GUIDE Official EVENT - BACK IN - Oil Sands Conference & Trade Show

Page created by Tyrone Beck
GUIDE Official EVENT - BACK IN - Oil Sands Conference & Trade Show

BACK IN        September 15 & 16, 2021
BUSINESS       Suncor Community Leisure Centre
               Fort McMurray, Alberta
Face to Face
GUIDE Official EVENT - BACK IN - Oil Sands Conference & Trade Show

Finning is proud to sponsor the Oilsands Conference and Trade Show.

                              1-888-Finning |
GUIDE Official EVENT - BACK IN - Oil Sands Conference & Trade Show

WELCOME FROM THE PREMIER....................................... 4
                                                                                                            Exhibition Hours
                                                                                                            Wednesday, September 15
EVENT SCHEDULE........................................................................5                     12:00 pm – 6:00 pm

                                                                                                            Thursday, September 16
SPONSORS & PARTNERS..........................................................7                              11:00 am – 4:00 pm

BUSINESS CONFERENCE........................................................ 8
                                                                                                            Share Your Show
TECHNICAL WORKSHOPS.....................................................10

TECHTALKS....................................................................................... 12

EVENTS................................................................................................ 13

OVERVIEW MAP........................................................................... 15

                                                                                                            Produced by:
FLOOR PLANS......................................................................... 16-18

EXHIBITOR LISTINGS..........................................................19-29

EXHIBITOR INDEX.......................................................................30

Copyright 2021. The Oil Sands Conference & Trade Show
Off icial Event Guide is published by EventWorx Corporation.
All rights reserved. Reproductions in whole or in part
without prior written permission are prohibited.
Address correspondence to: EventWorx Corporation:
Suite 100-342, 111 - 5 Avenue SW, Calgary, AB, T3P 3Y6.

GUIDE Official EVENT - BACK IN - Oil Sands Conference & Trade Show
On behalf of the Government of Alberta, it is my pleasure to welcome everyone to
the 2021 Oil Sands Conference & Trade Show.

Alberta’s core oil and gas industries are critical to our economy, and to the
transformation to a lower-carbon future. I’m proud that many of our province’s
successes in technology are a result of leading innovation in our energy sector—
advances that are helping us address climate change at home while making a global
impact through technologies that will help other countries reduce their emissions as
well. Technology Changes Everything, and this is the place to find out how.

Thank you to the organizers, sponsors, and volunteers who have worked hard to
make this conference and trade show possible. I hope everyone enjoys the
opportunity to network and learn together.

Best wishes for a successful event.

Hon Jason Kenney, Premier of Alberta
GUIDE Official EVENT - BACK IN - Oil Sands Conference & Trade Show

 Tuesday,                                        Wednesday,                                                    Thursday,
 September 14                                    September 15                                                  September 16

 12:30 pm – 7:00 pm                              12:00 pm – 6:00 pm                                            11:00 pm – 4:00 pm
 Oil Sands Charity Golf Classic                  Trade Show                                                    Trade Show
 Miskanaw Golf Club                              FREE                                                          FREE
 (For 2022, book early to get                    12:00 pm - 5:00 pm                                            12:00 pm - 2:00 pm
 your team in!)                                  TechTalks                                                     TechTalks
                                                 Hall A - Booth 1125                                           Hall A - Booth 1125
 Presented by:
                                                 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm                                             12:00 pm – 2:00 pm
                                                 Business Conference                                           Business Conference
                                                 Main Stage                                                    Main Stage
                                                 Presented by:                                                 Presented by:
                                                 FREE                                                          FREE
                                                                    Connecting People. Powering Communities.                  Connecting People. Powering Communities.

                                                 12:00 pm – 4:00 pm                                            11:00 am – 4:00 pm
                                                 Technical Workshops                                           Technical Workshops
                                                 Show Floor                                                    Show Floor
                                                 Sponsored by:                                                 Sponsored by:

                                                 12:00 pm – 6:00 pm                                            2:00 pm – 3:00 pm
                                                 TechTalks                                                     Celebrity Keynote with
                                                 Show Floor                                                    Brent Butt
     We recommend:                               FREE                                                          Main Stage
                                                                                                               Presented by:
     • wearing a face mask                                                                                     FREE
     • practicing social
                                                                                                               2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
       distancing                                                                                              Industry Networking Reception
     • sanitizing hands often                                                                                  Show Floor

* Program subject to change. All fees do not include taxes
Please visit oilsandstradeshowcom for full biographies of all speakers and programs.

GUIDE Official EVENT - BACK IN - Oil Sands Conference & Trade Show

                                                  Oil field professionals know pipe with relatively
                                                  thin walls is seldom perfectly round. Wachs
                                                  Canada’s DynaPrep MDSF pipe cutting and
                                                  beveling tool uses advanced out of round tracking
                                                  tools slides to counter this condition. With a
                                                  tracking wheel that rides the outside contour of
                                                  the pipe, it speeds setup and creates a perfect
                                                  weld prep with a uniform bevel and land, including
                                                  difficult to machine J preps.
                                                  Wachs DynaPrep MDSF is the centerpiece of a
                                                  complete field machining system that includes:
                                                  • Portable field machine tools designed to cut,
                                                    bevel, counterboring and flange facing
                                                  • OD mount split frames for diameters ranging
                                                    from .5 – 120 inch (13 – 3048mm)
                                                  • ID mounted end prep machines including the
                                                    EP 424 with SpeedPrep autofeed
                                                  • Machines available for purchase or rent with
                                                    pneumatic, hydraulic or electric drive
                                                  For additional information contact your
                                                  Wachs Canada representative, or visit us at
DynaPrep MDSF Pipeline Kit              

 Eastern Canada Sales, Service & Rental Center     Western Canada Sales, Service & Rental Center
       1250 Journey’s End Circle, Unit 5                         5411 82 Ave NW
         Newmarket, Ontario L3Y 0B9                         Edmonton, Alberta T6B 2J6
              +1.905.830.8888                                   +1.780.469.6402
GUIDE Official EVENT - BACK IN - Oil Sands Conference & Trade Show


                Connecting People. Powering Communities.





                        * As of August 20, 2021. Program subject to change.

GUIDE Official EVENT - BACK IN - Oil Sands Conference & Trade Show

Presented by:                                                                                         FREE TO ATTEND
                 Connecting People. Powering Communities.

Wednesday, September 15
12:00 – 4:00 pm

    Welcoming Remarks                                                  Keynote Presentation

    Kevin Weidlich - President & CEO                                   Honourable Jason Kenney - Premier
    Fort McMurray Wood Buffalo Economic                                Government of Alberta
    Development & Tourism
                                                                       12:30 pm
    12:15 pm

    Technical Advancements at                                          Innovation and the Future
    Canadian Natural Resources                                         of Oil Sands in Alberta

    Joy Romero - Vice President, Technology & Innovation               Wes Jickling - CEO
    Canadian Natural Resources Limited                                 Canadian Oil Sands Industry Alliance
    1:30 pm                                                            2:30 pm

    INDUSTRY PANEL: Oil Sands Companies – Technologies Targeting
    Net Zero Emissions

    MODERATOR: Steve MacDonald - President and CEO                                                                  Presented by:
    Emission Reductions Alberta
    3:30 pm

                  Joy Romero - CEO                          Wes Jickling - CEO         Alan Reid - Executive Vice President
                  CRIN                                      COSIA                      Stakeholder Engagement & Member of
                                                                                       Oil Sands Pathways to Net Zero

                Visit the website for complete
                  presentation descriptions.

                                                                                      * As of August 20, 2021. Program subject to change.

GUIDE Official EVENT - BACK IN - Oil Sands Conference & Trade Show

Thursday, September 16                                                                                    FREE TO ATTEND
12:00 – 2:00 pm

 Oil Sands in the Global Energy Puzzle

 Scott Norlin - Research Analyst, Upstream Canada - Wood Mackenzie
 12:00 pm

 INDUSTRY PANEL: Oil Sands Community Alliance’s Workforce Trends in the Oil Sands

 MODERATOR: Perry Berkenpas - Executive Director - Oil Sands Community Alliance
 12:30 pm

              George Mitsopoulos -           Gordon Wong - Senior              Natalie Castro-Gentili -           Ryan Coish - VP
              General Manager                Director, Indigenous              Human Resources                    Business Development
              CNOOC Intl,                    Relations                         Manager                            Fort McMurray First
              Long Lake Facility             Imperial Oil                      Acden Holdings                     Nation Group of

                                                        Offering The Most Hotel Rooms
                                                           In Fort McMurray, Alberta
                                                       We have 800 rooms in seven hotels in Fort McMurray. Choose the one
                                                      that suits you best. The Fort McMurray Hotel Group offers the most hotel
                                                     room options in Fort McMurray. Close to local attractions, restaurants and
                                                      shopping, choose from studio to two-bedroom fully furnished suites with
                                                         kitchenette, washer and dryer. Perfect for a short or extended stay.

