Growth You Can Bank On - 2022 SOUTH CAROLINA BANKERS SCHOOL July 10-15, 2022 - South Carolina Bankers Association

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Growth You Can Bank On - 2022 SOUTH CAROLINA BANKERS SCHOOL July 10-15, 2022 - South Carolina Bankers Association
Growth You Can
                Bank On
                         July 10-15, 2022

                        Lander University
                         Greenwood, SC
Growth You Can Bank On - 2022 SOUTH CAROLINA BANKERS SCHOOL July 10-15, 2022 - South Carolina Bankers Association

The South Carolina Bankers School (SCBS) provides the practicing banker an integrated and complete set of usable
courses covering all aspects of banking, as well as overall bank management. The School fosters academic and social
interactions with fellow bankers conducive to joint bank problem solving at the School and later in the workplace. The
curriculum is designed as a stepping stone to graduate banking schools and will provide benefits for the duration of
one’s banking career. This excellent intermediate-level education is one of the premier state banking programs in the

The SCBS offers general educational experiences in many phases of banking. Students are expected to be junior- and
mid-management-level officers or administrators. Throughout the three-year program, students are challenged to learn
more about their responsibilities while preparing for future advancement. Students acquire a better knowledge of the
total scope of their organizations and the role of the financial services industry in the economy. Though rigorous, the
South Carolina Bankers School provides an informal atmosphere which allows students to respond in an enthusiastic
manner to the classroom instruction. Even though the schedule and work are demanding, the School provides time for
building relationships through socialization outside of the classroom.

                                Growth You Can Bank On
                                2022 SOUTH CAROLINA BANKERS SCHOOL
                                Sunday, July 10 - Friday, July 15 | Lander University | Greenwood, SC

