                                              Gerber/Taylor Associates
the college’s choices of action in order    Founder & Executive Producer,      JOSEPH M. O’DONNELL                Memphis, TN
                                              RIVR Media                       Private Investment
to improve its response to the current      Knoxville, TN                      Boca Raton, FL                     MIKE WEST
issues and the anticipated demands of
                                            JAMES A. HASLAM, II                ED PERSHING                        Lirio, LLC
the marketplace.                            Founder & Chairman Emeritus        Founder, Healthcare Horizons       Knoxville, TN
                                            Pilot Company                      President & CEO, PYA
   The Deans and Executive                  Knoxville, TN                                                         ALAN WILSON
                                                                               Knoxville, TN
Committee of the Haslam College of                                                                                Executive Chairman,
                                            RALPH D. HEATH                     SHARON PRYSE                         Board of Directors
Business thank each member, past            EVP, Aeronautics (retired)                                            McCormick & Company
                                                                               Chairman & CEO
and present, for their service and          Lockheed Martin                    The Trust Company of Tennessee     Naples, FL
                                            Fort Worth, TX                     Knoxville, TN
devotion to the college.

                       Lifetime Member

                                                                                                                             HASLAM.UTK.EDU | 3
HASLAM - SHELLY SUN The Franchising Genius of - Haslam College of Business

                                                                                                                   “Losing small businesses artificially — meaning
                                                                                            The Tennessean         not because they’re not good at what they do,
                                                                                                  March 18, 2021   but because they can’t survive 12 months of
                                                                                                                   extreme economic conditions — is a tragedy.”

                                                                                                                   Marianne Wanamaker, associate professor of
                                                                                                                   economics, George A. Spiva Scholar, Boyd Center for
                                                                                                                   Business and Economic Research Faculty Fellow, and
                                                                                                                   Kinney Family Faculty Research Fellow, on how COVID-19
                                                                                                                   has changed the small business landscape in the South.

                                                                                                                   “The three biggest factors I see driving trading
                                                                                                 WalletHub         shifts are interest rates, inflation expectations,
                                                                                                  March 11, 2021   and government intervention, all of which are
                                                                                                                   highly related. We may see yields level off,
                                                                                                                   reducing asset correlations. Even then, I expect
                                                                                                                   downward pressure on valuation multiples,
                                                                                                                   threatening returns to growth stocks.”

                                                                                                                   Ryan Z. Farley, assistant clinical professor of finance,
                                                                                                                   on how the pandemic may affect stock prices.

                                                                                                                   “Ultimately, their business is based on that
                                                                                              Supply Chain         workforce, so it’s in their interest to keep them
                                                                                                     Brain         safe and coming to work.”
                                                                                                  March 11, 2021
                                                                                                                   Andrea Sordi, clinical assistant professor of supply
                                                                                                                   chain management, on the importance of fast-food
                                                                                                                   companies ensuring the health and safety of their
                            “Suppose that business is good and you could                                           workers during the pandemic.
          The Great         probably double earnings over the next couple
       Courses Daily        of years if you could open a branch office and
           April 25, 2021   manufacturing facility in another part of the
                            country. That sort of expansion isn’t cheap;                                           “In the beginning, it was new and they spent
                            where are you going to come up with, say,                            SHRM.org          more time with family, which was a good thing,
                            $300 million?”                                                     February 10, 2021   but now they feel isolated.”

                            Ramon Degennaro, Haslam College of Business                                            Debbie Mackey, distinguished lecturer of
                            Professor in Banking and Finance, explaining the role initial                          management and entrepreneurship, speaking about the
                            public offerings can play in helping firms raise funds and                             rise in anxiety and loneliness among young professionals
                            gain access to capital markets.                                                        during the pandemic.

                            “Part of the use of part-time workers was                                              “Just go through the list of things that have
      Yahoo Finance         related to optimizing flexibility at a time                          Memphis           been challenges for the labor force during
           April 15, 2021   when there was a lot of uncertainty. And my                        Commercial          COVID, and you don’t have these problems with
                            guess is the uncertainty surrounding spending                         Appeal           AI and with autonomous vehicles.”
                            patterns is starting to recede.”                                   January 14, 2020
                                                                                                                   Bill Fox, Randy and Jenny Boyd Distinguished
                                                                                                                   Professor of economics and director of the Boyd Center
                            Marianne Wanamaker, associate professor of                                             for Business and Economic Research, on the ways in
                            economics, George A. Spiva Scholar, Boyd Center for                                    which the pandemic has accelerated the use of artificial
                            Business and Economic Research Faculty Fellow, and                                     intelligence.
                            Kinney Family Faculty Research Fellow, on Walmart’s
                            decision to promote more of its workers to full-time

                                                                                                                   “Part of the curriculum strategy included young
                                                                                             Freight Waves         women who are top college supply chain
                            “Companies are so much smarter now than                           December 18, 2021    students at UT to talk about why they chose
       Supply Chain         a year ago. Those that were not so well                                                the field. Videos and live interaction with these
              Brain         prepared learned some really hard lessons                                              students, alumni, and veterans like myself, made
           April 13, 2021   over the last year.”                                                                   the program fun and relevant for the girls.”
                            Tom Goldsby, professor of supply chain management and                                  Mary Long, managing director of the Global Supply
                            Dee and Jimmy Haslam Chair of Supply Chain, on how supply
                                                                                                                   Chain Institute’s Supply Chain Forum, speaking about a
                            chains might be permanently changed by the pandemic.
                                                                                                                   pilot program that helps Girl Scouts earn merit badges in
                                                                                                                   supply chain.

                            “The requirement for the audit committee
     The Wall Street        to be 100 percent independent is really                                                “We will rely on professionals across the full
           Journal          important. As soon as you relax it even a little,                    NBC News          spectrum of the supply chain from the military
            April 5, 2021   you start to lose the benefit.”                                   November 9, 2020     to civilian sector manufacturers, distributors
                            Terry Neal, accounting and information                                                 ... transportation providers … and the health
                            management department head and Richard L.                                              care organizations called upon to achieve
                            Townsend Chair of Accounting, speaking about                                           this Herculean effort. Vulnerabilities at any
                            Coinbase. As the company prepared to go public, its
                            audit committee included two major shareholders,                                       point in this chain can seriously reduce the
                            one of whom was a founder.                                                             effectiveness of this whole effort.”

                                                                                                                   Tom Goldsby, professor of supply chain management
                                                                                                                   and Dee and Jimmy Haslam Chair of Supply Chain, on
                                                                                                                   Pfizer’s roll-out of its COVID-19 vaccine.

