Green Calgary Composting Guide

Page created by Salvador Sims
Green Calgary Composting Guide
Green Calgary Composting Guide

Green Calgary: #100-301 14th St NW, Calgar y, AB. T2N 2A1 | www.greencalgar | 403.230.1443 ext. 222
Green Calgary Composting Guide


    Part 1 - Basic Composting
    What is compost?................................................................................................................................................... 3
    Why should I compost?............................................................................................................................................ 3
    Composting benefits:............................................................................................................................................... 3
    The compost heap................................................................................................................................................... 3
    What can be composted? ....................................................................................................................................... 3
    Do not compost....................................................................................................................................................... 3
    A basic approach to composting.............................................................................................................................. 3
    How Do You Tell When compost is finished?............................................................................................................. 3
    Screening the compost............................................................................................................................................ 4

    Part 2 - Detailed Information
    What is soil?........................................................................................................................................................... 5
    What is good, healthy soil?...................................................................................................................................... 5
    How do I test the soil?............................................................................................................................................. 5
    How do I interpret the results?................................................................................................................................. 5
    Common Organisms in the Compost Heap................................................................................................................ 6
    Should I buy or build a composter?........................................................................................................................... 7
    How big should the composter be?........................................................................................................................... 7
    Bin placement......................................................................................................................................................... 7
    How to build a wooden compost bin......................................................................................................................... 7
    Compost tea........................................................................................................................................................... 7
    Making compost tea................................................................................................................................................ 7
    How to build a wooden compost bin (Click for Link).................................................................................................. 7
    Leaf mould.............................................................................................................................................................. 8
    Making leaf mould................................................................................................................................................... 8
    Grasscycling........................................................................................................................................................... 8
    How to begin........................................................................................................................................................... 8
    Common questions about grasscycling..................................................................................................................... 8
    Green manure.......................................................................................................................................................... 9
    The benefits of green manures................................................................................................................................. 9
    Mushroom compost................................................................................................................................................. 9
    How is mushroom compost used?............................................................................................................................ 9
    Where can I get mushroom compost?...................................................................................................................... 9
    Frequently asked questions..................................................................................................................................... 10

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Green Calgary Composting Guide

What is compost?                              environment. Composters can be made         A basic approach to
                                              or purchased.
Compost is a rich mix of organic matter                                                   composting
such as kitchen waste, plant remains,                                                     Whether you use a DIY or a store-bought
leaves and grass clippings and animal         What can be composted?                      compost bin, these basic steps are
manure piled together so that it rots                                                     important to ensure that your recipe of
down to a fine, crumbly consistency.          Greens (nitrogen-rich)
                                                                                          garden and kitchen wastes decomposes
Compost is a premium soil conditioner,         •   Fruit and veggie scraps                without offensive smells or attracting
replacing what has been stripped from          •   Banana peels and apple cores           unwanted pests.
the soil through cultivation. It provides      •   Corn cobs (chopped)
vital nutrients, while improving soil                                                      1. Mix greens and browns, around 50
                                               •   Coffee grounds
texture and drainage. Organic matter                                                          percent of each by volume
                                               •   Tea bags
will turn into a dark-coloured humus and                                                   2. Add several handfuls of garden
                                               •   Plant debris
eventually stabilize (or not breakdown                                                        soil or finished compost (rich with
                                               •   Weeds that have not gone to seed
further) after a period of time.                                                              microorganisms)
                                               •   Tree fruit and evergreen needles
                                                                                           3. Moisten the pile thoroughly with water
                                               •   Flowers
                                                                                           4. Aerate by turning the pile once a week
Why should I compost?                         Browns (carbon-rich)                         5. Add moisture and turn as needed.
                                               •   Coffee filters                             Keep the pile moist and aired.
Organic materials are a valuable                                                           6. Cover the pile to keep pests & kids out
resource in the garden as either compost       •   Dried leaves or grass
or mulch. Mulches and compost improve          •   Dryer/vacuum lint
                                                                                          For more information, read The
soil texture and plant health, prevent         •   Cat and dog hair
                                                                                          Composting Process in Part II for
erosion and hold moisture and nutrients.       •   Human hair
                                                                                          more details.
Their production and use in this way can       •   Wood chips/shavings
enable a typical household to reduce           •   Straw
                                               •   Newspaper
the amount of garbage they send to the
                                               •   Wine corks (non-synthetic)
                                                                                          How Do You Tell When
landfill by one third to one half. Finished
compost made from household wastes             •   Bird cage cleaning                     compost is finished?
is free to the householder.                    •   Peanut hulls                           For home composting purposes, compost
                                                                                          may be assumed to be fully “finished”
Waste diverted to composting or               Other materials that can be added in
                                                                                          when a number of indicators are obtained.
mulching saves the City of Calgar y           moderation
                                                                                          Stable compost has been described as
(and ultimately the taxpayer) the cost
                                              Algae, blood meal, bone meal, cotton        dark brown or greyish black in colour,
of collecting our organic material
                                              rags, feathers, felt waste, granite dust,   with a sweet, earthy smell and a loose,
and disposing of it. Landfill space is
                                              hay, hops, leather waste & dust, leaf       crumbly texture that feels and looks like
conser ved and climate change inducing
                                              mould, manure, muck, peat moss, rope        topsoil. Some large pieces remain but
greenhouse gases are reduced.
                                              (non-synthetic), sawdust, seaweed, soil,    everything’s a relatively uniform dark
                                              straw, string (non-synthetic), wood ash,    brown/grey colour. The centre of the pile
                                              wool, rags (non-synthetic).                 is no longer hot, and if you turn the pile it
Composting benefits:                                                                      no longer heats up.
 • Recycles organic waste
 • Reduces pressure on landfill sites         Do not compost
 • Saves the city (and ultimately the
                                               • Meat, bones, fish scraps: these
   taxpayer) money
                                                 materials attract dogs, cats, insects
 • Creates a free soil conditioner
                                                 & rodents and take a long time to
 • Saves money on other fertilizers
                                                 break down
 • Reduces the need for chemical use
                                               • Oil, fatty material, dairy products:
 • Reduces the need to use scare
                                                 oils and greases take a long time
   resources like peat in the garden
                                                 to break down and they affect the
 • Suppresses plant disease
                                                 breakdown of other materials too;
 • Makes more nutrients available to
                                                 they also attract insects
                                               • Pet litter: may contain disease
 • Improves soil structure and texture
                                                 organisms harmful to humans
   (helps break down heavy clay soil)
                                               • Diseased plants: the heat of a
                                                 home compost pile may not kill the
The compost heap                                 diseased organisms or any insects or
                                                 eggs infecting a plant
Compost can be made in either a pile
                                               • Dishwater: most dishwashing soaps
or in a bin. Bins or composters help
                                                 contain perfumes and greases
keep a compost pile neat, provide
                                               • Barbecue ashes/coals: highly
some weather protection, and will
                                                 resistant to decomposition and           Finished, screened compost. Ready for
keep out rodents and pests. They
                                                 contain excessive amounts of sulphur     mulching or digging into the garden.
are recommended for a close urban

