Green Bond Investor Presentation - Agder Energi

Page created by Paul Stephens
Green Bond Investor Presentation - Agder Energi
October 26, 2017

Green Bond Investor Presentation
Green Bond Investor Presentation - Agder Energi
Our vision:

A leading Norwegian renewable
energy group
Green Bond Investor Presentation - Agder Energi
Agder Energi in brief

Vertically integrated utility company

Fourth largest supplier of hydro power – mean production of 8.1 TWh

Fourth largest network company – 195 000 customers

Leading market share in retail power sales – appox. 18 TWh in end user sales

Operating revenues approximately NOK 10 bn with 1 430 employees

Government owned – 54.5 % by Agder municipalities and 45.5 % by Statkraft

Headquarter in Kristiansand, Norway
Green Bond Investor Presentation - Agder Energi
Key credit strengths

Strong market position
Low cost profile and flexible producer of hydro power
Monopoly position through operation of distribution grids in the Agder Counties

Strong cash flow
High share of price hedging next 3-5 years, robust hedge the following 10 years due to long
term power sales contracts
Stable and considerable cash flow from monopoly business

Investment flexibility
Optionality in existing project portfolio

Strong and stable ownership structure
30 coordinated municipalities and Statkraft (A-), which is 100 % owned by the Norwegian state
Green Bond Investor Presentation - Agder Energi
Core business activites

Hydro Power                Network
Build and operate          Build and operate
hydro power stations       distribution network

Energy Management and      LOS: Private end user sales
Trading                    Otera: Infra structure contractor
Maximising profit of the   Varme: District heating and cooling
hydro power portfolio,
business retail sales
Green Bond Investor Presentation - Agder Energi
Hydro power with high flexibility

River system   Mean production   Reservoir capacity                                       9.1    9.0
                 (TWh/year)            (TWh)
Otra                 3.6                2.7                                       7.7

Mandal               1.7                0.5

                                                      Production TWh
Arendal              1.3                0.7

Sira-Kvina           0.8                0.7

Ulla-Førre           0.3                0.5

Andre                0.4                0.1

Sum                  8.1                5.3
                                                                       2012       2013   2014   2015   2016
Green Bond Investor Presentation - Agder Energi
Sole network owner in Agder
•   Agder Energi Nett owns and operates the regulated transmission and distribution
    networks in Aust-Agder and Vest-Agder
•   Stable and considerable cash flow
•   Smart metering (AMS) replacement on track, investment completed in 2018
•   Network capital NOK 4 101 mill
Green Bond Investor Presentation - Agder Energi
Strategic goals toward 2020

Results and value creation best in industry

20% improved profitability in existing business

Develop business models and positions related to digitalization and new
energy markets
Green Bond Investor Presentation - Agder Energi
Focus areas

Optimizing existing business activities

Positioning to offer scalable hydro power capacity

Market operations posisitioning for future energy markets with flexibility
and effect

Posistioning for future network business

Energy solutions to private consumers
Green Bond Investor Presentation - Agder Energi
Investments 2017-2021

                             Planned investments cirka NOK 1 050 mill per
                             year on average in the 5 year period, of which NOK
                             550 mill per year is comitted and government
   47%         50%
                             Investments include AMS and Honna, which Agder
                             Energi Nett has the option to sell to Statnett
                             Reinvestments in the network is included in the
                             network capital base

                             Flexibility in the hydro power project portfolio

Hydro    Network     Other
Investments 2017-2021

              Largest projects              Project cost      Completion
                                           (ca, NOK mill)
Network       AMS                               960              2018

Hydro power   Skjerka reservoirs                550              2018

Hydro power   Skjerka generator                 300              2019

Hydro power   Åseral Nord – not approved
Dividend policy

NOK 400 mill plus 60 % of excess profit

Based on the Group’s net income to majority according to NGAAP previous year

The dividend policy is a rule of thumb, qualitative assessment annually
Financial update
Highlights second quarter 2017

Profit from operations
NOK 1 329 mill (NOK 1 270 mill) in underlying EBITDA

Power generation 4 746 GWh (5,486 GWh)
Average spot price NO2 26,5 øre/KWh (21,2 øre/KWh)

Other activities
NetNordic Holding AS was sold in June, closing in August
Agder Energi Nett is more than half way to completion of replacing the electricity
meters with new digital ones (AMS)
Reservoir levels NO2


% of normal




                     jan.   feb.   mar.   apr.     may   jun.   jul.     aug.   sep.   oct.      nov.   dec.
                                            2017                  2016                  Avg. 10 yrs
Power prices NO2









               jan.   feb.   mar.   apr.      may        jun.      jul.   aug.    sep.     oct.     nov.   dec.
                                           Spot/forward price 2017           Spot price 2016
Revenues and EBITDA per segment

Revenues (NOK mill)                               EBITDA (NOK mill)
12 000                                            3 000