HASLAM - SHELLY SUN The Franchising Genius of - Haslam College of Business
                                                                                                    D E PA R T M E N T                   FA C U LT Y

                                                                                                                               A grassroots
                             IN THE SPRING, HASLAM BEGAN COLLABO-                                                              fundraising campaign
                                                                                                                               from alumni resulted in
                             RATING WITH THE WALL STREET JOURNAL                                                               the department’s first
                             TO PROVIDE FREE ACCESS TO THE OUTLET’S                                                            endowed chair, the
                             FULL SUITE OF DIGITAL PRODUCTS FOR ALL                                                            Richard L. Townsend
                             STUDENTS, FACULTY, AND STAFF.                                                                     Chair of Accounting.
                                                                                                                               Department head
                                                                                                                               Terry Neal is the first
                                                                                                                               person to hold the

                                     #28                  #26
                                                                                                                               chair. (See story,
COLLEGE-WIDE                                                                                                                   page 32.)

 The Haslam College of Business      Haslam came in       In Poets&Quants’ 2021 rankings
                                     No. 28 among         of top business schools, the
 partnered with the Precious
 Prints Project in UT’s College      public institu-      undergraduate program rose                ACCOUNTING &
 of Nursing to launch a new          tions and No.        to 26th among public US                   INFORMATION MANAGEMENT
 business course focused on          44 nationally in     universities. The college ranked
 philanthropy. Nursing student       the U.S. News        64th among all institutions and
 leaders are collaborating with      & World Report       17th in academic experience

 students in the course, BUAD        2021 rankings.       among publics.
                                                                                                                In Brigham Young University’s

 102 Service–Learning Seminar,
                                                                                                                research rankings of accounting
 to benefit the project, which                                                           Ra

                                                                                                      programs for 2020, Haslam tied for No. 6
 presents families that have
                                                                                                      worldwide in archival audit research and
 lost a child with a charm made
                                                                                                      placed at No. 20 world-wide in archival
 from their child’s fingerprint.
                                                                                                      accounting research. The college’s PhD
                                                                                                      program ranked No. 15 in archival research
                                                                                                      and No. 3 in audit research, based on the

                                                                                                      research productivity of its graduates.
    Haslam College of Business Celebrates Faculty and Staff at Virtual Awards Ceremony

    The Haslam College of Business at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, recognized
    the accomplishments of faculty and staff at its annual awards celebration. The honors
    were announced during a virtual ceremony in late April.
    Outstanding Staff Award for Superior        Outstanding Doctoral Researcher:
    Customer Responsiveness: The                Richard Beem (Economics)
    Financial Information Office team,                                                                              Don Bruce has joined a new
    including Jessica Bartlett, Lindsey         Allen H. Keally Excellence in Teaching                              think tank established by the
    Brown, Jenny Colson, Jennifer Horner,       Award: Kimberly Sims (Economics)                                    US Olympic and Paralympic
    Vickie Killion, Brittany Permaul, David                                                                         Committee to help sustain
    Price, Ben Scheffler, Sherry Snider,        Richard C. Reizenstein Outstanding                                  Olympic and Paralympic
    Juliana Troxler and Denise Watson.          Commitment to Students Award: Adam                                  programming opportunities in
                                                Petrie (Business Analytics and Statistics)                          college athletics. tiny.utk.edu/IaRt3
    Tim Williams Staff Award for                                                                           Bruce

    Professionalism: The Undergraduate          Rising Star Research Award: Wenjun Zhou                             Celeste Carruthers received the
    Advising team, including Amy                (Business Analytics and Statistics)                                 2020 Georgescu-Roegen Prize
    Anderson, Robin Anderson, Marg                                                                                  for the best paper in the Southern
    Basehart, Kendra Duncan, Brian Francis,     Vallett Family Outstanding Researcher                               Economic Journal for her paper
    Betsy Gullett, Lindsey Herrell, Cindy       Award: Chris Craighead (Supply Chain                                with Kara Smith, “Are ‘Education
    Keyes, Megan Laverty, Beth Maney, Kam       Management)                                                         Lotteries’ Less Regressive?
    Manuel, Karson Marsh, Ellie Mulherin,                                                                           Evidence from Texas.”
    Brenda Perry, Ryessia Russell, Alysa        Volunteer Spirit Award: Shay Scott
    Schoenfeld, Dwight Stooksbury, Keima        (Supply Chain Management)                                           Marianne Wanamaker spoke to
    Talley, Laura Trainer, Tracy Trentham,                                                                          POLITICO’s Global Translations
    Merrill Walker, Jennifer Washick and        Diversity and Inclusion Award: Tom                                  podcast about the future of
    Quannah Washington.                         Van Dorselaer (Marketing and PSF)                                   the global workforce in a labor
                                                                                                                    market disrupted by COVID-
    Outstanding Staff Award for Innovation      Bank of America Faculty Leadership                                  19. The Tennessean asked
    and Creativity: The Technology-             Award: Mark Collins (Marketing and TEE)                             Wanamaker why some businesses
    Enhanced Education team, consisting                                                                             in the South have succeeded
    of Mark Collins and Jason Greenway.         Martin & Carol Robinson Excellence in                  Wanamaker    during the pandemic while others
                                                Teaching, Research and Service Award:                               have not. On the first Friday of
    Outstanding Doctoral Student Teacher        Lauren Cunningham (Accounting and                                   each month, Wanamaker joins
    Award: Tyler Milfeld (Marketing             Information Management)                                             Sam Chandan on the Urban Lab
                                                                                                                    podcast for an analysis of the
    Richard Sanders Award: Mary Holcomb         George Miller Jr Award: Jody Crane                                  current labor market.

