Page created by Phillip Stewart
     MAY 2018

           Introduction............................................................................................................................... 1
           History/Context ..................................................................................................................... 4
           Performance Goals............................................................................................................... 6
           TMP Framework..................................................................................................................... 7
           Transit ......................................................................................................................................... 8
           Pedestrian............................................................................................................................... 10
           Bicycle....................................................................................................................................... 12
           General Purpose Vehicles Access/Circulation/Management....................... 14
           Shared-Use Transportation............................................................................................ 16
           Parking Management........................................................................................................ 18
           Outreach and Education.................................................................................................. 20
           Annual Operations Plan.................................................................................................... 21
           Stadium TMP Technical Advisory Group................................................................. 22
           Annual Monitoring............................................................................................................... 22

May 2018                                                                                                                                      Husky Stadium Transportation Master Plan   iii
Since 1920, Husky Stadium has stood near the intersection of Pacific St and Montlake Blvd bordered to the east by
Union Bay and Lake Washington. For nearly 100 years the University of Washington Huskies have practiced year-round
and played home football games in the fall. Generations of UW graduates have stepped across stages every June. The
University and the surrounding communities have grown up around the stadium. The area today is a vibrant interlacing
of people, infrastructure and vehicles.

This Transportation Management Plan                Objectives of this TMP include:                    ҘҘ Develop weekday event management
(TMP) for Husky Stadium updates a plan             ҘҘ Develop a TMP that includes forward-               strategies, including strategies to meet
developed in 1986. It responds to changes in          looking strategies that continue to                the unique challenges of weekday football
the transportation infrastructure surrounding         effectively move stadium attendees into            games (as of 2018, one weekday game per
Husky Stadium and responds to changes in              alternatives to cars in order to decrease          season is required two out of every three
technology and mode choices. In addition,             congestion and parking impacts on the              years).
it considers future investments in the                surrounding community.                          ҘҘ Build a flexible structure for annual
transportation system - investments that will                                                            operating plans that can address future
                                                       ●● Promote transportation choices available
influence the effectiveness of key elements                                                              changes in the transportation system
                                                          through expanding transit options,
of the plan. This TMP is not intended to                                                                 (e.g. SR 520 improvements, proposed
                                                          such as Sound Transit Link light rail and
address transportation to and from other                                                                 second bascule bridge, bus route changes
Seattle Campus events/activities or venues.                                                              prompted by One Center City).
Transportation management strategies for other         ●● Incorporate strategies that acknowledge
University events and activities are detailed in          newer trends in transportation (e.g. car
the University of Washington (UW) TMP.                    share, ride share, bike share).

May 2018                                                                                                     Husky Stadium Transportation Master Plan   1
ҘҘ Reduce dependence on charter coaches            would be reviewed with the Stadium TMP             The potential frequency of non-football events
   in order to decrease congestion on              Technical Advisory Group prior to each football    at Husky Stadium is limited as this facility serves
   roadways surrounding the stadium,               season, and would apply to all events the          as the practice facility for the UW football team.
   reduce dependence on curb space in the          following year. The annual operations plan will    Between the football season itself, spring
   U-District to stage buses, and address          specify event attendance limits which would        practice and late summer practice before the
   general issues with availability.               trigger the operations plan to be implemented.     season opens in September, the window for
ҘҘ Provide the accountability tools to achieve     The Stadium TMP Technical Advisory Group           potential non-football events is small. This TMP
   outcomes and report to stakeholders.            includes representatives from the Seattle          limits the number of events greater than 24,000
                                                   Department of Construction and Inspections         attendees to no more than 15 per calendar year,
This TMP identifies overall performance goals
                                                   (SDCI), Seattle Department of Transportation       inclusive of football games.
and potential demand management strategies
                                                   (SDOT), Seattle Police Department (SPD),           Transportation demand management strategies
for multiple travel modes. The specific measures
                                                   University of Washington departments,              have been developed and are outlined for the
implemented on an annual basis to achieve the
                                                   Washington State Department of Transportation      following TMP areas:
performance goals depend on the completion
                                                   (WSDOT), King County Metro, Sound Transit,
of planned municipal, regional and state                                                               ҘҘ Transit
                                                   and a representative from the City-University
infrastructure improvements, size of the stadium                                                       ҘҘ Pedestrian
                                                   Community Advisory Committee (CUCAC) (or
events, changes in mobility technology, and
                                                   successor agencies).                                ҘҘ Bicycle
timing of events. As such, the implementation
of this TMP will rely on the development of an     Two event sizes are considered in the               ҘҘ General Purpose Vehicle Access/
annual operations plan to be developed by the      application of strategies identified in this TMP       Circulation/Management
UW with input from key operations staff from       and the development of the annual operations
                                                                                                       ҘҘ Shared-use Transportation
the local agencies and from the surrounding        plan. The event ranges covered by the plan fall
                                                                                                          (e.g. Transportation Network Companies,
neighborhoods. The scope and review                into two tiers: 1) an event with between 42,000
procedures for the annual operations plan          and 70,000 attendees, and 2) an event with
                                                   between 24,000 and 42,000 attendees. The            ҘҘ Parking Management
are discussed in more detail in a subsequent
section.                                           upper range corresponds to use of the upper         ҘҘ Outreach and Education
                                                   bowl, while the lower range is consistent with
The TMP establishes a Stadium TMP Technical
                                                   the maximum occupancy of the lower bowl
Advisory Group. The annual operations plan
                                                   area only.

