GOPIONEER - Pioneer Cellular

Page created by Brenda Thomas
GOPIONEER - Pioneer Cellular
May 2020
             Moving communities forward in a
                             changing world

                                  MY INTERNET
                                     IS DOWN!
                                  Or is it? Learn tips and
                        tricks to get your Internet going

                                         A NEED
                                      FOR SPEED
                              Learn how Fiber can solve
                              all your Internet problems

             CIRCLE OF
                  Find out what Gary Coy
                        brings to Pioneer
GOPIONEER - Pioneer Cellular
                          ince the inaugural issue      Welcome to GoPioneer !

                          of GoPioneer Magazine             ur mission is to help the
                          we have experienced               communities of Pioneer learn,
                          many changes not            evolve and move forward in the ever-
                          only at Pioneer, but in     changing world of technology.
                   our communities as well.             We welcome feedback, story ideas,
                                                      or any questions relating to this
                  With the closing of our schools
                                                      magazine, previous articles, or even
                 and many of our local shops          your personal inquiries.
                 and restaurants, we have seen
                                                         Baffled by your teen’s obsession
                 a drastic increase in Internet
                                                      with emojis? Confused on why you
  usage among our Customers.                          get Wi-Fi in the garage, but not in
   We are constantly updating and adapting our        your bedroom? Let us know! This
                                                      magazine is just as much yours as
  business response to COVID-19. Pioneer knows
                                                      it is ours and we are excited to help
  these are uncertain times and many of our           you become more adept in the tech-
  community members may be out of work or             world.
  staying home with their children. We do not want
                                                         This magazine is released every
  them to lack the connection to stay informed
                                                        month excluding February, April,
  and, of course, entertained.                              August and November.
   In case you did not know, here are some of the               Contact Us
  steps Pioneer has taken to keep our Customers                     Edi to r
  connected.                                                   Madison McCollum
  •   Pioneer Cellular Customers will have their
      data overages forgiven during the crisis to              S tandard Mai l
      ensure every Customer stays connected                    Pioneer Telephone
                                                                  P.O. Box 539
  •   Hotspot    limitations for our Cellular                 Kingfisher, OK 73750
      Customers will be temporarily removed
                                                                S o c i al Me di a
      to allow mobile devices to become Wi-Fi                    @GoPioneerOK
                                                           To p i c o f M a y 2 0 2 0 :
  •   Pioneer is temporarily waiving late fee                     I nt e r ne t
      penalties and has suspended all disconnects
                                                        One out of three American’s don’t
      of unpaid service                               know how the Internet works— yet
                                                      it’s one of the most useful tools of the
  •   All Pioneer retail office locations will have
      open Wi-Fi networks to the public to create a
      free drive-up hotspot                             This issue, learn all you need to
                                                      know about the Internet and the
   We do not know how long COVID-19 will effect       tools that help us access it. We’ll
  our businesses, but I want to assure you we are     teach you the tools of the trade when
  here for you during this time of uncertainty. Our   it comes to troubleshooting at home
                                                      and why it might be time to upgrade
  services are considered essential and we are
                                                      your Internet— especially now that
  committed to providing you with the best care       the kids are home.
  we can.
                                                       Speed, Fiber and a whole lot of Tips
   I wish all of our customers the best and hope      and Tricks. We’re excited to teach you
  you and your families are in good health. Please    about them all!
  stay safe.

Richard Ruhl
GOPIONEER - Pioneer Cellular
F e a tures
My Internet is Down!. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01
Or is it? Find out just how the Internet
works and why it rarely actually goes
‘down’. Plus, some troubleshooting
tips that might get you up and running
without calling your provider.

Why does Speed Matter?. . . . . . . . . . . . 03
Find out why your Internet Speed
matters to the whole family.

A Need for Speed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 05
Find out why Fiber Internet is the
solution to all your Internet speed

Slow Wi-Fi is Worse Than No Wi-Fi. . . . 07
Learn about your router and how to
maximize your home Wi-Fi performance
I n s i d e Pioneer
Circle of Excellence. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 09
Gary Coy, who’s recognized by this
issues Circle of Excellence, may describe                          09
himself as ‘boring’...but how boring can
a dog fanatic be?

