Greenville-Spartanburg Airport District Strategic Business Plan 2021-2025 - Flight Plan to Recovery and Resiliency - Greenville-Spartanburg ...

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Greenville-Spartanburg Airport District Strategic Business Plan 2021-2025 - Flight Plan to Recovery and Resiliency - Greenville-Spartanburg ...
Greenville-Spartanburg Airport District
Strategic Business Plan 2021-2025
Flight Plan to Recovery and Resiliency

April 2021
Greenville-Spartanburg Airport District Strategic Business Plan 2021-2025 - Flight Plan to Recovery and Resiliency - Greenville-Spartanburg ...
GSP STRATEGIC BUSINESS PLAN 2021-2025                                            1

GSP International Airport
          34.896°, -82.227°


                                                 About Us
                                                 International Airport (GSP)
                                                 is a commercial service and
                                                 general aviation airport located          May 25, 1959
                                                 in Greer, South Carolina.                 GSP’s enabling statute
                                                 It is owned and operated by the           was signed into law.
                                                 Greenville-Spartanburg Airport District
                                                 (District). GSP’s enabling statute was
                                                 signed into law on May 25, 1959, with
                                                 the first flight taking off on October
                                                 15, 1962. The Greenville-Spartanburg
                                                 Airport Commission (Commission) is        October 15, 1962
                                                 the governance body for the District.
                                                                                           The first flight takes
                                                 The bylaws were last promulgated and
                                                                                           off from GSP.
                                                 adopted by the Commission on May 26,
                                                 1989 pursuant to Sections 55-11-110
                                                 through 55-11-210 of the Code of Laws
                                                 of South Carolina 1976, as amended.

                                                                                           Full independent
                                                                                           governing authority
                                                                                           GSP is a self-sustaining enterprise,
                                                                                           receiving no subsidies from
                                                                                           state or local taxpayers.
                                                     Current information
                                                     may be found at
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                                                                                    Minor Shaw Chair                  last six years. GSP hosted
                                                                                                                      record numbers of passengers,
                                                                                    It is my pleasure to present      stood up Cerulean Aviation
                                                                                    GSP’s Strategic Business Plan     (Cerulean) - our new fixed
                                                                                    for 2021-2025: Flight Plan        based operator providing
                                                                                    to Recovery and Resiliency.       superior performance to our
                                                                                    Adopted by the Greenville-        general aviation, cargo and
                                                                                    Spartanburg Airport Commission    airline users, and cut the ribbon
                                                                                    on September 28, 2020, the        on a beautifully redesigned
                                                                                    plan is the second developed      passenger terminal replete
                                                                                    and released during my            with new Upstate offerings for
                                                                                    tenure as Chair. Like the         our residents and visitors.
                                                                                    first, it was developed in        Our Strategic Business Plan
                                                                                    conjunction with my fellow        outlines our Vision, Mission
                                                                                    Commission members, Dave          and Core Values as well as our
                                                                                    Edwards our CEO, and the          Strategic Goals that together
                                                                                    GSP Executive Team.               capture our priorities. We
                                                                                    All of us - GSP, the aviation     identify performance measures
                                                                                    industry, the Upstate, and        for each goal, allowing us to
                                                                                    our nation - face unparalleled    monitor GSP’s continuing
                                                                                    challenges from COVID-19          progress and, if needed, to reset
                                                                                    and the dramatic effects the      our direction. Our Commission
                                                                                    contagion has had on our          is proud that our efforts have
                                                                                    economy and lives. Against that   been thorough, examining
                                                                                    backdrop, we are confident        the aviation industry, GSP’s
                                                                                    that GSP will play a critical     place in it and the needs of
                                                                                    role in assisting the Upstate’s   each of you - our users and
                                                                                    recovery by uniting our people    GSP’s community and region.
                                                                                    with their families and our       As always, please provide us
                                                                                    businesses with their markets.    with your feedback so we can
                                                                                    Our confidence is born from       incorporate your thoughts in our
                                                                                    the success of our strategies     ongoing efforts at managerial
                                                                                    and our performance over the      and operating excellence.
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CEO’s                                             President/CEO’s
Message                                           Dave Edwards President/CEO