                                                          2 531                    2 537
10 000                                            2 500            2 440
                                                                           2 194

 8 000                                            2 000

                                                  1 500                                    1 377
 6 000

 4 000                                            1 000

 2 000                                              500

    0                                                 0
         2013    2014     2015    2016   2017H1           2013     2014     2015    2016   2017H1
            Hydro       Network     Market                 Hydro    Network    Market
Solid cash flow providing financial strength

 Cash Flow (NOK mill)                                 FFO*/Net Debt
2 000                                      1 779
          1 486      1 512      1 502
1 500                                                                                   25,1%
1 000
                                                       20%                                                                     18,4%

    0                                                  15%

-1 000
-1 500

-2 000                                                   0%
             2013       2014       2015        2016                   2013               2014         2015                      2016
         Operational CF Net investments   Dividends                                        FFO*/Net Debt

                                                       *Unadjusted, adjustments are made in rating. Interest bearing debt on 4 quarters rolling basis
Robust funding structure and diverse maturity profile

      Funding sources                                       Maturity profile (NOK mill)
                                                           1 600

                                                           1 400
                7%                                         1 200

                                                           1 000



                                                                   2017   2019     2021    2023      2025        2027+
          Bonds      EUR Loans   USPP     CP
                                                                          Bonds    EUR Loans      USPP      CP

Unutilized credit facilities NOK 1 500 mill to support short term funding and refinancing risk, overdraft facility
NOK 1 000 mill for operational liquidity and Nasdaq cash requirement
Obtained Scope credit rating in Aug-17

Vertically integrated business model with monopolistic
power distribution, strong position of hydro power
generation in the merit system and leading retail sales

Profitable and environmentally-friendly hydro power
production with substantial hedging agreements and
sizeable reservoir capacity

Long-term, committed majority owners that are jointly
organized and show ability and willingness for potential
parent support
Agder Energi Green Bonds

  Agder Energi:

  God kraft-godt klima
Renewable hydro power in context of emissions

1 200   Grams CO2/KWh

1 000                        Hydro power part of future ambitions of low
 800                             ‒ Rule of thumb conventional coal fired plants
                                   1 000 x higher CO2 emissions than hydro power
                                 ‒ Source: Eurelectric, LCA figures

                             Green Certificates
 200                             ‒ Norwegian-Swedish political initiative to increase
                                   renewable power production by 28 TWh by 2021
   -                             ‒ Agder Energi build profitable hydro power
                                   projects with granted concession
Agder Energi’s Green Bond Framework

Eligible Projects
•   Renewable Energy – hydro power (wind power) and
    related infrastructure
•   Energy Efficiency – connection of renewable energy
    to transmission networks, upgrading of transmission
    and distribution networks, energy storage, energy
    recovery and smart grids
Selection of projects
•   Cooperation treasury, relevant business unit and
    environmental advisor

Use of Green Bond Proceeds
•   The green bond proceeds may be used to purchase or
    develop new eligible projects as well as to renovate,
    upgrade and refinance existing eligible projects                         Eligible Projects
CICERO - an independent provider of second opinions

         Assessment Begins                          Draft Second Opinion         Final Second Opinion

Green Bond
                     Green Bond            Climate
                      Principles           Science

                                                                    Clarifications with
Sustainability                                                     the Issuer as needed
Strategy and

                    ✓ Use of proceeds
                    ✓ Management of proceeds
Other relevant      ✓ Governance and Transparency
                    ✓ Impact Reporting

Input from Issuer                  Week 1-2                             Week 3                 Second Opinion
CICERO’s second opinion of Agder Energi’s Green Bond Framework

                         “Based on the assessment of the project types that will be financed by the green
                         bond, and the assessment of policies and reporting standards, Agder Energi’s
                         Green Bond Framework receives a Dark Green shading”

Strengths:                                                  Weaknesses:
•   HSE risk assessment established across all              •   Environmental overview of supply chain is
    operations                                                  insufficient
•   Environmental risk analysis on a project level
    through Miljøoppfølgingsprogrammet
•   Focus on environmental concerns in hydro
    power projects
•   Good reporting standards
Agder Energi’s environmental policy

Agder Energi’s Corporate Social Responsibility policy
    ‒ Based on national and international laws regulations with focus on human
      rights, labour rights, environment and anti-corruption
    ‒ Subsidiaries are responsible for monitoring and reporting risks, group CRS
      reporting on CO2 and NOx emissions

Agder Energi Vannkraft’s environmental strategy
    ‒ Production within concessions and national and international laws and
    ‒ Work pro-actively and systematically to reduce negative environmental
      impacts from operations within any given concession
         ‒ Waste Management
         ‒ Hydrology / Biology / Natural Resources
    ‒ Maintain high knowledge on environment where the company is operating
    ‒ New projects are monitored under a separate environmental
      management plan, setting targets and requirements to the contractors
Extensive NVE concession process