                                                          Behind our doors there’s always a warm welcome
                                                                       Reservations: 1-866-650-FORT (3678)

GUIDE Official EVENT - BACK IN - Oil Sands Conference & Trade Show

Wednesday, September 15                                                                                                 FREE TO ATTEND
Hall A (Booth 1001)
                                                                                                                    Sponsored by

     Bitumen Beyond Combustion

     Bryan Helfenbaum, Executive Director of
     Advanced Hydrocarbons - Alberta Innovates
                                                                                     Hydrochemolytic™ Processing at Low
     12:20 pm - 12:50 pm                                                             Temperatures: A New Way of Processing
     Ed Brost, Managing Director - Carbovate                                         Bitumen and Heavy Oils
     Development Corporation and Director - Bowman
     Centre For Sustainable Energy                                                   Ofer Vicus, CEO - Aduro Clean Technologies
     12:55 pm - 1:40 pm                                                              1:45 pm

     Risk Based Work Selection                                                       Maintenance Improvement – Focus
                                                                                     on all the Drivers of Value
     Clayton Smith, Maintenance Division Manager - Becht
     2:10 pm                                                                         Charles Maier, Senior Turnaround/Maintenance Advisor - Becht
                                                                                     2:35 pm

     Intelligent Visual Monitoring for                                               Integrating Project Work into Turnarounds;
     Industrial Operations                                                           The Project Team Might not be the Villain

     Brent Ness, Director of Operations/Safety Officer - Osperity Inc.               Frank Engli, Senior Advisor - Becht Canada
     3:00 pm                                                                         3:25 pm

     PANEL DISCUSSION: Contractor Management Effectiveness: The Road to Hell is Paved with Good Intentions

     Kessie Stevens, Partner - Artis Solutions and Rob Stewart, Partner, Artis Solutions
     3:55 pm

Thursday, September 16
Hall A (Booth 1001)
     Direct Contact Steam Generation Technology                                      Carbon Capture in Oilsands Production
     Developed to Clean Tailings Ponds & Produce                                     and Upgrading
     Clean Steam
                                                                                     Jon Isley P.Eng, Senior Director of Process Technology -
     Brianna Hataley, Research Engineer - Natural Resources Canada                   Fluor Canada

     11:35 am                                                                        12:00 pm

     Bitumen Froth Treatment with Modified                                           Deploying AI based Intelligent Soft
     Solvent for Improved Recovery and                                               Sensors in SAGD Operations
     Product Quality
                                                                                     Amardeep Sibia, CEO - Drishya AI Labs
     Evgeniya (Jenny) Hristova, Research Scientist , CanmetENERGY                    1:15 pm
     Devon - Natural Resources Canada / Government of Canada
     12:25 pm

     What Does Digital Transformation Mean to
     Bantrel’s Oil Sands Clients?

     Joe Overy, Head of Ideas for the Bantrel Innovative Solutions Program - Bantrel
     1:40 pm

                                              Phone: (780) 232-5099
                                               8psi BRT Structures

                   Welcome To Blast Resistant
BRT Structures
fabrication and
finishing shops are
based in Edmonton,
Employing Alberta
  - 24/7 On Call Service
 - In House Engineers &
    - Rental Fleet Over
         250 Units
     - Custom Designs
Fully Certified; ISO,
Part 10, CSA A277 &
                             BRT mission is to provide Alberta
A660, CWB,
ISNetworld, Avetta, CQ     petrochemical workers with safe work
Network, Canqual                environments designed and
                                     built by Albertans.

                              Hall A (Booth 1125)                                         FREE TO ATTEND

Wednesday, September 15

     Passwordless Authentication –                          The Good, The Bad, and The
     The Next Breakthrough in                               Ugly of Work Sampling Studies
     Secure Digital Transformation
                                                            Dennis Heinzlmeir, P. Eng., Marketing and
     Mikael Zaman Rodin, CEO                                Operations Director

     1:30 pm                                                1:55 pm

     Fugitive Emissions Monitoring –             Altomaxx   Hydraulic Power Unit Solutions for
     How Taking to the Sky Can Help                         Valve Actuation

     Jard Seufert, Manager of RPAS Operations               Brendan Romano, P.Eng. - Vice President of Operations
     2:00 pm                                                2:30 pm

     Advancing Security Technologies
     for the Industrial Market

     Jerry Adams, Senior Business Development Manager -
     Western Canada
     3:30 pm

Thursday, September 16

     Super Capacitor Based Energy                           Improving Safety and Productivity
     Storage Systems                                        With Equipment Lighting

     Garth Peterson, Business Development                   Tim Hydzik, Canadian Product Manager
     12:00 pm                                               12:30 pm

     Durable Control Valve Solutions                        HVAC Clean Air Solutions
     for Slurry Service
                                                            Fadi Ismail, Senior Account Executive
     Brendan Romano, P.Eng., Vice President of Operations   1:30 pm
     1:00 pm


CELEBRITY KEYNOTE                                   INDUSTRY RECEPTION
Featuring Brent Butt                                Thursday, September 16
Presented by                                        Trade Show Floor (all Halls)
                                                    2:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Thursday, September 16                              Join us for a beverage and a chance to network
Main Stage – Hall C                                 with industry colleagues.
2:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Let Us Entertain You! Join us for a special
celebrity appearance on September 16
featuring Brent Butt – FREE.

Brent Butt is best known in television for
his hilarious role on CTV’s Corner Gas, which
portrayed life in small town Saskatchewan and
the mayhem that ensued there. It became an
instant hit with unprecedented ratings and
numerous accolades including an International
Emmy Award nomination, and being named
the “Funniest Show on TV” by TV Guide readers.
Bringing a similar style of humour to his onstage
performances, Brent is an audience favourite
with his clean jokes and stories that everyone
can relate to.


Sponsored by

Hall B
An intiative by EventWorx to assist startup companies. These companies were selected based on their ability
to demonstrate technology that advances and benefits the oil sands industry, including clean technologies,
environmental, advanced technologies, automation, operational efficiency and workforce development.