2   Husky Stadium Transportation Master Plan                                                                                                    May 2018

Figure A: Transportation Management Plan Implementation Strategy

May 2018                                                            Husky Stadium Transportation Master Plan   3
                                                  There was a secondary goal to expedite             Figure C, the 16 percent bus goal has not only
                                                  postgame traffic traveling to SR 520 and I-5.      been met, but far exceeded.
The 1986 University of Washington Stadium         Figure B shows the TMP mode split goal             In 2012, Husky Stadium was renovated, and
Expansion Parking Plan and Transportation         established in the 1986 plan, which identified     seating capacity came down to 70,000. During
Management Program and Stadium Expansion          goals for automobile, bus, walk, and boating       renovation, UW’s football games were played at
Parking Plan and Transportation Management        trips.                                             CenturyLink Field. UW’s payment of rider fares
Program Operational Supplement documented         Concurrently, over the past three decades King     (the scrip required in the 1986 TMP) has been
strategies and specific steps for mitigating      County Metro service has expanded, Link light      waived since that time on the basis of strong
transportation impacts on the surrounding         rail has opened and the region’s embrace of        transit ridership numbers without scrip.
community. The expanded stadium could             Single-Occupancy Vehicle (SOV) alternatives        The UW conducts an annual attendee
accommodate 72,000 attendees (brought             has grown. As a result, transit access to the      intercept survey as part of the monitoring
down to 70,000 in 2012), so the focus of the      stadium has improved and, as shown in              and reporting process. The survey is
1986 TMP, a building permit requirement, was
to accommodate a sellout crowd with lesser
parking impact to the residential areas near
campus. The keys to accomplishing this goal                            4%
included the following:                                         8%                                            Automobile

ҘҘ Providing incentives for taking transit,                                                                   Bus (Metro, Light Rail, Charter)
   carpooling, or using other modes to games
   by mandating “free” (i.e., UW pays) transit
                                                            16%                                               Walk
   scrip for all ticket purchasers,
ҘҘ Expanding transit service,                                                    72%
ҘҘ Providing discount pricing for carpools, and
ҘҘ Providing additional on-campus parking.                                                         Figure B: Husky Stadium 1986 TMP Goals

4   Husky Stadium Transportation Master Plan                                                                                                     May 2018
conducted in the fall of each year at a game
                                                                                                                                               DRAFT                                     TRANSIT
against a PAC-12 opponent to capture a high-
attendance event.                                                  80                                                                                          80
                                                                   70                                                                                          70
Figure C illustrates the recent historical game
                                                                   60                                                                                          60
day mode splits. The range of bus ridership
                                                                   50                                                                                          50


can vary from game to game and season to
season due to several factors such as weather,                     40                                                                                          40

                                                                   30                                                                                          30

the Husky’s opponent and UW’s season record.



