Grade 7 Syllabus 2020- 2021 - Student Name - Roll No - Section

Page created by Nathan Weber
Grade 7 Syllabus
      2020- 2021
Student Name –   ______________________________________

Roll No –        ______________________________________

Section –        ______________________________________
Subject – English, Book - Frames, Compacta BBC Pearson

        Month                   Topic                          Activities                  Evaluation
April             EA                                   1.Make a chart on Nouns       Periodic Test 1 on
                  LESSON-1                             2. Make a chart on            22-4-2020
                  The Shopping List Mystery            Pronouns.                     SYLLABUS L-1,2
                  LESSON-2                             3.Make a chart on             Nouns, Factual
                  Bob Dylan: The Voice of a            Sentences                     Description, Integrated
                  Generation                                                         Grammar
                  Pronouns-Kinds of Pronouns
                  Determiners ,Sentence
                  Spoken English and Language
                  Sentences ,Determiners
                  BBC to be completed till August
                  Unseen passage, Notice, Diary
                  Entry, Descriptive Paragraph,
                  Informal letter, E-mail, Article,
                  Speech, Short Story, Assessment
May               EA                                   EA
                  LESSON-3                             1.Do the activity on Pg.43
                  We Are the Music Makers              2. Write 20 Abbreviation
                  LESSON -4                            and 2o Acronym in scrap
                  Flames in the Forest                 book.
                  Adjectives- Kinds of Adjectives
                  Verbs and Tenses
                  Subject –Verb Agreement
                  Adjectives ,Verbs, Tenses(Present,
June                                                   HOLIDAY HOMEWORK
                                                       Learn Pairs of words often
                                                       Confused Pg.-147,148
                                                       Learn Idioms Pg.-152,153
                                                       One word for many (1
                                                       Same words used for
                                                       different Parts of Speech
                                                       Pg.159 to 162
                                                       Do worksheet of
                                                       Synonyms, Antonyms and
                                                       idioms and Phrases
                                                       Pg.(394 to398)
July              EA                                   1. Make a chart on Tense.     Periodic Test 2
                  LESSON -5                            2. Write 30 simile in Scrap   22-7-2020
                  Back from the Brink                  Book.                         Syllabus L-3,4,5
                  LESSON -6
                  Birds of a Feather
NGB                                                                Determiners, Diary
            Punctuation                                                        Entry, Factual
            BBC Tense (future)                                                 Description
August      EA
            LESSON- 7

                                                  Make a chart on Adverbs
September   Half Yearly                                                        Syllabus-
                                                                               Lesson- 1 to 7
                                                                               BBC and Grammar
                                                                               done till August

October     EA                                    1. Make a chart on           Periodic Test 3 on
            LESSON-8                              Modals                       14.10.2020
            Fourteen-II                           2. Read Biography of any     Syllabus L-8
            LESSON-9                              personality.                 E-mail,
            Maryam Mirzakhani-Leading the                                      Integrated Grammar
            Modals, Modal Auxiliaries,
            Modals , Preposition
             BBC to be completed till February
            Unseen Passages, Notice, Diary
            Entry, Descriptive Paragraph,
            Informal letter, Formal Letter, E-
            mail, Article, Speech, Short Story,
            Integrated Grammar Assessment
November    EA
            Goodbye, Pasha Begumǃ
            Conjunctions                          1. Make a chart of Voice.    Periodic Test 4 on
            Change of Voice                       2. Make a card for your      25-11-2020
            BBC                                   teacher.                     Syllabus L-9,10,11
            Conjunction , Change of Voice         3.Write 10 collocation and   Letter, Integrated
                                                  Proverbs                     Grammar, Modals
December     EA                                    Holiday Homework
             LESSON-13                             NGB
             The Diary of a Space Traveller        1.Learn Pairs of words
             LESSON-14                             often Confused Pg.-149
             Mission to Saturn: A Spacecraft’s     to 151
             Incredible Journey to the Ringed      2. Learn Idioms Pg.-
             Planet                                153,154(26 to 50)
             NGB                                   3. One word for many
             Direct and Indirect Narration         Pg.157,158(26 to50)
             Common Errors                         4.Same words used for
             BBC                                   different Parts of Speech
             Speech                                Pg.163 to 166
January      EA
             Star Trek-The Voyage Home
             Use of It,There,Let                   1.Write 10 Oxymoron
             BBC                                   2.Do Activity given on
             Integrated Grammar                    Pg.176 of English Alive
February                                                                         Annual Exam
                                                                                 Chapter 4 to 15 Full
                                                                                 BBC Compacta
March        Annual exam

