Growth Characteristics of Polyporales Mushrooms for the Mycelial Mat Formation

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Growth Characteristics of Polyporales Mushrooms for the Mycelial Mat Formation
2021, VOL. 49, NO. 3, 280–284


Growth Characteristics of Polyporales Mushrooms for the Mycelial
Mat Formation
Bin Bae, Minseek Kim, Sinil Kim and Hyeon-Su Ro
Department of Bio and Medical Big Data (BK4 program) and Research Institute of Life Sciences, Gyeongsang National University,
Jinju, Republic of Korea

    ABSTRACT                                                                                                                          ARTICLE HISTORY
    Mushroom strains of Polyporales from the genera Coriolus, Trametes, Pycnoporus, Ganoderma,                                        Received 26 January 2021
    and Formitella were explored in terms of mycelial growth characteristics for the application                                      Revised 28 March 2021
    of mushroom mycelia as alternative sources of materials replacing fossil fuel-based materials.                                    Accepted 29 March 2021
    Among the 64 strains of Polyporales, G. lucidum LBS5496GL was selected as the best candi-
    date because it showed fast mycelial growth with high mycelial strength in both the saw-                                          Polyporales; Mycelial mat;
    dust-based solid medium and the potato dextrose liquid plate medium. Some of the                                                  Ganoderma; SEM analysis
    Polyporales in this study have shown good mycelial growth, however, they mostly formed
    mycelial mat of weak physical strength. The higher physical strength of mycelial mat by G.
    lucidum LBS5496GL was attributed to its thick hyphae with the diameter of 13 mm as
    revealed by scanning electron microscopic analysis whereas the hyphae of others exhibited
    less than 2 mm. Glycerol and skim milk supported the best mycelial growth of LBS5496GL as
    a carbon and a nitrogen source, respectively.

Fossil fuels have been used as an important source                                    served as a key link between carbon dioxide in the
of energy and material production in human life                                       atmosphere and plant biomass as primary decom-
since they appeared in human history as an import-                                    posers [4]. Apart from their role in the ecosystem,
ant energy source for the Industrial Revolution,                                      agaricomycetes are grown as edible crops and are
which began in the mid-eighteenth century.                                            recognized as important agricultural products.
However, with industrial development and popula-                                      Recently, efforts have been underway to develop
tion growth, the demand–supply of materials has                                       new eco-friendly industrial materials, away from the
exploded, and humans face two risks: resource                                         limited use of fungi, including mushrooms, in trad-
depletion and environmental destruction due to                                        itional industries such as food, antibiotics, and
resource abuse. Therefore, securing eco-friendly                                      enzyme production. In particular, various mush-
energy sources that minimize the use of fossil fuels,                                 rooms have been studied in the development of bio-
developing new recycling methods of materials, and                                    composite materials using mushroom mycelia and
developing restoration technologies for the                                           agricultural byproducts [5–7]. Common agricultural
destroyed environment are key tasks to open a sus-                                    byproducts such as rice straw, wheat straw, and
tainable future.                                                                      sawdust are combined with mushroom mycelia and
   Fossil fuels are known to be originated primarily                                  used in the production of various living and indus-
from plant materials that flourished in the carbon-                                   trial components such as insulation, interior materi-
iferous period by creating underground sedimentary                                    als, furniture, and decorative items. These mycelial
layers without decomposition before the agaricomy-                                    biocomposites, combined with 3D printing technol-
cetes started to break down dead plants [1,2], sug-                                   ogy, show the potential to develop into an import-
gestively together with climate and crustal                                           ant eco-friendly material for new industry [8]. In
fluctuations [3]. The capability of agaricomycetes to                                 addition, research on the production of fungal meat
decompose dead plant is attributed to the destruc-                                    and leather, which mimic animal meat and leather,
tion of lignin by the activity of several ligninolytic                                respectively, have been conducted and partially com-
enzymes [4]. This suggests that agaricomycetes have                                   mercialized [9,10].

CONTACT Hyeon-Su Ro        Department of Bio and Medical Big Data (BK4 program) and Research Institute of Life Sciences,
Gyeongsang National University, Jinju, Republic of Korea
These authors contributed equally to this work.
   Supplemental data for this article can be accessed here.
ß 2021 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group on behalf of the Korean Society of Mycology.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License (,
which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Growth Characteristics of Polyporales Mushrooms for the Mycelial Mat Formation

Figure 1. Growth characteristics of the selected strains of Polyporales in sawdust medium (A,B) and in PDB plate medium
(C,D). The results are summarized in Supplementary Table S1.