Pioneer Fiber. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Find out what Pioneer’s doing for your
communities as we push to bring Fiber
Internet to our rural areas.
C o mmunit y
Become a Pioneer Scholar . . . . . . . . . . 13
Now’s your chance! Scholarship
applications are open. Find out how to

Family Recipe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
What’s better than brownies? Six-Layer
Brownies. Find out how you can be the                         05
hero of desert with Renita Cantellay’s
Six-Layer Brownie recipe.

Community Events Postponed. . . . . . . 16
With the spread of COVID-19, most
events have been postponed.
However, we’ve given a fun twist to our
Community Events section.

Anniversaries. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Back
Help us celebrate the 25+ year
anniversaries in our communities

                                                              11   01
GOPIONEER - Pioneer Cellular
My Internet is Down!
                                                                    What is the Internet?

             rom day-to-day streaming, working or even             Provider, but making sure that the wrong information
             proving yourself right in a family squabble, the      stays out.
             Internet is one of the most prominent tools we
             have in the world. So the second a web page             Step 3: We’re Off
             isn’t loading or a video has an error, we’re quick      Your request is submitted to your ISP who looks
    to call the Internet out. However, most of the time the        through it’s servers to find’s IP address,
    Internet isn’t truly ‘down’. Knowing the basics of the         which is a fancy name for ‘long stream of numbers’.
    Internet and the tools that help you use it is essential to    Every server and device has it’s own special address,
    being able to properly troubleshoot and explain                which is important for getting information where it
    problems to your Internet Service Provider (ISP).              needs to go.

    What is the Internet?                                            Step 4: Mapping it out
       The Internet isn’t a magic floating cloud full of              With the address identified, your ISP finds the
    information, it’s actually a huge network of computers         quickest way to reach the server with that IP address. It
    connected by satellites, telephone lines, cell-towers          travels through the ‘cloud’ of other ISPs, servers, and
    and even wires buried underground. All of these                routers— AKA, the Internet! With each ‘stop’ your
    possible pathways make it so that when one path gets           request picks up another address, which is wrapped
    ‘blocked’ (rather by national disaster or human error),        around your initial address.
    the data that‘s trying to get to your computer should be
    able to take another path. Your computer is actually a           Step 5: Establishing a connection
    part of the Internet and has it’s very own ‘address’ that        Once your request reaches the target server
    helps information get back to you.                             (, a connection is established with that
                                                                   website and your computer.
    How does the Internet work?
      To put it in the most basic of operation, there are            Step 6: Coming Home
    seven steps involved when you access anything on the             Using the ‘addresses’ visited on the way to
    Internet.                                            , the information requested comes back
                                                                   even quicker than before and gives you the website full
      Step 1: The Request                                          of data, pictures, and even video.
      When you type any site name, like, into
    your browser your computer typically sends out the                Pretty neat, right?
    data via radio waves, AKA, Wi-Fi.
                                                                   Sure! But I’m still having trouble with my
      Step 2: Information Received                                 Internet.
      Your computer is connected to the Internet through             Most of the time, it’s not your Internet. There can be
    a modem/router which connects to your wall and your            outages when the line that leads to your home from
    Internet Service Provider (ISP). Your modem is the             your ISP is damaged. But this is rare!
    access point to other networks in the world. Your
    modem is responsible for not only getting your                    Find the top three reasons your Internet typically is
    information out to your Internet Service                       slow/unresponsive below and some troubleshooting
                                                                   tips on the next page!

          Your Router isn’t                           You don’t have the speed                     You have too
          working properly:                           (bandwidth) you need:                        many devices:

      Your router is responsible for the data       Internet Service Providers like Pioneer     We used to only have one thing connected to the
      packets between computer networks.            have been using a method of service         Internet at home: the computer. Now almost anything
                                                    called a digital subscriber line (DSL)      electronic is— phones, watches, even refrigerators.
      This is the most important piece to you       which gives each home its own
      accessing the Internet, but there is much     bandwidth and makes sure you have           It is important to make sure that you have the
      that can go wrong.                            your own speed of Internet that doesn’t     bandwidth to support them all. The more devices
                                                    depend on your neighbor’s use.              using the Internet, the more bandwidth you need.
      To learn more about your router, visit
      page 8!                                       Your Internet speed depends on many         To learn how your devices effect your bandwidth,
                                                    factors. To learn more visit page 3!        visit page 3!