                                   SUBJECT: SOCIAL SCIENCE
MONTH      TOPICS                            ACTIVITY                        EVALUATION

APRIL      GEO-CH-1 Environment                  1. Diagram: Domains         PERIODIC TEST I
           CH-2 Inside our Earth                 of the earth.               15-04-2019
           HIS-CH-1 Tracing changes through      2. Chart making             Geo- 1
           a thousand years                      pictures of private and     His-1
           CH-2 New kings and kingdom            public healthcare
           CIVICS-CH-1 On equality               services.
           CH- 2 Role of Government in           3. Map Work: Locate
           health                                the ruling dynasties-
                                                 Rashtrakutas, Palas,
                                                 Cholas, Chahamanas
                                                 and Gurjara-Pratiharas
MAY        GEO- CH-3 Our changing earth          1. Picture pasting: a)      PERIODIC TEST II on
           HIS- CH-3 The Delhi Sultans           structures of Mughal        27-05-2020
           CH-4 The Mughals Empire               Era                         Syllabus -Geo-Ch 2
           CIVICS- CH-3 How the state            b) landforms made by                  His-Ch 2
           government works                      different rivers in                   Civics-Ch 1
           CH-4 Growing up as boys and girls     scrapbook.
                                                 2. Map Work: Military
                                                 campaigns under
                                                 Akbar and Aurangzeb-
                                                 Gujarat, Bengal, Bihar,
                                                 Orissa, Malwa,
                                                 Gondwana, Qandhar,
Kabul, Kashmir,
                                                 Ranthambor, Chittor,
                                                 Bijapur and Golconda.
JULY        GEO- CH- 4 Air                       1. Draw the corbelled
            HIS- CH- 5 Rulers and Buildings      and arcuate.
            (project work)                       2.Model Making
            CIVICS- CH-5 Women change the        3. Chart: Layers of
            world                                atmosphere

AUGUST      GEO- CH- 5 Water                     1. Map Work: the water    PERIODIC TEST III on 26-
            Revision for SA-1                    bodies on the earth-      08-2020
                                                 oceans, seas and          Syllabus- Geo-Ch 3
                                                 rivers( not lakes) on               His-Ch 3
                                                 world map. ( 31)            Civics-Ch 2

SEPTEMBER   HALF YEARLY EXAMS                                              Syllabus-
                                                                           Geo-2 to 5
                                                                           His-2 to 4
                                                                           Civics-2 to 5
                                                                           Map Work- Geo pg 31, His
                                                                           pg 6,50(places mentioned)
OCTOBER     Geo- CH- 6 Natural vegetation and    1. Chart: pictures of
            wildlife                             advertisements from
            CH- 7 Human Environment              Newspaper
            HIS- CH- 6 Towns, traders and        2. Make a project chain
            craftspersons                        in means of
            CIVICS- CH-6 Understanding           communication
            Media                                ( Geo.)
            CH-7 Understanding Advertising       3. Map Work: Geo:
                                                 Major airports of the
                                                 World (New York, Los
                                                 Angeles, Toronto, Rio
                                                 De Janerio, London,
                                                 Johannesburg, New
                                                 Delhi, Mumbai, Tokyo,
                                                 Moscow, Sydney and
                                                 Paris) HIS: trade
                                                 centres and Artisanal
                                                 production in central
                                                 and South India (
                                                 Surat, Masulipatnam,
                                                 Hampi, Thanjavur,
                                                 Kabul, Somnath,
                                                 Bombay, Calcutta,
                                                 Madras, Berar)
NOVEMBER    GEO- CH-8 Human Environment          1. Make a collage on      PERIODIC TEST IV on 18-
            interactions the Tropical and sub-   Wildlife in Amazon        11-2020
            trropical Regions                    basin, Ganga and          Syllabus-Geo-Ch 6
            HIS- CH-7 Tribes, Nomads and         Brahmaputra.                       His-Ch 6
            settled Communities                  2. Project Work: Social            Civics-Ch 6
            CH-9 The making of Regional          and personal life of
            Cultures(Project Work)               Gond Tribe.
            CIVICS- CH- 8 Markets Around us
DECEMBER   GEO- CH-9 Life in Temperate            1. Map Work: the
              Grassland                              Amazon Basin in South
              HIS- CH-10 Eighteenth-centuries        America and the
              political formations                   Ganga Brahmaputra
              CIVICS- CH-9 A shirt in the market     basin in India.
   JANUARY    GEO- CH-10 Life in the deserts         1. Map Work: World         PERIODIC TEST V on
              CIVICS- CH-10 Struggle for             map- The Sahara            15-1-2021
              equality (project work)                Desert and Ladakh          Syllabus GEO- Ch-7
                                                     Desert                              HIS- Ch-7
                                                                                        CIVICS- Ch-7

