GUIDE FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS - Studying at THM, living in Giessen and Friedberg

Page created by Nathaniel Townsend
GUIDE FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS - Studying at THM, living in Giessen and Friedberg

                                 GUIDE FOR

                                 Studying at THM,
                                 living in Giessen and

                                 International Office
GUIDE FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS - Studying at THM, living in Giessen and Friedberg
02 ■ Guide for international Students                                                                                                    Guide for international Students ■ 03

IMPRINT                                     Page 15 Fotolia: © michaeljung                     CONTENT
                                            Page 16 THM International Office:
Publisher: Der Präsident der                        © Sarah Homberger                          Foreword                                                04
Technischen Hochschule Mittelhessen         Page 17 THM Hochschulsport: © Maili Winoto
University of Applied Sciences              Page 18 Gießen Marketing: © RKW,                     LIVING IN GIESSEN AND FRIEDBERG                      ■ 05
Wiesenstr. 14                                       © Rolf Wegst, © Sadullah Güleç
35390 Giessen                               Page 21 THM: © Till Schürmann                      1. Cost of living                                        06
Wilhelm-Leuschner-Str. 13                   Page 22 THM: © Till Schürmann,                     2. Accommodation                                         06
61169 Friedberg                                     Fotolia: © Wavebreakmedia-Micro            3. Food                                                  07
Germany                                     Page 24 THM: © Till Schürmann                      4. Transportation                                        09
                                            Page 25 Fotolia: © finecki, Fotolia: © Peter       5. In case of sickness and emergencies                   10
Editorial staff: International Office |             Atkins, THM ZS: © Christine Fritz          6. Working                                               12
Sarah Homberger, Shila Monasterios          Page 26 Fotolia: © buyman                          7. Accident and liability insurance                      14
Layout: Printmedien | Christine Fritz       Page 27 Fotolia: © raven                           8. Internet and mobile communications                    14
Print: Saxoprint                            Page 32 THM: © Till Schürmann                      9. Leisure time activities around THM                    15
Edition: 500
Date: September 2017                        Legal Disclaimer
                                            The Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen               STUDYING AT THE THM                                  ■ 19
Picture credits (clockwise)                 University of Applied Sciences may not be held
Cover picture Fotolia: ©           responsible for any actions taken as a result of   1. Semester dates and schedules                          20
Page 4 Fotolia: © zwieback2003              the information presented in this publication.     2. Student Chip Card                                     20
Page 6 THM ZS: © Christine Fritz            It is the sole responsibility of the user to       3. Library                                               21
Page 7 Fotolia: © Africa Studio;            determine the charges and policies and             4. Internet at THM                                       21
        THM: © Till Schürmann               information presented in this broschure.           5. Course enrolment and exams                            22
Page 8 Gießen Marketing: © Sadullah Güleç                                                      6. Support for THM students                              22
Page 10 Fotolia: © janvier
Page 11 THM: © Christine Fritz                                                                 Contacts and addresses                                   27
Page 12 Fotolia: © maglara                                                                     Annual events in Giessen, Friedberg and surroundings     28
Page 14 Fotolia: © macrovector                                                                 Maps                                                     30
GUIDE FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS - Studying at THM, living in Giessen and Friedberg
04 ■ Guide for international Students                                                 Living in Giessen and Friedberg ■ 05


                                    Dear international students,

                                    Welcome to the THM Technische Hochschule
                                    Mittelhessen University of Applied Sciences.

                                    With this information brochure we want to
                                    support you in your arrival, daily life and
                                    studies at and around the THM.

                                    We hope that you will soon feel at home and
                                    that you will have a good time at THM.

                                    For your studies we wish you all the best, good
                                    luck and success. We are looking forward to
                                    meeting you soon at one of our events. If you
                                    have any questions, problems or suggestions
                                    please do not hesitate to contact us.