                                                                                                                                  HASLAM.UTK.EDU | 5
HASLAM - SHELLY SUN The Franchising Genius of - Haslam College of Business

                                                       LAURA COLE

                                                    in People                                In addition to leading the center,
                                                                                         Cole teaches undergraduate courses

                                                L    aura Cole is passionate about
                                                       investing—in her work, her
                                                 students, and her community.
                                                                                         in the Smith Global Leadership
                                                                                         Scholars program and graduate
                                                                                         courses in the Physicians Executive
                                                      Cole came to the Haslam College    MBA program. Teaching isn’t a career
                                                 of Business as a PhD student in         for her. It’s a choice. “I love helping
                                                 finance with a background in            my students learn financial skills,
                                                 wealth management. Just as she          particularly the basics of personal
                                                 was finishing the program, the          finance, budgeting, and making
                                                 college opened the Masters Learning     investing decisions,” she says. “Those
                                                 Investment Center (MILC) and hired      are things every college student
                                                 Cole to be its director. “During my     should know. They can be life-
                                                 first year of running the MILC, I was   changing.”
                                                 also finishing my dissertation,” Cole       Cole’s research interests focus
                                                 recalls. “I don’t recommend that, but   on behavioral finance, or why people
                                                 the accounting department was very      make particular investment decisions.
                                                 supportive.”                            “I’m really interested in how gender
                                                      Some 11 years later, the MILC      and generation impact investment
                                                 has grown from offering two             decision making—for example, why
                                                 Bloomberg terminals to 20. “Today       Gen Zs invest differently than Baby
                                                 we have 200 students using the          Boomers.”
                                                 center on a weekly basis,” says Cole.       In her spare time, Cole enjoys
                                                 Providing students with training        riding her Vespa, spending time
                                                 they might not otherwise have access    with her Boston Terrier, baking,
                                                 to is rewarding. “It’s very impactful   and volunteering in the community.
                                                 for them to have Bloomberg              She serves on the board for the
                                                 certification on their resume after     Women’s Fund of East Tennessee, a
                                                 graduation,” she says. “It helps them   nonprofit that promotes education
                                                 stand out.” Today, Cole remains         opportunities for low-income women
                                                 the MILC’s director and in 2020,        and girls.
                                                 she became the first recipient of the       Grace Yagodich, a senior in
                                                 Sharon Pryse/The Trust Company of       finance and international business,
                                                 Tennessee MILC Directorship.            says working with Cole in the MILC
                                                                                         has left a lasting impression. “She’s
                                                                                         one of the most intentional people
                                                                                         I’ve ever met,” Yagodich says. “She
                                                                                         really invests in her people, and will
                                                                                         go the extra mile to lend a hand in the
                                                                                         classroom or the community.”

HASLAM - SHELLY SUN The Franchising Genius of - Haslam College of Business

                                                                                       an award that supports
                                                                                       the advancement and
                                                                                       certification of qualified
                                                                                                                        NEEL CORPORATE
                                                                                       next-generation data             GOVERNANCE
                                                                                       scientists.                      CENTER

   Amazon committed $750,000 for an                                                                                                       Lauren
   endowed distinguished professorship                                                                                                    Cunningham,
                                                          Julie Ferrara an-                                                               director of
   in business analytics and statistics,                  nounced that Trimble is                                                         research for
   which will receive a one-to-one match                  a new premier partner                                                           the center, and
   from the Haslam family, for an                         and Radio Systems/                                                              Jacob Leidner
   endowment totaling $1.5 million.                       PetSafe is now a basic                                                          from the
                                                          partner with the Busi-                                      Universität Würzburg presented
                                                          ness Analytics Forum.        Yang Liu and co-               virtually to the CFA Society of
                                                                                       authors published              Germany about the SEC filing
                                                                                       "Predicting Labor              review process.
 BUSINESS ANALYTICS                                                                    Market Competition:
 AND STATISTICS                                                                        Leveraging Interfirm
                                                                                       Network and Employee
                                                                                                                      In a Wall Street Journal exclusive,
                                                                                                                      Terry Neal, head of accounting
                                                                                       Skills" in Information
                                                                                                                      and information management
                                                                                       Systems Research. The
                                                                                                                      at Haslam and director of the
 Journal of Marketing will   patient wait times                                        paper also was selected
                                                                                                                      Neel Corporate Governance
 publish Michel Ballings,    at a local free clinic                                    as the Best Paper
                                                                                                                      Center, weighed in on the need
 Neeraj Bharadwaj, and       through a Haslam             Jordan Gill was hired as     Award runner-up at the
                                                                                                                      for neutrality on Coinbase’s audit
 their co-authors’ paper,    Scholars Program             a lecturer and co-director   WITS 2020 conference.
 “A New Livestream           research grant.              of the MSBA program,
 Retail Analytics                                         while Nana Bryan joined                                     The latest American Corporate
 Framework to Assess                                      the department as a                                         Governance Index from The
 the Sales Impact of                                      lecturer.                                                   Institute of Internal Auditors and
 Emotional Displays.”                                                                                                 the Neel Corporate Governance
                                                          Decision Sciences                                           Center found that, despite the
 Michel Ballings received                                 accepted Paolo Letizia                                      unprecedented challenges of
 the MSBA faculty                                         and Wenjun Zhou’s                                           the COVID-19 pandemic, US
 “Excellence in Teaching”                                 “Three Cobblers Worth                                       corporate governance remained
 award from MSBA                                          the Mastermind?              Bobby Mee and co-
 students for commitment     Missie Bowers’ “The          Crowdsourcing                author Chunyan Wang’s
 to excellence in the        Recession’s Impact           Innovation with Potential    paper, "Two-Level Parallel
                                                                                       Flats Designs," will be
 classroom and steadfast     on Analytics and Data        to Ensemble.”                                                 MASTERS
 emphasis on curriculum      Science” was MIT Sloan                                    published in Annals of
                             Management Review’s                                       Statistics.                      INVESTMENT
 content, innovation, and                                 Paolo Letizia and his co-
 delivery.                   most downloaded              authors’ “Governance of                                       LEARNING CENTER
                             article of 2020 in the AI/   Collective Entrepreneur-     Brian Stevens and
                             ML category. Bowers          ship” was accepted by        Sean Willems’ paper,                                Sharon Pryse
                             received the MSBA            Journal of Economic Be-      “World of EdCraft:                                  (HCB, ’72) and
                             faculty “Outstanding         havior and Organization.     Challenges and
                                                                                                                                           her investment
                             Commitment to Students”                                   Opportunities in
                             award from MSBA                                                                                               firm, The Trust
                                                                                       Synchronous Online
                             students for outstanding                                  Teaching,” is under                                 Company of
                             service to students                                       consideration for                                   Tennessee,
                             beyond the classroom.                                     publication.                   endowed a directorship for the
 Bogdan Bichescu                                                                                                      Masters Investment Learning Center
 is working with             Emre Demirkaya’s                                          Harvard Business               (MILC). As the MILC’s current
 graduate student            “Large-scale model                                        Publishing Education           director, Laura Cole is the first
 Varun Rangnekar to          selection in misspecified                                 published a version of         beneficiary of the Sharon Pryse/The
 investigate the impact      generalized linear mod-      ChuanRen (Charles) Liu       Sean Willems’ paper,           Trust Company of Tennessee MILC
 of technology and a         els” will be published in    was named an IEEE Next-      “How I Designed My
                                                                                                                      Directorship. (See story, opposite.)
 digital workflow on         Biometrika.                  Generation Data Scientist,   Home Teaching Studio.”

