GrowEnvironmental policies - special edition Autumn 2021 - Ballance Agri-Nutrients

Page created by Linda Fuller
GrowEnvironmental policies - special edition Autumn 2021 - Ballance Agri-Nutrients
Environmental policies
special edition
                           South Island
                         Autumn 2021
GrowEnvironmental policies - special edition Autumn 2021 - Ballance Agri-Nutrients
03                                   10                                 17
                      Message from the CEO                 Preventing pugging                 Gases into farm plans

                      04                                   11                                 18
                                                                                              Upcoming biodiversity
                      Future ready farming                 Exclusion explainer

                      05                                   12
                      Essential Freshwater                 Catch nutrients and soil

                                                           Zero Carbon

                                                                                              Sustainable and viable

                      08                                                                      22
                      Using less N fertiliser                                                 Water rules for growers

                      09                                   16                                 23
                      Over to clover                       Tackling farm emissions            A connected catchment

                      Ballance Agri-Nutrients is one of    Since its inception in the         SealesWinslow is a recognised
                      New Zealand’s leading fertiliser     1980s, Super Air has evolved       leader in the production of
                      manufacturers. A 100 percent         into one of New Zealand’s          high-performance compound
                      farmer-owned co-operative, the       leading agricultural aviation      feeds and feed additives.
                      company has approximately            companies. In addition to aerial   A fully owned subsidiary of
                      18,000 shareholders and sells        fertiliser application, Super      Ballance, SealesWinslow has
                      around 1.5 million tonnes of         Air has developed a world-         manufacturing sites located
                      product each year, representing      class reputation for aircraft      in Morrinsville, Ashburton
                      a turnover close to $900 million.    engineering and innovation.        and Wanganui, and supplies
                      Its products include imported        Wholly owned by Ballance,          custom-blended pelletised
                      and locally manufactured             Super Air services most of         feed to farmers throughout
                      fertilisers, the majority of which   the North Island, and from         New Zealand. It also provides
                      attract a rebate for shareholders.   February 2021 is also              molasses feed blocks, feed
                                                           servicing the South Island.        supplements and additives.
                      0800 222 090                         0800 787 372                       0800 287 325

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GrowEnvironmental policies - special edition Autumn 2021 - Ballance Agri-Nutrients
Message from the CEO
In the Chinese calendar, 2021 is the year of the Ox. That’s a good sign for our primary industry, with the Ox
representing balance and strength.

These are the same characteristics           protecting the environment. We are well-     resilience and importance globally,
that will be needed as we adapt to           placed, with many options to support         and New Zealand’s reputation as an
new environmental policies this year.        our customers to successfully farm and       environmentally friendly producer of food
Most farmers and growers across              thrive within the parameters of the new      was highlighted.
New Zealand are actively making              regulations.
                                                                                          Working together remains the key.
changes to comply with two major new
                                             Over 10 years ago, in anticipation of        Ballance, as your cooperative, is here to
environmental policies which have come
                                             these policies, we started developing        provide any guidance and assistance you
in quick succession, with a third on the
                                             tools, services and products designed        might need. Together, creating the best
                                             to reduce the primary sector’s               soil and food on earth.
This special edition of Grow is about        environmental footprint. These include
supporting farmers and growers               MitAgator and SurePhos, both of which
adjust to this largely unfamiliar policy     have much to offer in the freshwater
landscape.                                   space. For more information see pages
The Zero Carbon Act, the Essential
Freshwater package, and the upcoming         Our development of science-based
National Policy Statement for                innovation to support the sector is
Indigenous Biodiversity (due for release     ongoing. As part of the Future Ready
in April 2021) are a significant shift in    Farms programme, we look forward
environmental regulation.                    to offering an even greater range of
                                             products, tools and technologies. This
Ballance’s focus on sustainable farming
                                             Ballance-led programme, announced
means we support the intent of these
                                             in late 2020, features 12 projects that
policies, but in our submissions, we
                                             will significantly reduce the primary
provided constructive feedback on
                                             sector’s environmental footprint and
some of the detail. It is vital that the
                                             benefit multiple sectors, from forestry to
policies are backed by science, easy to
                                             livestock production. For more on Future
understand, and consistently interpreted
                                             Ready Farms see page 4.
for them to be effectively and efficiently
implemented.                                 Regulatory change, like any change
                                             programme, may initially seem quite
Ballance understands the challenges
                                             daunting, but I remain highly optimistic
                                                                                          Mark Wynne
farmers and growers face juggling many                                                    Chief Executive Officer
                                             about the future. In 2020 the primary
priorities including food production,
                                             sector demonstrated yet again its            Ballance Agri-Nutrients
maintaining animal welfare and

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GrowEnvironmental policies - special edition Autumn 2021 - Ballance Agri-Nutrients
Ballance CEO
                                                                                                             Mark Wynne and
                                                                                                            Agriculture Minister
                                                                                                            Damien O’Connor

Future ready farming
A major programme led by Ballance will minimise the primary sector’s impact on the environment and
benefit New Zealand.
Ballance is leading a five year               “We know New Zealand’s food and fibres      Mr O’Connor says another project
programme to significantly reduce the         sector takes its responsibility to reduce   will develop a nitrate inhibitor and
food and fibre sector’s environmental         its environmental impact seriously, and     technology to use with Spikey, a
footprint, while boosting economic            this programme represents our ongoing       world-leading technology developed
growth and sustainability.                    commitment to partnering with farmers       by Pastoral Robotics Limited. Spikey
                                              and growers on that journey.”               is towed behind a tractor and detects
The $25.2 million Future Ready Farms                                                      urine patches in the paddock, the
programme, announced in December              The new programme features 12               main source of the nitrogen losses.
2020, will develop new solutions to           projects to develop products, tools, and    The project will enable Spikey to apply
meet national environmental targets for       technologies that will help farmers and     the nitrate inhibitor, once developed,
reducing greenhouse gas emissions,            growers to continue to build on their       which will hold the nitrogen in a more
agricultural chemical use, and nutrient       sustainable agricultural practices.         stable form, to reduce nitrate losses into
loss to waterways.                                                                        waterways.
                                              The outputs of the Future Ready Farms
The Ministry for Primary Industries’          programme will address multiple             Ballance Chairman Duncan Coull says:
Sustainable Food & Fibre Futures (SFF         sectors within the food and fibres          “Our 12 projects will make a meaningful
Futures) fund has co-invested more            sector including fertiliser manufacture,    and positive difference in New Zealand’s
than $10 million into the programme.          livestock production, forestry,             collective efforts to move towards
                                              horticulture, and arable, with projected    a lower emissions economy. We’re
Agriculture Minister Damien O’Connor          benefits of $1.063b to New Zealand
says: “Our farmers and growers are                                                        delighted to have the opportunity to lead
                                              farmers by 2030.                            their delivery over the coming years.”
among the most progressive in the
world and have been working hard for          One of the 12 projects is a forestry        Mr O’Connor says SFF Futures was
years to increase productivity while          project in partnership with Scion           established to support initiatives that
minimising their environmental footprint.     Research.                                   make a positive and lasting difference.
This programme will contribute to these                                                   “Our key focus is sustainability. Anything
efforts across the country to further         “The forestry project aims to develop a
                                              product concept to support radiata pine     we can do to farm smarter, with less
lower our emissions.                                                                      impact on the environment will deliver
                                              growth,” says Mr Wynne.
“It aims to trial and develop farm nutrient                                               wider benefits to New Zealand.”
technologies that offer significant           “This product concept has the
environmental benefits, while being           potential to reduce the environmental            FOR MORE INFORMATION
economically viable for our farmers.”         impact while meeting the nutritional
                                              requirements of the pine. In addition,
Ballance CEO Mark Wynne says                  the product concept has the potential to
Ballance is extremely grateful to the         reduce the requirement for agricultural
Government for its significant show of        chemical application.”
support towards the programme.

