Growth continues for the enterprise SaaS sector -

Page created by Sherry Richardson
Growth continues for the enterprise SaaS sector -
Growth continues
for the enterprise SaaS sector

       “The software market has             MARKET OVERVIEW (pg.2)
   transformed dramatically within          We explain the surge in Nordic SaaS share prices and why equity
                                            investment in the sector continues to rise to new levels.
 the past decade, and nowhere more
    so than in the Nordics, where a         SPOTLIGHT (pg.3)
                                            Interviews with CEOs of eSmiley and LeadDesk, two companies that
  large number of high-growth SaaS
                                            sailed through the COVID-19 storm and demonstrate the resilience of
    providers have emerged. This is         the SaaS model.
 evident in the M&A market, as well
                                            CASE STUDIES: FOCUS ON THE NORDICS (pg.8)
as the region’s initial public offering     Read how Oaklins has supported Nordic entrepreneurs in their M&A
(IPO) market, where during the past         ambitions, as well as pursuing IPOs and growth equity financing.
  five years there have been over 30
                                            OUR TRACK RECORD (pg.12)
      IPOs for SaaS companies.”             A summary of recent transactions closed by Oaklins.


                                            MARKE T OVE RVIE W

                                            Having weathered the worst of the COVID-19-induced
                                            downturn, share prices of SaaS companies have surged in
                                            the Nordic stock market, driven by increased demand for
                                            cloud-based software solutions. For nearly 10 years, equity
                                            investment in the sector had steadily risen to new levels.
                                            But then the public SaaS market wobbled during the first
                                            half of the year 2020, along with all other sectors, when
                                            valuations initially plunged. By June, though, the share
                                            prices for publicly traded firms had returned to their former
                                            highs, as Nordic SaaS companies demonstrated an ability
                                            to maintain both their growth and their profitability in the
                                            face of the pandemic.

                                            (CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE)
Growth continues for the enterprise SaaS sector -
Market overview
(continued from previous page)

The same trend can be seen in the IPO           domestic and international investors,”        The combined capital raised by these
market as well.                                 explains Alpo Luostarinen, Oaklins,           IPOs has been close to US$400 million.
                                                enterprise SaaS specialist for the            But while the median amount raised
“During the past decade the disruption          region. “This,” he says, “is especially       throughout the period was around
within the software market has                  apparent in the region’s IPO market,          US$10 million, the second half of 2020
established a platform for a large              where during the past five years there        brought significantly larger IPO rounds
number of high-growth SaaS providers,           have been over 30 IPOs for SaaS               to the Nordic market.
raising significant interest from both          companies.”

Oaklins Nordic SaaS Index performance






      Jan-20     Feb-20     Mar-20     Apr-20     May-20      Jun-20     Jul-20     Aug-20    Sep-20       Oct-20       Nov-20      Dec-20

           Oaklins Nordic        Helsinki All       OMX Stockholm          Copenhagen         Oslo Stock Exchange            OMX Nordic
           SaaS Index            Share Index        All Share Index        KAX Index          All Share (OSEAX) Index        40 Index

                                                                                                                         Source: S&P Capital IQ

A number of transactions reflected this         How do we explain this outsized               in line with market realities. In other
new level of interest towards the Nordic        performance? The major reason is the          words, they can quickly trim their sails to
SaaS market in the form of growth equity        SaaS sector’s business model, which           weather an unexpected downturn.
investments, including TCV’s recent             is geared towards building long-term
US$200 million investment in RELEX              customer relationships. These result          Here we profile two Nordic SaaS
Solutions and Providence Equity’s               in recurring revenue streams and high         companies that sailed through the
US$222 million investment in        retention rates. Since income remains         recent market turmoil. Unphased by
For the most part, the valuations of these      consistent, while sales and marketing         the economic disruptions surrounding
Nordic SaaS transactions are in line with       costs remain low, profit margins can be       COVID-19, in both cases their businesses
the broader SaaS M&A market, with               unusually strong.                             were able to continue offering
multiples ranging between three- and                                                          customers value, even at the height
five-times revenue. Publicly listed SaaS        In addition, the SaaS model requires little   of the pandemic. They are, in short, a
companies, on the other hand, have              by way of fixed costs and investments,        testament to the resilience and flexibility
been performing exceptionally well, with        while focusing heavily on new sales.          inherent in the SaaS model for software
valuations skyrocketing to well over            This makes it much easier for these           delivery.
10-times revenue.                               companies to adjust their spending