    The filamentous growth characteristics of fungi          fraxinea, stocked in the Center for Mushroom
enable the formation of mycelial networks. If fungal         Molecular Genetics, GNU were screened in terms of
network grows vertically and horizontally together           mycelial growth. The strains were routinely grown
with occasion hyphal fusion, it can create thick             on potato dextrose agar medium (PDA; Oxoid,
mycelial tissue which can show the characteristics of        Hampshire, UK) at 25  C. The mushroom strains
animal skins or meat if properly processed. In add-          were firstly screened in a sterilized sawdust medium
ition, the mycelial network penetrates into plant            containing 50 g of oak tree sawdust and 100 mL of
substrates, it strengthens the connection between            water in a polypropylene container (120 mm x
the substrates, enabling the formation of plant-based        80 mm, Phytohealth, SPL Life Sciences, Pocheon,
biocomposite. The physicochemical properties of the          Korea) by inoculating the mycelial culture broth
fungal biocomposite depend on the unique physio-             grown in potato dextrose broth (PDB; Oxoid) for a
logical properties expressed by the genetic informa-         week at 25  C. The inoculated medium was incu-
tion of the fungus as well as physicochemical                bated at 25  C for 2 weeks under 80% relative
conditions for the production of the composite,              humidity. The degree of mycelial growth was meas-
such as substrate type, growth temperature, pH, and          ured by a 5-point scale. As a result, five strains of F.
carbon dioxide concentration. For example, the               fraxinea,     including    LBS9639FF,      LBS9630FF,
mycelial network of Schizophillum commune has                LBS9257FF, LBS2337FF, and LBS9541FF, and a sin-
been shown to be affected by the expression of               gle strain of C. versicolor, LBS2279CV, were found
hydrophobin and carbon dioxide concentration [11].           to be the fastest growing strains (Figure 1(A) and
For the development of industrial material using the         Supplementary Table S1). On the other hand,
fungal mycelial network, the growth rate of fungal           LBS1894CB (C. brevis), LBS8925CV (C. versicolor),
strain, density of cultured mycelium, and strength of        LBS1819CV (C. versicolor), LBS9327CH (C. hirsu-
individual hyphae are important.                             tus), LBS2291TG (T. gibbosa), and LBS9680TG (T.
    In this study, we explored mushroom strains              gibbosa)     grew     poorly    (Figure    1(B)     and
belonging to the order Polyporales which have been           Supplementary Table S1).
known to grow well and form dense mycelial net-                 Because the mycelial growth in the sawdust
work. To this end, 64 strains of Polyporales, includ-        medium took too long incubation time, we next
ing Coriolus versicolor, Trametes, Pycnoporus                investigated the mycelial growth in potato dextrose
coccineus, Ganoderma lucidum, and Formitella                 liquid plate medium in a sterile rectangular culture
282      B. BAE ET AL.

Figure 2. Scanning electron microscopy analyses of mycelial mats from different polypore mushrooms in two different magni-
fications (250 and 900). (A,B) Coriolus brevis LBS1894CB. (C,D) Fomitella fraxinea LBS4388FF. (E,F) Ganoderma lucidum
LBS5496GL. (G,H) F. fraxinea LBS2351FF. (I,J) C. versicolor LBSCVEYCV. (K,L) F. fraxinea LBS2349FF. The samples were prepared
using the mycelial mats obtained from the PDB plate medium culture. Arrows indicate the hyphal diameters of the mycelium
in the mycelial mat. The hyphal diameter of F. fraxinea was less than 1 mm, as indicated.

