Habits as Change Levers - Denison Consulting

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Habits as Change Levers - Denison Consulting
Habits as
                                   By Daniel Denison and Levi Nieminen

Lasting changes must be embedded
deeply within the fabric of an organization.
Changes that don’t “stick” won’t improve

                                                                              ver 30 years of scholarship has shown
the performance or effectiveness of an                                        that culture can be either a potential
                                                                              springboard or a potential barrier to
organization. A useful framework for                                change within organizations, and that ultimate-
                                                                    ly, culture is a key driver of business performance
understanding the deeper human and social                           (Sackmann, 2011). Recent advancements in
elements of organization change is the                              practice now allow change professionals to use a
                                                                    well-researched set of tools to diagnose organiza-
organizational culture perspective.                                 tions and to plan interventions to create change.     ➤

                                                                                               VOLUME 37/ISSUE 1 — 2014       23
Habits as Change Levers - Denison Consulting
Embedding Change in                                 chological” in nature. In a practical context,
                                                         this frames the intervention in a way that
                                                                                                             For the individual, habits are both functional
                                                                                                             and, sometimes, problematic. Personal habits
     “the Deep Levels of                                 might either be construed as ‘off limits’ (i.e.,    provide structure and constancy, reduce
                                                         not modifiable) or “off putting” to business        uncertainty, and free up cognitive resources
     Culture”                                            leaders (i.e., generating skepticism or nega-       for a select number of complex tasks. Habits
                                                         tive stereotypes).More importantly, we              can also be dysfunctional, such as when they
     The “iceberg model” is the dominant way of          think it misses an opportunity to address the       are expressed rigidly despite a context mis-
     representing the multiple layers of culture         targets of change that span across these three      match (i.e., mindlessness) or when individuals
     (Schein, 1985).Above the water’s surface,           levels emphasized by the iceberg model.             fail to appropriately switch between auto-
     artifacts are the visible, tangible manifesta-                                                          matic and effortful behavior (Luis & Sutton,
     tions of culture in various attributes of the       The habits and routines that span these three       1991). The powerful effect of personal habits
     physical workplace. Just below the surface,         levels of culture guide much of what happens        has been studied in a wide range of situations,
     espoused values characterize the preferences        within organizations, yet they have received        from healthcare to the workplace and com-
     and aspirations that are shared within the          little attention from organizational scholars       petitive sports (e.g., Grant & Schempp, 2013).
     organization and which contribute to a
     shared sense of identity and meaning. Behav-
     ioral norms and work practices also reside
     at this level, constituting “the way things are
     done around here.” And in the deeper water,
                                                         Organizations, too, have habits and routines (i.e.,
     far below the surface, lie the beliefs and          larger, sequenced bundles of habits) which set them
     assumptions—the underlying mindsets—
     which shape the culture at a fundamental            apart and provide internal structure.
     level and influence its manifestation at all
     other layers. Together, these visible and
     invisible layers comprise the culture of an
     organization (see Exhibit 1).                       and practitioners. It is here, in these “auto-      Habits also appear and are enacted with
                                                         matic” and repetitious behaviors that practi-       consistency among and within groups of
     As a conceptual model, the iceberg creates          tioners can find a powerful point of leverage       people, from families to societies. Organiza-
     an awareness of depth for practitioners, rein-      to affect the change process, deep within           tions, too, have habits and routines (i.e.,
     forcing the idea that much of what drives           organizations.                                      larger, sequenced bundles of habits) which