 PROFESSIONAL SALES FORUM                                                                                                      Under the leadership
                                                                                                                               of its executive director,
     Having raised $5,000 or more from its five inaugural diversity scholarship                                                Tom Van Dorselaer,
     partners, E&J Gallo Winery, Lutron Electronics, PepsiCo, Ryder, and Enterprise,                                           the Professional Sales
     the Professional Sales Forum is seeking $5,000 in support from five additional                                            Forum continues to
     corporate partners that share its commitment to salesforce diversity. As part of
                                                                                                                               grow and currently
     the 5 x 10 initiative, Dell Technologies and ALKU have agreed to be the newest
     contributors to the forum's diversity scholarship fund.                                                                   has the support of 30
                                                                                                                               corporate partners.

                                                                                                                                     HASLAM.UTK.EDU | 7
HASLAM - SHELLY SUN The Franchising Genius of - Haslam College of Business
Building Up
                        Real Estate

                         I n response to growing demand
                           from students and employers,
                         the Haslam College of Business is
                         building a real estate program. The
                         Department of Finance recently
                         hired Scott Roark as a clinical
                         associate professor to lead the
                         endeavor. With Roark at the helm,
                         the department has created a new
                         series of real estate courses, plans
                         for a certificate program, and a real
                         estate club for students.
                            Department Head Tracie Woidtke,
                         the Sharp/Home Federal Bank
                         Professor, said students have
                         expressed great interest in the plan
                         of study, especially in commercial
                         real estate. While real estate pairs
                         well with other offerings in finance,
                         she says there’s potential for
                         expanding to a cross-disciplinary
                         degree or graduate program in the
                         future. “We’ll continue to assess the
                         demand, evaluate the skills needed,
                         and grow from there,” Woidtke says.
                            Benjamin Spears, a senior in supply
                         chain management and finance who’s
                         interested in real estate development,
                         is ready for the new emphasis area.
                         “I decided to help start the real
                         estate club,” he says. “I’m excited
                         to see future students gaining more
                         opportunities in this area.”


                                             Many of the nation’s fastest growing real estate
                                             markets are in our geographical region. We’re
                                             excited to give students high quality exposure
                                             to the real estate industry and to alumni who are
                                             excelling in this economic sector.
                                                                                   —DEAN STEPHEN L. MANGUM
Certificate Program and
The college’s existing course in real
estate has been reworked and two
more added to create a series of three.
The first course will offer a basic
introduction to the field, followed by
                                             to speak to students. “In the future, we also
a course on real estate finance and
                                             hope to bring back Haslam alumni to pitch
investment analysis, and finally a
                                             what they’re doing and drum up interest in
capstone with experiential learning
                                             real estate careers,” says Roark. “Alumni
elements. “It’s going to be very
                                             involvement and financial support will be
hands-on,” says Roark. “Students will
                                             essential to what we do with real estate at
participate in at least two national
                                             the college.”
real estate competitions as part of the
                                                Students also have the opportunity to
capstone.” The competitions ask teams
                                             learn the basics of ARGUS commercial real
of students to create or analyze a real
                                             estate modeling software. Roark hopes
estate project and present their plans to
                                             to provide a certification course for the
a panel of real estate experts.
                                             software because those skills are in high
   All three courses are now approved,
                                             demand in the industry, particularly in
and students can take them in a series
                                             larger real estate markets. “If students are
beginning in the fall. Upon completion
                                             wanting to work in big markets such as
of the series, they will receive a real
                                             Nashville or Atlanta, knowing ARGUS is a
estate certificate. The department also
                                             necessity,” he says.
is pursuing the possibility of offering a
                                                Case competition opportunities will
real estate collateral.
                                             continue to be offered to interested
                                             students, whether or not they’re enrolled in
Experiential Learning                        the capstone course.
Opportunities                                   Roark sees a strong employer demand
Roark and a small group of students,
                                             for graduates who understand real estate.
including Spears, started a real estate
                                             “It represents about 25 percent of the
club last year with the goal of providing
                                             economy, so there are lots of jobs out
more exposure and experiential
                                             there,” he says.
learning opportunities for current
                                                Stephen L. Mangum, dean and Stokely
students. In their bimonthly meetings,
                                             Foundation Leadership Chair, notes that
the club invites real estate professionals
                                             Haslam has a geographic advantage in
                                             the field. “Many of the nation’s fastest
                                             growing real estate markets are in our
                                             region,” Mangum says. “We’re excited to
                                             give students high quality exposure to the
                                             real estate industry and to alumni who are
                                             excelling in this economic sector.”

                                                                                             HASLAM.UTK.EDU | 9

                                                                                            BOYD CENTER FOR
                               The department
                               now has more                                                 ECONOMIC RESEARCH
    than 1,400 students (up from 1,200 last
    year) making it UT’s No. 1 major for three
    years in a row.

    Registration is now open for the SCM
    Leadership Academy, a 14-week
    program that develops managers,
    directors, and other key stakehold-                                                                       Bruce                Permaul

    ers into supply chain leaders through
                                                                                            The Boyd Center              launched a new website
    Haslam's industry-leading supply
                                                                                            for Business and             that aims to make the
    chain curriculum the peer connec-                                                       Economic Research            lab’s research about
    tions and group learnings from inter-                                                   named Don Bruce              higher education in
    action with faculty formed during the                                                   and Brittany Permaul         Tennessee simple to
    class. tiny.utk.edu/scmacademy                 In Memoriam                              its new associate
                                                                                            director and assistant
                                                                                                                         access and easy to
                                                   Mary Holcomb, Gerald T. Niedert          director, respectively.