                                                                   20                                                                                          20

In 2007, transit ridership to the surveyed






                                                                   10                                                                                          10

game reached approximately 32 percent. In

that year, the University of Washington paid                       0                                                                                           0

King County Metro to provide more than 150










































additional coaches per game to meet transit                                                           YEAR                                                                                        YEAR
demand. However, in 2008, the Federal Transit
Administration (FTA) declared that public transit
                                                                                        AUTOMOBILE                                                                                            BOAT
operators cannot operate sporting event
                                                                   80                                                                                          80
shuttles if a private transit provider is available. A
                                                                   70                                                                                          70
waiver was adopted to allow King County Metro

                                                                   60                                                                                          60
to continue providing service to the games,
                                                                   50                                                                                          50
but this waiver expired in 2016. The availability



                                                                   40                                                                                          40

and access challenges of relying on private


operators will be discussed later in this TMP.                     30                                                                                          30
                                                                   20                                                                                          20
In March 2016, Link light rail opened near the

                                                                   10                                                                                          10




stadium, resulting in transit mode split of 35


                                                                   0                                                                                           0
percent. This represented an all-time high based





















on historical data.





















                                                                                                      YEAR                                                                                        YEAR

                                                         Figure C: Husky Stadium Game Day Historical Modes of Travel

May 2018                                                                                                                                                                   Husky Stadium Transportation Master Plan                         5
Two goals have been identified within this TMP.           GOAL 1. Transportation Demand Management
These two goals address both the demand
                                                                                                                  Non-Auto Mode Split
management objectives and operational                     Target Year
objectives. The demand management goals                                                                     Weekday Event      Weekend Event
defined in this TMP include consideration                 2019                                                  61 %               52 %
for weekday and weekend events as well as                 1-yr following opening of Northgate Link              63 %               54 %
increasing non-auto* goals in the future as               service (estimated at 2021)
the public transportation system evolves and
                                                          1-yr following opening of Lynnwood Link               65 %               58 %
                                                          service (estimated at 2024)

                                                          1-yr following opening of Everett Link service        67 %               62 %
                                                          (estimated at 2035)
*Includes Transit, Boat, Pedestrian, and Bicycle Travel   Table 1: TDM Goals for Non-Auto Modes of Travel

6    Husky Stadium Transportation Master Plan                                                                                             May 2018
                                                    COMPONENTS OF THE TMP
GOAL 2. Traffic Control
Beginning in 2019, for all stadium events
on weekends and weekdays, traffic control
measures such as detours or lane closures are
targeted to subside 45-60 minutes after the end
of an event.                                           1. Transit                5. Shared-Use

There are seven programmatic components
of the TMP, each one providing strategies to
                                                       2. Pedestrian             6. Parking
support the success of the overall TMP. These
strategies may be implemented one at a time,
or in combination with others. UW Athletics will
choose among these strategies and potentially
others, to limit vehicle trips and encourage the
use of non-auto mobility options. Past success         3. Bicycle and            7. Marketing and
has shown that, taken together, these combined            Bike Share                Education
strategies are effective at reducing vehicle trip
rates and managing event circulation.

                                                       4. General Purpose

May 2018                                                                    Husky Stadium Transportation Master Plan   7
DRAFT              TRANSIT
                   (Public, Private Shuttles, and Future MicroTransit)
                    Event level congestion around     during events is critical. The transit component    current bus transit serving these areas, Link
                    Husky Stadium makes transit       of this TMP identifies strategies to maintain and   light rail will afford a more frequent, reliable, high
a desirable choice for attending football games.      enhance use of transit by event attendees from      capacity trip with extended service hours. Light
Husky Stadium patrons enjoy excellent transit         across the region.                                  rail also operates in a separate right of way and
service due to the stadium’s proximity to Sound       Sound Transit’s Link light rail opened at the       is not subject to roadway congestion.
Transit’s University of Washington Station, as        University of Washington in March of 2016. The      King County Metro, in partnership with the City
well as to the Montlake Triangle and Stevens          Northgate Link Extension, opening in 2021,          of Seattle, will also offer more frequent service
Way, which accommodate King County Metro,             includes the U District Station at NE 43rd          with expanded hours through four RapidRide
Community Transit, and Sound Transit bus              Street and Brooklyn Ave NE. Light rail service is   lines that will serve the University District. All four
service. Before and after events, transit service     expected to further expand in 2023, including       RapidRide lines are expected to be operational
is an effective choice for transporting event         service to Overlake and Bellevue, and in 2024       by 2024, with the Roosevelt line coming on-line
patrons to and from the stadium. Maintaining          to Lynnwood, Federal Way, Des Moines, and           by 2021.
non-event related transit travel through the area     Downtown Redmond. As compared to the