1 GoPioneer
GOPIONEER - Pioneer Cellular
Problems with your Wi-Fi?
            Try this before calling your Internet Service Provider!
Reset Your Router
  Usually when your Internet goes down, a soft reset to your router will fix many connection problems.

  To do a soft reset, skip the power button. Go ahead and unplug the router from the power outlet and wait 15
to 20 seconds, before plugging it back in.

Restart your computer
  It sounds silly, but restarting your computer fixes a lot of minor issues you might be having, especially if you
go weeks upon weeks of just shutting the laptop lid. Restarting your computer ends all the background
processes including Internet browsers, apps and other programs you use every day. Sometimes your computer
needs a break...even if it’s just for a few seconds before starting with a clean slate.

Try and find the problem
   Is everyone in the house having trouble connecting to the Internet or just you? Are some people connected
via ethernet (the computer is directly connected to the router) and some via Wi-Fi? Is everyone sitting in the
living room able to watch Netflix, but you can’t seem to connect to Youtube in the basement?
   If you can find the connection between those encountering the issue and those that aren’t, it might help you
solve the problem. For example, if only wireless users can’t connect, then it probably has something to do with
your device, not the Internet. This is important information to have handy if you need to contact your ISP.

Contact your ISP!
  If all else fails, we’re here to help you. By contacting Pioneer we will be able to inform you if there’s any
scheduled or unscheduled problems in your area. And, if not, taking the steps above might help them pinpoint
your problem.

Remember, you can save time by using SmartHub to submit your trouble tickets.
No need to wait for someone to pick up— we’ll call you!

                                                                                                                    Features 2
GOPIONEER - Pioneer Cellular
Why Does Speed Matter?
                              Understanding Internet Speeds and Speed Tests

                  id you know that            like you can’t force water through       speed from a single device—
                  everything online           a clogged drain, you can’t push          today, there is no current web
                  has a minimum data          more data in or out.                     browser capable of running that
                  requirement to be              This means you are sharing            many simultaneous connections.
                  able to run? YouTube,       your 50 Mbps with every                  However, some browsers can run
     iTunes, Netflix or even email have a     background application,                  more simultaneous connections
     minimum recommended speed to             computer update, cell phone,             than others.
     do the simplest of tasks.                TV, Xbox, refrigerator— anything           For the best results, we
          This is why your internet speed     and everything connected to your         recommend Firefox web browser.
       is so important.                       Internet. While this might be okay       It has the highest capability
          Internet speed, AKA bandwidth,      for a one person household, you          of measuring the results of a
       is the maximum amount of data          might be straining your Internet         speed test with 32 simultaneous
       you can send or receive over           with a family of six who only set        connections.
       an Internet connection, usually        down the devices for dinner. If
       measured in seconds.                   you’re experiencing slow loading           Good to know! How do I know
          Most Internet plans have a          times or Internet issues, you            what speed I need?
       name like Pioneer’s ‘GoFiber 50’.      might need to look at your speed.          Think about what your family
       The name refers to how much                                                     does from day-to-day. Are there
       bandwidth is accessible to you.           How can I find out my speed?          people constantly gaming,
       In this case, the 50 refers to 50         You can do a speed test, but          streaming and social media
       megabits (Mbps) per second.            be forewarned, you’re not going          surfing? Take what your family
          When it comes to choosing an        to get the exact speed, especially       does and do a little research
       Internet package, it’s important       if you’re running the speed test         on what the minimum speed
       to know what you’re using the          with a device connected by Wi-Fi.        requirement is for it to run but be
       service for and how many devices       Wi-Fi speeds are far slower than         aware that the minimum doesn’t
       will be connected to it, because       a computer that’s hooked up via          mean ‘run best’. You should
       you don’t get 50 Mbps. You share       an ethernet cable to the Internet.       always seek to have a little spare
       50 Mbps.                                                                        data running around. After all, we
                                                How can I get an accurate              humans are busy-bees and we
         What do you mean I ‘share’?          speed test?                              have a serious need for speed.
         The Internet coming into your          A true speed test requires
        home is one pipe in and out. Just     up to 64 simultaneous tests of

The BIG Q’s
 Q        My computer is slow. Is it my internet?

