Graduate Program Nursing and Midwifery 2022 - - Monash Health

Page created by Danny Peterson
Graduate Program Nursing and Midwifery 2022 - - Monash Health
Nursing and

              Nursing and Midwifery – 2022   1
Graduate Program Nursing and Midwifery 2022 - - Monash Health

                                                                                                         ongratulations on reaching this
                                                                                                         exciting stage in your studies
                                                                                                         where you get to finally explore
                                                                                                  employment options. I am pleased you
                                                                                                  have chosen to consider Monash Health.
                                                                                                  The global COVID-19 pandemic has
                                                                                                  certainly shown the world the pivotal role
                                                                                                  that nurses and midwives play in caring
                                                                                                  for and keeping people healthy across the
                                                                                                  lifespan. In what may seem a challenging
                                                                                                  stage to be entering the workforce, it is
Monash Health Overview                                  APS Ineligible Stream                20   also an exciting time of advancement
                                                                                                  and innovation in nursing and midwifery
    Our locations                           5        02 Aboriginal & Torres
                                                        Strait Islander Graduates            21   practice.
    Employee entitlements                   6
                                                     03 Mental Health Stream                 23   Monash Health offer a nurturing and
    Our care at a glance                    7
                                                                                                  supportive start to a career that can take
                                                     04 Midwifery Stream                     25
    Our facilities                          8                                                     you anywhere. As an employer of choice
                                                     05 Double Degree Stream                 27
    Graduate support                      12                                                      we value diversity, flexibility, personal
                                                     06 Application Process                  29   growth, and life-long learning. We are
    Program structure                     14
                                                        Assessing your application           32   relentless in our pursuit of excellence,
01 Nursing Streams                        15
                                                        Successful applicants                33
                                                                                                  and your care and compassion will make
    Feb 2022 intake. Acute Care,                                                                  a significant and lasting difference to the
                                                        Beyond the Program                   34
    Complex Care Stream &                                                                         lives of many.
    Alternative Pathway Options           16         Contact us                              36
                                                                                                  I encourage you to keep your mind open
    Aug 2022 intake. Acute Care                                                                   to all opportunities that are
    & Complex Care Stream                 18
                                                                                                  presented to you, enjoy every
                                                                                                  moment, and I wish you
                                                                                                  success for the exciting
                                                                                                  future that awaits.
    How to use this document

    The above contents menu is                       Click this hamburger menu item
    interactive, meaning you can                     throughout the document and be
    click a page number and be                       jump-linked back to the full contents
    jump-linked directly to it.                      list on this page.

                                                                                                  Katrina Nankervis
    If you would like to receive this publication in an alternative format, contact               Executive Director
    the department of Public Affairs and Communications at Monash Health.                         of Nursing,
                                                                                                  Monash Health

2     Monash Health Graduate Program
Graduate Program Nursing and Midwifery 2022 - - Monash Health
                                                                                    Our locations
                                                                                     Moorabbin              Monash            Dandenong
                                                                    MELBOURNE                               Medical
                                                                                                            Centre and
                                                                                                                                          Doveton                  Cockatoo

Monash Health
                                                                                                    CL AYTON
                                                                                   MOO R AB B IN

is Victoria’s                                                                                Springvale

largest public


health service                                                                       Kingston                        Cranbourne
We are proud to provide safe, high-quality care to
one-quarter of Melbourne’s population, across the                                                                                                    OF F I CE R
entire lifespan, from pre-birth to end-of-life.

Our specialties include paediatrics, cardiology,
women’s health, kidney and pancreas transplants and
intensive care for sick and preterm babies in the first
few weeks and months of life.
Currently, we have over 18,000 employees who                                                                                              Hospital
work at over 40 care locations across south eastern
                                                                                             F R ANKSTO N        Cranbourne
Melbourne, including:

• Monash Medical Centre              • Kingston Centre
• Monash Children’s                  • Cranbourne Integrated
  Hospital                             Care Centre
                                                                                MO R NING TON
• Moorabbin Hospital                 • An extensive network of
                                       rehabilitation, aged care,
• Dandenong Hospital                                                                   Key
                                       community health and
• Casey Hospital                       mental health facilities                              Monash Health
                                                                                             Community Centres

4   Monash Health Graduate Program
Graduate Program Nursing and Midwifery 2022 - - Monash Health
Employee overview

We are committed to
our employees, just            Our care at a glance
as they are committed
to our patients, their
families and the
community we serve.

