Navigating Your Texas A&M University System Student Health Insurance Plan - An easy-to-use guide to help you understand your Student Health ...

Page created by Albert Gray
Navigating Your Texas A&M University System Student Health Insurance Plan - An easy-to-use guide to help you understand your Student Health ...

              Navigating Your
 Texas A&M University System
Student Health Insurance Plan
            An easy-to-use guide to help you understand
                 your Student Health Insurance benefits.

                             Texas A&M University Group Number: 115183
Navigating Your Texas A&M University System Student Health Insurance Plan - An easy-to-use guide to help you understand your Student Health ...
    A ending college is a big step that can mean many changes and new
    challenges, like learning about health insurance and how it works. You’re
    on your own health plan now, and it is important to learn how to take
    control of your health care and get the most from your plan.

    Keep this available throughout the year and it will guide you whether
    you are sick or just have a ques on about your health plan at The Texas
    A&M University System.

Navigating Your Texas A&M University System Student Health Insurance Plan - An easy-to-use guide to help you understand your Student Health ...
W          E           ?                                                 You may have heard terms like
                                                                         “PPO,” “SOB” and “Exclusions.”
ANY ENROLLED Texas A&M University System student taking                  Understanding these words will
at least six (6) credit hours of classes is eligible to enroll in this   help you understand your student
insurance plan. Students who are enrolled in special classes and         health plan. Confused? Don’t
take less than six (6) credit/contact hours of classwork will be
                                                                         worry. We’ll help you make sense
determined eligible for this Student Health Insurance Plan if the
reduced coursework meets the criteria for the comple on of a             of the lingo.
degree plan or interna onal program as defined and approved by
The Texas A&M University System.
                                                                         What is a PPO or a Network
INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS (those who are not United States                  Provider?
ciƟzens or permanent residents of the United States) ARE
REQUIRED to maintain approved health insurance coverage                  PPO stands for “Preferred Provider Organiza on” and PPO plans
con nuously while enrolled and a ending a Texas A&M System               are a type of health insurance plan some mes referred to as
ins tu on, unless the student provides proof of coverage that            managed care. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas (BCBSTX) has
meets the Texas A&M University System waiver requirements.               nego ated discounts with physicians and facili es na onwide.
(See the TAMU Policy #26.99.01).                                         This group is collec vely referred to as “Network Providers.”
All registered and enrolled Texas A&M University System                  PPO plans encourage you to get treatment from a Network
GRADUATE STUDENTS employed by The System are eligible to                 Provider. Usually, you will pay a Copayment and then pay a certain
enroll in this insurance plan (no minimum hour requirement).             amount up front (the Deduc ble) before the insurance company
A student must ac vely a end classes for at least the first 31           begins to pay the Provider. A er you’ve paid your Deduc ble, the
days a er the date for which coverage is purchased unless he or          insurance company will begin to pay for a certain percentage of
she withdraws from classes due to an Injury or Sickness and the          eligible expenses. Remember that it’s less expensive to visit one
absence is an approved medical leave.                                    of the Network Providers. However, you can also go outside the
                                                                         plan’s list, to an “Out-of-Network Provider,” but your share of
H                                                                        the bill will be higher.
Health Insurance 101                                                     Your plan includes an Out-of-Pocket Maximum, which is the
                                                                         amount of money you pay for your percentage of eligible health
The term, Health Insurance, refers to a variety of insurance             care services before the insurance company pays 100% of eligible
policies, ranging from those that cover the costs of doctors and
                                                                         services up to the Policy’s Maximum Benefit.
hospitals to those that meet a specific need — like long-term care
or dental coverage. When most of us talk about health insurance,
we refer to the kind of plan that covers doctor bills, surgery and
hospital costs.

Navigating Your Texas A&M University System Student Health Insurance Plan - An easy-to-use guide to help you understand your Student Health ...
Your Schedule of Benefits                                                 T S                      :
O en called an “SOB,” the Schedule of Benefits outlines what              D                                  N           P              O - -N
services are included in your plan. No single plan will cover all costs   O - -                                                           P
associated with medical care, but some cover more than others.            M
Since your plan is a PPO, your SOB will include network and out-
                                                                          A er you pay the per Policy year
of-network coinsurance percentages. Becoming familiar with your           Deduc ble of:                                  $300 per Covered Person
SOB is the first step in understanding your plan and its benefits.
Before seeking treatment for a non-emergency condi on, it is a            The plan pays the following
                                                                          percentage a er the Deduc ble          80% of Allowable         60% of Allowable
good idea to review the SOB. If you have any ques ons about               has been sa sfied at:                      Amount                   Amount
what your plan will pay for, you should call Customer Service at
(855) 267-0214. Understanding your benefits up front will allow           Up to the per Policy year
                                                                                                                         $5,000 per Covered Person
you to make informed choices about your care.                             Out-of-pocket maximum of:

 The Plan Pays Eligible Expenses:                                         Understanding the Network
     • 80% of the Allowable Amount for Network Providers                  The Student Health Insurance Plan for students is a PPO plan
     • 60% of the Allowable Amount for Out-of-Network                     provided through Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas (BCBSTX).
       Providers                                                          BCBSTX. BCBSTX has nego ated discounted service rates with the
                                                                          Providers in their network in order to provide health care value
                                                                          to you.
 When you’ve paid your $5,000 out-of-pocket maximum,
 the plan pays 100% of the Allowable Amount for all remaining             The plan encourages you to use Network Providers to maximize
 eligible expenses.                                                       your health care dollars. Using Network Providers results in a
                                                                          lower Deduc ble and a lower out-of-pocket maximum. Out-
                                                                          of-Network service charges by physicians and facili es are also
                                                                          higher since they have not agreed to provide their services at a
                                                                          discounted rate.
                                                                          Want to see if your doctor is in the BCBSTX PPO Network? Go to
                                                                 to search for par cipa ng Providers.
                                                                          You can also call Customer Service at (855) 267-0214 between the
                                                                          hours of 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. C.S.T.

Navigating Your Texas A&M University System Student Health Insurance Plan - An easy-to-use guide to help you understand your Student Health ...
A O                               Y           P          B                                            R                     M                  C
B                                     N            P                  O - -N                          There are a variety of situa ons in
                                                                        P                             which you might need to receive
              A er you meet the Deduc ble, the plan pays eligible expenses at:                        medical care. Depending on your
Outpa ent Doctor’s Visits                 80% of Allowable              60% of Allowable              circumstances, here’s how to
$35 Copayment per visit,                      Amount                        Amount                    access your benefits.
including consultants.
(DeducƟble waived)                                                                                    Services at the
Diagnos c, X-ray and                      80% of Allowable              60% of Allowable              Student Health Center
Laboratory Procedures                         Amount                        Amount
Emergency Room Expenses                   80% of Allowable          60% of Allowable Amount
                                                                                                      Staying healthy is especially
                                              Amount                  for Non-Emergency               important during your college years. Ge ng rou ne physicals
                                                                    80% of Allowable Amount           on a regular basis can help prevent problems from developing
                                                                         for Emergency
                                                                                                      later on down the line. Preven ve care encompasses everything
Surgical Expense                          80% of Allowable              60% of Allowable              from annual checkups and immuniza ons to X-rays and lab work.
                                              Amount                        Amount
                                                                                                      If your campus has a Student Health Center, the Deduc ble will
Prescrip on Drugs                        At pharmacies
PrescripƟon filled at SHC:             contracting with the                                           be waived and benefits paid at 100% of the Allowable Amount of
                                       Prime Therapeutics
100% of Allowable Amount                    Network
                                                                                                      Covered Expenses incurred at the Student Health Center.
aŌer a $15 Copayment.                   100% of Allowable              60% of Allowable
(DeducƟble waived)                        Amount a er a                 Amount a er a                 The Student Health Center can help keep you healthy with services
                                      $15 Copayment for each        $15 Copayment for each            such as:
                                           Generic Drug                  Generic Drug
                                      $25 Copayment for each        $25 Copayment for each              • Allergy injec ons                • Nutri on Services
                                          Preferred Brand               Preferred Brand
                                            Name Drug                     Name Drug                       • Gynecological exams                               • Pregnancy tests
                                      $35 Copayment for each        $35 Copayment for each
                                       Non-Preferred Brand           Non-Preferred Brand                  • Health educa on                                   • Referrals
                                            Name Drug                     Name Drug
                                                                                                          • Immuniza ons                                      • STD/HIV an body tes ng
This chart presents highlights of your plan only. For plan details
please refer to pages 15-17 of this brochure. Students are                                                • Lab tests                                         • Telephone advice
responsible to pay amounts over the Allowable Amount, if any.                                             • Mental health                                     • Throat cultures
Policy year – The Policy year runs from August 17, 2013 through                                             counseling and group                              • Tuberculosis screening
August 16, 2014. The Graduate Student Employee Plan Policy year                                             therapies
runs from September 1, 2013 through August 31, 2014.

    The rela onship between Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas (BCBSTX) and contrac ng pharmacies is that of independent contractors, contracted through a related company, Prime Therapeu cs LLC.
     Prime Therapeu cs also administers the pharmacy benefit program. BCBSTX, as well as several other independent Blue Cross and Blue Shield Plans, has an ownership interest in Prime Therapeu cs.

Navigating Your Texas A&M University System Student Health Insurance Plan - An easy-to-use guide to help you understand your Student Health ...
When You Are Sick or Injured
                                                                   It can be difficult to determine if a sudden illness or accident
                                                                   requires emergency care or can be treated by making an
                                                                   appointment to see a doctor. There are certain cases which
                                                                   usually require emergency care. They are provided in the “Is it An
                                                                   Emergency?” sec on.

    Tips for Choosing a Doctor
    If you are far from home, you may not be able to see
    your family doctor for non-rou ne visits. You may need
    to select a doctor in the area, and here is some advice on
    how to select a new physician:
      • Ask your family doctor for a referral in the area. Talk
        with friends and associates about their physician
        recommenda ons.
      • Search the Provider database at www.ahpcare.
      • Once you’ve found a doctor that fits your criteria, call
        to confirm their office hours and admi ng privileges
        at network hospitals.
      • Remember that if you are not comfortable with
        your chosen physician, you are free to search the
        Provider database and select a different physician at
        any me.

