HAPPY NEW YEAR! - Greater Metropolitan Association of ...

Page created by Jonathan Holt
HAPPY NEW YEAR! - Greater Metropolitan Association of ...
Official Publication of the Greater Metropolitan Association of REALTORS®

GMARonline.com                                                                                JANUARY 2022

                 HAPPY NEW YEAR!
HAPPY NEW YEAR! - Greater Metropolitan Association of ...

                                                          Table of Contents
                                                          4                    President's Report
                                                          6                    CEO’s Letter
          VOLUME 19, NUMBER 1                             7                    GMAR Education Calendar
       the official publication of the
           Greater Metropolitan                           8                    YPN Report
         Association of REALTORS®
     24725 W Twelve Mile Rd, Ste 100,                     9                    January ToolShop Sale
           Southfield, MI 48034                           10                   Legislative Update
          www.GMARonline.com                              11                   Welcome New Members
                  President: Teri Spiro                   12                   RPAC Report
              President Elect: Nathan Boji
           Treasurer: Dee Dee Ohara-Blizard               13                   Thank You RPAC Investors
             Past President: Katie Weaver
                                                          14-15                GMAR Market Update - November 2021
             District 1: Shelley Schoenherr               16-17                November 2021 Sales Summary
                District 2: Jaye Sanders
                District 5: Pam Bartling                  20-21                GMAR Education Flyers
                District 7: Toni Jennings
               District 8: Kevin Hultgren
                District 9: Chelsea Cain
        At Large: Dennis Kozak (3 year term)
        At Large: Melissa Degen (3 year term)
         At Large: Devon Smith (2 year term)
                   Affiliate: Mary Ross

        Vickey Livernois, Chief Executive Officer
          Stacie Andrew, Membership Director
             Carrie Bone, Member Specialist
            Traci Dean, Education Coordinator
             Hannah Deacon, Event Manager
                 Marnie Gray, Accountant                                SPONSORS
      Alex Haddad, Political Engagement Director
         Caryn MacDonald, Executive Assistant
    Skylar Marino – Member Support Administrator
                                                               SUPPORT THOSE WHO SUPPORT YOU
Grant Meade, Director of Realtor® & Community Affairs            This edition of the Metropolitan REALTOR® is made possible by the
Pauline Olszewski, Professional Standards Administrator
                  & Toolshop™ Manager
                                                                                     following industry partners:
      Kelli Peters, Member Support Administrator
Kevin Tshiamala, Marketing & Communications Director         Michigan State Housing Development Authority............................................. 3
HAPPY NEW YEAR! - Greater Metropolitan Association of ...
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HAPPY NEW YEAR! - Greater Metropolitan Association of ...

             By TERI SPIRO - 2022 GMAR President

             HAPPY NEW YEAR!

               The best part of starting a new year is a new       and interaction in which we participate. As
             beginning. The hectic holiday season is over,         an organization, we can influence public
             and as much as most of us enjoy the "hustle           policy in the communities that we serve. Our
             and bustle," it can be stressful. January is a time   commitment to this end is unwavering. Our
             for more quiet reflection. Many of us set our         Director of Realtor® and Community Affairs,
             goals for the coming year with high hopes that        Grant Meade, will continue to work closely with
             this will be the year we take our business to a       our Government Relations Committee to identify
             new level, perhaps reconnect with someone we          potentially detrimental local ordinances and
             have lost touch with, be a better wife, husband,      policies.
             mother, father, friend. GMAR leadership and             The most important investment we can make
             staff are no different! The end of 2021 was filled    in ourselves and our industry is RPAC (REALTOR®
             with planning sessions to increase the value          Political Action Committee). My goal to increase
             and benefits of being a GREATER Realtor®.             membership awareness and participation
             January 2022 has a robust training schedule for       in 2022 is one of my primary commitments
             our Board of Directors and Committee Chairs           this year. If you have any questions about the
             and Vice-Chairs. The commitment that GMAR             importance of investing in our #1 insurance
             leadership and staff have to our members is           policy (Insurance against bad legislation and
             unparalleled. GMAR will continue to deliver the       insurance that we have Realtor-friendly leaders
             highest level of service, education and advocacy!     in government), do not hesitate to email me
               Promoting GMAR Realtors® has been taken             at President@gmaronline.com. I will personally
             to a higher level. You may have seen the local        reach out to you!
             billboards increasing public awareness about            PLEASE, make RPAC a part of your business
             the benefits of using a GMAR Realtor®. Ads            planning and personal commitment in 2022.
             promoting GMAR Realtors® are also part of our         Our new staff members, Political Engagement
             new social media campaign. We know that we            Director Alex Haddad, Grant Meade, and
             are GREATER, and we want the world to know it.        our able RPAC Committee (Chaired by 2020
                                                                   President James Cristbrook) are all committed
                                                                   to making 2022 the year we break all records for
                                                                   participation and fundraising.
                                                                     I will be showcasing one of our Committees
                                                                   every month. These incredible volunteers work
                                                                   hard to make the best programs available to our
                                                                   members. They certainly influence the quality
                                                                   of our organization. Their successes in 2021
                                                                   and upcoming plans for this year will make
                                                                   you even prouder to be a GREATER Realtor®.
               If you attended the GMAR general                    Please support the events and programs that
             membership meeting last November, you                 are offered a part of your goals for this year. You
             might remember that the general theme of my           have a lot to look forward to in 2022!
             presentation was very much about "influence."
             We can positively influence every transaction
HAPPY NEW YEAR! - Greater Metropolitan Association of ...
Metropolitan REALTOR® | 5
HAPPY NEW YEAR! - Greater Metropolitan Association of ...

                By VICKEY LIVERNOIS
                Chief Executive Officer

                Happy New Year!

                  I hope everyone enjoyed time with family              A new year wouldn’t be the same without out
                and friends over the past few weeks and that          some new fresh events! Our YPN Committee will
                you were able to spare some time for a little         be hosting their first event at Little Caesars Arena
                bit of R&R as well because the new year has           to network while enjoying a Detroit Pistons
                just begun, and we are ready to hit the ground        game. These are great opportunities to connect
                running.                                              with others in the industry. The connections are
                  Teri Spiro will be leading us through 2022, and     limitless, the friendships are everlasting, and
                plans are already underway. Greater benefits          they offer an added opportunity to build your
                and services for our members, greater utilization     sphere. Details on how to reserve your seat will
                of the time our volunteers are asked to give for      be available shortly.
                their commitments, greater public awareness on           You may have noticed some of the online
                the value and importance of working with YOU, a       promotion, radio ads and even billboards
                Greater Realtor®, and that is just the start of it.   throughout the metro Detroit area recently
                  Beginning in 2022, you will see some new            encouraging buyers and seller to work with a
                faces around the GMAR office. As we continue          Greater Realtor®. We could not be more excited
                to grow, so does the demand to meet our               about this! We have talked about this for a
                members needs and we want to ensure that is           few years and have finally been able to make
                being done in an expedient and professional           it a reality! One of our goals is to continue to
                way. We have created a new position, our              highlight the value of working with YOU!
                Political Engagement Director, who will work in         We have quite a few exciting things planned
                unison with our Government Affairs Director to        this year and look forward to sharing more
                ensure we continue to build relationships with        details with you soon! Until then, I wish you the
                elected officials and continue to work with our       best in 2022 and encourage you to get involved
                communities to raise awareness and protect            and make a difference in this amazing industry!
                private property rights.
HAPPY NEW YEAR! - Greater Metropolitan Association of ...