As part of this
                                 Total episodes
commitment, we offer             of care*                                                         performed
a highly competitive
employee benefits                (2018-19: 4.1m)                                                   (2018-19: 46,812)
program including:

• Salary packaging
• Pathways that advance
  and expand your nursing or
  midwifery career
• A nursing and midwifery
  education department and
  simulation training centre   64,546
• A nursing and midwifery
  research department          Emergency                                                                  Total hospital
• Comprehensive orientation
• Professional and study
  leave entitlements           arrivals
• Post graduate scholarship    (2018-19: 63,133)                                                          (2018-19: 265,027)
• Subsidised on-site car

                               216,871 10,097
• Health and wellbeing
  programs including onsite
  gymnasiums, and an
  employee assistance

• Childcare facilities
• Free Uniform Scrubs
                               Emergency department
• Annual nursing and           attendances across our
  midwifery awards and         three campuses

                                (2018-19: 231,856)                                         (2018-19: 10,357)

                               *Excludes surgical operations, total hospital admissions,
                               births ambulance arrivals and paediatric admissions.

                                                                                                               Nursing and Midwifery – 2022   7
Graduate Program Nursing and Midwifery 2022 - - Monash Health
Program overview
                                                                                                              Our Graduate Program supports approximately 550
                                                                                                              Nursing and Midwifery Graduates to consolidate their
                                                                                                              theoretical and clinical skills during the first step of their
                                                                                                              career journey with Monash Health. To meet the needs
                                                                                                              of our diverse Graduate workforce, we provide an
                                                                                                              unmatched array of clinical learning environments, from

Our facilities                                                                                                critical care and high acuity units in tertiary centers to
                                                                                                              subacute and residential aged care.

     2022 Rotation Site Clinical Areas                                                                         2022 Rotation Site Clinical Areas

    Monash Medical Centre                Monash Children’s                 Dandenong Hospital                 Casey Hospital                   Moorabbin Hospital              Cranbourne Integrated
    & Jessie MacPherson                  Hospital                                                                                                                              Care Centre
    Private Hospital

    Nursing                              Nursing                           Nursing                            Nursing                          Nursing                         Nursing
    • General Medical                    • Paediatrics Surgical services   • General Surgical                 • General Medical                • Monash Cancer Centre,         • Operating Theatres/Day
    • General Surgical                   • Paediatrics Renal and           • General Medical                  • General Surgical                 incorporating inpatient         Surgery Unit
                                           Procedural Medicine             • Colorectal Surgical                                                 Oncology and Chemotherapy     • Haemodialysis
    • Day Treatment Centre                                                                                    • Emergency
                                                                                                                                                 Day Unit
    • Cardiology/Cardiothoracics/        • Paediatric Intensive Care       • Plastics and Vascular            • Operating Theatres/Day
                                                                                                                                               • Surgical Services
      Respiratory                        • Paediatric Day Surgery Unit     • Respiratory, Endocrine &           Surgery
                                                                             Infectious Diseases              • Cardiology
                                                                                                                                               • Haemodialysis                 Residential Care
    • Cardiac Care Unit                  • Paediatric Medical,
                                                                                                                                               • Diagnostic Imaging            Facilities
    • Cardiac Cath Lab                     Respiratory and Oncology        • Stroke & Neurology               • Diagnostic Imaging
                                         • Paediatric Operating Theatres   • Orthopedic services                                               • Operating Theatres/Day
    • Emergency                                                                                               • Paediatrics & Special Care
                                                                                                                                                 Procedure Unit
    • Adult Operating Theatres           • Adolescent medicine             • Emergency                          Nursery
    • Endoscopy                          • Paediatric rehabilitation and   • Paediatrics                      • Rehabilitation
                                           neurology services                                                 • Haemodialysis                                                  • Allambee Nursing Home
    • Neurology/Neurosurgery                                               • Operating Theatres
                                         • Neonatal Intensive Care         • Day Treatment Centre             • Diagnostic Imaging              Kingston Centre                • Chestnut Gardens
    • Gastrosciences
                                         • Special Care Nursery                                                                                                                • Yarraman Nursing Home
    • Nephrology and                                                       • Specialty Outpatients
      Haemodialysis                                                        • Diagnostic Imaging               Midwifery
    • Diagnostic Imaging                 Mental Health
                                                                           • Haemodialysis (Thomas St Unit)   • Primary and Secondary Level     Nursing
    • Haematology & Oncology             • Stepping Stones Child &                                              Maternity Care                  • Movement Disorders
    • Palliative Care                      Adolescent inpatient unit       Midwifery                                                            • Geriatric Evaluation and
    • Clinical Trials Centre                                               • Primary and Secondary Level      Mental Health                       Management (GEM)
    • Medical Therapy Unit                                                   Maternity Care                   • Adult acute psychiatric         • Transition Care Programme
                                                                                                                inpatient unit                  • Rehabilitation
    Midwifery                                                              Mental Health
    • Tertiary Level Maternity Service                                     • Acute Adult Psychiatric                                            Mental Health
                                                                             Inpatient Unit
                                                                                                                                                • Aged Acute Inpatient Unit
                                                                           • Youth Acute Inpatient Unit
    Mental Health
                                                                           • Aged Acute Inpatient Unit
    • Perinatal and Infant Inpatient                                       • Extended Care Unit
                                                                           • Psychosocial Community Care
    • P Block Acute psychiatric                                              Unit
      inpatient unit
                                                                           • Community Residential
    • Psychosocial Community                                                 Withdrawal Unit
      Care Unit