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GrowEnvironmental policies - special edition Autumn 2021 - Ballance Agri-Nutrients
Essential Freshwater
The Essential Freshwater Policy Package contains new rules which will particularly impact
    high input, intensively grazed livestock systems such as dairy and sheep and beef.

Key rules affecting                            Where                                        1 October (or 1 November for Otago
                                                                                            and Southland) the same year
livestock farmers                              The rules apply to grazed areas of
                                               pastoral farms, not to crops or pasture    • the area of winter grazing is no
Synthetic nitrogen fertiliser                  not grazed by livestock. For paddocks        greater than the maximum extent
cap for grazed areas of pastoral               used for both pastoral (grazed) and          used for winter grazing between 1
farms                                          arable crops (ungrazed) in a year, the       July 2014 and 30 June 2019.
                                               cap only applies to N applied to the       A resource consent is required for
The new rules for synthetic nitrogen
                                               pasture, not to the crop.                  areas that do not meet these
(N) fertiliser are a significant change
in legislation for livestock farms. This       When                                       conditions. In Southland, if the scale,
is the first time in New Zealand a cap                                                    scope and intensity of winter grazing
                                               In force from 1 July 2021, for the
has been placed on farm inputs such                                                       do not change from previous years
                                               2021/22 season. By 31 July each year,
as fertiliser, rather than placing limits on                                              (2014-2019), consent may not be
                                               dairy farms must report N use for the
outputs, such as N leaching rates.                                                        required for the winter of 2021; contact
                                               previous 12 months ending 30 June.
                                                                                          Environment Southland to discuss.
The new synthetic N rules will impact          See page 8 for more.
approximately 10 per cent of New                                                          Where
Zealand’s pastoral farms (those applying                                                  Applies to any annual forage crop
                                               Intensive winter grazing
more than 190 kg N/ha/year).                                                              grazed by livestock at any time between
                                                                                          1 May and 30 September in any one
What                                           What                                       year.
Pastoral farms can only use up to 190          Areas used for intensive winter
kg N/ha/year of synthetic N on any             grazing must comply with a Certified       When
grazed hectare of pasture (excludes            Freshwater Farm Plan. If no plan           In force from 1 May 2021.
forage crops) AND averaged over                exists, the cropped area must meet the
the total grazed area (includes forage                                                    See pages 10 and 12-13 for more.
                                               following conditions:
crops). If this amount is to be exceeded,
a resource consent is needed before the        • no greater than 50 ha or 10 per cent
rule is in force.                                of the property (whichever is greater)
                                               • paddock has a mean slope ≤ 10°
                                                                                                 Annual forage crops
   ‘Synthetic nitrogen (N)’ is any             • pugging covers ≤ 50 per cent of the
                                                                                                 exclude pasture, and
   manufactured fertiliser product               area (>5 cm depth), and is no deeper
                                                                                                are grazed on for one
   (solid or liquid) containing                  than 20 cm (excluding around fixed
                                                                                               winter. Examples include
   more than 5 per cent N by                     structures)
                                                                                                fodder beet, kale and
   weight. The 190 kg cap applies              • all livestock kept ≥ 5 m away from                     swedes.
   to the amount of N, not the                   rivers, lakes, wetlands and drains at
   amount of product.                            all times
                                               • replanted as soon as practical, and by

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GrowEnvironmental policies - special edition Autumn 2021 - Ballance Agri-Nutrients
Stock exclusion                                     For new pastoral systems, the rules                            loads in the catchment, or concentrations
What                                                apply from 3 September 2020.                                   of contaminants in fresh water or other
                                                                                                                   receiving environments compared to
All new fencing must have a 3 m                     A fence already in place on 3                                  levels at 2 September 2020.
setback from the edge of a lake or                  September 2020 with a setback under
river more than 1 m wide.                           3 m can remain in place if it meets                            For more information, contact your local
                                                    the minimum standards and excludes                             regional council.
Where and when                                      animals from a waterway.
Applies to:
• dairy cattle, pigs, intensive beef and            See page 11 for more.
  deer on all slopes from 1 July 2023                                                                                  Ballance’s position
• beef cattle and deer on low slope                 Can’t meet the rules?                                              Feedback from Ballance and
  land (≤ 10°), and dairy support from              If the synthetic N fertiliser cap or                               others has helped to shape the
  1 July 2025                                       intensive winter grazing rules cannot be                           Essential Freshwater package. For
                                                    met, a consent from the local regional                             example:
• cattle, deer and pigs excluded from
  currently mapped wetlands from 1                  council is needed.                                                 • the national bottom lines for
  July 2023, and all other wetlands from            Any increase in the area used for                                    dissolved inorganic nitrogen and
  1 July 2025.                                      intensive winter grazing will need a                                 dissolved reactive phosphorus
                                                    consent, specifically if the area is going                           have been put on hold
                                                    to be more than the largest area in                                • the requirement for an
                                                    hectares of winter forage crop grown                                 average riparian setback of
                                                    between 1 July 2014 and 30 June 2019.                                5 m has been reduced to a 3 m
                                                    This temporary provision is in place                                 minimum, and existing fences
                                                    until your council’s regional plan change                            not meeting this requirement do
                                                    gives effect to the new rules, or by 1                               not need to be moved
                                                    January 2025, whichever comes first.                               • the requirements and
                                                    In deciding whether to grant consent,                                timeframes for farm environment
                                                    regional councils will consider a number                             plans are being developed
                                                    of things including how the intensive                                over the coming year, following
                                                    winter grazing affects the environment,                              concerns over a shortage of
                                                    and the recreational and cultural impacts.                           qualified rural professionals for
                                                                                                                         preparing and certifying farm
                                                    Consent won’t be granted if the                                      environment plans within the
                                                    increased area for intensive winter                                  specified timeframes.
                                                    grazing would increase contaminant

Essential Freshwater timeline
       2020                  2021                 2022                      2023                     2024                      2025                    2026+
                                 Resource consent required for land use intensification                                                Council rules apply

                                                   Wetland protection (earthworks, vegetation clearance, drainage etc.)

             Paddock selection                                Winter grazing restrictions (area, slope, pugging, buffer zones, resowing)

                                                               N fertiliser cap of 190 kg N/ha/year and reporting to regional council

                                                     Stock holding pads/stand-off and feedlots meet minimum standards, or consent required

                                                                                  Stock excluded from waterways > 1 m wide           Beef cattle and deer on low slope
                                                                                  - dairy cattle, pigs, intensive beef and deer       land (≤ 10°) and dairy support

                                                             Water use reporting                                                                                5-9 L/
                                                                                                                  10-20 L/second
                                                               > 20 L/second                                                                                   second

                                     Farm environment plans - not required yet, but still important. Will be brought in by region/sector.

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GrowEnvironmental policies - special edition Autumn 2021 - Ballance Agri-Nutrients
We can help
Ballance has a range of products     Meeting the synthetic N fertiliser cap rules
and tools to help you adapt to the   A maximum of 190 kg N/ha/year is:
new rules and remain viable. For     • applied to each grazed paddock in pasture
more information see pages 20-21.    • the average applied across all grazed paddocks (pasture and forage crops).