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Growth continues for the enterprise SaaS sector -
Headquartered in Copenhagen,                     platform in the Nordic region and then      Q&A
Denmark, eSmiley is the Nordic region’s          roll it out in other countries where they
leading supplier of digital self-monitoring      operate. This was how the software was      When you founded eSmiley, what led
solutions for professional kitchens. The         introduced to many national markets.        you to view digital compliance as a
company has developed a SaaS-based                                                           business opportunity?
platform for monitoring food safety              Recognizing the potential of what was
compliance and reducing food waste,              happening, eSmiley CEO Lars Friis           Lars Friis: When we founded the
which guards against health hazards,             explored together with Oaklins different    company, we began by offering an
makes better use of resources and                ways the company could gain the             entirely different product. But nobody
improves kitchen profitability.                  additional muscle to grow its market        wanted to buy it. Instead, customers
                                                 presence. After considering different       were telling us that if we offered them
Since its founding in 2008, eSmiley              attractive options, Friis and his co-       a digital product that could help them
has built a base of more than 6,000              shareholders agreed to sell a majority      manage their food hazards, they would
customers, ranging from small restaurants        stake in eSmiley to VIA equity, a multi-    be interested. So, we created a very
and cafes, to large chains, hotels, food         stage private equity firm. With more than   simple version of the eSmiley program
production facilities and public institutions.   €400 million (US$470 million) under         to show them, and the response was
Its subscription software is used in more        management, VIA focuses on specialized      “Yeah, I want to buy that.”
than 15 countries, including China, the          technology companies based in northern
United States and many parts of Europe.          Europe, making eSmiley a good fit.          That taught us that listening to our
                                                                                             customers and understanding their needs
eSmiley’s customer roster includes               In the following interview, Friis spoke     is an essential part of building a software
international food giants such as                with Oaklins about the company’s            business. So, our mantra became “We want
McDonald’s, Joe & The Juice and Danish           trajectory, its growth strategy and         our software to adapt to the customer’s
Crown. In many cases, one of these               the importance of the M&A market to         business” — rather than trying to get the
customers would begin using the eSmiley          realizing eSmiley’s potential.              customer to adapt to our software.

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Growth continues for the enterprise SaaS sector -
Spotlig h t: e S m i l e y

How has the marketplace changed since         requirements. This has opened up              what they want to focus on — producing
2008? Is digital compliance and food          an opportunity for us to expand our           high-quality, good-tasting dishes — while
waste management an even greater              market by introducing our platform into       also ensuring that they meet their food
opportunity now?                              other countries. And there’s more than        safety goals without getting sidetracked.
                                              compliance involved.
Friis: In the beginning, things progressed                                                  For the big chains, it’s all about visibility.
at a slow pace. Customers were                Let’s take a universally known brand          We provide a platform that lets them see
used to managing their food safety            like McDonald’s. They really need to          how all of their restaurants are performing
compliance manually, using a paper-           be on top of their food safety. Can you       on food safety in real time. If there’s an
based system. There were quite a few          imagine the scandal, if it was learned        issue, and you can’t see it in real time,
industry consultants that reinforced this     that their customers were falling ill         you can’t act on it until it’s too late.
by updating the necessary forms once          because of shortcomings in their safety
or twice a year. It took some time to         protocols? The negative PR would              Then there’s our food waste
convince people that a digital platform       have massive consequences for their           management product, which we
would be much easier to use. To take          brand, so they really can’t afford not to     developed to give ourselves a second
advantage of it, people’s behavior in the     invest in these systems. This is true for     doorway through which we could
kitchen had to change — and changing          many different restaurant chains and          approach customers. This way, the
behavior takes time.                          large food-production companies, like         conversation wouldn’t be all about
                                              Denmark’s Danish Crown, which sells its       compliance. We could say to them, “Well,
But people gradually realized that a          pork products all over the world. From        what about your efficiencies concerning
digital solution really was easier and        a commercial standpoint, investing in a       food waste? Have you looked at that?”
that it wasn’t so difficult for the kitchen   digital safety platform like ours is a very   We are fortunate in that food waste is
staff to adapt to it. This increasing         small investment compared with the size       high on the world’s agenda, and our
acceptance, along with a growing              of the risks involved.                        product creates a lot of efficiencies
customer base, came together to                                                             within the kitchen, which makes its
provide a sort of proof of concept that       What do your customers value most             return on investment (ROI) very easy
gave new customers the confidence to          about working with your company?              to understand. So, this is another area
engage with the software.                     What do you give them that they can’t         where we help our customers create
                                              afford to be without?                         value.
The broader movement around
increased digitalization in both the public   Friis: Kitchens and chefs want to             How has the COVID-19 pandemic
and private sectors has also helped. So       produce good-tasting food. That’s what        affected your business? Has it presented
convincing customers to adopt a digital       they’re all about. You don’t go to culinary   you with new opportunities?
platform to manage their food safety          school to learn about food compliance.
issues has gotten much easier over time.      You do it because you want to produce         Friis: Everybody is affected, and our
                                              the best-tasting dishes. Sure, food           strategy has been to help our customers
The Nordic region is probably a little        safety is important, but the people in        manage this situation. Our market
ahead of the rest of the world in terms of    the kitchen may see it as something of        position has continued to improve
food safety and food safety compliance        a distraction. So, we help them focus on      throughout the pandemic, and we are