8      Monash Health Graduate Program
Graduate Program Nursing and Midwifery 2022 - - Monash Health
2022 Graduate Program Streams

                               February intake                     August intake

      Nursing                  Complex Care Stream                 Midyear Nursing

                               Acute Care Stream

                               Monash Children’s Hospital Stream

      Mental Health            Mental Health Nursing Stream
                               (Orientation commences in January

      Midwifery                Midwifery February Stream           Midwifery Midyear Stream

      Double Degree            Double Degree February Stream       Double Degree Midyear Stream

                                                                                                  about the

10    Monash Health Graduate Program                                                                          Nursing and Midwifery – 2022   11
Graduate Program Nursing and Midwifery 2022 - - Monash Health
About Our Streams

                                                                     Initially coming
                                                                     to work was
                                                                     terrifying, but
                                                                     this is easing
                                                                     every day as
                                                                     my confidence
                                                                     grows, thanks
                                                                     to the genuine
                                                                     and abundant
                                                                     support and
                                        Support and                  encouragement                 Midwives and                Mental health nurses
                                        benefits for                 of the dedicated              Double Degree               specific support
                                        graduates                                                  specific support
                                                                     and friendly
                                        • Clinical support from a
                                                                     educators and                 • Allocation to one         • Professional supervision
                                                                     ward teams.                     midwifery team for the      during study days

                                          dedicated education and
                                                                                                     whole program to ensure   • Comprehensive mental
                                          operations team
                                                                     Everyone has                    continuity and ongoing      health orientation
                                        • Comprehensive
                                          orientation program        played a large                  support                     program

                                                                                                   • Paid education time to
                                        • Protected supernumerary    role in supporting              undertake RANZCOG
                                                                                                                               • The support of PRECEPT
                                                                                                                                 and EQIIP, including
                                          time at the
                                          commencement of each
                                                                     my learning                     Fetal Surveillance          attendance at PRECEPT
                                                                                                     Education and exam
                                          rotation                   needs and                     • Targeted midwifery
                                                                                                                                 education and training

Ensuring graduates receive the right    • Access to preceptors,      developing                      learning pathways
                                          clinical coaches and
support when commencing their careers     buddy nurses/midwives      my skills and                   including lactation,
                                                                                                     maternity emergencies
is an integral part of all Graduate     • Extra supernumerary time   midwifery                       and normal birth
Program streams.                          in specialty areas
                                                                     ethos as a new                  education
                                        • Paid graduate study days
Our supportive learning environment     • Debriefing and peer
provides supernumerary time at the        support
                                                                       —­ AR IA, 2 0 2 1 DOUB LE
commencement of new rotations,          • Access to patient
                                          deterioration simulation       DE GR E E GR ADUATE
targeted learning pathways and a          training                           NUR SE / M IDWIFE
structured education program with
extensive orientation to ensure a
smooth transition from undergraduate
student to registered practitioner.

12   Monash Health Graduate Program                                                                                            Nursing and Midwifery – 2022   13
Graduate Program Nursing and Midwifery 2022 - - Monash Health
About Our Streams

     Nursing                           Midwifery and Double             Mental
     Streams                           Degree Streams                   Health
     (all intakes)                     (all intakes)                    Nursing

     • 12 month Graduate               • 12 month Graduate              • Four six month rotations
       Program, then ongoing             Program, then ongoing            in a two-year program(12
       employment within                 employment within                month graduate program,
       Monash Health                     Monash Health                    followed by 12 month
     • Two six month rotations         • Two six month rotations          postgraduate year)
     • Options to work part time       • Options to work part time      • Employed on a two-year
       (64 hrs/fortnight or 72hrs/       (64 hrs/fortnight or 72hrs/      temporary contract
       fortnight) or full time (76       fortnight) or full time (80    • Option to work part-time
       hrs/fortnight)                    hrs/fortnight)                   (64hrs/fortnight)
     • Work a rotating roster,         • Work a rotating roster,        • Work a rotating roster,
       including: morning,               including: morning,              which can include:
       afternoon and night shifts        afternoon and night shifts       morning, afternoon and
       seven days a week and             seven days a week and            night shifts seven days
       public holidays                   public holidays                  a week including public
     • Monthly paid accrued            • Monthly paid accrued             holidays
       day off for full time             day off for full time          • 5 weeks prorata if part
       graduates                         graduates                        time of annual leave in
     • 6 weeks prorata for full        • 6 weeks prorata for full         the graduate year, then
       time graduates and 5              time graduates and 5             leave as accrued in the
       weeks prorata for part            weeks prorata for part           postgraudate year
       time graduates                    time graduates                 • Mental health graduates
                                                                          undertake the Master of

                                       Rotations are available within     Advanced Nursing (Mental
                                       midwifery teams based at           Health) through Monash
                                       Monash Medical Centre,             University in the second