    FOR MORE INFORMATION             Dairy system with pasture only
                                     4 x 1 ha paddocks in permanent pasture
freshwater-policy                               N          N          N         N
This is an interpretation/                     186        190        190       178
                                              kg N/ha    kg N/ha    kg N/ha   kg N/ha                 Synthetic N
summary of the rules. To gain a                                                                     fertiliser only -
better understanding visit mfe.                                                                     dairy effluent is
                                                                                                     not included Always get professional
advice before investing any
money into remedial actions
and/or management changes.
                                               üAverage = 186 kg N/ha/year

                                     Dairy system with forage crop
                                     3 x 1 ha paddocks in permanent pasture, 1 x 1 ha paddock of
                                     forage crop, all paddocks grazed

                                                N         N           N         N                       The forage crop
                                               186        74         190       306                   paddock can receive
                                              kg N/ha    kg N/ha    kg N/ha   kg N/ha
                                                                                                     more than 190 kg N/
                                                                                                    ha/year, as long as the
                                                                                                     average across the 4
                                                                                                   paddocks is a maximum
                                                                                                     of 190 kg N/ha/year.

  A regional council                           üAverage = 189 kg N/ha/year
  “   Environment Southland
  is working with industry
                                     Dairy system with cut and carry
                                     4 x 1 ha paddocks in permanent pasture, but 1 not grazed and only used for cutting
  and other regional                 supplement
  councils to ensure there is
  consistent interpretation                     N          N          N         N
                                               186        190        190       210                      The rules
  and implementation of the                   kg N/ha    kg N/ha    kg N/ha   kg N/ha
  new regulations. It’s a large                                                                       do not apply
                                                                                                      to paddocks
  and complex package of                                                                              not used for
  regulations, and it’s taken                                                                            grazing.
  time for us to interpret and
  understand how it fits with
  our proposed Southland
  Water and Land Plan. In                      üAverage = 189 kg N/ha/year
  addition, in Southland we
  established an advisory            Dairy system with arable crop
  group which was tasked with        3 x 1 ha paddocks permanent pasture, and 1 x 1 ha paddock used for grazed
  reviewing and recommending         pasture and summer maize silage crop (ungrazed). The fourth paddock has
  some changes to the                210 kg N/ha/year applied to the maize, and 35 kg N/ha/year to the pasture
  intensive winter grazing           (a total of 245 kg N/ha/year).
  rules. Our aim was to ensure
  any changes considered                        N          N          N         N
  by Ministers would lead                      186        190        190       245                      The rules only
                                              kg N/ha    kg N/ha    kg N/ha   kg N/ha                   apply to the 35
  to better environmental                                                                            kg N/ha applied to
  outcomes and more practical                                                                        the pasture, not the
  implementation for farmers.
                              ”                                                                        arable/ungrazed
  LUCY HICKS, Policy
  and Planning Manager,
  Environment Southland                        üAverage = 150 kg N/ha/year

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GrowEnvironmental policies - special edition Autumn 2021 - Ballance Agri-Nutrients
Using less N fertiliser
Tips, tools and untruths to help make the most of every kilogram of nitrogen (N) applied and avoid the
pitfalls of reducing N fertiliser use.

Keep other nutrients optimal               But keep in mind they only contain a          both with and without N fertiliser,
Soil and herbage testing to ensure         small percentage of plant available N,        increases pasture yield within the first
levels of other macronutrients, such as    so these substances would have to             21-25 days of application, but at the
sulphur, potassium and phosphorus, are     be applied in huge amounts to boost           expense of reduced yield in subsequent
optimal can help to minimise the impact    growth (in the short term) to the same        weeks 3,4,5.
of using less N. A shortage of sulphate-   extent as specially manufactured
sulphur, for example, limits pasture’s     fertiliser.
ability to take up N.
                                           Grow more clover                              1 McCloy BL 2009. Liquid urea on pasture
                                                                                           – Burnham, NZ Arable Trial Code Pa0819,
Maximise response from                     See opposite page.                              Confidential report prepared for Ballance Agri-
applied N
                                           Similar response from fine                    2 Risk JT, Dawson AE 2019. Comparing fine
Ballance has a range of products and                                                       particle and granular nitrogen response on
services to help make the most of N        particle N                                      Southland pastures. In Nutrient loss mitigations
used on farms. For more information        Nitrogen applied in fine particle form          for compliance in agriculture. (Eds. L.D. Currie
                                           does not significantly increase pasture         and C.L. Christensen).
see My Pasture Planner, SustaiN,                                                           publications.html Occasional Report No. 32.
PhaSedN and PhaSedN Quick Start on         production compared to granular N               Fertiliser and Lime Research Centre, Massey
pages 20-21.                               application, according to research2.            University, Palmerston North, New Zealand.
                                                                                         3 Guinto D, Stafford A 2016. Product X report: trial
                                           The research compared applying
Liquid N no better                         varying rates via either fine particle or
                                                                                           results 2015-16, Ballance Agri-Nutrients internal
While liquid N products are convenient,    granular N form on a Southland dairy          4 Higgins S 2016. Comparison of the relative
research shows they do not result in       farm. Pasture was harvested at four             agronomic performance of several different
greater pasture responses.                 and eight weeks post N application              plant growth promoting formulations in
                                                                                           ryegrass-based pasture, under non-moisture
One study, conducted on a dairy farm       and wet weight and dry matter (DM)              limited late winter/early spring conditions,
in central Canterbury, showed that         were measured to determine pasture              Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute, Northern
                                           production and N response rates.                Ireland
pasture responses to liquid and solid
                                                                                         5 Ledgard SF 2016. Review of research on effects
urea, applied at 20 or 40 kg N/ha, were                                                    of application of gibberellic acid alone or in
the same1.                                 Gibberellic acid just brings feed               combination with fertiliser nitrogen on pastures,
                                           forward                                         AgResearch report for Ballance Agri-Nutrients
Non-synthetic N not as plant               The plant growth hormone gibberellic
available                                  acid, applied with or without N fertiliser,
Dairy effluent, compost and plant or       brings feed supply forward, but does not
animal waste such as chicken manure        increase overall pasture yield.
are excluded from the synthetic N cap,     Extensive trials in New Zealand and
so can be used freely.                     Ireland showed gibberellic acid, used

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GrowEnvironmental policies - special edition Autumn 2021 - Ballance Agri-Nutrients
Over to clover
Higher clover content in pastures can help to compensate for reduced N fertiliser use.

