Greenland's Project Independence

Page created by Sheila Pope
Greenland's Project Independence
NO. 10 JANUARY 2021               Introduction

Greenland’s Project Independence
Ambitions and Prospects after 300 Years with the Kingdom of Denmark
Michael Paul

An important anniversary is coming up in the Kingdom of Denmark: 12 May 2021
marks exactly three hundred years since the Protestant preacher Hans Egede set sail,
with the blessing of the Danish monarch, to missionise the island of Greenland. For
some Greenlanders that date symbolises the end of their autonomy: not a date to
celebrate but an occasion to declare independence from Denmark, after becoming
an autonomous territory in 2009. Just as controversial as Egede’s statue in the capital
Nuuk was US President Donald Trump’s offer to purchase the island from Denmark.
His arrogance angered Greenlanders, but also unsettled them by exposing the shaky
foundations of their independence ambitions. In the absence of governmental and
economic preconditions, leaving the Realm of the Danish Crown would appear to be
a decidedly long-term option. But an ambitious new prime minister in Nuuk could
boost the independence process in 2021.

Only one political current in Greenland,         tice to finances. “In the Law on Self-Govern-
the populist Partii Naleraq of former Prime      ment the Danes granted us the right to take
Minister Hans Enoksen, would like to             over thirty-two sovereign responsibilities.
declare independence imminently – on             And in ten years we have taken on just one
National Day (21 June) 2021, the anniver-        of them, oversight over resources.” Many
sary of the granting of self-government          people just like to talk about independence,
within Denmark in 2009. Most of the popu-        he says, but not to work for it. Kleist fears
lation would prefer to see a more gradual        that the next generation will remain trapped
process of separation. Greenland does not        in a mindset of dependency.
yet appear ready for independence. That              Kim Kielsen, prime minister since 2014,
opinion is shared by Kuupik Kleist, the first    underlines the long-term goal of independ-
prime minister from the Inuit Ataqatigiit        ence. Significant electoral losses in 2018
party, who led the territory into self-govern-   notwithstanding, the governing Siumut
ment in 2009. Kleist notes that Denmark          party’s victory and his re-election were re-
only wanted to retain control over foreign       garded as affirmation of the political leader-
and security policy, and Greenlanders have       ship’s cautious course in the independence
long had the opportunity to take control of      process. The main reason cited for restraint
all internal affairs, from policing and jus-     is the island’s financial dependency. Kielsen
Greenland's Project Independence
sees strengthening the economy and fur-          Europe and North America can dependably
                 ther reducing its reliance on Denmark as         land, namely Kangerlussuaq. Rather than
                 the central concern. But on 29 November          repairing damage to the runway there
                 2020 he lost the Siumut (“Forwards”) leader-     caused by thawing permafrost, Greenland’s
                 ship to Erik Jensen. Jensen intends to cam-      government plans instead to extend the
                 paign more energetically for independence        runways at the two regional airports –
                 and is also likely to replace Kielsen as prime   near Nuuk and at the attractive coastal
                 minister when parliament reconvenes for          tourist destination of Ilulissat – to allow
                 its first session of 2021.                       international flights to land there from
                     Achieving Greenlandic statehood is a         2023. Qaqortoq in southern Greenland,
                 tricky process. But national borders in the      which like most of the territory’s airstrips
                 Arctic also transect the transnational settle-   currently handles only helicopters, is also
                 ment areas of indigenous populations. The        to be turned into a regional airport.
                 Inuit Circumpolar Council (ICC) for exam-           This unspectacular airport project is a
                 ple represents groups in Alaska, Canada,         highly sensitive matter in several respects:
                 Greenland and Chukotka. Greenland’s              domestically as an important step towards
                 population is 56,081 (as of 1 January2020),      the economic development required for in-
                 almost 90 percent of whom are Inuit. Green-      dependence; externally as a warning sign
                 land’s self-government is thus part of the       of impending dependency on China; and
                 transnational Inuit community, while at          in terms of security as a symbol of defence
                 the same time Greenland is striving to be-       cooperation with the United States. While
                 come a state in the traditional sense with       Copenhagen naturally wants to retain
                 full formal – and thus also foreign policy –     Greenland in the Danish realm, it must also
                 sovereignty. The latter is an important          fund the territory’s steps towards independ-
                 factor for Nuuk, because enhanced inter-         ence. Denying assistance would cost Den-
                 national status is associated with the ability   mark the support of Greenland’s population,
                 to attract external investment. Copenhagen       and ultimately its geopolitical status as an
                 has to tolerate this ambivalent stance, while    Arctic state. The issues are broader than
                 at the same time attempting to influence         simply promoting and developing elements
                 the separation process. Much will therefore      of Greenlandic statehood. Denmark needs
                 depend on whether and how the conflicts          to find ways of dealing with its intractable
                 of goals on both sides can be resolved.          security dilemma: it cannot preserve the
                                                                  island’s sovereignty on its own – but ced-
                                                                  ing effective control to the United States
                 Infrastructure and Foreign Policy                would be the end of Denmark as Arctic
                                                                  state. The latter appears particularly un-
                 Danish Prime Minister Lars Løkke Rasmus-         palatable at a juncture where great power
                 sen visited Greenland’s capital in person        rivalry in the region is growing and the
                 in September 2018, to present a financial        security situation deteriorating.
                 package to expand the airports at Nuuk and          As a major infrastructure project, the
                 Ilulissat and otherwise promote the domes-       airport projects fall under the auspices of
                 tic economy. Rasmussen hoped to resolve          the regional government, which controls
                 two problems simultaneously, i.e. providing      most aspects of political and economic life
                 Nuuk with the funding required for these         under the Act on Greenland Self-Govern-
                 projects and allaying Washington’s fears         ment of 2009. Copenhagen retains control
                 that excessive Chinese investment could          only over foreign and security policy – and
                 leave Greenland overly dependent on Bei-         regarded the project as security-relevant.
                 jing.                                            The issue of concern was the China Com-
                    Greenland has no railways, few roads,         munications Construction Company (CCCC),
                 and currently only one international air-        which appeared on the Greenland Interna-
                 port at which wide-body jets from Asia,          tional Airports shortlist of possible partners