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Green Calgary Composting Guide

                                                                                                    Using finished compost
                                                                                                    There are a variety of uses for finished
                                                                                                    compost. Its most beneficial use is
                                                                                                    as a soil conditioner incorporated into
                                                                                                    an ornamental or vegetable garden
                                                                                                    or spread on a lawn as a top dressing.
                                                                                                    Though low in nutrient value compared to
                                                                                                    chemical fertilizers, compost nutrients
                                                                                                    are in a slow release form due to their
                                                                                                    chemical bonding with organic matter.
                                                                                                    Mixed with garden soil, it will help to
                                                                                                    improve its water retention properties,
                                                                                                    its workability and pH buffering capacity.
                                                                                                    Materials in the compost that have
                                                                                                    not really broken down, such as woody
                                                                                                    twigs, may be screened out and put back
                                                                                                    into the compost pile.
                                                                                                    Finished compost can also be used as a
                                                                                                    potting soil amendment for house plants.
                                                                                                    The caution here is that it should be
                                                                                                    completely sterilized first through heat
                                                                                                    treatment in order not to infect house
This compost is almost finished. Screening will remove sticks, straw and any unfinished material.   plants with insects that migrate into
Timing is ever ything. Be war y of using fresh compost too quickly, as is may rob plants            the compost pile during its later cooler
of valuable nutrients if it is not fully decomposed. It is better to leave it for several           stages. These insects are useful in the
weeks until you are sure the microbial life has died down completely. Alternatively, you            further breakdown of organic material
may opt to do a “bag test” as described below.                                                      in a compost pile, but are a nuisance
                                                                                                    around house plants.
The bag test. Compost readiness can also be tested through a “bag test”. Place a
handful of compost in a zip-lock bag and leave it for a week. At this point open the                As previously stated, the volume of
bag and have a sniff. If it smells of ammonia or sourness, then the microbes are                    finished compost produced is ver y
still at work and the compost still needs time to mature. Test the compost again in                 small in comparison to the volume of
several weeks.                                                                                      the original waste materials. It can
                                                                                                    be used vir tually any place in the
                                                                                                    garden. The more usual problem with
Screening the compost                                                                               experienced home composters is an
                                                                                                    insuf ficient quantity of the material
If using compost for mulch, you may want to screen it. People planning to dig their                 rather than an oversupply.
compost into the soil do not need to be as concerned with screening, although it can
help with removing large materials that haven’t completely decomposed. Screens are
commercially available but it is easy enough to make your own. Simply build a simple
frame and stretch 1/2 inch wire mesh over it. Push finer material through the mesh,
removing larger pieces that can be either dug into the garden or put back into the
compost heap.

                                                                                                        Use compost as
                                                                                                        mulch that can be
                                                                                                        spread on top of
                                                                                                        the garden in early
                                                                                                        spring and late fall.

This homemade screen was built to fit on a wheelbarrow. With a little pressure, compost falls
between the screen, ready for use.

