Guide to The marine life of Bahia Honda

Page created by Tammy Harris
Guide to The marine life of Bahia Honda
Guide to
                                                   The marine life
                                                   of Bahia Honda

 Written and illustrated by:
 Monay Markey, Park Services specialist
 sharon buck, park volunteer              Bah
       Snorkeling                         Honda State Park has some interesting areas for snorkeling.
                                          SCUBA diving is also permitted but is not recommended because
                                          the waters around Bahia Honda are fairly shallow. Soft coral,
Guide to The marine life of Bahia Honda
sponges and small coral heads can be found just offshore on
the Atlantic side of the island. This area also contains rocky
holes where tropical fish, spiny lobster and stone crabs can
be found.

Before snorkeling or diving, there are a few guidelines you
should follow:

 „ Never snorkel or dive without a Diver Down flag displayed. This
     flag is required by state law. Its purpose is to make boaters in the
     area aware that divers or snorkelers are in the water. Diver Down
     flags and snorkeling equipment can be purchased or rented at the
     park’s dive shop.

 „ Never touch any marine life while snorkeling or diving. Marine life
     can be harmed by just a touch. It can also be harmful to you! Stay
     clear of the yellow stingray, Portuguese man-of-war, fireworm and
     long-spined sea urchin.

 „ Often along the shallow rocky bottoms you may see large holes.
     Never stick your hands down inside these, as they are likely the
     home of some fairly disagreeable characters. Fish with poisonous
     barbs such as scorpion fish; morays and octopus with unfriendly
     bites; or crabs with large pinching claws are likely inhabitants.

 „ Collection of live shells, marine life and plants is prohibited. Take
     only photos, leave only bubbles.

 „ Spiny lobster or stone crab claws can be taken if all laws concerning
     their harvesting are obeyed.

 „ Snorkeling and SCUBA diving is prohibited in the following areas:
        • Marinas and associated channels
        • Borrow pit on the bayside in front of the cabins

