Graduate Research HDR Candidate Guide 2021 2022
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Contents Welcome from the Dean of Graduate Research 3 ya pulingina (hello and welcome) 4 Frequently used terms and acronyms 6 Who you need to know 7 What you need to do 11 Before your first day 12 Your first day 13 Your first two weeks 14 Your first month 16 Your first year 18 Your second year 19 Your third year 20 Tips for success throughout your candidature 21 What you need to know 23 Ordinances, policies and procedures 24 Respectful and responsible conduct 24 Misconduct, complaints and resolving difficulties 25 Candidature progression and milestones 27 Candidature management and variations 27 Other useful information 29 Support services and resources 31 Using the systems and drives 35 A research degree at the University of Tasmania will enable you to be trained and mentored by some of the best researchers in the world, in one of the best learning environments in Australia. The HDR Candidate Guide is designed to support you to undertake your research degree by providing an overview of key information and links to the ordinances, policies, procedures and guidelines that govern Higher Degree by Research degrees at the University of Tasmania. In addition to this guide, you should familiarise yourself with the Graduate Research website, which provides a wealth of information and resources: 2 H D R C A N D I DAT E G U I D E 2 0 2 1 – 2 0 2 2
Welcome from the Dean of Graduate Research Congratulations on commencing your Higher Degree by Research (HDR), and welcome to the University of Tasmania. As an HDR candidate you are a part of the wider research community and a crucial part of the University’s strategic plan to produce distinctive research and creative output, which make important contributions to the future of Tasmania and the world. We are committed to providing you with a high-quality research education and experience, and all the support you require to engage in world class research. We view our HDR candidates as colleagues and look forward to exchanging ideas with you throughout your candidature. Whether you continue in research or pursue other endeavours after your higher degree, we will help you to develop the capabilities, skills, knowledge and experience for a successful future. Inside this guide you will find an introduction to the resources you need to keep on track and information to help you understand the processes and milestones involved in successful candidature. This guide will also introduce you to the work of the Graduate Research Office and the online candidature management system, iGRad. You will not need all of this information to begin with, but it is worth having this booklet at hand as you navigate your way through the graduate research experience. I wish you all the very best for your future research and career. Professor Peter Frappell Acting Dean of Graduate Research Congratulations on the start of your research journey. 3 H D R C A N D I DAT E G U I D E 2 0 2 1 – 2 0 2 2
ya pulingina (hello and welcome) Riawunna Centre for Aboriginal Education Riawunna provides the following services acknowledges the traditional owners of the land and resources: and the Tasmanian Aboriginal community as • Academic support and advice the caretakers of lutruwita. The Riawunna team acknowledges that it is privilege to stand on • murina Program (pathway program) Country and walk in the footsteps of those before us. • Riawunna Tutoring Program The Riawunna Centre has a long • Community/Schools engagement history of seeing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students succeed in a whole range of fields through • Health and Wellbeing Counsellor positive change and educational experiences that build • Riawunna Community Program independent resilient and confident learners, supported • Riawunna visiting Scholars Program through shared celebrations, culture and Community. • Assistance with applications for bursaries, Riawunna sits in the Student Experience Portfolio scholarships, and cadetships and provides a culturally welcoming space for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students to meet, study and • Cultural and social activities access academic and pastoral support and assistance • R esource collection featuring Aboriginal across the Sandy Bay, Newnham, Cradle Coast, Darling literature and resources Harbour and Rozelle campuses. The Riawunna team recognises and is committed to Aboriginal success • Computer labs by creating a sense of belonging and connection for • Cultural spaces for studying and relaxing students and staff. Riawunna takes seriously the health and wellbeing of students. A dedicated Aboriginal Counsellor works with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students within the Riawunna space and also with other students with the Health and Wellbeing Team. The Centre is for students to meet, find help, advice, and meet other Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students and staff.