Register for all classes by visiting GMARonline.com/calendar
MSHDA                                                          DISCOVERING COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE
CE Credits: 1 standard                                         CE Credits: 2 Standard & 1 legal
January 10                                                     January 21
10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.                                        9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
VIRTUAL                                                        VIRTUAL
Instructor: Darren Montreuil                                   Instructor: Anthony Jabonski
FREE, Membermax & EduPass                                      FREE, Membermax & EduPass
FREE, Members                                                  $25, Members
$25, Non- Members                                              $35, Non-Members
REGISTER HERE                                                  REGISTER HERE

SUCCESSFULLY SELLING HUD HOMES                                 AGENT 101
CE Credits: 3 standard                                         CE Credits: 4 legal
January 12                                                     Must attend both days!
10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.                                         January 25 & 26
VIRTUAL                                                        1:00 p.m.- 3:00 p.m.
Instructor: Steve Katsaros                                     VIRTUAL
FREE, Membermax & EduPass                                      Instructor: Deanna DuRussel
$20, Non- Members                                              FREE: Membermax & Edupass
REGISTER HERE                                                  $20, Non-Members
                                                               REGISTER HERE
** Must attend both days**
CE Credits: 7 standard
January 19 & 20
9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Instructor: Rick Conley
FREE, Membermax & EduPass
$39, Members
$49, Non-Member

                                                                                                    Metropolitan REALTOR® | 7
HAPPY NEW YEAR! - Greater Metropolitan Association of ...

                            By CLAUDIA HERNANDEZ

                            Hello Friends and Colleagues

                              Happy New Year to all! I cannot believe it is       to finally see each other and enjoy a fun night of
                            2022 because I felt like that last quarter in 2021    great food, drinks, and trivia.
                            just flew by. I'm sure everyone is trying to settle     Although I love seeing familiar faces, I always
                            into the new year after the crazy-busy holiday        hope to have new faces at our events because
                            season. I am Claudia Hernandez, and I am              that is what we are about! Networking, meeting
                            honored to be YPN's 2022 Chairperson. For those       colleagues in the industry from other agents to
                            of you that don't know me, I have been a part of      brokers, inspectors, title reps, loan officers, CPAs,
                            YPN since 2016. I started my career in Real Estate    attorneys, you name it.
                            that same year, and I love selling real estate and
                                                                                     Our highest priority is to keep everyone safe,
                            serving on several GMAR committees like this
                                                                                  and I am so thankful that GMAR's leadership
                            one. I dove into my role as Vice-Chair of YPN two
                                                                                  is always keeping us posted on the latest rules
                            years ago and last year as Chair.
                                                                                  and regulations from NAR and the CDC. Our first
                              YPN is unique because it has allowed me             event this year is scheduled for February 3rd. We
                            to meet so many people in the industry that I         are heading downtown Detroit to Little Caesar's
                            would've never met if it wasn't for networking        Arena to have a fantastic night at the Piston's
                            events and that I now call friends. The excellent     Game! More information will be posted on our
                            part about this committee is that you don't have      online Calendar at gmaronline.com.
                            to be a part of it to join our events every few
                                                                                    I am so excited about our committee's events,
                            months. In 2021, we started the year with online
                                                                                  and I am planning for this year. So stay safe, and
                            events, which, as we all know, can be a little
                                                                                  see you at the Pistons in February!
                            challenging at times, but towards the end of the
                            year, we were able to meet face to face at our
                            very popular Trivia Night. We were all so eager

8 | Metropolitan REALTOR®
HAPPY NEW YEAR! - Greater Metropolitan Association of ...
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                                                                            Metropolitan REALTOR® | 9
HAPPY NEW YEAR! - Greater Metropolitan Association of ...

                             By GRANT MEADE
                             GMAR Director of Realtor® and Community Affairs

                             Silver Tsunami
                               It is no secret that America has an aging           boomer generation, will comfortably age in
                             population. By 2030, all baby boomers will be         that unit. As we get closer to the tipping point,
                             older than 65, meaning one in five U.S. residents     both the younger and older generations will be
                             will be retirement age. In addition, U.S. Census      competing for the same housing stock, as their
                             numbers show that by 2034, there will be              lists of desires read similarly. This could lead to a
                             seventy-seven million people over sixty-five,         similar housing shortage as we are experiencing
                             compared to seventy-six and a half million under      now if we do not adequately prepare for it.
                             18 — the first time in American history where           I wrote about the “missing middle” and its
                             senior citizens outnumber youth.                      impact on the current housing shortage in my
                               This rise in the aging population has               last column. That classification will be the same
                             been playfully labeled “The Silver Tsunami,”          one desired by older generations as they look
                             representing a massive change in demographics         to age in place. The flexibility typically offered
                             and how we think about accessibility in design.       by condensed housing gives several advantages
                             While the implications of our aging population        desired by all generations: walkability, access to
                             will be discussed for the next decade, the most       public transit, lower maintenance requirements,
                             important will be how it affects our current          strong community. However, this column is not
                             housing stock and how we can build for the            just a redux meant to harp on the same points
                             future.                                               of the “missing middle.” There deserves to be
                                Universal design, long considered to be a          foresight in the construction of this housing
                             detractor from the value of a home or unit, has       classification.
                             become a highly desirable feature. It is essential      This is where universal design comes in and
                                                            for the ability of     how standardization of building codes and
                                                            senior citizens to     zoning ordinances can harmonize to create
                                                            age in place. The      vibrant neighborhoods with wildly diverse
                                                            universal design       residents. As REALTORS®, we strive for creative
                                                            brings accessibility   ways to incentivize the creation of these
                                                            consideration          neighborhoods without the strong-arming of
                                                            into every corner      government declaration. Many municipalities
                                                            of a home, not         already look to mandate a ratio of units
                                                            necessarily to         exclusively available to senior citizens, so why
                                                            the detriment          not incentivize the construction of accessible
                                                            of functionality       units? Providing tax incentives and abatements
                                                            or style. Many         to construction projects that look to implement
                                                            of the staples of      design choices that benefit aging senior citizens
                                                            universal design:      achieves cooperation that mandates cannot.
                             such as wider doorways, larger showers, and             We look to learn from the current situation to
                             first-floor bathrooms, have become amenities          prevent it from occurring again. We do not want
                             that increase the value of new and remodeled          to find ourselves in another housing shortage
                             housing units.                                        in 15 years because we did not proactively
                               This presents a problem because most of the         build the stock that all of our data says will be
                             current housing stock is not built with many of       attractive. So the planning starts now, and we
                             these considerations in mind. For example, the        need to start revising the complex network of
                             typical suburban home is not built with the idea      municipal codes to give it proper consideration
                             that its occupants, most commonly the baby            and the ability to be created.