Booth 2012                                                                   Booth 2008
At Akron, we:                                                                Power Sparks Electric: Develop the most green and
                                                                             efficient piece of equipment in the market up to date,
•	Stay current with developing technologies by
                                                                             and the only piece of equipment of this kind in North
   achieving competitive advantage in a smart,
                                                                             America capable to perform under our weather conditions and with
   evolving, and connected world.
                                                                             that 95% reduction CO2.
•	Integrate innovation via leveraging discoveries beyond the confines
                                                                             128 Piven Place, Fort McMurray, AB T9H 4M4
   of organizational level, while enhancing new alliances/reciprocal joint
   ventures, and
•	Provide fit-for-purpose solutions through building on fundamental
   principles of design, purpose, processes, and control, to drive the
                                                                             Booth 2018
   right behaviors and culture.                                              We are Authentication and identity experts to
                                                                             improve your authentication journey. Passwordless
8123 Fraser Avenue, Fort McMurray, AB T9K 1W5
                                                                             Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) is a game changer
                                                                             due to password removal which will be next digital
                                                                             breakthrough with following advantages:
Booth 2000                                                                   •	Economic: It increases revenues and lowers cost.
Established in 2013, the Latin word Artis, meaning skill,
                                                                             •	UI: It helps determine user’s choice, preference and behavior and
craft and art, was chosen to reflect our company values.
                                                                                300% faster than legacy MFA.
We are specialists in dealing with various WCB/Worker’s
Compensation Boards and providing safety consulting and audits               •	Scaling: Cross platform authentication due to interoperability.
to companies across Canada. We are passionate about making safer
                                                                             •	Security: Up to 99% reduction in reducing attacks.
workplaces, making safety fun, and helping companies meet these
8526 109 St NW #2, Edmonton, AB T6B 1E5
                                                                             Booth 2006
                                                                             Nipiy Industries is an indigenous owned business,
                                                                             founded and created by Jason Lizotte, of Alberta,
Booth 2002                                                                   Canada. The word “Nipiy” translates to “Water”
Drishya AI is an innovative CleanTech AI solutions                           from Jason’s native language, Cree. Nipiy Industries
company. Our AI solutions leverage advances in                               offers innovative hand wash stations that are solar powered, fully
computer vision, edge analytics, distributed deep                            automated, touchless, and portable. With leading edge technology
learning algorithms and model driven control to build                        and a sustainable product design, each hand wash station is built with
digital twins from engineering drawings and plant behaviour auto-            integrity, pride, and quality, creating clean hands with clean energy.
discovery from historian data for building autonomy around issues
                                                                             8705 63 Avenue, Grande Prairie, Alberta – Canada
like failure forecasting, flaring reduction and production optimisation.
Our solutions are aimed at using advanced sub systems,speeding
processes, reducing errors, enabling digitalisation, and saving money
and time.                                                                    Booth 2010
52 Coral Springs Blvd. NE, Calgary, AB T3J 3J3                               These treatments offer cutting edge technologies that
                                                                             work with the body systems and penetrate down to a
                                                                             cellular level…unlike massage and spa which is simply
                                                                             muscle and skin stimulation. They work on frequencies
Booth 2004                                                                   that stimulate the cells to direct the body towards restoration and self
Ellington Geological Services is a leader in sample                          healing leading to overall well-being. Its most beneficial to individuals
management, analytical services, and wellsite/minesite                       working in industry and plants.
solutions for the Oil & Gas and Mining industries.
                                                                             8-103A Powder Drive, Fort McMurray, AB T9K 2S6
Our expertise includes the application of new technologies with
automation and advanced software capabilities to reduce costs and
turnaround time, improve data quality, and positively impact the
environment.                                                                 Booth 2020
                                                                             Swift Pros’ is set to be the benchmark of quality,
1414 Lumpkin Road, Houston, TX 77043, USA
                                                                             safety, convenience, and affordability for residential,
                                                                             commercial and industrial services in Fort McMurray.
                                                                             Through our robust, creative and comprehensive IT
                                                                             solution, we secure the supply chain of multiple services. Swift Pros,
                                                                             gives you power to connect with multiple services providers.
                                                                             9715 Main Street, Fort McMurray, AB T9H 1T5


                                                                    UP                UP
                                                                                                               HALL D

                                        presented by
                HALL C
                                                                                                                                     provided by
            (3,000 SERIES)

   presented by

                           TO HALL B

                           TO HALL C

                                           HALL B             ENTRANCE

                                       (2,000 SERIES)
                                                               HALL B

                      TO HALL A                         TO HALL A

                                                                         FIXT_CODE   FU_COLD
                                                                                                                               We recommend:
                                                                                                                               • wearing a face mask
                      TO HALL B                         TO HALL B

                                                                                                               Stairs to
                                                                                                                               • practicing social
                                                                                                            Upper Concourse

                  TECHNICAL                HALL A                                                       ENTRANCE
                                                                                                                               • sanitizing hands often
                                       (1,000 SERIES)
                  WORKSHOPS                                                                              HALL A

                   sponsored by

                   OUTDOOR EXHIBITS
                     (5,000 SERIES)
                                                                    MAIN ENTRANCE

                                                                                                        Registration                        Food Service

                                                                                                        Publication Gallery                 Washrooms
                     VIP CENTRE
             (Access to invited guests only)

FLOOR PLAN— 1,000 - 2,000 SERIES

Hall A (1,000 Series)
              To Hall B                                                                                                           To Hall B

                                  1201            1205     1207    1209              1211      1213     1217    1219      1221

                                  1200            1202     1210    1212               1216     1220     1222    1224

               1308               1101    1103     1109    1111    1113               1117     1119     1121    1123      1125

                                                                                                                                                          To Main

                                                  1108     1110    1112               1114     1116     1118    1120      1024
              WORKSHOPS                                                               1015     1017     1019    1021      1023      1025
               sponsored by                        1009            1013


       1001                                                1016              1018     1020     1022      1024              1028

Hall B (2,000 Series)
                      To Hall C                                                                                        To Hall C

                                  2207    2209     2211               2215     2221               2223     2225                      2227


                                   2200          2202       2210              2212      2216     2218              2222

               2308                2101             2105    2111              2113      2115     2119              2123      2125
                                                                                                                                                           To Main

                                   2102             2108                      2114                                 2122      2124

               2300                2001    2005             2009              2013      2116                       2023      2025
                                            PROJECT START UP

                                  2000    2002    2004     2006    2008      2010     2012      2018     2020     2022

               To Hall A                                                                                                             To Hall A


Hall C (3,000 Series)

                                                                          presented by

       sponsored by

                                      3211     3318               3317     3414                 3413   3418   3513

                                                                  3309     3412                 3407          3509
                                      3205b      3304b

                                                                  3307     3406                 3405          3505
                                      3205a      3304a
                                      3203b      3302b

                                                                  3305     3404
                                      3203a    3302a
                        3204                                      3303     3402                 3401   3510   3501


                               3612                        3616    3618    3620          3622   3624   3628

                                               To Hall B

                                                                Face masks are
                                                             recommended to be
                                                               worn at all times.


Outdoor Area (5,000 Series)
                                                                                                                     MAIN ENTRANCE
                    40                                                                                               & REGISTRATION






                               5133                                                     5107
                                                   VIP             5121

                         (Access to invited guests only)

     We’re Experts
     in Break Room
     Custom selections with just the
     right mix of good health and
     good taste!

                                          RimFire Solutions is a whole office provider including full-line vending,
                                          Micro Markets, Office Coffee Service, Bottled Water, Water filtration,
                                          ATM and Wholesale services.

                                                @RimFireSolution          @RimFireYMM          @rimfiresolutions


All efforts have been made to include exhibitor profiles provided as of the
August 20 deadline. For complete and up-to-date exhibitor listings, company profiles,
booth numbers, products and services, please visit