            “With Oaklins on board, it was like having our own SWAT
             team to lead every aspect of the transaction — from from
          initial preparation to final negotiations. Oaklins allowed us to
           focus on running the business, while ensuring an attractive
          deal for the shareholders and a strong platform to support the
                company’s growth — we are extremely pleased with
                                    the outcome.”

                                         LARS FRIIS
                                        OWNER & CEO

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Growth continues for the enterprise SaaS sector -
Spotlig h t: e S m i l e y

in a stronger position now than before it       We were very fortunate in that there          The Oaklins team engaged me at every
started.                                        was huge interest in our company from         step — but they also kept the process
                                                possible investors. So, we could actually     to a minimum. So, it was like having our
Among our customers, hotels and airports        choose between different opportunities,       own in-house M&A function. They really
are suffering the most, and where we’ve         and I think that the choice that we made,     understood the business, and I could just
been able to help them has been with            to go with VIA, will lead to the best         turn to them whenever I needed to.
managing food waste. This has been the          possible outcome for the company.
area of our company that has been most                                                        What’s your vision for eSmiley? What do
affected by COVID-19.                           Why did you choose Oaklins as your            you hope the company can achieve?
                                                financial advisor?
What does it mean for eSmiley now                                                             Friis: When we started out, I had
that VIA equity has taken a majority            Friis: For me, it’s all about chemistry.      this road map: I wanted us to be the
stake in the company? How will this             When I first met Daniel Sand from             champion of Denmark first, then I wanted
help you going forward?                         Oaklins I liked him a lot and Oaklins had     us to be the champion of the Nordic
                                                a good track record. I told him, “We’re a     region. Then I wanted us to be European
Friis: We have a subscription-based             small company — so I don’t need 10 guys       champions, and then, if possible, we
business model, where every customer            sitting there crunching data for me. But      should be world champion. And that’s a
is paying a little. It takes time to build it   we don’t have a large staff, so I really do   path that I’ve followed as we’ve built the
organically. In the meantime, the Nordic        need someone who can help me with my          business.
region is ahead in the way we handle            story building.” And then ... we just got
food safety and waste. That means               started.                                      Now, we’re ready to attack Europe. So,
there is a great opportunity to bring our                                                     in a reasonable time frame, becoming a
products to new international markets.          I had maybe three or four other advisors      major European player would be very,
                                                whom I talked to, but I believed the most     very nice. Creating one of the biggest
But other countries will catch up with          in the Oaklins setup.                         providers of food safety compliance
Denmark in terms of food compliance,                                                          within the European market — that’s my
so our window of opportunity to take            What was it like to work with Oaklins?        dream.
advantage of the lead that we have is           How did they add value?
small. I can’t afford to wait for organic
growth; I need to be able to go out             Friis: I was very, very pleased with the
there and do some M&A to become a               work I received from Oaklins. I found
European player. But the privately held         them professional, friendly, motivated,
ownership structure that we had didn’t          engaged ... most of all, they were
have the financial muscle to pursue             genuinely interested in understanding
these opportunities. We needed to bring         our business. And the outcome was
on additional resources.                        much better than I expected.

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Growth continues for the enterprise SaaS sector -
LeadDesk has been on a growth tear,         Capricode Systems Oy, a Finnish-
closing deal after deal. Founded in 2010,   based provider of customized call and
the Helsinki-based provider of contact-     messaging solutions for the healthcare,
center-as-a-service (CCaaS) software is     energy and logistics industries, followed
using acquisitions to rapidly expand its    by the acquisition of Swedish Loxysoft
presence throughout the Nordic region       AB and Norwegian Loxysoft AS in late
and Europe.                                 2020.