                                                  Our new five-year strategic             economic catalyst by providing     infrastructure, invest in the
                                                  business plan is GSP’s                  best-in-class infrastructure and   future and retain a reserve
                                                  management playbook to                  service. Under our previous        to guard against industry
                                                  recover, increase resiliency            strategic business plan we         downturns, even one as severe
                                                  and continuously improve                opened our new and expanded        as COVID-19. Our team is also
                                                  over the next five years.               passenger terminal; launched       successful at winning grants
                                                                                          Cerulean Aviation, our GSP run     distributed by the Federal
                                                  While COVID-19 has brought
                                                                                          fixed based operator supporting    Aviation Administration,
                                                  unprecedented challenges
                                                                                          general aviation aircraft and      which contributes to the low
                                                  to the Upstate, nation and
                                                                                          fueling as well our air cargo      rates and charges we assess
                                                  the world, the Greenville-
                                                                                          users; and added new locally       and recover from our users.
                                                  Spartanburg Airport
                                                                                          themed passenger amenities         As we have grown to host over
                                                  District (operator of GSP)
                                                                                          such as Thomas Creek Grill,        2.6 million passengers (2019),
                                                  is successfully weathering
                                                                                          RJ Rockers Flight Room and         we never forget that our job is
                                                  the aviation and economic
                                                                                          the Palmetto Distillery for our    to provide Upstate hospitality
                                                  challenges, and is well
                                                                                          passengers. In just our second     and best in class service to
                                                  positioned to continue our
                                                                                          year with our new independent      our passengers and users. We
                                                  Mission—to advance the
                                                                                          survey firm (Airports Council      hope to see you at GSP soon.
                                                  economic prosperity of the
                                                                                          International), I’m proud to say   In the meantime, please have
                                                  region by providing safe,
                                                                                          that GSP was ranked by the         a look through our strategic
                                                  convenient, user-friendly
                                                                                          Airport Service Quality awards     business plan for 2021-2025.
                                                  and cost competitive
                                                                                          as the Best Small Airport in       We are excited to share it and
                                                  air transportation.
                                                                                          North America in 2020.             to see what the next five years
                                                  The Commission and Executive            These developments were            will bring for the Upstate.
                                                  Team’s focus on our Mission             achieved without taxpayer
                                                  has set the stage for the               subsidies as GSP operates
                                                  realization of our long-term            with resources provided by
                                                  Vision—serve as the region’s            our users. We leverage these
                                                  global transportation hub and           resources to operate our
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Commissioners’ Perspectives
on the ‘Performance Airport’