3M | Scott Safety                       Advanced Heat                           Alcor                                   Applied Material Sciences
Booth 1207 - Exhibit Hall A             Solutions Inc.                          Booth 1301 - Exhibit Hall A             (AMS)
Bay #203, 11979 - 40 St SE              Booth 2215 - Exhibit Hall B             150A MacDonald Crescent,                Booth 3304B - Exhibit Hall C
Calgary, AB                             9449 - 47 Street,                       Fort McMurray, AB T9H 4B2               42 Amberley Dr., Toronto, ON                                  Edmonton, AB T6B 2R7                     
At Scott, we have been developing                         Alcor Facilities Management is          AMS (Applied Material Sciences) is
ways to protect people since 1932.      Advanced Heat Solutions provides        the leading independent facilities      a Canadian company specializing
Since that time, the Scott name         quality heat treating equipment         management, site services and           in materials for the heavy industry.
has stood for unquestioned quality      and services for preheat and Post       capital projects provider in Alberta.   With AMS smart rubber and pro-
when safety is critical. Facilities     Weld Heat Treatment for the weld-       Whether it be day-to-day mainte-        tective coatings, it is now possible
across hundreds of industries rely      ing and fabrication industry, truck     nance, renovations, commercial          to protect and line mining equip-
on Scott’s attention to detail, fail-   & shovel, and mining operations.        property management, or large-          ment and pipelines by automated
safe measures, attentive service        Heat treatment equipment sales,         scale construction services, one call   robotic processes rather than man-
and constant innovation.                rentals, and repair. Calibration &      can do it all.                          ually. Besides the huge economical,
                                        scheduled maintenance service.                                                  environmental, and sustainable
3M | Simtronics / IR LEL                Operator training, project manage-      AltoMaxx Technologies Inc.              benefits from eliminating high
and H2S Gas Detectors                   ment, consulting services including     Booth 1013 - Exhibit Hall A             VOC materials and energy consum-
Booth 1207 - Exhibit Hall A             engineering facilitation.               4 - 40 Aberdeen Avenue St. John’s,      ing autoclaves, the customer can
Bay 203, 11979 - 40th St SE                                                     Newfoundland & Labrador A1A 5T3         now have customized liner for their
Calgary, AB                             Aggreko                                                   specific application.                   Booth 2102 - Exhibit Hall B             AltoMaxx Technologies specializ-
Simtronics manufacturers a unique       3907 - 75 Ave                           es in RPAS based fugitive emissions
No Calibration CSA Approved Infra-      Edmonton, AB T9E 0K3                    surveys and screenings. AltoMaxx
red Point LEL Gas Detectors, LEL &                             is Canada’s largest drone training,
H2S Open Path Gas Detectors and         Aggreko provides engineered             custom RPAS enterprise program
Ultrasonic Gas Detectors as well        power, cooling, heating, and            and compliance provider with
as multi-spectrum IR and UV/2IR         compressed air solutions for oil        offices based in Alberta, British Co-
flame detectors. Contact Carbon         and gas upstream, midstream, and        lumbia, Ontario and Newfoundland
Controls booth for pricing and          downstream operations. We deliver       and Labrador.
technical support.                      sustainable, turnkey, customizable
                                        solutions for temporary power,
ABB | GE VFD’s & MCC                    temperature control, and testing
                                        that support our customers - and
Package Solutions                       their Customers - through the
Booth 1207 - Exhibit Hall A             Energy transition.
Bay #203, 11979 - 40 St SE
Calgary, AB                   Akron Infinity
Manufacturer of Variable Frequen-       Booth 2012 - Project Startup -
cy Drives and complete MCC Pack-        Exhibit Hall B
aged Solutions including Harmonic       8123 Fraser Avenue,
Filters. Contact Carbon Controls        Fort McMurray, AB T9K 1W5
booth for pricing and technical
support.                                At Akron, we stay current with
                                        developing technologies by
                                        achieving competitive advantage
Aduro Clean                             in a smart, evolving, and connect-
Technologies                            ed world. Integrate innovation via
Booth 3323 - Exhibit Hall C             leveraging discoveries beyond the
1086 Modeland Road, Suite 104,          confines of organizational level,
Sarnia, ON N7S 6L2                      while enhancing new alliances/re-                      ciprocal joint ventures, and provide
Aduro Clean Technologies is a           fit-for-purpose solutions through
developer of patented water-based       building on fundamental principles
chemical recycling technologies         of design, purpose, processes, and
that transform waste plastics, heavy    control, to drive the right behaviors
crude and renewable oils into new-      and culture.
era resources and higher-value
fuels. The Company’s Hydrochemo-
lytic™ technology activates unique
properties of water in a chemistry
platform that operates at relative-
ly low temperatures and cost - a
game-changing approach that

                                                                                                         VISIT US
transforms waste into 21st-century

                                                                                       Booth 3047 - Exhibit Hall C

Arctec Alloys Ltd.                      Baldwin Filters                         C.D. Nova Instruments Ltd.               Canadian Mining
Booth 1016 - Exhibit Hall A             Booth 2207 - Exhibit Hall B             Booth 1117 - Exhibit Hall A              Magazine
4304 - 10 Street N.E.,                  Box 66111 HPO, Edmonton, AB             Unit 210,120 Pembina Road,               Booth 1209 - Newsstand - Exhibit
Calgary, AB T2E 6K3                                  Sherwood Park, AB T8H0M2                 Hall A                        Baldwin Filters, a brand of Parker                     
Arctec Alloys Limited supplies          Engine Mobile Aftermarket Division      C.D. Nova Instruments Ltd is a dis-      Canadian Mining Magazine is a
high quality welding wire, rods,        (EMAM), is a global provider of         tributor of the II-VI MARLOW Power       major voice within Canada’s mining
electrodes and related products.        filtration products and services. Our   Strap, MOXA Industrial Automation,       industry. Three times per year, the
We have a strong history of helping     mission is to protect our customers’    Thermo Scientific Gas and Chemical       magazine is direct-mailed to a
our customers with their special-       engines and mobile equipment,           Analyzers, CEMS Stack Sampling           mailing list that is made up of the
ized welding needs. This year we        from first to last use, through inno-   Systems, Meteorological Instru-          ‘who’s who’ in the industry; major
celebrate our 51st Anniversary.         vative filtration solutions and out-    ments, Energy & Power Systems,           mine executives and CEOS, venture
                                        standing customer service. Baldwin      HV Transformers and Breakers,            capitalists, investors, researchers,
Artis                                   offers superb product quality, an       SCHENCK Vibration and Balancing          mining association representatives,
Booth 2000 - Project Startup -          extensive distribution network and      Instruments, Test & Measurement          university and college mining
Exhibit Hall B                          the industry’s broadest product         Instruments, Switches, Transducers,      program administrators, and many
8526 - 109 St NW #2,                    line. This comprehensive portfolio      and Communication Products.              more. We work very hard with our
Edmonton, AB T6B 1E5                    of filtration products and tech-                                                 industry contacts and writers to en-                       nologies offers customers a single      Cahill Services LLC                      sure that the magazine covers the
Established in 2013, the Latin word     streamlined source for all their        Booth 1110 - Exhibit Hall A              stories that this calibre of reader will
Artis, meaning skill, craft and art,    engine and mobile filtration needs.     7762 - 47 Avenue Close                   find interesting and relevant. The
was chosen to reflect our company                                               Red Deer, AB T4R 0J9                     magazine is also widely distributed
values. We are specialists in dealing   Blue Drop Solutions                            at both Canadian and international
with various WCB/Worker’s Com-          Booth 3300B - Exhibit Hall C            Cahill serves the oil and gas energy     trade shows and events through-
pensation Boards and providing          25 Creek Springs Rd NW,                 industry with flameless technology       out the calendar year.
safety consulting and audits to         Airdrie, AB T4B 2X8                     to deliver the safest source of high
companies across Canada. We are                    volume, high static heat, eliminat-      Carbon Controls Ltd.
passionate about making safer           With a combined 45 years of expe-       ing the risks associated with steam.     Booth 1207 - Exhibit Hall A
workplaces, making safety fun, and      rience Blue Drop Solutions offers                                                Bay 203, 11979 - 40th Street SE,
helping companies meet these            Water and Wastewater services.                                                   Calgary, AB
goals.                                  Sourcing new or used systems,           GOLD SPONSOR
                                        contract operations, installation                                                Carbon Controls is a leading sup-
                                        and decommissioning for both            Canada Action
Aureus Energy Services                                                          Booth 2119 - Exhibit Hall B              plier of technical sales and services,
Booth 5030 - Outdoor Exhibits           water/wastewater onsite treatment                                                specializing in: Alarm Signaling
                                        systems for remote locations.           38, 1500 - 14th Street SW
9510 - 78 Avenue,                                                               Calgary, AB T3C 1C9                      Devices, Electric Motor Control;
Clairmont, AB, T8X 0M2                                                                          Harmonic Solutions, Fire & Gas                                                                                                         Detection, Flow, Level, Pressure &
                                        PLATINUM SPONSOR                        Canada Action is an entirely vol-
Aureus Energy Services provides                                                 unteer-led grassroots movement           Temperature Instrumentation and
a wide variety of water and fluid       BRT Structures Ltd                      encouraging Canadians to take ac-        Wireless Automation Solutions.
related solutions across North          Booth 5125 - Outdoor Exhibits           tion and work together in support        With our team of experts, we will
America. Our mandate of creating        9305-56 Ave Edmonton, AB T6E 4Y2        of our vital natural resources sector.   save you time and money on your
innovation solutions to water man-                       We believe it’s critical to educate      projects.
agement has led to the introduc-        We would like to take this oppor-       Canadians about the social and
tion of many technology advance-        tunity to introduce BRT Structures      economic benefits provided by the
ments including: Fully automated                                                                                         GOLD SPONSOR
                                        Ltd, to you. We are an Alberta          resource sector and industry’s com-
pumping fleet, creating the safest
and most efficient operations in
                                        based company providing the Al-         mitment to world-class environ-          CG Industrial
                                        berta Oil and Gas Industry with all     mental stewardship. We are strong
the industry. The adoption of our       their Blast Building requirements.      supporters of Canada’s oil sands
                                                                                                                         Specialties Ltd.
skid mounted natural gas fueled                                                                                          558 East Kent Avenue
                                        We strive to provide to the indus-      and the resource sector generally
superheaters has transformed                                                                                             South, Vancouver, BC V5X 4V6
                                        try with sustainable, innovative        because we know how important
the water heating industry, while                                                                              
                                        technology and custom designs to        these industries are to Canada’s
drastically reduced emissions. Our                                                                                       CGIS works with engineering,
                                        suit all of our customers specifica-    present and future prosperity.
Zero Atmosphere (ZA) process for                                                                                         mining and mineral processing, oil
                                        tions. Our fabrication and finishing
water treatment offers the safest                                                                                        and gas, energy, power, pulp and
                                        factories are based in Edmonton,
and most cost-effective water treat-                                                                                     paper, chemical, and water and
                                        we employ Alberta tradespeople
ment platform on the market.                                                                                             wastewater companies across six
                                        and we use Canadian products
                                                                                                                         continents. Whether the project
                                        whenever possible in our buildings.
                                                                                                                         demands best in class performance
                                        We have a 24 hour on call service
                                                                                                                         or a valve configuration that will
                                        that we offer. We have Engineers
                                                                                                                         adequately fit the bill, they make
                                        and Architects on staff who can
                                                                                                                         sure you have the right valve for
                                        provide custom design drawings
                                                                                                                         the job.
                                        to suit your requirements. We have
                                        over 250 rental units in our fleet to
                                        serve the Oil and Gas industry. We
                                        can provide buildings from 3 PSI to
                                        our standard 8 PSI. Our mission is
                                        to provide Alberta petrochemical
                                        workers with executive type safe
                                        work environments designed and
                                        built by Albertans.