                                    Best regards,
                                    Your team of the International Office at THM

                                    Giessen | A13.0.01-0.09 and A13.1.04-1.09
                                    Friedberg | A3.0.09-0.10                             Living in Giessen and Friedberg
GUIDE FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS - Studying at THM, living in Giessen and Friedberg
06 ■ Living in Giessen and Friedberg                                                                                                                            Living in Giessen and Friedberg ■ 07

1. COST OF LIVING                                               2. ACCOMMODATION                                                                                  moving. This must be done in time. Please also
                                                                                                                                                                  remember to inform the Registrar’s Office of
           The following chart shows the                                        The brochure                                                                      the THM and all other institutions or contract

      €             €
           average monthly costs of living
           for students in Germany, exclu-
                                                                                “Finding Accommodation”
                                                                                will give you detailed
                                                                                                                                                                  partners about your new address.

           ding the rent. Compared to other                                     information on apartment
German student cities, Giessen and Friedberg                                    hunting:
                                 ? the
are rather inexpensive. Nevertheless,                                                                                                                             3. FOOD
following chart can be seen and used as a                                       ■
guide. Costs and expenses vary depending on
your lifestyle and your preferences.1                           Studentenwerk / Student Services               “WG International” at THM
                                                                The Studentenwerk Giessen offers student       Our student tutors of „WG International“
Food                                                    168 €   dorms in residence halls at low prices in      (=Wohngemeinschaft international, Shared
Clothing                                                 42 €   Giessen and in Friedberg (ca. 230-260€)        Flat International) can help you to find a
Learning aids                                            20 €                                                  shared flat with people interested in an
Telephone/Internet/public service                               ■ Contact: Studentenwerk Giessen |             intercultural living environment.
broadcasting fees                                        31 €   Wohnheimverwaltung | Otto-Behaghel-Str. 23 |
Free-time, culture, sports                               61 €   35394 Giessen                                  ■ Contact: International Office                    Mensa / Cafeteria
Health insurance                                         90 €   Tel.: +49 (0)641/40008-308                     Giessen | A13.0.09                                 The easiest and cheapest way for students
Semester social fees                                      Friedberg | A3.1.10                                to eat is to visit one of the cafeterias of the
(Once per semester)                                 a. 270 €    Wohnen                                                        “Studentenwerk Giessen”, located at the
                                                                                                               Facebook: THM Giessen WG International             universities. The cafeterias provide you with
■ Please find further information here: www.                    ■ Exchange students please contact:                                                               breakfast, lunch and dinner. Both universities                Moving / Change of residence                       have several cafeterias, on THM Campus in
vorbereitung/finanzierung/lebenshaltungskosten                                                                 When you move please remember all the              Giessen and Friedberg there are not only the
                                                                                                               terms of notices. Make sure the deadline does      main cafeterias, but also a smaller Cafeterias.
    These figures are based on the survey results of the 21st
                                                                                                               not overlap with your new tenancy. Usually the     You can choose from a variety of warm
Social Survey of the German Students Institution:
                                                                                                               terms of notice are three months in advance.       meals (with meat, vegetarian and vegan),
                                                                                                               Inform your landlord in writing that you are       pasta dishes from a “Pastaria” or fresh raw
GUIDE FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS - Studying at THM, living in Giessen and Friedberg
08 ■ Living in Giessen and Friedberg                                                                                                                   Living in Giessen and Friedberg ■ 09