LeadDesk’s cloud-based solution for         An established SaaS company with more          OLLI NOKSO-KOIVISTO
high-volume sales and customer service      than 25 years of experience, Loxysoft          CEO
is used by over 10,000 agents and           provides cloud-based CCaaS services            LeadDesk
handles more than 300 million client        to banks, insurers, energy companies           Helsinki, Finland
contacts each year. The company’s           and other enterprise customers. With the
1,000-plus customers are spread             acquisition, LeadDesk has established
across 34 countries and are serviced        itself as one of the pre-eminent             Q&A
by offices in seven countries, including    providers of SaaS-based services in
Finland, Sweden, Germany, Norway, the       the Nordic region and strengthened           Back in 2010, what were the
Netherlands, Denmark and Spain.             its position both domestically and           circumstances that prompted
                                            internationally.                             LeadDesk’s founders to launch the
During the past few years, the CCaaS                                                     company?
market has been growing rapidly, spurred    With revenue of US$13.9 million in 2019,
most recently by the pandemic and the       the company experienced a stellar first      Olli Nokso-Koivisto: The company’s
business community’s need to adopt          half in 2020, growing by more than 27%.      founders were former McKinsey
remote-working practices. The market        Its domestic revenues now account            consultants for the telecom industry in the
for CCaaS has also been consolidating, a    for only 48% of the total, with the lion’s   Middle East and Europe. They saw that the
trend that LeadDesk has seized on with a    share coming from its markets across         landline business was dying and a new
recent series of transactions.              Western and Central Europe.                  business model was needed, with software
                                                                                         providers replacing existing services.
In early 2019, the company completed        In the interview that follows, we caught
an IPO on Nasdaq First North Helsinki       up with LeadDesk CEO Olli Nokso-             I joined the company in 2013, when it
with the backing of several institutional   Koivisto, who described his vision for       purchased a small Finnish competitor and
investors. Then, in short order, it         the company, its growth strategy and         began doing business in other countries
acquired Nordcom Oy, a Finnish              the role that Oaklins has played as its      outside the domestic Finnish market.
company providing ITC-solutions,            financial advisor.

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Growth continues for the enterprise SaaS sector -
Spotlig h t: Le a d D e s k