8   Husky Stadium Transportation Master Plan                                                                                                           May 2018
POTENTIAL TRANSIT                                    6. Manage the areas around University of
                                                                                                       Weekday games require special planning
IMPROVEMENT STRATEGIES                                  Washington Station for customers to reduce     and communication. This begins as soon as
                                                        conflicts between pedestrians and cyclists.    the University is made aware of the season
1. Incorporate Sound Transit’s event service
                                                     7. Work with the transit agencies to promote      schedule. While schools learn of the season
   (i.e. extended service hours, additional
                                                        and facilitate advance transit ticket sales.   schedule approximately a year ahead of time,
   train cars, or operate extra trains during
                                                                                                       game time is often not known until just a few
   event arrival and departure) into the annual      8. Encourage employees who work at Husky
                                                                                                       weeks before each game. For events occurring
   operations plans.                                    Stadium to use non-auto modes of travel.
                                                                                                       during the weekday, transit will be of even
2. Promote education programs and real-time          9. Provide information about ride-match           greater importance due to commute traffic
   information tools that offer a range of transit      opportunities for stadium event employees.     conditions and the resulting need to further
   choices, emphasizing links to alternative                                                           increase the use of non-auto modes by game
                                                     10. Provide supplemental transit service as
   transportation modes.                                                                               attendees. Strategies and measures identified
                                                         necessary to achieve non-auto commute
3. Provide information and incentives for                goals. Stage buses proximate to the           for the weekend events will be implemented for
   patrons to try new transit services as they           stadium entrance post-event in order to       the weekday events, as well. An increased effort
   come on-line such as RapidRide and Link               expedite the egress of attendees from the     regarding communication to agency partners,
   light rail extensions.                                stadium area.                                 stadium neighbors and the general public
4. Work with King County Metro, Sound                                                                  regarding the event schedule will be activated
   Transit, Community Transit, SDOT (and                                                               for weekday games.
   future transit service providers) to optimize                                                       For smaller events, the strategies for larger
   transit operations during peak event                                                                events will be scaled and adjusted to meet the
   periods.                                                      TRANSIT GOALS                         event needs.
5. Work with partner agencies to improve                 √   Maximize use of transit by event
   pedestrian and bicycle access to Link and                 attendees to reduce congestion.
   RapidRide stations.
                                                         √   Reduce and replace private
                                                             shuttles with emerging public

May 2018                                                                                                       Husky Stadium Transportation Master Plan   9
                   Most attendees of Husky        to the Eastside along the SR 520 floating bridge   6. Work with SDOT, SPD and UWPD to
                   Stadium events are             opened in 2017.                                       monitor and control key unsignalized
                   pedestrians at some point                                                            intersections and access to parking to
                                                  POTENTIAL PEDESTRIAN
during their travel and all depend on safe                                                              reduce pedestrian/vehicle conflicts at
                                                  IMPROVEMENT STRATEGIES                                those locations and accommodate high
pathways and crossings to get to and from the
                                                  1. Protect and improve upon the pedestrian-           pedestrian flows.
stadium. The University of Washington provides
                                                     oriented stadium area. Make all
a network of pedestrian paths throughout the                                                         No significant differences in the TMP strategies
                                                     transportation choices, policies and
campus with connections to the local public                                                          for weekday or weekend games are anticipated.
                                                     improvements supportive of the pedestrian
streets and trail networks. In addition, there                                                       Localized traffic control for pedestrian
                                                     environment and experience.
is an expansive pedestrian plaza in front of                                                         management strategies in and around the
                                                  2. Improve event signage to and from Husky         University of Washington Link Station may be
Husky Stadium with convenient, pedestrian
                                                     Stadium and transportation destinations,        adjusted based on the size or timing of the
connections to the Burke-Gilman Trail,               concentrating efforts on directing attendees    event. This would be identified in the annual
University of Washington Station, campus, and        along key pedestrian routes.                    operations plan to be developed by UW
future RapidRide. A grade-separated pedestrian
                                                  3. Work to enhance the quality and security of     Athletics in conjunction with the Stadium TMP
bridge over Montlake Boulevard provides                                                              Technical Advisory Group.
                                                     pathways adjacent to the stadium through
additional access over arterial streets and is
                                                     maintenance of paths, quality lighting, event   For smaller events, the strategies for larger
accessible by elevator. This grade-separated         signage, and other investments.                 events will be scaled and adjusted to meet the
connection, along with three other pedestrian
                                                  4. Minimize vehicular traffic in the area around   event needs.
bridges over Montlake Boulevard, provides high
                                                     the University of Washington Link Station
capacity, unimpeded access to the stadium
                                                     area at pre- and post-game time.
from the core of the University of Washington
                                                  5. Manage pedestrian pathways in the area
campus and Burke-Gilman Trail. Additionally,
                                                     around the University of Washington
new and enhanced connections for pedestrians
                                                     Station, including reducing conflicts with
and bicycles are planned to connect the
                                                     other modes and improving efficiency for
stadium to areas south of the Montlake Cut via
                                                     accessing the station.
a second bascule bridge. A new trail connection