Frequently used terms and acronyms Academic Unit Full-time MRes The primary academic organisation Full-time candidature means an EFT Master of Research. of the University consists of Colleges, of 1.0 at least 38 hours per week is which consists of one or more spent on research training. Part-Time Academic Units e.g. the College Part-time candidature means an EFT of Arts, Law and Education has Graduate Research of 0.5 and a minimum of 19 hours per five Academic Units, one of which Coordinator (GRC) week is spent on research training. is the School of Humanities. A GRC oversees candidature management of candidates, in PhD Candidature Management consultation with the Head of Doctor of Philosophy. Advisor (CMA) Academic Unit. CMAs are your first point of Professional Doctorate (Prof Doc) contact for HDR queries that Graduate Research Office (GRO) A professional research qualification are administrative in nature. The Graduate Research Office is which has an equivalent status to a responsible for the administration of PhD. It is designed for mid-career Co-Supervisor candidature management including: and senior managers who wish to A supervisor within an HDR • Admission to candidature integrate advanced research into candidate’s supervisory team who their professional lives. is not their Primary Supervisor. • A dministration of living allowances (scholarships) Primary Supervisor Confirmation of Candidature The Primary Supervisor is the • E nrolment, variations, and Confirmation of Candidature (also administration of the research academic within a referred to as Confirmation or CoC) examination process. supervisory team with whom an is a review enacted after a period HDR candidate will work most of probation in accordance with Higher Degree by Research (HDR) closely with. They are responsible Section 23 of the Research Training A Doctoral degree or a Master of for ensuring that all academic, Ordinance. Confirmation determines Research degree. administrative and regulatory whether candidature may continue. requirements are met by the HDR Candidates HDR candidate. Discipline Individuals enrolled in Higher Degrees Within each Academic Unit there Research Plan by Research at the University of may be discipline-based groups Tasmania are usually referred to as The plan that outlines, within the e.g. within the School of Humanities research or HDR candidates rather maximum degree period, the there are four Disciplines, one of than students. direction and milestones of all which is English. aspects of a research program. iGRad The plan should be reviewed and Doctoral degree updated on a regular basis in iGRad. An electronic candidature Doctor of Philosophy and Professional management system, providing Doctorate degrees – unless otherwise Review of Progress information to HDR candidates on specified. their candidature, milestones and Every HDR candidate is required to progression. undergo an initial review of progress EFT (called Confirmation). Every twelve Equivalent full-time enrolment. An Maximum Degree Period calendar months thereafter an HDR candidate studying full-time has The period within which an HDR annual review is undertaken by the an EFT of 1.0, while an HDR candidate candidate must submit their thesis or supervisory team and the Graduate studying part-time has an EFT of 0.5. examinable works (i.e. exegesis and Research Coordinator. creative work) for examination. This is eStudent Supervisory team normally 2 years EFT for a Masters of A University system where HDR Research degree and 4 years EFT A team of supervisors, comprising candidates can change personal for a Doctoral degree. of a Primary Supervisor and one information such as their contact to three co-supervisors, who supports details, manage coursework Milestones an HDR candidate in their research enrolment, look up fees (if applicable) Milestones are candidature degree. and check graduation details. requirements that include Confirmation of Candidature, Full-Time Equivalent (annual) Reviews of Progress and The measure of the enrolment load thesis submission. of a candidate by which the degree period will be calculated. 6 H D R C A N D I DAT E G U I D E 2 0 2 1 – 2 0 2 2
Who you need to know G R A D UAT E R E S E A R CH O FFI CE The Graduate Research Office (GRO) can help you Admissions (applications, scholarships and enrolments) with a range of matters relating to your candidature. and Candidature (commencements, variations, If you have an administrative enquiry, a good starting coursework and examinations), so make sure you point is to email the Candidature Management Advisor check the right location for your enquiry and College (CMA) within GRO for your College. For more complex in the table below. enquiries, please make an appointment to meet with You can also call GRO, Monday to Friday, between someone in person. GRO staff are divided into 9.00am and 5.00pm AEST: +61 3 6226 8559. Location – Location – College Email Admissions Team Candidature Team College of GraduateResearch. Hobart Hobart Arts, Law and 301 Sandy Bay Road 301 Sandy Bay Road Education Launceston (CALE) Building A, Level 1, Room 172, Newnham campus. College of GraduateResearch. Hobart Hobart Business and 301 Sandy Bay Road 301 Sandy Bay Road Economics Launceston (CoBE) Building A, Level 1, Room 172, Newnham campus. College of GraduateResearch. Hobart Hobart Health and 301 Sandy Bay Road. 301 Sandy Bay Road Medicine (CHM) Launceston Building A, Level 1, Room 172, Newnham campus. College of GraduateResearch. Hobart Hobart Sciences and 301 Sandy Bay Road 301 Sandy Bay Road Engineering Launceston (CoSE) Building A, Level 1, Room 172, Newnham campus. 8 H D R C A N D I DAT E G U I D E 2 0 2 1 – 2 0 2 2
AC A D EMI C R O L E S A ND • Providing formal progress reports as required, R E S P O N S IB IL I T IE S through the Primary Supervisor, at periods specified by the University Undertaking a research degree is a unique experience • Research quality and practices, safety, personal and every project is different. As a Higher Degree ethical responsibility by Research (HDR) candidate you should have a clear understanding of your role and responsibilities, • Developing an approved research budget in and those of your supervisors, Graduate Research consultation with the Primary Supervisor Coordinators (GRCs), Heads of Academic Units and • Acquiring information about relevant research the Dean of Graduate Research. funding schemes, including additional scholarships, The roles and responsibilities are described in training scholarships, travel scholarships, prizes and the following: awards that they may be eligible • R esearch Training Ordinance: • Being an active participant in the research life of their Academic Unit and University • S chedule C: Minimum Resources for HDR Candidates • Abiding by the Behaviour Policy. as per HDR Admissions, Selection & Enrolment An important part of your research journey is also Procedure: getting to know other HDR candidates. Not only will research/policies-and-forms/hdr-policies this enrich your experience, but it will provide you with • H DR Supervision & Academic Support Procedure: a valuable support network. You are encouraged to 4 Research and Research Training