     SUPPLY CHAIN                                  Professor of Supply Chain
                                                                                            Boyd’s Larry Kessler and
                                                                                                                         A survey conducted the
                                                                                                                         Boyd Center indicated
     MANAGEMENT                                    Management and Martin and Jean
                                                                                            Matt Murray are lending      that Tennessee business
                                                   Mills Faculty Research Fellow            their expertise to the       leaders continue to
                                                   in the department of supply              Substance Misuse             be more optimistic
     Supply chain management faculty continue      chain management, died Friday,           Community of Scholars,       about the state’s
     to be go-to sources for supply chain trade                                             a research collective        economic outlook than
                                                   February 12, 2021. Born and raised
     and mainstream publications, being                                                     focusing on issues           the nation’s, while in
     quoted in media such as Freight Waves,        in Oak Ridge, Holcomb received           related to opioid use.       another report, the
     DC Velocity, Supply Chain Brain, NBC News,    her bachelor’s, master’s, and            tiny.utk.edu/EF8g6           center said positive,
     and the Memphis Commercial Appeal,            doctorate degrees from UT. A                                          if sporadic, economic
                          among others.                                                                                  growth is expected
                                                   true Vol for life, she taught at UT      Tennessee
                                                                                            Postsecondary                over the next year for
                         In a column for The       for more than 28 years.
                                                                                            Evaluation & Analysis        the state.
                         Wall Street Journal,
                                                   If you would like to join UT in          Research Lab
                         Alan Amling explained
                                                                                            (TN-PEARL),                  In a third study, the Boyd
                         that distribution         honoring the life and legacy of          a partnership of the         Center reports that the
                         changes during            Mary Holcomb by supporting               Boyd Center, the             percentage of uninsured
                         COVID-19 may be
                                                   the newly established Dr. Mary C.        Peabody College of           children in Tennessee
                         pushing parcel
                                                   Holcomb Scholarship Endowment,           Education at Vanderbilt      stayed low and TennCare
                         carriers to reexamine
                                                                                            University and the           recipients’ satisfaction
                         last-mile strategies.     please visit giving.utk.edu/
                                                                                            Tennessee Higher             with the program
                                                   Holcomb                                  Education Commission,        remained high in 2020.
                         Four new supply chain
                         faculty members will
                         start August 1: Yemisi
                         Bolumole, John-                                                    GLOBAL SUPPLY
               Goldsby   Patrick Paraskevas,      Chain Brain. In another interview, with   CHAIN INSTITUTE
                         Alex Scott, and Jeff     NeXxus UTK President, Jessica Thomas,
                         Trombly.                 Sordi discussed elements of economic                                   and education. Randy
                                                  inclusion and supplier diversity.                                      Boyd, president of the
                         Tom Goldsby spoke                                                                               University of Tennessee
                         to local TV news         Ted Stank and Stephanie Eckerd were                                    System and founder
                         station WVLT about       recognized by the Journal of Business                                  and executive chairman
                         the challenges of        Logistics in 2020—Stank as Outstanding                                 of Radio Systems
                 Stank   transporting, storing,   Associate Editor and Eckerd as                                         Corporation, delivered
                         and distributing the     Outstanding Reviewer.                                                  a talk outlining four
                         COVID-19 vaccine.                                                                               things that organizations
                                                  Kate Vitasek was named 2021 World                                      need to be successful
                         Andrea Sordi,            Commerce and Contracting Fellow, the      The Global Supply Chain      and shared a collective
                         clinical assistant       highest accolade the not-for-profit       Institute published its      vision for creating the
                         professor of supply      confers.                                  24th and 25th white          greatest decade in UT
                         chain management,                                                  papers: “Advancing E2E       history. Jimmy Haslam,
                Eckerd   discussed the            Eunae Yoo partnered with Humanitarian     Agile Resiliency in Supply   COB of Pilot Flying J,
                         risks and rewards        OpenStreetMap Team (HOT) to conduct       Chains” and “When Is(n’t)    co-owner of the Cleveland
                         associated with Taco     research examining the relationship       Blockchain Right?”           Browns of the National
                         Bell’s decision to add   between users’ experience levels and                                   Football League, and
                         a major new product,     two outcomes of interest to HOT and       The Global Supply Chain’s    the Columbus Crew SC
                         Beyond Meat, to its      organizations that use the Tasking        successful, virtual spring   of Major League Soccer,
                         menu during the          Manager: project completion and           2021 Supply Chain            covered “Network
                         pandemic with Supply     retention. https://hubs.la/H0LSWcD0       Forum was headlined          Strength, Reinvention,
                  Yoo                                                                       by two prominent             Partnerships, and
                                                                                            figures in business          Community Connections.”


                     Alex Ricardo Zablah was            According to research        scholarship as a            Mark Moon won the                  in international
                     promoted to department head        done by Dan Flint and        representative of the       2021 Lee and Allison               marketing (Journal
                     of marketing.                      PhD candidate Tyler          Academy of International    Herring Endowed                    of International
                                                        Milfield, companies          Business. Hewett's 2016     Teaching Fellowship in             Marketing), and
                     Since June of 2020, 11 peer-       were more reluctant to       Journal of Marketing        Marketing.                         Charlie Noble
            Zablah   reviewed journal articles          present positions on         publication, “Brand Buzz                                       in new product
                     authored by marketing              social issues in their       in the Echoverse,” was      The marketing                      development
                     faculty and doctoral students      Superbowl game-day           named a finalist for the    department is now                  (Journal of
                     have been accepted for             advertising this year.       2021 Sheth Foundation/      home to the editor                 Product Innovation
                     publication in quality journals.                                Journal of Marketing        or co-editor of                    Management).
                     More than a third of the           Kelly Hewett was             Award.                      these leading
                     published articles involve         invited to join the Sheth                                Marketing journals:                Stephanie Noble
                     a collaboration between            Foundation Board, where      Hewett and Alex Zablah      Stephanie Noble in                 will co-chair the
                               department fac-          she will help promote        have been selected to       services marketing                 2021 Frontiers in
 MARKETING                     ulty and current or      initiatives related to       receive the 2020 Journal    (Journal of
                                                                                                                 Service Research);
                                                                                                                                                    Service Doctoral
                               former UT doctoral       emerging markets and         of Marketing Outstand-                                         and Early Career
                               students.                international marketing      ing Reviewer Award.         Kelly Hewett                       Consortium.