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Green Calgary Composting Guide

What is soil?                                   How do I test the soil?                        »» Compost is an example of organic
                                                                                                  matter because it “contains carbon”
Soil is made up of four main components:        Test 1: If you are unsure of the type of          that comes from dead plant material.
rock or mineral particles, organic matter,      soil you have, a simple jar test will help.       Manure, sawdust, or rice hulls are
air and water. Rock and mineral makes           Take a wide-mouth jar and fill it half-full       also organic matter. These materials,
up roughly 90% of the soil, while the other     of the soil you are testing. This is best         however, will take longer to breakdown
10% is comprised of organic matter.             accomplished by taking a 15 cm (6inch)            and could reduce nitrogen availability in
                                                slice of soil from your garden, making            the short-term. You may also grow cover
Although only comprising 10% of soil,
                                                sure that you have at least 2 cups of             crops and incorporate them into the soil.
the importance of organic matter cannot
                                                mixed soil. Now, fill the jar until it is
by understated. It is organic matter
                                                nearly full. Remove any large pebbles,
– the various stages of decomposing                                                            »» Not all organic materials are of high
                                                sticks, or plant parts. Add a teaspoon
plant residues, leaves, animal manure,                                                            quality. Compost is generally considered
                                                of salt to aid the clay in settling out and
et cetera – that makes the soil work.                                                             a high quality organic matter.
                                                seal the jar. Shake the jar vigorously
Without it, a soil will quickly deteriorate,
                                                until the soil is well mixed in. Watch the
and unhealthy soil creates unhealthy                                                           »» When the results show that the soil has
                                                different components settle out and get
plants and people.                                                                                less than 2% organic matter, add more
                                                ready to mark the different layers with a
The rock and mineral component is               marker. Sand is heaviest so it will settle        organic matter. When it is between
comprised of silt, sand and clay. All soils                                                       2 and 5%, add high quality organic
                                                out first, usually within 30 seconds.
have var ying proportions, influencing                                                            matter. For example, add 50-100 lbs of
                                                Make your mark. Silt will take up to 30
the soils ability to retain water, nutrients                                                      compost per 100 sq. ft. of garden.
                                                minutes to settle out and after marking
and air. Any extreme is undesirable.            it, leave the jar to settle overnight. After
Sandy soils are prone to rapid drainage         24 hours you will have noticed that the        »» The recommended amount to maintain
and nutrient loss, while clay soils suffer      final layer has been formed. This is the          organic levels is 25-50 lbs per 100
from poor drainage, excluding air, water        clay layer. To calculate the percentages          sq. ft. Adding small amounts (e.g., 25
and thus, nutrients.                            of each component, measure the height             lbs per 100 sq. ft.) can also promote
                                                of each layer and divide the total height         biological activity (growth of beneficial
                                                into the height of one layer; multiply the        microorganisms and fungi) in the soil
What is good, healthy soil?                     result by 100.                                    that can help break organic matter
                                                                                                  into humus.
Good soil has equal parts of silt, sand         Test 2: You can also test the soil by
and clay, often referred to as loam. In         rubbing a sample between your fingers.
an ideal soil, the silt, sand and clay          If it feels gritty and crumbles in your
particles are grouped together with             hand, there is a lot of sand. If, on the
organic matter to form large particles          other hand, the soil smears between your
called aggregates.                              fingers and feels smooth, the soil has silt
Healthy Soil = Healthy Plants. Healthy          and clay. A moist sample will roll into a          Food does not
plants are dependent on good soil,              ball if there is a high proportion of clay.
                                                                                                   decompose into
carbon, hydrogen and oxygen (provided
in the form of water and air) and a                                                                soil in the landfill.
number of essential major nutrients             How do I interpret the results?
and micronutrients. Major nutrients             Soil analysis is important if you wish
include nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P)            to manage the nutrients in your soil
and potassium (K), together known as            to get the best results for your plants.
N-P-K, as well as calcium, magnesium,           The results can help you plan your
and sulfur.                                     garden by helping you choose the               pH or the acidity or alkalinity level
These are the macronutrients. Compost           type and quantity of fertilizers and soil
                                                                                               »» The pH scale ranges from 0 to 14, where
raises the level of organic matter and          amendments that are best for the plants
                                                                                                  7 is neutral (the pH of distilled water).
provides nitrogen, phosphorus and               in your garden. The soil analysis may
potassium. Compost increases the                emphasize the physical, chemical, or
                                                biological properties of the soil sample       »» Below 7 is acidic; lime your soil to
availability of existing soil nutrients while
                                                that you analyze yourself or send to a            increase its alkalinity. Above 7 is
also supplying additional amounts already
                                                soil lab.                                         alkaline.
contained in the compost.
Micronutrients are also called trace elements   Organic Matter
                                                                                               »» Most crops make maximum use of
because only a small amount is required         »» Organic matter is important for the            fertilizers and soil amendments when
for healthy plant growth. They include             formation of soil structure, reducing          pH is between 6.0 and 7.0. Most
iron, boron, manganese, copper, zinc and           compaction, and retaining plant                gardeners aim for 6.5.
molybdenum. Crops that are void or deficient       nutrients. The more organic matter in
in micronutrients may fail to provide humans       the soil, the better. Hard and/or ver y
with dietary needs, even if the plants don’t                                                   »» Learn what plants like highly acidic
                                                   light coloured soils usually mean it’s
appear to be suffering Deficiencies can be                                                        (such as azaleas) or alkaline soil
                                                   low on organic matter.
avoided by routinely adding compost.                                                              and match the plants with the soil
                                                                                                  or vice versa.