                                       Dandenong Hospital and             or postgraduate year
                                       Casey Hospital

                                       Midwives complete four
                                       three-month rotations:

                                       • Two birth suite rotations
                                       • Two postnatal/antenatal

                                       Double degree graduates
                                       complete four three-month

                                       • Two birth suite rotations
                                       • One postnatal/antenatal
                                       • One nursing rotation

14    Monash Health Graduate Program                                                                           Nursing and Midwifery – 2022   15
Graduate Program Nursing and Midwifery 2022 - - Monash Health
Nursing: February 2022 intake

 As a graduate
 nurse at Monash
 Health, I have
 watched myself
 develop in a short
 timeframe into a
 stronger medical
 professional that is
 prepared to take
 on the acute care                                                                            Acute Care                     Complex Care                  Alternative Pathway
                                                                                              preference options             preference options            options include:
 environment of                                                                               include:                       include:
 today and the future.
 The support of the                                                                                                          • Cardiac                     • Caring for the Aged in
 graduate team,                                                                               • Acute Surgical
                                                                                                                             • Peri-operative (adults        Residental & Subacute
                                                                                                                               and paediatric, including     Settings (CAReS):
 educators, and                                                                               • Acute Medical                  Theatres and endoscopy)       For Graduates who
 work areas has                                                                               • Oncology, Haematology        • Emergency
                                                                                                                                                             wish to pursue careers
                                                                                                                                                             in Subacute or Aged

                                      Acute Care
                                                                                                and Palliative Care
 greatly helped                                                                                 (includes Chemotherapy
                                                                                                                             • Haemodialysis                 Care nursing. CAReS
 achieve our goals                                                                              Day Unit)                    • Residential and               allows Graduates to
                                                                                                                               Rehabilitation                complete their full 12
 and assist with                                                                              • Gastrosciences

                                      and Complex
                                                                                                                             • Neurology and                 month Graduate Program
                                                                                              • Rehabilitation and
 any challenges                                                                                 Residential Care
                                                                                                                               Neurosciences                 in subacute/aged care
                                                                                                                                                             areas with one rotation
 and development.                                                                                                            • Diagnostic Imaging
                                                                                              • Vascular and Plastics                                        in a GEM/rehabilitation
 As a graduate at
                                      Care Streams
                                                                                              • Orthopedics                                                  area and one rotation in
                                                                                              • Paediatrics                                                  a Residential Aged Care
 Monash Health,                                                                                                                                              setting.
                                                                                              • Renal/Nephrology
 you will feel                                                                                • Specialty Outpatients
                                                                                                                                                           • Guaranteed Rotations
                                                                                                                                                             to Preference Sites:
 prepared and                         Graduates in the Acute and Complex Care streams are       (includes Outpatients,                                       For Graduates who wish
                                      granted one rotation from their preferences in either     Clinical Trials Centre and
 supported to                                                                                   Infusion Centre/MTU)
                                                                                                                                                             to prioritise location over
 become a part                        their first or second rotation.                                                                                        specialty preference.
                                                                                              • Day Treatment/Day                                            Graduates are able to
 of the team and                      The other non-preference rotation may be in any           Procedure & Day Surgical                                     nominate a preferred
                                                                                                Units                                                        site grouping and will
 feel you have                        clinical area across Monash Health.                                                                                    be allocated to those
 commenced your                       Conversely, Graduates may request to forego a
                                                                                                                                                             sites for both rotations.
                                                                                                                                                             Specialty preferences
 career with a head                   guaranteed preference rotation to undertake an                                                                         are considered but not
 start.”                              Alternative Pathway.                                                                                                   guaranteed. For more
                                                                                                                                                             information about the
                                      Graduate Application Template.                                                                                         site groupings available
         — AID A N , 2021                                                                                                                                    please refer to the
     GRADUATE N U RSE ,                                                                                                                                      Graduate Program
 COMPLEX CAR E STRE A M                                                                                                                                      website.

16   Monash Health Graduate Program                                                                                                                        Nursing and Midwifery – 2022    17
Graduate Program Nursing and Midwifery 2022 - - Monash Health
Nursing: August 2022 intake

                                                                        Midyear Nursing
                                                                        Stream preferences

                                                                        • Cardiothoracics/

                                                                        • Emergency
                                                                        • Day Treatment/Procedure

Nursing                                                                 • Renal and Haemodialysis
                                                                        • Rehabilitation

                                                                        • Oncology, Haematology
                                                                          and Palliative Care
                                                                        • Orthopedics
                                                                        • Plastics and Vascular
                                                                        • Gastrosciences
T   he ability to nominate preferences for hospital locations and
    specialties is included in applications. Monash Health endeavors
to accommodate preferences but does not guarantee rotations into
                                                                        • Diagnostic Imaging
                                                                        • Neurosciences
preference areas for applicants in the Midyear stream.                  • Residential Aged Care
                                                                        • Acute Medical
Rotations are carefully allocated to provide each graduate with the
best possible opportunity to consolidate their skills.                  • Acute Surgical
                                                                        • Specialty Outpatient
If interested in an August Nursing Stream position, you must register     Services
and apply in 2021 even if you are not expected to complete your         • Peri-operative
qualification until mid-2022. Midyear Nursing stream is also open to
applicants who are ineligible to participate in PMCV.