                     Annika Abell won a 2020
                     Association for Consumer

                     Research grant for her                                     Melissa Cardon was awarded a
                     proposed work on the                                       Fulbright Distinguished Chair in
             Flint   influence of social media on                               Entrepreneurship and Innovation
                     underprivileged consumers.                                 at Royal Melbourne Institute of
                                                                                                                            Jessica Jones received two grants: the
                     Abell’s digital marketing class                            Technology for the Spring 2022
                                                                                                                            Diversity Challenge Grant (with PhD
                     was featured in local news                                 semester. She also published
                                                                                                                            student Ace Beorchia) to study Latino
                     for its unique approach to                                 a new book, The Psychology
                                                                                                                            immigrant business owners in Knox
                     teaching students social media                             of Entrepreneurship: New
                                                                                                                            County, and a Project Grant from the
                     marketing, data analysis,                                  Perspectives, and presented at
           Hewett                                                                                                           Community Engagement Academy.
                     advertising, SEO, and email                                the Leading the Integration of
                     marketing, for WearKnox.               Faith & Entrepreneurship Conference, hosted virtually
                     com, an e-commerce site                by Miami University of Ohio.
                     she created to help students
                     develop an appreciation for
                     digital marketing.                     MANAGEMENT
                     The Haslam College of                  & ENTREPRENEURSHIP
                     Business International Case                                                                                      Rittenhouse                 Samba
                     Competition Team, coached
                     by Eddie Armbrister,                                           Russell Crook’s paper, “The evolution     Personal Selling & Sales Management
                     achieved two top-three                                         of resource-based inquiry: A review       and gave a presentation at the
                     finishes this year.                                            and meta-analytic integration,”           Tennessee State Society for Human
            Noble                                                                   co-authored with PhD alumna Lara          Resource Management conference.
                                                                                    D’Oria (HCB, ’17), was accepted at
 In Memoriam          Penelope "Penny" Beasley                                      the Journal of Management.                                 Tim Pollock pub-
 was the assistant director in the Office of                                                                                                   lished a book, How
 Undergraduate Programs. She was a valued                                Crook      David Gras published “Socially                             to Use Storytelling
 member of Haslam for more than 15 years and                                        oriented shareholder activism                              in Your Academic
 served as an advisor and BUAD 100 instructor                                       targets: Explaining activists’                             Writing: Techniques
 to many students. Beasley died December 23,                                        corporate target selection using                           for Engaging Readers
 2020, after a year-long battle with pancreatic                                     corporate opportunity structures” in                       and Successfully
                    cancer. She is survived by her                                  the Journal of Business Ethics.                            Navigating the
                    father, John Beasley; Heather                                                                                              Writing and Pub-
 STAFF              (sister) and Jeremy Sandell.                                    Terry Leap’s book, Phantom                lishing Processes, with Edward Elgar.
                                                                           Gras     Billing, Fake Prescriptions, and the
                                                                                    High Cost of Medicine (Cornell            Jennifer Rittenhouse spoke to
                          honored Lauren                                            University Press), has been               the Rising Tide podcast about
                          Jacobs as Advisor                                         selected as part of a National            imposterism, her passion for HR
                          of the Year during                                        Endowment for the Humanities              and coaching, and more.
                          its Haslam College                                        open-access grant.
                          of Business Awards                                                                                  Codou Samba’s paper, “Audit com-
                          Week. Jacobs                                              Debbie Mackey won the                     mittee diversity and financial restate-
                          advises the Inter-                                        Chancellor’s Award for Excellence         ments,” was accepted at the Journal
 Jason Greenway of        national Business Club.                                   in Advising. She also spoke to            of Management and Governance.
 Haslam’s Office of                                                                 the Society for Human Resource
 Technology-Enhanced      Shannon McCloud                                           Management (SHRM) about the               David Williams and Russell Crook’s
 Education graduated      with the management                                       struggles young workers face              “Unpacking the age at initial
 from the Haslam          and entrepreneurship                                      during COVID-19. tiny.utk.edu/Qangc       internationalization-performance
 Professional MBA         support staff                                                                                       relationship: A meta-analytic
 program in 2020.         passed her Certified                                      Tim Munyon had papers accepted            investigation,” was accepted at
                          Administrative                                Munyon      at the Journal of Applied Social          the Journal of Business Venturing
 Haslam’s Office of       Professional (CAP)                                        Psychology and the Journal of             Insights.
 Student Engagement       exam.

                                                                                                                                               HASLAM.UTK.EDU | 11

    Cracking the
   Labor Market

   S    uppose a fortuneteller could gaze into a crystal
        ball and foresee which high-value employees
   companies would lose to competitors in the next
                                                                                                                 Human capital competition
                                                                                                             is not so obvious. Liu uses
                                                                                                           the example of data scientists:
   year? Could the prediction be used in taking steps to                                                  Who needs data scientists? Tech
   retain valuable workers?                                                                            companies, and the auto industry’s
      Managers could soon have access not only to forecasts                                          needs are growing. What may be less
   like this, but also to the crystal ball that generates them.                                  obvious is that data scientists can work
   In a study in last November’s Information Systems                                   in the agricultural industry (Consider precision
   Research, Yuanyang Liu, a professor in the Department                         agriculture.). What makes the labor market competition
   of Business Analytics and Statistics, and two colleagues                      challenging is that a firm’s competitors are not
   applied conventional data analytics tools such as data                        necessarily the same as its product market competitors.
   scraping, text mining, network analysis, and machine           past talent    This is because some skills can be applied to produce
   learning to publicly available information. The result?        migration,     different products, and a product can be produced in
   The researchers mapped “human capital flow” between            it’s a short   different ways (e.g., natural vs synthetic diamonds,
   companies including Amazon, Walmart, Ford Motor Co.,                step to   digital camera vs smart phone). Thus, analysis of labor
   and IBM from 2000-2014.                                        predicting     market competition, especially the so-called knowledge
      Liu, with Gautam Pant (University of Iowa) and Olivia             future   worker competition, has been elusive.
   R. L. Sheng (University of Utah), used data from online                          “Naturally, we thought about employees’ profiles
   profiles of 89,943 employees, tracking their careers                          posted online: we can find their profiles, which shows
   across 3,467 public businesses over 15 years. Through                         what skills they have and where they have worked, and
   this analysis, they formulated the human capital flow
                                                                         flow.   we can scrape them for data,” Liu says. They used search
   network (i.e., tracking workers’ movement among firms)                        engines to search for employees of a given company,
   and identified “firm-pair” similarities derived from the                      returning many LinkedIn profiles.
   employee mobility pattern between firms.                                         That simple search gave the analysts a static data
      Using employees’ reported skill terms, they could                          picture of employees with certain skill sets at specific
   associate a firm with its employees’ skills and identify                      companies in a given timeframe. By applying common
   pairs of firms that have employees with similar skill sets.                   data analytics tools, the team moved from a single-year
   This means those “firm-pairs” are likely to compete in                        snapshot of firms’ human capital assets to a dynamic
   the same human capital pool. Their work in “Predicting                        view of talent movement among the companies over
   Labor Market Competition: Leveraging Interfirm Network                        time. From analyzing past talent migration, it’s a short
   and Employee Skills” utilizes these two set of information                    step to predicting future human capital flow, Liu says. It
   to predict businesses’ future competitors for high-value                      can be done with the same tools his team used—publicly
   employees.                                                                    available data and algorithms.
      Liu says that while much research has been done                               It’s just a question of who wants that crystal ball
   on businesses’ competition in the product market,                             enough to expend the effort to get it.         —Scott McNutt
   comparatively little has been done on the labor market.
      “The competitors in the cookie market, for example,                        Note: Yang’s team is not the first to conduct this kind of research. A
   are obvious,” Liu says. “There are many different cookie                      data analytics firm in California conducted similar scraping to alert
                                                                                 its clients when employees might be seeking new jobs. LinkedIn sued,
   producers, but all the cookies are on the market shelf                        claiming the data in their profiles was proprietary. A lower court
   where the consumer can see them.” It’s clear which                            ruled against the social network, but the case is ongoing. Precedent in
                                                                                 such suits has the potential to ignite larger data ownership dust-ups
   cookies are being picked and therefore easy to identify                       between social networks and the users who post to them.
   competitors as well as which are succeeding.                                  tiny.utk.edu/linkedindatacase


