Vantage Towers Introduction and key investment highlights - Vivek Badrinath, Chief Executive Officer

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Vantage Towers Introduction and key investment highlights - Vivek Badrinath, Chief Executive Officer
Vantage Towers
Introduction and key investment highlights
Vivek Badrinath, Chief Executive Officer

17th November 2020
Vantage Towers Introduction and key investment highlights - Vivek Badrinath, Chief Executive Officer
Presenting today

     Vivek               Thomas                  Sonia                                       Christian
                                                                     Jose Rivera                                  Niko Rama
   Badrinath             Reisten               Hernandez                                     Sommer
                                                                                          General Counsel
      CEO                   CFO                    CCO                    CTO                                      HR Director
                                                                                         Company Secretary
• 25 years in        • 22 years in          • 24 years in          • 29 years in         • 21 years in          • 17 years in
  industry             industry               industry               industry              industry               industry
• Previous           • Previous             • Previous             • Previous            • Previous             • Previous
  experience           experience             experience             experience            experience             experience
  includes:            includes:              includes:              includes:             includes:              includes:
  − CEO – Vodafone     − Finance Director     − Board Director –     − Head of Network     − Legal Director –     − Head of HR
    Rest of World        – Vodafone Rest        INWIT (current)        Delivery –            Vodafone Group         Business
    and Vodafone         of World and         − CEO – Vodafone         Vodafone                                     Partnering
    Business             Vodafone               Malta                  Portugal                                     Technology &
  − Deputy CEO and       Business             − Executive roles      − Engineering &                                Corporate
    CTO – Orange       − CFO – Vodafone         – Nokia,               Planning Deputy                              Functions –
  − Deputy CEO –         India                  Siemens                Director –                                   Vodafone
    AccorHotels        − Board Director –                              Optimus                                      Germany
                         Indus Towers

Vantage Towers Introduction and key investment highlights - Vivek Badrinath, Chief Executive Officer
Agenda                                                 Presenters

 1   Introduction and key investment highlights

 2   Portfolio overview

 3   Contracts, organisation and operations

 4   ESG

 5   Market drivers and commercial strategy

 6   Understanding our financials and growth drivers

     Conclusion and Q&A

Introduction and key investment highlights
A leading tower infrastructure enabler in Europe
                                                                                                    Macro sites1 (tenancy ratio2)                                     68k macro sites across 9 countries
                                                                                                                                                                      – 1.38x average tenancy ratio6 across
                                                                    50%                                                                                                   consolidated operations (1.53x including
                                             14.3k3 (2.0x)                                                                                                                Italy)
                                                                                                                                                                      – Potential to add Vodafone 50% stake in
                       1.3k (1.5x)                                                     19.1k (1.2x)

                                                                                                3.8k (1.1x)
                                                                                                                                                                      #1 or #2 tower market position in 8 of our
                                                                                                                                                                      9 markets
                                                                                                        1.9k (1.3x4)

                                                                                                                       2.2k (2.0x)                                    Control or co-control in all markets

             3.5k (1.2x)                                                                                                         62% → 100%5
                                                                                                                                                                      €680m7 of aggregated pro forma FY20 adj.
                                                                                                                     4.9k (1.6x)                                      EBITDAaL including share of INWIT (Italy)
                                                                             22.1k (1.9x)
                                        8.8k (1.6x)                                                                                                                   pro forma FY20 adj. EBITDAaL
                                                                                                                                                                      – 43% from Germany
                                                                                                                                                                      – Cornerstone share would add further
      100% ownership (unless                Co-control           Co-control             %     Stake held                                                                  €50-70m of pro forma adj. EBITDAaL
      otherwise stated)                                          (inclusion TBD)

Source Site numbers and tenancy ratio as of 30-Sep-20                                                            5    Vantage Towers has a call option until 31-Dec-21 to acquire the remaining 38% of Vantage Towers Greece from
Notes                                                                                                                 Crystal Almond for €288 million in cash (with the price increasing by 5% if the Call Option has not completed by
1 Ground-based tower and rooftop tower sites that contain vertical and non-vertical passive infrastructure            1-Jul-21); if Vantage Towers publishes an “Intention to Float” announcement in relation to an IPO, the Call
2 Tenancy ratio is the total number of tenancies (including virtual tenancies) on Vantage Towers' macro sites         Option will automatically be triggered and Crystal Almond will acquire €100 million of shares in the IPO at the
   divided by the total number of macro sites. Virtual tenancies are when a customer shares its active equipment      IPO price; closing subject to closing conditions, including competition approval
   on a site with a counterparty under an active sharing agreement                                               6    Excl. Italy and UK
3 As of 31-Mar-20, Inclusion of 50% shareholding in Cornerstone subject to agreement with Vodafone's partner 7        Aggregate of FY20 pro forma consolidated adj. EBITDAaL of €523m and 33.2% share of INWIT CY19 pro forma
4 Excl. barter agreements; 1.4x including barter agreements                                                           adj. EBITDA of €157m (including Vodafone estimates for INWIT lease adjustments); please refer to appendix          5
                                                                                                                      for information on basis of preparation of pro forma financial information
Vantage Towers separation roadmap | Moving at pace
         Jul-19    Public announcement of intention to create "European TowerCo"