Clovers’ conversion of N from the air         White clover thrives on soils with             Grazing management can prevent
into a plant available form for pasture       adequate phosphorus (P), potassium             shading. White clover does best under
can reduce the need for N fertiliser.         (K) and sulphur (S), and molybdenum is         rotational grazing with grass kept quite
                                              essential for N fixation.                      short, and ryegrass kept under the
Many New Zealand pastures are around                                                         three-leaf stage.
10-15 per cent clover, but 30 per cent        Clover requires more P than grasses,
is ideal. Increasing content to this          and higher available P levels will             Clover is preferentially grazed, so
amount would fix around 150 kg N/             ensure P is not limiting clover growth.        set-stocking can reduce clover levels,
ha/year (dependent on overall pasture         Maintenance P can be applied any time          despite it being more resistant to
production) and deliver feed quality, dry     throughout the growing season, but not         overgrazing than ryegrass.
matter yield and animal productivity          in wetter months and winter when P
benefits.                                     loss can occur. If soil test levels are low,   Establishing clover
                                              P application will provide an immediate        Cultivars should be suitable for the farm
Nutrients and pH                              boost.                                         system – for example more tolerant of
New Zealand’s climate is ideal for            Adequate K helps improve clover                close grazing for sheep, or for rotational
clovers, but they are more sensitive to       content. In most maintenance situations        grazing for dairy.
nutrient deficiencies than ryegrass and       where K levels are adequate, a single
other pasture species, and need good                                                         Clovers take up to 18 months to
                                              application of K can be made at a              establish in new pasture, but can
soil fertility to grow well. Clovers are      suitable time during the growing
also sensitive to soil pH, growing best at                                                   establish faster without herbicide
                                              season. In high loss situations where K        residues from previous crops, and by
5.8-6.0.                                      can leach, the application can be split to     allowing at least three months in crop
Soil testing prior to establishment is        ensure the plant has access to sufficient      with no clover to control nematodes.
important, as is a soil and herbage           K throughout the season.
testing programme to monitor soil                                                            When establishing clover-only crops, a
                                              Sulphur is often deficient for clover          spell without clover will manage pests.
fertility and plant nutrition over time.      growth. On free draining ash soils,
This helps to prevent nutrient availability                                                  A clover-only sward is very attractive
                                              application timing and the form of S           to brown beetle/grass grub, which
limiting clover growth and pasture            used (sulphate or elemental) are not
production.                                                                                  could cause problems on light soil in
                                              important, but on other soil types the         subsequent pasture
Clovers are poorer foragers for nutrients     form of S used is guided by rainfall and
than grasses, so show signs of nutrient       application timing.                            Grazing new pastures early on keeps
deficiencies sooner. A clover-only                                                           the sward open, letting sunlight in and
herbage test during the spring flush          Managing grazing                               encouraging clovers.
when moisture levels and temperatures         Growing close to the ground, clovers are
are not limiting growth helps to fine-tune    easily shaded by grasses, particularly in           FOR MORE INFORMATION
a fertiliser programme.                       mid to late spring when competing with         Contact your Ballance Nutrient
                                              ryegrass’s high growth rate.                   Specialist.

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GrowEnvironmental policies - special edition Autumn 2021 - Ballance Agri-Nutrients
Preventing pugging
How can you minimise pugging on winter grazed forage crops?
Pugging reduces soil’s capacity to          Tip 1                                        Tip 3
absorb water, so the risk of nutrient and
sediment loss in runoff increases. Aside
                                            Use no-tillage                               Grow more than needed
from its potential impacts on water         As the first defence against pugging,        Growing more feed than planned means
quality, pugging also impacts pasture       instead of cultivating, use no-tillage       less damaging block grazing can be used
production.                                 techniques which don’t damage the            (see Tip 4).
                                            soil structure and increase the risk of
Depending on severity, dairy pasture                                                     It’s difficult to grow the right amount of
                                            pugging during forage crop grazing.
production can fall by 20 to 80 per cent                                                 forage crop for the winter. We know how
over several months to a year. Even two     No-tillage techniques, which involve         many and what type of animal we plan to
years on, total dry matter production       no-till drills or broadcasting, have been    graze, but don’t know how extreme the
on heavily pugged areas can be down         successfully used for 30 to 40 years.        weather will be.
15 to 20 per cent. Affected areas are       Another bonus is that predators of
                                                                                         If very cold and wet more feed will be
vulnerable to weeds and less desirable      grass grubs aren’t affected, as happens
                                                                                         required. Growing a great crop also
grasses, and prone to future pugging if     when soil is cultivated. AgResearch
                                                                                         depends on the summer seasonal
soil structure remains damaged.             data published 40 years ago made it
                                                                                         weather conditions. The 15 T dry matter/
                                            clear that cultivation affects grass grub
Ballance Forage Specialist Murray Lane                                                   ha goal may end up in reality being 12
                                            predators leading to an explosion of
shares his tips on minimising pugging                                                    T/ha, resulting in a large hole in the feed
                                            grass grub three to four years after
on winter grazed forage crops.                                                           budget.
                                                                                         To minimise wastage of grazed forage
                                            Tip 2                                        crops, strip grazing is often used, but
                                            Sow a companion                              this can lead to more soil damage due to
                                                                                         hoof concentration, and is made worse
       The new Government                   cover crop                                   if stock have to walk back over the area
     rules on intensive winter
                                            Some farmers have been including             already grazed to access water.
      grazing on forage crops
                                            Agritonic plantain in the seed mix with
 coming into force on 1 May 2021
 state that pugging (stock hooves
                                            swedes and rape, in order to have a          Tip 4
                                            cover crop after grazing (see pages
penetrating the soil to 5 cm or more)
                                            12-13). It works well with lighter animals
                                                                                         Block grazing
  must not cover more than 50 per                                                        Multi-day block grazing is an increasingly
                                            such as sheep, but requires some
cent of the grazed area, or be more                                                      common way of reducing pressure on
                                            management with cattle, particularly
 than 20 cm deep at any one point                                                        the soil.
                                            older cattle (see Tip 4).
  (except within 10 m of entrance
       gates and fixed water                                                             It involves controlling the number of
              troughs).                                                                  hooves in a blocked, back fenced area,
                                                                                         using a mobile water trough, and focuses
                                                                                         on preventing soil damage rather than
                                                                                         optimising crop yield. The efficiency of
                                                                                         crop utilisation will decline, so it requires
                                                                                         more crop than essential to be grown
                                                                                         (see Tip 3).
                                                                                         It might be that the farmer offers the
                                                                                         stock four days grazing, being prepared
                                                                                         to move them at three days with
                                                                                         inclement weather. Observations are that
                                                                                         though stock initially gorge, they quickly
                                                                                         settle down to the new regime, move
                                                                                         less and are more settled, plus it frees up
                                                                                         farmer time for other activities.

                                                                                              FOR MORE INFORMATION
                                                                                         Limiting pugging and compaction
                                                                                         damage -
                                                                                         Winter forage crops: management
                                                                                         after grazing -
                                                                                         Top tips for winter crop paddock
                                                                                         selection -

                                                                                         Agritonic plantain, sown as a companion
                                                                                         crop, providing a cover crop after swedes
10 /
                                                                                         are grazed
Exclusion explainer
What do the stock exclusion rules mean, and what do you have to do to meet the deadlines in the next few
years? Ballance Environmental Management Specialist Ian Power answers the big questions.

What (and who) do the new                   What about existing fences                 For rivers where highly mobile beds
rules apply to?                             with a setback under 3 m?                  make it too difficult to install a bridge
                                                                                       or culvert, cattle and pigs can cross if
The new stock exclusion rules include       Existing fences with a setback under
                                                                                       supervised and actively driven across,
all pastoral farm systems – pigs, dairy     3 m already in place on 3 September
                                                                                       and do not cross the same lake or wide
cattle, dairy support cattle, deer and      2020 can remain if they meet the
                                                                                       river more than twice in any month.
beef – but not sheep or feral animals.      minimum standards (post and batten
Any person who owns or controls stock       with driven/dug fence posts, electric
must comply.
                                                                                       How will stock access water?
                                            with at least two electrified wires and
                                            driven/dug fence posts or deer fence)      To supply water to stock, many farms
For land being newly converted to                                                      may have to invest in significant
                                            and exclude animals from a waterway.
pastoral land use (such as forestry being                                              water infrastructure. This will pose a
converted to dairy), the rules applied      When these fences need major repairs       significant cost, especially in hill country
from 3 September 2020. Compliance           or replacement, they must be moved         where water sources are limited and
deadlines for land already in pastoral      to 3 m (or more) away from the edge of     terrain makes it difficult to install water
use range from 1 July 2023 to 1 July        the waterway.                              reticulation.
2025 (see page 6).
                                            What about stock in wetlands?              What about different regional
What are the benefits?                      All stock on low slope land (≤ 10°) must   rules on stock exclusion?
Finding benefits in seemingly restrictive   be excluded from any natural wetland       In situations where regional council and
rules can feel hard. But besides            that is 0.05 ha or more.                   national rules differ on any matter, the
improving water quality, excluding
                                                                                       most stringent rules always apply. So
stock can help to reduce stock losses,      How can stock cross                        if you are in a region with stricter stock
and troughs can provide stock with an
                                            waterways?                                 exclusion rules, you must comply with
improved water supply. In addition, new
                                            Stock crossings – bridges and culverts     those instead of the national rules.
fencing can help to improve subdivision
and pasture utilisation and quality.        – may be needed to keep cattle and
                                            pigs out of waterways (there are no
                                            restrictions for deer). However, these
                                            crossings must be safe for stock, and
                                            channel any runoff away from the
                                            waterway.                                      FOR MORE INFORMATION
                                                                                           This is an interpretation/
                                                                                         summary of the rules. To gain
                                                                                          a better understanding visit
                                                                                   Always get
                                                                                          professional advice before
                                                                                           investing any money into
                                                                                            remedial actions and/or
                                                                                             management changes.