10   Husky Stadium Transportation Master Plan                                                                                                May 2018
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DRAFT              BICYCLE
                  The number of Husky football         where there is a dense and active concentration    2. Provide at least one bicycle valet parking
                  fans cycling to the stadium          of pedestrian activity.                               location per large event.
                  is currently limited. The most       Bike share, where people rent bicycles for         3. Work with bike share providers to manage
recent survey conducted in 2017 showed                 short trips, is being implemented by the City of      flow and supply during events.
1.2% of those surveyed came by bicycle. This           Seattle on an experimental basis as of 2018.       4. Enhance bicycle parking at strategic
percentage includes bike share and personal            If successful and expanded to places like the         locations by providing fixed, covered, locker,
bikes. While the percentage seems small, in raw        Eastside along the SR 520 trail, bike share may       or cage parking and/or provide temporary
numbers this could be as many as 700 bicycles          become a viable option for attending events,          bicycle parking during game days through
for a sellout game. There are a variety of factors     giving people a wider range of options to get to      mobile or stationary bicycle facilities.
that influence bike usage. These factors include       the game and allowing them to make decisions
the timing of the event, nature of the event,                                                             5. Provide open source event information that
                                                       at the spur of the moment for trips to and from
and the weather conditions. The purpose of                                                                   can be integrated with bike share apps to
                                                       an event. Bike share parking is not limited to
this TMP’s bicycle strategies is to encourage                                                                provide real-time information and historic
                                                       defined areas around the city, as bike share
access to stadium events by bicycle, minimize                                                                data (as available from bike share providers)
                                                       bikes are self-locking. While convenient for
bike share parking in pedestrian pathways, and                                                               to those traveling to and from Husky
                                                       users, unrestricted bike parking at large events
reduce bicycle conflicts with other modes.                                                                   Stadium events.
                                                       can present problems.
During major stadium events, UW Athletics                                                                 6. Proactively intercept and manage the bike
                                                       POTENTIAL BICYCLE
provides a free bike valet service to store                                                                  share users prior to the primary stadium and
                                                       IMPROVEMENT STRATEGIES
and manage bicycles. UW Athletics has                                                                        University of Washington Station plaza area
                                                       1. Through signage and advance information,           to collect and redistribute the bike share
implemented the Bike Valet on Rainier Vista
                                                          direct cyclists to parking at key intercept        bikes to locations away from the core plaza
near the junction with the Burke-Gilman Trail
                                                          locations. This includes bike share users to       area.
and Stevens Way (see Figure D). This location
                                                          reduce bicycle conflicts with other modes in
intercepts commuters from the Burke-Gilman                                                                7. Offer incentives for employees to bicycle to
                                                          the immediate vicinity of the stadium.
Trail and limits the bicycle activity in the stadium                                                         work, such as bike share membership or
and University of Washington Station plaza area                                                              free bike share trip codes.