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Green Calgary Composting Guide

Phosphorus, potassium, and nitrogen are            the humus level will increase CEC and
the three major macronutrients required            this process may take several years.
by crops.
»» Phosphorus is important for seed              The Composting Process                            Common Organisms in
   germination, root development, vegetable      »» Composting is a lot like cooking.              the Compost Heap
   and fruit maturity and quality. It improves      If you have the right proportions of
   nitrogen absorption by the plant.                the right ingredients, you’ll get fairly        • Psychrophiles (“cold-loving”):
                                                    good results. Carbon and nitrogen are             low temperature bacteria that
»» Potassium is important for the                   essential elements to the compost                 work during the frosty months
   plants’ over-wintering ability. Disease          heap and getting the correct balance              from late fall to early spring.
   resistance, growth, and longevity. It            is necessar y for making good
   is important especially for legumes              compost. The joy, though, comes from            • Mesophiles (“medium-
   because it helps soil bacteria around            using materials you have on hand and              temperature-loving”): mid-
   the roots to fix nitrogen for the legumes.       still getting pretty good results. We             temperature bacteria that
                                                    don’t need to get hung up about not               thrive at temperatures of
»» Nitrogen and Nitrate can be requested            have the “per fect” mix because rarely            20-30 degrees Celsius.
   in a soil test because they may not be           does anyone have the per fect mix.
                                                                                                    • Thermophiles (“heat-loving”):
   part of the typical test package.
                                                                                                      the heat-lovers that work
                                                 »» With good mix of carbon and nitrogen
                                                                                                      at temperatures of 40-70
Calcium and Magnesium                               rich materials, along with sufficient
                                                                                                      degrees Celsius. They are the
                                                    moisture and the beneficial bacteria
»» Calcium is important for cell                                                                      workhorses of biodegradation.
                                                    that thrive in these in environments,
   nutrition. Magnesium is important                the compost process begins. Aerating
   for plant photosynthesis. If tests                                                               • Fungi: such as actinomycetes
                                                    (stirring, turning, poking) the pile and          and streptomycetes, produce
   show that calcium is low compared                keeping the moisture levels right (see
   to magnesium, calcitic lime is added                                                               natural antibiotics.
                                                    below) will ensure that the compost
   to increase the soil pH. If magnesium            pile will work, as it should.                   • Nematodes: as the most
   is low, Dolomitic lime is added to
                                                                                                      numerous animals on the
   increase the soil pH.
                                                 »» Moisture makes it happen. Keeping                 planet, nematodes prey upon
                                                    the compost pile moist is essential if            bacteria, protozoa and fungal
»» The pH rating will be high when                  composting is going to happen. Dry piles          spores.
   calcium is high. The ability of the              just sit there, while overly wet piles can
   plant to absorb some nutrients will              begin to stink. Ideally, the compost pile       • Mites: feed on yeasts that are
   be impaired and you may have to                  should be able to “breathe” and this              in fermenting material.
   add some sulfur – which is found in              is best judged when the material feels
   gypsum - to remedy the deficiency.               like a wrung-out sponge. If dust kicks          • Springtails: feed on fungi
                                                    up when you stir the pile it is probably
                                                                                                    • Wolf spiders: do not build
CEC or Cation Exchange Capacity                     too dry. If the pile smells sour or like
                                                                                                      webs but roam freely, feeding
»» CEC refers to the soil’s ability to              ammonia it is too wet.
                                                                                                      on arthropods.
   hold and release positively charged
   nutrients called cation. These are                                                               • Cenjtipedes: commonly found
   atoms or molecules with a positive                                                                 in healthy soil communities.
   electric charge, such as potassium,
   calcium, magnesium, and sodium.                                                                  • Ground beetles: feed on
                                                                                                      various organisms, seeds and
                                                                                                      vegetative matter.
»» The soil type, pH levels, and the
   amount of organic matter (e.g.,                                                                  • Slugs and snails: aid in the
   compost) in the soil determine the                                                                 decomposition of organic
   CEC level. The higher the clay and                                                                 matter.
   organic matter content, the higher
   the CEC. Sandy soil has a lower CEC                                                              • Worms: consume organic
   level.                                                      Above: The Wingdigger is an
                                                                                                      matter and pass on their
                                                               easy to use compost aerator.
                                                               A pitchfork, broken hockey             worm castings (worm poop)
»» CEC can range from 0 to 100, where                          stick or any garden implement
   100 represent the capacity of pure                          may be used to stir or turn the
   humus to hold and release cations.                          compost heap.

»» In general, you will want to increase
   CEC by adding good quality compost
   or planting cover crops. Building up

                                                                                                 GREEN CALGARY COMPOSTING GUIDE | 6

Should I buy or build a composter?                                                         Compost tea
The correct decision as to what composter to build or buy will depend upon a careful       Compost tea is sprayed directly onto crop
consideration of a number of factors such as the amount of material to be composted,       leaves, restoring beneficial microbes to
the amount of room available, the cost, its appearance and the amount of time and          the soil and plant. Beneficial microbes
labour will be devoted to operating it. Home composters can be made of various             protect plants from fungal infections and
combinations of wood, plastic, and metal.                                                  other disease-causing organisms. Compost
                                                                                           tea also improves nutrient uptake and
                                                                                           retention, soil tilth and root depth.
                                                                                           Starting with rich compost, a compost
                                                                                           tea brewer can grow and multiply the
                                                                                           beneficial microbes by 1,000 times or
                                                                                           more simply by feeding and protecting
                                                                                           them for 72 hours under the right