                                                                                                            Grow South Island / 11
Catch nutrients and soil
Catch crops can reduce nutrient and soil loss from bare ground in winter.

According to new Government rules,          • Catch crops project - run by Lincoln        to smearing and compaction of wet soil
areas used for intensive winter grazing       Agritech in partnership with Plant          may be a problem.
(where stock graze an annual forage           & Food Research, co-funded by
crop such as swedes or kale any time          Ballance                                    The Helicropping, protecting our
between 1 May and 30 September)                                                           soils project is investigating aerial
                                            • Catch crop sediment mitigation              oversowing of seed (where seed
must be replanted by 1 October, or, for       project - led by AgFirst and involving
Otago and Southland by 1 November                                                         is broadcast onto the soil surface)
                                              Beef + Lamb New Zealand and                 after winter grazing of kale or swede.
(see page 5).                                 DairyNZ                                     Helicropping, essentially aerial no-
“The goal is to, as far as practical,       These and prior research projects have        tillage, does not require machinery
always have plants growing to prevent       proven the effectiveness of catch crops       access and leaves the soil undisturbed.
soil and nutrient loss. This is where       post-winter cropping. More recent work        Depending on the scale of the sowing, a
catch crops (also known as cover            has focused on how to best establish          helicopter or a drone could be used.
crops) can help,” says Ballance Forage      catch crops at scale for particular
Specialist Murray Lane.                     situations.                                   Protecting seed
After winter forage crops are grazed,
                                                                                          from birds
short term catch crops can reduce           Sowing into wet winter soils                  Hungry birds are another challenge
nutrient loss and soil erosion on land      A major challenge to overcome is              when seed is surface sown in winter,
that would otherwise be bare until          sowing catch crops in very wet soil           and ways of preventing birds from
the next main crop or new pasture is        during winter, when heavy equipment,          eating seeds have been investigated.
established in spring. Catch crops can      especially cultivators, could damage          Smaller seeds such as plantain are less
be established before, during or after a    soil. Aerial oversowing of seed may           likely to be eaten than larger seeds such
winter crop is grazed off.                  provide the solution.                         as oats. Bird repellent seed treatments
In winter, bare land is prone to nitrogen   The Lincoln Agritech catch crop project       such as Avipel look promising on
(N) leaching due to greater rainfall        trials have, for accuracy’s sake, used        ryegrasses, but more work is needed
and minimal plant uptake of N. This         seed drills and tractors, but have also       for large seeded species. The colour of
is particularly so after livestock have     evaluated a spader drill which pushes         treated seed – dyed green or blue – can
grazed winter forage crops and              the tractor. However, soil damage due         also help to camouflage the seed.
deposited large quantities of urine N
onto soil. In addition, bare sloping
land is vulnerable to soil erosion,
resulting in both soil and phosphate (P)
“Catch crops are a worthwhile tool to
consider, given their proven ability to
help prevent soil and nutrient losses
from the farm, as well as provide spring
grazing,” says Murray.
“To date catch/cover crops have really
only been used for multi-year maize
silage, when winter ryegrasses are
sown after harvest. But there’s
tremendous opportunity for them to
be put to use after winter forage crop
The following Ministry for Primary
Industries Sustainable Farming Fund
projects are investigating effective use
of catch crops:
• Helicropping, protecting our soils
  project - a Ballance-led project in
  partnership with Beef + Lamb New
  Zealand, Agricom, PGG Wrightson
  Seeds, Nufarm NZ and Environment          An annual ryegrass cover crop surface sown in July after grazing swedes (right)
  Bay of Plenty                             compared to no cover crop (left)

12 /
Annual ryegrass
               seed treated with
              bird repellent (right)
              compared to no bird
                 repellent (left)

Suitable species                               summer, and tolerant to low rates of a                  is grazed well, the plantain regrows to
For catch cropping, species need to            common herbicide.                                       become a ready-made catch/cover crop.
be fast establishing and winter active.        The plantain can provide two purposes
Options most commonly used are                                                                              FOR MORE INFORMATION
                                               if sown with a main crop such as
annual ryegrass, ryecorn or oats.              swede. Firstly the plantain provides an                 Contact your Ballance Nutrient
The Helicropping, protecting our soils         understorey during grazing to hold the                  Specialist or your rural supplies
project has focussed on annual ryegrass        soil together. Secondly, if the main crop               store.
as a catch/cover crop, and future work
will look at various combinations of
annual rye, oats and ryecorn.                                Catch or cover?
                                                             Catch crops are already used extensively in cropping, and are commonly
In trials looking into the use of catch
                                                             referred to as cover crops. They are traditionally sown in autumn to conserve
crops in winter to early spring to
                                                             nutrients over winter, reduce weeds and stabilize soil.
reduce N loss, the Catch crops project
found using oats in both Canterbury
and Southland resulted in significant
reduction (30-50 per cent) in N leaching
loss compared to leaving the soil
fallow, as well as enhanced oat crop
production.                                                  10

The Catch crop sediment mitigation
project is evaluating a range of catch/                       8
                                           Yield (t DM/ha)

cover crop species, initially ryegrass                                                                            234 kg DM/ha/day
and oats, followed by plantain and
clover, with a focus on establishment                         6
techniques and barriers to uptake.
Improvements in sediment losses will                          4
be measured across different soil types,                                                             146 kg DM/ha/day
and the economic benefits of a range of
catch crops will be evaluated.                                2
                                                                               19 kg DM/ha/day
In the Helicropping, protecting our
soils project, farmer observations                            0
led to plantain being evaluated as                                21 Jul        18 Aug           15 Sep           13 Oct            10 Nov
a companion crop (sown with the
winter forage). Plantain is a suitable        Figure 1 Daily growth rates of winter sown plants after grazed kale. They are
companion crop because it is low              slow to get going, but are still effective at mopping up nitrogen.
growing, with shallow roots, even
flowering under the canopy over               Source: Brendon Malcolm, Plant & Food Research

                                                                                                                           Grow South Island / 13
Zero Carbon
                        Livestock farmers will be most impacted by the Zero Carbon Act.