What is LeadDesk’s mission?                 them with complete redundancy.                Loxysoft (a Sweden-based SaaS provider
Or to put it another way, what is its       So, if they are experiencing internet         of cloud-based contact center services
value statement to its customers? Has       connectivity problems in one area, they       for customer service and sales), our
that changed over time?                     can immediately reroute their traffic to      market position has become very strong
                                            another.                                      throughout the Nordics, which can now
Nokso-Koivisto: We always believed                                                        be considered our new domestic market.
that cloud-based solutions would come       From your founding until now, what
to dominate the market. This vision has     have been the major inflection points?        As for the rest of Europe, you might ask
defined the company and differentiated      What were some of the key challenges          when we plan to enter the UK market. But
us from our competitors. We are unique      that you’ve faced?                            for now, we would rather concentrate on
in terms of “owning” the cloud.                                                           central Europe and the Nordic markets,
                                            Nokso-Koivisto: Perhaps the biggest           where we have many cultural advantages
Our infrastructure is 100% self-            was determining the correct strategy          over our competitors who are focused on
provisioned. A customer can launch a        and coming up with a recipe for               English-speaking markets.
contact center and scale up to 1,000        expanding in Europe, which is much
agents without ever having to contact       less of a homogenous market than e.g.         What other advantages does LeadDesk
us. They will, of course, for business      the United States. Sweden, Norway,            have?
reasons, but the contact centers are        Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands
completely self-managed.                    or Spain — each of these countries has        Nokso-Koivisto: Our service is remote
                                            their own customs and their own way of        by nature — it makes no difference if
A self-provisioned solution offers          doing business. There are a great many        you’re working from home or an office.
tremendous benefits to customers            technical and language variances. So,         Given the situation with COVID-19, going
in terms of service transparency and        the challenge has been to provide a           forward, working remotely will become
quality, reliability and, of course,        local solution for each of them that is, at   more common and customers will
security. And since it is so efficient      the same time, part of a global solution.     demand remote capabilities. This gives
— we don’t have to hire people to                                                         us a significant competitive advantage.
manage installations or maintain service    Of course, some of our large customers
levels — our pricing model is extremely     serve many different markets. But our         You’ve worked with Oaklins as your
cost-effective for customers.               solution also needed to be global in          financial advisor. What role have they
                                            scale in order to compete, feature by         played in helping you achieve your
Under our model, we don’t have to work      feature, with the best global providers       growth and financial objectives?
with customers individually. We are a       — while also being tailored to the
multi-tenant solution with availability     customer’s local market.                      Nokso-Koivisto: We successfully IPOed
zones. If a customer goes down, that                                                      in 2019 and Oaklins was our advisor.
means all the customers in a zone are       One key advantage that we developed           That put us in a significantly better
down, and we can concentrate our            is that we are able to connect the            financial position. Since being listed,
efforts on restoring the zone, not on       customer’s operators through multiple         we’ve made three acquisitions, and
individual customers. This is much more     communications channels — text,               Oaklins was our advisor for two of them.
efficient.                                  phone, email, chat, whichever the             The third was a much smaller deal for
                                            contact is using — and then transfer the      which we didn’t need an advisor.
Another advantage to self-provisioning:     conversation to another channel with
there are times when certain customers      great reliability. We are the only provider   Oaklins’ process has been superb,
experience extreme peaks in traffic, and    in Europe that can consistently do this,      and the level of knowledge of their
it is very simple for them to scale their   and it is a great competitive advantage.      people has really helped our business.
operations accordingly. We don’t have to                                                  Not everyone understands a cloud-
manage — and they don’t have to rely on     Geographically speaking, what are your        based business, but they have a strong
us to manage — their traffic peaks.         key growth markets? And how important         understanding of the SaaS model
                                            is the Nordic market to your long-term        and can help us evaluate potential
We have 15 switching centers for our        strategy?                                     acquisitions. We’re really very happy
voice over internet protocol (VOIP)                                                       about their work and are happy to
infrastructure across Europe, and any       Nokso-Koivisto: Our non-Finnish markets       recommend them.
customer can access any of these            are growing faster than our domestic
centers at any time. This provides          market, and with our acquisition of

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Growth continues for the enterprise SaaS sector -
Case studies:
Focus on the Nordics
While Nordic technology companies have gained a lot of interest from investors both domestic and abroad,
Oaklins’ teams in the Nordics have been highly active in supporting the entrepreneurs in their growth track —
both in terms of IPOs and growth equity financing as well as selling and acquiring businesses.

GRAZPER TECHNOLOGIES HAS                         in supermarkets — using cameras that
BEEN ACQUIRED BY YOKOGAWA                        stream video directly to an external
                                                                                                     “Before Oaklins
ELECTRIC CORPORATION                             location for manual or automatic analysis.
                                                                                              introduced them to us, we
                                                 Founded in 1915, Yokogawa is a leading          didn’t know Yokogawa,
                                                 provider of industrial automation and test       with their impressive
Grazper Technologies was                         and measurement solutions. Combining         track record and strategic
founded in 2015 and has                          superior technology with engineering           ambition to enter the AI
                                                 services, project management and
advanced into an artificial                                                                     field. Becoming a center
                                                 maintenance, Yokogawa delivers field-
intelligence (AI) software                       proven operational efficiency, safety,           of excellence for their
development powerhouse                           quality and reliability. The industrial         global operations from
based in Copenhagen,                             automation business provides vital               our Copenhagen base
Denmark, with highly                             products, services and solutions to a           is very appealing to us,
                                                 diverse range of industries, including         and if it hadn’t been for
motivated engineers, software
                                                 oil, chemicals, natural gas, power, iron
developers and computer                                                                           Oaklins’ global access
                                                 and steel, and pulp and paper. With its
scientists.                                      innovation business, the company also          and seamless execution,
                                                 aims to radically improve productivity          we wouldn’t have been
Grazper has developed a platform to              across the pharmaceutical and food            in this extremely exciting
build full stack proprietary real-time 3D        industry value chains. Yokogawa has                    situation.”
vision solutions using embedded AI.              a global network of 113 companies
The platform can support networks of             spanning 60 countries and generating
                                                                                               THOMAS JAKOBSEN
installed cameras and embed intellectual         US$3.6 billion in sales in 2018.
property into edge devices for intelligent                                                         CEO AND
machine vision applications.                     Oaklins’ team in Denmark acted as            COFOUNDER, GRAZPER
The solution, in its current form, facilitates   strategic and financial advisors to           TECHNOLOGIES APS
automatic monitoring of cars, cyclists           the sellers in this transaction. Oaklins
or pedestrians, with the purpose of              Smith & Williamson, based in the UK,
smoothing traffic flow or creating               supported the transaction.
automated behavioral customer analysis