GSP’s six Commission members
are appointed by the Governor                       Minor Shaw
of South Carolina.                                                                                         Leland Burch                  Valerie Miller
                                                    “We don’t have beaches,
Three of the members are chosen from                nor are we the home of                                 “Through the many             “Wingspan’s terminal
the residents of Spartanburg County upon            state government in the                                years I have served as a      redevelopment was an
the recommendation of a majority of                 Upstate, so we always                                  Commissioner, I’ve been       outstanding financial and
the members of the Spartanburg County               must be entrepreneurial                                fortunate to participate in   customer success. Our
                                                    and focus on economic                                  the region’s growth and       customer amenities and
Legislative Delegation. Three members are
                                                    development. Through                                   demand for air service.       local flavor greet visitors
chosen from the residents of Greenville
                                                    its commercial approach                                I’m most proud of the fact    with excellent service
County upon the recommendation of a                 and creative leadership,                               that the community tells      and a lovely view of the
majority of the members of the Greenville           I’m proud to say that                                  me how much they love         Upstate. All of this was
County Legislative Delegation. The term             GSP has helped lead our                                the airport’s convenience,    done without taxpayer
of office for Commissioners is six years.           region’s reinventions and                              easy access and beauty.”      assistance or issuing debt.”
GSP is an independent governing authority;          transformations.”
the Commission’s sole responsibility
is to oversee the management and
operation of GSP. The airport is a self-
sustaining enterprise, receiving no
subsidies from state or local taxpayers.                                                                   Doug Smith                    Jay Beeson
                                                    Hank Ramella                                           “The Commission               “Since I joined the
                                                                                                           and our CEO’s                 Commission last year, I
                                                    “GSP’s moves to create                                                               have been delighted by how
                                                    Cerulean and build                                     fiscal conservatism
                                                                                                           has served us well;           financially conservative we
                                                    out our industrial park                                                              are and what good shape
                                                    have diversified our                                   even during COVID-
                                                                                                           19’s unprecedented            we are in despite aviation’s
                                                    services and made us                                                                 challenges. The culture
                                                    financially stronger; we                               challenges to aviation,
                                                                                                           our financial position has    here, started by Roger
                                                    contribute increasing                                                                Milliken and reinforced
                                                    amounts of economic                                    enabled GSP to respond
                                                                                                           quickly and aggressively      by our Commission and
                                                    value to the Upstate.”                                                               executive leadership
                                                                                                           move forward.”
                                                                                                                                         team, is outstanding.”
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Our Flight Plan to
Recovery and Resiliency                                                                                                                              Plexiglass shields              Touch points
                                                                                                                Face masks required
                                                                                                                Passengers are required              Plexiglass shields              You can reduce touch
                                                                                                                to wear face coverings               have been installed             points by utilizing
                                                                                                                in public areas.                     in high-traffic areas,          mobile boarding passes
In February 2020, GSP was         crisis helped to mitigate          leadership reduced the risks of                                                 such as ticketing               and carry on luggage.
in the midst of a decade of       its effects. We maintain           transmission where there was                                                    counters, gates, security
passenger and cargo growth        extremely low debt levels,         still concern that air travelers                                                checkpoints and stores.
and was poised to have            we have reasonable charges         faced disproportionate risks
another record year. The fast     assessed to our users, and we      (since then studies have shown
propagation of the COVID-19       have diversified our revenue       with precautions they do not).
pandemic quickly wreaked          streams. Together with the
                                                                     For the future, look for
havoc on the global aviation      federal government’s aggressive
                                                                     additional measures that GSP
system and traffic levels         response in supporting airlines
                                                                     will take, including innovative
everywhere plummeted,             and airports, we today are in
                                                                     uses of technology to make                                                      Ground markings                 Cleaning
including at GSP.                 a strong position to recover.                                                 Gate areas
                                                                     your journey through GSP more
Airport Management and            As we prepare for recovery still                                                                                   Stickers have been placed       We are cleaning more
                                                                     seamless and contactless.                  Passengers are encouraged
Recovery: Our new strategic       at a time when the pandemic                                                                                        around airport public areas     frequently in all areas
                                                                     These measures will pay                    to space themselves out
business plan recognizes          is hitting air travel hard,                                                                                        to encourage all passengers     with medical grade
                                                                     dividends in the future as                 in gate seating areas to
our challenges ahead. These       we are careful to forecast                                                                                         to practice social distancing   products to ensure
                                                                     they will reduce the risks                 minimize congestion.
include building back our         recovery scenarios that cover                                                                                      and keep a six foot radius      public safety.
                                                                     of air travel still further.
traffic and contributing to the   the wide range of possibilities                                                                                    around themselves.
                                                                     We are confident that our
Upstate’s economic growth,        and ensure that GSP will
                                                                     Flight Plan is the right
making ourselves even more        be successful under any of
                                                                     one and, as always, we
resilient. This will allow GSP    the forecasts. This directly
                                                                     welcome your suggestions.
to mitigate future downturns,     feeds our budget process
whether caused by the ups         and has meant some costs
and downs of the market, or       have been deferred especially
by external factors such as a     on the facilities side.
pandemic, natural disaster, or    Our Collective Resiliency
September 11-type attacks.        Efforts: At the same time,
                                                                                                                Hand sanitizers                      Security                        Wash your hands
The existential crisis facing     we have been advising our                                                     Additional hand                      Increased queue                 All passengers are
the global aviation industry      staff, passengers and airport                                                 sanitizing stations have             line spacing is                 encouraged to wash your
was felt severely at GSP;         tenants on the role each can                                                  been placed around                   encouraged to improve           hands with soap and water
fortunately, our management       play in our Prepare for Take                                                  the airport for use.                 social distancing.              for at least 20 seconds.
philosophy going into the         Off! Campaign. This early
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Governance, Business                                                                            Continuing Stewardship:
Planning and Performance                                                                        Making GSP a one-of-a kind experience