     behavior in the organization is hidden from                                                             set them apart and provide internal structure
     plain view. This, of course, encourages us all                                                          (Pentland & Feldman, 2003). Habits are
     to look for those deeper factors, making nec-       Habits: Old and New,                                inherently cultural. They reflect all three
     essary a set of diagnostic tools and method-
     ologies that are up to the task. The iceberg
                                                         Good and Bad                                        levels; the underlying assumptions about
                                                                                                             “the way we do things around here,” the
     also focuses the point of change intervention                                                           values that those assumption represent, and
                                                         Drawing on neuroscience, Graybiel (2008)
     at the deepest level, at the layer of underlying                                                        the visible behavior and artifacts that we can
                                                         provides a technical definition of habits as the:
     beliefs and assumptions. According to the                                                               see in action. Functionally, they capture the
     theory, it is this deepest layer that is the most                                                       organization’s specific knowledge that has
                                                            sequential, repetitive, motor, or cog-
     consequential for the organization—this is                                                              been created over time and then translate
                                                            nitive behaviors elicited by external or
     the part of the iceberg that “sinks the ship”—                                                          that knowledge into action in an efficient
                                                            internal triggers that, once released,           way that conserves energy and resources.
     and hence where the most crucial action
                                                            can go to completion without con-                Denison, Hooijberg, Lane, and Lief (2012)
     needs to be focused. Accordingly, change
                                                            stant conscious oversight (p. 361).              developed a useful framework (see Exhibit
     needs to be embedded at this same depth to
     have a lasting impact within the organiza-                                                              2) that puts habits and routines into one of
                                                         Decades of research has shown that habits           four categories based on two aspects: good
                                                         are:                                                or bad and old or new. Each combination
     The iceberg model has had a profound influ-                                                             calls for a different set of possible actions.
     ence on both the academic study of culture          r predominantly acquired through experi-
     and the way in which practitioners affect              ence and interaction with the environment;       Bad, Old Habits: Unlearn and Leave Behind.
     culture change in organizations. This three-        r are repetitious and can become resistant to      Bad habits are “like chains that are too light to
     level model has often been interpreted to              change, such as in addiction;                    feel until they are too heavy to carry,” as War-
     suggest that changes must be targeted at one                                                            ren Buffett said. Often, we are too late to
     of the three different levels. Interventions at     r are performed with little conscious thought      realize how restrictive our old habits have
     the levels of visible behaviors or values are          or effort;                                       become and miss the opportunity to do some-
     sometimes downplayed in favor of the points                                                             t h i ng about t hem. Un lea r n i ng t hese
                                                         r can be elicited by environmental or inter-
     of leverage that exist in “the deeper levels of                                                         well-established habits can be very difficult,
                                                            nal cues; and finally,                           but that is exactly what needs to happen. To
     culture.” Because beliefs and assumptions
     are cognitive, in that they reside in the mind-     r the expression of habits can be behavioral       leave behind bad, old habits, organizations
     sets of people, this suggests the most                 or cognitive, such as in habits of thought       need a clear focus on the areas of consensus
     impactful interventions ought to be “psy-              (Graybiel, 2008).                                about these targets for change. With a clear