                                                                                                            The Zero Carbon
                                                                                                        Act is likely to positively
                                                                                                     impact forestry, as more trees
                                                                                                      are planted to offset national
                                                                                                      emissions. It will also have a
                                                                                                    major effect on livestock farms.
                                                                                                    More intensive farms, and those
                                                                                                    with limited flexibility to adapt
                                                                                                       their system or offset their
                                                                                                        emissions, may be more
The Climate Change Response                           Climate change’s impacts on                        significantly impacted.
(Zero Carbon) Amendment Act sets                      agriculture
a framework for developing climate
                                                      Significant changes in New Zealand’s
change policies to help New Zealand
                                                      climate and weather are already being
prepare for and adapt to climate                                                                    pressure and changes in seasonality
                                                      observed. These include higher land
change, and play its part in global                                                                 for horticulture and arable crops.
                                                      and sea temperatures, sea level rise
efforts to limit warming.
                                                      and decreasing glacier volumes. Some
                                                                                                    Key greenhouse gases
Under the 2016 Paris Agreement, New                   locations are experiencing drier soils,
                                                      altered precipitation patterns, fewer         The Zero Carbon Act focuses on the
Zealand is one of nearly 200 countries
                                                      frost days, and more warm days.               most abundant greenhouse gases
working to limit the global average
                                                                                                    (aside from water vapour) in the
temperature increase to within 1.5° C of
                                                      For agriculture, these changes                atmosphere. The gases differ in how
pre-industrial levels.
                                                      contribute to challenges around               long they last and how effective they
The Zero Carbon Act came into force in                water security, management of                 are at ‘trapping’ heat energy in the
late 2019 and is expected to take effect              extreme weather events such as                atmosphere (see Figure 1).
from 2021.                                            droughts and floods, increased pest

                     Abundance                                                                  Global warming
                                                           Average life span                                              Agricultural
                    (concentration                                                              potential over a
                                                             in atmosphere                                                 sources
                   in atmosphere)*                                                              100 year period**

                        413                  Potentially long                                          1
                          ppm                                                                                               Machinery,
                                            5 to 200 years                                                             fertiliser, cultivation
                                                                                                    x carbon

                         1.88                Short                                                   dioxide
                          ppm                                                                                           Livestock (enteric
                                            About 12 years                                                                fermentation)

                                             Moderate                                             298
                                                                                                    x carbon             Urine and dung,
                                            About 114 years                                          dioxide
                                                                                                                      fertiliser, crop residue

Figure 1 The Zero Carbon Act focuses on the most abundant greenhouse gases (besides water vapour)
* Besides water vapour. Based on NOAA Global Monitoring Laboratory figures for 2020.
** Carbon dioxide is used as a reference gas, so has a global warming potential of 1.

14 /
The Commission will also develop a risk     Ballance’s position
      In 2018, 48 per cent of New         and adaption plan, and provide advice       While Ballance supports New Zealand
       Zealand’s greenhouse gas           and guidance to the Government.             playing its part in international climate
  emissions were from agriculture,                                                    change mitigation, we recognise its
    and 74 per cent of those were         He Waka Eke Noa: Primary Sector
                                          Climate Action Partnership                  unique emissions footprint, and the key
  biogenic methane from ruminant                                                      role our agriculture sector plays in its
  livestock (sheep and cow burps).        Established in March 2020, He Waka          economy and communities.
                                          Eke Noa is a Government-industry
                                          partnership to reduce primary sector        Our submission on the Zero Carbon
What’s new?                               emissions. It is working to equip farmers   Bill in July 2019 highlighted the support
                                          to measure, manage and reduce               businesses involved in the agriculture
The Zero Carbon Act introduces            agricultural greenhouse gas emissions       sector would need so as to build a
several key changes.                      and adapt to climate change. It will        stable, practical foundation for action
A separate reduction target for           provide the information, tools and          and investment in climate change
biogenic methane                          support needed for all farms to have an     mitigation and adaptation.
                                          annual report of emissions as part of
The Act sets new greenhouse gas                                                       We supported formation of a Climate
                                          their farm environment plan, and a plan
emissions targets, aiming to reduce                                                   Change Commission, but asked for
                                          in place to reduce emissions.
emissions of:                                                                         it to include expertise from business,
• biogenic methane to 10 per cent         The programme includes collaboration        trade and the primary sector, and were
  below 2017 levels by 2030, as part      on the design of an appropriate             pleased with the final outcome.
  of reducing levels to 24-47 per cent    farm level pricing mechanism as
                                          an alternative to pricing agricultural      We also supported an industry-led
  below 2017 levels by 2050
                                          emissions through the Emissions             approach to achieving reduction targets
• all other greenhouse gases to                                                       such as He Waka Eke Noa, but had
  net zero by 2050 (no new greenhouse     Trading Scheme. A price on emissions
                                          is one part of a broader framework to       questions about the resources required
  gases can be added                                                                  to generate budgets and plans for all
  to the atmosphere without being         equip farmers and growers to reduce
                                          on-farm agricultural greenhouse gas         farms.
                                          emissions and build resilience to climate   We did not support the large range
                                          change.                                     for required methane reduction by
  Why a separate target?                  Key milestones of He Waka Eke Noa           2050, as it does not provide certainty
                                          are:                                        for farmers and growers, and instead
  Biogenic methane is recently
                                                                                      asked for a single science-based
  derived from carbon dioxide in the
                                                      25 per cent of farmers          target. The methane reduction range
  atmosphere, so does not add to
                                                      and growers have a              may be refined by the Climate Change
  what is already there.
                                           Dec        report of their annual total    Commission over time.
  Fossil methane, on the other             2021       greenhouse gas emissions
  hand, releases carbon that has                      and a written plan to                FOR MORE INFORMATION
  typically been stored underground                   manage emissions
                                                                                      Contact your local Ballance Nutrient
  for millions of years, so adds to
                                                                                      Specialist or one of our specialist
  carbon dioxide to the atmosphere.
                                                      All farmers and growers         Farm Sustainability Services team.
  Biogenic methane still has some                     have a report of their          For an in-depth discussion on the
                                           Dec                                        policy contact your industry group,
  warming effect during its relatively     2022       annual total greenhouse
  short life, before decaying back to                 gas emissions                   such as DairyNZ, Beef + Lamb
  carbon dioxide.                                                                     New Zealand, Horticulture New
                                                                                      Zealand or the Foundation for Arable
                                                      Pilot project testing system    Research.
                                           Dec        for farm-level emissions
Climate Change Commission
                                           2023       accounting and reporting
An independent Climate Change                         completed
Commission has been set up to focus                                                         By 2025 all
on the emissions reduction targets. Its                                                   farms need an
task is to provide the Government with                All farmers and growers            annual report of
‘emissions budgets’ every five years       Dec        have a written plan to             emissions and a
(starting 1 February 2021) to monitor      2024       measure and manage                  plan to reduce
progress towards meeting emissions                    emissions                               these.
reduction targets ahead of achieving
the final 2050 targets.
                                                      All farms using system
The Government will review the
                                                      for farm-level accounting
emissions reduction targets every five      Jan       and reporting of 2024
years, taking into account equity of       2025
                                                      agricultural emissions at
contribution across sectors and across
                                                      farm level
countries, emerging technologies and
mitigations, and other factors.
                                          See page 17 for more.