vegetables and salad from the salad bar.            Farmers markets                                     4. TRANSPORTATION                                  If you want to buy a bike you can for example
                                                    At the weekly farmers markets you can find                                                             buy one second hand online:
■ Please find all cafeterias in Giessen and         many vendors with fresh fruits, vegetables and      Public Transport                                   ■
Friedberg and their meal plans here:                meat. Some products even come straight from         Your Student ID is also your semester ticket for   ■                          the nearby region. If you enjoy cooking and         public transport. It allows you to take trains
                                                    eating you will find the farmer´s market is just    (except for ICE and IC-trains), subways and        Or you can get a new one, for example here:
Supermarkets                                        the right fit.                                      buses within the area of the RMV (Rhein-Main-      ■
In Giessen and Friedberg you will find a great                                                          Verkehrsverbund).                                  ■
variety of supermarkets like Rewe and Tegut,        ■ In Giessen – Brandplatz and Lindenplatz.                                                             ■
but you also find discounter markets such as        Market days: Wednesday and Saturday                 ■ This ticket is paid through your semester
Lidl, Penny, Aldi etc. Additionally, you can find   mornings until 2 p.m.                               social fees. You find all bus and train            You can also rent a bike for little money. At
international groceries in ethnic supermarkets                                                          schedules for Giessen, Friedberg and the           “The Youth Workshop” (Jugendwerkstatt) you
(for example Asian, Indian or Arabic                ■ In Friedberg – at Marienplatz. Market days:       RMV-Region here:                        can rent a bike for a rental deposit and low
specialities).                                      Friday and Saturday mornings until 1 p.m.                                                              rental fees or also buy one quite cheap.
                                                    Tap water                                           Giessen is a typical student’s town, where         ■ Alter Krofdorfer Weg 4 | 35398 Giessen
                                                    The German tap water is drinking water. It is of    many travel by bike rather than by bus or car.     Tel.: +49 (0)641/93100-215
                                                    excellent quality in the regions of Friedberg and   By bike you are more flexible in town.   
                                                    Giessen and is therefore suitable for drinking.     The lakes and forests around Giessen are very
                                                                                                        easy to reach by bike as well.                     Office Hours: Mon, Wed, Fri: 9-12.15 pm |
                                                    Bottle and can deposit                                                                                 Mon, Wed: 1.15-3 pm
                                                    When you buy drinks in Germany, you usually         Friedberg and its surroundings also offer
                                                    have to pay a deposit for the bottle or can         scenic routes and landscapes to discover.
                                                    called “Pfand” (usually ca. 8-25 cents). If you     These are very easy to ride by bike and are
                                                    return the bottle or can to the store (often in a   suitable for day and weekend trips.
                                                    machine), then you will be refunded the deposit.    ■
                                                    ■ Find more Information here:
GUIDE FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS - Studying at THM, living in Giessen and Friedberg
10 ■ Living in Giessen and Friedberg                                                                                                                  Living in Giessen and Friedberg ■ 11

                                                   a doctor or specialist. Also, on weekends you      +49 (0)6131/19240 Poison Emergencies Hesse        0800 1 11 01 11 Telephone service for spiritual
                                                   should visit doctors offering an „emergency        In case of emergency with suspected               welfare
                                                   service“. Doctors and specialists rotate their     poisoning, the poison emergency call is the       Problems and crises, e.g. problems with your
                                                   duties for weekend medical services. You can       first point of contact to capture the situation   partner, bullying at school and at work,
                                                   call 116/117 or use the following link, which      and prevent a life-threatening situation          loss of job, addiction, illness, loneliness,
                                                   provides information about the next on-call        from occurring. If this is already the case,      sensual crises, spiritual questions
                                                   medical doctor in your surroundings.               the rescue call 112 should be selected instead
                                                   ■                of the poison emergency call.                     Pharmacy Emergency Duties
                                                                                                                                                        Are listed at every pharmacy and here:
                                                   Visiting a specialist                              08000 116016 Help telephone „Violence             ■

                                                   Usually General practitioners refer and            against women“

                                                   transfer to specialists. With such a transfer,     Nationwide advisory services for women            KatWarn – Catastrophe Warning App
5. IN CASE OF SICKNESS AND                         it is often easier to get an appointment with a    affected by violence, as well as their social     The app „KATWARN“ directs official warnings
EMERGENCIES                                        specialist doctor. However, if you would like to   environment. Free, anonymous, around the          and recommendations for action to the
                                                   make an appointment with a specialist,             clock help with advice from specialists.          affected people. Only authorities and safety
When should I see a doctor?                        it is advisable to use the appointment service                                                       organizations decide on the content,
In case of illness, it is good to know the         of your health insurance.                                                                            timing and scope.
doctor‘s practices within your living                                                                                                                   ■
environment. In Germany there are no               Emergency contacts:
outpatient departments in hospitals.
Therefore, in case of sickness you should
first see a doctor or general practitioner.
                                                   110 Police Emergency Call
                                                   Non-medical emergency situations,
Please make an appointment by telephone            criminal offenses or traffic accidents
and do not forget to bring your health
insurance card (EHIC) with you.                    112 Fire Brigade Rescue Service
                                                   For cases of severe accidents, heart
When and how do I go to a hospital?                attacks (infarction) and collapse, dyspnea,
You should only go to the hospital in case of an   unconsciousness, paralysis, stroke, poisoning
emergency or after receiving a transfer from       and burns, and acute pain.
GUIDE FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS - Studying at THM, living in Giessen and Friedberg
12 ■ Living in Giessen and Friedberg                                                                                                             Living in Giessen and Friedberg ■ 13