       Mar-20      Completion of merger of Vodafone Italia's towers with INWIT in Italy

  Apr/May-20       Management and TopCo established

 Mar to Nov-20     Legal entity carve out and operationalisation completed

        Jul-20     Combination agreement in Greece

       Oct-20      Independent Chairman appointed

    17-Nov-20      Capital Markets Day

Our mission and strategy
 Our mission   Powering Europe’s digital transformation

                           People                         Planet                       Performance

                 a• Multi-skilled and         a• Building EU resilience       a• Incentivised to drive
                    diverse team                 through coverage                shareholder value

                 b• Unflinching focus on      b• Energy conscious delivery    b• Ambitious organic
                    Health & Safety                                              growth strategy for
   strategy                                   c• Sustainable infrastructure      anchor and other
                 c• Best-in-class tools          supported by superior           tenancies
                                                 supply chain
                                                                              c• Best-in-class operational

                                                                              d• Potential upside from
                                                                                 strategic M&A

Vantage Towers | Our story
1 A leading European tower infrastructure operator

2 Benefitting from strong and resilient underlying demand within an evolving towers market

3 Top tier, highly rated customer base, secured with network sharing agreements

4 Growth platform underpinned by long-term, inflation-linked contracts, new build and tenancy expansion

5 Highly attractive financial profile with margin upside and cash flow generation underpinning shareholder returns

    Clear framework to drive strategic investments in growth beyond the core and M&A, led by an experienced and
    empowered management team


    A leader in scale and geographic diversification
        # of                                                            68k
       macro                                                                                            40k                              35k
       sites1,2                                                                                                                                                          23k                       22k

                                      Cellnex                            VT                            Orange                             DT                           Telxius                    INWIT
       # of                              12
    European                                                              9                               8
     in which                                                                                                                              2                               2
    present2                                                                                                                                                                                        1

                                      Cellnex                            VT                            Orange                             DT                           Telxius                    INWIT

     Revenue                     Telecom,
                                                                                                                                                                  Telecom and
       mix                   broadcasting and                  c.100% telecom4                    100% telecom                    100% telecom                                                  100% telecom
                                                                                                                                                                submarine cable

                                     Cellnex                                                          Orange                       GD Towers5                         Telxius                     INWIT

    Source Company information as of 30-Sep-20, broker reports, TowerXchange
    1 No. of macro sites (latest available), financials as of FY19 for peers unless footnoted otherwise, Telxius number of macro sites incl. only European macro sites; INWIT as of 30-Sep-20
    2 Vantage Towers incl. INWIT
    3 FY20E broker estimate revenue split pro forma for acquisitions; other incl. network services and data centres
    4 Includes revenue from a small number of broadcast clients constituting less than 0.5% of macro sites
    5 Excluding other 26k sites owned by Deutsche Telekom in Europe but not part of the GD Towers unit                                                                                                         9

    A leader in 8 of our 9 markets with a high quality portfolio to attract new tenants
                                                     Vantage Towers market position                                                                                               Portfolio highlights

     Rank1                       11           2             21           21           21           21           42            22           24            11                   National coverage with
                                                                                                                                                                              comprehensive and high quality
                                                                                                                                                                              portfolio offering to attract new

                                                                                                                                                                              Balanced footprint with c.40%2 sites
                                                                                                                                                                              in urban and dense areas, well
                                                                                                                                                                              positioned to capture demand from
                                                                                                                                                                              network densification
     Macro                                   19.1                                                                                                                             Low average tenancy ratio of 1.38x
                                                                                                                                                                              across consolidated operations
     sites                                                                                                                                            14.3                    underpins substantial lease-up and
     ('000,                                                                                                                                                                   upgrade potential
     FY20PF)                                              8.8                                                                                                                 Attractively located portfolio with no
                                                                                                                                                                              nearby 3rd party site for c.55% and
                                                                       4.9          3.8                                                                                       c.40% of the portfolio in urban and
                                                                                                               2.2           1.9          1.3                                 rural areas, respectively3
                                IT           DE           UK            ES           GR           CZ           PT            HU           RO           EIR                    Majority of ground leases still have
                                                                                                                                                                              >5 years maturity providing visibility
                                                                                                                                                                              on costs4

    Source Company information, companies reporting, TowerXchange, broker reports
    1 Based on number of macro sites; numbers as of 30-Sep-20 for Vantage Towers excl. UK (as of 31-Mar-20), latest available for other operators including announced acquisitions; rank in Spain based on number of sites
       excluding broadcasting and radio operators for Cellnex, micro sites and transmission sites; Hungary excl. CETIN as data not available
    2 Excludes Italy; other c.60% are in rural or suburban areas
    3 Produced by Analysys Mason based on company data, conclusions formed by the company; nearby sites defined as 150m away for urban and 1km away for rural areas                                                          10
    4 Excl. Italy

