Hardships and perils due to government incompetence - Ang Bayan

Page created by Mike Myers
Pahayagan ng Partido Komunista ng Pilipinas
                       ANG                   Pinapatnubayan ng Marxismo-Leninismo-Maoismo
                                                                                                        English Edition
                                                                                                         Vol. LI No. 10
                                                                                                         May 21, 2020


Hardships and perils
due to government incompetence
T      he Filipino people are undergoing grave hardships and face perils as a
       result of the Duterte regime's failed response to the Covid-19 pan-
       demic. Millions of Filipinos are facing not only the continued threats of
Covid-19, but also the burden of economic measures that worsen the crisis
brought about by decades of neoliberal policies.
                                                                                   examined. According to data, more
                                                                                   than 80% of those infected are
                                                                                   asymptomatic or experience only
                                                                                   mild symptoms. The regime and the
                                                                                   capitalists are taking advantage of
                                                                                   workers' desperation to work and
    Over the past days, Malacañang             After two months without            earn wages. Workers are made to
has allowed the opening of offices        wages or income, workers are very        report to work if they have to walk
and factories, after a more-than-         keen on returning to work. The           several kilometers under the heat of
60-day lockdown. Duterte is rushing       toiling masses were plunged into         the sun or get stuck in hours of
to reboot the economy which he            poverty and hunger under the lock-       traffic because of left and right
shut down in March in the face of         down. This is a result of sorely limi-   checkpoints of abusive police and
the rapid depletion of government         ted funds and the slow and the           soldiers.
resources, worsening problem of           chaotic system of aid distribution.          Recently, the Duterte regime
hunger and rising people's anger.         Despite their eagerness, they also       admitted it has no plans of carrying
Because of the failed measures of         fear that once they gather in facto-     out mass testing. Even amid the
the Duterte government, the Philip-       ries or shops, the virus will again      pandemic, it insists on its policy of
pines is still far from controlling the   quickly spread.                          not providing enough funds for
Covid-19 pandemic. Many fear that              Duterte is veritably exposing       health and giving control to the
the country's health system will be       workers to danger when it did not        capitalists.
unable to cope once the virus             obligate capitalists to provide them         Thousands of nurses and doc-
spreads again and the number of           testing services and required that       tors were infected by Covid-19 in
infected and hospitalized shoots up.      only those with symptoms should be       hospitals due to the failure to pre-
pare enough protective equipment.            does not show the actual extent of        enough capital to fund local scien-
It was already in the middle of the          the pandemic. It does not actually        tists and researchers to manufac-
pandemic when funds were alloted             know how many are asymptomatic            ture enough equipment for testing
for purchasing these.                        and were not brought to hospitals.        the virus and other needs to fight
    Despite claiming to push the                 It is fine that some local offi-      the pandemic.
program to "test, trace and treat,"          cials have taken measures to have              It is more occupied with its
the Duterte government has not al-           their residents tested. However,          scheme to establish a fascist dicta-
loted enough funds and is relying on         without national coordination in          torship. It has the military and po-
big capitalists to buy necessary             such testing efforts, knowledge of        lice in command of the govern-
equipment and run laboratory oper-           the pandemic will be limited to one       ment's pandemic response. It is
ations. Even in the face of the pan-         barrio or town, and efforts will only     busy suppressing complaints rather
demic, capitalists still compute             be wasted.                                than addressing them. A number of
their profits.                                   Because he really has no idea,        people who have expressed disgust
    Testing is being done only on            Duterte is resorting to disinforma-       ("kill Duterte") have been arrested,
people who are already sick, people          tion, giving false assurances, scare-     and ABS-CBN has been shut down.
they have gotten in contact with,            mongering and threatening people.         The police are getting away with
and arriving Filipino migrant work-          In the end, it blames the people for      their abusive punishment of people
ers. However, in times of pandemic,          the continuing spread of the virus        for "misdemeanors.” It uses terror
mass testing including those without         to justify the imposition of more         to silence everyone. Now, even the
symptoms or not suspected to have            restrictions on the pretext of fight-     funds under the "social ameliora-
been infected is needed as the key           ing the pandemic.                         tion program" (SAP) will be given to
strategy to determine where the                  The Duterte regime is slow and        the dirty hands of the AFP, to make
virus is spreading in order to isolate       dimwitted in facing the Covid-19          sure, there will be no more com-
the infected, treat the sick and pro-        pandemic. It has chosen not to fund       plaints.
tect those who are not yet ill.              mass testing, contact tracing and              To the Filipino people, we must
    Because there is no mass test-           isolation. It is prioritizing its loan-   not merely bear the burden of
ing and testing capacity is low, the         driven infrastructure projects, the       Duterte's failed response and abuse
regime remains blind to the real ex-         purchase of helicopters, cannons          of power. Duterte and his officials
tent of Covid-19 infections in the           and bombs, and pocketing shares in        must be held accountable for caus-
country. Its data is incomplete and          these contracts. It has not provided      ing gross hardships and suppression
                                                                                       of the people's rights during the
        ANG                               Contents                                     lockdown. They must be made re-
                                                                                       sponsible for their failure to carry
                                          Editorial: Hardships and perils due to       out necessary health measures for
      Vol. LI No. 10 | May 21, 2020       incompetent government                  1
                                                                                       the country to defeat the pandemic.
                                                                                       We must not remain silent. On the
                                          NPA-Bukidnon attacks abusive soldiers 3
        Ang Ang Bayan is published                                                     contrary, we must express with all
                                          NPA harassment vs. 20th IB              3
           in Pilipino, Bisaya, Iloko,                                                 our might and manifest in various
                                          No mass testing                         4
       Hiligaynon, Waray and English.                                                  ways our anger and protest against
                                          Balik proobinsya, landgrabbing          4    Duterte's failed and oppressive
             Ang Bayan welcomes
           contributions in the form      Party, travel amid lockdown             4    measures.
         of articles and news items.      Regime railroads neoliberal measures    6         Continue to demand the na-
           Readers are encouraged         What will happen to Filipino businesses? 6   tional government to mount a mass
             to send feedback and         Solidarity amid distress in Samar       7    testing program as key response to
               recommendations            Education conference in Negros          7    the Covid-19 pandemic. Continue to
       for improving our newspaper.       Duterte purchases P2.4-B artilleries    8
                                                                                       push for strengthening the health
                                                                                       system, especially the public hospi-
                                          Bayan Muna seeks Meralco probe          8
                                                                                       tals and laboratories across the
                                          Sorsogon massacre                       9
         instagram.com/prwcnewsroom                                                    country, hiring more nurses and
                                          Militarization in Surigao del Sur      10
                                                                                       health workers and raising their
         @prwc_info                       Mass protests amid lockdown            10    wages. Fight for necessary subsi-
                                          NDFP supports UN's appeal              10    dies for food, medicine and medical
                                                                                       attention to take care of the health
                                                                                       of the elderly who are vulnerable to
          Ang Bayan is published fortnightly by the Central Committee                  Covid-19.
                       of the Communist Party of the Philippines                            Hold the Duterte regime ac-