                                                                                              residence permit. You are allowed to work 120        For further information on your tax identifica-
                                                                                              full days or 240 half days per year. Students        tion number please contact the town hall:
                                                                                              and their employers have to provide sufficient
                                                                                              documentation of the actual working hours,           ■ In Giessen
                                                                                              in order to avoid legal problems.                    Stadtbüro | Berliner Platz 1
                                                                                                                                                   Tel.: +49(0)641/306-1234
                                                                                              Work and residence permit for
                                                                                              international graduates of German                    Office hours: Mon-Thur 8-6 pm | Fri 8-12 pm |
                                                                                              universities                                         Sat 10 am-1pm
                                                                                              The DAAD has issued a detailed brochure on
                                                                                              the legal framework of employment for foreign        ■ In Friedberg
                                                                                              students and graduates:                              Bürgerbüro | Mainzer-Tor-Anlage 6
                                                                                                                                                   Tel.: +49 (0)6031/88-1
                                                                                              formulare/erwerbstaetigkeit_januar_2017.pdf          Office hours: Mon-Thur 8-12.30 pm |
                                                                                                                                                   Tue 4-6 pm | Fri 8-12 pm
                                                                                              You are also invited to visit the corresponding
6. WORKING                                   access to the job market and do not need a       info-session of the THM International Career         The job search
                                             work permit.                                     Center.                                              If you want to search for jobs on the Internet,
International Career Center – ICC                                                                                                                  it is best to use keywords such as „Stellen­
The International Career Center offers       ■ Further important information can be read      The tax identification                               angebote“, „Mini-Job“, „Aushilfe“, etc.
international students an opportunity to     here:          You need your tax identification number when
prepare for a job and a career in Germany.   jobben                                           you start a job. You get this in the town in         Together with the Studentenwerk Giessen, the
                                                                                              which you are registered. As soon as you have        International Office has published a detailed
■                             Work permits for students from non-EU            registered with the local residents´ office, you     brochure on the subject of „Working during the
■                                 countries                                        should automatically receive your tax identi-        studies“:
                                             International students from non-EU countries     fication number by post from the Federal Tax
Students from the EU and EWR                 may hold a side job to support their financial   Office (Bundeszentralamt für Steuern).               ■
Students from the EU and EWR have free       means. The work permit is included in the                                                             englisch/residence-status/work-permits.html
GUIDE FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS - Studying at THM, living in Giessen and Friedberg
14 ■ Living in Giessen and Friedberg                                                                                                                Living in Giessen and Friedberg ■ 15

7. ACCIDENT AND LIABILITY                         Studentenwerk at the above address.             In private residential communities and shared       9. LEISURE TIME ACTIVITIES
INSURANCE                                                                                         flats there is usually a common, shared wire­       AROUND THM
                                                  Private liability insurance                     less LAN. If you are planning to rent your own
Accident and liability insurance at the           A private liability insurance covers damages    apartment without an existing connection, we
THM                                               that are caused to your own property and        recommend asking the neighbors if you can
THM students are insured in case of accidents     which are not connected with THM studies or     use the existing Internet for a fee. Otherwise,
during lectures, university related excursions,   damages which you may cause to someone          you should make sure that you do not sign
internships etc. and on the way to and from       else´s property.                                contracts with a „minimum contract time“,
the THM. In addition, the Studentenwerk                                                           which is longer than your own stay in Germany.
concluded liability insurance for students        We recommend that you take out such
in connection with the participation in study     insurance. For further information, please      Mobile communications
activities.                                       contact the Federation of Insured Persons       Network operators in Germany are Telekom,
                                                  ■                    Vodafone and O2 (E-Plus/Telefonica).
For more information on insurance services,                                                       Well-known providers among students are:
please contact the International Office or the                                                    Congstar, freenetmobile,, 1 & 1,
Studentenwerk Giessen.                                                                            OTELO, FYVE, AldiTalk, and others.
                                                  8. INTERNET AND MOBILE
■ Studentenwerk Giessen | Soziale Dienste         COMMUNICATIONS                                  Important questions in the purchase decision
Otto-Behaghel-Str. 25 | Room 18                                                                   are: Contract term or terms of notice? Is the
Tel.: +49 (0) 641/40008-162                                            Internet                   tariff equipped with an Allnet Flatrate or free     Internationales Buddy Programme – IBP                                Internet is provided in   minutes to call? What is the volume of data of      Each new semester, the IBP builds “buddy
                                                                        your dormitory. You       the mobile internet and is LTE available?           teams” consisting of newly arrived
Private accident insurance                                              must set up a network                                                         international students and THM students and
The Studentenwerk has concluded a private                               password for access                                                           employees (both German and international).
accident insurance for THM students.                                    to the Internet in the                                                        Goal of the programme is to promote inter-
The private insurance covers accidents            dormitories. This is done at                                                         cultural exchanges on campus and help new
outside the rooms and events as well as           under „Network access for WLAN, VPN as well                                                         international students get off to a good start!
outside the way to and from the THM.              as dormitories“. Internet is available in the
In the event of an accident, please contact the   dormitories only via cable.
GUIDE FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS - Studying at THM, living in Giessen and Friedberg
16 ■ Living in Giessen and Friedberg                                                                                                                 Living in Giessen and Friedberg ■ 17