    European tower sector has significant room for growth
    US provides a roadmap for sector development in Europe, with scaled platforms well positioned to benefit
                                                                             Europe                                          US
                                                 Penetration of commercial TowerCos and MNO1-led   Penetration of commercial TowerCos in the US (based on
                                                 InfraCos (based on number of sites)               number of sites)

       Commercialisation of                                                                                           59%
                                                                                       42%               51%
         telecom towers                                             36%

                                                                    2016               2019              2001        2005          2016          2019

            Tenancy ratio                                ~1.5x3            Significant headroom
                                                                           for growth
                                                                                                                  >2.0x4 Stable

     Land ownership / Long-
       term right of usage

    Source Company information, broker reports, TowerXchange
                                                                                                                 Relative stage of market development
    1 Mobile Network Operator
    2 Q2 FY16
    3 Based on Cellnex, INWIT and Vantage Towers as of 30-Sep-20                                                                                            11
    4 As of 2019; based on US TowerCos generally per broker estimates

    Attractive underlying growth drivers
       1                                                                               2        Accelerating 5G presence                                               3        Significant coverage
             Rapid data growth
     '000s of PB / year1                                                             Projected % 5G share of mobile connections1                                      Mobile operators coverage obligations2

                                                                                                                                                                           DE            +6,000 rural sites3
                                                                96                                                                                                                       Mobile operators to collectively
                     +2.4x                                                                          +17.5x                                                                 IT            reach coverage of 99.4% of the
                                                                                                                                                                                         population within 4.5 years4

                                                                                                                                                                                         Increasing minimum download
                                                                                                                                                                                         speed coverage over next 6 years

                                                                                                                                                                                         85% population coverage by 2023
           40                                                                                                                                                                            and 95% by 2025 on 700MHz

                                                                                           2%                                                                              ES            Obligations being consulted on

        2020          2021         2022          2023         2024                      2020          2021         2022         2023         2024                            Obligations confirmed     Obligations expected

                                                                                           Densification and coverage

                                                           New tenancies                                                                              New sites

    Source Analysys Mason; 5G Observatory, company press releases
    1 Data for Western Europe (defined as Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and UK)
    2 List of coverage obligations not exhaustive, actual coverage obligations can vary significantly from industry expectations which in turn significantly impacts estimated site numbers
    3 In the process of being agreed                                                                                                                                                                                          12
    4 MNOs to reach 5G service coverage of 80% of the population within 3 years (4 years for new entrants) from the availability of the spectrum

    Coverage and capacity needs underpin sustained tenancy growth
                                     Europe tenancies forecast (‘000s)1

                                                                                  +12%                          Healthy growth in number of tenancies


                                                                                                                Substantially MNO-led

                                                                                                                Coverage and densification obligations
                                                                           Densification                        generating demand for existing and new
                  221                                                      and coverage                         sites
                                                                           driven growth

                                                                                                                New entrants following recent
                                                                                                                spectrum auctions
                                driven growth

                                                                                                                Vantage Towers has relationships with
                 FY20                                       FY25                                      FY30      all key MNOs and a strong,
                                                                                                                differentiated grid able to capture this
                                Coverage2            Densification             New entrants                     expected growth

    Source Analysys Mason
    1 Based on Analysys Mason PoPs forecast for all markets where Vantage Towers is present (excluding Italy)
    2 Incl. active sharing                                                                                                                                 13

    Strategic partner and anchor tenant relationship with Vodafone
                          Leading European mobile operators                                                                     Strong network credentials and a 5G first mover
    Mobile subscriber count1                                                                                          5G roll-out timeline in key markets
                                                                                                                                                      2019                                     2020 Today
                                 98m                  97m
                                                                          85m                                                                    Deutsche
                                                                                               47m                                                                                   Deutschland

                               Deutsche           Telefonica             Orange          CK Hutchison                                                                                                        Iliad

              Leading position by mobile subscribers                                                                                                                                        Orange
              Coverage extends to 12 countries across Europe

              Investment grade anchor tenant (Baa2/BBB)                                                                         Co-leading network quality and coverage

    Source Company information; Fitch Solutions; TeleGeography; MNOs websites and press releases
    1 Based on number of mobile subscribers as of 2019; includes Albania, Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro,
       Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden and UK

    Top tier, highly rated customer base, secured with network sharing agreements
                                    Deutsche Telekom 1                         Orange                                TIM                               Wind                          NOS

                                                12                                  8                                  1                                  1                            1

      Presence across
          Europe 2

        Credit rating
      (Moody's / S&P)
                                         Baa1 / BBB                        Baa1 / BBB+                          Ba1 / BB+                            NR / B                        NR / BBB-

     Mobile operators                      1               1
     market positions                                                           1            2                             1                                  3                            2
                                           1              3
     in key markets3

      Vodafone active
      sharing partners                   Grey spots

       Active sharing                            1                         1            2                              1                                  3                            2
        partner rank