18   Monash Health Graduate Program                                                                 Nursing and Midwifery – 2022   19
Monash Health Children’s Stream

Monash                                                                      Monash Children’s
                                                                            Hospital clinical areas       02
Children’s                                                                                                Aboriginal

                                                                            • Paediatric surgical

                                                                            • Paediatric medical

                                                                                                          and Torres
                                                                            • Paediatric oncology and

                                                                            • Paediatric theatres
                                                                            • Paediatric intensive care

                                                                              unit (PICU)
                                                                            • Special care nursery and

M    onash Children’s Hospital (MCH) is one of Australia’s leading
     providers of integrated children’s health services, caring for
more than 100,000 children every year. Monash Health is excited to
                                                                              neonatal intensive care

                                                                            • Adolescent inpatients
announce the introduction of the Monash Children’s Hospital Stream
                                                                            • Paediatric day surgical
option as part of our diverse Graduate Program.
Monash Children’s Hospital is a network of paediatric healthcare services
across three sites – our main campus in Clayton and satellite sites at

Dandenong and Casey Hospitals. Graduates may rotate to paediatric
or newborn areas at any of these campuses during their program.

Graduates in this stream will have the opportunity to complete their 12
month graduate program exclusively in paediatric and newborn settings,
across 2 rotations. As part of the Monash Children’s Hospital, Graduates
are provided with access to paediatric specific education, including
comprehensive simulation training through Monash Children’s Hospital
Simulation Centre (MCHSim).

20   Monash Health Graduate Program                                                                                    Nursing and Midwifery – 2022   21
Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Graduates

     Monash Health                     Aboriginal Graduate            We continually strive
     Aboriginal Graduate               Nursing and                    to improve support
     Nursing and                       Midwifery Program              systems for our
     Midwifery Program                 Support offers:                Aboriginal employees
     Support are working
     • Increasing our Aboriginal       • Support to attend the        •   Aboriginal employee
       health professional               Congress of Aboriginal           mentor program to
       workforce                         and Torres Strait Islander       support and guidance to
     • Providing a culturally            Nursing Midwifery                graduates

       diverse and responsive            (CATSINaM) conference        •   Cultural safety program
       workforce                       • Dedicated cultural               to educate employees,
     • Assisting in positive             support days for                 ensuring Monash Health
       health outcomes for               graduates focusing on            is a culturally safe and
                                         professional development         responsive organisation

       our Aboriginal patients
       by providing culturally           and cultural identity        •   Culturally appropriate
       responsive and timely                                              recruitment, support and
       care to our community,                                             retention options
       patients and their families                                    •   Building relationships and

     • Creating stronger links                                            working in partnership with
       with the Aboriginal                                                the Aboriginal community
       community                                                      •   Provision of culturally
                                                                          appropriate health services
                                                                          and improved health
                                                                          outcomes for Aboriginal
                                                                          patients and families

22    Monash Health Graduate Program                                                                              Nursing and Midwifery – 2022   23
Mental Health Nursing: January 2022 intake

                                                                             I never could fathom the
                                                                             expression, ‘you learn
                                                                             something new every
                                                                             day’ until starting my
                                                                             mental health journey.
                                                                             The knowledge base
                                                                             you will grow in mental
                                                                             health is beyond the
                                                                             imagination. If, like me,
                                                                             you came into nursing
                                                                             to help people join our
                                                                             mental health team,
                                                                             it will change your life
                                                                             in more ways than
                                                                             one. If the definition of
                                                                             ‘complexity’ doesn’t
                                                                             scare you try mental
                                                                                         — S T EP H ANIE ,
                                                                                        MEN TAL HEALTH
                                                                                    GRADUATE NURSE 2021

Mental Health
Nursing Stream                                                                                               04
 Mental Health Nursing
 preference options
                                       M    ental health nursing is an exciting and challenging
                                            specialty that provides care, treatment, and
                                       support for individuals, their families and carers who are
 include:                              experiencing a mental illness or disorder.

                                       An essential part of a mental health nurses’ role is to
     • Acute Inpatient Mental
                                       develop and maintain an effective and therapeutic
                                       relationship and to provide comprehensive and holistic
     • Rehabilitation                  care. There is a strong focus on working collaboratively
       (Inpatient or Community)        with the individual experiencing mental health issues,
     • Residential Withdrawal Unit     their family and/or carers, key workers and the
     • Perinatal and Infant            interdisciplinary team.
       Inpatient Unit
                                       To assist in a transition into mental health nursing,
     • Early in Life Mental Health
                                       graduates undertake the Master of Advanced Nursing
     • Aged Person’s Mental            (Mental Health) through Monash University in the second
       Health                          or postgraduate year.