 „ Caution should be exercised when snorkeling or diving near the
     Bahia Honda Channel. The current in this area can be very strong.
Guide to The marine life of Bahia Honda
Queen Conch                                  Seagrass Meadows
Strombus gigas                               Seagrass are true flowering plants, not algae. Three common species
This very famous pink and tan snail has      found in our waters are the flat-bladed turtle-grass, the round bladed
been over collected because of its           manatee-grass and the narrow-bladed shoal-grass. These underwater
beautiful shell and tasty meat. They are     plants carry out photosynthesis just as land plants do – this process
protected in Florida so collecting is        releases oxygen into the water in the form of visible bubbles. Seagrass
prohibited. Most of the conch that is        benefit the coral reefs by trapping suspended sediments, helping to
served in restaurants is imported from       keep the water clear. They also cycle nutrients and are an important
other countries that farm raise it. Conch    feeding ground for many organisms such as shrimp and small fish.
is served throughout the Keys in soups,
fritters, “cracked” and many other           When you snorkel above the seagrass beds off Bahia Honda, you are
delicious ways.                              floating above the home of hundreds of marine plants and animals.
                                             The seagrass beds act as the intermediate habitat between the
Florida Horse Conch                          mangroves and the coral reefs. Some organisms migrate between the
Pleuroploca gigantea                         mangroves and the coral reefs on a seasonal or daily cycle. Seagrass
This giant snail (19 inches) is not          beds also serve as intermediate habitat for larger species that move
actually a true conch but related to tulip   out to the reef when they mature.
snails. It is a voracious carnivore that
feeds on other snails such as the Queen      Hardbottom Communities
Conch. The inside of the shell is orange     Hardbottom communities are found on the Atlantic Ocean side of
in color. The horse conch is the state       Bahia Honda inside the reef proper. The hardbottom community
shell of Florida.                            consists of Key Largo limestone substrate with little or no sediment.
                                             Hardbottom communities are dominated by algal species such as
Briar Octopus                                shaving brush algae, oatmeal algae and feather algae. A combination
Octopus briareus                             of species of hard and soft corals are also found in the hardbottom
Octopods are very curious and                community including finger coral, golfball coral, sea blade and sea rod.
intelligent creatures. If left alone they    Coral may be found growing wherever the hard substrate sticks up
are harmless. Never try to pick one up;      and gives it a place to anchor. There are also rocky holes that are
it has a beak underneath its body that       particularly attractive to stone crabs, spiny lobster and tropical fish.
injects venom. It uses this venom to
immobilize its favorite food, crabs. The     Unconsolidated Substrate (sandy bottom) Communities
octopus is related to snails.                The unconsolidated substrate consists mainly of unvegetated, loose
                                             sand. At Bahia Honda, this habitat surrounds most of the island and
Hawksbill turtle                             grades into the seagrass beds. It is an important habitat because a
Eretmochelys imbricate                       number of burrowing organisms live hidden beneath the sand. Many
If you are very lucky you may see one of     fish species can be found here too, particularly where it occurs
these beautiful sea turtles foraging for     adjacent to the mangroves.
food in the hardbottom community. They
grow to about 100 pounds and have a
hooked beak-like upper jaw.
Guide to The marine life of Bahia Honda
Beaugregory                                 Yellow Stingray
Pomacentrus leucostictus                    Urolophus jamaicensis
This bright blue and yellow fish grows      Though small, no wider than about
to about 4 inches. It is very territorial   14”, this ray can inflict extreme pain
carefully guarding its patch of algae,      from its spine if stepped on or
and will nip at you if you get too close.   carelessly handled. It is disc shaped
                                            and tan in color with darker mottling.
Sergeant Major
Abudefduf saxatilis                         Spotted Moray
A small fish about 4-6 inches long that     Gymnothorax moringa
has 5 black body bars. It will often        These morays reach a maximum
approach divers.                            length of 4 feet and are usually
                                            hiding during the day in holes under
Gray Angelfish                              coral or in rocks. They extend their
Pomacanthus arcuatus                        head out of their hole and continually
These curious fish are often seen in        open and close their mouth to
pairs. They are relatively unafraid and     breathe; this is not a threat.
often come close to divers. Size can
range from 10-24 inches.                    Seahorse
                                            Hippocampus erectus
Great Barracuda                             This master of disguise lives in the
Sphyraena barracuda                         shallow sea grass meadows. Its
Ultimate predator, commonly up to 4’        flexible tail is used to hold onto a
in length, but may reach 6’. It’s often     blade of marine growth. When passing
seen cruising around turtle grass           over sea grass beds you should look
beds. It is usually not considered a        carefully or you may not see the many
danger to humans.                           interesting creatures that live there.

Hogfish                                     Spotted Sea Hare
Lachnolaimus maximus                        Aplysia dactylomela
Named for its pig-like snout, this fish     This sea slug has an olive drab body
can change colors to match its              covered with black ring-like spots. It
surroundings. It can also be identified     emits a purple cloud of mucus if
by its three long dorsal fin spines.        disturbed. Has an internal shell.
They may reach a length of 3 feet.
                                            Hawkwing Conch
Highhat                                     Strombus raninus
Equetus acuminatus                          This is a smaller conch (5”) and is an
This fish likes to hide under rocks and     herbivore. It is found in the seagrass
sponges. It is white with several           beds or hardbottom communities. Its
horizontal black stripes and has and        shell is very well camouflaged with
extremely long dorsal fin.                  sediment and plant growth.
Guide to The marine life of Bahia Honda
Horseshoe Crab                           Honeycomb Cowfish
Limulus polyphemus                       Lactophrys polygonia
Fossils of these creatures reveal they   This strange looking fish grows to
have been around for over 350 million    about 18 inches. Projecting from just
years and are considered to be “living   above the eyes are horn-like spines. If
fossils.” Although called a crab, they   stressed it secretes a toxic substance
are actually related to spiders.         that can kill other fish.