Also, a semester social programme with a          Lokal International                                                                                  then you are welcome to join and play your
variety of group activities such as excursions,   The Lokal International in Giessen,                                                                  instrument in the orchestra:
cultural and sporting events are organized        Eichendorffring 111 is located in the center                                                         ■
each semester.                                    of Eichendorff‘s student residence halls.
                                                  It is a fun location for meeting German and                                                          Do you want to play the piano? In the Protes-
■                              international students in a cozy atmosphere                                                          tant student community there is a piano that
                                                  after lectures. It has a cafeteria and offers                                                        you can use: ■
                                                  events such as game nights, cultural evenings,
                                                  salsa and more five days a week.                                                                     Tuesday Night Skating
                                                                                                                                                       The Giessener Tuesday Night Skating takes
                                                  ■ Eichendorffring 111 | 35394 Giessen                                                                place every Tuesday between May and August.
                                                                                                                   At 8 pm, all participants meet at the parking
                                                                                                   Hochschulsport / University Sports                  lot of the Intersport Begro for a tour through
                                                  WoTuPro                                          The “THM Hochschulsport” offers more than           Giessen.
                                                  WoTuPro is a dormitory programme                 50 different sports programmes from Zumba
                                                  sponsored by “Studentenwerk”. The WoTuPro        to football as well as the THM gym. They offer      ■ For more information visit:
                                                  tutors are students themselves and offer         a variety of courses and times in order to find
                                                  advice and support. In addition,                 a balance between your studies and sports.
                                                  they organize events for all students living     The “THM Hochschulsport” also offers the            Fleamarkets
THM‘s International Get-Together                  in the dormitories.                              possibility to participate in competitions in       In and around Giessen and Friedberg there are
The International Get-Together is a good                                                           several sports.                                     several weekly flea markets. At those markets
opportunity to speak other languages,             ■ The programme can be found in the                                                                  you can buy second hand products which are
socialize with students and prospective           International Office of the THM, in the          ■ Please find further detailed information on       usually in a good condition. Usually these are
students from around the world, and share         dormitories and at                registration and the semester programme             rather from the early morning until noon and
experiences on studying, searching for jobs                                                        here:                              mostly on Saturdays or Sundays.
and everyday life here in Germany and
worldwide.                                                                                         The THM´s orchestra „Applied Sounds”                ■ Most flea markets are on pages like this:
                                                                                                   Do you play an instrument or sing? If you are
■                                                                               looking for a platform to practice and perform,
GUIDE FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS - Studying at THM, living in Giessen and Friedberg
18 ■ Living in Giessen and Friedberg                                                        Studieren an der THM ■ 19

                                             Explore Giessen – the App
                                             The interactive city magazine GIESSEN
                                             Entdecken accompanies you through the city
                                             through the app with the latest information,
                                             such as: The largest event calendar in
                                             the region.

Watersports and swimming
Especially during summer there are many
possibilities to go swimming in outdoor
swimming pools or waterskiing or
wakeboarding. For colder periods there are
many indoor swimming pools as well.