10 | Metropolitan REALTOR®

 Welcome New Members
 Michael Yoksich–Berkshire Hathaway Home Services    Ann Magee–Plymouth Realty Group, LTD              Patrick Munce–Real Estate US, LLC
 Kamille Gardner–Coldwell Banker                     Dwayne Robinson–Re/Max Dream Properties           Kaitlyn Kelly–RE/MAX Eclipse
 Sara Trombly–DOBI Realtors                          Sally Jaynes–Re/Max Dynamic                       Princess Hughes–KW Home Realty
 Rima Aghekyan–Hall & Hunter                         Philip DeLoach–Century 21 Curran & Oberski        Jill Lawson–KW Home Realty
 Hanagasa Torres–Hall & Hunter                       Sam Sabbagh–Guaranteed Rate                       Lauren Lee–KW Home Realty
 Dimitrios Kosmidis–Max Broock, REALTORS,            Ylldes Shemshedini–Coldwell Banker                Lawanda Hobbs–Spates & associates Realty LLC
 Lisa Nagle–Max Broock, REALTORS, Birmingham         Salvatore Armetta–RE/MAX Home Sale Service        Mustafa Sharafi–National Realty Centers Clarkson
 Carolyn Demps–Shain Park, REALTORS                  Zachary Robertson–Cook & Associates               Keri Sorenson–National Realty Centers Clarkson
 Intisar Saour–Capital Star Realty, Inc.             Nadine Thayer–Dwellings Michigan                  Caleb Baird–Desco Properties, LLC
 Lyndon Jones–Real Estate One, Inc.                  Clara Etzel–J Dillon Realty                       Omar Altail–KW Advantage
 Stevan Popovic–NextHome the Boulevard               Michael Downing–KW Professionals                  Nicolas Ankrom–KW Advantage
 Tufiqul Islam–Select R.E. Professionals Inc.        Jade Fox–KW Professionals                         Eric Blessing–KW Advantage
 Eric Smith–Select R.E. Professionals Inc.           Brooke Mazurek–KW Professionals                   Conner Darhon–KW Advantage
 Cortney Phenix–Re/Max First-Chesterfield            Richard Martin–Social House Group                 Nicole Dorris–KW Advantage
 Shannon Gresock–Keller Williams Metro               Mohamed Antar–The RichRealty Group                Kendra Grow–KW Advantage
 Jennifer Mirabito–Keller Williams Metro             Andy Balch–Remerica Hometown                      Ian Kato–KW Advantage
 Natalie Bell–Century 21 Curran & Oberski            Emanuel Guzman–EXP Realty, LLC -Trenton           Tara Medlock–KW Advantage
 Virgilia Figredo–Sine & Monaghan Real Living LLC    Scott Kimble–EXP Realty, LLC -Trenton             Anxhelo Naci–KW Advantage
 Sawyer Kinney–Anthony Djon Luxury Real Estate LLC   Anthony Stinnett–EXP Realty, LLC -Trenton         Jada Redd–KW Advantage
 Xinyang Zhang–Bluesky Realty Experts                Amanda Martin–Parker Wright Real Estate Group     Janel Segars–KW Advantage
 Michele Hodas–Brookstone, Realtors                  Renee Hernandez–Lock Realty, PLLC                 Michael Strauss–KW Advantage
 Benjamin Horvath–Brookstone, Realtors               Jardan Haywood–Clients First, Realtors®           Patrick Thierry–KW Advantage
 Alicia Bailey–EXP Realty, LLC                       Damarcus Kaigler–Clients First, Realtors®         Kristen Thomas–KW Advantage
 Arielle Echols–EXP Realty, LLC                      Nennie Sheriff–Clients First, Realtors®           Kaleb Zemke–KW Advantage
 Hussein Farhat–EXP Realty, LLC                      Narinderjeet Singh–Clients First, Realtors®       Maria Piccione–Real Broker LLC
 Candace Farris–EXP Realty, LLC                      Deobaleene Watley–Clients First, Realtors®        Katie Wilson–Real Broker LLC
 Katie Harba–EXP Realty, LLC                         Drew Fries–@properties Detroit                    Jason Butka–EXP Realty, LLC
 John Hobbs–EXP Realty, LLC                          Jay Anderson–Essential MI Properties, LLC         Darcel Stewart–EXP Realty, LLC
 Jayne Kocsis–EXP Realty, LLC                        Margaret Derthick–Berkshire Hathaway              Paige Grice–Crown Real Estate Group
 Cheuk Lee–EXP Realty, LLC                           HomeServices The Loft Warehouse                   Alyssa Pillsbury–Crown Real Estate Group
 Markale Lee–EXP Realty, LLC                         Angelique Hill–Exit United Realty Professionals   Ruthanne DeWitt–MV Realty of Michigan
 Andre Olden–EXP Realty, LLC                         Rachael Beaudette–Rocket Homes Real Estate LLC    Mounier Hassan–MV Realty of Michigan
 Allison Pallares–EXP Realty, LLC                    Jaqueline Tomszak–Rocket Homes Real Estate LLC    Brett Spanski–MV Realty of Michigan
 Shannon Savona–EXP Realty, LLC                      Kyle Wilson–Rocket Homes Real Estate LLC          VeEster Wiley–MV Realty of Michigan
 Amy J. Tisdel–EXP Realty, LLC                       Roxanna Robinson–Reach Realty Group
 Nicole Vancamp–EXP Realty, LLC                      Rochelle Stiltner–Arterra Realty Michigan LLC
 Karla Walker–EXP Realty, LLC                        Robert Kay–Coldwell Banker Weir Manuel
 Stephan Hart–Keller Williams Somerset               Jenna Dado–Goosehead Insurance-Jenna Dado
                                                                                                           We Couldn’t
 Christian Shavers-Turner–Keller Williams            Kristen Cronin–Keller Williams Paint Creek
 Emad Awad–Real Living Kee Realty Troy               Jessica Graves–Keller Williams Paint Creek
                                                                                                           Do It
 Charlene Pascaretti–Expert Realty Solutions Inc.    Aryana Nacker–Stewart Team RE Partners Inc.           Without You
 Bilal Taleb–Expert Realty Solutions Inc.            Angela Harper–Keller Williams Realty Central
 Ali Kammona–Century 21 Curran & Oberski             Austin Yee–Keller Williams Realty Central
 Mohamed Moussa–Century 21 Curran & Oberski          Shawna Saylor–Keller Williams Realty Central          THANK YOU ORIENTATION SPONSORS
 Natalie Robb–MBA Realty Group, Inc.                 Shaima Shehadeh–VK Properties, LLC                    FOR THE MONTH OF JANUARY 2021:
 Marayna Battle–Elite Realty                         Demetrius Williams–RE/MAX Eclipse
                                                                                                           MICHIGAN FIRST MORTGAGE
 Brittany Drzinski–Elite Realty                      Mark Austin–A Square Realty
 Cassandra Burks–Fathom Realty                       Ashley Attisha–Royal Pointe Realty LLC
                                                                                                                             Metropolitan REALTOR® | 11

