Gorilla Journal Journal of Berggorilla & Regenwald Direkthilfe
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Gorilla Journal Journal of Berggorilla & Regenwald Direkthilfe No. 65, December 2022 Oil versus Forest Community As Temperatures Distribution and in the Congo Reserves in Rise, Mountain Habitat Use of a Retreating Gorillas Get Gorillas in the Ebo Environment Thirstier Forest
BERGGORILLA & REGENWALD DIREKTHILFE CONTENTS Authors of this Issue Marieberthe Hoffmann-Falk is a professional in Corporate Communica- D. R. Congo 3 Dr. Matti Barthel is a biogeochemist tions. Since 2004 she has assisted in Another Gorilla Gives Birth on Mt. at the ETH Zürich at the Department of media relations for Berggorilla & Re- Tshiaberimu 3 Environmental Systems Sciences. For genwald Direkthilfe. Growing Mushrooms Close to Mt. various research projects he regularly Dr. Jean Claude Kyungu Kasolene Tshiaberimu 4 participates in scientific expeditions to headed the Tayna Gorilla Reserve and Oil versus Forest in the Congo 4 the Democratic Republic of the Congo. the Walikale Community Gorilla Re- Community Reserves in a Re- Dr. Marijn Bauters works as a trop- serve and was Project Manager for the treating Environment 5 ical ecologist and biogeochemist at Tshiaberimu Gorilla Project for The Go- Community Development Micro- Ghent University, and frequently con- rilla Organization. From 2017 to 2019, Projects around Maiko Park 7 ducts field work in the tropical forests he was the Director of the Itombwe Re- Climate Change in the Congo of South America and Africa. serve and in 2020 became the Chief of Basin 9 Chloe Chesney is a PhD student the Maiko National Park. GRACE Celebrates World Gorilla at Lisbon and the University of Exeter. Papy Kabaya Mahamudi Eus- Day 10 Her research focuses on the socio-cul- tache is coordinator and Director of GRACE Uses Radio for Conser- tural development of humans, the rela- programmes at the Réserve des Go- vation Education 13 tionships between humans and wildlife rilles d’Usala. Moreover, he is assistant Gorillas 14 and the influence of anthropogenic ac- at the Institut Supérieur de Développe- As Temperatures Increase, tivities on biodiversity. ment Rural at Walikale. Mountain Gorillas get Thirstier 14 Laurie Cummins is GRACE Edu- Honoré Kambale Masumbuko is GORILLAS our friends FOREVER 14 cation and Community Engagement GRACE Education Manager. Distribution and Habitat Use of Manager. Dr. Angela Meder studied the be- Gorillas in the Ebo Forest 15 Dr. Ekwoge Enang Abwe is a post- haviour and development of captive Understanding Visitors at Tourist doctoral research fellow with San Die- lowland gorillas for 10 years. Until her Sites to Protect Great Apes from go Zoo Global and manager of the Ebo retirement she worked as a book edi- Disease 17 Forest Research Project in Cameroon. tor. Since 1992 she has been part of Reading 19 Dr. Kimberley J. Hockings is a the Board of Directors of Berggorilla & Berggorilla & Regenwald Senior Lecturer at the University of Ex- Regenwald Direkthilfe. Direkthilfe 20 eter. Her research aims to elucidate Daniel M. Mfossa is the Clubs des 2022 Members’ Meeting 20 the underlying mechanisms that al- Amis des Gorilles coordinator for the low human-wildlife coexistence. She's Ebo Forest Research Project. He is a member of the IUCN/SSC Primate currently a doctoral student at ERAIFT Specialist Group. – University of Kinshasa. His research focuses on the ecology and conserva- tion status of gorillas in the Ebo forest. Bank Account: Dr. Bethan Morgan is Head of the Gorilla Journal 65, December 2022 IBAN DE06 3625 0000 0353 3443 15 African Forest Program at San Diego Editor: Angela Meder BIC SPMHDE3E Zoo Wildlife Alliance, Principal Investi- Augustenstr. 122, 70197 Stuttgart, Switzerland: gator of the Ebo Forest Research Pro- Germany IBAN CH90 0900 0000 4046 1685 7 ject and Honorary Research Fellow at E-mail meder@berggorilla.org BIC POFICHBEXXX the University of Stirling, UK. Translation, editing and proofread- Dr. Ana Nuno is a Research Fel- ing: Ann DeVoy, Bettina and Andrew Organisation Address: low at the NOVA University Lisbon and Grieser Johns, Bronwen Hodges, Berggorilla & Regenwald Direkthilfe Honorary Senior Lecturer at the Univer- Carla A. Litchfield (University of South c/o Burkhard Broecker sity of Exeter. Her work contributes to Australia), Callum McCabe Juedenweg 3 advancing knowledge and implement- Cover: Members of the Bitukura 33161 Hoevelhof, Germany ing best practice in biodiversity conser- group in Bwindi National Park drink- E-mail broecker@berggorilla.org vation and management of natural re- ing water Website: sources with a strong focus on interac- Photo: Martha M. Robbins http://www.berggorilla.org tions between people and wildlife. 2 Gorilla Journal 65, December 2022
D. R. CONGO Dr. Martha Robbins, a research as- What can we learn from this death? sociate at the Max Planck Institute for My opinion on lessons learnt may not Evolutionary Anthropology, has been be shared by others. The birth of a studying the behavioral ecology of go- third gorilla baby by another female rillas since 1990. Since 1998, she has gave us further hope because it means been studying the socioecology and re- that the Mount Tshiaberimu group has productive strategies of mountain go- two fertile adult females. The first baby, rillas in Bwindi Impenetrable National Hope, now a juvenile, is also female. Park, since 2005 she has been working She increases the number of the Mount with the gorillas in Loango. Tshiaberimu females to four. We know Claude Sikubwabo Kiyengo con- that the death rate among gorilla infants ducted a gorilla survey in the Maiko Na- is 1 in 3, so the death of the latest baby tional Park, he worked for the ICCN in gorilla is not surprising. Nonetheless, Goma and for the IUCN. He was chief its birth gives us hope for the future of conservator of the Parc National des a population on the brink of extinction. Virunga, central sector, the coordinator Ndekesiriʼs dead baby We are waiting with bated breath to of the NGO VONA, the PACEBCo ex- Photo: Katsuva Wasukundi/ICCN determine the sex of Mwengeshali’s pert for conservation and biodiversity latest baby. We also know that when in the Virunga region (COMIFAC), and time. In 2018, a baby gorilla was born a female gorilla loses her baby, she since 2008 he has been our assistant. but died only a few days later. In 2019, comes back into estrus quickly and another individual disappeared, further may conceive again. Another Gorilla Gives reducing the number of gorillas to only Claude Sikubwabo Kiyengo five (data from ICCN monitoring). Birth on Mt. Tshiaberimu The possibility that the females were For over a decade, there has been infertile began to be considered. How- little hope for the survival of the Mount ever, during 2019, when no one really Tshiaberimu (or Tshiabirimu) gorillas. believed in the future survival of these Several great ape experts considered gorillas, the female Mwengeshali gave these gorillas to be on the verge of birth to a baby, who was named Espoir becoming extinct: the population was (Hope). The same female had anoth- beyond the point of