Navigating Your Texas A&M University System Student Health Insurance Plan - An easy-to-use guide to help you understand your Student Health ...
Do I Need to go to the
                                                                     Is it an Emergency?
                           Emergency Room?
                                                                     No one wants to go to the emergency room if it can be avoided.
                             If, a er reviewing the guidelines at
                                                                     Using the emergency room for non-emergencies costs you
                             the right, you s ll have ques ons
                                                                     money because emergency room benefits are only paid for
                             about whether you need emergency
                                                                     true emergencies.
                             care, you can call the Blue Care
                             Connec on Program (24/7 Nurseline),     Having said that, in a life-threatening emergency, seek
                             any me, day or night, 365 days a        immediate a en on by calling 911 or going to the emergency
                             year. Registered Nurses, Licensed       room at your nearest hospital.
                             Professional Counselors, and Master     Here is a list of situa ons that may be life threatening:
Level Social Workers are available to answer your health ques ons
at (866) 412-8795 (toll free).                                          • Choking
                                                                        • Not breathing or difficulty breathing
If you need emergency care, go to the nearest emergency facility
immediately or dial 911. You do not have to worry about ensuring        • Suspected poisoning or overdose
that you are going to a Network Provider facility in an emergency;      • Severe injuries, such as suspected broken bones, head
you will receive the same level of benefit either way.                    injuries or heavy bleeding
If, a er evalua ng your situa on, you determine that you need to        • Seizures or convulsions
see a physician, you may either visit the Student Health Center on      • Numbness or paralysis of an arm, leg or one side of
your campus (for medical students).                                       the body
You can also go to a physician who par cipates in the                   • A sudden, severe headache, especially if there is neck
BCBSTX PPO Network to receive maximum benefits under                      pain or a change in consciousness at the same me
the plan.
                                                                        • Domes c violence or rape
                                                                        • A change in mental ability, such as not knowing where
                                                                          you are or being unable to recognize familiar people
                                                                     For further details of the coverage refer to pages 15-17.

Navigating Your Texas A&M University System Student Health Insurance Plan - An easy-to-use guide to help you understand your Student Health ...
When You Need                   F          -U C         : I Y         H
                              Care for Mental Health          It is important to follow your doctor’s advice for ongoing
                              or Substance Abuse              treatment of your condi on. A successful outcome is largely
                                Your      emo onal      and   in your hands. Check this guide to make sure that addi onal
                                mental      well-being  are   treatment recommended by the doctor is covered under
                                just as important as your     your plan.
                                physical well-being. The      If you are referred to another physician, specialist or facility,
                                stress of schoolwork and      check that these Providers are a Network Provider in the BCBSTX
                                other commitments may         PPO Network. If not, your physician may be able to provide an
                                cause some students to        alterna ve that is a Network Provider.
                                feel depressed, lonely or
                                                              If your condi on requires surgery or hospitaliza on, try to
                                confused. If you think your   gather as much informa on as possible to ensure that this is the
    mental health might be suffering and that counseling       appropriate course of treatment. You may want to get a second
    would be beneficial, help is available to you.            opinion and if you use a network physician, it may minimize your
                                                              addi onal cost.

                                                                  I Need a Specialist!
                                                                  Your student health plan does not require referrals to visit
                                                                  a specialist. Just go to to find
                                                                  a Network Provider in your desired specialty. You can
                                                                  search for a physician or facility regardless of whether you
                                                                  are currently insured under the Student Health Insurance
                                                                  Plan; however, benefits are only paid for insured students.

Navigating Your Texas A&M University System Student Health Insurance Plan - An easy-to-use guide to help you understand your Student Health ...
Health Resources Available 24/7 Online or by Phone
Informa on is power, and the more you know before you seek care, the be er your health care decisions will be. Blue Cross
and Blue Shield of Texas provides several resources through the Blue Care Connec on® Program:
Blue Care® Advisor — a mul -disciplinary team of Registered   Case Management & Special Beginnings®— pregnant
Nurses, Licensed Professional Counselors, and Master Level    members can enroll to receive a prenatal risk assessment,
Social Workers who assist selected members in naviga ng       educa onal informa on and case management services to
the health care system; coordinates members’ health care      help reduce the incidence of low birth weight infants and
and benefits; educates and empowers members to make           premature delivery. Please call (866) 412-8795 for more
informed choices; and promotes wellness by encouraging        informaƟon.
self-management according to preven ve care guidelines.       Blue Access for Members℠ (BAM) — log on to www.
Please call (866) 412-8795 for more informaƟon.      to register for BAM and get personalized
24/7 Nurseline — call 24/7 to ask your health care ques ons   informa on about your health care coverage such as date
and get guidance on a wide variety of health care issues.     and amount of claims payments, prescrip on drug list and
Please call (866) 412-8795 for more informaƟon.               help finding a physician, hospital or pharmacy.
                                                              Lifestyle Management & Wellness programs — targeted
Condi on Management — members diagnosed with                  wellness ini a ves that can help prevent diseases or iden fy
chronic health condi ons such as asthma, diabetes,            them early when they are more treatable. Please call
conges ve heart failure, chronic obstruc ve pulmonary
                                                              (866) 412-8795 for more informaƟon.
disease, low back pain, cancer, metabolic syndrome
and coronary artery disease can receive resources
and tools to help manage their condi ons. Please call
(866) 412-8795 for more informaƟon.