24    Monash Health Graduate Program                                                                                     Nursing and Midwifery – 2022   25
Midwifery Streams: February and August 2022

M    onash Health provides the most extensive maternity
     services in Victoria, assisting on average over
10,000 births a year. We pride ourselves on teamwork          I have absolutely
with midwives, doctors and allied health team members
working together within team models of care to all birthing
                                                              loved becoming a
women and their families.                                     part of the Monash
Monash Health Graduate Midwives are able to consolidate
                                                              midwifery team.
their midwifery practice in a range of clinical areas         Assisting new
including birthing, pregnancy assessment and postnatal/
antenatal care.
                                                              parents along their
                                                              pregnancy journey
You may choose to apply to:
                                                              and welcoming
• Midwifery Stream commencing in February 2022                babies into the
• Midyear Midwifery Stream commencing August 2022

Midwifery rotations are available at Monash Medical
                                                              world is a huge
                                                              privilege. I have            05
Centre, Dandenong Hospital and Casey Hospital.
Graduates are allocated to one midwifery team for the
                                                              felt supported
duration of their program to ensure ongoing support and       and encouraged
                                                              through working as

The midwifery teams are site-based and applicants             part of a dynamic
have the opportunity to nominate their site preferences
in the Monash Health Graduate Application Template.
                                                              and supportive
While Monash Health endeavours to accommodate site            team and I have
preferences for midwives, we are unable to guarantee
                                                              grown both as a

placement within a preferred site.
                                                              midwife and as a
                                                              person over my
                                                              graduate year.”

                                                                     — ER I N , MO N ASH
                                                                     H EALT H D O U B LE
                                                                  D EG R EE G R AD U ATE

26   Monash Health Graduate Program                                                                  Nursing and Midwifery – 2022   27
Double Degree Stream: February and August 2022

                                                                     Double Degree rotations

                                                                     Monash Health Double
                                                                     Degree Stream graduates

                                                                     consolidate their midwifery
                                                                     practice in a range of areas
                                                                     including birthing, pregnancy
                                                                     assessment and postnatal/

Degree                                                                                               06
                                                                     antenatal care.

                                                                     Graduates also gain valuable
                                                                     nursing skills and knowledge

Streams                                                                                              Application
                                                                     through a rotation within
                                                                     acute general areas within
                                                                     the Monash Health network
                                                                     such as:

                                                                     • Cardiothoracics/

F   or applicants who have completed a Double Degree in Nursing
    and Midwifery holding dual registration, Monash Health
offers the Double Degree Streams which allow graduates to gain
                                                                     • Plastics and Vascular,
                                                                       Colorectal and
experience in both the acute nursing and midwifery clinical areas.
You may choose to apply to:                                          • Acute Medical,
                                                                       Respiratory and
• Double Degree Stream commencing in February 2022                     Endocrinology
• Midyear Double Degree Stream commencing in August 2022             • Acute Surgical, Women’s
                                                                     • Respiratory/

28   Monash Health Graduate Program                                                                                Nursing and Midwifery – 2022   29
How to apply for Monash Health 2022 Graduates Program