SWP Comment 10
January 2021


for financing and building the airports.       ing – which represents about 95 percent of
CCCC is involved in Belt and Road projects     Greenland’s exports – and tourism making
through which Beijing seeks to expand its      up the shortfall. But resource extraction
global influence. Denmark fears that Chi-      could do so. Greenland’s reserves of rare
nese engagement could endanger its Green-      earths, which are vital for a range of high-
land-related defence cooperation with the      tech applications, are sufficient to meet
United States. Earlier, in 2016, Copenhagen    current global demand for 150 years. The
blocked an attempt by the Chinese General      island also possesses metal ores and hydro-
Nice Group to acquire the former US naval      carbon deposits.
base in Grønnedal, following an interven-         Although external investment is vital
tion by Washington.                            for independence, Nuuk wishes to avoid
    The Greenland government sees the air-     excessive dependency on foreign firms. A
ports as a question of infrastructure rather   government strategy document seeks to
than security. Economic diversification and    improve conditions for mining companies
investments are vital if they are to achieve   while maximising socio-economic benefits
independence. While Nuuk possesses the         for the population.
right to independence under the autonomy          When tourists and investors land at the
agreement, it cannot yet afford to exercise    new airports in a few years time, the rev-
it. Denmark funds almost half of Green-        enues and capital they bring could help to
land’s public budget, through an annual        realise independence. But numerous ob-
block grant of almost €500 million; that       stacles remain to be overcome. For example
would cease in the event of independence.      resource extraction is a responsibility of the
There is no prospect of revenues from fish-    Greenland government, but where uranium

                                                                                                SWP Comment 10
                                                                                                   January 2021