be proactive early in your candidature by introducing yourself to other HDR candidates in your area and attending events. If you’re unsure who they are, • S tudent Behaviour and Conduct Ordinance: please ask your GRC to assist. • B ehaviour Policy: 6 Governance and Accountability – Supervisors Your supervisory team includes your Primary • B ehaviour Procedure UNDER REVIEW: 6 Governance Supervisor and between one to three co-supervisors. and Accountability – The supervisor’s role is to guide, advise and support you to complete your candidature. They are your first port To manage your expectations, it is highly recommended of call for any matters relating to your research project. that you familiarise yourself with these documents. To assist, a summary of the various academic roles and Supervisors are collectively and individually their responsibilities have been provided, beginning responsible for: with HDR candidates. • Supporting the HDR candidate to develop and design their research project so that it is of the quality and Higher Degree by Research Candidates standard required for the qualification and can be HDR candidates are enrolled in a Doctoral degree completed within the maximum degree period or a Master of Research degree. • Showing that the research meets the standards of Higher Degree by Research candidates are the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct responsible for: of Research: australian-code-responsible-conduct-research-2018 • U ndertaking research activity, as agreed with their supervisory team, related to their research project • Providing mentoring and guidance in all aspects of conducting and completing the research project • P roducing a thesis which fulfils the relevant degree and in all written components of completing the requirements and is presentable according to the research, including the thesis and associated accepted practices of the University publications or equivalent • Becoming familiar with the requirements and • Ensuring all HDR candidature milestones are expectations as set out in the University ordinances, met on time policies, procedures and guidelines relevant to Higher Degrees by Research • Creating and promoting an inclusive research training environment • Being proactive in holding regular meetings with their supervisory team and individual supervisors • Providing a level of pastoral care and having an (either face to face, or using electronic media) awareness of the HDR candidate’s basic wellbeing. • Becoming independent researchers with supervisory guidance resulting in the self- regulation of research activity 9 H D R C A N D I DAT E G U I D E 2 0 2 1 – 2 0 2 2
Graduate Research Coordinator Dean of Graduate Research Every Academic Unit has several GRCs whose role The Dean of Graduate Research provides leadership and is to oversee supervision in consultation with the oversight for the University’s HDR strategy and policy Head of Academic Unit (in most cases, this is the and the distribution of Commonwealth and University Head of School). If you have any issues or questions scholarships. The Dean of Graduate Research liaises with about your candidature that you would like to the Graduate Research Office on operational matters discuss with someone other than your supervisors, your and makes the final determination on all issues related GRC is the first person to talk to. A list of GRCs to candidature and examination. Any HDR candidate is available online within the GRC Register: wishing to meet with the Dean of Graduate Research can make an appointment. Contact details are available supervisors/grc-register-and-training online: Graduate Research Coordinators are The Dean of Graduate Research is responsible for: responsible for: • E ncouraging high quality supervision practices, • P roviding advice to the Head of Academic Unit to for monitoring supervisory practices across the assist with the assessment of supervisory practices University, and for taking action as appropriate within the Academic Unit and any problems or to ensure that high quality supervision is achieved grievances (including those related to academic or forall HDR candidates research misconduct) that may arise, and may need • R eporting to Academic Senate on research to be reported to the College Executive Deans and the higher degree supervision in the University Dean of Graduate Research • A pproving supervision arrangements on the • Reporting to the Head of Academic Unit, any advice of the Head of Academic Unit. The Dean proposed changes to candidature that may impact of Graduate Research must seek assurance that: on the allocation of supervisory resources • T hose nominated can provide appropriate • Advising supervisors and HDR candidates on matters supervision by virtue of their qualifications and related to timely progression of candidature experience, their research interests and their • Providing a level of pastoral care to HDR candidates. personal qualities; and, • S upervision has been taken into account in Head of Academic Unit the academic’s workload model and adequate The Head of Academic Unit is responsible for academic supervision can be maintained for the duration line management within each Academic Unit. While of candidature regardless of staff leave and you will primarily liaise with your supervisors, you should other absences from the University. take the opportunity to meet the Head of Academic Unit during your first few weeks of candidature. You can ask your supervisors to help you facilitate this meeting. Heads of Academic Units are responsible for: • T he administration of the Academic Unit including planning, budget, strategy, human resources and performance as per the Academic Delegations Ordinance: • R eviewing and attesting to research activity status of supervisors • E nsuring high quality supervision practices by supervisors • Providing a level of pastoral care to HDR candidates. 10 H D R C A N D I DAT E G U I D E 2 0 2 1 – 2 0 2 2
What you need to do 11 H D R C A N D I DAT E G U I D E 2 0 2 1 – 2 0 2 2
What you need to do B EFO R E YO UR FIR S T DAY Get excited! You are about to begin your Higher Degree by Research, and join the University of Tasmania’s research community. Read your Acceptance of Offer email Please read your Acceptance of Offer email carefully and undertake all the requested steps. Arrange accommodation and request airport pickup (For international or interstate candidates moving to Tasmania) For candidates moving to Tasmania to commence their research, consider your accommodation options. The University of Tasmania have a range of on-campus options, as well as links to off-campus accommodation The University of Tasmania also provides a free airport pick-up service. Register your request in the Accommodation Portal and submit an Airport Pickup Request online: Familiarise yourself with roles and responsibilities Familiarise yourself with your role and responsibilities as an incoming candidate, and the roles and responsibilities of your supervisory team, Graduate Research Coordinator (GRC), Head of Academic Unit and Dean of Graduate Research. A handy summary is provided on page 10. Read your Conditions of Award (For candidates in receipt of a Living Allowance Scholarship) Please ensure you read your Award Conditions. Please note, scholarship payments cannot commence until you have an open Australian bank account. If you’re unsure where your closest bank is relative to the University campus, please contact UConnect and they will be able to assist you: 12 H D R C A N D I DAT E G U I D E 2 0 2 1 – 2 0 2 2