                                                                                                                                                                                       # of countries

            Long term, network sharing contracts already in place between Vodafone and leading mobile operators in key markets,
            meaning Vantage Towers provides critical infrastructure for two of the largest mobile operators in each market
            Network sharing agreements provide significant downside protection from future decommissioning
    Source Company information; websites and filings; Fitch Solutions; Moody's; S&P; broker research
    1 Includes OTE-owned Cosmote (Greece) and Telekom Romania; network sharing in Germany subject to further competition approvals; network sharing in Portugal to begin in 2021
    2 Red shows overlap with Vantage Towers operations                                                                                                                                                  15
    3 Market positions based on number of mobile SIMs as of FY19

    c.95% of Vantage Towers' revenue generated from investment grade tenants
                 Lower cost of capital underpinned by
                                                                                                                           …and superior anchor tenant credit quality
                  investment grade customer base…
     Share of consolidated anchor revenues from investment grade                                             Weighted average cost of debt of anchor tenants2 (%)
     tenants1 (%)
                                                                                                                                                            5.2%                      5.4%



    Secure, long-term revenues with built-in growth
    Inflation-linked anchor tenant revenues and new builds further complemented by tenancy commitments from
    top-tier customers

             Majority of revenues secured by long-term                                        Secure, long-term contracts with other customers, including
             contracts with Vodafone as anchor tenant                                             mobile operators and other non-mobile customers


                                                                                              Long-term contracts    Market-leading MNO
       Long-term                       Inflation-linked              Preferred supplier for
                                                                                              with top-tier mobile     customers in all     Other non-MNOs
       contracts                            growth                  long-term site roll-out
                                                                                                   operators              countries

    8+8+8+8 years1                     Subject to floor                     New build         Average duration of 8    >90% of revenue      Include PPDR4,
                                          and cap                        commitment for       years with extensions from other customers3    FWA5, IoT etc.
                                                                           6,850 sites2
    Source Company information
    1 8 years with 3 automatic renewals; Vodafone is not required to renew
    2 7,100 total committed sites including 250 from Wind Hellas
    3 Estimated for FY20
    4 Public Protection and Disaster Relief
    5 Fixed Wireless Access                                                                                                                                   17

    Our medium-term tenancy potential | Key drivers
    Significant visibility on key drivers of tenancy growth in the medium-term, with key upsides linked to rooftop
    lease-up programme for hosting of new tenants
                          Commitments and white spots obligations represent a significant portion of tenancy growth
    (# of tenancies)

                                                                                                                                                                                            Tenancy ratio

                                                                       +13.4k very high visibility tenancies                                                                                     >1.50x

                                                                                                                                                                      >2.1k                       >77.6k

                      62.1k                        0.6k

            FY20 total tenants 1           FY21 new sites2                 Committed                   White spots                 Committed      Additional lease-up                       Medium-term
                                                                            new sites 3                obligations              tenancies (net of needed to achieve                            target
                                                                                                       (Germany)               decommissioning)4 medium-term
    Source Company information
    1 Excl. Italy
    2 Expected to be commissioned; not included in analysis of contracted demand for Germany, Spain, Greece or Other European Markets market opportunity review in Section 5.3 of this presentation
    3 6,850 committed sites from Vodafone and 250 from Wind Hellas                                                                                                                                          18
    4 Decommissioning includes c.900 sites in Spain and c.500 sites in Other European markets, mostly related to active sharing agreements

     Delivering growth | New proactive commercial organisation
     We have the physical space and the commercial drive to fill it

                       Substantial lease-up potential1                                                                Shift to a proactive approach already implemented
       Tenancy ratio (x)
                                                                                                                                 Before:                       Now:
                                                                                                                Reactive response to competitor       Proactive identification of
                                                                                                                          site requests              customer site requirements
                                                               1.95              >2.00

    Medium              >1.50                                                                                                 Competitors                    Customers

                                                                                                              • Reactive bilateral deals           − Independent and incentivised

                                                                                                              • No designated commercial           − Strong, dedicated commercial
                                                                                                                team to drive lease-up               team – already engaging with
                                          Cellnex            INWIT               US                                                                  counterparties
                                           Spain                             TowerCos
                                                                               (avg.)3                                                             − Proactive identification of
                  operations)                                                                                                                        customer site requirements
                                                                                                                                                   − Clear strategy to increase
                                                                                                                                                     tenancies and deliver growth
    Source company information and filings
    1 Data as of 30-Sep-20 for Vantage Towers and Cellnex Spain; as of 31-Dec-19 for INWIT (pre merger with Vodafone Italy Towers)
    2 Excl. Italy
    3 As of 2019; based on US TowerCos generally per broker estimates                                                                                                               19

     Attractive financial profile with high margins and strong cash flow generation
                                     Attractive financial profile…                                                                                …with well-diversified cash flows…
                                                                                                                            Aggregate FY20PF EBITDAaL by market
    Consolidated Vantage Towers                                                                         FY20 PF                         Other9 16%
    Revenue                                                                                               €945m
                                                                                                                                                       8%                                                 Excludes UK which
    Adj. EBITDA1 (before leases)                                                                           €814m                                                                                          would account for
                                                                                                                                                     10%                                                        c.8%
    Ground lease expenses2                                                                               (€291m)