CIM Magazine                             Ciptor ITSAFE Canada Inc.               Circor/Delta Valve                      Clearwater Hotel
Booth 1209 – Newsstand - Exhibit         Booth 2018 - Project Startup -          Booth 3412 - Exhibit Hall C             Booth 2125 - Exhibit Hall B
Hall B                                   Exhibit Hall B                          9890 Jordan Gateway                     4 Haineault St.,                      167 Woodpecker Way,                     Sandy, UT                               Fort McMurray, AB T9H 1R7
CIM Magazine provides critical           Fort McMurray, AB T9K 0L4              
information on the extractive                                DeltaValve is a world leader in the     In the midst of downtown’s busi-
industry’s issues, trends, technology    We are Authentication and identity      design, engineering and manufac-        ness sector, Clearwater Suite Hotel
and best practices. The publication      experts to improve your authen-         turing of crucial service equipment     is Fort McMurray’s most beloved
has a diverse audience of mining         tication journey. Passwordless          for the refining industry. DeltaValve   full-service, all-suite hotel. Stay for a
professionals located around the         Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)       is known for inventing the world’s      day, a week or as long as you like in
world, ranging from executives to        is a game changer due to pass-          first fully automated delayed cok-      a spacious hotel suite featuring all
equipment operators. CIM Maga-           word removal which will be next         ing Bottom Unheading Valve. This        the comforts you need including a
zine is published by the Canadian        digital breakthrough with following     revolutionary technology was the        kitchen and free wireless high-
Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and      advantages: Economic: It increases      foundation for many other innova-       speed internet. Enjoy the fitness
Petroleum, the leading professional      revenues and lowers cost. It helps      tions, including the Top Unheading      centre, whirlpool, or relax with a
association for the extractive sector.   determine user’s choice, preference     Valve, Retractable Center Feed          massage at Achieve Wellness Spa.
                                         and behavior and 300% faster than       Injection Device, Planetary Roller
                                         legacy MFA. Scaling: Cross platform     Screw Electric Actuator, Isolation      Cyntech Construction Ltd.
                                         authentication due to interoperabil-    Valves that are in-line maintainable,   Booth 3420 - Exhibit Hall C
                                         ity. Security: Up to 99% reduction in   Auto-Switch Coke Boring/Cutting         235061 Wrangler Link SE,
                                         reducing attacks.                       Tools, and other related equipment.     Calgary, AB
                                                                                                                         Cyntech specializes in the repair,
                                                                                                                         maintenance, and construction of
                                                                                                                         above ground storage tanks (ASTs).
                                                                                                                         Every tank upgrading project has
                                                                                                                         its challenges, and we will work
                                                                                                                         with you to optimize project safety,
                                                                                                                         tank integrity as well as resources
                                                                                                                         and materials.


Direct Workwear Ltd.                   Eaton | FHF                             Enterprise Truck Rental /                Faure Herman /
Booth 1200 - Exhibit Hall A            Signaling Devices                       Enterprise Rent-A-Car                    Ultrasonic & Helical
9401 Franklin Ave. Unit 120,                                                   Booth 2301 - Exhibit Hall B
Fort McMurray AB T9H 3Z7
                                       & Communication                                                                  Turbine Flowmeters
                                                                               196 MacDonald Crescent,                  Booth 1207 - Exhibit Hall A                     Equipment                               Fort McMurray, AB
                                       Booth 1207 - Exhibit Hall A                                                      Bay #203, 11979 - 40 St SE,
Direct Workwear Ltd. is a Fort                                       
                                       Bay #203, 11979 - 40 St SE,                                                      Calgary, AB
McMurray company with its head                                                 Enterprise has you covered,
                                       Calgary, AB                                                            
office in Edmonton, specializing                                               regardless of your rental duration
                                                                                         Faure Herman has been manufac-
in Fire Resistant and Arc Rated                                                or project size or vehicle type
                                       Since 1897, FHF has been providing                                               turing high quality and high accu-
workwear. Since 1986, we strive for                                            required. With solutions to meet
                                       innovative and reliable industrial                                               racy flowmeters for over 80 years
excellent service while focusing                                               the demanding needs of your
                                       safety products including: industrial                                            and is the original manufacturer of
on compliance, comfort, product                                                Corporate Travelers at YMM and
                                       and hazardous area telephones,                                                   the Helical Turbine flowmeter and
knowledge, innovation, and cost-ef-                                            around the world. Enterprise Truck
                                       VOIP telephones, industrial strobe                                               the world’s first 18 beam Ultrasonic
fective solutions. We’re constantly                                            Rental provides a full spectrum of
                                       lights and LED strobe lights.                                                    Liquid Flowmeter used for process
exploring higher quality options                                               vehicles including ½ Ton, ¾ Ton,
                                       Contact Carbon Controls booth for                                                measurement, line balancing, leak
and experiences for our customers                                              1 Ton, 1 Ton Crew Deck, F550 Crew
                                       pricing and technical support.                                                   detection and custody transfer ap-
throughout North America. Inclu-                                               Decks, Full Size 8 Passenger Crew        plications. Faure Herman is on the
sive of developing and promoting                                               Vans, Cargo Vans (Standard and Hi        approved list all major Oil and Pipe-
women’s workwear we offer in-          Edge Eyewear                            Roof) and Cube Vans. For your core       line companies around the world.
house embroidery and post-pro-         Booth 3318 - Exhibit Hall C             fleet needs, our Enterprise Fleet        Contact Carbon Controls booth for
duction striping and tailoring.        1221 Marshall Way                       Management team can help you             pricing and technical support.
                                       Layton, UT USA                          manage your fleet and control your
Drishya AI Labs Inc.                                  costs, providing new perspective on
Booth 2002 - Project Startup -         Edge Eyewear offers designer            Lowest Cost of Ownership.                Flanders Electric of
Exhibit Hall B                         safety-rated eyewear that provides                                               Canada, ULC
                                       solutions that meet a broad range                                                Booth 5010 - Outdoor Exhibits
52 Coral Springs Blvd. NE,                                                     EventWorx Corporation
Calgary, AB T3J 3J3                    of specific needs for different                                                  230 MacAlpine Crescent,
                                                                               Show Office – Concourse                             work environments and various                                                    Fort McMurray, AB T9H 4A6
                                                                               100-342, 111 - 5 Avenue SW,
Drishya AI is an innovative Clean-     facial structures. All Edge Eyewear                                    
                                                                               Calgary, AB
Tech AI solutions company. Drishya     glasses are tested in independent                                                Flanders is a global leader in mo-
has built and deployed virtual sen-    accredited laboratories to ensure                                                tors, drives, and control systems for
                                                                               EventWorx is now the name behind
sors using Neural Network based AI     their compliance with CSA Z94.3-                                                 industrial machines and provides
                                                                               the Oil Sands Conference & Trade
models to provide a real-time view     07, ANSI Z87.1+2015 standards and                                                trusted hands-on repair of motors
                                                                               Show, PetroChem Canada, and
of SAGD Operations with critical       block 99.9% of UVA, UVB, and UVC                                                 and electrical systems. Our Fort
                                                                               Supply Change Conference and
sensors providing highly reliable,     rays.                                                                            McMurray facility can repair AC &
                                                                               more. EventWorx is a full-service
frequent accurate and directionally                                                                                     DC motors and related equipment.
                                                                               event management & production
aligned estimates of critical param-   Ellington Geological                                                             Mining exchange motors are also
                                                                               company. Our team offers high-
eters. Soft sensors benefits SAGD                                                                                       available.
Operators by helping: Reduce Cost
                                       Services                                skilled and detailed expertise, avail-
                                       Booth 2004 - Project Startup -          able to assist you in organizing your
of Instrumentation and Control;
                                       Exhibit Hall B                          next face to face or virtual event.      Fluid Life
2) Eliminate Independent sensors                                               EventWorx provides strategic plan-       Booth 2113 - Exhibit Hall B
                                       1414 Lumpkin Road,
for difficult measurements due to                                              ning, marketing, social media, sales,    4371 Savaryn Drive SW,
                                       Houston, TX 77043, USA
environmental or other physical /                                              sponsorship, registration, décor for     Edmonton, AB
chemical constraints; 3) Fast track                                            any type of event, both socially and
                                       Ellington Geological Services is a
deployment across the plant; 4)                                                for business.                            A leading North American pro-
                                       leader in sample management,
Improved operations due to con-                                                                                         vider of fluid analysis and relia-
                                       analytical services, and wellsite/
tinuous predictions and 5) Better,                                                                                      bility services. Fluid Life uses its
faster and intelligent commercial
                                       minesite solutions for the Oil & Gas    Evergreen Solutions Corp.
                                       and Mining industries. Our exper-                                                cutting-edge software, training,
decision making.                                                               Booth 2001 - Exhibit Hall B
                                       tise includes the application of new                                             tools and supported programs
                                                                               64210, 393 Loop East,
                                       technologies with automation and                                                 to improve customers? bottom
                                                                               Okotoks, AB
Driving Force                          advanced software capabilities to
                                                                                                                        line, lower maintenance costs and
Booth 2114 - Exhibit Hall B            reduce costs and turnaround time,                                                improve equipment availability.
                                                                               Evergreen Solutions Corp. is the
9503 - 34 Avenue                       improve data quality, and positively                                             What’s more, Fluid Life is the
                                                                               manufacturer of quality BioSol
Edmonton, AB                           impact the environment.                                                          only company of its kind to offer
                                                                               cleaning products. From hand                                                                                                         reliability services backed by its
                                                                               cleaners to heavy-duty degreasers,
Driving Force Vehicle Rentals, Sales                                                                                    in-house labs. Over the past 40
                                                                               every BioSol product is uniquely
& Leasing with locations across                                                                                         years, Fluid Life has established a
                                                                               engineered to deliver the perfor-
Canada. Come by and talk to our                                                                                         great reputation and long-standing
                                                                               mance qualities our customer’s
top-notch team for your transpor-                                                                                       partnerships with customers in the
                                                                               need, without compromising en-
tation solutions!                                                                                                       mining, construction, industrial
                                                                               vironmental integrity or personnel
                                                                                                                        plant, oil and gas, wind energy and
                                                                                                                        transportation industries. Always
                                                                                                                        reliable. All ways.