YO UR FIR S T DAY Set up your space Your Academic Unit will provide you with the necessary Familiarise yourself with your campus infrastructure to work on-campus. Please ensure you Look at a campus map and familiarise yourself acquire information about building, office and/or lab with your relevant campus and the services it offers: access, your desk allocation, tea and washroom facilities, photocopying, travel, internet access and on-campus mailing addresses. Meet your Primary Supervisor Undertake an on-site induction Attend a meeting with your Primary Supervisor and take some time to get to know each other. Undertake an on-site induction within your Academic During this meeting: Unit. This induction should be facilitated by your Graduate Research Coordinator (GRC). For all candidates • C omplete the necessary commencement paperwork (irrespective of whether you are on- or off-campus), (accessible through your Acceptance of Offer email, please ensure you acquire information about: or on the Candidate Forms webpage: research-admin/graduate-research/policies-and- • K ey personnel within the Academic Unit and forms/hdr-candidates-forms-and-guidelines College. This includes the professional staff who are there to assist you with day-to-day enquiries • O rganise infrastructure (such as your laptop, regarding administration desk allocation, and access card) • A cademic Unit and College specific facilities • D iscuss Information Technology and and support arrangements (e.g. funding for system requirements. conference attendance) • Organise an on-site induction • A ny Academic Unit-specific inductions you are • S chedule your initial supervisory meeting with required to undertake your supervisory team and preferably your GRC • A ny relevant email distribution lists you should • D iscuss and establish research and be added to behavioural expectations • Where or how to meet other HDR candidates. • Ask your Primary Supervisor to meet your GRC. Be safe Submit your commencement paperwork Save the Security number (+61 3 6226 7600) in your Submit the completed commencement paperwork phone and familiarise yourself with other emergency via email to the Graduate Research Office (GRO): contact information: . services-development/emergency-management. You Confirmation of enrolment will be sent to your can also request assistance from Campus Security by personal email address and may take up to 1 using SafeZone. SafeZone is an app for your mobile working day to occur. device that can be downloaded for free:
YO UR FIR S T T WO WEEK S Meet your Graduate Research Coordinator You might be feeling a bit unsure about the first few If you have not done so already, meet your GRC. The weeks of candidature. Don’t worry – it’s completely GRC works alongside the Head of Academic Unit and normal to feel this way. Here is a list of things you can your supervisors to oversee your candidature. A list of do that will help you to get settled and organised. You GRCs is available online within the GRC Register: will be getting stuck into your research in no time! supervisors/grc-register-and-training Get your student ID card Log in to the University systems Once you have submitted your commencement of candidature paperwork, and upon receipt of a Upon receipt of your login details you will be able enrolment confirmation email, obtain your student to access a range of online systems required during ID card through a UConnect location, or online: candidature, including webmail, iGRad, eStudent and MyLO. For further information on these student systems, please refer to this guide and the Commencing Get your login details Candidates website under What you need to know: Your University email, username and password details commencing-candidates (login details) will be emailed separately to your personal email account. It may take up to 3 working days to be Commence the HDR Candidate Induction generated upon being enrolled. Please contact Service Desk if you have not received your details after this time: Access MyLO and start the HDR Candidate Induction via the Discover Course Catalogue: All new candidates are required to undertake the HDR Have your initial supervisory meeting Candidate Induction, to ensure a smooth transition into their HDR program. The Induction is self-paced Undertake your initial supervisory meeting with your and must be completed within your first month of supervisory team and preferably your GRC. During candidature. Please ensure you retain your certificate this meeting, discussion points should include: of completion for Confirmation of Candidature. • Key project aims • E ach party’s role, responsibilities and expectations, including how to provide feedback and resolve issues • A proposed timetable and methods of working together • K ey milestones, including whether ethics approval is needed (and, if so, how to obtain it), provisional progress. 14 H D R C A N D I DAT E G U I D E 2 0 2 1 – 2 0 2 2
Enrol in coursework units Enrol in your coursework units as early as possible via eStudent: Coursework units undertaken during candidature teach you high-level research, communication and management skills. For further information on your coursework, or on how to apply for an exemption or credit, please refer to Graduate Research Coursework found here: research-admin/graduate-research/current-candidates For domestic candidates, please ensure you complete a Commonwealth Assistance Form (eCAF) during the enrolment process. You can find instructions on how in the HDR X5A & S6O Commonwealth Supported Place Guide found here: graduate-research/current-candidates/your-graduate- research-coursework Familiarise yourself with responsible research conduct Ensure you are aware of and understand what is required to ensure responsible research conduct. A handy summary is provided within this guide. Meet an International Student Adviser (For international candidates) Visit or contact an International Student Adviser: International Student Advisers can provide assistance with understanding University policies and procedures or accessing services and information pertinent to international candidates, such as finding accommodation and understanding visa requirements. They can also assist with any personal circumstances affecting your candidature. Pay your Student Services and Amenities Fee (For domestic candidates) Ensure you pay your Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF). SSAF is a compulsory fee for student services and amenities provided, which are non- academic in nature. Further information on SSAF may be found online: Make sure to complete the HDR Candidate Induction, accessible in MyLO: 15 H D R C A N D I DAT E G U I D E 2 0 2 1 – 2 0 2 2