                                                                                                Studying at the THM
20 ■ Studying at the THM                                                                                                                                                     Studying at the THM ■ 21

STUDYING AT THE THM                                       1. SEMESTER DATES AND                              After officially enrolling at the THM, your chip    ■ Giessen I C10
                                                          SCHEDULES                                          card will be produced. This might take up to        Tel.: +49 (0)641/309-1230
The International Office supports internatio-                                                                two weeks. You can pick up your card at the
nal students at the THM not only in your daily            Semester dates and information on the              Information Desk.                                   ■ Friedberg I A3
life, but also in your studies. The THM offers a          examination weeks can be found on the THM                                                              Tel.: +49 (0)6031/604-150
variety of counseling and other services.                 homepage in the „Organizer“ at:                    Before usage, the card must first be initialized.
                                                          ■                             For this, you insert the card into one of the       ■
                      You are welcome to take                                                                update terminals. After initializing it you can
                      a look at the helpful               Here you can view the timetables of all courses    print your valid RMV semester ticket on it.         The library card is integrated in the student

                      booklet „THM START“,                during the semester, look up information such                                                          card. You find a detailed description of the
                      which you get during                as room assignments, events and office hours       The validity of the chip card with the semester     library and how to use it on the website
                      the introductory week               of various offices/services.                       ticket must be renewed every semester by            of the university library:
                      from the Central                                                                       inserting the card into one of the terminals.       ■
                                   THM START
                      Adivsory Service (Zent-
                                   Wissenswertes, Tipps
                                   und Tricks für einen
                                                                                                             However, this is only possible if you paid the
                                   perfekten Start am

                      rale Studienberatung).                         - Example -                             semester contributions before.
                                   Campus Gießen

                      As an exchange student,
                                   Sommersemester 2017

you have received this information during your                                                               More information about the chip card:               4. INTERNET AT THM
orientation days.                                                                                            ■
                                                                                                                                                                 All students of the THM receive free internet
■ INFORMATION | Campus Giessen                                 Area for the semester ticket                                                                      access. When you pick up your chip card at
Giessen | A22                                                                                                                                                    the Information Desk, you receive a TAN list
Tel.: +49 (0)641/309-7777                                 2. STUDENT CHIP CARD                               3. LIBRARY                                          with an initial password. Use this link                                                                                                                                            
                                                          The Student-ID is your student card, RMV                              The library offers guided        to activate your user account. You can then
■ INFORMATION | Campus Friedberg                          semester ticket, electronic wallet for the cafe-                      tours for all new students at    activate your student ID and your initial
Friedberg | A3 Foyer                                      terias, library pass, access key to rooms and                         the beginning of the semes-      password. Please note the two different links
Tel.: +49 (0)6031/604-7777                                buildings of the THM, entrance to the Giessen                         ter. The dates are displayed     for the two locations Giessen and Friedberg on                                               outdoor swimming pool (summer semester)                               in the library.                  this page.
                                                          and entrance to the Giessen theater.
22 ■ Studying at the THM                                                                                                                                       Studying at the THM ■ 23

5. COURSE ENROLLMENT AND                         department. This is possible within most          ASTA                                            ■
EXAMS                                            departments. Please consult the dean’s office     The AStA is the body in which students          studium/fachschaften.html
                                                 of your department for further information.       continually strive to improve the general
You create your own timetable using the THM      Please observe the requirements and dead-         conditions of study and to promote the          Registrar‘s Office and Chip Card
Organizer and also use it to get access to the   lines of your campus and your department.         exchange between the university and society.    Service
module manuals.                                                                                                                                    The Registrar‘s Office is responsible for
                                                                                                   ■ Giessen | C14.U.12                            admission, enrollment and de-matriculation as
■                                                                             Tel.: +49 (0)641/309-1484                       well as for semester social fee payments. They
                                                                                                                  are your contact persons for leave of absence
For questions regarding specific timetables,                                                                                                       from studies, part-time studies or for inquiries
please contact your department’s coordinator.                                                      ■ Friedberg | A3.U.19                           from guest listeners. If you have any questions
Exchange students please contact the                                                                                  about the chip card, the colleagues of the chip
international coordinator of your department.                                                                                                      card service are at your disposition.
■ dekanat@                                                                                                              ■ Giessen | A13 | 2nd floor
                                                                                                   “Fachschaften” / Student Council                Tel.: +49 (0)641/309-1202/-1203
                                                                                                   The “Fachschaften” are formed by students
                                                                                                   of each department. The departments of          Office hours: Daily 9.30-11.30 am and
                                                                                                   the various disciplines offer information for   Mon-Thur: 1.30-3 pm
                                                                                                   newcomers, students and interested persons,
                                                                                                   and help with questions about studying.         ■ Friedberg I A3.0.13
                                                 6. SUPPORT FOR THM                                The council of each “Fachschaft” organizes      Tel.: +49 (0)6031/604-101
                                                 STUDENTS                                          a graduate ceremony once a year together
                                                                                                   with the faculty. Members of the “Fachschaft”   Office hours: Daily 9.30-11.30 am and by
                                                 For questions and problems, the International     commit themselves voluntarily to the            appointment
                                                 Office of the THM is always ready to guide you.   improvement of the study conditions and
Registration for examination                     However, the following facilities and groups      their fellow students.                          ■
Before doing your exams, you need to register    can also assist you with many questions.
online for each examination in your
24 ■ Studying at the THM                                                                                                                               Studying at the THM ■ 25