                             By JAMES CRISTBROOK
                             GMAR RPAC Chair

                             RPAC 2022
                             What, Where, When, Why & How!

                               Over the next year I hope to define the                  Next month we will outline “Where” one can
                             importance of RPAC and how it supports                  invest in RPAC and more specifically “Where” your
                             legislators and issues that represent housing,          RPAC investment goes to benefit Realtors®, our
                             protection of private property rights and the           clients and the protection of private property
                             health of our industry. RPAC also strives to keep       rights for all.
                             us - the Realtor® - at the center of the transaction.     In the meantime, please click the link below to
                                                                                     invest today.
                             Let’s start with the “What”
                               Since 1969, the bipartisan Realtors® Political        gmaronline.com/invest
                             Action Committee (RPAC) has promoted the
                             election of pro-REALTOR® candidates across
                             the United States. The purpose of RPAC is clear:
                             voluntary contributions made by Realtors® are
                             used to help elect candidates who understand
                             and support their interests. These are not
                             members’ dues; this is money given freely by
                             REALTORS® in recognition of the importance of
                             the political process. The REALTORS® Political
                             Action Committee and other political fundraising
                             are the keys to protecting and promoting the real
                             estate industry.

12 | Metropolitan REALTOR®

   Thank You GMAR
   RPAC Investors
      GMAR would like to extend a sincere thank you to all of the members who have made their investment in RPAC, the REALTORS® Political Action
   Committee. By investing in RPAC, these members are supporting REALTOR®-friendly legislators and policy initiatives that reflect the REALTOR® core
   values; protecting private property rights, reducing burdensome regulations on the industry and preserving the American Dream of Homeownership.

   Below we recognize and applaud GMAR members who invested in RPAC for the month of December 2021.