2                                                                                      May 21, 2020         ANG BAYAN
countable for the gross lack and         to enable them to pay wage hikes.         cially those which trample on peo-
slow distribution of aid under the            Genuine land reform must be          ple's rights and damage the envi-
now two-month lockdown. Expose           pushed as the only way to bring life      ronment.
and denounce how Duterte's bour-         to the rural economy. Denounce                 The Covid-19 crisis has brought
geois comprador partners are ex-         widespread land-use conversion for        to the surface the extreme rotten-
ploiting the pandemic to earn prof-      infrastructure and tourism pro-           ness of the semicolonial and
its and evade taxes in the name of       jects, plantations and mining, and        semifeudal system. It has exposed
helping and giving donations.            the push for growing commercial           the country's dependence on im-
     Workers must demand health          timber and fruits. Demand free land       ported material and equipment. It
measures in factories and offices.       distribution and subsidies for food       has exposed the crisis-ridden and
They must push for wage increases,       production and building local indus-      unproductive economy.
a national minimum and hazard pay        tries for processing of local agricul-         Because of the hardship and
for work during the pandemic. They       tural products.                           oppression under the Duterte gov-
must fight as well for regular jobs           Fight measures that worsen op-       ernment's failed response, it is but
and for their right to unionize and      pression including additional taxes       just for the Filipino people to de-
collective bargaining. In the face of    to pay the government's almost $4         mand Duterte's resignation or the
the crisis brought about by the pro-     billion additional loans. Expose and      ouster of his incompetent govern-
longed lockdown, the small capital-      condemn the "infrastructure" plan         ment. This is the most effective way
ists can unite with workers to push      that will further pull the country        for the Filipino people to fight and
the government for emergency funds       deeper into debt and crisis, espe-        defeat the Covid-19 pandemic.