recovery. Monitoring er baby in late 2021. A sense of opti- showed that not a single gorilla was mism started to grow again, although born between 2009 and 2018, and the it was still doubtful that a single fertile number of gorillas on Mt. Tshiaberimu female could save such a vulnerable fell drastically from 13 to 6 during that population. The population currently consists of seven individuals including two silverbacks, three females, and two The gorillas on Mt. youngsters. In the last Gorilla Journal, we wrote: “We hope that Mwengeshali Tshiaberimu can give birth to more babies, and that Katsavara family the other gorilla females can also be- Katsavara, male come mothers.” Mukokya, female Our wish was fulfilled. At 8 am on Ranges of the two gorilla families Ndekesiri, female 11 June 2022, trackers were present (the Kipura family is the same as Espoir, juvenile female when Ndekesiri gave birth for the first the Mwasa family) on Mt. Tshiabe time. Unfortunately, the umbilical cord rimu during the second quarter of Mwasa family did not detach quickly and became en- 2022 Mwasa, male tangled with the vegetation. When the Map: ICCN Mwengeshali, female female tried to untangle herself, the Kavango, sex not yet identified cord was torn and the baby died as a result. 3 Gorilla Journal 65, December 2022
D. R. CONGO Growing Mushrooms in Communities Close to Mt. Tshiaberimu Community members near the Mt. Tshiaberimu, Virunga National Park, were trained in growing mushrooms (Pleurotus ostreatus). They were very happy with the results, and other communities expressed their interest in becoming mushroom growers too. Donations are welcome to give them the opportunity! This project was funded by the or- ganisation Cents for help (an initia- tive by employees and companies within the Bosch Group). The substrate for the mushrooms is prepared. It is made from leftovers of agriculture like dry leaves of beans and bananas. Oil versus Forest in the ever, the funds were not directed to the tries in the world. It would be remarka- government but rather to conservation ble if this promise was kept – there are Congo projects via international organisations. numerous similar cases where lead- In April 2022, Greenpeace reported The funds could not be used directly to ers enrich themselves while the popu- that the government of the Democratic finance the work and measures of the lation becomes ever poorer. President Republic of the Congo planned to auc government – in contrast to those from Tshisekedi also announced that the tion off concessions for the extraction of oil extraction. revenue generated from oil extraction oil. Together with numerous other nature At the beginning of September, Min- would be used to fund nature conser- conservation organisations, including ister of Hydrocarbons for the Congo Di- vation. Rainforest Rescue, Greenpeace called dier Budimbu Ntubuanga said the DRC In 2016, the country’s oil reserves upon the government not to go through received two offers for the oil blocks. were estimated at 20 billion barrels, with this, particularly since some of Oil extraction would have seri- the second largest reserves on the Af- these concessions were located inside ous consequences for the forests and rican continent after Nigeria. Selling the national parks. A petition with over swamps where most of the conces- concessions could generate 600 mil- 100,000 signatures was handed to the sions are located, areas that are al- lion dollars immediately. Further, the Congolese government on 25 July. ready under severe pressure. In ad- responsible minister estimates that the Despite this, 27 oil and 3 gas con- dition, oil extraction would have a det- exploitation of just two of the planned cessions were offered in an auction rimental effect on global climate and concessions could procure a month- in late July. Many conservationists on the people living in the affected re- ly income of one billion dollars for the were shocked by this because Presi- gions. However, the Congolese gov- state. However, one opinion (https:// dent Tshisekedi had signed a commit- ernment rejects criticism from nature africanarguments.org/2022/08/congo- ment during the UN Climate Change and climate conservationists stating oil-auction-foiling-climate-colonialism- Conference of the Parties (COP26) in that the primary concern of the govern- or-filling-the-coffers/) is that the Con- Glasgow in late 2021, promising that ment is to develop the country and its golese government does not actually the DRC would promote climate pro- economy and to lead its population out intend to exploit the oil reserves, only tection. Several countries had prom- of poverty. The Democratic Republic of to sell the rights. The announcement ised to finance this commitment. How- Congo is one of the five poorest coun- of the auction may be a ploy, exerting 4 Gorilla Journal 65, December 2022
D. R. CONGO pressure on the richer states to pro- for the rangers to control the park – so For more information vide additional funds to support cli- nobody knows how the gorillas are far- Greenpeace Africa: https://www.greenpeace. org/africa/en/explore/, report on the reaction of mate protection and biodiversity con- ing. The Congolese government has the population: https://www.greenpeace.org/ servation in the DRC. Experts think that proposed that the park should be under static/planet4-africa-stateless/2022/09/38e7 the funds promised during the climate the control of the military. If that were to 52f8-oil-blocks-report-english-v1.2.pdf summit in Glasgow are not anywhere happen, the protection of the Natural Rainforest Rescue: https://www.rainforest-res cue.org/petitions/1261/drc-do-not-sacrifice- near enough to achieve the set goals. World Heritage Site would no longer be congos-rainforests-to-the-oil-industry guaranteed. Rainforest Foundation UK: https://www.rainfor The End of Virunga National Park? Angela Meder estfoundationuk.org/press-releasepetition-of- 100000-signatures-handed-to-drc-president- The government of the Democratic to-stop-new-oil-development Republic of the Congo had already Maps indicating the locations of oil concessions granted oil concessions covering 85 % protected area etc. posted by the Rainforest Foundation: of the area of the Virunga National Park https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/28900d3 national border 426fd485db15f94ea6126a477 by late 2007. (https://www.berggorilla. org/en/gorillas/protected-areas-for- gorillas/protected-areas-for-gorillas/ Beni Community Reserves in a oil-exploration-in-virunga-park/) The Retreating Environment i or nz plans to drill for oil in the park caused DEMOCRAT. Can they Guarantee Healthy we heated argument: WWF initiated a Mutsora M Mu Ru protest campaign, and a website was REP. OF Ecosystems and Biodiversity? developed for this purpose (https:// THE CONGO GO G savevirunga.com). The company Butembo o The natural forests in western North SOCO carried out some exploratory Kivu province and Maniema province, drilling but stopped work after strong Mt. Tshiaberimu eastern Democratic Republic of the international protest (including the do Congo, are very rich in biodiversity of