Harmonization, integration and innovation - Three trends shaping the future of ESG investing - Frankfurt Main Finance
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Harmonization, integration and innovation Three trends shaping the future of ESG investing Rahul Ghosh, MD – Outreach & Research, Moody’s ESG Solutions MAY 2021
Moody’s ESG Solutions Group Bringing quality, rigor and consistency to the most comprehensive spectrum of capabilities serving core segments as the economy greens SME Solutions » Brings together over 30 years of ESG expertise Climate Index to meet rapidly Solutions Solutions evolving needs » Delivers data, analytics and insight to further ESG enhance best-in-class risk assessment capabilities Measures MESG Sustainable Finance from MIS and MA Integration into Risk Management Serving capital markets Serving risk management, equity and credit markets May 2021 2
Agenda 1. The data challenge and path to harmonization 2. Integrating risk management and modelling techniques 3. Innovation in sustainable finance products May 2021 3
Rising demand and expectations for ESG and climate-related data and content Percentage of assets invested sustainably1 Spend on ESG content & indices growing rapidly2 Global EMEA APAC AMRS ESG content 50 47% 1,000 ESG indices Annual Spending ($ millions) 40 37% 800 30 600 21% 22% 20 400 18% 13% 20% 10 200 12% 0 0 2020 2025 2019 2020E 2021E Trends evidence a long-term shift in investment Growing demand for data and benchmarks practices 1. Source: Global Client Sustainability Survey, July – September 2020. BlackRock 2. Sources: McKinsey and Opimas. May 2021 5
Proliferation of net zero targets will increase the focus on sustainability and transition Net zero targets across G20 economies1 Coverage of net zero commitments by type, %2 UK 2050 France 2050 EU 2050 Korea 2050 Canada 2050 US 2050 South Africa 2050 Japan 2050 Germany 2050 China 2060 Brazil 2050 Mexico 2050 Italy 2050 Argentina 2050 Turkey Saudi Arabia In Law Russia Proposed Legislation Indonesia In Policy Document India Under Discussion Australia NA 1. Sources: Moody’s ESG Solutions, Energy & Climate Intelligence Unit 2. Sources: Moody’s ESG Solutions, Energy & Climate Intelligence Unit, Oxford University May 2021 6
ESG and climate reporting is rising Our approach and coverage But companies grappling with how to tie into their business strategies and transition and future resilience » We assess the degree to which climate change is incorporated into corporate strategy and governance in line with TCFD recommendations for 0ver 3,100 companies globally » Overall disclosures are improving versus last year, indicating greater TCFD adoption » Less than 10% of companies disclosing on adaptation activities to build resilience to physical risks » Less than 10% of companies disclosing use of internal carbon price – no improvement since last year » Less than 10% of companies are disclosing low-carbon transition plans to support long-term strategy 2021 2020 Processes used to inform the board about climate-related issues 2020 2021 Climate risk mapping and materiality assessments 974 Number of Companies Climate-related responsibilities assigned to management Key takeaways 842 835 799 782 » WeUndertaking assess the degree to which of climate changeclimate change scenario is incorporated into corporate strategy and governance in line with TCFD analysis 615 recommendations 584 555 Adaptation activities to enhance resilience to physical » Overall disclosuresclimate have improved risks compared to last year, indicating greater adoption of TCFD recommendations » Less than 10% of companies are disclosing low-carbon transition plans to support long-term strategy Use of an internal carbon price » Less than 10% of companies are disclosing the use of an internal carbon price – no improvement since last year Development of carbon transition plan to support LT business strategy Europe North America Asia Pacific Rest of World 0% 2% 4% 6% 8% 10% 12% 14% 16% 18% 20% Note: Companies assessed between July 2020 and March 2021 on a 0–100 scoring scale evaluating their strategic approach.. 7 Source: V.E, a Moody’s affiliate
Recent regulatory efforts will produce more consistent disclosure and help galvanize investment flows Source: European Commission May 2021 8
Greening of central banking Increasing supervisory focus will reinforce trends around tighter climate reporting and need for enhanced risk management, including climate stress tests, for financial institutions » Network for Greening the Financial System comprises 90 central banks and supervisors » Environmental sustainability now explicitly reflected in the Bank of England’s mandate - reflects growing consensus that climate risks pose threat to price & financial stability » European Central Bank published preliminary results of climate stress tests covering about 4mn companies and 2,000 banks. The results, which leveraged our climate data, show that without climate policy, physical risks rise significantly, increasing firms' probability of default Source: ECB calculations based on dataset from Four Twenty Seven (and affiliate of Moody’s). Each dot corresponds to a firm in the sample. For simplicity only euro area firms are displayed in the chart, although data are available for a much broader sample. May 2021 10