YO UR FIR S T M O N T H Start the process of getting ethics approval (if required) With the excitement and activity of your first two weeks behind you, it can be hard to know what to do next. Many research projects require human or animal ethics Understanding candidature progression and how you approval to proceed. It is therefore essential that you manage candidature is therefore your next step, in discuss with your supervisors whether ethics approval is addition to completing the HDR Candidate Induction needed for your research and, if so, how to obtain it. and beginning some key activities and tasks necessary For more information, please contact the Research for Confirmation of Candidature, your first formal review. Integrity and Ethics team: admin/research-integrity-and-ethics-unit-rieu Familiarise yourself with candidature progression and milestones Commence your Research Plan Familiarise yourself with your candidature milestones The Research Plan is a live document, which can be and requirements. General information is accessible created and maintained throughout candidature in within this guide, with a succinct description of each iGRad: type found on the Candidature Milestones webpage: igrad. It describes your project’s aims, methods, directions and milestones, which should be reviewed current-candidates and updated regularly during candidature. The first draft of your Research Plan must be completed amiliarise yourself with candidature F at three months’ EFT and submitted to your GRC management and variations through iGRad. For more information about the Familiarise yourself with how you manage and Research Plan please refer to your Primary Supervisor undertake variations to candidature. A useful for Academic Unit-specific requirements and, for summary is provided on page 21 of this guide. more general information refer to the HDR Academic Progress Procedure: 4 Research and Research Training Commence the Academic Integrity Module – Access MyLO and start the Academic Integrity module via the Discover Course Catalogue: Commence your Data Management Plan All new candidates are required to undertake Begin to create a Data Management Plan, the Academic Integrity module, to enhance their which will describe how you will collect, organise, understanding of the principles of academic integrity, manage, store, secure, back up, preserve and share and why it’s important. The module is self-paced your research data. The Data Management Plan and should be completed within your first month of should adhere to the Management of Research candidature. Please ensure you retain your certificate Data Procedure UNDER REVIEW: 4 Research and of completion for Confirmation of Candidature. Research Training – The Library also has a range of resources to help you Book a research consultation with a develop your Data Management Plan: Research Librarian Visit your Library and book a research consultation: For more information, please liaise with your Primary Supervisor and/or contact a Research Librarian: An essential tool for success, Research Librarians provide guidance in various areas including research planning, accessing pertinent literature, publishing your research outputs and measuring impact. They can also assist you to sign up for ORCID and Researcher IDs, which will help build your research profile when you publish. During your consultation you will be required to complete an Information Skills Checklist: The consultation is also an opportune time to discuss how the Library can assist you with your Data Management Plan and Literature Review, both requirements of Confirmation of Candidature. 16 H D R C A N D I DAT E G U I D E 2 0 2 1 – 2 0 2 2
At the end of your first year you will go through a process called Confirmation of Candidature. It is important that you prepare for this well in advance. 17 H D R C A N D I DAT E G U I D E 2 0 2 1 – 2 0 2 2
YO UR FIR S T Y E A R requirements. You are encouraged to discuss this with your supervisors early on in your candidature to give you Within the first month of candidature you’ve begun as much time as possible to complete the written work. to work on key tasks many of which will contribute to Research Librarians can also assist you in searching for Confirmation of Candidature, the first formal review and accessing relevant literature: you will undergo at the end of your first year EFT of candidature. Confirmation of Candidature Submit your first Research Plan draft Confirmation of Candidature is your first major review. The first draft of your Research Plan must be completed It occurs at 12 months EFT for doctoral candidates, at 3 months’ EFT, and submitted through iGRad: at 6 months EFT for Master of Research candidates, and at commencement of candidature for PhD by Once you have done so, please notify your GRC and Prior Publication candidates. The primary purpose of Primary Supervisor to ensure they are aware. Please Confirmation is to make sure that you have the capacity note, the Research Plan is a live document that will be to undertake your research project within the maximum reviewed annually in each Annual Review (including degree period, and that your research project is clearly Confirmation). It may therefore change as your defined, coherent and feasible. candidature progresses. To have your candidature confirmed and to allow Make progress with your coursework continued enrolment in your course, you must fulfil the following requirements: In your first year, you should focus on completing any coursework units that are required for Confirmation. • Research Plan These are: • Ethics requirements (if required) • M aster of Research – XGR501: Introduction • Data Management Plan to Higher Degree by Research • Written work • PhD – Completion of at least 50% of the Graduate Certificate in Research, including XGR501 and • Oral presentation either XGR502 or one elective unit. • Peer review • Professional Doctorate – Completion of at least • Supervisor-Candidate meetings 50% of coursework specified in the Course and • Coursework Unit Handbook, including XGR501 • A ny additional criteria required by your Academic • Q uantitative Marine Science (QMS) or Unit or specified in your letter of offer Quantitative Antarctic Science (QAS) program – Your coursework will contribute to the Graduate For Confirmation, the required documentation is Diploma of Marine and Antarctic Science (S6O). submitted via iGRad. Submission may begin as Questions should be directed to the QMS soon as the tab appears in iGRad, 2 months before Program Coordinator. the due date. You should also take some time to plan the rest For more information about Confirmation please refer of your units. There are a range of elective units on to your Primary Supervisor for Academic Unit-specific offer that you can select from based on the skills requirements and, for more general information and and knowledge that will enhance your ability to requirements please refer to the HDR Academic complete your research project: Progress Procedure: 4 Research and Research Training – current-candidates/your-graduate-research- A succinct summary of this candidature coursework milestone may also be accessed on online: Complete a substantial piece of academic writing current-candidates By the end of your first year you need to produce a piece of academic writing that is relevant to your research project and appropriate for your discipline. This piece of writing is particularly important as it is required for Confirmation. Your supervisors will be able to advise you regarding length, format, style and any other 18 H D R C A N D I DAT E G U I D E 2 0 2 1 – 2 0 2 2