focus, organizations can start building prog-
ress and momentum and develop the experience
and conviction to take on bigger challenges.
                                                   Often, we are too late to realize how restrictive our
                                                   old habits have become and miss the opportunity to
Good, Old Habits: Preserve and Strength-
en. In the midst of organizational change,         do something about them. Unlearning these well-
it can be easy to forget to protect those ele-
ment s of t he c u lt u re t h at m ade t he       established habits can be very difficult, but that is
organization great. Some of the old and
well-established habits and routines from
                                                   exactly what needs to happen.
an organization’s past are still essential to
the organization’s success in the future.
They are clearly understood by the organi-
zational members, make up a key part of            Good, New Habits: Invent and Perfect. The            When driving successful changes, leaders
the organization’s mindset, and are closely        opportunity to create new habits might be the        choose the “keystone habits” that can have
linked to other aspects of the organization’s      most exciting part of the culture change pro-        the biggest impact on the organization.
functioning. Therefore, it is vital for orga-      cess. However, creating new habits and               Below are three real case examples that illus-
nizations to clarify the core habits and           routines is difficult, as there are several pieces   trate the role of keystone habits in creating
routines that they need to preserve and            to the puzzle. Mindset, behavior, and systems        successful and sweeping change in organiza-
strengthen.                                        must all change together to reinforce the            tions.
                                                   adaptation process for the organization.
Bad, New Habits: Rethink and Try Again.
During the time of change initiatives, orga-
                                                   Organizations cannot simply change people’s
                                                   mindsets, prescribe a new set of behaviors to        Identifying Keystone
nizations attempt to create various new
habits and routines. However, culture
                                                   follow, or mandate a new system. Instead,
                                                   organizations need to persistently push hard-
                                                                                                        Habits: Three Case
change requires a lot of trial and error. Cre-     er and harder on all three of those levers at        Examples
ating a new set of habits and routines does        once, until signs of success manifest and
not always mean that they are going to work        encourage others to join in to help build the        One of the inspirations for our attempts to
as intended the first time and fit the situation   momentum.                                            understand how organizations identify the
well. The culture of every organization rep-                                                            keystone habits that are the most promising
resents its wisdom accumulated through             Analyzing an organization’s culture as a             targets of intervention comes from Charles
years of experimentation. Enlightened trial-       bundle of habits that fit into these four cat-       Duhigg’s best-selling book, The Power of
and-error is critical when trying to create the    egories serves to focus the discussion on key        Habit (2012). In this book, Duhigg tells the
new habits and routines to transform an            areas of consensus that reveal a targeted and        story of the early days of Paul O’Neill’s term
organization’s culture.                            practical agenda for change.                         as CEO at Alcoa. After a long struggle to find
                                                                                                        some targets for improvement that would be
                                                                                                        supported by both the management and the
   EXHIBIT 1. ICEBERG MODEL OF ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE                                                   workers at Alcoa, O’Neill decided to put his
                                                                                                        emphasis on safety. During a time when
                                                                                                        there was little alignment between manage-
                                                                                                        ment and the workers, this was the area that
                                                                                                        he saw as being most likely to build collabo-
                                                                                                        ration. The organization set the goal of
                                                                                                        having zero injuries, and the main point of
                                                                                                        intervention was that all injuries, world-
                                                                                                        wide, must be reported to the CEO’s office
                                                                                                        within 24 hours. The best way to solve this
                                                                                                        problem, or course, would be to have no
                                                                                                        injuries. Though the goal of zero injuries was
                                                                                                        not achieved, both management and the
                                                                                                        unions learned to move fast with a level of
                                                                                                        transparency that was unprecedented.