                                                                                                          Grow South Island / 15
Tackling farm emissions
What options are currently available for curbing on-farm greenhouse gas emissions?
With farm-level greenhouse gas                      Reducing milking                                                             emissions by an average of 44 per cent
measurement and pricing expected to                 Once-a-day milking can reduce daily                                          for cattle and 37 per cent for sheep, with
be implemented by 2025, farmers and                 feed demand, and therefore methane                                           emissions reductions proportional to the
growers may already be thinking about               emissions, by lowering the daily milk                                        proportion of rape in the diet3.
reducing emissions.                                 yield per cow. Reduced labour and other                                      Plantain has been found to be helpful
An important first step is to estimate              input costs may help to compensate for                                       in reducing nitrous oxide emissions. A
baseline emissions (using tools such as             a drop in production.                                                        study found that nitrous oxide emissions
Lincoln University’s carbon calculator                                                                                           in autumn and winter were 39 to 74 per
or OverseerFM), so the effect of actions            Maximise nitrogen use                                                        cent less where plantain was planted
can be assessed.                                    efficiency                                                                   compared to perennial ryegrass4.
                                                    Soon after application, most nitrogen
When it comes to actions, there’s no
                                                    fertilisers can be lost as the greenhouse                                          FOR MORE INFORMATION
one-size-fits-all, and factors such as
                                                    gas ammonia, which when re-deposited
the farm system and location should                                                                                              For more on actions to reduce on-
                                                    onto land is turned into more
be considered. A selection of currently                                                                                          farm greenhouse gas emissions visit
                                                    problematic nitrous oxide.
available, science-based tactics for                                                                                   
reducing on-farm greenhouse gas                     Optimising nitrogen fertiliser
emissions are covered below.                        applications helps to reduce emissions
                                                    of ammonia and resultant nitrous oxide,                                      1 van der Weerden T, Beukes P, de Klein C,
Continue to improve efficiency                      by maximising plant uptake of nitrogen.                                        Hutchinson K, Farrell L, Stormink T, Romera A,
                                                                                                                                   Dalley D, Monaghan R, Chapman D, Macdonald
While total emissions have gradually                                                                                               K, Dynes R 2019. The Effects of System
                                                    Ballance’s My Pasture Planner
increased, improved pasture                                                                                                        Changes in Grazed Dairy Farmlet Trials on
                                                    tool optimises the timing, rate and                                            Greenhouse Gas Emissions. Animals (Basel).
management (including improved use
                                                    placement of nitrogen applications                                             2018 Dec 7;8(12):234
of fertiliser and irrigation), optimised
                                                    on farm, while fertilisers with a urease                                     2 Beukes P, Gregorini P, Romera A 2011.
stocking rates and improved animal                                                                                                 Estimating greenhouse gas emissions from
                                                    inhibitor, such as SustaiN, also help to
genetics have all contributed to                                                                                                   New Zealand dairy systems using a mechanistic
                                                    reduce the production of ammonia.
reductions in New Zealand’s agricultural                                                                                           whole farm model and inventory methodology,
                                                                                                                                   Animal Feed Science and Technology 166–167:
emissions intensity (emissions per unit             See pages 20-21 for more information                                           708-720
of product). Between 1990 and 2014,                 on SustaiN and My Pasture Planner.                                           3 Sun X, Pacheco D, Luo D 2016. Forage brassica:
dairy’s emissions intensity reduced 19                                                                                             A feed to mitigate enteric methane emission.
per cent, sheep by 33 per cent and beef             Low emission feeds                                                             Animal Production Science. 56. 451. 10.1071/
by 23 per cent (see Figure 1).                      Brassica crop trials show promise in
                                                                                                                                 4 Plantain shows potential for reducing
                                                    reducing biogenic methane emissions.
Improve animal performance                          Compared to pasture, diets of 100 per
                                                                                                                                   greenhouse gas emissions [accessed January
and reduce stocking rate                            cent rape, the most rigorously tested                                          plantain-shows-potential-for-reducing-
                                                    crop to date, consistently reduce                                              greenhouse-gas-emissions/
Methane and nitrous oxide emissions
are closely related to the quantity of
feed consumed. Lowering the quantity
of dry matter ingested on farm means
less methane belched from animals,                                                  1.1                     Dairy  Beef  Sheep (lamb and mutton)
                                            Emission intensity (relative to 1990)

and less nitrogen from urine and dung
converted into nitrous oxide.
Reducing the replacement rate in dairy
systems by improving animal health
and longevity, better genetics, and
re-evaluating supplementary feeding
and fertiliser practices are all possible                                           0.8
actions to support this tactic1.
Farm system modelling shows reducing                                                0.7
the replacement rate (and therefore the
number of non-productive animals) on
dairy farms from 21 to 16 per cent can                                                1990   1992   1994   1996   1998   2000   2002   2004   2006   2008    2010    2012    2014
reduce greenhouse gas emissions by
up to 6 per cent. When combined with                                                                                            Year
other mitigations such as improved                  Figure 1 New Zealand’s agricultural greenhouses gases emissions intensity by
genetics and reduced nitrogen fertiliser,           agricultural sub-sector including nitrogen fertiliser use (1990-2014)
total emissions were reduced by 15-20
per cent2.                                          Source: New Zealand’s Greenhouse Gas Inventory 1990-2014

16 /
Gases into farm plans
He Waka Eke Noa is on track to achieve a major milestone by the end of the year.
Primary sector bodies are working on           The new farm plan will also help farmers        the requirements through integrated
including greenhouse gas emissions in          meet their business objectives and get          and certified Good Agriculture Practice
farm plans templates, using He Waka            ahead of their consumer and social              (GAP) farm environment plans.
Eke Noa guidance.                              licence obligations.                            For most growers, this will mean
                                                                                               documenting annual emissions from
In December 2020 He Waka Eke                   A key priority for this work is to help         fertiliser use.
Noa released guidance on managing              farmers tackle emerging environmental
agricultural greenhouse gas emissions.         requirements on their farms (climate
                                                                                                    FOR MORE INFORMATION
                                               change, freshwater, biodiversity and
This represents an important step              soils) in an integrated and holistic way.
towards meeting the major milestone
of 25 per cent of farmers knowing                                                              Refer to your relevant industry body.
                                               He Waka Eke Noa guidance and
                                                                                               Growers can contact Horticulture
their farm's greenhouse gas emissions          requirements will be integrated into
                                                                                               New Zealand, their product group, or
numbers, and having greenhouse gas             B+LNZ’s farm plans over time. B+LNZ
                                                                                               FAR for a mixed farming system.
emissions incorporated into their farm         is also developing a free calculator for
plans by the end of 2021.                      beef and sheep farmers to measure
                                               emissions and sequestration. This is due
Farmers will not need multiple farm            for completion in April/May and once
plans, as integrated farm environment                                                              Integrating a Māori
                                               ready will be incorporated into B+LNZ
plans will build on the plans currently        farm plans.                                         perspective
being developed under Essential                                                                    Drawing on its vast network, the
Freshwater, according to DairyNZ.              B+LNZ has also been working with                    Federation of Māori Authorities
                                               processors on aligning its farm plans               (FOMA): Me Uru Kahikatea
DairyNZ's Step Change project (dairynz.        with the New Zealand Farm Assurance is helping farmers                                                              has convened Te Aukaha to
                                               Programme, to try to extract a consumer             connect and bring together
with ways they can reduce greenhouse           premium for climate change work.
gases, improve water quality, and                                                                  Māori agribusiness experts at
improve profitability. Their ‘Know your        Horticulture New Zealand, horticulture              a governance, technical and
numbers’ campaign includes calculating         industry product groups, Foundation                 farming level. This ensures a
methane emissions and purchased                for Arable Research (FAR) and grower                Māori perspective is integrated
nitrogen surplus per hectare.                  reference groups are also participating             throughout all the work that
                                               in the He Waka Eke Noa programme.                   progresses across He Waka
In March, Beef + Lamb New Zealand is                                                               Eke Noa.
launching a new farm planning resource         Horticulture New Zealand and product
to replace and build on its existing Land      groups are developing a simple solution
and Environment Plans.                         for fruit and vegetable growers to meet

He Waka Eke Noa partners have appointed a steering group to provide oversight and ensure delivery of the milestones and objectives
(left to right): Tanira Kingi - Federation of Māori Authorities, Bruce Thorrold - DairyNZ, Martin Workman - Ministry for the Environment,
Ruth Fairhall - Ministry for Primary Industries, Vaughan Payne - iwi/Māori, Karen Williams - Federated Farmers of New Zealand, Michelle
Sands - Horticulture New Zealand, Jeremy Baker - Beef + Lamb New Zealand, Michael Ahie - Independent Chair, Charlotte Rutherford -
Agrifood Processors. Also pictured is Programme Director Kelly Forster.