Futuro Energy                        Goodfish Lake                           Hach Sales & Service Ltd.               Hai Clinic
Renewable Solutions                  Business Corp                           Booth 1111 - Exhibit Hall A             Booth 2010 - Project Startup -
Booth 2008 - Project Startup -       Booth 2202 - Exhibit Hall B             3020 Gore Road,                         Exhibit Hall B
Exhibit Hall B                       Box 273 Goodfish Lake, AB               London, ON N5V 4T7                      8-103A Powder Drive,
128 Piven Place,                                                              Fort McMurray, AB T9K2S6
Fort McMurray, AB T9H 4M4            Made in Alberta, by Albertans, for      Be confident in your water analysis.
Power Sparks Electric: Develop the   Albertans. Goodfish Lake is 100%        Be right with expert answers,           These treatments offer cutting
most green and efficient piece of    Aboriginally owned and operated,        outstanding support, and reliable,      edge technologies that work with
equipment in the market up to        and is the only company that man-       easy-to-use solutions from Hach.        the body systems and penetrate
date, and the only piece of equip-   ufactures FR protective workwear        Water quality is something we take      down to a cellular level - unlike
ment of this kind in North America   while also offering coverall repairs,   very seriously at Hach. By develop-     massage and spa which is simply
capable to perform under our         industrial dry cleaning, and laundry    ing reliable, easy-to-use solutions,    muscle and skin stimulation. They
weather conditions and with that     services to Alberta’s oil and gas       as well as providing you with access    work on frequencies that stimulate
95% reduction CO2.                   sector.                                 to knowledgeable expertise and          the cells to direct the body towards
                                                                             support, Hach is helping ensure         restoration and self healing leading
                                                                             water quality all across the globe.     to overall well-being. Its most
GDS Corporation /                    Greyline Instruments                    Hach’s broad line of instrumen-         beneficial to individuals working in
LEL, H2S, O2, VOC Gas                Booth 1207 - Exhibit Hall A             tation and chemistries have been        industry and plants.
                                     Bay #203, 11979 - 40 St SE,
Detectors                            Calgary, Alberta
                                                                             carefully crafted for more than 80
Booth 1207 - Exhibit Hall A                                                  years to make water analysis better
                                              ? faster, simpler, greener and more
Bay 203, 11979 - 40th St SE
                                     Greyline Instruments is a Canadian      informative ? so you get it right the
Calgary, AB
                                     manufacturer of Ultrasonic Level        first time, every time.
                                     Sensors, Ultrasonic Doppler, Open
GDS Corporation is a manufacturer
                                     Channel, Area Velocity & Transit
of CSA Approved Gas Detectors for
                                     Time Flow Meters used in the water
Combustible & H2S Gas, Oxygen
                                     and wastewater industries. Contact
Deficiency and VOC Detectors.
                                     Carbon Controls booth for pricing
Contact Carbon Controls booth for
                                     and technical support.
pricing and technical support.

                                                       We are in the face-to-face business.