          A: Probably not. If your cursor is lagging and
          apps take a while to start up, it’s probably
                                                           Q     How do I know how much bandwidth I need?

                                                                 A: You can figure out just how much bandwidth you
                                                                 need by looking at your Internet habits. If it’s just you
          not your Internet. Your computer could be              in the house and all you do is check emails or read
          infected, have too many background tasks               news stories, you don’t need much. But if you have a
          open or various other issues. If your computer         family who streams, games, video chats and messes
          is slow, shut it down, then see if the problem         around on social media—you’re going to need a lot
          has resolved.                                          more bandwidth.

3 GoPioneer
GOPIONEER - Pioneer Cellular
It’s not you— it’s
THEM.                                                                      Streaming Music
  The ‘sharing is caring’
motto rings true with
                                                                           Scrolling Pinterest                   1
Internet. It’s not hard to
point fingers at the teen
streaming YouTube videos                       Mom
and downloading games
while he chats with his
friends on Call of Duty.                                                                                         5
                                                                           Watching Netflix in HD               Mbps
However,      by   knowing
that your son does this
and the other habits of
your household, you can                                                    Sending Email                         1
easily avoid these fights                                                                                       Mbps
by making sure you have                         Dad
enough data to go around.

  Your Internet habits                                                                                           6-8
affect      your      speed
                                                                           Playing Online Game                  Mbps
requirements        because
everything done online
has a minimum speed it                                                     Streaming YouTube HD                  2.5
needs to run. Don’t just                                                                                        Mbps
adjust for what you think
you’ll use, but also for any
background      downloads,
slower-than-usual speeds                                                   Playing Online                        6-8
and guests on your Wi-Fi.                                                  Game                                 Mbps

Household                                                                                                        2
Internet Habits                                                            Streaming Music                      Mbps

Affect Speed                                    Kid

                                   Household Total = minimum of 25.5 - 29.5 Mbps

Q   Why am I not getting a Gig on my iPad?

    A: What device you use is actually the weakest link
    when it comes to receiving fast Internet speeds.
                                                           Q   Should I use a wired connection or Wi-Fi?

                                                               A: For most tasks, a wireless Internet connection will
                                                               be good enough. You typically only ‘need’ a wired
    More recently purchased devices can support faster         connection for high speed, low latency and security—
    Internet speeds than older devices.                        something that gamers or people who work from
    Newer laptops may support up to 1 Gig speeds,              home look for. If you’re just wanting to stream your
    however most smartphones and tablets are limited           new binge-worthy show, there’s no need for a wired
    to speeds below 1 Gig. A quick Google check for your       connection.
    specific device can help you find its maximum speed.

                                                                                                              Features 4
GOPIONEER - Pioneer Cellular
              FOR                           SPEED
                              W H AT ’ S T H E D E A L W I T H F I B E R ?