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Growth continues for the enterprise SaaS sector -
Case studies: Foc u s on th e N o rd i c s

TOTAL SPECIFIC SOLUTIONS B.V.                   FDC is one of Scandinavia’s largest
HAS ACQUIRED FORSIKRINGENS                      suppliers of IT solutions for the insurance
                                                                                                       “Oaklins has in-depth
DATACENTER A/S FROM A GROUP                     and pension industry. FDC has a broad
OF INSURANCE COMPANIES                          reach and a large customer base totaling                industry expertise in
                                                more than seven million policies in                 software and IT, and they
                                                Denmark, Norway and Sweden, with                       really understand the
                                                tailored and specific software solutions.            industry’s opportunities.
The shareholders of                             The firm was founded over 50 years                      FDC is a true vertical
Forsikringens Datacenter                        ago through the collaboration of several
                                                                                                    market software company
                                                insurance companies and has a profound
A/S (FDC), Gjensidige, Bupa                                                                           and fits in well with the
                                                knowledge of the insurance industry and
Global and Sygeforsikringen                     software market.                                       TSS group. As part of
“danmark,” have sold the                                                                               TSS, FDC will benefit
company to Total Specific                       This successful transaction originated                  from our know-how,
Solutions (TSS).                                from the combined expertise from                       financial strength and
                                                Oaklins’ Danish and Dutch technology,
                                                                                                    operational experience to
                                                media and telecom (TMT) sector teams.
TSS is a leading provider of IT business        Oaklins’ team in Denmark advised TSS in             ensure renewed focus and
solutions with decades of experience,           connection with the acquisition of FDC.                       growth.”
Its independent business units deliver          Oaklins’ team in the Netherlands has a
solutions and services to the health,           long-standing relationship with TSS and                 RAMON ZANDERS
public, retail, financial and legal service     introduced the Danish team, who executed               GENERAL MANAGER,
areas as well as being active in the audit      the transaction. This deal is another
                                                                                                         TOTAL SPECIFIC
and real estate industries. TSS is part of      example of the seamless cross-border
Constellation Software Inc. (CSI), listed       cooperation within Oaklins, demonstrating                SOLUTIONS B.V.
on the Canadian Stock Exchange. With            the organization’s added value through
this acquisition, TSS enters the Danish         its global execution capabilities, industry
software market and strengthens its             expertise and contacts.
foothold in the finance vertical.

RESOLUT MARKETING SYSTEMS                       Resolut Marketing Systems is a leading        to support its growth plans in the North
HAS BEEN ACQUIRED BY                            Swedish provider of cloud-based tools to      American market, the largest globally.
BRANDMASTER                                     efficiently manage marketing resources
                                                and activities, known as a marketing          Brandmaster is a fast-growing developer
                                                resource management (MRM) platforms.          and provider of MRM systems, with
                                                The company has an impressive                 a leading position in the Norwegian
The private shareholders of                     customer portfolio, which includes            market and a rapidly growing
Resolut Marketing Systems                       brands such as Swedbank, BMW, Toyota,         international presence.
                                                Volkswagen and Svenska Spel. Resolut
AB have sold the company to
                                                Marketing Systems is headquartered            Oaklins’ team in Sweden acted as
Brandmaster AS.                                 in Stockholm and in 2016 established          financial advisor to the sellers in this
                                                an office in the United States in order       transaction.

       “We are very happy about the deal. Oaklins’ Swedish team has played an instrumental role in making this
       happen, as they quickly acquired a thorough understanding of our business and market and worked with
      great dedication in every step of the process. That we now become a part of Brandmaster is very positive for
      both parties, as instead of competing we can now take a joint grip of the Nordic market, while leveraging our
                    complementary geographic footprints to accelerate our international expansion.”