12    Husky Stadium Transportation Master Plan                                                                                                     May 2018
No significant differences in the TMP strategies
for weekday or weekend games are anticipated.
The timing of the event, with respect to
daytime or evening hours, would affect the
use of bicycles as a transportation mode for
the event. Basic elements such as the bike
valet and bike share intercept locations should
be implemented in both time periods. No
new bike share or bike valet locations have
been identified in this TMP. Instead, continued
monitoring of the bike share program and
evaluation of bike valet station locations and
effectiveness should be reviewed as part of the
annual operations plan.
For smaller events, the strategies for larger
events will be scaled and adjusted to meet the
event needs.

                                                   Figure D: Existing Bicycle Valet Location

May 2018                                                                                        Husky Stadium Transportation Master Plan   13
                  The desire of the UW is to         The purpose of stadium event traffic control         POTENTIAL GENERAL-PURPOSE
continue to decrease the use of automobiles          is to monitor vehicle and pedestrian volumes         VEHICLE MANAGEMENT
to access events. Fewer cars translate               under post-event conditions and increase the         STRATEGIES
to fewer parking impacts in surrounding              safety and efficiency of egress from parking         1. Provide a broad communication and
neighborhoods, less congestion on area               lots. In the future, with planned City of Seattle/      outreach campaign in advance of events to
roads and better environmental performance.          SDOT investments in the U-District Intelligent          deter Single Occupancy Vehicle (SOV) travel
Active management of this mode is critical to        Transportation System (ITS), the need for               and encourage use of non-auto modes.
maintaining a safe and reliable transportation       manual control may decrease. Advanced
                                                                                                          2. Accommodate routes for transit, freight
system for both event and non-event                  technologies in signal control will allow for
                                                                                                             and emergency services to access UW and
commuters. We also recognize that tailgating         a more adaptive system to respond to and
                                                                                                             Seattle Children’s hospitals.
is part of the Husky Football community              be controlled by SDOT from the City’s traffic
experience and is a contributing factor to a level   management center, to better flush traffic away      3. Coordinate with SDOT on the use of
of sustained automobile use for game day.            from the stadium.                                       dynamic message signs to route vehicles
                                                                                                             to parking and facilitate egress from the
This TMP’s general-purpose vehicle strategies        Parking management is a critical element of
                                                                                                             stadium area.
will push to increase average auto-occupancy         managing general purpose vehicles accessing
and maintain freight and emergency service           events. These strategies are discussed in a          4. Work with SDOT, SPD, and UWPD to
access to the stadium, area hospitals, and           subsequent section of this TMP.                         develop annual plans for intersection control
surrounding destinations.                                                                                    and road closures to direct vehicles in and
                                                                                                             out of the stadium area.
Traffic control is an important element in
managing vehicles in the area. Currently,
traffic control is utilized in a core area around
the campus (see Figure E). Additional traffic
control is implemented by the Seattle Police
Department north of the campus as needed.

14    Husky Stadium Transportation Master Plan                                                                                                    May 2018
No significant differences in the TMP strategies
for weekday or weekend games are anticipated.
A greater emphasis will be placed on the
communication and outreach campaign in
advance of the weekday events to deter non-
essential travel away from the area and encourage
use of alternative routes or non-auto modes for
non-game travel.

                                                    Figure E: Husky Stadium Traffic Control Boundary (2017)

May 2018                                                                                                      Husky Stadium Transportation Master Plan   15
                   Shared-use transportation       Car-share options provide additional                5. Work with car-share companies to identify
                   includes a range of methods     opportunities for attendees to tailor a commute        designated parking areas to accommodate
                   for providing flexible travel   mode that meets their need. For example, they          vehicles.
options through the sharing of transportation      can take the train to the event, but utilize car-   No significant differences in the TMP strategies
resources, in this case automobiles. The           share options to travel back home.                  for weekday or weekend games are anticipated.
primary intent of the shared-use transportation    POTENTIAL SHARED-USE                                For smaller events, the strategies for larger
strategies is to minimize impacts of car-          TRANSPORTATION STRATEGIES                           events will be scaled and adjusted to meet the
share and ride-share Transportation Network
                                                   1. Support the expansion of higher occupancy        event needs.
Companies (TNC) vehicles (both congestion and
                                                      mobility options for TNCs (such as Uber
drop-off/pick-up conflicts) on the street system
                                                      Pool), through preferred pick-up/drop-off
near the stadium.
TNC options continue to expand and while their
                                                   2. Define methods for appropriately managing
use may decrease parking demand, they are a
                                                      TNCs such as implementing geofencing
factor in congestion. To manage TNC vehicle
                                                      technology or “venues” functions.
access in the stadium area, UW Athletics
provides for a designated TNC drop-off/pick-up     3. Designate pick-up and drop-off locations
zone away from the immediate stadium area on          away from the activity center to reduce
game days. The UW-managed designated TNC              conflicts with pedestrians and vehicles.
area for the 2016 and 2017 football seasons           Specific locations will be reviewed annually
is shown in Figure F. The overall operations          and any changes will be outlined in the
of the TNC areas are reviewed each year and           operations plan.
any changes will be identified in the annual       4. Implement temporary wayfinding to direct
operations plan.                                      event attendees to the designated areas, via
                                                      routes that are designed to accommodate
                                                      the pedestrian flows.