                                                                                          Office hours: Mon 1.30-3.30 am and by


                                                                                                                                            Equal Opportunities Office/
                                                                                                                                            Studying with a child
                                                                                                                                            Equal Opportunities Office (Gleichstellungsbü-
                                                                                          BIKO - Counseling Center for Students             ro) offers contacts and support with questions
                                                                                          in Intercultural Conflicts                        and problems concerning gender discriminati-
                                                                                          With BIKO, the THM offers counseling and          on and the family-friendly university services.
                                                                                          support to students affected by discrimination.   They also give counseling and guidance for
                                                                                          The success of your studies and your equal        everyday planning with a child, in the search
                                                                                          participation in higher education should not      for financial support for studying with a child
                                                                                          suffer through disadvantages such as racial       or in case of any discrimination and conflict
Student Advisory Service                         ■ Giessen | A10.1.10, 1.11               discrimination. If you are not sure whether or    situation concerning your gender.
The Central Student Advisory Service (Zentrale   Tel.: +49 (0)641/309-6301                not you have experienced discrimination, we
Studienberatung, ZS) is for information, coun-                   can help you with clarification.                  ■
seling and support for prospective and current
students. The trained study advisors help with   Office hours: Mon 9.30-11.30 am and by   ■ Contact person: Dipl. Ped. Gonca Sariaydin
orientation concerning your aimed studies or     appointment                              Giessen | A10.1.01
questions and problems that may arise during                                              Friedberg | A3.0.10
your studies. Just make an appointment or        ■ Friedberg | A3 0.04          
come to the office hours!                        Tel.: +49 (0)6031/604-7551     
26 ■ Studying at the THM                                                                                                                                        Studying at the THM ■ 27

                                                  KHG - Catholic Higher Education                                        FURTHER                     ■ Basketball (national league):
                                                  Community                                                              CONTACTS AND      
                                                  The KHG is an institution of the Catholic                              ADDRESSES                   ■ Handball (national league):
                                                  Church of the Diocese of Mainz. KHG accom-                                               
                                                  panies students, teachers and staff of the                                                         ■ Lahn river:
                                                  universities in Giessen with Christian council.                       ■ THM Online-Service         ■ Public library:
                                                  There are many special events that go beyond                           for students:     
                                                  their weekly offers. The KHG mainly advises   ■ Giessen:
                                                  international students - but of course every-     docu/online.html                       
                                                  one who is looking for and would like to have                                                      ■ Friedberg:
                                                  pastoral / advisory / coaching accompaniment      ■ German language course: www.uni-giessen.
                                                  can feel free to get in contact with the KHG.     de/international-pages/language-courses/in       Cinemas
                                                                                                                                                     ■ Giessen:
ESG - Protestant Student Community                ■ Contact: Wilhelmstr. 28 | 35392 Giessen         Daily newspapers 		                              ■ Friedberg:
The ESG in Giessen is an institution of the       Tel.: +49 (0)641/78031                            (available at the THM library)                   ■ Bad Nauheim:
Protestant Church in Hesse and Nassau. As a                               ■ Gießener Anzeiger:   ■ Lich:
Christian community, it stands for the humani-                                ■ Gießener Allgemeine:
ty of God. In addition to community, counseling                                                                 RMV public transport map
and pastoral care, there are church services                                                        ■ Gießener Express:        ■
and social projects. They also offer a diverse                                                      ■ Wetterauer Zeitung (Friedberg):                Streckennetz/Liniennetzplaene/464/RMV-
semester programme with events and semi-                                                                          Liniennetzplaene.html
nars and you do not have to be a member of
the Protestant church in order to participate.                                                      Leisure time offers and tips                     We wish you all the best for your studies at
                                                                                                    ■ Giessen theatre:   the THM and a wonderful time in Giessen and
■ Contact: Henselstr. 7 | 35390 Giessen                                                             ■ Mathematikum:              Friedberg.
Tel.: +49 (0)641/76757                                                                              ■ Liebig Museum:                                                                        ■ Sports:                                                                                  ■ Bike tours:
28 ■ Studying at the THM                                                               29 ■ Studying at the THM