                                                      All candidates will be required to create
     Applications open:                               an account and lodge their Graduate
     Monday 7th June 2021                             Program application via Monash Health’s
                                                      on-line recruitment system
     Applications close:
     Friday 9th July 2021                             1. Monash Health Graduate Program
                                                         Application Template                                    3. Clinical Appraisals                                 • Please ensure that you have provided an accurate,
                                                                                                                                                                          current email address and contact numbers for
     Important Note:                                  • A completed copy of the Monash Health                    • Applicants must submit 2 Summative appraisals          each referee
                                                        Graduate Program Application Template is the               from most recent acute clinical placements,
     Postgraduate Medical Council of Victoria           basis for your application                                 including comments and grading page                  At Monash Health, applicants are asked to
     (PMCV) – Allocations and Placement Service                                                                  • 3rd year appraisals are preferred, however 2nd       nominate four clinical referees in their Graduate
                                                      • This can be found in the job advertisement or via
     (APS)                                                                                                         year appraisals will be accepted where 3rd year      Application template: two primary referees and two
                                                        the Monash Health Graduate Program
                                                                                                                   acute placements have not been completed             alternative referees.
     • If you are eligible to do so, you must         • You will need to save, complete and upload a copy
       register with PMCV APS before you                of the Graduate Program Application Template             • We are also accept 1st year appraisals for those     This strategy assists us in obtaining appropriate
       apply to a Monash Health Graduate                under the ‘Resume’ field when you submit your              students completing a masters degree                 references in a timely manner and ensures that you
       Program Stream/s.                                application documents                                    • Submit appraisals as PDF document in e-recruit       are not disadvantaged in the recruitment process due
     • Once you have registered with                  • The Application Template takes the place of                under ‘other documents’ field                        to reference issues. If you are participating in PMCV
       PMCV APS, you will be issued with                your CV. Please do not provide any additional            • Assessment tasks, self-appraisal and reflection      APS, please put down the referees you have entered
       a candidate ID number. This will be              individualized CV/resume documents or cover                tools are not required                               submitted to PMCV as your two primary references.
       required for your Monash Health                  letters (excluding Mental Health applications).                                                                 You may then supply two alternate referee names.
       application.                                     Please note that Mental Health Graduate Program          4. References
     For further information on the APS process         applications require a cover letter.
     and to determine if you are eligible, refer to   If you are applying to more than one Monash Health         References are an important part of your Graduate
     their website.                                   Graduate Program Stream you will need to indicate          Program application. When selecting your referees
                                                      which stream/s you are applying for in the first section   please consider the following:
     Note: If you are not eligible to participate     of the Monash Health Graduate Application Template.
     in PMCV APS process, please apply to                                                                        • A referee must be a person who has worked
     the PMCV Ineligible Graduate Program                                                                          directly with you during a clinical placement such
                                                      2. Academic transcript                                       as a clinical educator, preceptor or Registered
     job advertisement for general nursing,
     midwifery and double degree graduate             • All transcripts must be recent and include a               Nurse/Midwife who buddied with you
     positions. If you wish to apply for a              grading key page.                                        • Referees should be from your final undergraduate
     Mental Health position, please apply to          • Monash Health accepts copies of online transcripts         year and acute placements if possible. However,
     the 2022 Mental Health Nurse Graduate              that have been digitally certified by education            we may also accept second year referees if you
     Program job advertisement. This job                providers.                                                 are unable to nominate final year referees
     advertisement will not require you to                                                                       • Referees should be at minimum a Registered
                                                      • Upload your transcript with your application under
     have a PMCV ID number.                                                                                        Nurse or Midwife. i.e. not an Enrolled Nurse,
                                                        the ‘Education Certificate’ field when you submit
                                                        your application documents.                                Personal Care Attendant or Orderly

30   Monash Health Graduate Program                                                                                                                                                           Nursing and Midwifery – 2022   31
Selection process

How your application                                                                                    Successful
is assessed                                                                                             applicants
Monash Health’s selection of                                                                            Registration with the Nursing and
graduate applicants is based on                                                                         Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA)
various criteria which includes:
                                                                                                        All applicants must obtain their registration with
• Academic results                                                                                      the NMBA as a Registered Nurse and/or Midwife
• Monash Health Graduate Application                                                                    prior to their clinical commencement date.
                                                                                                        Refer to the Nursing and Midwifery Board
• Clinical appraisals
                                                                                                        of Australia website to review the registration
• Referee feedback                                                                                      application process for Graduates.
• Interview outcomes
                                                                                                        Successful applicants who do not receive their
                                                                                                        registration by the clinical commencement date
Interview Process                                                                                       may not start in the Graduate Program.

An online interview format will be used for this                                                        Visas
                                                                                                        In order to commence employment in the
If you submit applications to multiple Monash                                                           Graduate Program, all applicants who are not
Health Graduate Program Streams you will only                                                           Australian citizens or permanent residents
be required to sit one interview (excluding the                                                         must hold a visa which allows them full working
Mental Health Nursing Stream)                                                                           rights with no restrictions by the clinical
                                                                                                        commencement date.
Offers                                                                                                                                                       Successful commencement in the
                                                                                                        It is the graduate’s responsibility to maintain      Graduate Program is subject to a:
All offers are made subject to the applicant                                                            a valid visa with no work restrictions for the
successfully completing all requirements of their                                                       duration of their Graduate Program contract.         • satisfactory police check (Fit2Work)
Nursing/Midwifery degree and being eligible for                                                         Please note that the Monash Health Graduate          • confirmed registration with the Nursing
registration with the Nursing and Midwifery Board                                                       Program does not provide sponsorship for               and Midwifery Board of Australia
of Australia (NMBA).                                   Important note:                                  overseas applicants.                                   (NMBA) as a Registered Nurse and/or
Successful compatible results through PMCV             • University e-mail filters often intercept      Working with Children’s Card                         • submission of a valid Employee Working
APS will be available from Monday 4 October              e-mails from external organisations as junk
                                                                                                                                                               with Children’s Check
2021 onwards.                                            mail and may automatically delete or delay     Prior to commencing in the Graduate Program, all
                                                         the invite e-mail                              successful applicants will be required to provide    • Evidence of Immunisation as required by
Monash Health will contact successful candidates                                                        evidence of a valid Working with Children’s Card       Monash Health policy and procedure
                                                       • To ensure that you receive interview invites
for all streams after the results have been released     we strongly recommend that applicants          (WWCC). Please note that the WWCC must be            Proof and confirmation of either:
by email to provide further information regarding        use a personal e-mail address such as          clearly identified as an Employee (E) card not a
on-boarding.                                                                                            Volunteer (V) card.                                  • Australian citizenship or permanent
                                                         gmail or Outlook in their application
                                                                                                                                                               residency or
                                                       • Please check your inbox and junk mail
                                                                                                        For more information, visit the Justice              • a valid Visa allowing full working rights
                                                         folder regularly for interview invites
                                                                                                        Department website.                                    with no restrictions.