    NPA-Bukidnon attacks abusive soldiers                                        NPA-Northern Samar
                                                                              harasses notorious 20th IB
THE NEW PEOPLE'S Army (NPA)-Bukidnon mounted suc-
cessive military offensives against abusive soldiers in the           THE NEW PEOPLE'S Army (NPA)-Northern Samar
province from May 5-14. Four fascist soldiers were killed             mounted three successive harassment operations
while two others were wounded.                                        against 20th IB soldiers who have long been
     On May 11, Red fighters sniped at elements of the                wreaking havoc in Barangay San Miguel, Las
60th IB at 56th IB at Sitio Tapayanon, Barangay Man-                  Navas.
dahikan, Cabanglasan. Their presence in the barrio has                     A soldier was killed in a sniping operation
long been causing grave hardships and abuses against the              mounted by Red fighters against a temporary
masses. Two soldiers were killed in the offensive.                    military encampent in the area on May 9. In re-
     A day earlier, another NPA unit sniped a detachment              taliation, the soldiers strafed two peasant houses
of the 8th IB at Sitio Miaray, Barangay Mandahikan. Two               at Zone 7 in the said barangay. Residents were
soldiers were killed and two others were wounded.                     forced to flee because of this. Red fighters fired
     Meanwhile, Red fighters also ambushed two intelli-               at the soldiers again that evening.
gence agents of the 8th IB in separate incidents. On May                   A day earlier, Red fighters and the people's
10, Red fighters ambushed a CAFGU element in Barangay                 militia harassed a military encampment which
Busdi, Malaybalay City. The said element served as guide              they constructed just a few meters away from a
of the 8th IB in its combat operations.                               school. Two soldiers were seriously wounded.
     On May 13, another intelligence agent was killed in                   The 20th IB has been conducting Retooled
Barangay Indalasa, Cabanglasan. The said agent was be-                Community Support Program (RCSP) operations
hind the forced "surrender" of Lumad Talaandigs and the               in San Miguel and adjacent barrios Perez, Quirino
killing of two members of peasant group Ogyon in Caban-               and San Francisco. The unit has not withdrawn
glasan.                                                               its forces even when the Duterte regime declared
     A unit of the NPA-Bukidnon also harassed a de-                   its ceasefire. Soldiers continue to perpetrate
tachment of the CAA in Barangay Bolunay, Im-                          cases of harassment and force civilians and even
pasug-ong on May 14. The same detachment                               barangay officials to surrender as members of
was also harassed by the NPA on May 5.                                   the NPA. They travel in-and-out of the barrios
     Units of the NPA in the Panay island also                               and approach residents without taking
harassed a military detachment in Barangay                                   precautions to prevent the spread of
Anhawan, Janiuay, Iloilo on May 12 and an-                                  Covid-19 such as wearing face masks or
other CAFGU detachment in Barangay                                       observing physical distancing. They also
Barasan, Igbaras in the same province on                               spearhead gatherings such as the conduct of
May 3.                                                                 cockfights.

ANG BAYAN May 21, 2020                                                                                               3
Without mass testing, we cannot defeat Covid-19
F    rom the outset, the World Health Organization (WHO) pushed for mass
     testing as the key to defeating Covid-19. Its officials said, "we cannot
fight fire with blindfolds on." Mass testing must be used expeditiously to de-
                                                                                  for almost a month waiting for
                                                                                  their test results.
                                                                                       All in all, only 170,027 individ-
termine where the virus is spreading in order to break its transmission. Until    ual have been tested, or 0.15% of
there is no vaccine, this is the strategy which the WHO favors more than          the Philippine population (or 1,546
"physical distancing," of separating people from each other which results in      per million. This is far from the
more economic and health problems.                                                recommendation of testing 2% of
                                                                                  the population. This is small com-
    Thus, Malacañang's admission             Its April 30 target of 8,000         pared to the 2,681 tests per million
that it has no mass testing program      daily tests was achieved only in         in Vietnam, and 14,691 tests per
caused widespread people's out-          mid-May. It claims this will be          million in South Korea.
rage. Malacañang even twitted            ramped up to 30,000 before the                At least 2.2 million individuals
mass testing as a "wrong term" be-       end of May, but according to the         would have to be tested in the
cause it claims it is impossible to      DOH's May 17 data, it has not yet        country within a short period of
test everyone. For two months,           reached 10,000 daily. There are          time. Even with the end-May tar-
Duterte destroyed the economy and        only 30 laboratories. These are          get capacity, it will still take 70
drove people into the hunger and         choking because of the large num-        more days to complete this. At this
poverty without exerting any effort      ber of tests. Because of its slow        pace, the country will fail to keep
to strengthen the government's ca-       pace, more than 25,000 Filipino          in step with the spread of the
pacity for mass testing.                 migrants were stuck in Manila Bay        virus.

Landgrabbing at the core                                                              Government officials
                                                                                       continue to party
of “Balik Probinsya”                                                                and travel amid lockdown