                                                                                           Making compost tea
                                                                                           Step 1: Once you have fully mature,
                                                                                           earthy-smelling compost, it is time to
                                                                                           brew compost tea. You will need:
                                                                                            • A bucket (5-gallon plastic bucket
                                                                                              works well)
                                                                                            • A few aquarium supplies
                                                                                            • A pump large enough to run three
                                                                                              bubblers or air stones
                                                                                            • Several feet of tubing
Garden Gourmet Composter – commercially       A homemade bin made from wood from used       • A gang valve which distributes the
available compost bin made from 100%          wooden pallets.                                 air from the pumps to the tubes that
recycled plastic. These bins are available                                                    supply the bubblers
year-round at the Green Calgary Store.                                                      • Three bubblers
                                                                                            • A stick to stir the mixture
                                                                                            • Unsulphured molasses (pref. organic)
How big should the composter be?                                                            • An old pillow case, tea towel or
                                                                                              stocking to strain the tea.
This will depend on the amount of material you have and the amount of room available
                                                                                            • An extra bucket is handy to decant
for your bin(s). With an average Calgar y lot, most of which is given over to lawn, one
                                                                                              the tea
to two holding type bins should be adequate. As decomposition occurs in the compost
bin, material shrinks to a large extent. Finished compost will only occupy from 10% to      • If you are using municipal water it is
40% of the original waste volume.                                                             important to leave the water sitting
                                                                                              out for several hours to evaporate off
                                                                                              the chlorine. Chlorine will kill off the
Bin placement                                                                                 beneficial organism in the compost,
                                                                                              so make sure the water is not
A composter should be placed on a well-drained site to prevent the material from
                                                                                              straight from the tap.
becoming water logged. A sunny location will help it heat up and speed decomposition.
In an urban setting, a composter should be sited in a yard so that its presence and        Step 2: Once you have safe water, start
operation is not a nuisance to the neighbours.                                             by loosely filling the bucket half full
                                                                                           with compost. Cut a length of tubing
Convenience should be the number one consideration when selecting a site. If the
                                                                                           and attach one end to the pump and the
sunniest place in your yard is 100 feet from the door, it might not get used, especially
                                                                                           other to the gang valve. Cut three more
in winter. Tr y to pick the sunniest convenient spot for you bin. This way it will get
                                                                                           lengths of tubing, so that they easily
used, even if decomposition isn’t happening at the fastest rate.
                                                                                           reach from the rim to the bottom of the
                                                                                           bucket. Connect each one to a port on
                                                                                           the gang valve and connect a bubbler to
    to to
       build  a wooden compost bin
          build a wooden compost bin (Click for Link)                                      each of the ends.
Least expensive wood pallet instructions
    > Least                                                                                Step 3: Hang the gang valve on the lip
Sturdy  3-bin expensive  wood pallet instructions
              system instructions
    >& Sturdy                                                                              of the bucket and bur y the bubblers at
Wood     Wire 3-bin  system instructions
               bin instructions
                                                                                           the bottom, under the compost. Fill the
Low >impact
       Wood wire
              & Wire  bininstructions
                   mesh   instructions
                                                                                           bucket to within 7.5 cm (3 inches) of
    > Lowblock
Concrete    impact
                 binwire  mesh instructions
                                                                                           the rim with water, and start the pump.
    > Concrete block bin instructions