Loggerhead Sponge                        Redfin Needlefish
Spheciospongia vesparium                 Strongylura notata
This is a cake-shaped, large (up to      Up to 3’, this skinny fish has a long
40”) gray sponge with a cluster of       beak studded with many sharp teeth.
black holes in the top center. Sponges
filter large quantities of water daily   Balloonfish Diodon holocanthus
and provide homes for a number of        This olive colored fish has long spines
small fish and crustaceans.              on its head, small brown spots on its
Loggerhead sponges provide critical      body but no spots on its fins or tail. It
habitat for juvenile spiny lobster.      can be found resting on the bottom. If
                                         it feels threatened it will draw water
Fire Sponge                              into its belly and inflate itself three
Tedania ignis                            times its normal size. Its strong beak-
This sponge forms a red crust on         like mouth allows it to crush, and eat
walls, rocks and dead corals. It can     hard shell invertebrates.
cause a rash and pain if touched.
                                         Nurse Shark
Vase Sponge                              Ginglymostoma cirratum
Ircinia campana                          You will often see this shark lying
Also known as Robinson Crusoe Hat,       under coral heads or rock ledges. They
this vase-shaped brown sponge is         have two barbells on their upper lip
found in turtle grass beds. Many         and a small mouth. Because of special
times snapping shrimp live within the    adaptations in their gills, they can
vase sponge and can be heard when        breathe while staying still, a
one gets close to the sponge.            characteristic that makes people think
                                         they are tame.
Tubed Sponge
Callyspongia vaginalis                   Spotted Scorpionfish
This lavender or gray sponge grows in    Scorpaena plumieri
clusters in shallow water. The outer     This well camouflaged fish can
walls of the tube are rough. Another     cause great pain from its spines if
name for this sponge is Branching        touched or stepped on. It likes to
Vase Sponge and it is often found        hide in rock holes or rests on the
washed up on the shore.                  bottom ready to ambush it’s prey.
Guide to The marine life of Bahia Honda
Moon Jelly                                Slimy Sea Feather
Aurelia aurita                            Pseudopterogorgia americana
Round with a transparent bluish-pink      Colonies of these can grow to 6 feet,
body, their reproductive tissues are      bluish gray in color. Covered in a
arranged in a four-leaf clover pattern.   slimy protective mucous.
These jellies can cause a mild sting in
or out of the water and are often seen    Blue Crab
washed up on the beach in spring.         Callinectes sapidus
                                          Found in seagrass meadows and
Sea Walnut (Comb Jelly)                   sandy bottom communities. It has a
Mnemiopsis maccadyi                       blue-gray body and bright blue claws
Comb jellyfish are not actually           tipped with red.
jellyfish and are the most primitive
animals to have a digestive tract. This   Spiny Lobster
transparent, pear-shaped blob propels     Panulirus argus
itself by moving rows of microscopic      Unlike the Maine lobster, Florida
cilia called combs. They are about 4      lobsters have no claws, they are
inches in length and iridescent.          protected by sharp spines instead.
                                          They vibrate the base of their long
Portuguese Man-Of-War                     antennae to produce an audible
Physalia physalius                        warning sound. Hide in rock crevices
A common drift species, it has a          and come out at night to feed.
bluish-pink float which supports a
diverse colony of polyps. Stinging        Stone Crab
tentacles located on the underside        Menippe mercenaria
of the float can be up to 30 feet         This is a large, thick shelled crab with
long and inflict a severe sting. See      black tipped claws, often found hiding
most often when winds are                 in mud or rock holes. It is the favorite
southeasterly. They can still sting       eating crab of the Keys and both it and
when washed ashore.                       spiny lobsters are caught
                                          commercially in traps.
Bubble Algae
Ventricaria ventricosa                    Marine Hermit Crab
Green plants that look like large glass   (Order Decapoda)
marbles or small balloons with a          Hermit crabs do not produce their own
reflective coating. These thin-walled     shell. As they grow, they must move
algae are composed of one cell – one of   into a larger shell. This is one of the
the largest cells known. They attach      reasons we don’t encourage visitors to
to the substrate by minute hair-like      collect sea shells. Some large species
appendages called rhizoids.               of hermit crabs use discarded queen
                                          conch shells.
Golfball Coral                            Disk Algae
Favia fragum                              Halimeda opuntia
Small coral that may encrust on rocks     This common oatmeal algae forms
or form golf ball-sized pebbles. Made     dense green colonies that cover the