Navigating Your Texas A&M University System Student Health Insurance Plan - An easy-to-use guide to help you understand your Student Health ...
U        Y                           Your Lowest Cost OpƟon
                             P                  D                 Generic Drugs are your lowest Copayment op on at $15 per
                                                                  prescrip on. For the lowest out-of-pocket expense, you should
                             B                                    always consider Generic Drug medica ons if you and your doctor
                             You may need to fill a prescrip on   decide they are appropriate for your treatment.
                             during your me as a student. This    Midrange Cost OpƟon
                             sec on explains in simple terms
                             the prescrip on drug benefits        Preferred Brand Name Drugs are your middle Copayment op on
                                                                  at $25 per prescrip on. Consider Preferred Brand Name Drug
                             available under the plan.
                                                                  medica ons if you and your doctor decide that a Preferred Brand
                                                                  Name Drug medica on is the most appropriate to treat your
                             Online Account Access                condi on.

Prime Therapeu cs is the Pharmacy Benefit Manager (PBM) for       Highest Cost OpƟon
your plan. Pharmacies contrac ng with the Prime Therapeu cs       Non-Preferred Brand Name Drugs are your highest Copayment
Network provide compe ve prescrip on drug pricing and plan        op on at $35 per prescrip on. Some mes there are alterna ves
management.                                                       available in Generic or Preferred Brand Name Drugs. If you are
                                                                  currently taking a Non-Preferred Brand Name Drug medica on,
Online access to prescrip on informa on, a pharmacy               ask your doctor whether there are Generic or Preferred Brand
locator, and prescrip on pricing is available through (BAM)       Name Drug alterna ves that may be appropriate for your
at Just log in and select “Find A          treatment.
Pharmacy” from the menu under the “Benefits” column and
                                                                  Compounded medica ons, those medica ons containing one or
follow the onscreen prompts.
                                                                  more ingredients that are prepared “on site” by a pharmacist, are
Three Cost Op ons                                                 classified at the Non-Preferred Brand Name Drug level, provided
                                                                  that the individual ingredients used in compounding are covered
Prescrip on medica ons are categorized within three cost          under the pharmacy benefit.
op ons. Each cost op on is assigned a Copayment, which is an
                                                                  Your doctor will be able to determine which drugs are classified
amount you pay when you fill a prescrip on at a par cipa ng
                                                                  under which cost op on, but you can call (800) 423-1973 to
retail pharmacy or refill your ongoing prescrip on through the
                                                                  determine in which cost op on your current prescrip on resides.
network mail-order pharmacy service.
Your health plan sets the actual Copayment and Coinsurance        Out-of-Network Benefits
amounts for the medica ons covered under your pharmacy            If you go to a pharmacy outside of the Prime Therapeu cs
benefit. Consult for further details of     Network, your covered prescrip on will be processed at 60% of
the Policy about the Copayment and Coinsurance that may apply     the Allowable Amount a er a $15 Copayment for each Generic
to your pharmacy benefit coverage.                                Drug, $25 Copayment for each Preferred Brand Name Drug and
                                                                  $35 Copayment for each Non-Preferred Brand Name Drug.

Mail Order Prescrip ons                                                             H            F     AP
If you take a certain drug for an ongoing condi on such as                          With par cipa ng pharmacies na onwide and a convenient
allergies or diabetes, you can save money by using mail order as                    mail order program, BCBSTX makes it easy for you to get your
your prescrip on program. See the chart for an overview of your                     prescrip on filled.
prescrip on drug benefits, including mail order costs.

                                                                                           Retail Pharmacy                 Mail Order Prescrip ons
P                                                                                          ( 90-day supply)                    (90-day supply)
D        C                                                                   90-
         N                          30-                                              1. Locate a par cipa ng pharmacy 1. The first me your doctor
P                               (                      )                                at           prescribes medica on that you
                                                                                        under the Benefits column by       will take on a regular basis, ask
               All cost op ons are subject to the plan maximum of $500,000              clicking on Find A Pharmacy and    for two prescrip ons. The first
                            per Covered Person per Policy year                                                             prescrip on should be for one
                                                                                        follow the prompts provided or
Generic Drug                        100% a er a $15               100% a er a $25                                          month that can be immediately
                                                                                        by calling (800) 423-1973.
                                      Copayment                     Copayment                                              filled at a par cipa ng retail
                                                                                     2. Present your BCBSTX ID card        pharmacy. The second should be
Preferred Brand Name Drug           100% a er a $25               100% a er a $40
                                                                                        along with your prescrip on at     wri en for a 90-day supply with
                                      Copayment                     Copayment                                              refills. Use the 90-day prescrip on
                                                                                        the pharmacy counter.
Non-Preferred Brand Name            100% a er a $35               100% a er a $40                                          to obtain your medica on from
Drug                                  Copayment                     Copayment        3. Pay the applicable Copayment       the mail order pharmacy.
                                                                                        at the pharmacy and you’re
                                                                                                                        2. Use the process that is most
                                                                                                                           convenient for you to fill mail
                                                                                                                           order prescrip ons:
  How Much Do Prescrip on Drugs Really Cost?
                                                                                                                            •   FAX — Give your doctor your
  Although you pay a fixed fee — $15, $25 or $35 — at the                                                                       ID number. Then have your
  pharmacy counter, the plan pays the majority of the cost of                                                                   doctor call (800) 423-1973 to
                                                                                                                                get instruc ons on how to
  your prescrip on, so you may be surprised to learn how much                                                                   fax your prescrip on to the
  your medica ons really cost. Each me you fill a prescrip on,                                                                  pharmacy.
  the plan pays the difference between the true drug cost and                                                                •   MAIL — Go to www.ahpcare.
  your Copayment. The Prescrip on Drug Plan has a $500,000                                                                      com/tamus to download the
                                                                                                                                PrimeMail Refill Prescrip on
  Maximum Benefit per Covered Person, per Policy year. A er the                                                                 Order Form. Click on Mail
  plan has paid $500,000, you will be responsible for paying the full                                                           Order Prescrip ons then look
  cost of the prescrip on drug therea er. Most likely, you won’t                                                                under Mail Service Program
                                                                                                                                and you will find the order
  reach this limit, but it’s something to keep in mind if you expect                                                            form to complete and mail.
  to incur a lot of prescrip on drug expenses during the year.
                                                                                                                          3. Your prescrip on will arrive within
                                                                                                                             7 to 11 days.