plate (126.4  126.4  20 mm, Square dish, SPL Life             mycelia. Among them, three strains, LBS1894CB,
Sciences), containing 50 mL PDB plus 50 mL of 1                 LBS5496GL, and LBS2283CV, produced a relatively
week PDB grown inoculum. The mushroom strains                   uniform white mycelium. These results show that
were incubated at the same conditions as the saw-               the growth characteristics of mushroom strains and
dust medium and the mycelial growth was recorded                the nature of mycelial mats can vary significantly
by a 5-point scale. As a result, the strains of C. ver-         depending on mushroom strains, substrate, and
sicolor (LBS3442CV, LBS9665CV, LBS5512CV,                       environmental conditions.
LBS2283CV, and LBS1140CV), T. gibbosa                               Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis was
(LBS1162TG, LBS9303TG, and LBS9421TG), C. bre-                  conducted after drying the mycelium for 24 h at
vis (LBS1672CB and LBS1894CB), and G. lucidum                   60  C obtained through the above liquid
(LS5496GL) showed better growth (Figure 1(C),                   culture. The dried mycelial mat was gold-coated
Supplementary      Table    S1).     Among       them,          using vacuum sputter coater (DSR; element Pi,
LBS3442CV,       LBS1672CB,       LBS9665CV,       and          Beaverton, OR) and examined under a SEM micro-
LBS5512CV were equally well-growing fungi in saw-               scope (Jeol JSM-7610F; Joel, Tokyo, Japan). The sur-
dust mediums, but LBS1894CB and LBS1162TG                       face analysis of the fungal mat of F. fraxinea
rarely grew in sawdust medium (Figure 1(D),                     showed a thin layer of primary crumbly membranes,
Supplementary Table S1). C. versicolor LBS9783CV                with a thin layer of mycelium (within 1 mm diam-
and LBS9281CV, which showed excellent growth in                 eter) at the bottom, with a low mycelial density
sawdust medium, showed, in contrast, poor growth                (Figure 2). C. brevis LBS1894CB, which produces a
in liquid culture. Unlike sawdust medium, F. fraxi-             uniform white mycelium, had very uniform mycelial
nea      LBS9639FF,      LBS9630FF,        LBS9257FF,           tissue at around 2.6 mm in hyphal diameter, but the
LBS2337FF, and LBS9541FF showed moderate                        strength of mycelium was weak enough to break by
growth characteristics. Meanwhile, the color of                 hand (Figure 2(A,B)). In the case of LBSCVEYCV,
mycelia formed in the liquid medium also differed               which has a relatively good growth characteristic,
significantly depending on the type of mushroom                 the strength of the mycelium was stronger than that
strains. Most of the strains used in the experiment             of the C. brevis, and the mycelial density was rela-
were brown, with the LBS9524CV, LBS9787CV,                      tively higher ((Figure 2(I,J)). Finally, in the case of
LBS9293CV, and LBS1819CV making yellow                          G. lucidum LBS5496GL, the strength of the
MYCOBIOLOGY        283

Figure 3. Effects of carbon and nitrogen sources on the mycelial growth of Ganoderma lucidum LBS5496GL. (A) Effect of car-
bon sources. Two different concentrations (4 and 10 g/L) of different carbon sources were examined in minimal medium. (B)
Effect of nitrogen sources. 5 g/L of each nitrogen source was examined in minimal medium. (C) Effect of the concentrations of
skim milk. All the experiments were triplicated. The error bars indicate standard errors of each experimental sets. (D) Mycelial
mat generated from scale-up experiment using the optimal conditions.

mycelium was incomparably stronger than that of                   First, 5 mL of PDB-grown culture broth was inocu-
other fungi. The mycelial mat was characterized by                lated to the minimal medium composed of yeast
the formation of a thick hyphae with a diameter of                nitrogen base (6.7 g/L) and 4 g/L or 10 g/L of indi-
13 mm (Figure 2(E,F)) and by the coverage of the                  vidual carbon sources, including galactose, glucose,
mat with a large amount of uncharacterized macro-                 glycerol, maltose, sorbitol, and sucrose. Nitrogen
molecules. In fact, the mycelial mat of LBS5496GL                 sources (5 g/L), such as casein, peptone, skim milk,
was strongest among all examined strains in this                  and soytone, were also examined under the same
study. Mechanical strength of mycelial network is                 conditions. As a result, galactose, glucose, maltose,
important factor in the industrial application [12].              and glycerol showed similar mycelial growth while
Tacer-Caba et al. demonstrated the generation of                  skim milk was the best nitrogen source (Figure
bio-composites with high compressive strength                     3(A,B)). The mycelial growth was dependent on the
when mushroom strains, such as Agaricus bisporus,                 concentration of skim milk, resulting in the max-
Pleurotus ostreatus, and G. lucidum, were cultivated              imum growth at the concentration of 60 g/L (Figure
on rapeseed cake [7]. Ganoderma SP. grown on cot-                 3(C)). Based on these results, we conduct a scale-up
ton plant materials was also applied to produce bio-              experiment for large-scale mycelial mat production.
degradable packaging material [13].                               First, G. lucidum LBS5496GL was cultured in
   Since G. lucidum is known as a medicinal mush-                 500 mL PDB supplementary with 10 g/L glycerol and
room, and thus is primarily interested in the fruiting            30 g/L skim milk. The culture was poured into a
body cultivation, there are very few studies on                   polypropylene container (24  18  6 cm) which
mycelial growth in solid culture [14] and liquid cul-             contained layers of synthetic cotton in 2 cm and nat-
ture for the production of bio-active compounds                   ural cotton in 0.5 cm. The container was incubated
[15,16]. Because our sceening experiments con-                    for one week at 30  C with 85% relative humidity.
firmed that G. lucidum LBS5496GL produced the                     The experiment resulted in a mycelial mat of
best physical characteristic of mycelium, we investi-             24  18  0.6 cm (Figure 3(D)).
gated the effects of carbon and nitrogen sources                     In an effort to replace fossil fuel-based materials,
focusing on the growth of G. lucidum LBS5496GL.                   attempts to employ fungal mycelia in the fabrication
284      B. BAE ET AL.

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