                                                                                 THE NATIONAL CAPITAL Region Po-
     andgrabbing in the cities and countryside is at the core of the
                                                                                 lice office was widely criticized for
     Duterte regime’s Balik Probinsya (Back to the Provinces) pro-
                                                                                 hosting a birthday bash for its chief,
gram. Rodrido Duterte and his lackey Christopher Go is peddling
                                                                                 Debold Sinas, on May 8. Even Rodrigo
the program as a solution to the congestion in Metro Manila during
                                                                                 Duterte himself drew flak after trav-
the Covid-19 pandemic. But this program is neither new nor origi-
                                                                                 eling home to Davao City on May 16
                                                                                 despitestrict restrictions on air travel
     Every government from Marcos to Benigno Aquino had its own
                                                                                 and going outside areas under "en-
version of the “back to the province” program. For decades, the
                                                                                 hanced community quarantine."
reactionary state has been attempting to evict poor communities
                                                                                     Duterte and his police's violation
from Metro Manila to free up prime real estate for bourgeois com-
                                                                                 of their own lockdown rules is a gross
pradors and their foreign counterparts.
                                                                                 insult to millions of people who are
     Under Duterte’s Balik Probinsya, the poor will be given land in
                                                                                 already suffering from hunger and
the provinces that is already occupied by settlers and minorities.
                                                                                 prohibited from going out. These vi-
These include the 15-hectare public land to be granted to each re-
                                                                                 olations were committed while mil-
turning family that is to be planted with trees under the National
                                                                                 lions of people are locked up in their
Greening Program. The said program covers farms and ancestral
                                                                                 homes under the guise of combatting
lands targeted for expansion of commercial tree plantations.
                                                                                 Covid-19. Police brutalities against
     Instead of Balik Probinsya, the urban poor demands the prompt
                                                                                 ordinary people who violate quaran-
construction of affordable and decent housing as a solution to
                                                                                 tine protocols continue unabated.
congestion in Metro Manila and other city centers. It should ad-
                                                                                 The most recent incident saw worker
dress their clamor for jobs, wage and income increase and social
                                                                                 Ronald Campo mauled by two police
services, instead of throwing them to the countryside where
                                                                                 elements in General Trias, Cavite on
poverty rates are even higher and there are no jobs. To address the
                                                                                 May 12. Campo had to be rushed to
migration of people to the cities, the rural economy must be devel-
                                                                                 the hospital after sustaining severe
oped by free distribution of land and setting up agriculture-related
industries in the provinces.

4                                                                                  May 21, 2020          ANG BAYAN
Regime railroads neoliberal measures
as pandemic response
T    he Duterte regime is exploiting the Covid-19 pandemic to railroad the
     enactment of neoliberal reforms that it has long been pushing for. It
repackaged the said measures under the PH-Progreso (Philippine Program for
                                                                                corporate taxes, it imposed heavier
                                                                                taxes on the poor. Invoking his
                                                                                emergency powers, Duterte issued
Recovery with Equity and Solidarity), a proposed program which purportedly      an executive order which imple-
aims to boost the economy which has been gravely devastated by the lock-        mented a 10% tax increase on im-
down. The program primarily covers the old scheme to cut the corporate in-      ported crude oil and petroleum
come tax and the implementation of infrastructure projects under the Build,     products. This is expected to result
Build, Build (BBB) program.                                                     in oil price hikes which will be
                                                                                shouldered by the people in the
     Even before the onslaught of the   Higher Quality Opportunities (Tra-      coming months.
Covid-19 pandemic, the economic         baho) Bill, which later on became
growth in the Philippines has been      the Corporate Income Tax and In-        Trillions of funds for BBB
slowing down for three years al-        centives      Rationalization     Act        To give a new push to the slow
ready. The economy nosedived as a       (CITIRA) which is now pending be-       implementation of the BBB pro-
result of the lockdown and the im-      fore the Senate. The CITIRA is the      gram, the regime repackaged its in-
plementation of restrictions on pro-    second tax reform package which         frastructure projects under the PH-
duction and service activities. In      foreign businesses, particularly US     Progreso as a strategy to purport-
Metro Manila alone, 53% of enter-       companies, have long lobbied for.       edly create new jobs to address the
prises in the service sector were            Under the new Corporate Re-        massive unemployment crisis. In
forced to close due the lockdown.       covery and Tax Incentives for En-       line with this recommendation,
Approximately 73% of manufacturing      terprises (Create) Bill, the corpo-     Duterte's minion filed the Covid-19
operations in the national capital,     rate income tax will be lowered from    Unemployment Reduction Economic
Calabarzon and Central Luzon were       30% to 25%. It will also give the       Stimulus (CURES) Bill in Congress.
also stopped. The import-export and     president the authority to tailor-fit        Through this, the regime will
transportation sectors were put to a    tax incentives and exemptions for       ensure that the P1-trillion funds
halt. Because of this, nearly 23.7      big companies. The regime aims to       appropriated for BBB will remain
million workers are in danger of los-   implement the reform as early as        untouched, while allocating an ad-
ing their jobs. More than 400,000       July by railroading the passage of      ditional P500 billion that will be
small and medium enterprises also       the said bill before the Congress       sourced from loans and funds that
lost their incomes and are in danger    closes its session on June 5.           will be collected by the Bangko
of closing due to bankruptcy. The            Based on conservative esti-        Sentral. The P1.5 trillion fund,
economic managers of the Duterte        mates of the National Economic          which will be disbursed in three
regime recently admitted that the       Development Authority, the reac-        stages (P500 billion per year from
local economy shrank by 0.2% during     tionary state will lose about P259      2021-2023) will be apportioned by
the first quarter of the year, the      billion in corporate taxes until 2022   Duterte and his supermajority.
worst in more than two decades.         should the tax cuts be implemented.          The BBB projects will not create
     In response, the World Bank-       Multinationals and companies that       sufficient and long-term employ-
trained economic managers of the        rake in billions of profits in the      ment opportunities. In the past, the
regime announced the PH-Progreso        country will primarily benefit from     much touted program has only con-
proposal on May 14. Several associ-     this reform.                            tributed one-fourth of the total
ated bills have been filed in Con-           Relatedly, Duterte ordered the     employment in the construction
gress.                                  Bureau of Internal Revenue to issue     sector. Corrupt government offi-
                                        an order to provide tax exemptions      cials are competing over the imple-
Lower taxes for big capitalists         and incentives to big companies         mentation of these infrastructure
    The PH-Progreso aims to rail-       that responded to his call for dona-    projects as this is where they
road the lowering down of taxes on      tions amid the pandemic. Under the      source their massive kickbacks.
corporations as an incentive to for-    said regulations issued on April 6,     Even amid the pandemic and in-
eign capitalists who wish to invest     the total amount of financial and       tense hardships experienced by the
in government programs. This was        material donations given by corpo-      people, the ruling classes continue
originally proposed under the Tax       rations will be fully deducted from     to prioritize profiteering to further
Reform for Attracting Better and        their gross incomes. While cutting      their self-serving interests.