YO UR S ECO ND Y E A R Continue to make progress with your coursework Congratulations on making it through Confirmation If you are a PhD or MRes candidate, you need to of Candidature. complete all coursework requirements by your second year Annual Review of Progress. If you have already By now, your research project will have developed completed your core units and have remaining units to significantly since you commenced. You might be about complete, you can select from a range of elective units to collect data, or you may have already started. It is which are offered throughout the year. It is important possible, however, that your research project isn’t as to choose units that will help you with your research well-defined as you’d like it to be, or that your research project. If you have any questions about selecting has been delayed. It is normal to feel uncertain about appropriate units, you should talk to your supervisors your project and the progress you have made. Research or GRC. is not a linear process, and you are likely to change direction and modify your plans multiple times during Sometimes, workshops and courses you undertake your candidature. as part of your research can also count towards your coursework. There are a number of things you can do to help you to navigate your second year of candidature and the For further information on available electives, or challenges it brings. on applying for an exemption or credit, please access the HDR Coursework website: Prepare for your Annual Review current-candidates/your-graduate-research- Following successful Confirmation, academic progress coursework of candidature will be formally reviewed at an Annual Review of Progress meeting every 12 calendar months If you are enrolled in a Professional Doctorate or of candidature, regardless of study load, until the QMS or QAS program, you should discuss your submission. Annual Reviews check your academic coursework requirements and any exemptions performance is consistent with your Research Plan with your Course/Program Coordinator. and make sure that you have the right resources and support to complete your research project within the maximum degree period. You will be required to complete your Annual Review Report in iGRad at least 2 weeks prior to your meeting: Your Primary Supervisor will also complete a report in iGRad and these reports will be reviewed by the GRC. The GRC will share the reports with the Annual Review of Progress (ARP) Committee who will conduct the review. You can start completing your Report as soon as the tab appears in iGrad, 2 months before the due date. For more information about your Annual Review please refer to your Primary Supervisor for Academic Unit-specific requirements and, for more general information refer to the HDR Academic Progress Procedure: 4 Research and Research Training – A succinct summary of this candidature milestone may also be accessed on online: current-candidates 19 H D R C A N D I DAT E G U I D E 2 0 2 1 – 2 0 2 2
YO UR T HIR D Y E A R Prepare for thesis submission Your final year is approaching. Here are some things The final and perhaps most exciting milestone you can do, last but not least of which is prepare for of your candidature is submission of your thesis. the most exciting milestone of all: Thesis submission. Your thesis will embody the results of your research conducted during your candidature and demonstrate Prepare for your third or final Annual Review that your research has produced original findings that At the end of your third year EFT you may go through make a significant contribution to knowledge. your final Annual Review. The purpose and process of Your thesis may be presented in a variety of formats this review is the same as the previous Annual Review for the relevant discipline. – to assess your academic performance relative to your Research Plan and ensure you have what you need to For more information about thesis submission, complete your project. please refer to your Primary Supervisor for Academic Unit specific requirements and, for more general Just like your previous Annual Review, you will need to information refer to the HDR Examination Procedure: complete an Annual Review Report via iGrad. As your 4 Research and Research Training – thesis deadline will be approaching, it is likely that your final Annual Review meeting will focus on your thesis. To assist, thesis submission, examination and graduation For more information about your Annual Review guidelines, forms and templates are also accessible please refer to your Primary Supervisor for Academic online: Unitspecific requirements and, for more general information refer to the HDR Academic Progress policies-and-forms/hdr-candidates-forms-and- Procedure: 4 Research and Research Training – guidelines A succinct summary of the steps involved in the Finalise your coursework preparation, submission and examination of this candidature milestone may also be accessed here: By your third year EFT, you should must completed all coursework required for your candidature. If not, there current-candidates are a range of units you can select that are offered throughout the year. It is important to choose units that will help you with your research project: current-candidates/your-graduate-research- coursework 20 H D R C A N D I DAT E G U I D E 2 0 2 1 – 2 0 2 2
T IP S FO R S U CCE S S T HR O U G H O U T Resources YO UR C A ND IDAT UR E There are a range of online development resources including Vitae and LinkedIn Learning. Have regular meetings with your supervisors Vitae is an online depository of researcher development Meeting regularly with your supervisors to discuss articles and training materials, including some that project progress, troubleshoot issues and develop are specifically for HDR candidates. You can log in to action plans for future research is vital to the success Vitae using your University of Tasmania credentials: of your candidature. LinkedIn Learning is an online learning platform that Build your research skillset contains more than 10,000 courses on a range of subject Three Minute Thesis (3MT) matter including business, software, technology and The Three Minute Thesis (3MT) is a competition creative skills. You can log in to LinkedIn Learning using designed to help HDR candidates develop academic your University of Tasmania credentials: and research communication skills. Competitors have three minutes to explain their thesis and its significance, Internships in language that is appropriate to a non-specialist Internships can enable you to turn your PhD theory into audience. The University hosts the 3MT every year, practice, build industry networks and enhance your CV, with the winner sponsored to compete in the and develop soft skills to support and complement your Asia-Pacific Final. research expertise. You should talk to your supervisor You are encouraged to participate in 3MT, as the ability about identifying opportunities to undertake internships to communicate the importance of your research and placements during your candidature. project and articulate your findings is a very valuable Career Development and Employment skill. More information about 3MT is available online: Making informed decisions about your career is an important step in the transition from university to work research-training-opportunities or further study. The Student Leadership and Careers team can help you to clarify important career issues, assist you with your career decisions and provide many services to support you to build your career: 21 H D R C A N D I DAT E G U I D E 2 0 2 1 – 2 0 2 2