                  ould you imagine            1. Reliability                      which make them hackable.
                  getting Internet at         Fiber-optic cables are made         Fiber’s glass-based wires make
                  the speed of light?       of thin glass, making it a more       it impossible for hackers to
                    Sounds impossible,      reliable and flexible conductor       “listen in” to the electromagnetic
                  doesn’t it? Like          from the standard copper wires        energy leaking through the cable
      something you would hear              used in DSL and cable Internet.       and, with the addition of inbuilt
      about in a Sci-fi movie. But the      These thick and inflexible wires      security software from Internet
      transmission of data via the          are susceptible to fire and           providers, fiber-optic provides
      speed of light is possible and        extreme weather that can affect       a well-rounded defense from
      can give you the fastest Internet     the back and forth of data, while     online threats like viruses or
      service available in the world.       fiber-optic are not only flexible,    malware.
                                            but transmit data using light.           4. Bandwidth
        With the average household          This makes fiber-optic resistant
      having 10 to 12 devices connected                                              Bandwidth measures how
                                            to electromagnetic interference       much data can flow through a
      to the Internet at all times, we’ve   and environmental hazards like
      officially said goodbye to the                                              specific connection in a given
                                            water damage and temperature          amount of time. When thinking
      days of a shared computer. Now        changes.
      we’ve started to make room for                                              bandwidth, imagine pouring
      Smart-TVs, smartphones and              This gives you more uptime          sand down a funnel. If you pour
      even digital assistants like Alexa    and reliable Internet service         it all at once the funnel gets
      in almost every room of the           with consistent uptime and data       clogged and starts to back up. If
      house. The constant addition of       transmissions.                        you pour it steadily and slowly, it
      devices to your home Internet           2. Consistent Signal                trickles through evenly.
      creates a strain on standard            With fiber-optic cables, you          Fiber-optic cables can carry
      DSL and cable Internet options,       can have Internet at the speed        more than a thousand times
      making download speeds and            of light, literally. DSL and cable    the bandwidth of copper cables,
      upload speeds slow.                   Internet speeds depend on             meaning your less likely to
        Having this strain almost           several factors, like your distance   get backed up and have that
      promises video buffering,             from your Internet provider and       consistent and reliable back and
      error messages and, of course,        the usage in your neighborhood.       forth of data.
      frustration for the whole family.       Fiber provides consistent             There are many more benefits
      There is a demand for fast            upload and download speeds for        to fiber Internet, including
      Internet because within the next      all your streaming needs.             future sustainability and eco-
      decade, the strain is only going        3. Highly Secure                    friendliness. Maybe it’s time to
      to increase. This is why ISPs like      Fiber Internet gives you            look at fiber for your home.r
      Pioneer have made leaps and           the most secure Internet              home, today.
      bounds to lay fiber-optic cables      connection. Copper connections
      in rural areas.                       can get compromised due to
        Here’s four benefits of             their electric and magnetic
      switching to fiber-optic Internet:    signals used to transmit data,

5 GoPioneer
GOPIONEER - Pioneer Cellular
The Fiber Difference

  In China, all new residences must            Fiber is sustainable. It’s made              Fiber optic cables have a
be wired with fiber technology               from Silicon Dioxide, the second-            small carbon footprint due to
                                             most abundant element on Earth               the reduced amount of energy
                                             after Oxygen                                 needed to transmit data

                                              DSL                                      FIBER
                                                                   Up to                  Up to          Up to
              Download Speed
                                                6                   50                  100             1GB
                                      H o w Fa s t c a n I d o w n l o a d ?
                   8 of your
                favorite songs
                                               54                      6                   3               .3
                                             seconds               seconds              seconds          seconds
                   (40 MB)

                   50 Photos                   2.5                    18                   8                1
                   (100 MB)                  minutes               seconds              seconds          seconds

                 Online Game                    11                   1.3                  40               4
                  (500 MB)                   minutes               minutes              seconds          seconds

                2-hr HD Movie                  1.5                     8                   4              24
                    (3 GB)                    hours                minutes              minutes          seconds

         *Speeds may vary

                                      Fiber-to-the-home (FTTH) is the only technology that will
                                      deliver enough bandwidth reliably and at low enough
                                      cost, to meet consumer demands of the decade.

                                                                                                                     Features 6
GOPIONEER - Pioneer Cellular
SLOW WI-FI                                                How to Maximize Your
              IS WORSE THAN                                        Wi-Fi Performance

       NO WI-FI
                         ew gadgets in your home can make you quite as frustrated as a router with
                         a poor Wi-Fi signal. It’s a special feeling of exasperation when your video
                         finally finishes buffering, only to play for four seconds and start buffering
                         again. Sighing out and groaning when a web page fails to load and you have
                         to refresh it again.
                  It’s true, slow Wi-Fi is worse than no Wi-Fi. If there’s no Wi-Fi you know there’s a
                problem and something needs to be fixed. However, if it’s slow most people aren’t all
                that sure on how to start troubleshooting these problems.
                  But don’t worry, we’re here to help. Here’s all you need to know about routers and
                the solutions to the ‘waiting game’.