                     Clarence L. Vaughn, III, director of the Office of

                     Diversity and Community Relations, spoke on the
                     importance of diversity, inclusion, and awareness
                     to a number of organizations and events, such as
                     the Regional MEDIC Board Leadership Retreat, the
                     Junior League of Knoxville’s Leadership series, the

                     Professional Sales Leadership Forum, UT’s student-led                            In Poets&Quants’ latest rankings, the full-
                     Management Society, Delta Sigma Pi, and the ORNL                                 time MBA program rose to 47th among
                                                                                                      all US institutions and 24th among all
  Women’s Leadership Conference.
                                                                                     US publics. Also, according to Poets&Quants, despite the
                                                                                     challenging environment of COVID-19, Haslam led the
                                                                                     country’s business schools in GMAT score improvement for
 OFFICE OF DIVERSITY AND                                                             the second year in a row.
                                                                                                    In The Economist’s WhichMBA 2021
                                                                                                    MBA and Business School rankings, the
  At the sixth annual Women in Business, Entrepreneurship and Leader-                               MBA climbed to No. 19 among US public
  ship Summit, hosted virtually by Haslam, female leaders (including                 institutions and No. 54 worldwide. It also ranks No. 7
  former mayor of Knoxville Madeline Rogero) shared their knowledge                  worldwide for alumni rating of career services.
  about issues women face in the business world.

                                                                                                      Haslam's Executive MBA program is now
                                                                                                      ranked among the London-based Financial
  The ODCR hosted a Lunch & Learn discussion titled, “Using Change as an
                                                                                                      Times’ Top 100 international executive
  Opportunity.” with guest speakers Timothy Munyon and Chancellor Donde
                                                                                     MBA programs. In the Times’ 2020 list, Haslam placed at
  Plowman sharing best practices on transitioning and managing change.
                                                                                     No. 97. Only 29 US EMBA programs appeared in the top
                                                                                     100, and the Haslam EMBA was one of just 11 US public
                                                                                     institutions to make the Financial Times’ list. Additionally,
                                                                                     within the Times' subcategories, Haslam ranks as the No. 1
  Ramon DeGennaro provided                  Informativeness of Management            US EMBA program for overall alumni satisfaction.
  MoneyGeek.com with expert                 Earnings Forecasts,” is forthcoming

  commentary for two recent studies         in the Journal of Accounting Research.                  In the latest U.S. News and World Report
  on car insurance.                                                                                 Best Business Schools rankings, Haslam
                                            Matthew Serfling’s papers with                          placed 17th among public schools (up
  Ryan Z. Farley and Laura Cole             John (Jianqui) Bai and Wang Jin,         five spots from 2020) and 39th among all institutions
  organized a finance career panel          “Management Practices and Mergers        (up seven spots from 2020). Haslam’s Supply Chain
  featuring alumni at Goldman Sachs.        and Acquisitions” is forthcoming in      Management MBA concentration marked its sixth
                           The panel was    Management Science. Serfling also is     consecutive year in the top 10.
                           hosted by the    the recipient of the 2020 Journal of
 FINANCE                   Tennessee        Financial and Quantitative Analysis
                                                                                     The Princeton Review again included Haslam on its
                           Capital          Outstanding Reviewer Award. Serfling
                                                                                     annual list of best full-time MBA programs.
                           Markets          is also the 2021 recipient of the
  Society student organization and          Sharon Miller Pryse/Trust Company
  faculty advisor, Phillip Daves. Farley    Outstanding Finance Faculty Award.       Modern Healthcare placed Haslam’s Physician Executive
  also was featured in a WalletHub                                                   MBA program (PEMBA) and Executive MBA for
  article about hedge fund holdings,        Andy Puckett’s paper with David          Healthcare Leadership (EMBA-HL) at the top of

  top stocks, new buys, and more.           Cicero, Albert Wang, and Shen            its annual ranking of largest program enrollment in

                                            Zhang, “Do Mutual Funds Exploit          healthcare MBA programs.
                      Eric Kelley           Information on Local Companies?                                                                 Ra
                      created an            Evidence from Fund-Firm Taxi
                      interview series      Trips in NYC,” was accepted for
                      with friends          presentation at both the Western
                      of the finance        Finance Association Conference
                      department,           and the China International Finance      GRADUATE AND
                      former students,
                      and faculty
                                            Conference. Puckett also is the
                                            2021 recipient of the Dr. John
                                                                                     EXECUTIVE EDUCATION
                      colleagues about      M. Wachowicz, Jr., Outstanding
                      issues in the         Teaching Award.
                      finance world.                                                 Haslam held its annual celebration of graduate and professional
                      Many of these         Scott Roark is the faculty advisor for   students in conjunction with Tennessee’s Graduate Education
                      conversations         the newly formed Real Estate Club.       Week, during which more than 650 students were honored.
                      pertain to relevant   (See story on page 8.)
                      career paths for                                               In January, the undergraduate and graduate career offices
                      finance students.     Department head Tracie Woidtke           collaborated to host a Career Leadership Academy for a second
                                            presented a talk for the Women's         year in a row, although virtually in 2021. Alumni participated as Ted
                      David Maslar’s        Fund of East Tennessee, exploring                             Talks speakers and five top employer partners
                      and Matthew           the question of whether women can                             conduct career immersion seminars for students.
                      Serfling’s paper      be both happy and successful in
                      with Sarah Shaikh,    male-dominated fields. Woidtke also                          David Ecklund, retired lecturer and founding
                      “Economic             was invited to join the Topic Board                          director of the Executive MBA – Global Supply
                      Downturns             of the Journal of Risk and Financial                         Chain, received the Innovation Award from
                      and the               Management.                                                  Second Harvest Food Bank of East Tennessee.

                                                                                                                                     HASLAM.UTK.EDU | 13
The Franchising Genius of

In less than two decades, Shelly Sun (HCB, ’92)
 has built a $569 million home care company,
    BrightStar Care, using a franchise model
        to grow from a local business to a
               national enterprise.