The Greenville-Spartanburg
Airport District enjoys a state-
of-the-art governance model.
Thanks to the farsighted
leadership of individuals such
as Roger Milliken and previous
                                      The 2014-2020 GSP Strategic Business
                                      plan was extremely successful with
                                      GSP’s leadership exceeding each of its
                                      performance goals over the period.
                                                                                                                                                        “   You only
                                                                                                                                                            have one
Commissions, GSP was among
                                      These included:
the first U.S. airports to create
and sustain a single-purpose                                                                                                                                chance
airport authority, meaning our        Safety
Commission is solely dedicated        Reducing injuries by more than half                                                                                   to make                    “
to the Upstate’s aviation needs       in a time of growth and new operating                     GSP has prioritized its aesthetic through multiple
and overseeing the airport.           responsibilities                                          expansions and upgrades, creating a modern facility         a first
Among public agencies, airport                                                                  that transports over 2.6 million passengers per year.
authorities are relatively unique     Economic Development
                                      $2.9 billion in total economic output,
                                                                                                GSP’s campus of over 3,700 acres puts it in a
                                                                                                unique position to provide continued economic
in that they recover their costs
from the airport’s variety of users   three times the previous estimate                         growth and development to the Upstate.
and do no rely on local taxpayer or
general fund support. GSP takes       Air Service                                                                                                           Roger Milliken
this one step further by setting      GSP grew faster than its six regional,                                                                                Chairman of the
a goal of financial sustainability    and seven national benchmark airports,                                                                                Greenville - Spartanburg
and diversifying its revenues.        doubling its passenger traffic from 1.3                                                                               Airport Commission,
That has proven so successful                                                                                                                               1959-2010
                                      to 2.6 million annually
that even when all airports’ users
and revenues have plummeted,          Opportunity
GSP has persevered, sustained         Airport management prioritize outreach
by strong leadership, financial       to local and disadvantaged businesses in
reserves and very low debt            its construction projects and contracts
relative to comparable airports.
                                      Customer Service                                          From its inception, GSP has strived to create
                                      Implementing new global measures,                         and maintain a unique and high-quality campus
                                      GSP outperformed its peer airports                        landscape. From the initial mid 20th-century
                                                                                                landscape to the present, our task has been to
                                                                                                maintain and improve the landscape of the campus
                                                                                                and make the GSP experience truly one-of-a kind.
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GSP Master Plan                                                                                               The Plan’s overarching goal is to outline
2019                                                                                                          how GSP can best position itself to continue
                                                                                                              to provide for safe, reliable and efficient
                                                                                                              aeronautical operations, accommodate
                                                                                                              growing and changing aeronautical demands,
As the owner, sponsor and          The GSP Master Plan Update                                                 and ensure regional economic success
operator of the Greenville-        (Study) was initiated in early        Top Projects
Spartanburg International          2017. The Study analyzed              Include:
Airport, the Greenville-           existing and future operations
Spartanburg Airport                at the airport to determine           Terminal Expansion
District, evaluates the            future development needs.             $133,650,000
airport periodically through       The Study was finalized               Parking Garage C
preparation of an airport master   in December 2019 with                 & Roadway
plan, to ensure that the airport   the formal publication                $81,000,000
and its environs are safe and      of the 2019 GSP Master                Terminal Apron Expansion
efficient, and to evaluate the     Plan Update (Plan).                   $16,500,000
growing needs of the airport’s     The Plan provides new
users and the aviation needs                                             Pavement Improvement
                                   forecasts of aviation                 $15,400,000
of surrounding communities.        demand, identifies physical
An airport master plan study       improvements required to              General Aviation
is needed to address key           accommodate future demand,            Hangar Development
issues, objectives and goals       and promotes land use                 $8,000,000
pertinent to the airport’s         recommendations necessary             Cargo Apron
development over a 20-year         to protect the airport and            $7,500,000
planning period; a completed       its environs. Additionally, a
master plan is also a key          capital improvement plan,             Fuel Farm
enabler to receiving Federal       pavement management plan,             $5,800,000
Aviation Administration (FAA)      Airport GIS (AGIS) Survey             South Aviation Complex
Airport Improvement Program        and revised Airport Layout            $5,700,000
discretionary funding—             Plan (ALP) drawing set are            FBO Expansion
something GSP has been             all included in the Plan.             $5,300,000
very competitive in receiving.     For the 2021-2025 period
The FAA recommends an              of the Master Plan, key
airport update its master          infrastructure projects will be       Total for SBP piece
plan every seven to ten years.     delivered supporting an array of      $278,850,000
GSP’s previous master plan         airside, terminal and landside
was completed in 2003.                                                   CIP 5-year
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                                                                            To advance