    Adj. EBITDAaL (after leases)3                                                                         €523m
    Margin                                                                                                     55%
                                                                                                                            …underpinned by strong cash conversion and margins with
    Maintenance capex                                                                                     (€29m)                                 future upside
    Recurring OpFCF5                                                                                      €494m             Cash conversion6                                        Adj. EBITDAaL margin10
    Cash conversion6                                                                                          94%            94.4%        96.1%        96.4%        96.9%

    Recurring free cash flow (RFCF)7                                                                      €373m                                                                                    55.3%
                                                                                                                                                                                                               63.4%        64.0%

      INWIT RFCF CY20 PF guidance8:                                      Vantage Towers share:
                 €310m                                                          €103m
                                                                                                                               VT        INWIT
                                                                                                                                           INW        Cellnex
                                                                                                                                                       CLNX       USUS
                                                                                                                                                                     avg.           Cellnex
                                                                                                                                                                                     CLNX            VT      USUSavg.        INWIT
                                                                                                                                                                 TowerCos                                   TowerCos
                                                                                                                                                                   (avg.)                                     (avg.)
    Source Company information; INWIT reporting; please refer to p59-61 of section 6 for information on basis of preparation of pro forma financial information
    Notes                                                                                                            7 RFCF excl. dividends from joint ventures: Recurring OpFCF - cash interest - cash tax - change in operating
    1 Adj. EBITDA is adj. EBITDAaL before depreciation on lease-related assets and interest on leases                     working capital (excl. deferred income from capex recharges and working capital relating to growth capital
    2 Lease adjustments reflect depreciation on lease-related right of use assets and interest on leases                  expenditure; movements in operating working capital are not included in FY20PF )
    3 Excluding capex recharge revenue                                                                               8 Based on INWIT definition, relates to the year ending 31-Dec-20 as per their guidance provided on 5-Nov-20
    4 Defined as capital expenditure required to maintain and continue the operation of the existing tower           9 Incl. Portugal, Ireland, Romania, Czech Republic, Hungary
       network and other passive infrastructure, excluding capital investment in new sites or growth initiatives     10 Vantage Towers is based on FY20 pro forma adj. EBITDAaL; Cellnex EBITDA and margin FY20E broker
    5 Defined as Adj. EBITDAaL less maintenance capex (excl. capex recharge revenue)                                      consensus to make it more comparable post acquisitions; INWIT is based on pro forma EBITDAaL margin          20
    6 Cash conversion defined as ROpFCF / Adj. EBITDAaL                                                                   reported as at FY19. US TowerCos: SBA Communications, American Tower, Crown Castle based on FY19

    Strong operating leverage and cost efficiency potential underpin margin upside
       Strong operating leverage to new revenue streams                                 Cost efficiencies

                                        1 tenant           2 tenants   Ground lease optimisation through buyouts / renegotiation, a
                                                                       recurring theme amongst European TowerCos

                                                                                            Unlocking growth     Lower relocation
                                                                       Attractive IRR and    in colocation,          risk, with
                                                                       multiple arbitrage    particularly in      significant cost
                                                                                                rooftops         saving potential

         Illustrative financials (€k)
                                                                       Best-in-class IT systems and productivity tools enhancing
         Revenue / tower                  20                  30       automation across the portfolio

         Cost / tower                     (10)               (12)
                                                                       Operations and maintenance efficiencies: fewer site visits
         Adj. EBITDAaL after                                           through remote monitoring, predictive maintenance and
                                          10                  18
         leases / tower                                                managed solutions

         Margin                          50%                 60%       Deployment of energy-efficient solutions drives lower energy
                                                                       consumption and other cost savings
                                        Adj. EBITDAaL impact:
     Source Company information


    Attractive medium-term outlook | Strong growth and cash conversion
                          Our medium-term targets

       Tenancy ratio      •   >1.50x

      Revenue (ex. pass
                          •   Mid single digit CAGR

       Adj. EBITDAaL
                          •   High 50s percentage (based on revenue ex. pass through)

       Recurring FCF      •   Mid to high single digit CAGR

       Dividend policy    •   60% of RFCF (incl. dividends from joint ventures)

                          •   4.0x Net financial debt / Adj. EBITDAaL to ensure capacity to invest in strategic (organic
       Initial leverage
                              and inorganic) opportunities


    Further upside from growth beyond the core and M&A
    Cash investment firepower of €1bn and additional potential meaningful capacity through share issuance

                        Clear strategic roadmap with multiple levers of growth                            Strategic M&A to supplement organic growth


                                                                                                                      • Acquire portfolio of tower assets deemed
       Digital future

                                                                                                                          to be non-core by other MNOs or
                                                                                                                          independent tower companies in existing
                                                                                          Smart cities                    geographies
                                                                           Edge data