16   Husky Stadium Transportation Master Plan                                                                                                  May 2018

Figure F: TNC Pick-Up/Drop-Off Area (2017 Season)

May 2018                                             Husky Stadium Transportation Master Plan   17
                    PARKING MANAGEMENT
                   UW Athletics manages the         POTENTIAL PARKING                                   For weekday events, non-stadium use of
                   campus parking supply with       MANAGEMENT IMPROVEMENT                              campus lots is higher than for the weekend
UW Transportation Services during large events      STRATEGIES                                          games due to the regular operations of the
in a variety of ways to reduce vehicle parking      1. Monitor carpool user rates and change the        academic quarter. This requires specialized
in neighborhoods. Pricing is used to incentivize       rates as needed to incentivize more riders       communication with campus commuters. The
carpools with three (3) or more passengers (as         per vehicle.                                     UW will proactively manage the use of the lots
of 2018). The University continues to financially                                                       located north and south of the stadium along
                                                    2. Develop designated carpool parking areas
support Residential Parking Zones to better                                                             Montlake Boulevard for weekday event days.
                                                       with closer access to the stadium to
protect surrounding residential neighborhoods.                                                          This could include restricting student, staff,
                                                       incentivize that mode choice.
The specific zone boundaries are determined                                                             and faculty parking in these lots the day of
by the City of Seattle. Each season, game           3. Set parking prices to incentivize transit use.   the event, as done historically. The UW also
dates are updated on parking restriction signs      4. Continue to monitor available parking            actively promotes flexible work hours on days
in these neighborhoods. The UW also actively           as new academic development occurs               with larger events in order to reduce campus
encourages game-day use of the major parking           on campus. Campus parking should be              demand for parking.
lots on campus as shown in Figure G.                   maximized, and tailgating areas adjusted as
                                                       necessary to prevent parking spillover into
                                                    5. Work with off-site parking providers with
                                                       surplus capacity adjacent to transit stations
                                                       to provide information to fans about
                                                       convenient and competitive parking options

18    Husky Stadium Transportation Master Plan                                                                                                  May 2018

Figure G: Husky Stadium Game Day Parking

May 2018                                    Husky Stadium Transportation Master Plan   19
                  OUTREACH AND EDUCATION
                Outreach and education is         POTENTIAL MARKETING AND                            6. Encourage multimodal trip chaining such as
                essential for encouraging and     EDUCATION STRATEGIES                                  train-to-bus or bus-to-bike.
supporting travel behavior choices that help      1. Proactively communicate upcoming event          7. Educate employees on non-auto options
meet TMP goals. The UW conducts several              schedules to the campus community,                 for traveling to the stadium, particularly for
outreach programs to inform event attendees.         surrounding neighborhood community, and            weekday event conditions.
Outreach timing and content is informed by           key stakeholders surrounding the stadium        8. Work with off-site parking providers adjacent
the UW’s knowledge of the schedule for the           (i.e. UW and Seattle Children’s hospitals).        to transit stations to provide information
upcoming football season, the projected date of
                                                  2. Aggressively promote non-auto mode travel          to fans about convenient and competitive
Commencement and other special events.
                                                     to ticket buyers through ticket information,       parking options.
                                                     website, and additional promotions.
                                                  3. Provide open source and real-time parking
                                                     information related to events for application
                                                  4. Provide communication and a marketing
                                                     campaign to promote non-auto travel and
                                                     inform non-event travelers of alternative
                                                  5. Work with transportation agency providers
                                                     to promote non-auto options.