Refill Your Order                       B       A              M             (BAM)
                              When you have only a two-week           BCBSTX provides each insured student with access to their plan
                              supply of your medica on le ,           online through BAM. Go to and
                              it’s me to reorder. Have your ID        click on Register for Blue Access for Members under the Claims
                              number, prescrip on number (the         column. You will be required to do the following:
                              12-digit number on your refill slip),
                                                                          •   Click on New User? Register Now
                              and credit card ready.
                                                                          •   Fill in the boxes with the required informa on
                              Go to
                              to access prescrip on refills by        Once you have registered, you will be able to log on as a member
                              clicking on Mail Order Prescrip ons     and go directly to your BAM page. If you need more assistance,
                              then look under Mail Service            you may call Customer Service at (877) 624-7911.
Program and you will find the PrimeMail Refill Prescrip on Order
Form to complete and mail. You may also call Prime Therapeu cs
Network by phone at (800) 423-1973. When ordering your refill         Plan Management at Your Finger ps
by phone be sure to record your confirma on number.
                                                                      BAM can help you manage your plan at your convenience. Go to
Pay For Your Prescrip ons                                    and click on View Claims Online then
                                                                      log on to BAM to access plan and account informa on. Some
You can pay by check, money order or credit card for prescrip on
                                                                      details of what to look for:
refills by mail. For more informa on on payment types call
(800) 423-1973.                                                           • Track your claims status
                                                                          •   View Explana ons of Benefits
Always Show Your ID Card
                                                                          • Print a temporary ID card or request a permanent
Be sure to always present your ID card when seeking health care
                                                                            replacement ID card
services and at the pharmacy when purchasing a prescrip on.
This will ensure that you receive the benefits under the plan and         • Locate Network Providers
that the Provider will submit a claim on your behalf.                     • Link to the Pharmacy Informa on to manage your
                                                                            prescrip ons

Submi ng a Claim                                                        P             R
Typically, for network and out-of-network benefits, the physician       Please see below rates. If you have a spouse or child(ren) whom
or facility will file a medical claim on your behalf. Once you’ve met   you would like to cover under our Student Health Insurance Plan,
the Deduc ble, the insurance company will pay the Provider the          your annual cost for health care insurance is listed in the chart
agreed upon amount, based on nego ated discounts and your               below.
plan benefits. BCBSTX will send you an Explana on of Benefits
(EOB) detailing the amounts paid to the Provider. You will then
receive a bill for any remaining balance from the Provider, which
                                                                             I                                          ANNUAL COST
                                                                                           Student Only                  $   1,277.00
you pay directly to that Provider.
                                                                                          Student & Spouse               $   5,159.00
                                                                                       Student & Children                $   3,389.00
S                Y       H          C       D                                      Student, Spouse and Children          $   7,271.00

Included in your plan is the Blue365 money-saving program. This
program is not insurance, but provides discounts on the following       To purchase Dependent coverage or if your situa on changes
health and wellness services:                                           during the year, go to You may only
                                                                        cover your Dependents if you are also enrolled in the plan. Please
    • Complimentary Alterna ve Medicine                                 see the plan brochure for the Dependent defini on.
    • Davis Vision | TruVision
    • Procter & Gamble Dental Products
    • Sea le Su on’s Healthy Ea ng
    • TruHearing
Go to to get detailed informa on
about the Blue365 program. To use Blue365, simply show
your BCBSTX ID card to a par cipa ng Provider to receive your