     Mission                                                                the economic
                                                                            prosperity of
                                                                            the region by
                                                                            providing safe,
                                                                            convenient, user-
                                                                            friendly and cost
                                                                            competitive air
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 Vision                                                                     Serve as the
                                                                            region’s global
                                                                            hub and economic
                                                                            catalyst by
                                                                            providing best-in-
                                                                            class infrastructure
                                                                            and service.
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     Our                                                                    1.             Safety and Security
                                                                                           We embrace them as our priority


                                                                            2.             We embrace innovative solutions and
                                                                                           are always ready for change

                                                                            3.             Accountability
                                                                                           We accept responsibility for our actions

                                                                                           We are dedicated to honest                                           P
                                                                                           and ethical practices

                                                                            5.             Servant Attitude
                                                                                           We are dedicated to putting others before self

                                                                            6.             We think and act like one team,
                                                                                           bonded by mutual trust and respect

                                                                            7.             We are committed to ensuring
                                                                                           excellence in all we do

                                                                             C   Core values
                                                                                 lie at the heart of the District’s identity

                                                                             P   Permission-to-play values
                                                                                 minimum behavioral standards that are required for all employees of the District
                                                                                 Aspirational values
                                                                             A   qualities and characteristics that the District desires to have and believes
                                                                                 it must develop in order to maximize the success of the District
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Strategic                                                  Safety
                                                          Provide safe, secure
                                                          infrastructure for users,
                                                          employees and tenants
                                                                                       Leadership &

Goals                                                     Service
                                                          Maintain and attract new
                                                                                       Be an Upstate employer
                                                                                       of choice and contribute
                                                                                       to the economic growth of
                                                                                       the region, while providing
                                                                                       GSP opportunities to
                                                                                       local businesses
                                                          passenger and cargo air
                                                          service, while providing
                                                          superior customer service
                                                          to our passengers, other
                                                          airport users, and tenants
                                                                                       Provide innovative services
                                                                                       to support operations and
                                                                                       contribute to GSP’s self
                                                           Finance                     sufficiency (support the
                                                                                       growth in cargo, charter, and
                                                          Increase and diversify       corporate flight activity and
                                                          aeronautical and non-        grow revenues generated by
                                                          aeronautical revenues to     commercial ground handling,
                                                          ensure future financial      commercial fueling and the
                                                          sustainability               Fixed Based Operator)
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                       Safety is the top goal for GSP. Measuring                   Service at GSP takes on several
                       safety must go beyond focusing on                           meanings—air service, customer service,
                       the recording of injuries and include                       and service to those shipping cargo—
                       proactive measures to address safety                        each of which is included here.
                       precursors—practices that make it more
                       likely that an injury might occur.
                       GSP training programs encourage our                         2021-2025 Measures
                       employees if they “see something,
                       say something” whether to a fellow                          For passenger air service, perform above
                       employee, tenant, passenger, or                             medians for national benchmarked airports
                       other user of our facilities.
                                                                                   For passenger air service, increase
                                                                                   GSP’s capture and reduce our leakage to
                                                                                   other airports within our service area
                       2021-2025 Measures                                          For cargo air service, attract at
Safety                 Number and rate of injuries (rates will
                       include OSHA reportable incidents
                                                                                   least one new cargo carrier                   Provide superior
                       per hours worked and for passengers’                        For customer service, outperform our peers    customer service to
                       incidents per enplanement)                                  on Airport Council International’s Airport    our passengers and
                                                                                   Service Quality (ASQ) ratings and use GSP’s
Provide safe, secure                                                               results to prioritize service improvements    other users, including
                       Insurance claims and losses
infrastructure for                                                                                                               maintaining and
users, employees,                                                                                                                attracting new
                                                                                   Enabling Initiatives
and tenants            Enabling Initiatives                                                                                      passenger and cargo
                                                                                   Target and win air service to priority
                       Refine the collection and analysis of                       markets, including Boston, Toronto            air service
                       precursor and injury information                            and international markets
                       Continue to build on staff                                  Diversify the air cargo business
                       safety training initiatives
                                                                                   Develop GSP-tailored passenger
                                                                                   surveys (e.g., Escape Lounge GSP,
                                                                                   parking services, Cerulean)
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                           The importance of our financial strategies                GSP provides infrastructure to a variety of
                           during COVID-19 and the economic recession                users, enabling and supporting economic
                           were visible to all as our public airport has             growth and regional prosperity. We continue to
                           been able to weather the storm without                    look for new ways both on- and off-airport to
                           interruption to our services or our long-                 contribute to the Upstate and, where possible,
                           term strategies. We endeavour to be a self-               to offer opportunities to local businesses.
                           sustaining commercial public enterprise.