cumentary “Drillers in the Mist” (https:// both animal and plant species. While virungamovie.com/), which came out the Virunga, Maiko and Kahuzi-Biega on Netflix in 2014. However, work was national parks are under the protection restarted in 2017 with SOCO again Lake of ICCN (Congolese Institute for Nature Edward involved, this time indirectly (https:// Conservation), the organisation in www.berggorilla.org/en/journal/issues/ charge of protected areas in the DRC, journal-55-22017/article-view/virunga- the majority of the forest outside these park-again-threatened-by-oil/). Rwindi national parks has remained without Oil extraction is not permitted in a legal protection for quite some time. UNESCO World Heritage Site. The Between 1998 and 2004, several lo- Congolese government has countered cal communities in forested areas, anx- this argument by indicating that the ar- UGANDA ious to protect the biodiversity of their eas concerned could be excised from Rutshuru R Rut Ru forests, set about creating communi- the national park. This would be a se- Tongo ty reserves with a view to protecting rious blow to nature conservation in their natural resources, focussing par- eastern Congo as this goes against the Rumangabo ticularly on lowland gorillas and chim- Nyamulagira very reason for Virunga National Park’s Mikeno Sector panzees. Over those 6 years, 9 com- World Heritage status. Nyiragongo munity reserves were created in these The park is already under strong two provinces. pressure from the activities of various Goma RWANDA rebel groups. For example, M23 com- Lake Kivu North Kivu menced massive attacks in the region – Tayna Gorilla Reserve (RGT, 1998) as recently as June. The rebels have The Virunga National Park with the – Bakumbule Primate Community settled mainly in the southern part of oil concession blocks Reserve (RECOPRIBA, 2001), the park, which is where the mountain Map: Angela Meder with information now called Kisimba-Ikobo Primate gorillas are. This makes it impossible from the Rain Forest Foundation UK Reserve (RPKI) 5 Gorilla Journal 65, December 2022
D. R. CONGO Traces found in the Usala Reserve during a 20 km foot patrol mountains. Its altitude varies between 500 and 2020 m above sea level. It Number Species Traces/km2 is located in the Usala village group- 13 Gorilla beringei graueri (Grauer’s gorilla) 0.65 ing in the Wanianga sector in Walikale 23 Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii (eastern chimpanzee) 1.15 territory, North Kivu province, with the River Lindi to the north, REGOUWA to 7 Okapia johnstoni (okapi) 0.35 the south, RGT and RPKI to the east 21 Orycteropus afer (aardvark) 1.05 and Maiko National Park to the west. It 31 Hyemoschus aquaticus (fanged deer) 12.7 has an area of 115,200 hectares. It is 54 Potamochoerus porcus (bush pig) 2.7 drained by several rivers with plentiful fish such as the Lindi, Mandaye, Lubuli, 65 Cephalophus dorsalis (bay duiker) 3.25 Hunde, Bilate, Rwemo, Kiruchi, Tama- 5 Panthera pardus (leopard) 0.25 ria, Roombo and Ubangire. 8 Cercopithecus hamlyni (owl-faced monkey) 0.4 Gorillas, chimpanzees and oth- er flagship animals: The existing re- 16 Cercopithecus l’hoesti (L’Hoest’s monkey) 0.8 search on gorillas and chimpanzees 4 Kinixys erosa (forest hinge-back tortoise) 0.2 dates from 2014. There have been no updates since then. At that time there – Bakano Forest Reserve for Com receive no support, despite their were 0.797 gorillas per km2, about 918 munity Conservation (COCREFOBA, activities on the ground. What they are in the reserve, and 0.072 chimpanzees 2002) able to accomplish without support is per km2, 83 in the reserve. – Usala Gorilla Reserve (RGU, 2002) far from guaranteeing the survival of the These data do not seem very con- – Utunda and Wassa Gorilla Reserve great apes (gorillas and chimpanzees) clusive, however. There could have (REGOUWA, 2003). In recent and other large mammals in their areas. been many more in the reserve. In years, the small reserves making We are presenting here information 2019 a patrol team noticed high con- up REGOUWA have changed their about three community reserves in ar- centrations of these animals, although name to RENGYIT. eas which are difficult to access. no numbers were given, only locations. – Primates and Forests of Lowa Com In June 2022 a team monitoring a very munity Reserve (RECOPRIFOL, Usala Gorilla Reserve (RGU) small part of the reserve, with a foot pa- 2003) The Usala Gorilla Reserve or the trol of 20 km: Usala Community Forest was created Management objectives: Maniema by a team of customary chieftains and 1. to protect biodiversity, particularly – Punia Gorilla Reserve (RGPU, local landowners under the leadership animal species threatened with ex 2002) of Sultan Eric Mwaka Wa Eliba, who tinction (gorillas, chimpanzees, etc.) – Mukingiti and Kingombe Gorilla became the managers. 2. to promote rural development, Reserve (REGOMUKI, 2003) The management is on two levels – 3. to promote scientific research and – Lubutu Gorilla Reserve (REGOLU, the administrative council, made up tourism, 2004) of chieftains from across the area and 4. to introduce the concept of con forming the decision-making unit, and servation to the local population Since 1998, the concept of community the co-ordination unit dealing with the through community-based activities, forests managed by the local population daily activities comprising technical 5. to promote the participation of the has spread throughout the eastern staff. local population in nature con provinces of the Congo, leading to the This structure operates for the mo- servation. creation of these reserves. But not one ment under the terms of Provincial Or- Challenges: of these nine reserves has received der No. 016/CAB/GP-NK/2010 of 22 1. illegal activities in the reserve: sufficient support. Those reserves April 2010 which gives it provisional poaching, tree-felling to expand which are accessible because they are authority, the act of a sympathetic na- agricultural areas, gold mining and near navigable roads have received tional Minister of the Environment and the search for minerals, some support from partners and Nature Conservation. 2. the critical shortage of financing for international NGOs. Those reserves The RGU is in the equatorial zone, the organisation of patrols, the lack which are more difficult to access characterised by lowlands as well as of field equipment and infrastructure 6 Gorilla Journal 65, December 2022