                                                How it Works
                                 A router uses radio waves, just like cellphones,
                                televisions and radios do. Communication across a
                                Wi-Fi network is a lot like two-way radio connection:
                                 1. Your device’s Wi-Fi adapter translates data into
                                a radio signal and transmits it using an antenna.
                                 2. Your router receives the signal and decodes it,
                                then sends the information to the Internet using
                                the physical, wired ethernet connection.
                                  The process then reverses, with the router
                                receiving information from the Internet, translating
                                it to a radio signal and sending it to the computer’s
                                wireless adapter.

7 GoPioneer
Finding The Perfect Spot for Your Wi-Fi Router
                              You want the Wi-Fi to work for you, so this means knowing where and how you’re

                    Step 1
                             going to use the Internet and finding that ‘Perfect Spot’.
                              There are two main options when it comes to finding the spot for your Wi-Fi
                             Router, but each have their trade-offs.

 1                                                                   2
option                                                               option

         You use Wi-Fi equally throughout the house                           You have a primary media room
          Which means your router should be placed as close                    You might have a room where you use Wi-Fi the
         to the middle of your home as possible.                              most, such as an entertainment room or living room.
                                                                              The router should be placed there. This allows you
         The Trade-off                                                        to wire devices that require more bandwidth, like
          Having the Wi-Fi router in the middle of your home                  streaming video or gaming systems, directly to your
         means the signal will be weaker if there are too many                router. The signal strength in this room will be the
         barriers, but most of your coverage will be almost the               strongest.
         same throughout the house.
                                                                              The Trade-off
                                                                               If your media room isn’t in the middle of your home,
                                                                              the Wi-Fi signal strength for other devices could be
            Because routers operate with radio waves, you                     impacted the further you move from the router.
Step 2

          have to watch for items that will cause interference.
          Most Wi-Fi issues stem from the fact that the user
          has blocked their own signal. After you find the spot,
          make sure you have as little interference as possible.

                                                  LOW Potential for Interference

                                                      Wood                     Plaster

                                            MEDIUM Potential for Interference

                             Mirrors              Water         Tinted Glass             Bricks           Marble

                                              HIGH Potential for Interference

                                       Cordless           Concrete        Microwaves              Metal

                                                                                                                                Features 8
                   Gary Coy
                 Recognizing Excellence at Pioneer

9 GoPioneer
G                                                                                  Q&A
              ar y  Coy describes        Gary knows how important this
              himself as “pret t y     data can be in determining company
              boring ,” but his        decisions. He has witnessed the
              coworkers         and    growth of Pioneer from a standard
              super v isor s would     Telephone Cooperative to the
describe him as hardworking,           multi-service provider it is today.
intelligent, and one of the ‘biggest     “At the time I started we were          What children’s character can
dog lovers’ at Pioneer.                just a telephone company—which           you relate with most? Why?
  Gar y was nominated for the          is plain old telephone ser vice            Charlie Brown. He seems like he’s
Circle of Excellence and recognized    (POTS). Now, we still do it for          got a lot of friends, but he’s also
by Division Managers for his           people that want it, but our main        kind of a loner. He’s not really an
dedication,      commitment and        focus is pretty much broadband           extrovert and he’s got a dog. But he
contributions to the Marketing         Internet and wireless,” Gary said.       seems like a thinker and a good guy.
team. F or Di v ision Manager          “When I started cell phones were         He reminds me of myself.
of Marketing, Blake Callaham,          just starting to come in. If you had a
Gary was an easy choice for the        car phone you were like a rich guy.        What did you want to be when
recognition.                           Now everyone in the country’s got        growing up?