   Donavan Abro                    Sarah Cameron                   Courtney Drew                   Wissam Goro                     Sherri Johnson                  Lynn Louton
   Rima Aghekyan                   Scott Campbell                  Brittany Drzinski               Dianne Gouin                    Theresa Johnson                 Deborah Louzecky
   Robert Agnello                  Juela Capo                      Nancy Duncanson                 Tamara Graham                   Paula Johnston                  Mary Luff
   Thomas Agrusa                   Lora Carlton                    Cassandra Dunn                  Kathryn Grant                   Peter Johnston                  Samraa Luqman
   Kachi Aguwa                     Keshia Carr                     Ian Dunn                        Jessica Graves                  Lyndon Jones                    Morgan Luttrell
   Sarah Alexander                 Vito Castellana                 Michael Dunn                    Ryan Green                      Steve Kabrit                    Angela Lynch
   Malek Ali                       Kathie Catanzaro                Angela Duva                     Ann Greenberg                   Meriem Kadi                     Carole MacQueen
   Joseph Anderson                 Donna Caumartin                 Arielle Echols                  Kendra Grow                     Damarcus Kaigler                Ann Magee
   Nicolas Ankrom                  Savannah Cavender-              Jon Eckerly                     Joe Gruber                      Amanda Kallasho                 Kathleen Malczynski
   William Applegate               Lemieux                         Alonzo Edwards                  Cassandra Haas                  Ali Kammona                     Magan Malkiewicz
   Frank Arcori                    Deana Cherry                    Pierre Elia                     Tricia Hager                    Chase Kareta                    Williams
   Salvatore Armetta               Khalil Chiha                    Cathy Elias                     Adam Hammons                    Christina Kass                  Samar Mansour
   Leihla Arnett                   Nofal Cholag                    Daniel Elsea                    Michael Hannah                  Alvin Kassab                    Yvonne Marks
   Leyon Ashoor                    Syed Chowdhury                  Anna England                    Faizi Haque                     Pranav Katari                   Keith Marshall
   Joseph Ashor                    Leslie Ciraulo                  Andrea Esse                     Cristin Hardison                Suzette Kattula                 Amanda Martin
   Phillip Ausman                  Joel Clark                      Ray Esshaki                     Karen Harlin                    Erin Keating-Dewald             Diane Martin
   Matthew Bahri                   Felicia Clayton                 Karie Eubank                    Angela Harper                   Tricia Kerchkof                 Roger Martin
   Kim Balutanski                  Debby Clinesmith                Jane Evans                      Cynthia Harris                  Bonnie Kerman                   Alicia Marucci
   Keri Banaszewski                Jeffrey Cohen                   Anthony Facione                 Elizabeth Harris                Sal Kesto                       Jonathan Mary
   Kathleen Barker                 Yahasha Colbert                 Jeffery Fanto                   Tahesha Harris                  Brandon Ketz-Munoz              Dominic Marzicola
   Jatuan Barksdale                Meredith Colburn                Hussein Farhat                  Tracie Harris                   Rabia khan                      Stephanie Mashni
   Dustin Barrett                  Lucas Colecchio                 John Farhat                     Zoe Harris                      Dave Kidd                       Stephanie Mason
   Jamie Bass                      Ciara Colon                     Candace Farris                  Richard Harrison                Scott Kimble                    Cecile Massey
   Marayna Battle                  Deborah Consiglio               Mahmoud Fawaz                   Mounier Hassan                  Pam King                        Christopher Matfey
   Ali Bazzy                       Julie Cook                      Michael Fazio                   John Hawthorne                  Talona King-Carter              David Mathieu
   Dana Beatty                     Elethia Cooper                  Kimberly Feghali                Allison Henning                 Timothy Kingsbury               David Maurice
   Stephanie Beer                  Jonnita Cotton-Stanton          Terri Fenelon                   Renee Hernandez                 Sawyer Kinney                   Brooke Mazurek
   Natalie Bell                    Lisa Cox                        Virgilia Figredo                Tegan Hilyard                   Karam Kiryakos                  Sharleen McCann
   Gloria Bertrand                 Todd Craft                      Sarah Figurski                  John Hobbs                      Robert Kluck                    Tiffany McCullough
   Karen Betzing                   Kelly Crenshaw                  Dena Flowers                    Lawanda Hobbs                   Elizabeth Kochan                Roger McDaid
   Benjamin Bialek                 Michael Crew                    Holly Fockler-LaBute            Michele Hodas                   Jayne Kocsis                    Donna McDaniel
   Jay Bielfield                   Rebecca Cunningham              Diane Fornari                   Jennifer Hoover                 Bill Kokenos                    Daniel McIlhiny
   Elizabeth Bielski               Anthony Dabaldo                 Ellen Foster                    Benjamin Horvath                Dimitrios Kosmidis              James McKee
   Nickole Black                   Christopher Daggy               Sarah Foster                    Laura Houghton                  Hans Kuemmerle                  Michele McLemore
   Terri Boggio                    Robert Daly                     Ricky Fountain                  Nancy Howell                    Constance La Barge              Grant Meade
   Joseph Boji                     Lakisha Dansby                  Cloteal Fowler                  Zheng Huang                     Thomas                          Tara Medlock
   Nathaniel Bonds                 Dunya Daouk                     Steven Fowler                   Malisie Hubbard                 Thomas LaBranche                Tonya Meier
   Sharon Bonner                   Bernadine Davis                 Drew Fries                      Princess Hughes                 Mark Lagana                     Larry Migliore
   Cassie Borders                  Emily Day                       Ellen Frink                     Kevin Iddings                   Stela Lajthia                   Ancuta Mihaescu
   Jason Borregard                 Alexander Dembitsky             Lakina Fulks                    Brikena Ieba                    Roschelle Laughhunn             Sadeer Mikail
   Lori Boushelle                  Carolyn Demps                   Jeremy Gabbara                  John Irwin                      David Law                       Paula Mikola
   Shelley Braxton                 Margaret Derthick               Giovanni Galati                 Connie Isbell                   Jill Lawson                     Alan Millard
   Analyssia Britt                 John DesJardins                 David Garbarino                 Annette Issa                    Steve Lawson                    Feliece Miller
   Edward Brittingham              Tyler Dew                       Jerry Gardner                   Constance Jabro                 Christopher LeBlanc             Rehab Miri
   Brenda Brosnan                  Ruthanne DeWitt                 Kamille Gardner                 Kimberly Jackson                Ken Lee                         Frances Moceri
   Althea Brown                    Joy DiMaggio                    Derrick Garland                 Towanna Jackson                 Lauren Lee                      Raymond Modad
   Robert Brown                    Peter Dinoto                    Marshal Garmo                   Bryan James                     Markale Lee                     Angela Molina
   Sarah Brown                     Herman Dixon                    Ashley Gartrelle                Rebecca Janowak                 Sheilah Lemanski                Brian Morba
   Shatoya Buckley-Mallett         Anthony D'Olivo                 Michael Gatteri                 Ronald Jasgur                   Ryan Lenahan                    David Morgan
   Anthony Bunnell                 Lori Dolman                     Edilberto Gener                 Krista Jelsky                   John Levin                      Jason Morin
   Crystal Burkland                Nicole Dorris                   Brian Ghesquiere                Elizabeth Johnson               Nadys Lewis                     Monica Mourad
   Cassandra Burks                 Brian Downes                    Crystal Glass                   Frances Johnson                 Sara Lipnitz                    Mohamed Moussa
   Kari Burrows                    Michael Downing                 Linda Glembocki                 Justin Johnson                  James Littlepage                Grace Mulcahy
   James Bynum                     Michael Drapal                  Ming Hui Goh                    Laura Johnson                   Sherry Liu                      Gaspare Munaco
   Fatima Bzeih                    Margaret Dresser                Sky Goodman                     Ricqwain Johnson                Sherry Lollio
                                                                                                                                                                 continued on page 18
   *Contributions are not deductible for Federal income tax purposes. RPAC contributions are voluntary and used for political purposes. You may refuse to contribute without reprisal or
   otherwise impacting your membership rights. For individuals investing $1,000.00 or greater, up to 30% of this total investment may be forwarded to the National Association of REALTORS®
   RPAC. All amounts forwarded to the National Association of REALTORS® RPAC are charged against the applicable contribution limits under 2 U.S.C. 441a

                                                                                                                                                               Metropolitan REALTOR® | 13
                         REPORT NOW AVAILABLE ONLINE

14 | Metropolitan REALTOR®
Local Market Update – November 2021
A Research Tool Provided by Realcomp

GMAR® Report
Covers the Greater Metropolitan Area of Detroit, including but not limited to locales in Lapeer, Macomb, Oakland, Washtenaw and Wayne

  Residential                                                                               November                                                             Year to Date
  Key Metrics                                                        2020                     2021              % Change               Thru 11-2020              Thru 11-2021               % Change
  New Listings                                                       4,098                    4,335               + 5.8%                      56,331                 59,548                  + 5.7%
  Pending Sales                                                      3,777                    4,037               + 6.9%                      44,280                 47,461                  + 7.2%
  Closed Sales                                                       4,316                    4,145                  - 4.0%                   42,101                 45,988                  + 9.2%
  Days on Market Until Sale                                              32                     25                - 21.9%                       40                        24                 - 40.0%
  Median Sales Price*                                             $201,750                  $225,000             + 11.5%                  $194,900                 $220,000                  + 12.9%
  Average Sales Price*                                            $248,373                  $267,584              + 7.7%                  $236,480                 $269,440                  + 13.9%
  Percent of List Price Received*                                   99.2%                     99.7%               + 0.5%                      98.4%                 101.0%                   + 2.6%
  Inventory of Homes for Sale                                        6,427                    6,178                  - 3.9%                     ––                        ––                     ––
  Months Supply of Inventory                                             1.6                    1.5                  - 6.3%                     ––                        ––                     ––

  Condo                                                                                     November                                                             Year to Date
  Key Metrics                                                        2020                     2021              % Change               Thru 11-2020              Thru 11-2021               % Change
  New Listings                                                           737                   762                + 3.4%                      10,745                 10,961                  + 2.0%
  Pending Sales                                                          659                   708                + 7.4%                      8,003                   9,197                  + 14.9%
  Closed Sales                                                           765                   770                + 0.7%                      7,739                   8,926                  + 15.3%
  Days on Market Until Sale                                              41                     30                - 26.8%                       44                        31                 - 29.5%
  Median Sales Price*                                             $183,500                  $200,000              + 9.0%                  $175,000                 $200,000                  + 14.3%
  Average Sales Price*                                            $208,330                  $235,859             + 13.2%                  $208,386                 $235,731                  + 13.1%
  Percent of List Price Received*                                   98.3%                     99.6%               + 1.3%                      97.8%                  99.9%                   + 2.1%
  Inventory of Homes for Sale                                        1,637                    1,130               - 31.0%                       ––                        ––                     ––
  Months Supply of Inventory                                             2.3                    1.4               - 39.1%                       ––                        ––                     ––
* Does not account for sale concessions and/or downpayment assistance. | Percent changes are calculated using rounded figures and can sometimes look extreme due to small sample size.