Climate risk: uncertainty drivers Transition Risk Physical Risk » Policy, technology, population, economic uncertainty » Scientific uncertainty » Policy is not a meaningful driver until after 2040 Source: USGS, adapted from IPCC AR5, 2013 Source: IPCC AR5, 2013 May 2021 11
From climate change to credit risk From Climate Risk to Climate-Related Risk Metrics 1 ESG & Climate Change risk 2 Scenarios & Credit Model 3 Reporting & integration Portfolio Profiling Adjustments into BAU Adjusted Scenarios PD models and Credit Analysis ESG & Transition Risk Scores scorecards Transition Risk TCFD Adjusted Risk Physical Risk Scores Metrics Portfolio and Stress Physical Risk Testing Adjusted Forward ESG Score Predictor Looking Metrics ICAAP & IFRS9 Risk Identification Risk Quantification Reporting May 2021 12
Integration of social risks also gaining increasing attention More than 50% of ESG controversies last year were linked to social issues Source: V.E, a Moody’s affiliate May 2021 13
New techniques and methods are bridging the data gap Applying ESG Score Predictor analytical models Portfolio Analytics Metrics Estimates Company Location Public Private Companies Companies Any Company Industry Wide Industry Company Small, Range & Type Medium Detail & Large Multinational, Company Size National and subnational Regional Information May 2021 14
ESG score example: heterogeneity by region Business Size >2.6 Billion USD 2.6M – 206 Billion USD
3 Innovation in sustainable finance products
Sustainable finance setting fresh records Global issuance of sustainable bonds ($ billion) Green Bonds Social Bonds Sustainability Bonds $700 $600 Annual Issuance ($billions) $500 $400 $300 $200 $100 $0 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021F Note: 2021 forecast as of the February 2021 Moody’s Sustainable Finance update Sources: Moody’s Investors Service, Climate Bonds Initiative and Dealogic May 2021 17
Rise to prominence of sustainability-linked bonds Provide flexibility on use of proceeds and offer dynamic vision of sustainability, requiring issuers to define and commit to one or several KPIs over a defined period SLB volumes in the first quarter of 2021 had SLBs open the door to a broader group of Selection of KPIs relevant and material to already surpassed the 2020 total sectors and issuers issuer’s sustainability and business strategy 9 Food and Beverages Consulting Healthcare GHG Emissions 3% 3% 3% Paper & Forest Construction 8 Metals & Mining 3% Products 9% Renewable Energy 3% Retail Pharmaceuticals 7 3% 3% Community Involvement Transportation Textiles, Apparel 6 6% & Luxury Goods Waste Management 3% US$ billions 5 Food Retail & Distribution Water Use 6% Electric Utilities 15% 4 Service Quality Industrial Conglomerates 3% 3 Employee Career Development Telecommunications 3% 2 Biodiversity Energy 6% Real Estate 1 9% Gender Airlines Banks Electrical 3% 6% 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 0 Components & Equipment Construction Materials Q2 2020 Q3 2020 Q4 2020 Q1 2021 3% 6% Number of KPIs GROWTH DIVERSITY TARGETS May 2021 18
Emerging best practices in SLB Frameworks Natura Cosméticos S.A. – largest-ever single issuance in Latin America Transaction KPIs & SPTs Structural features summary Company: Natura Cosméticos S.A.1 KPI 1: GHG emissions intensity (Scope 1, Interim coupon step-up. Sector: Cosmetics 2 and 3, excluding the use phase) Increase by 65bps as of November Issuance date: May 4, 2021 SPT 1: Decrease GHG emissions intensity 2027 13% by 2026 vs 2019 baseline to reach Amount: USD1 billion 2.76 tonnes of CO2e per tonne of product Maturity: 7 years billed Coupon: 4.125% KPI 2: Post-consumed recycled (PCR) plastic used in finished product plastics packaging (%) SPT 2: Increase PCR plastic in product plastics packaging to 25% by 2026 1Wholly owned subsidiary of Nature & Co Holding, owner of Avon, Natura, The Body Shop and Aesop May 2021 19
Key takeaways » ESG investment ecosystem still a work in progress, but is changing rapidly » Harmonization of ESG data and disclosure will require a collective effort from all market players » Standardized data alone is not enough. New models, risk measurement techniques, and analytics needed to build systemic organizational resilience » Better sustainability data and performance measures will, in turn, feed innovation in sustainable finance
Rahul Ghosh MD – Outreach & Research Moody’s ESG Solutions rahul.ghosh@moodys.com +44 207 772 1059 moodys.com
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