                                                                                            GREEN CALGARY COMPOSTING GUIDE | 7

Step 4: Once it’s going, add 1 oz.             moisture-retaining sur face mulch. Using         lawn often enough so that no more than
of molasses, stirring vigorously. The          leaf mould can replace the need to use           1/3 of the length of the grass blade is
molasses feeds the bacteria, helping the       peat – a resource that takes thousands           cut in any one mowing. Frequent mowing
beneficial species get well established.       of years to form – or shredded bark to           will produce short clippings that will not
After stirring, rearrange the bubblers so      condition the soil. Using leaves that fall       cover up the grass surface. You may have
they’re on the bottom and well spaced.         annually is a sustainable and free option        to cut the lawn every 7 days when the
If you can, stir the teas several times        for improving soil condition.                    lawn is growing fast but only every 7 to
each day. Stirring moves more of the                                                            14 days when the lawn is growing slowly.
organisms from the compost and into                                                             You can grasscycle with most any
the tea. The bubblers will have to be          Making leaf mould                                mower (push, electric or gas). The
repositioned after each stirring.              Piling leaves up in some form of a               mower collection bag should be removed
Step 5: After 3 days remove the aerating       container and leaving them to rot down           to allow clippings to drop on the lawn.
equipment. Let the brew sit for 15 or          create leaf mould. The ideal container           However, if your mower does not have
20 minutes until most of the compost           is at least 1 m X 1 m in size, and this          a safety flap covering the opening
is settled out, straining into the second      can be done in a wire mesh cage, or              where the bag fits into the chute, it is
bucket or into a sprayer. You’ll have 2        even in a plastic garbage bag. Leaves            important that you purchase a retrofit
gallons of tea. Use the tea within one         are best collected after a rainfall, when        kit from your local retailer.
hour if possible. You can put the soils        the leaves are well soaked. Stuffing the         Most lawnmower manufacturers have
back into the compost pile.                    moist leaves into the bin or bag and             developed “mulching” mowers which cut
Step 6: If your garden is fairly healthy,      leaving them for a year, watching to             grass blades into small pieces and force
spraying the plants with compost tea           make sure they don’t dr y out will yield         them into the soil. These types of mowers
                                               a young leaf mould that will help to
in the spring will carr y the benefits                                                          are effective in grasscycling and have
throughout the season. If you’ve had           improve your soil.                               become very popular. They are sold at
problems, it may be worth spraying                                                              many yard and garden equipment retailers,
monthly to increase the number of                                                               nurseries, and home supply stores.
beneficial organisms. To prevent               Grasscycling
damping-off, spray the soil with tea as        What is grasscycling?
soon as the ground is planted.
                                               Grasscycling is the simple practice
                                                                                                Common questions about
Note: aeration equipment is important to       of leaving grass clippings on the lawn           grasscycling
avoid the organisms from using up all of       when mowing. Once cut, grass clippings
the oxygen and creating an anaerobic soup.                                                      Does Grasscycling Cause Thatch? No!
                                               first dehydrate, and then decompose,
Anaerobic tea may harm your plants. The tea                                                     Research has shown that grass roots are
                                               quickly disappearing from view.
must brew for two or three days and then                                                        the primar y cause of thatch, not grass
used immediately. Rainwater is also best for   Grasscycling:                                    clippings. Thatch is composed primarily
the compost tea process.
                                               »» Encourages a healthier lawn by                of roots, stems, rhizomes, and other
                                                  returning nutrients to the soil beneath       plant materials. These plant materials
                                                  the lawn.                                     contain large amounts of lignin (fibrous
                                                                                                material) and decompose slowly. Grass
                                               »» Reduces work because you don’t                clippings are approximately 80-85
                                                  have to bag or rake and dispose of            percent water with only small amounts
                                                  your clippings.                               of lignin, and decompose rapidly.
                                                                                                Does Grasscycling Spread Lawn
                                               »» Saves you money because you don’t             Disease? No!
                                                  have to pay for disposal of your clippings.   Improper watering and fertilizing have
                                                                                                a much greater impact on disease
                                               »» Benefits the environment by naturally         spread than grasscycling. If a desirable
                                                  recycling the clippings.                      environment for tur f grass disease is
                                                                                                present, infestation will occur whether
                                               »» Simply put, grasscycling is good for          clippings are collected or not!
                                                  your lawn and can help you reduce             Will Grasscycling Make My Lawn Look
                                                  waste. Learn how easy it is for you to        Bad? No!
The compost tea set up.
                                                  begin grasscycling.
                                                                                                If a lawn is properly mowed, watered,
                                                                                                and fertilized, grasscycling can actually
Leaf mould                                                                                      produce a healthier looking lawn. It is
Leaf mould is one of the longest lasting       How to begin                                     important to cut the lawn frequently
                                                                                                to produce small clippings that will
organic materials. It improves the             Proper mowing is required for successful         decompose quickly. If a lawn is not cut
physical structure of the soil, helping        grasscycling. Cut grass when the                 frequently and clippings are left on the
to improve soil fertility. Leaf mould          surface is dry, and keep mower blades            lawn, it will produce a “hay-like” look,
can be dug into the garden or used as          sharp. Follow the “1/3 Rule”: mow your           which can be unsightly.

                                                                                                 GREEN CALGARY COMPOSTING GUIDE | 8

Green manure                                   weeds. Structure is improved when              mushroom compost into the top 10-cn
                                               organic material is added. Some green          layer of the garden soil.
»» Green manures differ from compost           manures take up nitrogen from the air,
   in that they are plants, such as r ye,      improving the soil characteristics. Many
   buckwheat or clover. Their regular use                                                   »» It may be applied early spring and
                                               have extensive root systems, improving          again in late fall before putting the
   can have a transformative effect on         drainage and bringing up minerals that
   soil and the plants that grow in it. The                                                    garden to bed.
                                               other plants can’t reach.
   process is straightfor ward – seeds
   are sown, plants are allowed to grow
   for a certain amount of time, and then                                                   Where can I get mushroom
                                               Mushroom compost
   they are dug into the soil. As they                                                      compost?
   decompose, nutrients are added to           What is mushroom compost?
                                                                                            »» All Seasons Mushroom Inc. (formerly
   the soil.                                   »» Also called Spent Mushroom Substrate,        Rol-land Mushroom Farm), on the east
                                                  mushroom compost is a by-product             side of the QEW (Hwy 2), half a miles
»» Green manures are particularly useful          of the mushroom growing process.             south of the Crossfield overpass.
   when sown in late summer or early              It is not compost made with rotted
   autumn. The ground is still warm               mushrooms. Rather, it is made from a
                                                                                            »» For more information, call 403-946-
   and if it lays bare, nutrients may be          combination of some of the following
                                                                                               4395. May is usually the month of its
   simply washed away if nothing is               materials: hay, straw, straw horse           Customer Appreciation Week, when
   there to take them up. Hardy plants            bedding, poultry litter, cottonseed
                                                                                               mushroom substrate is given away
   like clovers, tares, and grazing r ye are      meal, cocoa shells, gypsum, and              free if you load your own vehicle. It is
   left to grow over winter, digging them         sphagnum peat moss.
                                                                                               available in bulk, in bags or you can
   into the soil the following year. If you                                                    bring your own containers.
   have extra room in the garden, you          »» After mushrooms are har vested, the
   may want to plant a crop in the spring         mushroom compost is removed and
   and let it grow for an entire year. The        piled in large heaps outdoors where         Over 50% of household
   soil that receives the nutrients will be       it continues to decompose for one or
   much improved.                                 more years. It may be steam treated         waste could be composted!
                                                  by the farmer prior to removal to
»» Green manures are also useful when             eliminate any pest, pathogens and
   reclaiming poor land, or when creating         weed seeds as is the case in some
   a new garden. Depending on the seed            American states (e.g., Pennsylvania)
   type, they can either be planted in            that require this procedure if the
   rows (larger seeds) or broadcast               compost will be used in farms as a
   sowed (smaller seeds) – where seeds            soil amendment.
   are broadcast over the ground and
   raked in.                                   »» Like other composts, mushroom
                                                  compost is an organic soil amendment
»» When plants are young, the plant               rich in nutrients, has high water and
   matter will decompose quickly. Plants          nutrient holding capacity, and exhibits
   should be dug in before they get               no nitrogen draw down problems.
   slightly woody and tough. Digging
   in is best done with a sharp spade.         »» Mushroom compost is considered to
   Plant material should be dug in 5 to           have a high root-burning potential.
   10 inches. Once a green manure has             Why? Because of its high salt content
   been dug in, some time must elapse             and acidity that can be harmful to
   before planting the desired crop.              young and tender plants as well as
   This can take several weeks but it             to some seeds. It should be used
   depends on the maturity of plants,             sparingly to avoid burning the plant
   how much they have been shredded,              roots to the point where they cannot
   and the temperature of the soil. A             absorb water easily.
   tender mustard crop in the height of
   summer can have a turn around time
   of one to two weeks.                        How is mushroom compost
The benefits of green manures                  »» According to the Calgar y Horticultural
                                                  Society, “let the mushroom compost
Green manures protect and enhance the
                                                  sit for a few months to let it mellow.”
soil. They protect the soil from nutrient
loss by taking up nutrients that are
other wise carried away by rain. A bushy       »» Jim Hole recommends blending no
green layer is also great at suppressing          more than a 2 cm layer of spent