GOLD SPONSOR                           PLATINUM SPONSOR                        Impacto Protective                      International Cooling
                                                                               Products                                Tower Inc.
Hatch                                  Horizon North Logistics                 Booth 2311 - Exhibit Hall B             Booth 3405 - Exhibit Hall C
2800 Speakman Drive,                   Booth 5125 - Outdoor Exhibits           PO BOX 524, 40 Dussek Street,           3310 - 93 Street, Edmonton, AB
Mississauga, Ontario L5K 2R7           Suite 900, 240 - 4th Avenue SW,         Belleville, ON K8N 5B2                  International Cooling Tower, Inc.                              Calgary, AB                                                  (ICT) designs, manufactures and
Hatch provides supplies engineer-                         Impacto® manufactures and               constructs a complete line of
ing, project and construction, busi-   Horizon North is an industry leader     distributes specialized ergonomic       industrial cooling towers for the
ness consulting and operational        in providing accommodations and         personal protective equipment to        petrochemical industry, power
services to the mining, energy and     camp management services to             prevent cumulative traumas such         plants, petroleum refineries, pulp &
infrastructure sectors. Capabilities   meet your workforce requirements        as white finger disease caused by       paper mills, steel factories, mining
within the Oil & Gas sector include    across Canada. We appreciate the        vibrating tools, carpal tunnel syn-     applications and the food industry.
subsurface engineering and geo-        importance of building strong rela-     drome & RSI. Impacto will display       Our operations complete cooling
science, field development plan-       tionships with local and Aboriginal     anti-impact and anti-vibration          tower projects, aftermarket mainte-
ning, production facilities design,    communities. Horizon North strives      Gloves, wrist supports, kneepads,       nance activities and a full range of
flow assurance, process system         to maximize local participation in      back supports, insoles, metatar-        field services.
modelling, and oil recovery. They      our operations and look to involve      sal foot protector, steel toe caps,
also specialize in Grid moderniza-     local and Aboriginal communities        anti-fatigue insoles and ice traction   JL Filtration Inc.
tion, transmission & distribution,     in business partnerships that will      cleats.                                 Booth 1028 - Exhibit Hall A
and various power (nuclear, ther-      provide economic and employ-                                                    Unit 407, 230 Wilson Drive,
mal, water, and renewable).            ment benefits.                          Infinity Métis Corporation              Fort McMurray, AB
Heavy Equipment                        Hy-Lok Distribution Inc.                Booth 2212 - Exhibit Hall B             JL Filtration Inc is a part of the Clean
Repair Ltd.                            Booth 3309 - Exhibit Hall C             441 Sakitawaw Trail,                    Harbors Group. We specialize in
Booth 1220 - Exhibit Hall A            2407 - 96 Street, Edmonton, AB          Fort McMurray, AB T9H 4P4               all filtration products and services;
404 Balsam Road, Slave Lake, AB                                         from manufacturing of our sock                Since 1977, Hy-Lok has taken its        Infinity Métis Corporation (IMC) is     filter line to all makes and models
Beginning with only one mobile         own route becoming a global             the business arm of the McMurray        of filter elements and products. In
repair truck over 30 years ago, our    leader in the Fluid & Control System    Métis Local 1935. Through our nine      addition, we also rent, sell, and pro-
facility has grown to more than 60     Industry. In addition to supplying      strategic partnerships, we offer a      cure high pressure filtration vessels
employees and offers a wide range      tubing systems to the world’s in-       diverse scope of services within the    and skid filtration systems to various
of services. We offer Heavy Truck      strumentation markets - including       region and beyond. Our vision is        sites across Canada. Our site service
Repair, Industrial Parts Supply        a variety of piping materials - Hy-     to support the Métis people of the      specialists also implement filtration
and Distribution. Our road sales       Lok performs as a turnkey business      RMWB community, ensuring their          solutions for water, and all waste
team keeps the local Logging and       and offers services ranging from        business and social well-being for      solids; providing a cleaner and more
Pulp Mill Industries stocked, and      essential Fluid & Control system        today and tomorrow.                     sustainable environment. Dewa-
supplied, while our Machine and        technique to workmanship.                                                       tering, carbon beds, degassing, and
                                                                                                                       fluid separation are other aspects
Fabrication Shops, repair, refurbish                                           InnoTech Alberta Inc.                   of our business. We are located all
and manufacture large scale pro-       Hytorc Western Canada                   Booth 1116 - Exhibit Hall A
jects for Oil Sands Bitumen Mining                                                                                     of Alberta and part B.C; flowing into
                                       Booth 1309 - Exhibit Hall A             250 Karl Clark Road,
in Fort McMurray, as well as the                                                                                       Ontario and points West.
                                       # 45 Corriveau Avenue,                  Edmonton, AB
local Oil and Gas Industry.             St. Albert, AB, T8N 5A3      
                                                        InnoTech Alberta, a subsidiary          Johnson Controls
Heavy Metal Equipment                  HYTORC makes industrial bolting         of Alberta Innovates, is a leading      Booth 3041 - Exhibit Hall C
Booth 3321 - Exhibit Hall C            safer and simpler. With 50 years        research and technology organiza-       280 Taiganova Crescent,
4613 - 41 Street, Camrose, AB          of experience focused entirely on       tion serving the needs of industry,     Fort McMurray, AB T9K 0T4
Heavy Metal Equipment Rentals          developing the highest quality          entrepreneurs and the public sector.
is one of the region’s only heavy      industrial bolting systems, HYTORC      Our leading-edge expertise and in-      Johnson Controls is a global
equipment rental companies that        is the most trusted name in the         dustrial-scale research and demon-      diversified technology and multi
supplies products and rental servic-   industry. We have developed pro-        stration facilities accelerate and      industrial leader serving a wide
es to all four earth-moving industry   fessional solutions for every bolting   de-risk technology development          range of customers in more than
sectors: Mining equipment rental,      application imaginable. Our latest      and deployment for our clients with     150 countries. As a leading provider
Construction equipment rental,         product line features patented          a focus on industrial solutions and     of controls, equipment and services
Pipeline equipment rental, and         industry-firsts like hands-free         commercial application.                 for HVAC, security, fire and refrig-
Forestry equipment rental.             operation to keep tool operators at                                             eration, we combine technologies
                                       a safe distance from the applica-                                               and products to build purposeful
                                       tion and industry-leading bolt load
                                                                               Integral Energy                         solutions for our customers. Our
Hikvision Canada                       accuracy to reduce nut loosening        Services Ltd.                           Values: Integrity First, Purpose Led,
Booth 1118 - Exhibit Hall A            and joint failure. Our mission is to    Booth 3402 - Exhibit Hall C             Customer Driven, Future Focused,
4848 Levy Street,                      make our customers? jobs as safe        Unit 101, 2890 Kingsview Blvd,          One Team.
Saint Laurent, PQ                      and hassle-free as possible. Contact    Airdrie, AB T4A0E1                                                     
Hikvision is a world leading man-
                                       us today to find out how we can                                                 K.M. Robert &
                                       optimize your bolting processes.        Integral Energy Services Ltd.
ufacturer and supplier of security                                             provides its clients with Electrical,   Associates Ltd.
products and solutions for a broad                                             Instrumentation, Insulation, and        Booth 1201 - Exhibit Hall A
range of vertical market applica-                                              Project Management solutions. Our       20 - 18812, 96th Avenue,
tions. Hikvision solutions enable                                              in-depth knowledge of the industry      Surrey, BC V4N 3R1
greater success, providing powerful                                            enables us to take on various 
business intelligence analytics                                                projects ranging in both size and       K.M. Roberts is an independent
for end users. Hikvision offers                                                complexity with award-winning           manufacturer’s agency based in
numerous cybersecurity resources,                                              service, safety, and quality.           Western Canada. We represent
such as the Hikvision Cybersecurity                                                                                    leading manufacturers in pow-
Center.                                                                                                                er quality, heating, lighting, and


Keyano College                         L. D. Filtration                          Luff Industries Ltd.                    MEDC
Booth 3510 - Exhibit Hall C            Booth 1221 - Exhibit Hall A               Booth 1018 - Exhibit Hall A             Booth 1207 - Exhibit Hall A
8115 Franklin Ave,                     5419 - 82 Avenue,                         235010 Wrangler Road,                   Bay #203, 11979 - 40 St SE,
Fort McMurray, AB T9H 2H7              Edmonton, AB T6B 2T6                      Rocky View County, AB T1X 0K3           Calgary, AB                                                
Keyano College is a comprehen-         Since 1993, LD Filtration is proud to     Luff Industries Ltd. manufactures       MEDC’s ULC Approved Strobes,
sive community institution in the      have headquarters in Edmonton,            quality conveyor components,            Sounders/Horns, Call Points are
Regional Municipality of Wood          Alberta, and a newly relocated            including idlers with patented          designed to withstand harsh -55°C
Buffalo serving nearly 3,000 learn-    warehouse in Calgary. As a growing        polymer end caps and pulleys with       temperature while maintaining
ers through two campuses in Fort       leader in the industry for three          an industry leading rim thickness,      its IP66/67 weatherproof rating.
McMurray, one in Fort Chipewyan,       decades, we have been providing           to an international market. Using       Contact Carbon Controls booth for
and through Learning Centres in        products, superior value, and per-        Luff components, companies have         pricing and technical support.
Fort McKay and Gregoire Lake. The      sonal customer service to clients in      been increasing the performance
College offers programs that lead      need of petroleum and lubricant           of their conveyor systems for 42
to certificates, diplomas, certifi-    filters. We offer expert air filtration   years. Recognized for innovative
cates of qualification (trades), and   solutions for industrial, commercial,     products, quick turnaround times
baccalaureate degrees as well as       and institutional HVAC systems and        and industry-leading warranty,
continuing education and corpo-        indoor air quality solutions in Alber-    Luff conveyor components can be
rate training options.                 ta, British Columbia, Saskatchewan        found in a variety of heavy industri-
                                       and the North West, Yukon and             al material handling applications.
KpSquared Inc.                         Nunavut Territories, and beyond.
Booth 1020 - Exhibit Hall A                                                      Manluk Mining Inc.
205 - 112 Riverstone Ridge,            Leica Geosystems                          Booth 3501 - Exhibit Hall C
Fort McMurray, AB T9K 1S6              Booth 3211 - Exhibit Hall C               4709 - 39th Avenue, Wetaskiwin, AB                           5051 Peachtree Corners Circle,  
KpSquared Playhouse Inc is the         Norcross, GA                              Manluk Global Manufacturing Solu-
leading innovative childcare choice               tions is a world leader in
for families in Fort McMurray’s oil    Leica Geosystems is the standard in       the manufacture of Petrochemical
and gas, health care, and govern-      3D plant scanning. Beginning more         and Mining products. Specializing
ment sectors. Soon to be Alberta’s     than a decade ago with the trusted        in Hardfaced and Cladded com-
first 24-hour daycare, we offer        Cyrax brand of laser scanners, we         ponents - their extensive In-house
extended hours of care, flexible and   have continued to raise the bar on        capabilities make them the first
affordable payment options, and        speed, quality and reliability.           choice for customers looking for a
private health care in partnership                                               world class turnkey part.
with the Mama Coach.