I Y      L             U                                              C               C
To be eligible for insurance coverage under the System plan, you      If your insurance under The Texas A&M University System Student
must be fully enrolled and ac vely a ending classes for the first     Health Insurance Plan for students ends for any reason, you may
31 days of the academic term. If you are not enrolled for the first   be eligible to con nue your coverage. To qualify, you must have
31 days, or if you leave the University within the first 31 days of   par cipated in the plan for the three (3) months immediately
your enrollment as a student, your coverage under The Texas           preceding the date your coverage ended. Con nua on coverage
A&M University System Student Health Insurance Plan will end.         can be purchased for up to six (6) months. Enrollment must
If you do not meet these eligibility requirements, BCBSTX’s only      be made and the applicable premium must be paid directly to
obliga on is to refund the premium.                                   Academic HealthPlans and be received within 30 days a er the
                                                                      expira on date of your student coverage.
                                                                      To learn more about con nua on coverage, contact Academic
                                                                      HealthPlans at (877) 624-7911 before your student coverage

S                    M             E             B              -I                  S
                                                 $500,000 Maximum Benefit, per Covered Person, per Policy year
                                                         $300 Deduc ble per Covered Person, per Policy year
                                                            Maximum two DeducƟbles per family, per Policy Year
                                                            $5,000 Out-of-pocket Maximum per Policy Year

The Network Provider for this plan is Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas (BCBSTX) BlueChoice® PPO Network.
Student Health Center, the Deduc ble will be waived and benefits paid at 100% of the Allowable Amount of Covered Expenses.
A er the Deduc ble is sa sfied, benefits will be paid based on the selected provider. Benefits will be paid at 80% of the Allowable Amount for
services rendered by Network Providers in the Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas (BCBSTX) BlueChoice® PPO Network, unless otherwise specified
in the Policy. Services obtained from Out-of-Network Providers (any provider outside the BCBSTX BlueChoice® PPO Network)will be paid at 60%
of the Allowable Amount, unless otherwise specified in the Policy. Benefits will be paid up to the maximum for each service as specified below
regardless of the provider selected, not to exceed the Maximum Benefit of $500,000.
Out-of-pocket Maximum means the maximum liability that may be incurred by a Covered Person in a benefit period for covered services under
the terms of a Coverage Plan.
Once the Out-of-pocket limit has been sa sfied, Covered Expenses will be payable at 100% for the remainder of the Policy year, up to any maximum
that may apply. The Out-of-pocket limit does not include Deduc ble, Copayments or any charges exceeding the Allowable Amount.

 I                                                                                                                          N           P              O - -N
 Hospital Expense, daily semi-private room rate; intensive care; general nursing care provided by the Hospital; Hospital   80% of Allowable Amount   60% of Allowable Amount
 Miscellaneous Expenses such as the cost of the opera ng room, Laboratory tests, X-ray examina ons, pre-admission
 tes ng, anesthesia, drugs (excluding take home drugs) or medicines, Physical Therapy, therapeu c services and
 Surgical Expense, when mul ple surgical procedures are performed during the same opera ve session, the primary            80% of Allowable Amount   60% of Allowable Amount
 or major procedure is eligible for full allowance for that procedure. The surgical procedure with the highest Allowable
 Amount should be priced at 100% of the Allowable Amount and the remaining eligible procedures should be priced
 at 50% of the Allowable Amount.
 Assistant Surgeon                                                                                                         80% of Allowable Amount   60% of Allowable Amount
 Anesthe st                                                                                                                80% of Allowable Amount   60% of Allowable Amount
 Doctor’s Visits                                                                                                           80% of Allowable Amount   60% of Allowable Amount
 Routine Well-Baby Care                                                                                                    80% of Allowable Amount   60% of Allowable Amount
 Mental & Nervous Disorders, Alcoholism & Drug Abuse                                                                            Paid as any other       Paid as any other
                                                                                                                                covered Sickness        covered Sickness

O                                                                                                                          N         P                O - -N
Surgical Expense, when mul ple surgical procedures are performed during the same opera ve session, the primary            80% of Allowable Amount   60% of Allowable Amount
or major procedure is eligible for full allowance for that procedure. The surgical procedure with the highest Allowable
Amount should be priced at 100% of the Allowable Amount and the remaining eligible procedures should be priced
at 50% of the Allowable Amount.
Day Surgery Miscellaneous, related to scheduled surgery performed in a Hospital, including the cost of the opera ng       80% of Allowable Amount   60% of Allowable Amount
room, laboratory tests, X-ray examina ons, professional fees, anesthesia, drugs or medicines and supplies.
Assistant Surgeon                                                                                                         80% of Allowable Amount   60% of Allowable Amount

Anesthe st                                                                                                                80% of Allowable Amount   60% of Allowable Amount

Doctor’s Visits, including consultants. $35 Copayment per visit (DeducƟble waived)                                        80% of Allowable Amount   60% of Allowable Amount

Physical Therapy, $35 Copayment per visit (DeducƟble waived)                                                              80% of Allowable Amount   60% of Allowable Amount

Radia on Therapy and Chemotherapy, includes dialysis and respiratory therapy.                                             80% of Allowable Amount   60% of Allowable Amount
Emergency Room Expenses, benefits are payable for the use of the Emergency Room & Supplies.                               80% of Allowable Amount   60% of Allowable Amount
                                                                                                                                                       for Non-Emergency
                                                                                                                                                    80% for Allowable Amount
                                                                                                                                                          for Emergency
Urgent Care, $35 Copayment per visit (DeducƟble waived)                                                                   80% of Allowable Amount   60% of Allowable Amount