                                                         JONAS WÄRN
                                              CEO, RESOLUT MARKETING SYSTEMS AB

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Growth continues for the enterprise SaaS sector -
Case studies: Foc u s on th e N o rd i c s

ITVERKET’S MAJORITY SHARE                  culture over the years, which attracts
HAS BEEN ACQUIRED BY BERTEL                solid professional expertise and some of
                                                                                                     “Oaklins made an
O. STEEN KAPITAL                           the best minds in the market.
                                                                                                  important contribution
                                           Tom Henrik N. Rogstad, CEO at ITverket,                to the execution of this
                                           said: “Bertel O. Steen Kapital is the                transaction through their
The private shareholders                   perfect partner for us. They are known                industry knowledge and
of ITverket AS have sold a                 for their long-term perspective, and at the           insight into the investor
                                           same time they will provide the required
majority stake in the company                                                                            universe.”
                                           expertise and capital for us to be able to
to Bertel O. Steen Kapital AS              take the next steps. The team has really
and to well-known business                 seen the value in the good and strong                  RICHARD STØEN
executives, Jo Lunder and                  culture we have built at ITverket over the            COFOUNDER AND
Tom Scharning.                             years. We look forward to developing the            CHAIRMAN, ITVERKET AS
                                           company together with them.”

ITverket is an IT-consulting firm with     Bertel O. Steen Kapital is the investment
around 100 employees, and offices in       company of the family-owned Bertel            Oaklins’ team in Norway served as
central Oslo, Norway. The company          O. Steen Group, with roots dating back        the lead advisor to the shareholders
offers services in system development      to 1901. The group had revenues of            and management of ITverket in this
and integration, project management,       approximately US$2 billion in 2019            transaction.
architecture and digital customer          and 2,550 full-time equivalents (FTEs).
experiences. Developing and providing      Bertel O. Steen Kapital’s investment
non-standardized mission-critical          strategy is to invest in medium-sized
software and solutions to its clients,     growth companies with great potential.
ITverket assists some of the largest
players in Norway in several industries,   The founders and employees of
such as banking, finance, insurance        ITverket have reinvested and will
and telecom, among others. In addition     keep 49% ownership share in the
to the technical aspects, the IT agency    new holding company, while the new
has developed a very strong corporate      investors have 51%.

EBUILDER TRAVEL HAS BEEN                   process end-to-end for both travelers         problem for business travelers, human
DIVESTED TO MOBILEXPENSE                   and employers. It is supplier neutral         resources and accounting departments
                                           and can be fully integrated to existing       around the world. The product offers
                                           enterprise resource planning (ERP),           multinational organizations full regulatory
                                           finance, payroll and/or billing solutions.    compliance with country-specific taxation
eBuilder AB, a supplier of                 In addition, the company also provides        and legal allowance regulations, as well
smartphone insight, has                    third-party integration to travel agencies,   as the flexibility to integrate company
                                           payment card issuers, banks and travel        regulations and policies.
sold eBuilder Travel, a
                                           account providers. Numerous large
Swedish leader in travel and               public and private sector organizations       eBuilder provides mobile operators
expense management, to                     rely on eBuilder Travel solutions, which      and manufacturers with smartphone
MobileXpense.                              are used in more than 80 countries            health and user behavior data, as well
                                           worldwide.                                    as prescriptive analytics that improve
                                                                                         sales effectiveness, customer loyalty and
eBuiler Travel is a Swedish leader         MobileXpense is a leading provider            process efficiency.
in travel and expense management.          of global travel expense management
The company provides a cloud-based         solutions for large multinationals and        Oaklins’ team in Sweden acted as
business process as a service (BPaaS)      governmental organizations. Its uniquely      financial advisors to the seller. The team
— solution to B2B customers — that         flexible SaaS solution simplifies a           in Belgium approached the buyer and
supports the entire travel and expense     complex and often time-consuming              supported throughout the transaction.

OAKLINS – Spot On · Enterprise SaaS · February 2021                                                                               10
Case studies: Foc u s on th e N o rd i c s