                                                                                             GREEN CALGARY COMPOSTING GUIDE | 9

Frequently asked questions                   and pet waste is added until the hole         composter fills up, kitchen wastes may
                                             is full. The unit is designed to compost      be stored outside in sealed containers
Can I compost weeds or diseased              the waste anaerobically, releasing the        or plastic bags and left to freeze. Odour
plants?                                      nutrients into the surrounding soil. Once     is not a problem with these materials in
Broad leaf weeds that have not gone to       the bin is full, it is moved to another       a frozen state. In the spring, the wastes
seed may be safely composted at home.        place in the yard to start the cycle over     may undergo a number of freeze thaw
Care must be taken with those that           again. Note: this unit is NOT to be used      cycles that will aid in the breakdown of
have. Weeds that spread by rhizomes          in vegetable gardens!                         their cell structure once they are placed
(runners), such as crab grass, should        Pet wastes from certain herbivores such       in the compost pile.
not be placed into a compost pile fresh,     as rabbits, guinea pigs and hamsters,         A compost pile will become active again
even if shredded. They will be acceptable    however, are not pathogenic and may be        as ambient temperatures warm up. The
if they are first dried out thoroughly.      composted in the usual manner.                kitchen wastes that were stared aver
Spreading them out in the sun can do                                                       the winter and added to the pile should
this. Placing them on pavement is an         What is the ideal size of the materials
                                             put into the compost pile?                    be mixed with drier materials such as
effective method for quick dr ying.                                                        leaves or straw to absorb the excess
Finally, diseased plants should not          Materials should be broken into               water generated from freezing.
be added to a home compost pile              small pieces and well mixed to evenly
                                             distribute the organic materials and          How do I prevent or solve an odour
because of the possibility of the disease                                                  problem?
organisms sur viving the composting          create air voids. If materials are left too
process and propagating further as the       large, they will take an extremely long       A compost heap that’s too wet can
finished material is used throughout the     time to decompose.                            cause some problems, such as foul
garden.                                      Do I need a bin or container to               smell. Aerating (stirring) the pile and
                                             compost?                                      allowing it to dr y out will help with thi
Can I compost plant material treated                                                       problems. Adding dried leaves, small
with herbicides & pesticides?                No. The composting process is a natural       quantities or sawdust or shredded
This is not recommended, as these            one and will take place in an open            paper will help to reduce moisture. Dr y
compounds may persist in the compost         pile as well as a compost bin. Bins or        topsoil sprinkled on top of a compost
pile, spreading to the soil and affecting    composters help keep a compost pile           pile will also act as an absorbent for
the beneficial organisms.                    neat, provide some weather protection,        offensive odours.
                                             and will keep out rodents and pests.
Can I compost paper?                         They are recommended for a close urban        Another possible reason for odours from
                                             environment. Composters can be made           a home compost pile is the addition
Small amounts of certain types of paper,
                                             or purchased.                                 of improper materials such as meat,
such as shredded newsprint pulp, coffee
                                                                                           grease and dair y products. In addition
filters and tea bags                         How long does it take to produce              to being slow to break down, they also
are acceptable in a compost pile. Paper      finished compost?                             quickly turn rancid. The solution in this
has no structural strength when wet and      Under typical Calgar y conditions, with a     case is to not compost these materials
will reduce the overall percentage of air    moderate amount of care and attention,        or to remove them from the pile if
voids in the composting mixture. Due         it will take a growing season to produce      already present.
to its cellulose content, it also takes      stable, humus like, and “finished”            What can be done with the ammonia
longer to break down than other organic      compost. For people not overly diligent       smell?
materials. Glossy magazines should not       with their pile, compost can take up to
be composted because the clay coating        two years to be produced.                     The may be too many greens (too much
on the stock inhibits decomposition and                                                    nitrogen). Add more browns.
some of the printing inks used are toxic.    How do I deal with sod?
                                                                                           Are pets, rodents or other animals
Paper stock from newspapers (pulp) and       Stack the sod upside down in a pile and       attracted to a compost pile?
magazines are best dealt with through        cover with a tarp for several years.
the recycling depots.                                                                      Animals are typically attracted to a
                                             Can I compost in winter?                      compost pile for two reasons: food and
Can I compost pet wastes?                                                                  warmth. Cats, dogs and rodents will
                                             Bacterial activity slows down drastically
Care must be taken when dealing with pet     under typical Calgar y winter conditions.     not be attracted if meat, bones, fish
wastes. Wastes from dogs, cats and other     Some heat may be generated in a home          and other food products eaten by these
carnivores may contain human pathogens       composting operation as quantities of         animals are not placed in the compost
that survive the home composting             fresh household waste are added to the        pile. Maintaining a ver y hot compost pile
process. These materials should therefore    pile. Any rise in pile temperature is ver y   will also aid in keeping animals away.
not be used in food gardens.                 short lived however, and conditions will      In the winter, small rodents, such as
A digester may be used to deal with          soon revert to ambient.                       mice and voles, will be attracted by the
pet waste though. This is a separate         Materials may continue to be added to         insulating qualities of the pile. Keeping
container from the compost bin and           the pile over the winter. As the pile is      the pile moist (with a wrung out sponge)
when used according to the directions, is    in an essentially dormant state, there        will deter small rodents from getting too
ver y effective in dealing with pet waste.   will be ver y little volume reduction         comfortable. Turning the pile often will
A hole is dug beneath the digester unit      associated with the new materials. If the     also help.