  “Gary truly represents the value     a cell phone.”                             NFL Football player.
set we have for Pioneer,” Blake          In his free time, Gary can be found     Name one thing on               your
said. “I can always count on him       watching sports on TV, camping,          bucket list.
to not only get what we need as        woodworking in his workshop, or            One thing that we are going to do,
a management team, but to also         playing with his dogs, Bella and         that we’ve talked about for years,
help his coworkers in any way that     Lola.                                    going to the The Rose Bowl and the
he can.”                                 “Bella, I don’t know what she is,      Rose parade. We’ve got everything
  Gary is the Marketing Demand         but she’s the black one—she is           set up. We’re going in late December
A nal y s t for Pioneer and is         100% energy. Lola is the blonde          to Pasadena.
responsible for navigating Pioneer     one and she tries to keep up, but          Tell us a little about your
databases and compiling data for       they’re a lot more energy than any       family.
various teams.                         we’ve had.”

                                                                                   I had a small family growing up,
                                         Gary describes himself as “big         just my two parents and my sister.
                                       a dog lover as you can find”. His        I was born and raised in Watonga,
 When I started cell phones            two current dogs were rescued            then moved to Kingfisher, started
 were just starting to                 by him and his wife, Sondra, after       working here and met Sondra.
 come in. If you had a car             the death of their then 11 year-old      When we got married she had two
 phone you were like a rich
 guy. Now everyone in the
 country’s got a cell phone.
                            “           Though Gary had wanted a bigger
                                       dog, he bargained for two small
                                                                                daughters, so it was Sondra and I
                                                                                and the two girls. I’ve had a small
                                                                                family growing up and in married
                                       ones with his wife and talks fondly      life.
                                       about his two rescues.                    What TV show/movie are you
  “ My role as the Marketing             “It’s coming up a year on having       ashamed to admit you love?
Demand Analyst is to help Kim          them both. We don’t throw them             16 Candles. It was an 80’s teenage
(Grellner, V.P. of Marketing) and      a birthday party, but they usually       movie. When I’m flipping through
Blake come up with the data that       get an extra two treats that day,”       the channels if I see it I gotta stop
we need to make decisions about        Gary said. “We don’t know when           and watch it.
whether we expand some lines of        their birthdays are so we just made
                                       something up for when we thought           If your house was burning
businesses or not.”
                                       their birthday might be, but they        down, what’s the one non-living
  For some, the concept of dealing     get extra treats and stuff on their      thing you would save?
with numbers can be daunting.          birthday.”                                 Probably my vehicles. We got the
Gary is responsible for pulling and
                                         Gar y celebrated his 26th year         big truck to pull the big camper with,
sorting through thousands of data
                                       at Pioneer this April and is most        the ford explorer with the back seats
points daily.
                                       proud of how his co-workers view         and the smaller truck.
  “I think the most enjoyable aspect   his character and work ethic.              If Hollywood made a movie
of my role is being able to pull
                                         “I can’t speak for others, but I       about your life, who would you
data into a report, or any kind of
                                       truly believe that anyone who has        like to see cast as you?
format, that makes the data easier
to understand for the people that      worked very closely with me at all         Clint Eastwood.
need to make decisions about the       has a good respect for the quality
future of the company.”                of my work and how I treat anyone
                                       I work with.”
                                                                                                              Inside Pioneer 10
Fiber in the home

                                                          39%                            could increase your
                                                                                           home’s value by
                                                                                             more than

                                                       of rural American’s
                                                       can’t get internet.

                                                                        With fiber, you could
                                                                        download a 2-hour
                                                                              movie in

                                                                             24     seconds

  Pioneer is bringing Fiber to your community!