LOCATION INFORMATION                                         ATTENDANCE
SCBS is held at Lander University, located in Greenwood,     Attendance is mandatory. All applicants will agree to
South Carolina. The campus is conveniently designed for      attend all classes and social events planned by SCBS
students to be housed in nearby dormitories and dine in      during the resident session and to complete the required
the university’s modern facilities.                          work, including home study problems. Full participation in
                                                             all classes and other required social events is expected.
ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS                                       Absences may be excused only because of illness,
Applicants must:                                             catastrophe or extenuating circumstances, based on a
• Be an officer, director or an employee of a commercial     written statement submitted prior to or during the School
  bank or other approved financial institution;              week to the School Administrator. The excuse must be
• Have a college degree and two years of banking             signed by the student, approved and signed by his or
  experience, or a high school diploma and five years        her CEO or supervisor, and further approved by the
  of banking experience;                                     School Administrator and the Executive Committee of
• Be recommended by the bank’s CEO or executive              the School Board of Directors. Business appointments,
  management.                                                member contacts, and travel convenience are not
• In addition, applicants who are accepted are required      considered “extenuating circumstances.” If your absence
  to participate in all three resident sessions of the       is unexcused, and you opt to miss class, you will not receive
  School, to attend all classes and evening sessions         credit for your School week.
  and to complete the home study problems.
                                                             FINAL EXAMS
FACULTY AND CURRICULUM                                       An examination based on the lectures and prepared
SCBS faculty is a blend of the best from the banking,        from questions submitted by the faculty will be taken by
professional and academic worlds. Many of the                first and second year students. Third Year students will not
passionate faculty members have been associated with         take a final exam.
the School for several years. Faculty and curriculum are
carefully evaluated by the SCBS Course Coordinators,         HOME STUDY PROBLEMS
Board of Directors, students and School Administrator to     Three home-study problems are required between the
ensure that students receive the highest quality and most    first two years. Successful completion of the home-study
relevant instruction available. This review of the School    problems is a prerequisite for advancement to the next
continues to assist the personnel of banks in meeting the    year and required for graduation.
changing demands of the banking industry.
BANKEXEC                                                              be available in the Grier Student Center Dining Hall Monday
Third-year students participate in a bank simulation course           through Friday morning.
that consists of 26 hours of instruction and group decision
sessions led by Dr. Ron Best. The first and second-year school        NETWORKING
curriculums and a set of pre-session activities are designed to       Students are expected to work very hard and be in class all
prepare students for the simulation, which is the culmination         day. However, it is important to allow time for networking and
of the learning experience at SCBS. Working together in               fun. The School will host special evening functions throughout
groups, students serve as the top management team for a               the week. SCBS fosters a cordial environment for students to
simulated bank utilizing the BankExec program. Each bank              get to know each other outside of the classroom which allows
group is responsible for setting policies and making decisions        students to make connections throughout their three years
that address all areas of the bank including investments,             that will last a lifetime.
loans, deposits, profitability, liquidity, and asset/liability
management. Over eight fiscal quarters, participants must             ATTIRE
analyze and respond to a competitive environment with                 The School is conducted in an informal workshop atmosphere.
changing economic conditions. Students are assisted by                Casual clothes are recommended for wear throughout
a team of instructors with real-world banking, regulatory,            the week. Classrooms are air-conditioned so students should
and academic experience. At the end of the week, teams                bring appropriate clothing. Business attire is required for
present their results to a panel of bankers who choose the            graduation.
best managed bank.
                                                                      CODE OF ETHICS AND CONDUCT
GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS                                               The South Carolina Bankers Association and the SCBS
Completion of the South Carolina Bankers School is based on           recognize that it takes more than quality education and a
satisfactory attendance and performance in all scheduled              commitment to the bankers that it serves to be successful
classes, lectures and planned social events, preparation of all       in accomplishing our mission. We rely heavily on our solid
assigned work, and satisfactory and on-time completion of all         reputation for honesty, fairness and ethical conduct to attract
home study assignments. Third-Year students who successfully          our students, recruit quality instructors and retain the high
complete the course of study and BankExec program will be             level of bank support and respect that we have worked so
awarded diplomas during graduation exercises.                         hard to achieve. Our reputation ultimately rests on the good
                                                                      judgment and personal integrity of everyone – staff, students,
HOUSING                                                               instructors, and all other individuals and organizations who
Students will be housed on Lander University’s campus in              are involved with the SCBA/SCBS. Any variance from the
two dormitories. Centennial Hall features suite-style living to       standards established by this code shall be unacceptable.
accommodate multiple students. Each suite has four single-
occupancy bedrooms sharing a common living space and                  TUITION
a bathroom. Each bathroom has separate toilet and shower              Tuition, room and board fees are as follows:
areas, along with double sinks, for accommodation of several          Member banks: Double Occupancy.....$1,450.00
students at one time. Bedrooms and common areas are                   		               Single Occupancy........$1,600.00
fully furnished. In New Hall, one student will be assigned per        Non-members: Double Occupancy.....$2,150.00
room, and each room has its own private bath. New Hall has            		               Single Occupancy........$2,300.00
limited availability so it is a first come–first serve basis AND an
additional cost of $150. Regardless of dormitory, you must            APPLICATION/REGISTRATION/CANCELLATION
bring your own bed linens, towels and hand soap. Students             All students must submit the Application form along with
desiring them should also bring a desk lamp, television (rooms        payment by Monday, May 2, 2022. In the event an applicant
have basic cable) and/or alarm clock. Please do not bring             is not accepted, fees will be refunded. In the event of a
any valuables. SCBS is not responsible for lost or stolen items.      cancellation, the tuition fee will be refunded if the SCBS office
                                                                      is notified prior to June 1. After June 1, one-half of the tuition
MEALS                                                                 fee will be refunded. No refunds will be made after June 30
All meals will be provided except for lunch on Sunday, and            and in the event of a withdrawal after the School Session
Tuesday and Wednesday evenings, when students are free                has begun.
to make their own arrangements. Breakfast and lunch will