                                                                                     2021-2025 Measures
                           2021-2025 Measures
                                                                                     Use our economic impact study
                           Depending on the pace of the economic                     for five-year assessments of GSP’s
                           recovery, target greater than a 35% annual
                           gross margin for the airport (Variable)
                                                                                     contributions to the region
                                                                                     Develop and deliver a capital program
Finance                    Depending on the pace of the economic
                           recovery, target a cost per enplanement
                                                                                     that supports GSP’s infrastructure
                                                                                     for the benefit of our users                     Leadership
                           of $6.50 or lower (Variable)

Increase and diversify     Build a cash reserve equivalent to
                           at least one year of operations and
                                                                                     Publicize procurements to local
                                                                                     business partners and meet the
                                                                                     federal government’s disadvantaged
                                                                                                                                      & Opportunity
aeronautical and non-      maintenance expenditures (Fixed)                          business enterprise (DBE) goals
aeronautical revenues to                                                                                                              Contribute to the
                           Target airlines’ revenues to be under
ensure future financial    20% of total GSP revenues (Fixed)                         Enabling Initiatives                             economic growth of
sustainability                                                                                                                        the region through the
                                                                                     Align GSP 360, our strategic
                           Enabling Initiatives                                      focus on our available land, to our              continued expansion and
                                                                                     and our community’s needs
                                                                                                                                      development of GSP and
                           Impose a passenger facility charge
                           (PFC) to enhance financial flexibility                    Meet GSP diversity and inclusion                 its business lines, and
                           as well as to support and enhance                         goals, expanding local opportunities
                                                                                     through implementation of an IDIQ                provide GSP opportunities
                           GSP’s capital improvement program
                                                                                     procurement process, and target                  to local businesses
                           Become less reliant on airline revenues                   dissemination of procurements to
                           and federal sources of capital                            disadvantaged communities