                                                                                                                   Grow South Island / 17
Upcoming biodiversity policy
        The National Policy Statement for Indigenous Biodiversity (NPSIB), set for release
           in April 2021, is likely to have an impact on forestry and all farming sectors.

Biodiversity’s importance                      providing habitat for native skinks, or   Indigenous Vegetation Targets
                                               the presence of a particular plant or
for primary production                         invertebrate. They represent the most
                                                                                         What and where
Protecting and enhancing biodiversity          iconic and highly valued indigenous       Regional councils will be asked
on farm is not just critical for indigenous    biodiversity.                             to assess the total percentage of
biodiversity, which is at a crisis point, it                                             indigenous vegetation cover in the
also provides ecosystem services such          In some regions, such as Waikato, SNAs    region (both rural and urban), and set
as clean water, nutrient cycling and           have already been mapped.                 targets to increase this cover to:
pollination, which are critical for the long                                             • at least 10 per cent in urban areas
term sustainability of New Zealand’s                                                       (as this is where ecosystems are
farms and orchards.                            Regional councils must map SNAs within      particularly depleted)
                                               five years of the release of the NPSIB.
Our country’s unspoilt nature is already                                                 • a council-set target in rural areas, if the
used to promote exports, and greater                                                       region’s total indigenous vegetation
returns are possible by meeting the                                                        cover is under 10 per cent.
increasing demands for environmentally
                                                  Celebrating good work                  When
sustainable production from some                  Ballance supports the significant
                                                                                         Timelines have not been set.
markets.                                          efforts that go into promoting
                                                  indigenous biodiversity on farms.
                                                  One way we do this is through          How it could affect you
Key proposals                                                                            The NPSIB’s impact will depend on the
                                                  the Ballance Farm Environment
The following policies appeared in                Awards, which recognise                individual property.
the proposed NPSIB, and are likely to             and celebrate good farm
feature in some form in the final policy                                                 Properties with SNAs are likely to be
                                                  practices, including protection
statement. The policies only cover                                                       most impacted. Given the proposed
                                                  of indigenous biodiversity,
terrestrial (land-based) biodiversity.                                                   criteria for identifying SNAs, it’s possible
                                                  that promote sustainable land
                                                                                         (although unlikely) that in some areas
Significant Natural Areas (SNAs)                                                         SNAs could cover most, if not all, of
What                                              In 2020, the awards recognised         entire farms.
                                                  Mark and Felicity Brough by
Regional councils will be asked to                                                       If an SNA is identified on a property,
                                                  naming them Regional Supreme
identify:                                                                                a range of measures in the statement
                                                  Winners for the Waikato. Since
• all SNAs in their region, using new                                                    could then severely restrict existing and
                                                  taking over their Waitomo farm
  standardised criteria, and work with                                                   new activities a farmer could undertake
                                                  Paerua 20 years ago, their
  landowners to create management                                                        within or adjacent to the SNA.
                                                  commitment to biodiversity has
  plans to protect these SNAs                     seen native birds returning and        The farmer would have to ensure
• priority SNAs to restore and enhance.           water quality improving.               disruption or damage to a species,
Where                                                                                    habitat or ecosystem from existing
                                                  The judges said Paerua is an
                                                                                         activities does not increase.
SNAs are areas of significant                     excellent example of farming
indigenous vegetation, such as native             within the capabilities of the         While most existing farming activities
forests and shrubland, as well as                 land and that the Broughs are          could continue, new or changed
habitats of significant fauna, such as            role models both in terms of           activities that could negatively impact
threatened kiwi. They could be a native           their farming systems and their        an SNA (such as increasing stocking
bush block or wetland, or something               commitment to biodiversity.            rate, stock access, machinery, or the use
less obvious, such as a rock outcrop                                                     of pesticide and herbicide around or

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within the SNA) may be restricted.            restored indigenous biodiversity could                 new rules and remain viable. For more
                                              be impacted the most by measures                       information see page 20-21.
If a new activity is allowed, its             restricting activities in and around
negative impacts on an SNA must be            SNAs. The measures could leave them                        FOR MORE INFORMATION
avoided, remedied, mitigated, offset or       with the greatest costs and potential
compensated. This could in effect limit       limitations to the ongoing use of their                Contact your local Ballance Nutrient
the ability to carry out new activities.      land, while farmers who have done                      Specialist or for more detailed
                                              little in the way of biodiversity would be             information, one of our specialist
The legal requirement to maintain                                                                    Farm Sustainability Services team or
or restore an SNA may also include            effectively rewarded.
                                                                                                     your regional council.
improving fencing and controlling pests       To overcome this, Ballance suggested
and weeds, so could pose a significant        setting 1990 as a land use and
cost.                                         restoration baseline, to reward those                    Environment Southland’s
                                              who have protected areas since then. A                   submission
Ballance’s position                           council rates charge (based on habitat                   In its submission on the proposed
Ballance supports the core intent of          loss) or relief (based on enhancement)                   NPSIB, Environment Southland
the policy to ‘halt further loss and          would also reward those who have                         noted the proposal significantly
degradation of indigenous species,            done good work.                                          shifts the requirements for
habitats and ecosystems’ throughout                                                                    managing indigenous biodiversity
New Zealand, and understands the              Indigenous vegetation cover                              in Southland, and would impact
importance of tackling this issue             National targets for afforestation do not                the council and the wider
nationally, with farmers and landowners       consider regional variation in landscape                 Southland community.
playing their part.                           or land use intensity.
                                                                                                       The council noted that many of
Below are the main points Ballance            Ballance suggested calculating                           the requirements in the NPSIB
raised in its submission on the NPSIB.        requirements for percentage cover by                     exceed its capability, and asked
                                              region based on national priorities and                  for work to be prioritised to reduce
Managing immediate threats to                 targets for specific vegetation types                    the strain.
biodiversity                                  or habitats, and considering regional
                                                                                                       It was also concerned that linking
Ballance was concerned that the               variations in economic impacts on
                                                                                                       SNAs to Resource Management
policy’s goal of increasing indigenous        farmers if they have to retire land.
                                                                                                       Act regulations could hinder
vegetation cover and improving                                                                         development of non-regulatory
degraded SNAs could be undermined             We can help                                              methods, partnerships and
if widely present, rapidly increasing         Ballance has a range of products and                     meaningful change.
pest species are not first reduced or         services to support you to adapt to the
We suggested regional councils take
a prioritised approach to supporting
improved indigenous biodiversity in
their region (see Figure 1), and ensure                                                                                           Examples

that farmers are supported in managing                                    Priority 1: Halt decline                                 Mustelids,

threats such as wallaby.                                                                                                           wallabies,
                                                                          Target: Immediate threats                            wilding pines,
Resourcing and expertise                                                                                                       velvetleaf etc.
Ballance highlighted the lack of
specialist knowledge available to
accurately assess every SNA in the                                              Priority 2: Maintain                      Land use pressure
                                                                                                                      (i.e. extensive grazing
country in five years.

                                                                        Target: Long term pressures                  on native tussock land)

Ballance suggested creating a national

ecological steering group of experts

and relevant stakeholders to advise on                                          Priority 3: Improve

priorities, programmes and assessment

criteria.                                                                          Target: Restore

The steering group would ensure that                                                                        Restoration of degraded wetland,
resources could be prioritised towards                                                                increasing indigenous vegetation cover
the most nationally critical areas (in line
with Figure 1), and that responsibilities
for resourcing and funding restoration
and enhancement of SNAs are fair and

clearly defined.

SNAs on farms                                 Figure 1 Ballance’s suggested prioritised approach for supporting improved
                                              indigenous biodiversity
Farmers who have protected or

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