Teaching and tutoring opportunities Stay engaged You may be interested in furthering your skills in Depending on the nature of your research project, teaching or tutoring. If so, you should discuss this you may spend a lot of time working independently. with your supervisors as they are best placed to advise It is important to stay engaged socially and of relevant opportunities within your Academic Unit. professionally with members of the University and You will need to be mindful of the restrictions on the wider community. You might consider attending on- amount of paid employment undertaken during your campus events, joining a club or society or connecting candidature, as stipulated in the HDR Candidature with the University Community, Friends and Networks Management & Enrolment Variation Procedure: Programme (UTASLife). 4 Research and Research Training – • Events: • Clubs & Societies: Develop your thesis • UTASLife: The best way to minimise stress as you approach your thesis submission deadline is to actively and Take care of yourself consistently develop your thesis throughout your candidature. Every thesis is different, however it is There are a number of unique stressors faced by vital that you decide the format and plan the structure HDR candidates. Research takes a great deal of of your thesis with your supervisors and find an time and it can often be stressful and isolating. approach to working on your thesis that suits you. To thrive during your candidature, it is important that It is also important to have an early discussion with you stay as mentally and physically well as possible. your supervisors about formatting, length and This can help you to better overcome challenges, build referencing requirements, as these differ by discipline. healthy relationships and work more productively. You should take some time to review the HDR There are a number of resources available that can Examination Procedure: 4 Research and Research help you to look after your physical and mental Training – which health and achieve a good work-life balance. provides important information about your thesis • S afety, Health and Wellbeing: such as format, content, language and word count. Publish as you go • W ork, Health & Wellbeing Network: Publishing during candidature is a great way to build your publication record and receive peer review • S upporting and Managing Candidates’ feedback on your research that will contribute to Mental Health: your thesis. You should discuss publications with your research/candidates-mental-health/home supervisor as early as possible in your candidature. • A boriginal and Torres Strait Islander HDR It is also possible to include your publications within candidates: your thesis. Where publications are included in your Most importantly, you should never be shy about thesis (either in whole or part), you must include a reaching out to someone if you need to talk. This co-authorship statement in the preamble of your thesis person might be one of your supervisors, your GRC, For more information please review the Guidelines for another HDR candidate, a family member or friend, Incorporating Publications into a Thesis and Authorship or anyone you are comfortable talking to. of Research Procedure: graduate-research/policies-and-forms/hdr-policies 22 H D R C A N D I DAT E G U I D E 2 0 2 1 – 2 0 2 2
What you need to know 23 H D R C A N D I DAT E G U I D E 2 0 2 1 – 2 0 2 2
What you need to know O R D IN A N CE S , P O L I CIE S , R E S PEC T FUL A ND A ND PR O CED UR E S R E S P O N S IB L E CO ND U C T In order to ensure that you make an impact in your People are the heart of our University community. As chosen field and develop the skills you need for your members of our University community we work and desired career, the University has ordinances, policies study in close proximity to each other, regularly interact and procedures that provide guidance to Higher Degree and often depend upon one another, all of which by Research candidates and all staff involved with requires high levels of trust and respect. Our University research at the university. is therefore committed to a culture that encourages respectful and responsible conduct. The Research Training Ordinance is the overarching framework for research degrees at the University of Values and behavioural expectations Tasmania: Our University is committed to a values-based culture. Other important polices and procedures include: This means the foundation of our community is • HDR Admissions Selection & Enrolments Procedure based upon a shared set of values and by behavioural expectations that have been set in place to help us be • H DR Candidature Management & Enrolment safe, feel valued and respected, and thrive. These Variation Procedure values are: • HDR Academic Progress Procedure • Respect and self-respect • HDR Examination Procedure • Fairness and justice • S chedule C: Minimum Resources for HDR • Integrity Candidates as per HDR Admissions, Selection & Enrolment Procedure • Trust and trustworthiness • HDR Supervision & Academic Support Procedure • Responsibility You can access these documents online on the • Honesty HDR Policies & Procedures webpage ( Aligned with these values are our behavioural research-admin/graduate-research/policies-and-forms/ expectations, which are set out within the hdr-policies), with the broader Framework available Behaviour Policy: Governance and Accountability – on the Governance Instruments Framework website ( You should familiarise yourself with these values Ordinances and expectations, because a safe and respectful University community is everybody’s responsibility. Within the governance framework of the University are For further information please go online: ordinances. Of particular importance within the HDR space are the following: Further assistance may also be acquired from the Safe • Research Training Ordinance and Fair Community Unit (SaFCU). SaFCU is a University- • Academic Delegations Ordinance wide service providing support, advice, and information to assist all community members be safe and well: • Student Participation and Attainment Ordinance • Student Academic Integrity Ordinance • Student Behaviour and Conduct Ordinance You can access these ordinances online: 24 H D R C A N D I DAT E G U I D E 2 0 2 1 – 2 0 2 2