D. R. CONGO such as housing for trackers and voluntary surrender of 12-gauge reserve. In an attempt to establish rangers, shotguns, complete protection, hunting, fishing, 3. funding of activities: young volun – monitoring gorilla groups near the trapping and the cutting of timber was teers are growing and selling cas abandoned ranger post at Loya, prohibited, as was traffic through the sava, and the money raised is used along the Loyanje stream and in the park. However, the Government was to organise sensitisation mis sions Lukumwe and Ndufa hills. Numerous never able to remove the Simba rebels, and monitoring of the reserve. gorillas lived in this area between who had lived in the park since 1964. 1989 and 1993, but now only one to Maiko National Park extends across Kisimba-Ikobo Primate Reserve four individuals have been recorded three different provinces: the south- (RPKI) there. ern sector of the park is in Maniema Like the Usala Reserve, RPKI was – monitoring chimpanzees in the Province, the central sector is part of set up in 2001 by traditional chiefs Mube and Ndonga hills. Tshopo Province, and the northern sec- and local landowners, and it has the tor lies in North Kivu Province. same objectives. It covers an area Monitoring is conducted for only about Hunting remains a major activity of 200,000 hectares. A 2014 survey 45 days per year, which is not frequent around Maiko National Park, in par- showed a density of 0.422 gorillas and enough. The area was not surveyed ticular the hunting of bushmeat to sup- 0.05 chimpanzees per km2, with an in 2014. The work done by Claude ply the markets of Lubutu, Bafwasende estimated total of 845 gorillas and 100 Sikubwabo and John Hart between and Manguredjipa. Poaching of pro- chimpanzees in the reserve. 1989 and 1992 provided some in tected species is aimed at the capture There are two ranger stations inside formation about flora and fauna in that and marketing of monkeys, baby goril- this reserve, and no villages. The re- part of the forest. However, thirty years las and chimpanzees. serve also suffers from a critical lack of later, with ongoing wars and unrest, In 2020, the provinces of Maniema financial support for patrols, trackers, this information is out-of-date and may and Tshopo launched a campaign to and educators. no longer be accurate. An update is collect hunting weapons, particular- urgently needed. ly 12-gauge shotguns, which are the Loya Wandi Community Reserve main weapons produced locally. They for Development (FLOWADE) To sum up, community conservation are used predominantly for hunting, to FLOWADE is situated to the north of by the local population is a very good provide income and food. The popula- the central sector of Maiko National initiative. The natural resources and tion voluntarily handed in 265 of these Park. It was set up in 2012 at Opienge. ecosystems can be protected by local weapons, but the people are suffering Its mission is ‘Conservation for All by efforts. We must support these initiatives from food shortages and a lack of in- All’. Its objectives are the same as for because without appropriate funding, come. Alternative livelihoods support the Usala Reserve. especially for the less accessible sites, was established for the people who The co-ordination centre is at An- it is difficult to guarantee the long-term handed over their weapons. This was gamapasa, a village on the traditional health of the ecosystems and their initiated by ICCN (Congolese Institute route connecting Opienge and Loya. biodiversity. for Nature Conservation) and support- The reserve has never received any Claude Sikubwabo Kiyengo and Papy ed by its partner Berggorilla & Regen- support. A single mission in the whole Kabaya Mahamudi Eustache wald Direkthilfe. These support pro- of the northern part of the central sec- jects include: an initiative for the reha- tor was financed by ICCN for sensitisa- bilitation and construction of fishponds tion. The reserve needs support in the Community Development in the southern sector of the park be- form of field equipment, rations for the Micro-Projects around tween Lubutu and Osso (or Oso), patrols and to increase motivation for Maiko National Park where people are provided with funds, the trackers to contribute to the docu- material for their development, and fry mentation of gorillas in this part of the Maiko National Park (MNP) was ga (young fish); a water capture project in forest. zetted in 1970 by the President of Obassa, Uyugu and Tingi Tingi; a mill The activities of this reserve focus what was then Zaire, Marshal Mobutu. for cassava flour in Osso in the south- mainly on the following: Before the creation of the park, the ern sector; and a project for oil, rice and area was part of the Bakumu Hunting cassava mills in Manguredjipa in the – educating the population on primate Reserve. To create the park, the local northern sector, carried out by a wom- conservation and promoting the population was relocated from the en’s association. 7 Gorilla Journal 65, December 2022
D. R. CONGO A rehabilitated fishpond Photo: ICCN PNM In addition to supporting the volun- tary surrender of 12-gauge shotguns, the project also reduces poaching, sen- Above: captured water source sitises the population by involving them Left: palm oil production in biodiversity conservation and com- Photos: ICCN PNM munity development activities, and im- proves relations between park manag- the fishpond project in particular, as of 18,684 people have benefited from ers and neighbouring communities. well as the benefits of biodiversity con- the project. They are the members of In order to deliver the project, the servation. ten associations including one forest Site Manager of Maiko National Park, These projects will support as many reserve (REGOMUKI: Mukingiti and together with the local chiefs, held con- as 24,600 direct beneficiaries, as well Kingombe Gorilla Reserve), two Cath- sultations with the associations that as other people living in the area who olic churches in Osso, two youth asso- would benefit from the project. He ex- benefit from selling the fish, rice, oil or ciations in Obassa and five local devel- plained the merits of micro-projects for cassava flour. opment initiatives on the Lubutu–Osso community development in general, In the case of the fishponds, a total axis. Eleven fishponds are being reha- Project beneficiaries Beneficiaries/Associa- No. of Locality Activity Participating vil- Quan- tion members lages tity Osso Health Centre 8,000 Osso Water catchment, small- Uyugu, Obassa 4 scale water distribution sources Bapère Development 2,500 Manguredjipa oil mill Manguredjipa 1 Committee/CGC-ICCN rice mill 1 Association of Mothers for 2,000 Osso flour mill Osso 1 Development REGOMUKI 2,200 Lubutu support for fish farming Bitule 1 JAGA USIANA 450 Mukwanyama support for fish farming Mukwanyama, Batike 3 EKITA-AGANDJA 1,500 Obokala, Djingala support for fish farming Bongisia 2 AMKA MABADILIKO 150 Lubutu support for fish farming Sanzalisili 1 ULD/LEGA 1,500 Lubutu/EDD support for fish farming Mukwanyama 1 Catholic Church 4,500 Osso support for fish farming Osso 1 JAFARI Youth Association 1,800 Mengwe support for fish farming Lubutu, Osso 1 Total 24,600 8 Gorilla Journal 65, December 2022