ANG BAYAN May 21, 2020                                                                                            5
What will happen to Philippine businesses?
N     el owns an internet shop in Metro Manila. She has 10 computers in her
      garage which she rents out to gamers from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. Her cus-
tomers pay a peso for every four minutes or P15/hour for games. Nel says she
                                                                                of loans. The Department of Trade
                                                                                and Industry is giving out loans
                                                                                from P200,000 to P500,000 but
can earb P1,300-P1,500 a day or P20,000 to P25,000/month, after subtract-       only registered businesses are
ing payment for electricity which can reach P12,000 and the P3,000 internet     qualified. Enterpreneurs estimate
fee.                                                                            that this will only cover rent, elec-
                                                                                tric and water utilities, payment to
     When the lockdown was im-          small and medium enterprisess in        unpaid debts incurred during the
posed, she was forced to close shop     the Philippines in 2018. These com-     lockdown, and to suppliers for ma-
as gaming stations were deemed not      prise 99.5% of all establishments in    terials spoilt due to the lockdown.
essential. She lost her income as she   the country. A great majority of             During the 2-month lockdown,
relied on what gamers pay her ev-       these (90%) are micro or enter-         small and medium enterprises have
eryday. But even as she stopped op-     prises which has nine workers or        used up their emergency funds to
erations, she still had to pay her      less and up to P3 million in capital.   pay their workers. The regime’s
electricity and internet bills. Her     Almost half of these micro enter-       promise of P5,000 to P8,000 wage
meager savings were soon depleted       prises (427,101) are in wholesale       subsidy was too little and late. On
as she provided for her family’s        and retail; repair of vehicles and      April, only 120,000 applications
daily needs. As she was not ca-         motorcycles,as well as all personal     were approved by the Department
tegorized as one of the “poorest of     and household items. Next biggest       of Labor and Employment. The
the poor,” she was not included in      is in the accomodation/food-related     agency terminated its subsidy when
the regime’s list of food and finan-    subsector (125,396); and third in       it ran out of funds.
cial aid beneficiaries.                 the      manufacturing     subsector         Across the nation, 2.7 million
     Like Nel’s shop, hundreds of       (103,590). Most small manufactur-       workers stand to lose their jobs.
thousands of stores, eateries, par-     ers are in the food business, such as   This include 11.5 million self-em-
lors, barbers and other small busi-     bakeries. These businesses are          ployed or those who own their
nesses closed shop during the lock-     wholely- or majority-owned by Fil-      businesses, 5.7 million in the infor-
down. Thousands of professionals        ipinos. These are oftentimes ma-        mal sector and 10.1 million non-
like consultants, lawyers, musicians    naged and operated by families.         regular wage and salary earners.
and other self-employed lost their      Most affected are businesses in              Government agencies estimate
income. Small hotels and resorts,       Luzon which make up two-thirds of       that around 436,000 businesses
eateries and restaurants catering to    the total number of micro, small and    were force to shutdown by the
local and foreign tourists were or-     medium-sized enterprises, and           lockdown. Only 117,000 big and
dered closed.                           which employs 3.8 million.              small essential businesses were al-
     According to the reactionary            The Duterte regime issued aid      lowed to operate.
state’s data, there are 998,342         for small businesses but in the form         To avoid closures, the state
                                                                                needs to pour P79 billion subsidy
                                                                                per month for small and medium-
                                                                                sized businesss. This includes P53.5
                                                                                billion compensation for 10.7 mil-
                                                                                lion workers and P26 billion for
                                                                                businesses in the informal sector.
                                                                                Price control for basic commodities
                                                                                is needed. Payments for loans, rent
                                                                                and utilities should be deferred. The
                                                                                chain of supply should be ensured.
                                                                                Agricultural products need to be
                                                                                bought in a timely manner and at
                                                                                reasonable prices. Loans should be
                                                                                with zero interests. Most signifi-
                                                                                cantly, steps should be taken to en-
                                                                                sure the health of all returning
                                                                                workers, especially as the Covid-19
                                                                                threat lingers.