is involved there are implications for the       they are required for cutting-edge technol-
                 Kingdom as a whole. Uranium mining and           ogies such as motors for electric vehicles,
                 Chinese investment raise fundamental ques-       for high-performance magnets and for net-
                 tions over what “security” means in and for      worked Industry 4.0 applications. All these
                 Denmark, and thus touch on Copenhagen’s          technologies also have military applications,
                 residual rights. Copenhagen finds itself in      making them crucial for the functioning of
                 the tricky position of having to balance and     modern networked armed forces.
                 stabilise the relationship with its former          Major rare earth reserves are believed to
                 colony – which is already historically bur-      exist in Kringlerne and Kvanefjeld in south-
                 dened and complicated by the independ-           ern Greenland. The Australian Greenland
                 ence issue – in the context of interest-         Minerals and Energy (GME), in which the
                 driven rivalry between great powers.             Chinese Shenghe Resources holds a stake,
                                                                  also intends to mine uranium there. But
                                                                  the signing of a cooperation agreement
                 Greenland and the                                between Shenghe and the China National
                 Sino-American Rivalry                            Nuclear Corporation (CNNC) in 2019 led the
                                                                  opposition Inuit Ataqatigiit party to raise
                 Nuuk has proactively encouraged a Chinese        critical questions concerning the content of
                 presence in Greenland; like his predecessor      the agreement, the environmental impact
                 Aleqa Hammond, Prime Minister Kielsen has        and Chinese interests. Currently three suc-
                 tried to attract foreign involvement in Green-   cessive environmental impact assessments
                 land’s mining industry, while other political    have rejected rare earth and uranium min-
                 forces expressed reservations over – and in      ing although a majority of Greenland’s par-
                 the case of uranium mining rejected –            liament supports mining. The aforemen-
                 such investments. In October 2017 he led a       tioned General Nice Group also holds the
                 delegation to Beijing, presumably lobbying       rights to a mine at Isua in the west, and a
                 for investments.                                 zinc mine is planned at Citronen Fjord in
                    But Beijing is interested in Greenland        the extreme north, for which the Australian
                 for both economic and strategic reasons. It      firm Ironbark has signed an agreement
                 regards the island as a potential hub in its     with China Nonferrous Metal.
                 Belt and Road project. A paper by Chinese           The island’s rich resources and strategic
                 Arctic researchers discussed the prospect        location have led the United States to make
                 that the “small and weak Greenland nation”       formal purchase offers several times, in 1867,
                 could become “the most important link            1946/47 and 1960. So President Trump’s
                 for successful realisation of the Polar Silk     idea of buying Greenland and its popula-
                 Road”. In this context US Secretary of State     tion from Denmark in “a large real estate
                 Mike Pompeo – like Danish Prime Minister         deal” was not entirely new. Alongside its
                 Rasmussen – pointed to China’s actions in        major reserves of rare earths, Greenland’s
                 the Indo-Pacific region, where governments       strategic significance for the United States
                 became “ensnared by debt and corruption”.        has been underlined by Russian missile de-
                 But such a strategy is not yet discernible in    velopments, specifically hypersonic weapons.
                 the Arctic.                                         Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen,
                    Greenland possesses large reserves of         who took over from Rasmussen in June
                 rare earths. The global market is dominated      2019, rejected Trump’s proposal as
                 by China, which possesses a market share         “absurd”. Greenland’s Prime Minister
                 of more than 80 percent and controls practi-     Kielsen declared that Greenland was not for
                 cally the entire supply chain in an “extreme     sale, a sentiment echoed on the Twitter
                 example of Western reliance on Chinese           account of the territory’s foreign ministry:
                 production”. The United States currently         “We’re open for business, not for sale.”
                 imports most of its rare earths from China.      Quite apart from the intricacies of interna-
                 Global demand for these metals is rising;        tional law, under the Act on Greenland