D. R. CONGO bilitated and have received fry. Moni- population centres with drinking water to a number of different ecosystems. toring of the growth of fry is under way and thanks Berggorilla & Regenwald Grassy savannas in the North and and the harvesting of fish is expected Direkthilfe for the capture of four water South enclose a huge swath of tropical to start in April 2023. sources thus far. The need remains forest in the heart of the continent. As for the water projects, Osso urgent and the further water distribution These forests stretch a vast distance, Health Centre benefited from four cap- network has already been mapped. from the East African Rift Valley in tured sources. The 2,000 members of Claude Sikubwabo Kiyengo and Jean eastern Democratic Republic of the the Association of Mothers for Devel Claude Kyungu Kasolene Congo to the Atlantic coasts of Gabon opment of Osso benefited from a cas- and Cameroon. But not all forests within sava flour mill. In the northern sec- These community projects were main- this region are the same: the forest belt tor, the 2,500 members of the Bapere/ ly funded by the Deutsche Postcode is composed of lowland, montane, and ICCN Development Committee bene- Lotterie. swamp forests, but also dry woodlands – fited from a palm oil press and a rice dominated by the so-called Miombo husker. tree species. Climate Change in the The mighty Congo River meanders Perspective for the future Congo Basin more than 4,700 km through this area The population of Osso-Obassa-Ki in a large arc before flowing into the At- ngombe, about 10,000 people, wants The Congo Basin covers an area of lantic Ocean at an average discharge Maiko National Park to provide all more than 4 million km2 and is home of 41,000 m3 per second. This river is Rain forest in eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo Photo: Matti Barthel 9 Gorilla Journal 65, December 2022
D. R. CONGO so massive that it has formed a natu- mous amounts of methane while non- and longer dry seasons can increase ral boundary on the continent, allow- flooded forest areas absorb methane. tree mortality, which would likely re- ing chimpanzees and bonobos to co- Thus, tropical forests are extremely im- duce the CO2 sink capacity of forests evolve in separate parts of the basin. portant to help buffer or mitigate the and alter forest structure and composi- The latter live south of the river and, ongoing climate change caused by the tion. However, how exactly these rap- like the Congo peacock and okapi, are release of anthropogenic greenhouse id changes in climate will affect oth- found exclusively in the Democratic gases. er ecosystem functions, such as habi- Republic of the Congo. In turn, climate change also affects tat for the resident bonobos, remains Congolese tropical forests are not the Congo Basin itself, as can be seen to be seen. Only one thing is sure: only important for safeguarding unique from long-term air temperature data. increasing our conservation efforts is fauna. The forests also absorb enor- Since 1960, the Meteorological Insti- essential to give the forest the best mous amounts of carbon dioxide (CO2) tute of the research station, Congo- chance to survive and remain healthy. from the atmosphere through photo- lese Institute for Agronomic Research Climate change already compromises synthesis, thereby playing a major role (INERA) in Yangambi, D. R. Congo these systems, while we are in such in climate processes. At the moment has been recording the daily air tem- dire need of them to absorb our emit- tropical forests are still a net sink for perature by hand – on tables provid- ted carbon. CO2, meaning that they absorb more ed for this purpose. These measure- Marijn Bauters and Matti Barthel CO2 than they release. Intact African ments have been written out by hand References rainforests take up as much as 0.3 pe- every single day since 1960. Through Barthel, M. et al. (2022): Low N2O and variable tagrams (1 Pg = 1015 g) of C per year some rather painstaking work, an in- CH4 fluxes from tropical forest soils of the (Hubau et al. 2020). This is equivalent ternational team of scientists have now Congo Basin. Nature Communications 13, 330 to twice Germany’s total annual emis- digitized and evaluated these tempera- https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-022-27978-6 Hubau, W. et al. (2020): Asynchronous carbon sions from fossil fuel burning and in- ture data. These six decades of hand- sink saturation in African and Amazonian dustry and double the CO2 uptake in written temperature data show that the tropical forests. Nature 579, 80–87 intact forests in the Amazon basin! But Congo Basin has warmed steadily over Jiang, Y. et al. (2019): Widespread increase of boreal summer dry season length over the the CO2 uptake of these forests is not the past decades (Kasongo et al. in re- Congo rainforest. Nature Climate Change 9, the only important process for the glob- view). In addition to rising temperatures 617–622 al climate. Methane (CH4) and nitrous in the Congo Basin, the duration of the Kasongo, E. Y. et al. (in review): Six decades oxide (N2O) are two other important dry season has also increased over of ground-based climate monitoring indicate warming and increasing precipitation season atmospheric greenhouse gases that the past decades (Jiang et al. 2019), ality and intensity in Yangambi (central Congo are also exchanged by tropical forest together with an increase in the yel- basin). soils (Barthel et al. 2022). For example, lowing of Congolese forests (Zhou et Zhou, L. et al. (2014): Widespread decline of Congo rainforest greenness in the past flooded swamp forests release enor- al. 2014). Both the rising temperatures decade. Nature 509, 86–90 GRACE Celebrates World Gorilla Day It was early morning on 24 September, 2022, but the GRACE Education Team was already on the move. They had been planning for weeks: Zoom meetings, community invitations, hours of preparation, and even a new video about gorillas led to this day. Now, it was “go” time and the team was headed out into communities near GRACE to start the celebrations. Logging has been an important factor of forest destruction for decades – After all, 24 September is a big deal recently climate change has become another strong factor. at GRACE … it’s World Gorilla Day! Ini- Photo: Matti Barthel tiated by the Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund, 10 Gorilla Journal 65, December 2022
D. R. CONGO the group. They shared their thoughts on why gorillas are important, how people can protect gorillas, and what makes the community-managed Tay- na Nature Reserve near GRACE spe- cial. Everyone in the audience cheered as these young conservation heroes spoke. Led by GRACE Educators, commu- nity members also shared their dedica- tion to gorillas and conservation on the local radio station, Radio Tayna. Their voices carried throughout the Tayna area, reaching thousands of listeners on World Gorilla Day. Gracianne and Sims led each village in a community-wide cleanup. Togeth- er, they collected over 1,000 pieces of rubbish (including plastic bottles and bags) from homes and common areas A procession through Kagheri to celebrate World Gorilla Day and brought it to a community dispos- Photo: GRACE al site. This reinforced the importance of working together to clean up the en- World Gorilla Day brings together peo- Sims, “to see the local authorities, kids, vironment. After so much planning, ple from around the world to raise and women all participating together Gracianne was “proud that the team awareness of gorillas and their conser- on this day – seeing everyone dancing brought World Gorilla Day celebrations vation. For GRACE staff, who dedicate and singing for gorillas – really made to three villages at the same time.” their passion and purpose to caring for me happy.” In all three villages, over 300 com- rescued Grauer’s gorillas daily, there is Students from GRACE Conserva- munity members participated in a Pride so much to celebrate. tion Clubs read stories and poems to Wall where Educators posed three It is also an important time to rec- ognise the communities living near GRACE which help make our gorilla re- habilitation and conservation work pos- sible. Therefore, they are the first to be invited to celebrate with us every World Gorilla Day. This year, GRACE Educa- tors expanded their festivities to three villages: Katoyo, Kasugho, and Kagh- eri. More than 11,000 people came to learn about and take conservation ac- tion for Grauer’s gorillas and the forest. In Katoyo and Kasugho, over 4,000 people, including GRACE staff and their families, gathered to celebrate gorillas. GRACE Educators Gracianne Basyanirya and Guy Simisi (Sims) Mumbere led the celebrations in these two villages. They organised speech- es, songs, processions, educational Residents of Kasugho gather with GRACE Educator Sims (second from presentations and more. According to left) to celebrate World Gorilla Day Photo: GRACE 11 Gorilla Journal 65, December 2022
D. R. CONGO questions: 1) “What do you know about people about gorillas. For some in at- known what GRACE is, where we are gorillas?” 2) “How do you feel about tendance, this was their first time see- located, and what we do. They have gorillas?” and 3) “What have you done ing footage of Grauer’s gorillas. Bro- promised to welcome us for future ac- to protect the forest for people and go- chures were also distributed for peo- tivities in Kagheri.” rillas?” Community members shared ple to learn more about gorillas and As deforestation and habitat loss their responses by writing answers on GRACE. continue to threaten Grauer’s gorillas the Pride Wall. This allowed people of In partnership with GRACE, the in eastern Democratic Republic of the all ages and backgrounds to express community organisation SPEED-RDC Congo, GRACE Educators are work- their ideas and share how they take ac- led a procession for gorillas through the ing to address these threats by bringing tion to protect gorillas. center of Kagheri, getting people of all conservation education to more com- GRACE Educators worked with local ages involved in the celebration. A rep- munities. Honoré explained: “Kagheri officials, women’s groups, churches, resentative from Tayna Nature Reserve is a new area for us, but it was mem- community associations and students was invited to speak to the residents orable and something we have been from 22 schools to make these ex- of Kagheri and answer their questions thinking about for a long time. Now, panded celebrations possible. GRACE about gorillas and the forest. This was the community here really respects Education Manager Honoré Kambale an important moment for building trust and understands our mission and mes- Masumbuko said, “working in collabo- and understanding between the com- sage as GRACE Educators. This event ration with local associations and com- munity and the different conservation gave us roots in Kagheri and will help munities helped us reach our goals.” groups working in the region. us continue to grow into additional vil This was especially true in Kagheri, Asked to share his favourite high- lages.” where GRACE Educators celebrated light from World Gorilla Day, GRACE Located in a biodiversity hotspot and World Gorilla Day for the first time. Communications Manager Josias Ka one of the last remaining strongholds A drama about gorilla conservation mbale Kamaliro said, “all of the com- for Grauer’s gorillas, GRACE is on a presented in the center of Kagheri drew munity – including the soldiers, local mission to inspire 100,000 hearts to in large crowds to watch. Later that leaders, teachers – everyone was in- take conservation action. Thanks to the day, a film created by the GRACE Ed- volved in the activities throughout Ka dedication of the GRACE Education ucation Team taught more than 5,800 gheri. Since that day, people have team and the support of local commu- nities, we are proud to report that over 11,000 people (including 5,800 new contacts) were connected with Grau- er’s gorillas this World Gorilla Day! The GRACE Education team is already planning for next year’s events, with a goal to expand the celebrations even further. Their commitment to communi- ty-led conservation is making a differ- ence for people and Grauer’s gorillas in eastern D. R. Congo. Laurie G. Cummins and Honoré Kam- bale Masumbuko GRACE’s 2022 World Gorilla Day cel- ebrations would not be possible with- out the planning, coordination and support of the entire GRACE Team, including: Gracianne K. Basyanirya, Guy Simisi Mumbere, Josias Kambale Kamaliro, Faustin Muhindo Kibwana, Jackson Kabuyaya Mbeke, Katie Faw- Residents of Katoyo gather to add their thoughts on gorillas to the Pride cett, Tommi Wolfe, and the communi- Wall. Photo: GRACE ties of Katoyo, Kasugho and Kagheri. 12 Gorilla Journal 65, December 2022
D. R. CONGO written specifically for the campaign. Furthermore, post-evaluation data in- dicated that radio can be effective at encouraging action: 100 % of people surveyed told friends to listen to con- servation programming on the radio. In the context of community led conser- vation, spreading awareness amongst the community is an important action for gorilla conservation. Findings sup- port the use of radio, including the use of culturally relevant song, as an impor- tant and effective tool for conservation education. Building on our findings, GRACE educators have designed and plan to launch and evaluate a new radio cam- paign in 2022 focused on the connec- The GRACE Education team outside the radio station Photo: GRACE tion between human, forest, and gorilla health. The new campaign is expected GRACE Uses Radio for campaign was run, as was shown to air beginning in October 2022. “Stay Conservation Education in the post-evaluation scores: 100 % tuned” for updates on this exciting new of respondents reported that gorillas radio outreach program! The Tayna Nature Reserve, eastern can get sick; 99 % said gorillas and Democratic Republic of the Congo, humans can get the same diseases; Summary of is managed in partnership with the and 89 % said practicing good hygiene Fawcett, K. et. al. (2022): Radio as a local community and is home to the can prevent gorillas from getting sick. Tool for Conservation Education. Inter- critically endangered Grauer’s gorilla In addition, 88 % of respondents cor- national Zoo Educators Journal (Inter- (Gorilla beringei graueri). In response rectly reported information, which was national Zoo Educators Association) to Ebola and COVID-19, the Gorilla only delivered through lyrics of a song 58, 32–35 Rehabilitation and Conservation Edu cation (GRACE) Center opted to utilise radio for conservation education as an alternative to in-person programming in 2021. Very little data exists on the ability of radio programming to positively impact conservation knowledge, attitudes, and behaviours, so GRACE used this time to evaluate our efforts. GRACE educa- tors and international zoo advisors cre- ated a new radio campaign focused on the threats of human-wildlife disease transmission. Pre-/post-evaluations were conducted with 200+ individuals across 21 community neighbourhoods (Barazas). Solar-powered radios were provided. Programming was delivered in local languages and a variety of for- mats. GRACE staff educator Gracianne interviewing for radio program Knowledge increased, when the Photo: GRACE 13 Gorilla Journal 65, December 2022