Worthwhile annual events in Giessen, Wetzlar and Marburg                               Worthwhile annual events in Friedberg, Frankfurt and Bad Nauheim
■        ■            ■
■                                ■
■                         ■[_id_inhalt]=101809

 When?        What and where?
 Feb          Fasching, Deutschland
 May          Gartenfest im Stadtpark Wieseckaue, Gießen                                When?        What and where?
 May          Museumstag in Hessen                                                      Feb          Wetterauer Narrenexpress, Friedberg
 May          Hessenpark Frühlingspflanzenmarkt, Hessen                                 May          Friedberger Frühlingsmarkt
 May/Jun      Pfingstregatta auf der Lahn (Rudersport), Gießen                          May          Grüne Soße Festival, Frankfurt
 May-Aug      Musikalischer Sommer auf dem Schiffenberg, Gießen                         May          Fressgassfest, Frankfurt
 May/Jun      Hessentag. Jährlich wechselnd in einer hessischen Stadt.                  May          Nacht der Museen, Frankfurt
 Jun          Fluss mit Flair, WG-Flohmarkt, Gießen                                     May/Jun      Winzerfest, Friedberg
 Jun          Bruchstraßenfest, Gießen                                                  Jun          Internationales Fest, Sprudelhof, Bad Nauheim
 Jun          Lange Nacht der Industrie in Hessen                                       Jun          Wäldchestag, Frankfurt
 Jun          Tag der Architektur in Hessen                                             Jun          Bergerstraßenfest, Frankfurt
 Jun-Aug      Bad Hersfelder Festspiele                                                 Jul          Osthafen-Festival, Frankfurt
 Jul          Golden Oldies (50er-Jahre-Festival, Wettenberg bei Gießen)                Jul          Brunnenfest, Bad Nauheim
 Jul          Wetzlarer Festspiele                                                      Jul          Christopher Street Day, Frankfurt
 Jul          Sommernachtsweinfest, Wetzlar                                             Aug          European Elvis Festival, Bad Nauheim
 Aug          Südstadtfest Marburg                                                      Aug          Museumsuferfest, Frankfurt
 Aug          Stadtfest, Gießen                                                         Aug          Mainfest, Frankfurt
 Sep          Theaterfest Saisoneröffnung, Gießen                                       Aug/Sep      Apfelwein-Festival, Frankfurt
 Sep          Tag des offenen Denkmals in Hessen                                        Aug/Sep      Quellendankfeier, Bad Nauheim
 Oct          Gallusmarkt, Wetzlar                                                      Sep          Jugendstilfestival, Bad Nauheim
 Nov          Liebigs Suppenfest, Gießen                                                Sep/Oct      Friedberger Herbstfest
 Dec          Weihnachtsflair, Wetzlar I Weihnachtsmarkt in vielen deutschen Städten    Dec          Weihnachtsmarkt, Friedberg und Frankfurt
30 ■ Studying at the THM                                                      Studying at the THM ■ 31

                                       Giessen – Map:                                Friedberg – Map:

                                       ■ A13:                                        ■ A3:
                                       International Office                          International Office
                                       Studiensekretariat                            Zentrale Studienberatung
                                       Prüfungsamt                                   Studiensekretariat
                                       Hochschulsport                                Prüfungsamt
                                       ■ A22:                                        Information
                                       Information                        ■          AStA
                           ■                                          ■
                                   ■   ■ A10:
                               ■       Mensa                      ■                  ■ A6:
                                       Zentrale Studienberatung                      Mensa
                                                                                     ■ A4:
                      ■                ■ C10:                                        Gleichstellungsbüro

                                       ■ C13:

                                       ■ Rathaus/Stadtver-
                                       Zentrum für Migration
                                       und Integration der
                                       Stadt Giessen
Studying at the THM ■ 32
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