20   Husky Stadium Transportation Master Plan                                                                                                   May 2018
UW Athletics will prepare an annual operations
                                                        Operations                                                   Focus
plan identifying the specific operational elements        Plan
of the TMP. This plan will be drafted by UW
                                                                          ●● Identify intersections and traffic management strategies for each
Athletics in coordination with representatives
                                                        Traffic Control   ●● Staffing plan
from the area transportation and public
                                                                          ●● Schedule
safety agencies. The operations plan will be
                                                                          ●●   Identify transit staging areas
informed by the results of the previous year’s
                                                                          ●●   Coordination plan for additional service or special service
intercept survey and observed operations, the
                                                            Transit       ●●   Staffing/communication plan
football season schedule, any changes to the
                                                                          ●●   Confirm staging/layover areas
background transportation infrastructure or
                                                                          ●●   Coordination plan with ST (train service/pedestrian management in the plaza)
service, feedback from transit partners and
                                                       Communication      ●● Identify key stakeholders
neighborhoods, and will address TMP strategies            Plan            ●● Communicate event schedules
to achieve the performance goals outlined in
                                                                          ●● Staffing plan
this TMP. The operations plan will be provided             Parking
                                                                          ●● Identify management responsibilities or restrictions at key lots
to the Stadium TMP Technical Advisory Group
for review and comment.                                                   ●● Identify bike valet location and staffing
                                                           Bicycle        ●● Bike share management provisions
Specific elements of the plan may be revised
                                                                          ●● Coordinate with bike share companies
year to year based on consideration of the
                                                                          ●● Coordinate with TNC companies
previous year’s operations. A general framework
                                                             TNC          ●● Identify and confirm management strategies, including staging areas and staffing
of the annual operations plan includes the
following and may be modified as needed to
                                                           Boating        ●● Staffing and game day management plans for Husky Harbor
meet current need:
                                                                          ●● Review traffic control plans for any locations not identified for vehicular management
                                                          Pedestrian      ●● Identify any plaza/light rail pedestrian management strategies

                                                     Table 2: Focus of the Annual Operations Plan

May 2018                                                                                                                 Husky Stadium Transportation Master Plan   21
STADIUM TMP                                     ANNUAL
TECHNICAL                                       MONITORING
ADVISORY GROUP                                  UW Athletics will monitor and report annually     The parameters of the annual survey include the
                                                on performance related to the goals outlined      following:
The UW will convene and facilitate a Stadium
                                                in this TMP. The annual report will be informed   ҘҘ Conduct the survey for a single weekend
TMP Technical Advisory Group, which will
                                                by observed conditions, feedback from TMP            football game and for a weekday football
meet at least twice per year. The group will
                                                partners, including surrounding neighborhoods,       game for years that a game is played
be composed of representatives of the UW,
                                                and surveys. UW Athletics will conduct an
SDCI, SDOT, SPD, WSDOT, King County                                                               ҘҘ Conduct the survey when UW fall quarter
                                                annual survey and provide the results to the
Metro, Sound Transit, and the City-University                                                        classes are in session
                                                Stadium TMP Technical Advisory Group. The
Community Advisory Committee (CUCAC)                                                              ҘҘ Conduct the survey for a game against a
                                                survey will be captured through an attendee
representative, as well as other necessary                                                           conference opponent
                                                intercept process as attendees enter the
governmental agencies. The purpose of this
                                                stadium. Due to the higher volume and             ҘҘ Survey questions should capture the
group is to review the annual report and
                                                compressed nature of pedestrian flows under          following:
determine whether satisfactory progress
                                                post-event conditions, intercept surveys would        ●● Identify arrival and departure mode
towards the goals of the TMP are being
                                                not be conducted under post-event conditions.            choice, specifying “last mile” mode
met, and whether changes to the TMP or
modifications to the Operations Plan are                                                                 characteristics
necessary.                                                                                            ●● Identify average vehicle occupancy
                                                                                                      ●● If parking, general location/area
                                                                                                  ҘҘ Measure parking impacts to surrounding
                                                                                                  ҘҘ Monitor TNC operations

22   Husky Stadium Transportation Master Plan                                                                                                May 2018
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