                           Continue to be industry leaders                           Further develop, across GSP’s
                           in developing new and unique                              Executive Team, our involvement in
                           revenue opportunities                                     the community, including economic
                                                                                     development and partnerships
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                                                                                             GSP and Innovation
                                                                                             The story of Cerulean
     Cerulean, focused on the following
     page, reflects the innovative culture of
     GSP and our willingness to lead, change
     and adapt to our dynamic industry, while
     providing a return to our core enterprise.
                                                                                             In 2016, GSP’s management               Economic development: Just
                                                                                             team opened Cerulean                    in 2017 alone, nearly $400
                                                                                             Aviation, seeking to become             million of domestic and
                                                                                             “Upstate South Carolina’s               international air cargo goods
     2021-2025 Measures                                                                      premier customer service                were shipped through GSP by
                                                                                             organization specializing in            regional firms (Source: 2018
     Align levels of workforce to
                                                                                             aviation ground support.”               GSP Economic Impact Study).
     changes in Cerulean’s business
                                                                                             Improved ground support                 Air service: Cerulean provides
     Account for higher levels of forecast                                                   services were critical for              ground handling, fueling, cargo
     risk and change in the industry
                                                  Cerulean                                   GSP’s users, including
                                                                                             passenger airlines, general
                                                                                                                                     loading and other services to
                                                                                                                                     commercial flights. As a premium     Cerulean’s success
     Increase the net contribution to GSP                                                    aviation users and the fast-            Fixed Based Operator (FBO),          is a product of
     across Cerulean’s three business lines:                                                 growing air cargo industry.             it serves a variety of general
     Fixed Based Operator (FBO), Commercial       Perform with a high                                                                                                     GSP’s continuing
                                                                                             Cerulean was created after an           aviation users. The high-level
     Fueling, and Ground Handling/Support                                                                                                                                 efforts to remain
                                                  level of business acumen                   Executive Team-Commission               of service, measured through
                                                                                                                                                                          flexible, responsive
                                                                                             Review determined that GSP              positive feedback, is vital to
                                                  to support operations                      should operate its Fixed                attracting new customers to GSP.     and innovative
     Enabling Initiatives                         and contribute to GSP’s                    Base Operator (FBO) in order            Financial management: With
                                                                                                                                                                          to today and
                                                                                             to ensure that the airport’s            its goal of being self-sustaining    tomorrow’s
     Continue to develop cost-accounting          self sufficiency                           wide variety of users would                                                  industry. It offers
                                                                                                                                     financially, Cerulean is a key
     procedures across our business                                                          get the service they deserve            component of the airport’s efforts   a great example
     lines in order to measure the full                                                      and that the management                 to grow revenue and diversify.
     cost of providing services                                                              team would work toward it
                                                                                                                                                                          that FBOs can
                                                                                                                                     Since 2016, Cerulean has             provide top-level
                                                                                             being self-sustaining and               grown significantly from $818.3
     Enhance recruitment, retention, and                                                     providing a contribution to                                                  service while
                                                                                                                                     thousand in revenue to $8.7
     responsiveness of the Cerulean workforce                                                the overall enterprise.                                                      being financially
                                                                                                                                     million in 2019, a more than
     Market Cerulean, including                                                              Just five years later, Cerulean         ten-fold increase. It provides       successful.
     in conjunction with other                                                               has proven to be a stellar and          an important contribution to
     GSP marketing efforts                                                                   innovative success, supporting          the enterprise; during this time
                                                                                             three of GSP’s strategic goals          of COVID, this diversification
                                                                                             in its 2014-2020 plan.                  has been critical with air cargo
                                                                                                                                     flights playing an increasing
                                                                                                                                     role for Upstate businesses.
28                                 GSP STRATEGIC BUSINESS PLAN 2021-2025   GSP STRATEGIC BUSINESS PLAN 2021-2025                       29

Then & Now                                                                 Air Cargo Activity
Strong airport growth over the last 5 years

                                                                                                        Cargo              Landed
       50%   Employees            37%            Passengers                          84%                Uplift       73%   Weight

134                                          million

                                             2019                             2014              2019               2014     2019
                                             2.6                             31K                57K                120K     208K
201                                          million                          tons              tons               tons     tons
30                                  GSP STRATEGIC BUSINESS PLAN 2021-2025   GSP STRATEGIC BUSINESS PLAN 2021-2025                           31

Economic Impact                                                             Financial Metrics

               Economic                                                                                 Airport                  Airport
        255%   Impact          56%                Jobs                               82%                Revenues           98%   Expenses

                          2014                        2019

                          9,528                       14,817
                                                 State &
                             161%                Local Taxes

     2014      2019       2014                        2019                    2014                        2019      2014         2019

     $817.1    $2.9       $112.5                      $293.8                  $25.7                       $46.9     $13.1        $26.0
     million    billion   million                     million                 million                     million   million      million
32                                                           GSP STRATEGIC BUSINESS PLAN 2021-2025

Executive Team
The GSP Executive Team has combined airport experience
of over 90 years. The team is well versed in all aspects
of airport management with a passion for entrepreneurial
ventures and a goal for GSP to be best in class by leading
the way on many items for the airport industry.

                      David N. Edwards,                            Kevin E. Howell,
                      Jr., A.A.E.                                  CM, IAP
                      President/CEO                                Senior Vice President/COO

                      Basil O. Dosunmu,
                                                                   Scott C. Carr, A.A.E.
                      CPA, CIA, CM
                                                                   Vice President,
                      Senior Vice President,                       Commercial Business
                      Administration and                           and Communications

                      Casey Cooperman
                      Executive Assistant
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