Respect. Now. Always. Research integrity and ethics, and academic integrity are the backbone of our University’s research culture. The University is a member of Respect. Now. Always., To ensure your understanding of what is expected of an initiative launched in 2016 by Universities Australia you as an HDR candidate, please familiarise yourself to combat sexual assault and sexual harassment against with the following: students. The University is committed to ensuring it has effective strategies in place for preventing and • A ustralian Code for the Responsible Conduct of responding to sexual assault and sexual harassment. Research: For further information, please refer online: australian-code-responsible-conduct-research-2018 • U niversity of Tasmania’s Responsible Conduct of As an HDR candidate at the University, you also have Research Framework: access to the following free online MyLO units: research-integrity-and-ethics-unit-rieu/research- integrity/university-of-tasmania-responsible- • Responding to Disclosures of Sexual Violence conduct-of-research-framework • Consent Matters esearch Policy: 4 Research and Research Training – • R You should also be aware of the First Responder’s Protocol, which outlines how to respond to a disclosure • R esearch Integrity & Ethics website: of sexual assault or sexual harassment: ethics-unit-rieu The Responding to Disclosures of Sexual Violence unit • S tudent Academic Integrity Ordinance: provides you with the skills to respond appropriately, empathetically, and confidently. If someone chooses to share their experience of sexual assault or sexual • M anaging Allegations of Research Misconduct harassment with you, the Consent Matters unit is Procedure UNDER REVIEW: 4 Research and Research a course to help you understand sexual consent, Training – boundaries, respect, and positive intervention: cademic Integrity for Students website: • A students/learning/academic-integrity Responsible research conduct For further information on research integrity, or if ethics approval is required for your project, please contact the The University of Tasmania is dedicated to creating Integrity and Ethics unit: and maintaining an environment that promotes responsible research conduct in accordance with ethics-unit-rieu/contacts the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research (the Code). MI S CO ND U C T, CO MPL A IN T S In response to the Code, our University has A ND R E S O LV IN G D IFFI CULT IE S implemented a suite of policies and procedures, which are outlined in the University of Tasmania’s When issues arise the University is committed to Responsible Conduct of Research Framework. providing an environment in which genuine concerns It is every candidate’s responsibility to be aware or complaints are treated seriously, impartially, and of and adhere to the Code and Framework. resolved as quickly as possible. In addition to research integrity, each HDR candidate Inappropriate behaviour: must abide by the University’s commitment to uphold a high level of academic integrity. As noted Behaviour that is inconsistent with our University within the Student Academic Integrity Ordinance: values is considered to be inappropriate behaviour. Inappropriate behaviour of staff and candidates is “Academic integrity underpins the quality of every managed in line with the Student Behaviour and aspect of academic work and the student journey. Conduct Ordinance, Behaviour Policy and Behaviour Upholding academic integrity creates expectations Procedure: for the conduct of academic work for students and staff and is a quality benchmark for Australia’s If something has happened which is felt to be higher education sector.” inappropriate behaviour, or you require further information, please contact the Safe and Fair Community Unit (SaFCU). 25 H D R C A N D I DAT E G U I D E 2 0 2 1 – 2 0 2 2
Safe and Fair Community Unit To assist in the promotion of research integrity, the University has appointed Research Integrity SaFCU respond to notifications of sexual assault or Advisors (RIAs) to provide advice to staff and sexual harassment, concerns raised in relation to candidates on responsible research practices. wellbeing or behaviour, reports of misconduct, and RIAs are available to explain University policy and the lodgement of general concerns or complaints. procedure and to provide advice on options available If you have experienced sexual assault or sexual to staff and candidates who are considering making harassment, or have observed concerning or an allegation of non-compliance with the Australian inappropriate behaviour, please contact SaFCU Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research. (+61 3 6226 2560, For more For further information on RIAs, please go online: detailed information about SaFCU, please go online: ethics-unit-rieu/research-integrity/research-integrity- advisers Resolving difficulties within the academic unit: Academic misconduct: Where possible, candidates should work with their Primary Supervisor to resolve difficulties as soon as At the University of Tasmania, academic integrity they arise during candidature. HDR candidates may also requires all students to act responsibly, honestly, seek advice and support from the Student Advocacy ethically and collegially when using, producing and Service at the Tasmanian University Student Association communicating information with other students and staff members. Where a candidate has been unable to resolve a Breaches of academic integrity resulting in allegations problem with their supervisors they should continue of academic misconduct are investigated according to seek to resolve the problem by working with the to the procedure within Student Academic Integrity following people in their Academic Unit, in the Ordinance: order presented: For further information on academic misconduct p • Graduate Research Coordinator lease go online: academic-integrity • Head of Academic Unit • College Executive Dean Review of Decisions made by the If a candidate is still unable to resolve the problem a Dean of Graduate Research: formal complaint may be made through the Dean of Where a decision has been made by the Dean of Graduate Research, following the procedure outlined Graduate Research, a candidate may request that within the Student Complaints Policy and Student the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) review the Complaints Procedure: decision. If the candidate is still unsatisfied with the decision of the Deputy Vice Chancellor they may give For matters related to harassment or discrimination, notice in writing within 20 days to the Provost, that or other inappropriate behaviour, formal complaints they seek an appeal under the Student Complaints may be actioned under the Behaviour Policy Policy (2 Learning Environment – (6 Governance and Accountability – policies) and section 2.5 of the Student Complaints and Behaviour Procedure (2 Learning Environment – Procedure UNDER REVIEW (6 Governance and Accountability – Research misconduct: The definition of research misconduct and the process for submitting an allegation of research misconduct are detailed in the University’s Managing Allegations of Research Misconduct Procedure UNDER REVIEW (4 Research and Research Training – 26 H D R C A N D I DAT E G U I D E 2 0 2 1 – 2 0 2 2
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