                                                                  Outdoor                                             • Use acquisitions as a tool to rapidly build
                                                                 small cells
                                                                                                           New            new technology capabilities
     5G super

                                                                                                         capability   •   Expand in non-core segments with high

                                                    FTTS                         IoT                                      growth potential

                                                                         Regional rural
                                                    DAS / indoor           networks
                                                     small cells                                                      • Identify new geographies with attractive
     & efficiency

                          MNO densification                                                               New             market dynamics, favourable regulatory
                         and coverage needs             Non-MNOs                                         markets          backdrop (e.g. upcoming 5G roll out,
                                                          / FWA                                                           expanded coverage obligations)

                               REALISE                        EXPAND                       EVOLVE

                    Reflects the illustrative potential of market opportunity                 Phases

    Our recent M&A | Track record of targeted transactions
    Strategy geared towards creating national leaders with high quality, de-risked growth with strong anchor tenants
    active sharing on our grids to underpin attractive returns

                                                                          Wind Hellas                                       INWIT

                                            Merger of Vodafone Greece and Wind Hellas Greek tower   Merger of Vodafone Italy Towers with INWIT to create a
                                              assets to create the leading tower infrastructure     national champion in Italy, where we share co-control
                                                                  operator1                                               with TIM

      Macro sites market
       position / share2
                                                                           1     / 53%                                  1    / 53%
      Anchor tenants and                                          Vodafone / Wind Hellas                              Vodafone / TIM
     combined subscriber
            share                                                              53%                                          63%

          Active sharing

        New macro sites
                                                          500 (250 from each anchor tenant)                                 2,4003

    Source Company information, Fitch Solutions, TowerXchange, broker research
    1 Subject to closing conditions, including competition approval
    2 Based on number of macro sites, based on Vodafone and Cosmote only for Greece
    3 As of 30-Sep-20
ESG at the core of our strategy | Our strong network is a key enabler for a

    sustainable digital society
            A distinctive culture                                                               Energy innovation

              Lean and flat transparent and
    a diverse                                                                         Efficiency Renewable  Reduce Digitisation
              organisation    collaborative
    workforce                                                                                      energy  emissions

     Rigorous focus on                                                                      Sustainable infrastructure
     health & safety

                                                                                           Full compliance                  Reuse /
        Construction    Inspections                 People   Planet                           with EMF
                                                                                                                          recycling of
                                                                                             regulations                 infrastructure

        Maintenance     Operations
                                                                                                Supply chain integrity
     Providing the best tools
     to the workforce                                                                       Sustainable         Sustainable
                                                                                            supply chain          energy

         TIMS     Customer    Digital Twin    CRM                                 Robust and balanced governance
                                                                          Experienced &           Strong        Balanced
                                                                      incentivised leadership   framework   Supervisory Board

         Experienced management team with a robust governance framework
        Management team with established execution credentials                                  Governance framework to provide significant independence

                                     Vivek Badrinath (MB)                                             Management Board empowered under Two-Tier
                                     CEO                                                              AG Board structure

                                                                                                      Balanced, diverse Supervisory Board composition:
                                                                                                      – Independent Chair
                                                                                                      – 3 additional independent Supervisory Board members
                                                                                                      – 5 Supervisory Board members nominated by Vodafone

                                                              Christian Sommer                        No majority shareholder instruction rights
                                             Thomas Reisten
    Sonia Hernandez        Jose Rivera                               (MB)         Niko Rama
          CCO                 CTO                              General Counsel,   HR Director
                                                              Company Secretary
                                                                                                      Clearly defined relationship with Vodafone
                                                                                                      – MSAs, relationship agreement
        Management team supported by regional country heads leading implementation of                 – Independent, arms length governance of related
                                Vantage Towers strategy                                                  party arrangements

                                                                                                      Limited special rights for Vodafone
                                                                                                      – Veto on Board appointments for INWIT
                                                                                                      – Veto on disposal of local TowerCos
                                            Dr. Rüdiger Grube
                                            Independent Chairman                                      Appropriate incentive structure
                                                                                                      – Aligned to Vantage Towers' mission and strategy and
                                                                                                         shareholder returns

       MB = Management Board
Vantage Towers | Our story
1 A leading European tower infrastructure operator

2 Benefitting from strong and resilient underlying demand within an evolving towers market

3 Top tier, highly rated customer base, secured with network sharing agreements

4 Growth platform underpinned by long-term, inflation-linked contracts, new build and tenancy expansion

5 Highly attractive financial profile with margin upside and cash flow generation underpinning shareholder returns

    Clear framework to drive strategic investments in growth beyond the core and M&A, led by an experienced and
    empowered management team