6                                                                               May 21, 2020          ANG BAYAN
Solidarity amid distress in Samar
P   easants from Northern Samar collectively faced the problem brought
    about the limited financial aid appropriated by the Duterte regime for
those affected by the Covid-19 crisis. Through their revolutionary mass or-
                                                                                 government from interfering, espe-
                                                                                 cially as local government officials
                                                                                 prohibit initiatives that are not in line
ganization, they ensured that every family from barangays Ipil-ipil and          with their aid distribution protocols
Langka (not their real names) would be aided.                                    even if such benefit the people.
                                                                                      Organizations from other bar-
     In Barangay Ipil-ipil, only 38      cal Party branch guided the organi-     rios are already replicating the aid
out of 64 pamilya were on the list of    zation in coming up with the            distribution intitiative. Meanwhile,
beneficiaries had received an aid        decision. A local NPA unit also         the revolutionary mass organization
worth P5,000 to P8,000 under the         helped in forging the unity of vil-     in Barangay Ipil-ipil is already pre-
Social Amelioration Program (SAP).       lagers.                                 paring to spearhead other cam-
As in other barangays, local officials       The organization ensured the        paigns against Covid-19 including
were obligated to impose a quota         secrecy of the meeting and aid dis-     food and herbal medicine produc-
system.                                  tribution to prevent the municipal      tion. (From Larab, May 9, 2020.)
     Members of the peasant
organization in Barangay
Ipil-ipil, however, de-
cided that all families
must receive financial
aid, whether or not their
names are listed. To
achieve this, the benefi-
ciaries pooled together
the amount they received
and divided it to all fami-
lies in the barrio. Of the
P190,000 they were able
to pool together, each
family was able to receive
an aid of P2,368 each. They
included in the central fund
the P68 provided by the
barangay captain for their fare
to and from the town center to buy               Cadres conduct education conference in Negros
basic supplies for villagers.
     In Barangay Langka, 12 families       THIRTY EDUCATION CADRES from various guerrilla fronts, staff
were not included in the quota that        organs and underground mass organizations participated in the first
was imposed by the local govern-           education conference of the Party in Negros. The conference was
ment. Through the organization's           conducted early on first quarter of the year in a guerrilla front.
guidance and education campaign,                The conference discussed and assessed their experiences in
the beneficiaries decided to contrib-      implementing the Party's education program in previous years. It
ute P600 per family to raise funds         stressed the importance of establishing Red Schools in various levels to
for distribution for non-beneficia-        serve as a machinery in advancing education work.
ries.                                           Each cadre explained the need for an "assiduous, systematic and
     In Barangay Ipil-ipil, the orga-      extensive conduct of studies on the three-level Party course...[and] on
nization conducted a mass meeting          courses and lessons under the curriculum of the National Democratic
to explain to residents why they           School.”
need to help their neighbors who                The cadres were determined to advance education work after
are non-beneficiaries. The organi-         forging a stronger unity during the conference. The conference was
zation also helped barangay officials      launched with the help of a unit of the New People's Army which secured
in administering the funds to pre-         the area amid the conduct of nonstop military combat operations in the
vent corruption. Members of the lo-        island. (From Ang Paghimakas, May 2020.)

ANG BAYAN May 21, 2020                                                                                                7
Duterte regime, to purchase                                                      What
                                                                                                   equivalent to any
                                                                                                    of the following:
P2.4-B artilerie systems amid crisis
T   he Duterte regime, last May 12, issued a notice to proceed with the
    procurement of the artillery systems worth P2.4 billion from Israeli
company Elbit Systems amid the continuing economic crisis brought
                                                                                                   160 M

                                                                              P 2.4
about by Covid-19.                                                                                 (₱15/mask)