  Median Sales Price - Residential                                                                       Median Sales Price - Condo
  Rolling 12-Month Calculation                                                      All MLS              Rolling 12-Month Calculation                                                      All MLS
                                                                               GMAR® Report                                                                                           GMAR® Report
  $250,000                                                                                                $225,000






        $0                                                                                                 $50,000
          1-2003   1-2005   1-2007   1-2009   1-2011   1-2013   1-2015    1-2017   1-2019   1-2021                1-2003   1-2005    1-2007    1-2009   1-2011   1-2013   1-2015   1-2017   1-2019    1-2021

  A rolling 12-month calculation represents the current month and the 11 months prior in a single data point. If no activity occurred during a month, the line extends to the next available data point.
                                                                                                                       Current as of December 7, 2021. All data from Realcomp II Ltd. Report © 2021 ShowingTime.

                                                                                                                                                                               Metropolitan REALTOR® | 15
                Statistics Contact: Francine L. Green, Realcomp [248-553-3003, ext. 114], fgreen@corp.realcomp.com

                                   November Notable for New Listings
                      Positive uptick highest year-over-year percentage increase since April

                                     November – National Real Estate Commentary
        As we head into the holiday season, a period when activity typically slows as people take time to travel,
        celebrate, and spend time with loved ones, the market is not as frenetic as was seen earlier this year. Buyer
        demand continues to be high, bolstered by attractive mortgage rates and a low supply of inventory.

        The most recent data from the National Association of REALTORS® reports the median single-family existing
        home sales price rose 16% in the third quarter of this year to $363,700, with all four regions of the country
        experiencing double-digit price growth. In new construction, builder confidence increased in November,
        surpassing analyst expectations and rising to 83 on the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB)/Wells
        Fargo Housing Market Index (HMI), the highest level since spring, despite persistent labor and supply chain
        challenges and a shortage of available lots.

                                            November – Local All MLS Numbers
        Closed Sales decreased 6.8 percent for Residential homes and 0.5 percent for Condo homes. Pending Sales
        decreased 1.0 percent for Residential homes but increased 5.2 percent for Condo homes. Inventory decreased
        17.8 percent for Residential homes and 35.0 percent for Condo homes.

        The Median Sales Price increased 9.5 percent to $230,000 for Residential homes and 11.1 percent to $211,000
        for Condo homes. Days on Market decreased 41.3 percent for Residential homes and 35.3 percent for Condo
        homes. Months-Supply of Inventory decreased 22.2 percent for Residential homes and 41.7 percent for Condo