                                                                                                        This safety effort took serious commitment
                                                                                                        by everyone involved, but in the end it was
                                                                                                        very effective. The unexpected impact was
                                                                                                        that changing this single set of habits and
                                                                                                        routines concerning the way that the organi-
                                                                                                        zation managed safety incidents created a
                                                                                                        level of transparency that was new to the
                                                                                                        organization. The company discovered that ➤

                                                                                                                         VOLUME 37/ISSUE 1 — 2014        25
it could share information about perfor-
     mance, about best practices, about business             EXHIBIT 2. CHANGING CULTURE BY CHANGING HABITS AND ROUTINES
     opportunities to a much greater degree than
     it had in the past. So, these underlying beliefs                                              Preserve                                 Invent

     about transparency and collaboration spread                                                      &                                       &
     broadly throughout the organization.                                                         Strengthen                                Perfect
     O’Neill credits this process with leading
     Alcoa to a dynamic, new level of perfor-
     mance that lasted for most of the decade.                                                     Unlearn                                  Rethink

                                                                                                      &                                        &
     A second habit change example involves the
                                                                                                 Leave Behind                              Try Again
     Metropolitan Transit Authority (MTA) of
     New York City, which manages all public
     transportation in and out of the city. This
     includes a high-volume subway system,                                                            Old                                    New
     which carries an average of 5.4 million pas-
     sengers per day (1.6 billion per year)!
     Servicing the 820 miles of track comprising
     the subway system is a major and ongoing
     task, one of several maintenance functions         small strategic and operating feat, but at the               a deeper appreciation and understanding of
     that are crucial to keeping the trains moving      core, the MTA achieved a shift in one fairly                 the specific needs of multiple end users,
     and the people on them safe. In the past, all      simple keystone habit: they can stop the                     including the patients, the doctors and nurs-
     maintenance to the tracks was done on the          trains.                                                      es, and the hospitals and insurers. Over time,
     weekends, late at night when the train vol-                                                                     this keystone habit did help to restore qual-
     ume was lowest. With the crews repairing           A final example involves GE Healthcare Chi-                  it y and customer reputation. It also
     the tracks in the short windows between                                                                         broadened the role and skill set of the engi-
                                                        na.1 GE entered an emerging Chinese market
     oncoming trains, the maintenance work was                                                                       neers and became a focal point for talent
                                                        in the early 1990s. In the decade that fol-
     slow, expensive, and quite dangerous. How-                                                                      recruitment and retention. Moreover, it
                                                        lowed, GE expanded its anesthesia business
     ever, the old strategy was deeply engrained                                                                     opened up new insights and new product
                                                        through the acquisition of two companies,
     in one of the MTA’s strong points of pride:                                                                     innovations, and by 2010, one of these new
                                                        Datex-Ohmeda and Zymed, both of which
     keeping the trains moving, no matter what                                                                       products was shipping to emerging markets
                                                        were strong global brands with a presence in
     and at all costs! The keystone habit in this                                                                    all over the world!
                                                        China. Zymed became the center-point of a
     case directly challenged this point.
                                                        new and growing business, Clinical Systems
                                                        Wuxi (CSW) in Wuxi, China. CSW was                           From these case examples we can begin to
     In 2010, the subway system experienced a                                                                        learn some useful principles for targeting key-
                                                        responsible for the design, engineering, and
     number of high-profile safety incidents, cul-                                                                   stone habits as high impact areas of action.
                                                        production of anesthesia equipment. The
     minating in a worker fatality in April and                                                                      Below, we outline three principles for change
     then a blizzard in December that left some         rapid growth of this business exposed
                                                        increasing weaknesses in quality and declin-                 management professionals to consider.
     passengers stranded in train cars for over 12
     hours without food, water, or heat. Follow-        ing customer reputation, eventually resulting
     ing these incidents, an unprecedented              in the business halting distribution of prod-                Principles for
                                                        ucts for a period of time.
     decision was made to stop the trains. The
     president of the Department of Subways,
                                                                                                                     Intervening on
     Carmen Bianco, architected a program               In 2007, a new general manager was appoint-                  Keystone Habits
     called FastTrack to identify and shut down         ed, Matti Lehtonen. It was clear to Lehtonen
     whole sections of track for maintenance            that restoring quality and customer service                     Principle 1: The diagnostic process
     beginning at 10 p.m. and reopening the fol-        should be the top strategic priorities moving                   should differentiate keystone habits
     lowing day at 5 a.m. For the first time, this      forward. Lehtonen and his senior team                           from ordinary habits by looking for
     allowed service workers uninterrupted              implemented a simple yet extremely power-                       impact and interconnectedness.
     access to the tracks, signals, cables, and         ful intervention by requiring their engineers
     other rail components. Initially, the public       to visit operating rooms and witness their                   Like most change efforts, the process begins
     reaction was a widespread outcry. Subway           anesthesia equipment being used in live sur-                 with diagnosis. The cascading effect seen in
     passengers, like MTA workers, were unac-           gical procedures. In this case, a single                     Alcoa was described by Duhigg as seren-
     customed to any interruption to service.           habit—sending people out to where the cus-                   dipitous, but acting intentionally to modify
     Over time, however, the sweeping, positive         tomers are—had a profound set of cascading                   or build keystone habits calls for a reliable
     effects were staggering! FastTrack improved        effects. Seeing the equipment in use added                   diagnostic process that pays attention to the
     productivity, saved money (estimated sav-          new meaning and clarity about the purpose                    right factors. Practitioners need to develop
     ings of $16.7 million in 2012), cut accident       of the work and provided the engineers with                  the skills (and methodologies) to identify
     rates nearly in half, and increased train reli-                                                                 and distinguish keystone habits from ordi-
     abilit y by nearly 5%. T he successful             1
                                                            For more on this case, see Denison, Hooijberg, Lane, &   nary habits. Each of the case examples above
     implementation of this program was no                  Lief (2012).                                             highlights two interrelated factors that can

Graybiel, A. M. (2008). Habits, rituals, and
                                                                                                         the evaluative brain. Annual Review of Neu-
New habits are unlikely to take hold in organizations                                                    roscience, 31, 359-387.
without diligent and concerted efforts for socializing
                                                                                                         Louis, M. R., & Sutton, R. I. (1991). Switch-
and embedding them.                                                                                      ing cognitive gears: From habits of mind to
                                                                                                         active thinking. Human Relations, 44, 55-76.