LEADDESK OYJ HAS ACQUIRED                  Based in Oulu, Finland, Capricode
CAPRICODE SYSTEMS OY                       Systems delivers customized call and
                                                                                                 “The acquisition
                                           messaging solutions for demanding
                                           needs. The company has more than 20               strengthens LeadDesk’s
                                           years of experience in the industry and           position — especially in
LeadDesk Oyj has                           an impressive customer portfolio, mainly          the enterprise customer
strengthened its position                  in the healthcare, energy, logistics and           segment, where we see
                                           facility services industries.                        exceptional growth
in the enterprise customer
segment via the acquisition of                                                             potential both domestically
                                           Oaklins’ team in Finland acted as the
Capricode Systems Oy.                      exclusive financial advisor to the buyer            and abroad. We are a
                                           in this transaction. The acquisition             growth company and will
LeadDesk is a fast-growing and             strengthens LeadDesk’s strategic                 continue to make growth
internationalizing software company,       position in the enterprise customer                investments that build
operating in the cloud-based software      segment and enables the company to              value for our shareholders.
market in Europe. The company offers       offer better support to industries critical
                                                                                              Capricode Systems is a
the LeadDesk cloud service for high-       to society.
volume sales and customer service and                                                         prime example of such
has grown to a leading cloud service                                                              investments.”
vendor in the Nordics. LeadDesk’s
shares are traded in the Nasdaq First                                                       OLLI NOKSO-KOIVISTO
North Finland market. The company                                                            CEO, LEADDESK OYJ
has offices in seven European countries
and its services are used by over 1,000
customers in 34 countries.

LEADDESK OYJ HAS ACQUIRED                  and its services are used by over 1,000
LOXYSOFT                                   customers in 34 countries.
                                                                                            “I’m super thrilled about
                                           Loxysoft is an established SaaS                     our first acquisition
                                           company focused on customer service                 outside of Finland as
LeadDesk Oyj has acquired                  and sales. It develops and provides                a listed company. This
the Swedish Loxysoft AB and                cloud-based CCaaS, branded as                        is already our third
                                           ProConnect, as well as inbound and               acquisition of the year. As
the Norwegian Loxysoft AS
                                           outbound contact center services.
from FutureMind AB, Great                                                                  a true growth company, we
                                           Its loyal customers include, among
Lake Capital AB, and the                   others, banks, insurance companies               are not afraid of investing
investment funds Almi Invest               and energy companies. Loxysoft has                      in expansion.”
AB and MIC Invest AB.                      more than 25 years of experience in
                                           delivering business-critical software,           OLLI NOKSO-KOIVISTO
                                           and 43 employees in Stockholm, Oslo               CEO, LEADDESK OYJ
LeadDesk is a fast-growing and             and Östersund.
internationalizing software company,
operating in the cloud-based software      Oaklins’ team in Finland acted as the
market in Europe. The company offers       exclusive financial advisor to the buyer
the LeadDesk cloud service for high-       in this transaction. The acquisition
volume sales and customer service          strengthens LeadDesk’s position as the
and has grown to be a leading vendor       leading SaaS contact center software
in the Nordics. LeadDesk’s shares          vendor in the Nordics, which supports
are traded in the Nasdaq First North       growth in Central Europe.
Finland market. The company has
offices in seven European countries

OAKLINS – Spot On · Enterprise SaaS · February 2021                                                                       11
Our track record

OAKLINS – Spot On · Enterprise SaaS · February 2021   12
Tr ac k re c o rd

OAKLINS – Spot On · Enterprise SaaS · February 2021                  13
A bou t O a k l i n s

Deep local roots,
global commitment
Oaklins brings you opportunities from across the world and
we meet you with our expertise wherever you are

OAKLINS OFFERS A                                ALPO LUOSTARINEN
COMPREHENSIVE RANGE                         Author
OF SERVICES                                 Enterprise SaaS specialist

ͽ   M&A advisory (buy- and sell-side)       Finland
                                            T: +358 50 9113507
ͽ   Growth equity and equity capital
    markets advisory
ͽ   Debt advisory                               DANIEL SAND
ͽ   Corporate finance services
                                            Managing Partner

Enterprise SaaS is one of our focus         Denmark
areas. Combining comprehensive              T: +45 30 27 76 67
sector knowledge with global
execution has led Oaklins to become
one of the most experienced M&A                 NIKOLAI K. LUNDE
advisors in the enterprise SaaS
sector, with a large network of             Managing Partner
relevant market players worldwide.
This results in the best possible           Norway
merger, acquisition and divestment          T: +47 908 95 522
opportunities for enterprise SaaS
                                                ADEL KOUBAA
If mergers, acquisitions, or divestitures
of businesses or business units
                                            Managing Partner
are part of your strategy, we would
welcome the opportunity to exchange
ideas with you.
                                            T: +46 8 459 82 40

Oaklins is the world’s most experienced mid-market M&A
advisor, with over 850 professionals globally and dedicated
industry teams in more than 45 countries. We have closed
1,700     transactions in the past five years.
OAKLINS – Spot On · Enterprise SaaS · February 2021                                        14
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