Diagnos c X-rays & Laboratory Procedures                                                                                  80% of Allowable Amount   60% of Allowable Amount

Injec ons, when administered in the Doctor’s office and charged on the Doctor’s statement.                                  80% of Allowable Amount   60% of Allowable Amount
(Plan DeducƟble does not apply.)
Tests & Procedures, diagnos c services and medical procedures performed by a Doctor, other than Doctor’s Visits,          80% of Allowable Amount   60% of Allowable Amount
Physical Therapy and X-rays and Lab procedures. (Includes quanƟferone gold (TB Blood Test)
Prescrip on Drugs, allergy medica ons, birth control and diabe c supplies are covered and included. Prescrip ons are       At pharmacies
limited to a 30 day retail supply at (1) one mes the Copayment or a 90 day retail supply at (3) mes the Copayment. contracƟng with the Prime
                                                                                                                       TherapeuƟc Network:
Prescrip ons filled at the SHC:                                                                                      100% of Allowable Amount       60% of Allowable Amount
100% of Allowable Amount a er a $15 Copayment                                                                                  a er a                         a er a
                                                                                                                      $15 Copayment for each         $15 Copayment for each
90 day supply may be purchased through the Prime Therapeu cs Network Mail Order Program at a $25 Copayment
                                                                                                                            Generic Drug                   Generic Drug
for each Generic Drug and a $40 Copayment for each Brand Name Drug.
                                                                                                                      $25 Copayment for each         $25 Copayment for each
                                                                                                                       Preferred Brand Name           Preferred Brand Name
                                                                                                                                Drug                           Drug
                                                                                                                      $35 Copayment for each         $35 Copayment for each
                                                                                                                        Non-Preferred Brand            Non-Preferred Brand
                                                                                                                             Name Drug                      Name Drug
Mental & Nervous Disorder / Alcoholism & Drug Abuse, $35 Copayment per visit, includes all related or ancillary           80% of Allowable Amount   60% of Allowable Amount
charges incurred as a result of a Mental & Nervous Disorder. (DeducƟble waived)

O                                                                                                                       N          P                O - -N
Ambulance Service                                                                                                      80% of Allowable Amount    80% of Allowable Amount

Durable Medical Equipment, when prescribed by a Doctor and a wri en prescrip on accompanies the claim                  80% of Allowable Amount    60% of Allowable Amount
when submi ed.
Dental, $1,000 Maximum, made necessary by Injury to sound, natural teeth only.                                         80% of Allowable Amount    80% of Allowable Amount

Maternity/Complica ons of Pregnancy                                                                                    80% of Allowable Amount    60% of Allowable Amount

Needle S ck, only for students doing course work or hospital training.                                                 100% of Allowable Amount   60% of Allowable Amount
Preven ve Care Services, includes immuniza ons, rou ne sexually transmi ed disease tes ng, flu shots, human            100% of Allowable Amount   60% of Allowable Amount
papillovirus and cervical cancer screening.
a. Evidence-based items or services that have in effect a ra ng of “A” or “B” in the current recommenda ons of the
   United States Preven ve Services Task Force (“USPSTF”);
b. Immuniza ons recommended by the Advisory Commi ee on Immuniza on Prac ces of the Centers for Disease
   Control and Preven on (“CDC”);
c. Evidenced-informed preven ve care and screenings provided for in the comprehensive guidelines supported by
   the Health Resources and Services Administra on (“HRSA”) for infants, child(ren), and adolescents; and
d. With respect to women, such addi onal preven ve care and screenings, not described in item “a” above, as
   provided for in comprehensive guidelines supported by the HRSA.

Preven ve Care services as mandated by state and federal law. Please refer to the Policy or call Blue Cross and Blue
Shield of Texas for more informa on at (855) 267-0214.

Go to to download the 2013-2014 Texas A&M University System Student Health Insurance Plan brochure
which contains addi onal essen al informa on about the Policy features. Complete details may be found in the Policy on file at your
school’s office. The Policy is subject to the laws of the state in which it was issued.