Disclaimer (1/3)
IMPORTANT: The following applies to this document, which consists of the sections “Introduction and key investment highlights”, “Portfolio overview”, “Contracts, organisation and operations”, “ESG”,
“Market drivers and commercial strategy” and “Understanding our financials and growth drivers”, and which has been prepared by Vantage Towers GmbH (the “Company” and together with its
subsidiaries and those entities to become its subsidiaries, the "Group") solely for use at this meeting, to the oral and video presentation of the information in this document by members of the Company’s
management, to any question-and-answer session that follows the oral and video presentation and any material distributed in connection with this presentation (collectively, the “Information”), each of
which should be considered together and not taken out of context. By attending the oral and video presentation and/or accessing or reading a copy of the Information you agree to be bound by the
following limitations and conditions.
The Information has been prepared for information and background purposes only and may not be reproduced, published or transmitted, in whole or in part, directly or indirectly, to any person (whether
within or outside such person’s organization or firm) other than its intended recipients. This document is not, and should not be construed as, a prospectus or offering document, and has not been
reviewed or approved by any regulatory or supervisory authority. The Information does not constitute or form part of, and should not be construed as an offer for sale or subscription of or a solicitation or
invitation of any offer to subscribe for or purchase any loans or securities of or make an investment in the Company or any other member of the Group or Vodafone Group Plc or any of its subsidiaries
(together, “Vodafone”) or any other entity in any jurisdiction, and nothing contained therein shall form the basis of or be relied on in connection with any contract or commitment whatsoever, in particular,
it must not be used in making any investment decision. Any decision to invest in securities should be made solely on the basis of the information to be contained in a prospectus and on an independent
analysis of the information contained therein.
The Information does not purport to contain all information required to evaluate the Company or the Group and/or its financial position. Financial information in this document is preliminary and
unaudited and certain financial information (including percentages) has been rounded according to established commercial standards. In addition, the Company is currently still in the process of
establishing capital markets readiness by expanding the scope of management reporting, financial accounting as well as forecasting and budgeting processes through the hiring and training of
additional resources and rolling out market standard policies and procedures. As a result, some of the financial and/or operational information set forth in this document remains subject to change
and/or completion.
This document contains pro forma financial information of the Group for the financial year ended March 31, 2020 and for the six-months ended September 30, 2020 (together, the “PF Financial
Information”) as well as financial information from Infrastrutture Wireless Italiane SpA (“INWIT”). For a description of the basis of preparation of the pro forma financial information of the Group for the
financial year ended March 31, 2020, please refer to the slide entitled “Understanding our FY20 PF financials | Basis of preparation” included in the section “Understanding our financials and growth
drivers”. The PF Financial Information has been prepared for illustrative purposes only and, by its nature, addresses a hypothetical situation and does not, therefore, represent the Group’s actual results
of operations. Such information may not, therefore, give a true picture of the Group’s results of operations nor is it indicative of its results. The PF Financial Information is subject to change. This
presentation also includes summary historical financial information from Vantage Towers Greece and INWIT. For a description of this information, please refer to the appendix section of this
presentation. In this document, the Company utilises certain alternative performance measures, including but not limited to adjusted EBITDA, adjusted EBITDAaL, recurring operating free cash flow,
recurring free cash flow, aggregated recurring free cash flow, return on capital employed, that in each case are not recognized under International Financial Reporting Standards (“IFRS”). These non-IFRS
measures are presented as the Company believes that they and similar measures are widely used in the markets in which it operates as a means of evaluating a company’s operating performance and
financing structure. They may not be comparable to other similarly titled measures of other companies and are not measurements under IFRS or other generally accepted accounting principles, nor
should they be considered as substitutes for the information contained in the financial statements included in this document.
No representation, warranty or undertaking, express or implied, is made by the Company, Vodafone or any their respective affiliates or any of its or their respective directors, officers, employees, agents
or advisers (“Representatives”) or any other person as to, and no reliance should be placed on, the fairness, accuracy, completeness or correctness of the Information or the opinions contained therein or
any other statement made or purported to be made in connection with the Company, the Group or Vodafone, for any purpose whatsoever, including but not limited to any investment considerations. No
responsibility, obligation or liability whatsoever, whether arising in tort, contract or otherwise, is or will be accepted by the Company, Vodafone or any of their respective Representatives or any other
person for any loss, cost or damage howsoever arising from any use of the Information, or for information or opinions or for any errors, omissions or misstatements contained therein or otherwise arising
in connection therewith.