     The contract covers the pro-      thousands of missiles, weapons,          billion?
curement of two ATMOS 2000             and other war matériel which are          can get
155mm/52 Caliber Self-propelled        also part of the contract. Loren-           you?            1.9 M
Howitzer Systems, two batteries,       zana said that the regime is more                           Covid-19 PCR tests
with six mobile firing units each,     inclined to procuring cheaper                               (₱1,240/test)
and associated support systems.        helicopters from Turkey.
     The said system has a maxi-            Philippine Ambassador to                Isolation for
mum range of 41 kilometers and         Washington Jose Romualdez said        106,909 individuals
a fire rate of 3 rounds/15 sec-        in an interview last May 13 that           (₱22,449/14 days)
onds on burst mode, 5                  the UH-60 Black Hawk Helicopter
rounds/minute on rapid mode,           which the regime purchased last
and more than 80 rounds per            year from the US are set to be
hour on sustained mode.                delivered soon. The contract for                         for moderate cases
     The procurement program           the procurement of 16 heli-                              (₱143,267/patient)
was made under the AFP mod-            copters was signed earlier last
ernization program which aims to       year for P1.21 billion. The heli-
boost Duterte's arsenal in a vain      copters were bought from PZL
attempt to fulfill his ambition to     Mielec a subsidiary of Lockheed       for severe cases
decimate the armed revolution-         Martin, one of the biggest de-        (₱786,384/patient)
ary movement before the end of         fense companies and part of the
his term.                              US military-industrial complex.                          1 month salary
     The use of oversized cannons      Meanwhile, the BRP Jose Rizal is                         124,863
and helicopter gunships only re-       also set to be delivered to the                          contact tracer
sults in indiscriminate destruc-       country on May 23. The ship was                          (₱19,221/month)
tion of communities and the en-        purchased along with the BRP
                                                                              1 month salary
vironment, endangers people's          Antonio Luna by the regime from
lives and livelihood, and causes       Hyundai South Korea for P18 bil-       74,876 nurses
psychological trauma especially        lion.
on children.
     The first set of artillery sys-
tem is expected to be delivered in
                                                          Bayan Muna seeks Meralco probe
2021.                                     BAYAN MUNA IS seeking an investigation into the sudden spike in the
     Relatedly, the Defense Secu-         bills charged by the Manila Electric Company (Meralco) on consumers in
rity Cooperation Agency (DSCA)            Metro Manila over the past two months.
of the US Department of State                  As meter reading activities was suspended since March, Meralco
approved last April 30 the                based its billing on the average consumption of consumers from Decem-
Duterte regime's request to buy           ber 2019 to February 2020. Actually, however, this has not been fol-
six AH-64E Apache Attack Heli-            lowed as in the case of one consumer whose bill drastically spiked from
copters and other war matériel            P2,672 in March to P9,358.52 in May.
and services worth P75 billion.                Bayan Muna pointed out that Meralco is clearly exploiting the pan-
     Defense Sec. Delfin Loren-           demic to accumulate more profits while "crucifying consumers." Relat-
zana noted that the price of heli-        edly, the group called for the junking of the Electric Power Industry Re-
copters is too high and said that         form Act which is being used by Meralco to monopolize the power
the regime could not buy these.           industry and continually impose rate hikes. The most recent hike was
However, he made no mention of            the P0.105/kilowatt hour rate hike imposed in April.
whether they will still buy the

8                                                                                 May 21, 2020          ANG BAYAN
31st IB, 9th SAF massacre 5 farmers in Sorsogon
F    ive farmers were massacred by soldiers and police troops SEMPO-style
     (Synchronized Enhanced Management of Police Operations) in Barangay
Dolos, Bulan, Sorsogon on May 8. The victims were Jeric Vuno, Jerry Palanca,
                                                                                    SEMPO-style, in the early morning
                                                                                    of May 10. The victims were identi-
                                                                                    fied as peasant leaders Leovino Ju-
Robert Villafuerte, Raymundo Tañada and Jaime Tañada. Jaime Tañada was suf-         longbayan, Virgilio Vidal, Marcelo
fering from the infirmities of old age while Villafuerte was mentally challenged.   Vidal, Doroteo Bautista, July Ju-
                                                                                    longbayan and Roilan Tenorio.
     The perpetrators made it appear       also attacked the neighboring ba-            Meanwhile, elements of the
that the farmers were Red fighters, a      rangay of Calpi. They ransacked the      85th IB arrested farmer Leoben
claim which was vehemently belied          residences of the Abuyog, Golimlim       Holeto at a checkpoint in Lopez,
by residents. According to witnesses,      and Estiller families. They mauled       Quezon on May 4. Holeto was on his
soldiers ransacked seven houses in         Jeffrey Godala and Jojo Palanca,         way home after undergoing a medi-
the barrio, and arrested and hogtied       and two other Estiller minors. The       cal surgery when he was appre-
all male residents. Soldiers mauled        soldiers also stole the residents'       hended together with his mother.
the barangay officials who attempted       money, cellphones and other per-
to rescue the victims.                     sonal belongings.
     The soldiers brought the five             SEMPO was first conducted in
victims at the backyard where they         Negros in 2018-2019 wherein at
were shot. The cadavers of the vic-        least 35 peasants were killed. The
tims bore marks of torture. The            operations were then spearheaded
massacre was perpetrated by the            by Police MGen. Debold Sinas, cur-
31st IB, 9th Special Action Force          rently the chief of police in Metro
Battalion, Provincial Mobile Force         Manila.
Company of PNP Sorsogon and in-                In Batangas, police elements
telligence units.                          also illegally arrested six residents
     Simultaneously, the same units        of Barangay Coral ni Lopez, Calaca,