  FIRST YEAR: Foundation                        SECOND YEAR: Application                     THIRD YEAR: Integration
  • Analyzing Bank Financial                    •   Analyzing Real Estate Appraisals         • BankExec
    Performance                                 •   Asset/Liability Management               • Funding Alternatives
  • Consumer Credit/Home Mortgage               •   Bank Investments                         • Managing IRR and Liquidity Risk
  • Cybersecurity and Banking                   •   Banking Law                                in the Current Environment
  • Understanding Digital 			                   •   Capital Planning/Strategic Thinking      • Political and Social Advocacy
    Transformation in Banking                   •   Commercial Lending                         for Banking
  • Economics/Money and Banking                 •   Effective Negotiations                   • Presentation Skills
  • Leadership                                  •   Labor and Employment Law                 • Trust
  • Marketing, Sales & Client                   •   Lending for Non-Lenders
    Engagement                                  •   Why Try to Comply?
  • Sources of Non-Interest Income
  • Understanding CAMELS Ratings/
    Working with Regulators
           ?       Bankers School Student FAQs

WHAT HAPPENS AFTER CLASS?                                     HOW HARD IS THE EXAM?
Activities are planned certain nights during the week.        Your instructors help you prepare, take advantage of
Take advantage of the social time. These are great            the study times given. Or, grab a beverage and have
opportunities for you to meet other Bankers School            group study time! Don’t stress the entire week about
attendees. Talk to the upperclassman, often times             it though.
they have social events planned as well.

                                                              I’VE NEVER BEEN TO LANDER, HOW WILL I KNOW MY
WHAT IS THE DRESS CODE?                                       WAY AROUND?
Casual - shorts and sandals are appropriate. The              Once you arrive, you’ll get a map of the campus with
classrooms are very cold, so be sure to bring a jacket!       all of the locations you need to know. Plus, there are
Business attire is needed for Graduation.                     plenty of Lander staff and SCBA staff at registration
                                                              to help you.

Everyone is willing to help. Ask your instructors, ask        I’M WORRIED I WON’T KNOW A LOT OF THE
second and third year students or ask the SCBA staff.         INFORMATION TAUGHT. SHOULD I TRY TO LEARN
                                                              ANYTHING BEFORE COMING?
                                                              That’s what Bankers School is all about! There are
SHOULD I PRINT OUT ALL THE NOTES?                             several different types of people in your classes ranging
If you like to take notes, print out the materials before     from IT and Accounting to branch managers and
you come to Bankers School. If not, make sure you             mortgage lenders. You won’t be out of place!
have access to them on your laptop or iPad.

There is WiFi, but save materials to your desktop just
in case.

                    Packing List suggestions from previous students:


• Casual Clothes                           • Hand soap

• Sweater / jacket (it’s really            • XL twin bed sheets (38”x80”),
  cold–even the guys think so!)              a pillow and blanket
                                           • Fan to help to drown out noise
• Cell phone / tablet to download            and keep your room cooler
  the Bankers School App
                                           • Bath towels, wash cloths, hand
• iPad or laptop                             towels and bath mat
                                           • Clorox wipes – if you’re a neat
• Notebook and pen                           freak!                                     For more information,
                                                                                    please contact Carolyn Laffitte
                                           • Snacks / beverages (there isn’t
WHAT TO BRING FOR SOCIAL TIME:               a refrigerator in your room)            Bradley at 803.779.0850, or
• Stocked Cooler (there is an 		           • Small lamp
  ice machine on campus)                   • Towels are provided, but you
                                             may want to bring your own
• Snacks                                     if you prefer larger towels
• Deck of cards, UNO, cornhole,            • Shower shoes or flip flops
  frisbees, etc.                                                                    803.779.0850 |
                                                                July 10-15, 2022         |    DEADLINE TO REGISTER: Monday, May 2, 2022

                        FULL NAME                                                                                       BADGE NICKNAME

                        BANK NAME                                                                                       TITLE

                        BANK’S ADDRESS                                                                           CITY                                 STATE           ZIP

                        BUSINESS PHONE                                           CELL PHONE                                        BUSINESS EMAIL

                        HOME PHONE                                                                          HOME EMAIL

                        YEARS IN BANKING                 AGE             GENDER: m FEMALE            m MALE                      YEAR ATTENDING IN 2022: m 1st                  m 2nd       m 3rd


                          m COMMERCIAL LENDER/UNDERWRITER (PRIMARILY)                                           m CONSUMER LENDER WITH 3+ YEARS’ EXPERIENCE
                          m NON-LENDER/NON-CREDIT FUNCTION                                                      m CONSUMER LENDER WITH
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