SWP Comment 10
January 2021

Self-Government it would be for Nuuk                tained by local firms from 2024), the agree-
(rather than Copenhagen) to decide whether          ment is of great value to Nuuk because it
Greenland should become part of the                 treats Greenland as a foreign policy actor.
United States. Despite her firm rejection,             In 2020 Washington opened a diplomatic
Frederiksen assured Washington that                 representation in Nuuk after a hiatus of al-
Denmark would welcome “increased                    most seven decades, and offered a financial
strategic cooperation in the Arctic”, which         package worth US$12.1 million to develop
can be read as an open admission of secu-           Greenland’s resources, tourism and educa-
rity dependencies on Washington.                    tion (although most of the money is ear-
   Greenland and specifically the Thule Air         marked for American consultancy services).
Base are indeed exceptionally important                The US offers met with little support
for the United States. From the geostrategic        and tended to be regarded as an attempt
perspective Greenland forms one of North            to undermine Danish-Greenland relations
America’s extremities; the importance               rather than a genuine offer of support.
of the island’s dominant dimension in the           Trump’s offer to buy Greenland ultimately
Arctic Ocean for Washington has only                spurred the Danish parliament to think
grown as Greenland seeks independence               about creating a better future for Greenland
and China’s presence expands. Additionally          within the Danish realm.
almost all Russian reconnaissance flights
over the North Atlantic pass across or close
to Greenland, which lies on the shortest            Lost Homeland or Treasure Island?
flight path from Russia’s Western Military          Ambivalent Consequences of
District to the American East Coast (the same       Climate Change
applies to missiles). The facilities located at
Thule include the largest and most northerly        The loss of the polar sea ice has multiple glo-
of America’s ballistic missile early warning        bal impacts of its own. Even more dramatic
installations, part of its global satellite con-    will be the consequences of the melting of
trol network and its northernmost deep-sea          the ice sheet that covers about 80 percent of
port. Greenland also forms the western end          Greenland’s land surface; more than three
of the “GIUK Gap”, the choke point between          kilometres thick in places, it represents one
Greenland, Iceland and the northern extrem-         of the world’s largest reservoirs of fresh
ity of the United Kingdom through which             water. Between 2002 and 2016 Greenland
ships and submarines of the Russian North-          lost ice at an average rate of about 280 bil-
ern Fleet have to pass to enter the Atlantic.       lion tonnes/year, and the speed of loss
Crucial civilian and military maritime infra-       has quadrupled since then. Greenland’s ice
structure (undersea cables) lies south of the       sheet is currently the largest single contribu-
GIUK Gap and the Labrador Sea.                      tor to the global rise in sea level. A further
    In 2017 Greenland’s Foreign and Indus-          acceleration was reported in 2020.
try Minister Vittus Qujaukitsoq demanded                A survey in August 2019 found that about
renegotiation of the agreement that grants          92 percent of Greenlanders believe that
Washington sovereignty over Thule Air               climate change is real, and 76 percent said
Base (Pituffik); it was time, he said, for Green-   they noticed the effects in their everyday
land to regain its “security autonomy”              life. Three out of four families said they
(which it never actually had). In a trilateral      lived from hunting, and more than half
agreement in October 2020 the United States,        feared that climate change would harm their
Denmark and Greenland declared that the             livelihood; almost half thought fishing
security and prosperity of all three parties        would also be affected. Some Inuit feel fear
will continue to depend on strong transat-          and sadness when confronted – sometimes
lantic cooperation, for which the Thule             daily – with the habitat losses. In that sense,
base is of central importance. As well as           the environmental harm has triggered a cul-
economic benefits (the base is to be main-          tural catastrophe: The preservation and

                                                                                                      SWP Comment 10
                                                                                                         January 2021