GORILLAS As Temperatures wild gorillas from the two mountain than Bwindi gorillas, which in part like- gorilla populations (Bwindi and Virun- ly explains why they drink water much Increase, Mountain ga). Mountain gorillas very rarely drink less frequently. Gorillas get Thirstier water from streams, swamps, or pud- The results of this study revealed dles. This is because the plants that a higher dependence on free-stand- Climate change is in the media on a mountain gorillas eat contain a large ing water than expected in these rain- daily basis, but the focus is often on arid amount of water, often accounting for forest-dwelling mountain gorillas that ecosystems, while we rarely think about more than 90 % of the wet weight of the consume plants with high water con- its impact on animals living in tropical plants. Nonetheless, as temperatures tent. Additionally, as temperatures are rainforests. An increase in temperature increase and weather patterns change, expected to continue to increase, the may lead to changes in rainfall and it is important to examine how endan- mountain gorillas may need to work patterns of fruit production by trees in gered species such as mountain goril- harder to maintain their water balance rainforests. Additionally, the behaviour las obtain sufficient water. via sources of free-standing water. of animals may also change, such as Using data from 21 gorilla groups Therefore, there are important impli- their activity patterns or movement in the two populations between 2010 cations for the conservation and be- patterns. Uganda and Rwanda have and 2020, we found that the frequen- haviour of the mountain gorillas. First, already experienced the impact of cy of water drinking significantly in- an increase in the frequency of wa- climate change, with increased tem creased at higher maximum tempera- ter drinking may lead to an increase peratures and frequencies of extreme tures than cooler ones. No relationship in the risk of parasite exposure and weather events. Specifically, the mean between water drinking and rainfall compromise the health of the gorillas, annual temperature has increased by was found. The Bwindi gorillas drank especially in cases where the water approximately 2.1 °C over the past water on about 6 % of days observed sources are also used by local com- 50 years, with the trend expected whereas the Virunga gorillas drank wa- munity members. Second, habitat use to continue in the coming decades. ter on only 0.6 % of observation days. and ranging patterns of the gorillas Additionally, rainfall has become less This difference between the two popu- may change as they rely more on water seasonal. lations may be due to the overall low- sources. Small streams and swamps The goal of our study was to exam- er temperatures in the Virungas (due are not evenly distributed throughout ine the relationship between the fre- to higher altitude). However, we also Bwindi and the Virungas and some of quency of water drinking and maximum found that Virunga gorillas consumed these water sources dry up seasonally. temperature and rainfall in habituated more foods with higher water content Future research to better understand GORILLAS our friends FOREVER If you want to find out more about Uganda introduced gorilla tourism projects ensuring the water supply for the campaign and the Eco-Box, you in Bwindi Impenetrable National local populations). These projects will can find it at Park In the early 1990s. At that time, help to protect Bwindi and its gorillas www.gorillafriends.org the silverback Ruhondeza was the in the future. leader of the Mubare group, one of two groups that tourists could visit. Dieter Beller launched the campaign Gorillas our friends forever in June 2022 to mark the tenth anniversary of the death of this legendary gorilla. As part of the campaign, he is selling an Eco-Box with gorilla figures made of pewter and collecting donations. The proceeds help to fund en vironmental, nature and species conservation projects (for example, 14 Gorilla Journal 65, December 2022
GORILLAS the impact of increased water drinking Distribution and Habitat Preliminary studies and informal in- would include monitoring water qual- terviews with local communities sur- ity and quantity as well as creating a Use of Gorillas in the Ebo rounding the Ebo forest from 2002 on- detailed map of water availability, to Forest wards suggested that the gorilla popu- ascertain whether water is a limiting lation is restricted to the north-eastern factor or not, and if the gorillas’ rang- Although gorilla distribution and habitat part of the forest. In our study from Jan- ing patterns are altered by the search use are fairly well known for many uary 2013 to November 2017, we want- for water. gorilla populations in Cameroon, very ed to map the distribution of the gorilla Lastly, a notable aspect of this pro- little is known concerning the Ebo population there and to assess habitat ject is that it is a result of long-term data population, probably one of the most use mostly using indirect signs of goril- collection. Analysis of data leading to threatened populations of western las including nests, faecal and feeding these findings would not be possible gorillas. The traditional threats to this remains. from data collection over a short period isolated gorilla population include The study site (~39 km2) was iden- of one or two years. Furthermore, this habitat loss and degradation related tified from previous records of gorilla project emphasises the value of col- to settlement and subsistence farming signs by the Ebo Forest Research Pro- laborations between different organisa- expansion, logging and climate change. ject between 2005 and 2011, and in- tions. The data on water drinking was For example, in 2020, the entire Ebo formal reports from local hunters. We from two long term research projects forest was proposed for logging by the used the recce survey method or ran- (Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary government of Cameroon. This led dom walks as opposed to line transect Anthropology in Bwindi and the Dian to protests and pressure from stake methods which facilitate future access Fossey Gorilla Fund in Rwanda), the holders including grassroots com by hunters and destroy more vegeta- weather data for Bwindi was provid- munities, leading to the suspension of tion. ed by the Institute of Tropical Forest the logging concession process. With Recces involve walking in a prede- Conservation, and the overall project no current legal conservation status for termined direction, allowing for data was supported by the ‘Vanishing Treas- the Ebo forest, there is a continued collection on the spatial distribution of ures’ project of GRASP, which is part of risk that logging and other land use an animal population in remote areas the United Nations Environmental Pro- changes could threaten the local bio by intentionally taking paths of least re- gram. By working together and shar- diversity. sistance which are permitted to devi- ing data, we can learn more and pro- vide useful information for conserva- tion management. Martha M. Robbins Original Article Wright, E., Eckardt, W., Refisch, J., Bitariho, R., Grueter, C. C., Ganas- Swaray, J., Stoinski, T. S., Robbins, M. M. (2022): Higher Maximum Tem- perature Increases the Frequency of Water Drinking in Mountain Gorillas (Gorilla beringei beringei). Frontiers in Conservation Science 3, 738820. doi: 10.3389/fcosc.2022.738820 Study area within the Ebo Forest and recce track distribution Map: Daniel Mfossa 15 Gorilla Journal 65, December 2022