                                   AE produces                           OED produces
AE produces     NVE to decide
                                  impact study        NVE produce        proposition to
   note of     comprehensive
                                    and send          proposition to      the national
intention to   -ness of impact
                                  application to          OED             assembly for
    NVE             study
                                       NVE                               final decision

                ‒ Process takes normally 5-10 years before final concession is granted
                ‒ Througout the process, there are several open public hearings
                ‒ Independent expertise do separate studies within different focus
                  areas, such as local environmental impact on fishing, farming, natural
                  environment, emissions etc
                ‒ NVE does the professional evaluation of the project
                ‒ OED does the professional and political evalutation and arrives at a
                  positive conclusion if the advantages outnumber the disadvantages
Iveland II, Otra river system

Iveland II – new renewable hydro power production
    ‒ Increased annual production 140 GWh (150 GWh qualify for
      green certificates)
    ‒ Applicaton 2007, concession 2012, completed in 2016
    ‒ Installed capacity increased by 45 MW
    ‒ Total investment of NOK 700 mill
    ‒ Reduction of 275 tons of CO2 due to utilization of non-standard
    ‒ Option in new project to utilize non-standard concrete
    ‒ 140 GWh hydro power capacity compare to more than 130 000
      tons of CO2 emissions from a conventional coal power plant
    ‒ NIB issued a green bond based on financing part of Iveland
Åseral Projects, Mandal river system

                     Dam Langevatn   Åseral Projects – maintain existing and build
                                     new hydro power capacity
                                         ‒ Several separate projects with individual
                                           investment decision
                                         ‒ New dam Langevatn,
         Øygard                          ‒ New tunnel Langevatn/Nåvatn 13 km
                                         ‒ Kvernevatn and Øygard hydro power stations
                                         ‒ Skjerka generator 2
                                         ‒ Concessions granted

                                     Åseral Nord – maintain hydro power infra
         Skjerka 2                       ‒   Replacing Langevatn dam, government imposed
                                         ‒   Regulation increases by 10 meters/14%
                                         ‒   New tunnel
                                         ‒   Investment total (not approved, to be deceded)
                                         ‒   Ongoing procurement process
                                         ‒   Expected completion 2021
Skjerka generator and dams, Mandal river system

       Skjerka 2 – safeguard existing and increase
       production capacity
           ‒ Existing generator 650 GWh
           ‒ A 2nd generator reduces production risk, loss at
             maintenance, increases flexibility premium
           ‒ Increase production of 18 GWh
           ‒ Investment of NOK 300 mill
           ‒ Expected completion 2019
           ‒ Production site prepared for a 2nd generator

       Skjerka dams – maintain hydro power
           ‒   2 new dams replacing 5
           ‒   Increase production of 40 GWh
           ‒   Lifting water level of Skjerkevann by 23 meters
           ‒   Investment of NOK 550 mill
           ‒   Expected completion 2018
           ‒   Government imposed
Annual Green Bond Report

                           Agder Energi will provide an annual
                           investor letter covering:
                           ‒   Projects financed (eligible projects are
                               defined together with environmental advisor)
                           ‒   Impact reporting
                           ‒   Use of proceeds from the ear marked

Annual Green Bond Report

Agder Energi is a Norwegian vertically integrated utility company owned
by 30 municipalities and Statkraft (A-)
    ‒   Highly competitive and flexible producer of renewable hydro power
    ‒   Mean production 8.1 TWh, 5.6 TWh reservoir capacity
    ‒   4th largest grid company with 195 000 customers
    ‒   Strong and stable cash flow, high share of price hedging
    ‒   Scope rating of BBB+

The Green Bond Framework will primarily finance renewable energy
    ‒ Examples of eligible projects Iveland, Skjerka and Åseral Nord totaling
      approximately NOK 2.3 bn in investments
    ‒ Received the highest possible rating by CICERO – Dark Green
    ‒ Green Bonds natural funding source for hydro power investments
    ‒ Adds to the diversification of funding sources

This document has been prepared by Agder Energi AS (“The Company”). This document is not to be
reproduced or distributed, in whole or in part, by any person other than the Company. The Company takes
no responsibility for the use of these materials by any person. The information contained in this document
has not been subject to independent verification and no representation, warranty or undertaking, express or
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of the information or opinions contained herein. Neither the Company nor its shareholders, its advisors, its
representatives or any other person shall be held liable for any loss arising from any use of this document or
its contents or otherwise arising in connection with this document. In the event of any discrepancies between
the information contained in this document and the public documents, the latter shall prevail. This
document does not constitute an offer to sell or an invitation or solicitation of an offer to subscribe for or
purchase any securities, and this shall not form the basis for or be used for any such offer or invitation or
other contract or engagement in any jurisdiction.
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