long-term protection of the living resources         Cruise ship visits are also expected to con-
                 on which life in the Arctic has always            tribute to growth, but must exhibit “the
                 depended lies at the heart of Inuit culture.      utmost consideration for the fragile, natu-
                     It is paradoxical that some fear and          ral environment, local cultures and cultural
                 others even welcome the effects of global         remains”, as the Association of Arctic Ex-
                 warming: “The faster the glaciers melt, the       pedition Cruise Operators (AECO) puts it.
                 more attention our country gets”, said for-       On the other hand Greenland can probably
                 mer industry minister Jens-Erik Kirkegaard,       thank its small visitor numbers for its cur-
                 declaring the island a beneficiary of en-         rently relatively low incidence of Covid-19.
                 vironmental change. Climate change, he               Finance Minister Qujaukitsoq wishes
                 says, is like free advertising because it is      to see investment and tourism promoting
                 getting easier to attract capital. Halibut and    Greenland’s development regardless where
                 cod mature more quickly in the warming            the funds come from: China, the United
                 waters, and the grass-growing season in the       States or Canada. The important thing, he
                 south of the island is longer, reducing the       says, is better training and more jobs. Ulti-
                 need to import sheep feed. Global warming         mately, he adds, an independent Greenland
                 is causing change already, even if it is likely   will remain a member of NATO and not –
                 to be decades before Greenland becomes            like Djibouti in Africa – host military bases
                 the “green land” the Vikings dreamt of.           for rival powers like China.
                     Alternatively, a “green growth” strategy
                 could develop environmentally sustainable
                 economic sectors. Greenland’s Industry and        Rights for Greenland and Security
                 Energy Minister Jess Svane (since May 2020        for the Whole Kingdom
                 Minister for the Labour Market, Research
                 and Environment) announced plans to turn          Greenland and the Faroe Islands still belong
                 meltwater from the ice sheet into drinking        to Denmark. But both already enjoy exten-
                 water for export. The power of the melt-          sive self-administration and remain by their
                 water could also be harnessed to generate         own choice outside the EU. While they are
                 clean electricity for energy-intensive com-       not entitled to pursue absolutely autono-
                 puting centres. The Arctic climate makes          mous foreign and security policies, they can
                 the High North as a whole an ideal location       maintain their own international contacts
                 for innovative technologies and services,         providing these do not contradict the offi-
                 as the European Commission recognised             cial Danish line. Erik Jensen, new leader of
                 in 2016: “Harsh climatic conditions and           Siumut and probably the next prime minis-
                 the fragile environment require specialised       ter from 2021, intends to plough more en-
                 technology and know-how to meet high              ergy into independence than his predeces-
                 environmental standards. Opportunities in         sor Kielsen. He also plans to take more re-
                 the ‘Green Economy’, such as sustainable          sponsibilities from Copenhagen; concretely
                 multi-source energy systems, eco-tourism          that means veterinary controls, immigra-
                 and low-emission food production, could           tion, shipping and greater responsibility for
                 be developed further.” The Commission             foreign policy.
                 wants to support the search for sustainable           As a sovereign state Greenland could
                 economic alternatives, naming explicitly          still continue cooperation with Denmark in
                 “‘Blue Economy’ sectors such as aquacul-          questions of defence and foreign policy, as
                 ture, fisheries, offshore renewable energy,       well as financial policy. Copenhagen would
                 maritime tourism and marine biotechnol-           have an interest in that, because Greenland
                 ogy”. Energy can be a growth sector in            is the key to Denmark’s access to the Arctic
                 Greenland (as in Iceland); the availability       with all its resources and attributes: miner-
                 of geothermal and hydro power back up             als, fishing grounds, oil and gas, power and
                 that expectation.                                 international recognition. In order to main-
                                                                   tain the status associated with this, Copen-

SWP Comment 10
January 2021

hagen will have to invest more in protect-       European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA).
ing and defending its rights.                    While EMSA data allows identification of
   As the Arctic polar sea ice melts shipping    oil spills for example, it cannot locate a sur-
traffic has been increasing. Since 2006 there    face vessel or submarine determined to con-
has also been a growing number of vessels        ceal its presence.
entering Danish-controlled waters without            Growing Russian military activity in the
observing the usual protocols. In August         region has led a number of states to demon-
2017 the Chinese ice-breaker Xue Long (Snow      stratively expand their presence in support
Dragon) appeared unannounced off the capi-       of the Nordic NATO members. In August
tal Nuuk. Cases of piracy, illegal fishing or    2020, the USS Thomas Hudner became the
terrorism have not yet come to light. But        first Arleigh Burke class destroyer to enter
how should maritime security be ensured          the deep fjord behind Nuuk; in the same
as shipping traffic increases?                   month Danish and French warships con-
   The Royal Danish Navy possesses three         ducted joint exercises with a USCG vessel
ice-breakers and serves as Greenland’s coast-    off Greenland’s west coast. In September
guard. The forces in Greenland currently         Denmark conducted joint manoeuvres in
operate one aircraft, four helicopters and       the Barents Sea with the United States, the
four ships (as well as the legendary Sirius      United Kingdom and Norway. In the first
Dog Sled Patrol) – to guard the world’s          such operation for twenty years, naval
largest island with 44,000 kilometres of         forces demonstrated freedom of navigation
coastline. With these personnel and re-          above the Arctic Circle. On 1 October 2020
sources, they also have to defend the sover-     an operational coordination arrangement
eignty of the realm, monitor fisheries, pro-     came into effect between NATO’s Maritime
vide maritime services, transport patients       Command (MARCOM) and the Danish Joint
and assist with other social services, and       Arctic Command (JACO) in Greenland; its
conduct search and rescue (SAR) missions.        purposes include exchanging situation
The SAR deficits in the Arctic are consider-     reports and enhancing cooperation. JACO
able. What had been less well known until        was founded in October 2012. It functions
recently was how weak the land, air and sea      as the connection point between the Danish
reconnaissance capabilities are, despite the     armed forces and the Greenland authori-
US base in Thule. “Things start to get pretty    ties; its headquarters is in Nuuk.
dark once you get up higher than 72 de-              Denmark has to pursue a delicate balance
grees north,” said former U.S. Coast Guard       between its own scarce military resources
Commandant Admiral Paul Zukunft. A               and the comprehensive support offered by
patrol had “stumbled upon a joint exercise       its allies. An independent Greenland will
between Russia and China”, of which the          not be able to defend itself on its own. Co-
intelligence services had remained unaware       penhagen relies on support from Washing-
on account of the lack of satellite surveil-     ton but has to avoid any appearance that
lance. A proposal to resume the “Greenland       it is allowing its policies to be dictated by
Patrol” established by the US Coastguard in      Washington. Trump’s offer exacerbated
1941, made in a blog of the U.S. Naval Insti-    that problem because his idea is a “abso-
tute, is certainly justifiable. Future US aid,   lutely radical break” with the post-1945
the author recommends, should be ear-            status quo. “When small nations wake up
marked for port infrastructure to enable         to the world’s superpower threatening to
them to receive US Coast Guard (USCG)            unroot that relation, it’s not something
vessels if the need arises.                      to take lightly,” the Danish expert Martin
   Copenhagen intends to increase its mili-      Breum explained.
tary spending in Greenland, beginning with
1.5 billion Danish crowns for maritime
surveillance in 2019. Possessing no satellites
of its own, Denmark uses the services of the