32   Monash Health Graduate Program                                                                                                                                            Nursing and Midwifery – 2022   33
Post Graduate

Beyond the
Graduate Program
                                                                                                                                                                Postgraduate courses are available
                                      On completion of your Graduate Program                                                                                    in the following areas:
                                      employment opportunities include:
                                                                                                                                                                • Advanced Medical / Surgical
                                      • Permanent ongoing employment within Monash                                                                              • Neonatal Intensive Care
                                        Health, excluding Mental Health Nursing Graduates
                                                                                                                                                                • Paediatrics
                                      • Permanent or temporary, full-time or part-time
                                                                                                                                                                • Midwifery
                                        positions at any of our major public facilities
                                                                                                                                                                • Intensive Care
                                      • Positions completing post graduate study or
                                        Transition to Specialty Practice Programs                                                                               • Emergency
                                      • Positions with Monash Health Bureau working in                                                                          • Cardiac Care
                                        the Pool or Casual Bank                                                                                                 • Peri-operative/Peri-anaesthesia
                                      • Nurses may wish to apply to complete post                                                                               • Renal
                                        graduate midwifery studies, allowing dual                                                                               • Haematology and Oncology
                                        registration of nursing and midwifery
                                                                                                                                                                • Paediatric Intensive Care
                                      • Midwives may apply to permanent positions in
                                                                                                                                                                Our university partnerships include Australian Catholic
                                        Midwifery Team Care models at Monash Medical
                                                                                                                                                                University, Deakin University, Monash University,
                                        Centre, Dandenong Hospital or Casey Hospital to
                                                                                                                                                                Melbourne University and Latrobe University.
                                        continue enhancing and consolidating skills in all
                                        areas of midwifery practice
                                                                                                   • A web-based allocations system                             Transition to Specialty Practice Programs
                                                                                                   • The ability to accept shifts via SMS                       Monash Health offers unique Transition to Specialty
                                      Monash Health Bureau (MHB): Pool and                         • Opportunity to expand your clinical experience in          Practice (TSP) programs specifically designed to give
Monash Health consistently            Casual Bank                                                    new areas                                                  Registered Nurses, who have completed a Graduate
retains over 94% of                                                                                • Casual pay rates                                           Program, a structured introduction into a specialist
                                      MHB Pool employees are permanent employees who                                                                            practice.
graduates in positions                are allocated daily to cover vacant shifts in areas that
                                                                                                   • Salary packaging benefits
                                                                                                   Pool and Casual Bank Nurses and Midwives are eligible        Specialty programs are offered in the following areas:
across the organisation.              suit their skill sets across the acute sites on a rotating
                                                                                                   to access all the benefits of permanent employees.
                                      roster. Pool staff maintain their leave entitlements.
There are endless career                                                                                                                                        • Emergency
                                                                                                   For more information contact:                                • Paediatric Intensive Care
pathways available at                 MHB Casual Bank employees will be casual employees
                                      post your program that offer flexibility in many specialty   Email:                    • Adult Intensive Care
Monash Health post the                areas and shifts.                                                                                                         • Paediatrics
Graduate year, including                                                                           Phone: (03) 9265 7906
                                                                                                                                                                • Mental Health
                                      Monash Health’s Pool and Casual Bank provide the
the option to complete                following opportunities:
                                                                                                   Postgraduate nursing and midwifery courses                   Programs are conducted at Monash Medical Centre,
                                                                                                                                                                Monash Children’s Hospital, Dandenong Hospital and
Transition to Specialty                                                                            Monash Health, in collaboration with our university          Casey Hospital.
                                      • Unparalleled choice of clinical specialties across
Practice (TSP) programs                                                                            partners, provides an extensive range of postgraduate
                                        seven major sites and several community centers
                                                                                                   education opportunities for Nursing and Midwifery            The programs consist of structured learning, clinical
and post graduate study.              • Extensive professional development and education           employees. Nurses and midwives can gain experience           support, and paid study days. Participants are
                                        forums                                                     in a diverse range of clinical environments while studying   employed at a designated hospital and study days are
                                      • Exposure to latest advances in clinical research           for a postgraduate qualification.                            shared and rotated across sites.

34   Monash Health Graduate Program                                                                                                                                                   Nursing and Midwifery – 2022    35
Contact us

Where to
For more information about the program:

Nursing and Midwifery Streams
Phone: (03) 9594 7779

Mental Health Stream
Phone: (03) 9792 7587

Applications open: Monday 7th June 2021

               APPLY HERE

Monash Health acknowledges the
Traditional Custodians of the land,
the Wurundjeri and Boonwurrung
peoples, and we pay our respects
to them, their culture and their
Elders past, present
and future.                               
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