   MARCH      FINAL EXAMS                                                       SYLLABUS-
                                                                                GEO- 5 to 10
                                                                                HIS- 3,4,6,7 and 10
                                                                                CIVICS- 5 to 9
                                                                                Map Work- mentioned in
                                                                                the months of Oct. to Jan.

                                         Subject- Science

Month         Chapter                              Activities                    Evaluation
April         Bio – Ch 1 – Nutrition in plants     1) Saprophytic plants         Periodic Test-1 on
                                                   2) Life cycle of silk moth    29.4.2020
              Che - Ch 3- Fibre to Fabric          3) Types of Thermometer
              Phy - Ch 4- Heat                                                   Chapter-1, 3
May           Bio - Ch 2- Nutrition in Animals  1) Digestive system
                                                2) Rusting
              Che - Ch 6- Physical and chemical 3) Anemometer
              Phy - Ch 8- Wind, storms and

July          Phy - Ch 13- Motion and Time         1) Time- period of Pendulum PeriodicTest -2 on
                                                   2) Collage on Weather report 29.7.2020
              Che - Ch 7- Weather, climate and
              Adaptations of Animals to climate                                  Syllabus
                                                                                 Chapter- 2,13

August        Bio - Ch 17 Forests                  1)Uses of forest

September     Half Yearly Examination                                            Ch- 1,2,3,4,6,7,8,13,17

October       Che - Ch 9- Soil                  1) Soil Profile                  PeriodicTest -3 on
                                                2) Electric Circuit              21.10.2020
              Phy – Ch 14- Electric current and 3) Collage on save water
              its effects                                                        Syllabus
                                                                                 Chapter- 9,14
              Bio- Ch 16 – Water

November      Che - Ch 18- Wastewater story        1) Open Book Test
                                                   2) Spectrum
              Phy – Ch 15- Light                   3) Respiratory System
Bio – Ch 10 – Respiration in

December    Bio - Ch 12- Reproduction in        1) Vegetative propagation       Periodic Test -4 on
            Plants                              2) Neutralization reaction      02.12.2020
                                                3) Excretory system
            Che – Ch 5- Acids, bases and                                        Syllabus
            salts                                                               Chapter- 15,16
            Bio- Ch 11- Transportation in
            Animals and Plants

January     Revision

February    Revision

March       Annual Exams                                                        Ch-1,2,4,5,6,9,10,

                                    Subject – Mathematics
Month       Chapter                          Activities                     Evaluation
April       Ch-1 Integers                    Activity on Decimals, Activity
            Ch2- Fraction and Decimals       on Bar graph
            Ch3- Data Handling
May         Ch4- Simple Equations               Activity on Parallel lines      Periodic Test-1 on
            Ch5- Lines and Angles               Activity on angles              6 May 2020
                                                (complementary and              Syllabus Ch– 1, 2, 3
July        Ch6- Triangles and its properties   Activity- To verify sum of
            Ch7- Congruence of triangles        angles of triangle is 180°
                                                Activity on exterior angle of
                                                Activity on Pythagoras