GORILLAS A view of the Ebo Forest Photo: Daniel Mfossa/ZSSD ate from the initial direction through the Swampy areas cover hydromorphic followed by secondary forest (7.90 %). study area to some degree. soil seasonally or permanently flood- The extent of grassland and the The study site is characterised by ed, with a mixture of species princi- swampy areas were comparable and mature forest with sparse undergrowth pally characterised by high densities of covered 2.63 % and 2.43 % of the area and late successional large tree spe- hydromorphic plants and some water- respectively. Gorilla signs were record- cies. The forest canopy is generally adapted shrubs or trees. ed in the four main habitat types found closed (75–100 % covered), with mini- Over the study period we surveyed in the study area; more than half of the mal sapling undergrowth. Primary and 1935.8 km of recces in the study area signs were observed in the grassland very old secondary forest falls into this and detected evidence of gorilla pres- (53.6 %) followed by the mature forest vegetation category. ence on 261 occasions. Based on the Secondary forest covers areas af- distribution of gorilla signs across the fected by recent or old anthropogen- forest, the total estimated distribution Human signs recorded in the ic activities (logging, abandoned plan- of the population covered ~22 km2 and study area from 2013 to 2017 tation or habitation) with the canopy was restricted to the central band of moderately closed (50–75 % covered) the study area. Both overall and for Human signs Number or open (25–50 % covered), a relative each season, gorilla signs were con- Used cartridge shells 340 dense ligneous and/or herbaceous un- centrated in the northern part of the Wire snares 110 dergrowth and presence of indicator study area. We observed a slight sea- Cut marks or machete cuts 72 trees or scrubs. sonal variation, with gorilla signs being Used batteries 52 Grassland covers areas ranging more clumped during the dry season Hunting trails 51 from 50–3000 m2 with scattered young compared to the rainy season. Except Footprints 21 trees and/or shrubs. In this vegetation for the southwestern part of the study Encounters 21 category the canopy is open (25–50 % area, evidence of human activities was Gunshots 19 covered) or very open (0–25 % cov- prominent across the study area, in- Hunting camps 14 ered), and the dense or very dense cluding within areas with a high gorilla Vocalisations 3 herbaceous undergrowth is sometimes presence. Abandoned logging roads 2 dominated by ferns and plants in the Mature forest was the most com- Other signs 6 families Marantaceae and Zingibera mon habitat type throughout the study Total 711 ceae. area (87.04 % coverage of the total), 16 Gorilla Journal 65, December 2022
GORILLAS Original publication Mfossa D. M., Abwe, E. E., Whytock, R. C., Morgan, B. J., Huynen, M.-C., Beudels-Jamar, R. C., Brotcorne, F. & Tchouamo, R. I. (2022): Distribution, habitat use and human disturbance of gorillas (Gorilla gorilla) in the Ebo for- est, Littoral Region, Cameroon. Afri- can Journal of Ecology 00, 1–13 Understanding Visitors at Tourist Sites to Protect Great Apes from Disease Nonhuman great apes (bonobos, chimpanzees, eastern gorillas, western gorillas and orangutans) are particularly vulnerable to infectious diseases from humans because of our close genetic relatedness. This vulnerability Gorilla distribution in the Ebo forest Map: Daniel Mfossa is highest in close-contact activities such as tourism and research. While (37.9 %). Very few signs were recorded to be investigated systematically, the these activities can assist conservation in swampy areas (5.6 %) and second- situation here could be less catastroph- efforts, there are also well-documented ary forest (2.8 %). ic than elsewhere, since gorillas are not health risks. With the COVID-19 pan These results suggest that gorillas currently targeted by hunters, at least demic reviving concerns for disease used grassland more than expected partly due to sensitisation campaigns transmission, the “Protect Great Apes (53.6 % of signs yet only 2.63 % cov- carried out by the community conser- from Disease” initiative was born (see erage) and mature forest less than ex- vation association ‘Clubs des Amis des www.protectgreatapesfromdisease. pected (37.9 % of signs yet 87.04 % Gorilles’ (Gorilla Guardian Clubs) since com). coverage). Gorillas tended to use the 2012. This concurs with previous stud- At an early stage of the pandemic swampy areas more often during the ies that have demonstrated that con- (pandemic announced 11 March 2020 dry season (57.14 %), while they vis- sistent conservation activities in local and data collected from 19 January to ited the secondary forest most during communities positively influence the 27 February 2021), our team aimed the rainy season. Other studies have preservation of wildlife species. to develop visitor education and guide revealed that gorillas show a prefer- Further studies using alternative training materials for use in African ence for light gaps in the forest which survey methods are essential to de- sites with great ape tourism (where you provide them with a variety of herba- termine accurately the population size can find all great apes except orang ceous and fruiting plants as food sourc- and dynamics, to shed light on the sta- es and preferred nest-building mate- tus of this population, and to clarify its rials. taxonomic status through genetic stud- The Ebo gorillas ranged over around ies. We recommend promoting and 22 km2 and were restricted to the cen- supporting sustainable alternative live- tral band of the study area. This re- lihood projects for the benefit of the sult concurs with an earlier study which local population that should, if imple- suggested that the gorillas may have a mented appropriately, reduce pressure very limited distribution within the Ebo on the gorilla habitat. forest. Daniel Mbouombouo Mfossa, Ekwoge Although the indirect human impact Enang Abwe and Bethan J. Morgan on the Ebo gorilla population still needs 17 Gorilla Journal 65, December 2022
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