16 | Metropolitan REALTOR®
Listing and Sales Summary Report
November 2021
Listing and Sales Summary Report
November 2021
                                              Total Sales (Units)                               Median Sales Prices                                      Average DOM                          On-Market Listings (Ending Inventory)
                                       Nov-21         Nov-20 % Change                    Nov-21              Nov-20          % Change Nov-21 Nov-20 % Change                                   Nov-21               Nov-20           % Change
All MLS (All Inclusive)                 10,855        11,556           -6.1%            $228,000           $207,500             +9.9%              28           47          -40.4%              15,457              19,416              -20.4%
                                              Total Sales (Units)                               Median Sales Prices                                      Average DOM                          On-Market Listings (Ending Inventory)
City of Detroit*                        383            352    +8.8%                      $85,000            $65,000           +30.8%    40     62    -35.5%                                     1,700                1,428            +19.0%
Dearborn/Dearborn Heights*             Nov-21
                                        208           Nov-20
                                                       194   %+7.2%
                                                               Change                    Nov-21
                                                                                        $182,500            Nov-20
                                                                                                           $171,000          %+6.7%
                                                                                                                               Change Nov-21
                                                                                                                                        20   Nov-20
                                                                                                                                               24   %-16.7%
                                                                                                                                                      Change                                   Nov-21
                                                                                                                                                                                                 231                Nov-20
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      279            %-17.2%
All MLS (All
Downriver    Inclusive)
          Area*                         10,855
                                         383          11,556
                                                       458     -6.1%
                                                              -16.4%                    $228,000
                                                                                        $170,000           $207,500
                                                                                                           $150,000           +9.9%
                                                                                                                              +13.3%    28
                                                                                                                                        23     47
                                                                                                                                               24    -40.4%
                                                                                                                                                      -4.2%                                     15,457
                                                                                                                                                                                                  505               19,416
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      490               -20.4%
City of Detroit*
Genesee   County                         383
                                         469            352
                                                        514           +8.8%
                                                                      -8.8%              $85,000
                                                                                        $175,000            $65,000
                                                                                                           $170,000           +30.8%
                                                                                                                              +2.9%     40
                                                                                                                                        27     62
                                                                                                                                               29    -35.5%
                                                                                                                                                      -6.9%                                      1,700
                                                                                                                                                                                                  789                1,428
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      670               +19.0%
Greater Wayne*    Heights*                208
                                         1,377          194
                                                       1,516          +7.2%
                                                                      -9.2%             $182,500
                                                                                        $200,000           $171,000
                                                                                                           $179,950           +6.7%
                                                                                                                              +11.1%    20
                                                                                                                                        23     24
                                                                                                                                               26    -16.7%
                                                                                                                                                     -11.5%                                       231
                                                                                                                                                                                                 1,673                279
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     1,893              -17.2%
Downriver  Area*
Grosse Pointe  Areas*                     383
                                           79           458
                                                        100           -16.4%
                                                                      -21.0%            $170,000
                                                                                        $350,000           $150,000
                                                                                                           $321,500            +13.3%
                                                                                                                               +8.9%               23
                                                                                                                                                   45           24
                                                                                                                                                                47           -4.2%
                                                                                                                                                                             -4.3%                505
                                                                                                                                                                                                  156                 490
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      188               +3.1%
Genesee   County
Hillsdale County                          469
                                           64           514
                                                         56            -8.8%
                                                                      +14.3%            $175,000
                                                                                        $163,823           $170,000
                                                                                                           $158,250            +2.9%
                                                                                                                               +3.5%               27
                                                                                                                                                   54           29
                                                                                                                                                                86           -6.9%
                                                                                                                                                                            -37.2%                789
                                                                                                                                                                                                  117                 670
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      119               +17.8%
Greater Wayne*
Huron County                             1,377
                                            4          1,516
                                                         11            -9.2%
                                                                      -63.6%            $200,000
                                                                                        $153,000           $179,950
                                                                                                           $130,000            +11.1%
                                                                                                                               +17.7%              23
                                                                                                                                                   25           26
                                                                                                                                                               113          -11.5%
                                                                                                                                                                            -77.9%               1,673
                                                                                                                                                                                                   32                1,893
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       27               -11.6%
        CountyAreas*                       79
                                          212           100
                                                        218           -21.0%
                                                                       -2.8%            $350,000
                                                                                        $186,500           $321,500
                                                                                                           $163,000            +8.9%
                                                                                                                               +14.4%              45
                                                                                                                                                   42           47
                                                                                                                                                                57           -4.3%
                                                                                                                                                                            -26.3%                156
                                                                                                                                                                                                  412                 188
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      344               -17.0%
Hillsdale County
Lapeer County                              64
                                          106            56
                                                        111           +14.3%
                                                                       -4.5%            $163,823
                                                                                        $268,945           $158,250
                                                                                                           $224,000            +3.5%
                                                                                                                               +20.1%              54
                                                                                                                                                   30           86
                                                                                                                                                                34          -37.2%
                                                                                                                                                                            -11.8%                117
                                                                                                                                                                                                  202                 119
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      188                -1.7%
Huron  County
Lenawee County                             4
                                          106            11
                                                        131           -63.6%
                                                                      -19.1%            $153,000
                                                                                        $202,075           $130,000
                                                                                                           $179,900            +17.7%
                                                                                                                               +12.3%              25
                                                                                                                                                   60          113
                                                                                                                                                                72          -77.9%
                                                                                                                                                                            -16.7%                 32
                                                                                                                                                                                                  273                  27
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      231               +18.5%
Jackson  County
Livingston County                         212
                                          276           218
                                                        291            -2.8%
                                                                       -5.2%            $186,500
                                                                                        $324,950           $163,000
                                                                                                           $295,000            +14.4%
                                                                                                                               +10.2%              42
                                                                                                                                                   25           57
                                                                                                                                                                35          -26.3%
                                                                                                                                                                            -28.6%                412
                                                                                                                                                                                                  304                 344
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      378               +19.8%
Macomb  County
         County                           106
                                         1,215          111
                                                       1,310           -4.5%
                                                                       -7.3%            $268,945
                                                                                        $215,000           $224,000
                                                                                                           $200,000            +20.1%
                                                                                                                               +7.5%               30
                                                                                                                                                   23           34
                                                                                                                                                                28          -11.8%
                                                                                                                                                                            -17.9%                202
                                                                                                                                                                                                 1,385                188
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     1,580              +7.4%
Lenawee  County
Metro Detroit Area*                       106
                                         5,058          131
                                                       5,297          -19.1%
                                                                       -4.5%            $202,075
                                                                                        $240,000           $179,900
                                                                                                           $220,000            +12.3%
                                                                                                                               +9.1%               60
                                                                                                                                                   26           72
                                                                                                                                                                31          -16.7%
                                                                                                                                                                            -16.1%                273
                                                                                                                                                                                                 7,308                231
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     8,101              +18.2%
Livingston County
Monroe County                             276
                                          183           291
                                                        193            -5.2%
                                                                       -5.2%            $324,950
                                                                                        $205,000           $295,000
                                                                                                           $200,000            +10.2%
                                                                                                                               +2.5%               25
                                                                                                                                                   37           35
                                                                                                                                                                39          -28.6%
                                                                                                                                                                             -5.1%                304
                                                                                                                                                                                                  247                 378
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      280               -19.6%
          County                         1,215
                                           76          1,310
                                                         90            -7.3%
                                                                      -15.6%            $215,000
                                                                                        $172,250           $200,000
                                                                                                           $183,999            +7.5%
                                                                                                                                -6.4%              23
                                                                                                                                                   28           28
                                                                                                                                                                69          -17.9%
                                                                                                                                                                            -59.4%               1,385
                                                                                                                                                                                                  105                1,580
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      138               -12.3%
Metro Detroit
Oakland CountyArea*                      5,058
                                         1,807         5,297
                                                       1,828           -4.5%
                                                                       -1.1%            $240,000
                                                                                        $307,176           $220,000
                                                                                                           $278,000            +9.1%
                                                                                                                               +10.5%              26
                                                                                                                                                   26           31
                                                                                                                                                                30          -16.1%
                                                                                                                                                                            -13.3%               7,308
                                                                                                                                                                                                 2,246               8,101
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     2,822               -9.8%
         County                           183
                                          207           193
                                                        181            -5.2%
                                                                      +14.4%            $205,000
                                                                                        $136,900           $200,000
                                                                                                           $123,000            +2.5%
                                                                                                                               +11.3%              37
                                                                                                                                                   24           39
                                                                                                                                                                25           -5.1%
                                                                                                                                                                             -4.0%                247
                                                                                                                                                                                                  297                 280
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      245               -11.8%
Sanilac   County
        County                             76
                                           43            90
                                                         42           -15.6%
                                                                      +2.4%             $172,250
                                                                                        $165,000           $183,999
                                                                                                           $175,000             -6.4%
                                                                                                                                -5.7%              28
                                                                                                                                                   51           69
                                                                                                                                                                48          -59.4%
                                                                                                                                                                            +6.3%                 105
                                                                                                                                                                                                   94                 138
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       82               -23.9%
             County                      1,807
                                           76          1,828
                                                         89            -1.1%
                                                                      -14.6%            $307,176
                                                                                        $195,000           $278,000
                                                                                                           $150,600            +10.5%
                                                                                                                               +29.5%              26
                                                                                                                                                   25           30
                                                                                                                                                                32          -13.3%
                                                                                                                                                                            -21.9%               2,246
                                                                                                                                                                                                  102                2,822
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      133               -20.4%
Saginaw   County
St. Clair County                          207
                                          191           181
                                                        218           +14.4%
                                                                      -12.4%            $136,900
                                                                                        $196,000           $123,000
                                                                                                           $179,450            +11.3%
                                                                                                                               +9.2%               24
                                                                                                                                                   31           25
                                                                                                                                                                40           -4.0%
                                                                                                                                                                            -22.5%                297
                                                                                                                                                                                                  327                 245
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      362               +21.2%
Tuscola County
        County                             43
                                           49            42
                                                         45           +2.4%
                                                                      +8.9%             $165,000
                                                                                        $145,000           $175,000
                                                                                                           $148,200             -5.7%
                                                                                                                                -2.2%              51
                                                                                                                                                   29           48
                                                                                                                                                                24          +6.3%
                                                                                                                                                                            +20.8%                 94
                                                                                                                                                                                                   77                  82
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       56               +14.6%
Shiawassee County
Washtenaw County                           76
                                          371            89
                                                        391           -14.6%
                                                                       -5.1%            $195,000
                                                                                        $339,900           $150,600
                                                                                                           $300,000            +29.5%
                                                                                                                               +13.3%              25
                                                                                                                                                   26           32
                                                                                                                                                                36          -21.9%
                                                                                                                                                                            -27.8%                102
                                                                                                                                                                                                  714                 133
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     1,040              -23.3%
 St. ClairCounty
 Wayne      County                        191
                                         1,760          218
                                                       1,868          -12.4%
                                                                       -5.8%            $196,000
                                                                                        $180,000           $179,450
                                                                                                           $163,900            +9.2%
                                                                                                                               +9.8%               31
                                                                                                                                                   26           40
                                                                                                                                                                33          -22.5%
                                                                                                                                                                            -21.2%                327
                                                                                                                                                                                                 3,373                362
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     3,321               -9.7%
*Tuscola    County
  Included in county numbers.              49            45           +8.9%             $145,000           $148,200              -2.2%             29           24          +20.8%                 77                  56               +37.5%
Washtenaw County                          371           391            -5.1%            $339,900           $300,000            +13.3%              26           36          -27.8%                714                1,040              -31.3%
Wayne County                              1,760 7, 2021.
                            Current as of December   1,868
                                                         All data from-5.8%             $180,000
                                                                       Realcomp II Ltd. This                   $163,900
                                                                                             report is not to be                    +9.8%
                                                                                                                 reproduced or redistributed            26
                                                                                                                                             without Realcomp's      33written consent.
                                                                                                                                                                express          -21.2%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Metropolitan REALTOR® | 17
                                                                                                                                                                                                     3,373but not guaranteed.
                                                                                                                                                                                        Data deemed reliable            3,321 Report © 2021+1.6%