up of tiny creatures called polyps that   bottom in patches. This calcareous
filter nutrients from the water.          algae disintegrates into sand after it
Harmed when touched.                      dies. All species of calcareous algae
                                          contribute to the submerged sediment
Common Rose Coral                         and washes ashore as beach sand at
Manicina areolata                         Bahia Honda.
Pale yellow, pink or green in color.
Undulating (rolling) edge is where the    Merman’s Shaving Brush Algae
polyps live. Usually found in turtle      Penicillus capitatus
grass beds. Harmed when touched.          Resembles a green colored old-
                                          fashioned shaving brush. Common in
Thick Finger Coral                        shallow lagoons or bays with mud,
Porites porites                           turtle grass or sand bottoms. Grows
Greenish-tan coral forms smooth           in beds or individually and is a
clumps in sandy, grassy or rocky          calcareous algae.
areas. Branches are enlarged at the
ends. Harmed when touched.                Mermaid Cup Algae
                                          Acetabularia calyculus
Encrusting Fire Coral                     Small green algae with parasol-like
Millepora alcicornis                      or cup shaped discs on slender stalks.
This coral forms yellowish-orange         These one-celled organisms are
branching colonies, often with whiter     common in shallow areas and may
tips. Painful if touched, can cause       occur in clusters or solitary.
welts. This is not a true coral.
                                          Feather Algae
Corky Sea Fingers                         Caulerpa sertularioides
Briareum asbestinum                       Long, erect featherlike blades make
This soft coral forms colonies of         this a beautiful algae. These plants
purple, finger-like rods. When polyps     prefer shallow, sandy areas or
are extended, they appear soft and        mangrove roots.
fuzzy. This is true of all corals.
                                          Cushion Sea Star
Sea Rod                                   Oreaster reticulatus
Plexaura flexuosa                         Huge sea star, up to 20” across, found
Finger-like colonies usually oriented     on sand bottoms. It moves across the
in a single plane-overall smooth          seabed on thick, tubed feet. Adults
appearance. Brown to purple in color.     are orange or pale yellow and
                                          juveniles are green.
Brittle Stars                              West Indian Sea Egg
(Class Ophiuroidea)                        Tripneustes ventricosus
These starfish have long, flexible arms    It has short, white spines on a dark
and the ability to hide in any small       test; most common urchin of the turtle
space. This makes them rather hard to      grass beds. Spines are not harmful.
spot. They feed on a wide variety of
food, from bacteria to tiny fish.          Sea Biscuit
                                           Clypeaster rosaceus
Sea Cucumber                               This large, thick, short-spined
Holothuria mexicana                        echinoderm looks very much like a
This sea cucumber is a large (16”),        puffed-up rounded sand dollar. When
lumpish, warty creature of the turtle      living, it is covered with short black
grass beds. It feeds on bottom             bristles. It is hard to see on the bottom
sediment, digests the nutrients and        since it often covers itself with
excretes the leftover sand. If disturbed   seagrass, shells and other debris to
it will expel its digestive organs and     hide from predators.
then burrow in the sand to hide until
they re-grow.                              Pink Tipped Anemone
                                           Condylactis gigantea
Pencil Urchin                              Variable in color, this beautiful
Eucidaris tribuloides                      creature is often seen with pink or
This unique urchin has short, thick,       purple-tipped white tentacles set on
blunt-tipped, relatively sparse spines.    an orange column. Uses sticky
The spines may be fuzzy from an algae      tentacles to capture prey, it can be
coating. Usually seen hiding under         up to 12” wide. Prefers rocky areas.
rocks or in crevices.
Long-spined Urchin                         Hermodice carunculata
Diadema antillarum                         This is a large reddish colored
Needle-like black spines are long, 12”     worm, (up to 12”) with bushy red
or more and are poisonous. It feeds at     and white bristles along the sides of
night on algae and turtle grass. Hides     its body. The bristles or (setae) are
in crevices and is important to the        barbed and harmful when touched.
coral reef ecosystem. Don’t touch!
                                           Spaghetti Worm
Red Rock Urchin                            Eupolymnia crassicornis
Echinometra lucunter                       It is common in the seagrass and
This common urchin is up to 3” across      hardbottom communities where it
and has red to black spines. It is found   burrows into the sediment. It then
hiding in rock crevices in hardbottom      stretches its numerous slender white
communities.                               tentacles out to catch food.
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