                                                                                                   SWP Comment 10
                                                                                                      January 2021

Outlook                                                         significant repercussions for Denmark’s
                                                                                                 foreign and security policy. But the decision
                                 Greenland will remain in some form of                           will ultimately be made in Nuuk.
                                 union with Denmark for the foreseeable
                                 future. One reason for Copenhagen to sup-
                                 port granting Asian states observer status in
                                 the Arctic Council was to make it easier to
                                 find investors for Greenland and the Faroe
                                 Islands. That in turn improves its relation-
                                 ship with the two autonomous territories
© Stiftung Wissenschaft          and weakens the centrifugal forces. These
und Politik, 2021                intentions are subsidiary to Denmark’s cen-
All rights reserved              tral foreign policy objective: avoiding harm
                                 to its relationships with the United States
This Comment reflects
                                 and with the European Union, and to its
the author’s views.
                                 own privileged position in the Arctic. The
The online version of            new trilateral agreement for the US base
this publication contains        in Thule is suited to further these interests.
functioning links to other           Additionally to the ambitions of the
SWP texts and other relevant
                                 “near-Arctic state” China and established
                                 Arctic power Russia, Denmark’s problems
SWP Comments are subject         ultimately include the associated reawaken-
to internal peer review, fact-   ing of US interest in Greenland. Copenhagen
checking and copy-editing.       has to balance conflicting internal interests
For further information on       and – for all its understanding of the
our quality control pro-
                                 desire for independence of its territories –
cedures, please visit the SWP
website: https://www.swp-        safeguard its own foreign policy and secu-         rity interests. Trump’s initiative increased
quality-management-for-          the price of continuing security coopera-
swp-publications/                tion. But the success of the Thule Agree-
                                 ment indicates the possibility that an inde-
Stiftung Wissenschaft und
                                 pendent Greenland could continue defence
Politik                          cooperation with the United States without
German Institute for             that country (or Canada) necessarily sup-
International and                planting Denmark as protector.
Security Affairs                     Nuuk (and Torshavn) are in the comfort-
                                 able situation of being courted from mul-
Ludwigkirchplatz 3–4
10719 Berlin                     tiple quarters. Erik Jensen, the likely next
Telephone +49 30 880 07-0        prime minister of Greenland, also wants to
Fax +49 30 880 07-100            promote independence by trading with all               nations, including both the United States
                                 and China. Denmark will seek to control
ISSN 1861-1761
                                 the centrifugal forces, allowing Nuuk to
doi: 10.18449/2021C10            become more independent while remaining
                                 part of the Danish realm. Copenhagen knows
Translation by Meredith Dale     it depends on Greenland for its seat on the
                                 Arctic Council, and the associated interest
(English version
                                 of the major powers. Further progress to-
of SWP-Aktuell 2/2021)
                                 wards independence would therefore have

                                 Dr. Michael Paul is Senior Fellow in the International Security Research Division at SWP.

       SWP Comment 10
       January 2021

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