Disclaimer (2/3)
The Information is provided at the date of this document and is subject to change without notice. In providing access to the Information, none of the Company, Vodafone or any of their respective
Representatives or any other person undertakes any obligation to provide the attendee or recipient with access to any additional information or to update the Information or to correct any inaccuracies in
any such Information, including any financial data or forward-looking statements. The Information should be considered in the context of the circumstances prevailing at the time and has not been, and
will not be, updated to reflect material developments which may occur after the date thereof. The information contained in this document has not been independently verified.
The Information may constitute or include forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are statements that are not historical facts and may be identified by words such as “plans”, “targets”,
“aims”, “believes”, “expects”, “anticipates”, “intends”, “estimates”, “will”, “may”, “continues”, “should” and similar expressions. These forward-looking statements reflect, at the time made, the Company’s
beliefs, intentions and current targets/aims concerning, among other things, the Company’s or the Group’s results of operations, financial condition, liquidity, prospects, growth and strategies. Forward-
looking statements include statements regarding: objectives, goals, strategies, outlook and growth prospects; future plans, events or performance and potential for future growth concerning, among
other things, growth trends in the market for macro sites (which can be affected by a number of factors, including operator consolidation, network sharing (including roaming and slicing) and spectrum
trading), and growth trends in the DAS and small cell market (some industry analysts believe the small cell market still in the nascent stage of its development and could be affected by factors including
changes in the behaviour of MNOs); lease-up potentials; economic outlook and industry trends; developments of the Company’s or the Group’s markets; the impact of regulatory initiatives; and the
strength of the Company’s or any other member of the Group’s competitors. Forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties because they relate to events and depend on circumstances that
may or may not occur in the future. The forward-looking statements in the Information are based upon various assumptions, many of which are based, in turn, upon further assumptions, including
without limitation, management’s examination of historical operating trends, data contained in the Company’s records (and those of other members of the Group) and other data available from third
parties. Although the Company believes that these assumptions were reasonable when made, these assumptions are inherently subject to significant known and unknown risks, uncertainties,
contingencies and other important factors which are difficult or impossible to predict and are beyond its control. Forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and such risks,
uncertainties, contingencies and other important factors could cause the actual outcomes and the results of operations, financial condition and liquidity of the Company and other members of the Group
or the industry to differ materially from those results expressed or implied in the Information by such forward-looking statements. No assurances can be given that the forward-looking statements will be
realised. The forward-looking statements speak only as of the date of this document. The Company expressly disclaims any obligation or undertaking to release any updates or revisions to any forward-
looking statements to reflect any change in the Company’s expectations with regard thereto or any changes in events, conditions or circumstances on which any forward-looking statements are based.
No representation or warranty is made that any of these forward-looking statements or forecasts will come to pass or that any forecast result will be achieved. Undue influence should not be given to,
and no reliance should be placed on, any forward-looking statement.
To the extent available, the industry, market and competitive position data contained in the Information come from official or third party sources. Third party industry publications, studies and surveys
generally state that the data contained therein have been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, but that there is no guarantee of the accuracy or completeness of such data. While the Company
believes that each of these publications, studies and surveys has been prepared by a reputable source, neither the Company nor any of its respective Representatives has independently verified the data
contained therein. In addition, certain of the industry, market and competitive position data contained in the Information come from the Company’s own internal research and estimates based on the
knowledge and experience of the Company’s management in the markets in which the Company and the other members of the Group operate. While the Company believes that such research and
estimates are reasonable, they, and their underlying methodology and assumptions, have not been verified by any independent source for accuracy or completeness and are subject to change and
correction without notice. Accordingly, reliance should not be placed on any of the industry, market or competitive position data contained in the Information.

Disclaimer (3/3)
In addition, certain industry and market data in this document is based on third-party data provided by Analysys Mason Limited (“Analysys Mason”). Analysys Mason’s data is derived from publicly
available information released by independent industry analysts and other third-party sources, as well as data from Analysys Mason’s internal research, and is based on assumptions made upon
reviewing such data, and experience in, and knowledge of, such industry and markets, which the Company believes to be reasonable. Although Analysys Mason has obtained such information from
sources it believes to be reliable, Analysys Mason has not verified such information. You are cautioned not to give undue weight to these estimates and assumptions. Analysys Mason’s estimates are
subject to the same qualifications and uncertainties as the other forward-looking statements in this document.
The Information is not directed to, or intended for distribution to or use by, any person or entity that is a citizen or resident or located in any locality, state, country or other jurisdiction where such
distribution, publication, availability or use would be contrary to law or regulation of such jurisdiction or which would require any registration or licensing within such jurisdiction. Any failure to comply with
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and will not be registered under the under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the “U.S. Securities Act”), or any state securities laws, and may not be offered or sold in the United States absent
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and observe any such restrictions.
The Information is only addressed to and directed at persons in member states of the European Economic Area and the United Kingdom (each a “Relevant State”) who are “qualified investors” within the
meaning of Article 2(e) of Regulation (EU) 2017/1129 (“Qualified Investors”). In addition, in the United Kingdom, the Information is being distributed only to, and is directed only at, Qualified Investors who
are (i) ”investment professionals” within the meaning of Article 19(5) of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Financial Promotion) Order 2005 (the “Order”); (ii) high net worth companies, and other
persons to whom it may otherwise lawfully be communicated falling within Article 49(2)(a) to (d) of the Order, or (iii) persons to whom it may otherwise lawfully be communicated (all such persons
together being referred to as “Relevant Persons”). The Information must not be acted on or relied on (i) in the United Kingdom, by persons who are not Relevant Persons, and (ii) in any Relevant State, by
persons who are not Qualified Investors.

Key contacts

        1 Kingdom Street, London, W2 6BY

Matthew Johnson
  • Director
  • Group IR

Daniel Morris
  • Deputy Director
  • Group IR
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