E                       L                                                11. Sinus or other nasal surgery, including correc on of a
Except as specified in this Policy, coverage is not provided for             deviated septum by submucous resec on and/or other
loss or charges incurred by or resul ng from:                                surgical correc on, except for a covered Injury;
                                                                         12. Expenses in connec on with cosme c treatment or
     1. Charges that are not Medically Necessary or in excess of               cosme c surgery, except as a result of:
        the Allowable Amount;                                                - a covered Injury that occurred while the Covered
                                                                               Person was insured;
     2. Services that are provided, normally without charge, by
                                                                             - an infec on or other diseases of the involved part; or
        the Student Health Center, infirmary or Hospital, or by any
                                                                             - a covered child’s congenital defect or anomaly;
        person employed by the University;
                                                                         13. Injuries arising from Interscholas c Ac vi es;
     3. Acupuncture procedures;
                                                                         14. Riding as a passenger or otherwise in any vehicle or device
     4. Biofeedback procedures;
                                                                             for aerial naviga on except as a fare-paying passenger in
     5. Breast augmenta on or reduc on;                                      an aircra operated by a commercial scheduled airline;
     6. Circumcision;                                                    15. Injury resul ng from sky diving, parachu ng, hang gliding,
     7. Any charges for surgery, procedures, treatment, facili es,           glider flying, parasailing, sail planing, bungee jumping;
        supplies, devices, or drugs that the Insurer determines are      16. War or acts of war, whether declared or undeclared, when
        experimental or inves ga onal;                                       serving in the military or an auxiliary unit thereto;
     8. Expenses incurred for Injury or Sickness, arising out of or in   17. Any expenses incurred in connec on with steriliza on
        the course of a Covered Person’s employment, regardless              reversal, vasectomy or vasectomy reversal and sexual
        if benefits are, or could be, paid or payable under any              reassignment;
        Worker’s Compensa on or Occupa onal Disease Law or
                                                                         18. Reproduc ve/Infer lity procedures and fer lity tests,
        Act, or similar legisla on;
                                                                             including but not limited to: family planning, fer lity
     9. Treatment, services or supplies in a Veteran’s Administra on         tests, infer lity (male or female), including any supplies
        or Hospital owned or operated by a na onal government                rendered for the purpose or with the inten on of
        or its agencies unless there is a legal obliga on for the            achieving concep on; premarital examina ons. Examples
        Covered Person to pay for the treatment;                             of fer liza on procedures are: ovula on induc on; in vitro
     10. Expenses in connec on with services and prescrip ons for            fer liza on; embryo transplant; or similar procedures that
         eyeglasses or contact lenses, or the fi ng of eyeglasses            augment or enhance the Covered Person’s reproduc ve
         or contact lenses, radial keratotomy or laser surgery for           ability;
         vision correc on or the treatment of visual defects or

Exclusions and LimitaƟons ConƟnued                                    24. Prescrip on drug coverage is not provided for:
  19. Organ transplants. Neither donor nor recipient expenses            - refills in excess of the number specified or dispensed
      will be covered;                                                     a er one (1) year from the date of the prescrip on;
  20. Expenses incurred for dental care or treatment of the teeth,       - drugs labeled “Cau on - limited by federal law to
      gums or structures directly suppor ng the teeth, including           inves ga onal use” or experimental drugs;
      surgical extrac ons of teeth. This exclusion does not apply
      to the repair of Injuries to sound natural teeth caused by a       - immunizing agents, biological sera, blood or blood
      covered Injury;                                                      products administered on an outpa ent basis;

  21. Foot care including: flat foot condi ons, suppor ve devices        - any devices, appliances, support garments, hypodermic
      for the foot, subluxa ons, care of corns, bunions (except            needles except as used in the administra on of insulin,
      capsular or bone surgery), calluses, toenails, fallen arches,        or non-medical substances regardless of their intended
      weak feet, foot strain, and symptoma c complaints of the             use;
      feet, except those related to diabe c care;                        - drugs used for cosme c purposes, including but not
  22. Weight management, weight reduc on, or treatment                     limited to Re n-A for wrinkles, Rogaine for hair growth,
      for obesity including any condi on resul ng therefrom,               anabolic steroids for body building, anorec cs for weight
      including hernia of any kind;                                        control, etc;
  23. Surgery for the removal of excess skin or fat;                     - fer lity agents or sexual enhancement drugs,
                                                                           medica ons or supplies for the treatment of impotence
                                                                           and/or sexual dysfunc on, including but not limited to:
                                                                           Parlodel, Pergonal, Clomid, Profasi, Metrodin,
                                                                           Serophene, Viagra, Cialis, or Levitra;
                                                                         - lost or stolen prescrip ons.

H              G          M         I
If you have ques ons or specific requests, use the contact informa on in this chart to get
the answers you need.
                                                                                                                               This user’s guide highlights some
I       ...                                                                       C                                            of the features of The Texas A&M
Want to download your plan brochure           Go to                                                      University System Student Health
Want to purchase coverage for yourself and    If you want to buy it for yourself or Dependents, go to
                                                                                                                               Insurance Plan underwri en by Blue
your Dependents                                                                                                                Cross and Blue Shield of Texas.
Want to find a doctor, hospital or pharmacy   Go to                                                      Please go to
                                              (855) 267-0214 for Network Providers or hospitals
                                              (800) 423-1973 for pharmacies contrac ng with the Prime Therapeu cs Network      tamus to download the 2013-2014
                                                                                                                               Texas A&M University System Student
Want to speak to a nurse about a health       Blue Care Connec on (24 hours a day, 7 days a week)
concern                                       (866) 412-8795                                                                   Health Insurance Plan brochure
                                              24/7 Nurseline                                                                   which contains addi onal essen al
                                              (866) 412-8795
                                                                                                                               informa on about the Policy and plan
Need to verify coverage                       Academic HealthPlans |
                                              (877) 624-7911 or e-mail                                        features.
Have a ques on about a claim                  BCBSTX Customer Service (855) 267-0214
                                              or Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas, P.O. Box 660044, Dallas, TX 75266-0044
                                                                                                                                 FOR MORE DETAILED
                                                                                                                                 ON THIS PLAN, GO TO
                                                                                                                                 or call (877) 624-7911

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