* Included in county numbers.
continued from page 13

    Patrick Munce            Jerome Poisac         Katherine Schuerman        Susan Surma            Amy Wagel
    Anxhelo Naci             Michal Polasek        Travis Scott               DeAndre Sutton         Karla Walker
    Aryana Nacker            Demetrios Polyzois    Janel Segars               John Szlinis           Carol Waraniak
    Kim Nash                 Stevan Popovic        Terry Sever                Bilal Taleb            Christopher Waring
    Michael Nawrocki         William Powell        Jimmy Shaba                Vincent Tanner         Jonne Washington
    Sanetti Neal             Jacqueline Presnell   Coliebb Shabazz            Ronnie Targanski       Michael Watcke
    Lisa Nikollaj            Alexis Price          Narmeen Shango             Steven Tauriainen      Deobaleene Watley
    Marc Nocera              Shawn Primeau         Mustafa Sharafi            Greg Taylor            Catherine Waun
    Clara Norris             Aaron Pringle         Rutha Sharpe               Stephanie Taylor       Katie Weaver
    Dustin North             Nicole Pyne           Christian Shavers-Turner   Wenn-Huey Teng         Heidi Weeden
    Anthony Nucci            Mindijo Rahn          Kamahl Shehadeh            Ladonna Tennant        Misty Weisenberger
    Tara Nysen               Gary Reggish          Shaima Shehadeh            Julie Thayer           Julie Welch
    Stephen Oaks             Heidi Rhome           Adam Shepherd              Michelle Thayer        Denise Wesselmann
    Derek OBranovic          Ryan Ritzert          Nennie Sheriff             Nadine Thayer          Allante Wheeler
    Patricia O'Curran        Alyse Robertelli      Guste Shukeireh            Christine Thibault     Dewayne White
    Andre Olden              David Robinson        Cheryl Sibley              George Thomas          Vicki Whitt
    Kenisha Opara            Dwayne Robinson       Saif Siddiqui              Kristen Thomas         Cheryl Williams
    Jacqueline Orozco        Karen Robinson        Jeffrey Silverman          Ronald Thomas          Demetrius Williams
    Brandon Orth             Roxanna Robinson      Narinderjeet Singh         Timothy Thomas         Hyla Williams
    Patricia Palazzolo       Marinell Roe          Andrew Slovik              Jawuan Thompson        Patricia Williams
    Allison Pallares         Ziyad Roumaya         Eric Smith                 Leon Timmon            Sheila Williams
    Lanise Pannell           Arthur Rucinski       Ryan Smith                 Karena Tolford         Wanda Williams
    Ashley Pappas            Keith Ruloff          Whitney Smith              Michael Toomey         George Williams Jr.
    Andrew Parent            Andrea Ryckman        Ezekiel Sobowale           Hanagasa Torres        Connie Winn
    Amy Parsons              Frederick Ryckman     Linda Solomon              Robert Torrey          Talisha Winston
    Cynthia Parsons          Karen Ryckman         Andrew Soper               Clayton Town           Kevin Wobbe
    Amitkumar Patel          Rafida Sabbagh        Keri Sorenson              Sara Trombly           Carol Woodard
    Sarah Patrick            Adrienne Sain         Adam Soroka                Michael Tullis         Stephen Wright
    Alvin Pattah             Mohammad Saleem       Stephanie Spadafore        Benita Turcu           Victoria Yaklitch
    Donald Pauck             Maxine Salloumi       Brett Spanski              Deborah Turner         Alexander Yaldo
    Rodney Pearson           Alexandrea Santo      Linda Spindura             Wendy Tyrell           Brian Yaldoo
    Richard Perkins          Anthony Saroki        Douglas Stark              Eduard Udovichenko     Nhia Yang
    Marietta Perry           Javier Sastre         Maria Starkey              Brittnie Ulrich        Austin Yee
    Dorene Phan              Shannon Savona        David Steuer               David Valderrama       Wei Yi
    Cortney Phenix           Stephanie Sawdon      Darcel Stewart             Diana Van der Vossen   Michael Yoksich
    Stephen Phillips         Shawna Saylor         Jelani Stewart             Nicole Vancamp         Jennifer Zalinski
    Anthony Pichette         Anthony Schippa       Anthony Stinnett           Charles Vanerian       Ahmed Zamzam
    Charles Pickering        Mark Schmansky        Aaron Stokes               Brian Vaughn           Michelle Zarghami
    Melissa Pidcock          Shelley Schoenherr    Matthew Stransky           Eva Vermeesch          Kaleb Zemke
    Christopher Plummer      Lee Schostak          Michael Strauss            Kaleigh Vogel          Xiangang Zhang
    Tiffany Poe              Carol Schrauben       Kathryn Strelecki          Gary Vroom             Xinyang Zhang

18 | Metropolitan REALTOR®
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