Mettler Toledo                         Nipiy Industries                          GOLD SPONSOR                            Penticton Foundary
Booth 3303 - Exhibit Hall C            Booth 2006 - Project Startup -                                                    Booth 1101 - Exhibit Hall A
2915 Argentia Rd. Unit 6,              Exhibit Hall B                            Oil Sands Community           
Mississauga, ON                        8705 63 Avenue,                                                                   At Penticton Foundry we pride                                 Grande Prairie, AB                        Alliance                                ourselves on game changing
Mettler Toledo provides depend-                                innovations. We have particular-
able laboratory, process analytical    Nipiy Industries is an indigenous         The Oil Sands Community Alliance        ly excelled in creating products
instruments and robust industrial      owned business, founded and               (OSCA) pursues innovative solu-         and castings for industries that
weighing solutions for a wide range    created by Jason Lizotte, of Alberta,     tions to build thriving communities     hydro-transport slurry. Forecast Ar-
of processes in the chemical and       Canada. The word “Nipiy” translates       and enable the responsible growth       moured Pipe™ is another example
petrochemical industries. From raw     to “Water” from Jason’s native lan-       of Canada’s oil sands. We use a         of innovation at its best. Completely
material storage through chemi-        guage, Cree. Nipiy Industries offers      collaborative approach to facilitate    engineered and manufactured in
cal synthesis, we provide innova-      innovative hand wash stations that        engagement among stakeholders           Canada, Forecast Armoured Pipe
tive solutions for measuring pH,       are solar powered, fully automat-         including municipalities, govern-       is tough enough for severe slurry,
conductivity, dissolved oxygen, a      ed, touchless, and portable. With         ment and industry. Collaboration        and entirely customizable based on
wide array of gaseous components,      leading edge technology and a sus-        builds relationships and creates        your specific application.
TOC and sodium/silica that are vital   tainable product design, each hand        opportunities for dialogue, informa-
for reliable process control and       wash station is built with integrity,     tion exchange and shared success.
                                                                                 OSCA currently has four main focus      Phoenix Industrial Group
laboratory testing. Our industrial     pride, and quality, creating clean
products help to boost produc-         hands with clean energy.                  areas: Aboriginal Community Re-         of Companies
tivity with solutions designed for                                               lations; Infrastructure; Community      Booth 1021 - Exhibit Hall A
safety in applications including                                                 Wellbeing, and Workforce.               903 - 9 Avenue, Nisku, AB T9E 1C8
                                       Norseman Structures                                                     
tank weighing, batching/dosing,        Booth 1025 - Exhibit Hall A
filling, SQC, vehicle weighing and                                               OilSpill RHHB                           Phoenix Industrial works with
                                       3815 Wanuskewin Road,                                                             clients to develop cost-effective
more. We have a full offering of       Saskatoon, SK                             Distributors
hazardous-approved products that                                                                                         processes and procedures to meet
                                                 Booth 1211 - Exhibit Hall A             the multiple demands of indus-
meet required industry standards       At Norseman Structures, we design,        270 Tundra Drive,
without sacrificing functionality.                                                                                       trial projects. Our management
                                       manufacture and construct versatile       Fort McMurray, AB, T9H 4X1              teams work with leading-edge
                                       turnkey building solutions for some                           software, planning and sched-
MMD Mineral Sizing                     of the most quality minded and            OilSpill RHHB Distributors is the       uling techniques along with risk
(Canada) Inc.                          demanding customers around the            distributor for Oclansorb in Alberta.   management practices to increase
Booth 2221 - Exhibit Hall B            world. We’re proud to provide profes-     Oclansorb is a patent natural oil       certainty and drive out costs. With a
22511 - 112 Av NW, Edmonton, AB        sional guidance and support, from         absorbent, developed in Alberta         wide range of services from project                          sourcing reliable third party suppliers   and manufactured in Newfound-           planning to commissioning and
MMD Mineral Sizing is the inventor     to installing custom finishing. Our       land & Labrador. We offer spills kits   eventually maintenance, Phoe-
of the twin shaft mineral sizer,       engineering and manufacturing             from small vehicles to trailer size     nix Industrial delivers successful
a very compact and extremely           teams are continually raising the         response units with custom color        projects no matter the size or scale.
aggressive mineral reduction           bar and redefining possibilities of       company logos or black printing         From partial scopes to entire plants,
machine that represents the latest     fabric and steel buildings. Our nearly    on all products. Drip trays, holding    we are the clear choice for all of
technological developments in          100 years of experience means your        tanks, equipment berms, con-            your project needs.
crushing within the last 35 years.     project will be carefully completed       tainment booms for rivers, lakes
                                       on time and on budget with uncom-         or tailings ponds with or without
                                       promised safety.                          turbidity curtains. Oclansorb can be    Phoenix Lighting
NGC Product Solutions                                                            used on all hydrocarbon spills from     Booth 1212 - Exhibit Hall A
Booth 1103 - Exhibit Hall A                                                      small ones in your garage to large      79 Delage Crescent, St. Albert, AB
3160 118 Avenue SE,                    Novamen Inc.                                                            
                                       Booth 1109 - Exhibit Hall A               pipeline spills and even assist with
Calgary, AB T2Z 3X1                                                              tailings pond reclamation.              Phoenix manufactures heavy-duty                             27123 - 47 Hwy 597 Burbank Indus-                                                 lighting for the mining industry’s
Challenging process fluid handling     trial Park, Blackfalds, AB T0M 0J0                                                harshest applications and supports
applications need solutions provid-                                OleumTech / Wireless                    them with technical expertise and
ers that won’t fail you. NGC Always    Novamen, an Indigenous owned              Automation Solutions                    outstanding service. You’ll find Phoe-
Answers. Valve solutions keep flow     and operated company, is com-             Booth 1207 - Exhibit Hall A             nix lights on large AC equipment,
controlled Lined Pipe technology       mitted to becoming the leading            Bay #203, 11979 - 40 St SE,             mobile DC equipment, hazardous
keep corrosive fluid contained.        supplier to the Oil Sands and             Calgary, AB                             locations, haul roads, conveyor belts
Spray Shields and Leak Detection       Aggregate Mining Industries. Our                   and infrastructure. Phoenix’s lights
protects people, facilities and the    core products include dust sup-           OleumTech® is an innovative pro-        decrease maintenance and energy
planet. Slide Bearing technology       pressants, belt wetting agents, side      vider of M2M communications and         costs while providing operators with
expands operating possibilities. Be-   release sprays, freeze conditioners,      industrial automation solutions.        better visibility.
cause in your world, you need to be    deicers, glycols, heat transfer fluids,   Our versatile products are distrib-
operating. NGC Always Answers.         coolants, cleaners, degreasers,           uted globally and have set the
                                       water treatment chemistries and                                                   Pickford
                                                                                 performance standards in Oil and        Booth 5000 - Outdoor Exhibits
                                       many environmentally friendly             Gas production, Refining/Petro-
                                       alternatives.                                                                     Unit #30, 3250 51 Avenue NW,
                                                                                 Chemical, Water/Wastewater, and         Edmonton, AB T6P 0E1
                                                                                 many other industrial applications.
                                                                                 Contact Carbon Controls booth for       Pickford is your speciality tools
                                                                                 pricing and technical support.          and flow control product source
                                                                                                                         for plant maintenance, mining
                                                                                                                         and shutdowns. Sales, rentals, and
                                                                                                                         service facilities in Edmonton and
                                                                                                                         McMurray. Your largest ware-
                                                                                                                         house inventory available 24/7. We
                                                                                                                         innovate by our iCertify customer
                                                                                                                         program and new tools which keep
                                                                                                                         the industry moving and safe.

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