August      Ch15- Visualizing solid shapes      To draw cube and cuboid         Periodic Test-2 on
                                                on an isometric dot paper       05 August 2020
                                                                                Syllabus Ch- 4, 5, 6
September   Revision and Mid-term exams                                         Ch- 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,15
October     Ch8- Comparing Quantities
            Ch9- Rational Numbers
November    Ch10- Practical Geometry Ch11-      Activity on area of circle      Periodic Test-3 on
            Ch11-Perimeter and Area             Activity on circumference of    28 Oct 2020
                                                circle                          Syllabus Ch- 8, 9
December    Ch12- Algebraic Expressions Ch13 Activity on algebraic              Periodic Test-4 on
            Ch13-Exponents and Powers        expression                         09 Dec 2020
                                             Activity on exponents by           Syllabus Ch- 10, 11
                                             paper folding
January        Ch14- Symmetry                        Activity on lines of symmetry
                                                     of Geometrical
February       Revision
March          Final Exams                                                            Ch- 1 to 14

             Class-VII Syllabus(2020-21)
                                                 pwTX puáqk- bs
pZ-dwdI mW ky ávwáÌX ky iv†X my<
         jwnkwrI lyqy huE pZ iliKE[

         pwT-9 (iciVXw kI bÇcI)
         ÛXwkrx-pwT-8 (muhwvry) p÷àT-                                           swÎqwihk prI@w--
         133-134 (1-15),                                                        19.08.2020
Agáq     lokoi#qXW(p÷àT-135-136) (1-15)                                         Syllabus- pwT-4,5
                                                                                ÛXwkrx- me~ mhIny my<
pwT-17 (s
Subject – General Knowledge
Month    Topic
April    Unit – 1 Natural World
May      Unit – 2 Science And Technology
July     Unit – 3 India - My Country
August   Unit 5 Sports
Half yearly syllabus              Unit 1, 2, 3, 4 Test Paper - 1
October            Unit 6 Literature and Language
November           Unit 7 History
December           Unit 8 World
January            Entertainment
February           Revision for Annual Exam

March              Annual Exam Syllabus Unit 5, 6, 7, 8 Test paper - 1

            Subject – Art                       Book – Grafalco- Draw and Colour
Month                Topic                                              Activity
April                Pg no 2-4 Colour Values (tint and shades)          Greeting Card Making
                     Pg no 36-38 use of Brushes (Flat and Round
May                  Page no 6 – 8 ,Monochromatic Colour Scheme         Poster Making
                     Making different textures,
                     Making designs with stencils
June                 Summer Vacation
                     Collage Activity
July                 Pag no 10 – 13 , creating textures with crumpled   Mehndi Design Making
                     Texture with sponge
August               Pg no-14 – 18 ,                                    Flag and Rakhi Making
                     Reflection Painting
October              Pg no 12 -22 , Blurring Technique                  Diya lamp and candle making
November-December    Pg no-24 – 28 , Spray Painting , Pencil smudging,  Best out of waste material
                     Silhouette Painting
January              Pg no-32 -39 , Use of water colour
February             Pg no 40 – 42 , Human Figures
March                Final Exam

                                   SUBJECT - COMPUTER
Month                   Topic
April                   Chapter 1. Computer Virus
                        Chapter 3. GIMP- Introduction
May                     Chapter 7. HTML- Introduction
                        Chapter 8. HTML – Creating webpages
July                    Chapter 2. Number System
August                  Revision and Practical Exams
September               Mid Term Exams
October                 Chapter 4. GIMP – layers and filters
                        Chapter 7. Introduction to HTML 5
November                Chapter 6. Internet – Ethics and safeguard
                        Chapter 5. E-Commerce and blogging
                        Chapter 10. HTML- Forms,multimedia and CSS
January                 Revision and Practical Exams
February                Final Exams
Syllabus Divinity

Month                     Activtiy ( Book Babania Kahania -5)
April-May                 Book 1-7 Chapters , Rehras Sahib Path
July, August, September   Book Chapters 8-15 , Rehras Sahib Path
November, December        Book Chapters 16-21,Japji and Rehras Sahib Path
January ,February         Revision of all Syllabus
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