Militarization in Surigao del Sur terrorizes Lumads
R    esidents were terrorized upon the arrival of soldiers and police in their
     communities at Km. 16 and Han-ayan in Barangay Diatagon, Lianga,
Surigao del Sur last May 19. According to residents, several soldiers entered
                                                                                    in their combat operations. The vic-
                                                                                    tims are residents of Barangay Deit
                                                                                    de Turag, Silvino Lobos. Residents
the Lumad school which is being administered by Alcadev (Alternative Learn-         also reported that soldiers assaulted
ing Center for Agriculture and Livelihood Development) in Han-ayan while            another resident of the village. Sol-
others entered the houses of residents in search of the leaders of                  diers also coerced a resident of
Malahutayong Pakigbisog Alang sa Sumusunod (MAPASU). They also looked               Barangay MacArthur, Las Navas to
for Alcadev coordinator Maricres Pagaran, Fr. Raymond Ambray and Lianga             serve as guide in their operations
councilor Sammy Dollano. Earlier that day, the police arrested resident Eric        last April 18.

    Using fighter jets, the military          Meanwhile, farmers from North-
dropped four bombs near the com-          ern Samar also reported various
munity at around 3 a.m. on May 12.        cases of human rights violations
Five artillery rounds were also fired     perpetrated by elements of the 20th
at the same area.                         IB while conducting military opera-
    On the succeeding four days,          tions in their communities amid the
drones and helicopters were flown         Covid-19 crisis. From April 7-18,
overhead across the community.            soldiers harassed, threatened and
Leaflets stating "surrender now or        coerced at least six farmers
be infected with Covid-19" were           and a six-year-old child
dropped from helicopters.                 to serve as guides

ANG BAYAN May 21, 2020                                                                                                9
Mass protests amid lockdowns
                                                                                      NDFP, armed
   ockdowns have failed to stop people from mounting mass protest actions           movements support
   across the globe to condemn mounting human rights violations, and                   UN's appeal
worsening poverty and unemployment amid the onslaught of the Covid-19
pandemic.                                                                          THE NATIONAL DEMO-
                                                                                   CRATIC Front of the Philip-
     In Lebanon, thousands of citi-     communities to protest in Chile.           pines (NDFP) signed on May
zens marched on the streets on          Noise barrages were also mounted           5 a joint petition which
April 27 to oppose the drastic eco-     in El Salvador. In Colombia, urban         called on governments to
nomic downturn and the lack of aid      poor residents who lost their jobs         heed the United Nation's
amid the pandemic. They said that       also protested in their respective         (UN) call for a temporary
they could die from hunger due to       communities. These spontaneous             global ceasefire and release
the negligence of the government        protests since March are being             of political prisoners. UN
than from the disease itself.           spearheaded by semiproletariats.           said that these are impor-
     Two    thousand      individuals        In France, 250 workers formed         tant measures in the fight
protested in Israel while maintain-     a human chain last May 11 to con-          against Covid-19.
ing a two-meter distance from           demn the lockdown which continues              The petition was signed
each other last April 19 to con-        to result in violence and worsening        by the NDFP, member or-
demn the anti-democratic mea-           forms of inequality.                       ganizations of the Resis-
sures implemented by the Ne-                 In Belgium, health workers            tance     and      Liberation
tanyahu regime. Among these are         condemned their government's in-           Movements Network, Inter
are the restrictions on assembly        utility in addressing the Covid-19         Alia, The Basque Move-
and the conduct of mass surveil-        crisis. On March 16, they turned           ment, The Peace Dialogue
lance.                                  their backs on Belgium's prime min-        Delegation-National Liber-
     In Latin America, protest ac-      ister upon her arrival at a hospital.      ation Army-Colombia, The
tions erupted from various commu-       They criticized the implementation         Kurdistan National Con-
nities to demand adequate aid. Ur-      of health budget cuts and low wages        gress, armed ethnic orga-
ban poor residents went out of their    for health workers.                        nizations in Myanmar, the
                                                                                   Euro-Burma Office, and Dr.
                                                                                   Sai Oo of the Union Peace
                                                                                   and Dialogue Joint Com-
                                                                                   mittee of Myanmar.
                                                                                       However, the group
                                                                                   said many governments
                                                                                   refuse to heed the UN's call
                                                                                   for a global ceasefire, and
                                                                                   instead exploited the situ-
                                                                                   ation to intensify their re-
                                                                                   pressive policies. They also
                                                                                   noted that those who were
                                                                                   freed in several countries
                                                                                   are criminals who were
                                                                                   convicted of grave criminal

10                                                                              May 21, 2020        ANG BAYAN
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