                                                                                           GREEN CALGARY COMPOSTING GUIDE | 10

How do I prevent attracting flies and other insects?
Flying insects are attracted to kitchen wastes with high sugar content such as fruit
and vegetable peelings. These materials should be buried immediately and covered
inside a compost pile. The maintenance of a hot compost pile will also destroy insects
                                                                                               Further reading
at the lar val stage.                                                                          Compost
                                                                                               Clare Foster, Cassell
How can I get rid of ants in the compost pile?
                                                                                               Illustrated, Great Britain, 2002
Ants are attracted to compost piles that are too dr y. Add water and some fresh
                                                                                               Compost This Book! The Art Of
cucumber peels.
                                                                                               Composting For Your Yard, Your
How can I get rid of pale green mold in the compost pile?                                      Community, And The Planet
The pile needs more oxygen. Turning it will help get rid of pale green mould.                  Tom Christopher and Marty
                                                                                               Asher, Sierra Club. 1994
How can I control the temperature of my compost pile?
                                                                                               Easy Compost: The Secret To
If it is cold, the pile may be too small; make the piles bigger. It may need more              Great Soil And Spectacular
moisture; add water and cover the top. It may be poorly aerated; turn the pile. It may         Plants
lack greens; mix in greens. If the pile is too hot, reduce the pile size.                      Beth Hanson, Brooklyn Botanic
Do I need to use a commercial compost starter or an accelerator?                               Garden Publications. 1997
No. Commercial compost starters or accelerators sold as such typically contain a               Let it Rot! the gardener’s guide
source of nitrogen or protein or dehydrated bacteria. No commercial nutrient activator         to composting
is required if care is taken to ensure that the composting mixture contains the proper         Stu Campbell, Storey
C:N ratio. If an additional nitrogen source is required, high nitrogen “green” materials       Communications, Inc. 1990.
such as grass clippings may be added or a natural activator such as bloodmeal                  Rodale Book of Composting
or bonemeal sprinkled in. On a weight basis, the latter are more economical than               Deborah L. Martin and Grace
commercial nutrient starters.                                                                  Gershuny, editors, St. Martin’s
It is also unlikely that any commercial bacterial based activator is any better adapted        Press, New York, NY, 1992
to decompose the waste materials than those already present. If required, garden               The Real Dirt: the complete
topsoil or finished compost may be added to the composting mixture to introduce                guide to backyard, balcony and
more of the composting microorganisms to the waste materials.                                  apartment composting
                                                                                               Mark Cullen and Lorraine Johnson,
                                                                                               Penguin Books USA Inc., New
                                                                                               York, NY, 1992
                                                                                               Organic Gardener’s Composting
                                                                                               Steve Solomon. Available
                                                                                               as a free download from the
                                                                                               Soil and Health Librar y, at
                                                                                               The Intelligent Gardener:
                                                                                               Growing nutrient-dense food
                                                                                               Steve Solomon with Erica
                                                                                               Reinheimer, New Society
                                                                                               Publisher, Gabriola Island, BC,
                                                                                               Canada, 2013
                                                                                               Compost: The natural way to
                                                                                               make food for your garden
                                                                                               Ken Thompson, DK Publishing,
                                                                                               New York, NY, 2007

    For info on Compost Workshops and a helpdesk to answer
     your composting questions call: 403.230.1443 ext 222.

                                                                                           GREEN CALGARY COMPOSTING GUIDE | 11
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            For more information or to sign up for workshops, or host your own presentation, contact Green
           Calgar y’s Help Desk. greencalgar or call us M-F from 9 am – 5 pm at 403.230.1443 ext. 222.

                     This guide was developed by the Green Calgar y Association. Copyright 2015.

Green Calgary: #100-301 14th St NW, Calgar y, AB. T2N 2A1 | www.greencalgar | 403.230.1443 ext. 222
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