help to focus the diagnostic process: key-            efforts for socializing and embedding them.        Feldman, M. S., & Pentland, B. T. (2003).
stone habits are linked to the organization’s         We think that finding ways to reinforce key-
                                                                                                         Reconceptualizing organizational routines
effectiveness (impact), and keystone habits           stone habits and make their performance
                                                      rituals within the organization is an important    as a source of flexibility and change. Admin-
are tightly interwoven with other habits,
routines, and processes in the organization           part of the solution, so that the desired behav-   istrative Science Quarterly, 48, 94-118.
(interconnectedness). This means that                 iors take on greater symbolic and psychological
intervening on keystone habits is likely to           meaning over time. The meaning of rituals is       Mallidou, A. A., Cummings, G. G., Schalm,
have a cascading effect, so that change               often created and reinforced through storytell-    C., Estabrooks, C. A. (2012). Health care aides
started in one place leads to many other              ing and celebrations, or as Durkheim               use of time in a residential long-term care unit:
changes in many other places. For example,            suggested, through the communication of
                                                                                                         A time and motion study. International Jour-
the act of eating together strengthens the            social norms that distinguish the “sacred from
                                                      the profane” (as cited by Boyce, Jensen, James,    nal of Nursing Studies, 50, 1229-1239.
social bonds within the family but also
aligns a number of the habits and routines            & Peacock, 1983). These are opportunities for
leading up to and following the mealtime.             the organization, often leaders, to clarify the    Sackmann, S. A. (2011). Culture and perfor-
                                                      value of the new, good habits and the need to      mance. In N. Ashkanasy, C. Wilderom, & M.
    Principle 2: Keep the scope of inter-             extinguish the bad, old ones.                      Peterson (Eds.), The handbook of organiza-
    vention small by tapping into the                                                                    tional culture and climate, 2nd ed., 188-224.
    right habit(s) and affecting scalabil-
    ity through the repetition of this
                                                      Conclusion                                         Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
                                                      Viewing organizational cultures as bundles         Schein, E. (1985). Organizational culture and
                                                      of habits and routines, we believe that “key-      leadership. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass
When it comes to intervening on keystone
                                                      stone habits” in particular can serve as
habits, the “scalability” of impact is hardly
                                                      powerful leverage points for change manage-
determined by the size or scope of the inter-
                                                      ment professionals seeking to embed their
vention. Habits are repetitious. Some are                                                                     Daniel Denison is Professor of
                                                      work deep within organizations. Daunting as
repeated on a daily or weekly basis and oth-                                                                  Organization and Management
                                                      culture diagnosis and intervention may be,
ers moment to moment. This is a powerful                                                                      at the International Institute
                                                      focusing on small habits with big implications
reminder that the best interventions will                                                                     for Management Development
                                                      might be the best place to start and a great
stay focused and tap into the right habits                                                                    (IMD) in Lausanne, Switzerland
                                                      way to ensure that the change does far more
rather than attempting to “boil the ocean.”                                                                   and Chairman of Denison Con-
                                                      than scratch the surface.
As one example of a small habit with large                                                                    sulting. Since receiving his Ph.D.
i mpl ic at ion s , M a l l idou , C u m m i ng s ,                                                           in Organizational Psychology
Schalm, and Estabrooks (2012) found that              References                                              from the University of Michigan,
minor interruptions in nurses’ interactions                                                                   Dr. Denison has authored numer-
with patients, such as when called to assist          Boyce, W. T., Jensen, E. W., James, S. A., &            ous books and journal articles
another patient or staff member, have a               Peacock, J. L. (1983). The family routines              describing his research and con-
significant deleterious effect on patient care        inventory: Theoretical origins. Social Sci-             sulting linking organizational
and health outcomes. A simple but power-              ence and Medicine, 17, 193-200.                         culture to bottom-line business
ful intervention in this context could                                                                        performance.
redefine the keystone habit as “staying with          Denison, D., Hooijberg, R., Lane, N., Lief,
your patient to completion of each interac-           C. (2012). Leading culture change in global             Levi Nieminen is the director of
tion.” Of course, this might also require             organizations: Aligning culture and strate-             the Research & Development
unlearning some bad old habits, such as               gy. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.                     group at Denison Consulting in
responding to all requests, even the minor                                                                    Ann Arbor, Michigan. He com-
and nonessential ones.                                Duhigg, C. (2012). The power of habit: Why              pleted his doctorate in Industrial
                                                      we do what we do in life and business. New              and Organizational Psychology
    Principle 3: Use storytelling and                 York: Random House.                                     from Wayne State University. His
    celebration to “ritualize” the perfor-                                                                    research focuses on the intersec-
    mance of keystone habits.                         Grant, M. A., Schempp, P. G. (2013). Analy-             tion of organizational culture and
                                                      sis and description of Olympic gold medalists’          leadership as interrelated drivers
New habits are unlikely to take hold in orga-         competition-day routines. The Sport Psy-                of organizational effectiveness.
nizations without diligent and concerted              chologist, 27, 156-170.

                                                                                                                           VOLUME 37/ISSUE 1 — 2014          27
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