Happy Friday!! Highlights of our week! March 19, 2021 - Chesterbrook Academy

Page created by Alan Edwards
Happy Friday!! Highlights of our week! March 19, 2021 - Chesterbrook Academy
Happy Friday!!
Highlights of our week! March 19, 2021.

Here’s what we explored this week!

Happy Friday!! This week, we reviewed all the winning books in the 1st round of The Battle of the
Books. We enjoyed listening to so many fun books. Next week, the nal winners of 2021 Book
Tournament will be posted. Can't wait to see the students favorite books throughout the school.

We continued exploring the skills in our Links To Learning Curriculum. We engaged in activities relating
to the Winter season; we explored different types of weather, we reviewed all the letters of the
alphabet; letters sound; sight words activities in our phonics workbooks.
We explored money coins and their associated value. We identi ed the front and back of each coin. We
song a song about the presidents on each coin. Our favorite money song was "Money In My Pocket"
by Jack Hartman.
We identi ed and sorted things in the environment into living and non-living categories. We identi ed
what are living things and what they need.

Next week, we will continue Reading Across America and the Battle of the Books projects. Our focus
for the week will be estimating and exploring the weight of an object using non-standard
measurement units (how many paperclips heavy is a rock?)
Happy Friday!! Highlights of our week! March 19, 2021 - Chesterbrook Academy
Circle time                       Mathematics                      Mathematics
  activity.                         activity.                        activity.
  The students enjoyed              Abigail is identifying and       Aanya is working on solving
  listening to the story “How to    sorting money coins.             each double fact;
  Catch a Leprechaun” written                                        (12+12=____); she created 2
  by Adam Wallace. They                                              groups of 12 bears and
  identi ed the author and the                                       added them together to
  illustrator, the characters in                                     solve the fact. Her double
  the story and then they                                            facts were 0+0-12+12.
  shared their ideas and
  thoughts on how they would
  catch a Leprechaun. They
  dictated their sentences to
  me and I wrote their spoken

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Happy Friday!! Highlights of our week! March 19, 2021 - Chesterbrook Academy
Mathematics                    Language activity.              Language activity.
activity.                      Penelope found the letters in   Ava created her letter Zz
Landon completed a ten         her rst name and added          head crown. She identi ed
frames for the number 15.      them to her tree. She wrote     pictures of things beginning
He used Pom-poms for           her 1st name in proper case     with the sound of z. She
coconuts. Chicka Chicka        letters. She also identi ed     traced and wrote the letter
Boom Boom math activity.       the number of letters in her    Zz.

Language activity.             Creative                        Creative
Aayan cut out shapes for his   Expression.                     Expression.
hat pattern using safety       Aanya created this master       Penelope creative this
scissors.                      piece using multiple colors.    master piece painting of a
                               She called it “Confetti         sunny day.
Happy Friday!! Highlights of our week! March 19, 2021 - Chesterbrook Academy
Circle time                      Math Activity.                    Language activity.
  Language activity.               Landon is identifying and         Abigail created a journal
  Sight words recognition. We      sorting coins.                    writing and drawing about
  identi ed the sight words in                                       the weather. She copied
  the sentences. We looked at                                        short words.
  the pictures on each page
  and read the sentences.

Our New Bulletin Board!
Chicka Chicka Boom Boom! Look at all the activities we engaged in.
Happy Friday!! Highlights of our week! March 19, 2021 - Chesterbrook Academy
The Money Song | Penny, Nickel, Dime, Quarter | Jack Hartmann

Landon sorted the coins.
Happy Friday!! Highlights of our week! March 19, 2021 - Chesterbrook Academy
New bulletin                     Creative                   Math activity
board.                           Expression.                Aanya is sorting the coins.
We identi ed the number of       Aayan is painting at the
letters in our rst name. We      easel.
compared the numbers,
identi ed the name with
more letters, less letters and
the names with equal
number of letters.
Happy Friday!! Highlights of our week! March 19, 2021 - Chesterbrook Academy Happy Friday!! Highlights of our week! March 19, 2021 - Chesterbrook Academy Happy Friday!! Highlights of our week! March 19, 2021 - Chesterbrook Academy Happy Friday!! Highlights of our week! March 19, 2021 - Chesterbrook Academy
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