                                                  HASLAM.UTK.EDU | 15
COVERAGE MAP: Since its start              BrightStar Locations
         as a single business operating in
         the Chicago area, BrightStar has
         expanded to operate across
         75 percent of the US, totaling
         345 franchises to date.              15+    10–14     6–9      1–5      0

                            From Accountant                                          Franchise Success
                            to Entrepreneur
                            S    un enrolled in the University of Tennessee,
                                 Knoxville, starting out as an engineering
                                                                                     W       hile in a training session for new
                                                                                             owners and managers at a hotel she’d
                                                                                     invested in, Sun had an epiphany. Franchising
                            student but soon switching to business. As an            her business model made perfect sense. “The
                            undergraduate, she worked part-time jobs to              services we provide are so personal, you really
                            pay her way through school and did summer                need someone in charge who knows the local
                            internships at DuPont and EY, gaining valuable           community they serve,” she says. “Franchising
                            experience along the way.                                makes way for those local teams.”
                               After earning a master’s in accountancy                 Sun and her team laid the foundation for
                            in Colorado, Sun spent 10 years working for              enfranchisement in 2005. Within five years,
                            different companies before eventually moving to          the company generated more than $100

                            Chicago to take a job at an insurance company.           million in revenue and served thousands of
                               While in the city, Sun helped her family cope         families annually. Today, BrightStar Care has
                            with her grandmother’s illness. “We were trying          345 locations and is able to serve 75 percent of
                            to put together resources for her to receive             the United States from one of their locations.
    Franchising             home care, and needed the dependability of an            “Franchising has given us the opportunity to
    has given               exceptional care provider,” Sun recalls. “I was          be local, yet scalable and consistent,” Sun says.
    us the                  really surprised by the lack of options.” The            “This type of growth would have been difficult
    opportunity             difficulty of the situation weighed on Sun’s mind,       to achieve as a corporate entity.”
    to be local,            and eventually inspired BrightStar Care.                   Most franchise owners don’t come from
    yet scalable               Around the time of the 9/11 attacks when              a healthcare background, but Sun says
    and                     the transportation industry was undergoing               many have personal experience with finding
    consistent.             major changes, she was on the move again,                homecare for family members and are
    This type of            working for a subsidiary of United Airlines. After       passionate about making a difference in their
    growth would            proving herself invaluable to the company, she           local community. BrightStar Care has worked
    have been               negotiated a generous severance agreement with           hard to give franchisees ongoing support to
    difficult               her entrepreneurial venture in mind. “That gave          expand their businesses and requires everyone
    to achieve as           me a nest egg to start from and I already had a          to become Joint Commission accredited to help
    a corporate             passion to pursue my idea, knowing that other            ensure consistency across the country.
                            families were looking for higher-level home care           During the COVID-19 pandemic many
                            for their family members,” Sun says. “Within a           BrightStar Care franchise owners have
                            year of being a consumer of the industry I set           continued to thrive and grow, due in part
                            about to upend, we were the first company that           to Sun’s leadership. “We pivoted to where
                            did homecare and staffing for both nonmedical            the business was going to be, particularly in
                            and medical services in a way that’s led by              screening and then vaccinations,” she says.
                            nurses.”                                                 “For example, our nurses were tracking those
                               Sun’s initial Chicago-based business expanded         who were vaccinated to make sure there were
                            quickly, opening a second location in 2003 and           no adverse effects. It felt really good to help
                            a third in 2005. BrightStar Care was poised to           our franchisees make a difference and get their
                            scale widely using a franchise model.                    communities operating again.”

                                                                           AT HASLAM
                                                                           After receiving Haslam’s Entrepreneur
                                                                           of the Year Award in 2017, Sun became
                                                                           involved with plans for a new program on
                                                                           franchising within the college, led by the
                                                                           Anderson Center for Entrepreneurship
                                                                           & Innovation. Tom Graves, distinguished
                                                                           lecturer and operations director for the
                                                                           center, says the program will expand
                                                                           the awareness of business opportunities
                                                                           for new entrepreneurs. “Franchising
                                                                           is an integral part of entrepreneurship
Prioritizing People                                                        and a major driver of economic growth,
                                                                           creating $1.6 trillion, or about 5.8 percent
                                                                           of GDP, in the United States each year.

W        hen she started BrightStar Care, one of Sun’s
         priorities was ensuring that nurses and
caregivers were paid adequately for their work. Today,
                                                                           It’s an important opportunity for students
                                                                           to be aware of, because franchisees
                                                                           receive much more support than they
the company’s caregivers are consistently paid 5 to 20

                                                                           would if they started a business from
percent more than the local market average.
   Over the past year, BrightStar Care made further
efforts to support caregivers, purchasing $2 million                          Sun has partnered with Haslam faculty
of PPE including 100,000 N95 masks to distribute to                        in an advisory position to develop plans
franchise owners early in the pandemic. “We really try       Everything    for a franchising initiative. Eventually it
to do the right things for the right reasons,” says Sun.     is grounded   will include a certificate program and
“Everything is grounded in our core values.”                 in our core   introductory graduate level courses.
   The company also makes provision for two-way              values.”      Last year the college launched an
communication between franchise owners and the                             undergraduate course in franchising.
corporate team, hosting quarterly town hall meetings,                      Graves, who teaches the course, says
performance groups, an advisory council, annual                            the students have been engaged and
conferences for both franchisees and frontline leaders,                    enthusiastic. “It’s really opened their
and personalized training for new franchise owners. The                    eyes to the wide variety of business
goal is to clear a path to share best practices across the                 opportunities available under the
network. Sun credits a strong C-suite team with freeing                    franchise model—not just restaurants and
up her time for leadership training with new franchisees.                  hotels but many other types of business
She also meets periodically with several owners at a time                  as well.”
to learn about challenges and opportunities in their local                    Sun’s penchant for franchising is
markets, which allows her to prioritize resources at the                   reflected in the continued growth of
national level.                                                            her business, but she says her greatest
   Carrying on a constant conversation with franchisees
                                                                           reward is the number of families
and frontline workers means BrightStar Care’s business
                                                                           BrightStar Care has been honored to
model continues to evolve. “We want to provide plenty
                                                                           serve. “That’s why I started the business
of opportunities to deliver consistent messaging to
                                                                           and it’s what still gives me the greatest
franchisees—and to hear what they have to tell us.”
                                                                           joy, drive, and passion to keep working
                                                                           as hard as I do.”

                                                                                                 HASLAM.UTK.EDU | 17
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