                 he world of telecommunications is constantly   and technology without the need to move away from
                 evolving and changing to meet the demands      the communities they love.
                 of modern and future technology. Pioneer
                 is always working to stay ahead and keep         When will these projects be completed?
                 our customers of Western OK and Western          Both the A-CAM and town-overbuild projects do not
     Kansas up-to-date when it comes to technology.             have an exact completion date. These projects depend
       This is why Pioneer is not only participating in the     on many variables and time lines must be flexible
     Alternative Connect America Cost Model (A-CAM), but        to allow for unforeseen interruptions like weather
     investing our own money into town-overbuild projects       and working conditions. The entirety of Pioneer’s
     to bring fiber to communities that would be left behind    communities will have fiber by 2027.
     and suffer drastically from the digital divide.              Current projects and future project updates can be
                                                                found online at
      What is A-CAM?
      A-CAM is an ongoing government initiative that              How can I find out when Fiber will be coming
     began in 2017 and provides companies like Pioneer            to my area?
     with the funds to lay fiber-optic cable in rural areas.    Pioneer has a whole web page dedicated to Fiber.
                                                                Visit and click ‘Get Fiber’ to:
       What are town overbuild projects?                        • View future fiber areas and their progress.
       Pioneer has recognized a need for high speed             • Sign up and register your address which:
     internet in the smaller towns we serve which is why               » Helps get your community one step closer
     Pioneer began town-overbuild projects in 2019. Town-                 to being our next location for overbuild
     overbuild projects are Pioneer funded and will connect            » Gives you personalized updates on the fiber
     our towns with rural America (A-CAM). This multi-year                in your area
     project is anticipated to be a significant investment of          » Gives you an estimate on what your pricing
     approximately $100 million, but Pioneer is proud and                 would look like for your chosen services
     happy to invest in our communities.
                                                                  How can I help?
       Why should I care about fiber?                             By staying in the know, registering your address
       Equal access to fiber broadband means rural              and spreading the word! Pioneer is excited to offer
     Americans have equal access to opportunities in today’s    this opportunity to our communities.
     information age. Fiber brings the opportunity for
     businesses, families and schools to access information

11 GoPioneer
Stages of Fiber Installation

         Field Engineers will visit each location to discuss with
         the property owners the location of current
         underground utilities and draw a plan for the burial
         of the new fiber-optic line on a Service Location
         Agreement (SLA). Please call the number on the SLA
         if you have questions. Buried network locations only.


         Contractors begin main fiber line staking and
         construction. You will notice utility markers in the
         easements (right-of-way) during this stage of
         construction. This phase will take several months
         and will vary depending on the weather.

         FIBER DROP

         Contractors will mount the Optical Network Termi-
         nal (ONT) box on each location based on the design
         plan. The ONT will be placed near the electric meter
         at your property.

         During this phase, contractors will be splicing the
         fiber-optic cables that have been installed and
         preparing the fiber for your property.


         Pioneer will schedule a time to come to your
         property to install a battery backup unit and
         perform some rewiring of your services, if necessary,
         and complete the fiber connection to the ONT.

                                                                     Inside Pioneer 12

                      ducating the next generation is paramount to Pioneer and its Board of
                      Trustees. This is why Pioneer Telephone Cooperative announced we will
                      once again be accepting 2020-2021 College Scholarship and 2020-2021
                      Technology Center Scholarship applications.

                                             OUR PURPOSE
                        The Pioneer Telephone Board of Trustees and Management are
                      very proud of the Scholarship Program. Our primary goal is to assist
                      students whose families are Members of the Cooperative with the
                      cost(s) associated with Higher Education.

               The Scholarships
               •   The College Scholarships awarded will provide $1,000 per semester for
                   tuition and/or books for a maximum of $2,000 per year.
               •   The Technology Center Scholarships awarded shall cover the cost of
                   tuition and fees for $1,000 per applicant.
               •   Students will be interviewed and featured in the GoPioneer Magazine as
                   one of our Pioneer Scholars

               How is the decision made?
                 Scholarship applications will be reviewed by the districts Board Member.
               There will be one recipient per District for a total of 12 College Scholarships
               and 12 Technical Center Scholarships. There is a 13th scholarship for
               the District At-Large, which is open to dependents or children of Pioneer

                                                                                      Since the inception of the

                      BECOME A
                                                                                    Pioneer Telephone Scholarship
                                                                                    Program in 1991, a total of
                                                                                    331 scholarships have been

                                                                                    awarded at an investment of

13 GoPioneer

 Who’s eligible?
 •   Any applicant that is the son,        •   College Scholarship applicants
     daughter or legal dependent of a          who will be classified as either
     residential subscriber of Pioneer         a Junior or Senior beginning in
     Telephone Cooperative, Inc.               August 2020
 •   Dependents or children of Pioneer     •   Applicants who fully complete the
     employees are eligible for the            scholarship application including
     District At-Large scholarship             the 500 word or less essay

          For specifics, visit for your particular application

   Pioneer Telephone wants to invest
 and support our members. This is
 one of the many ways we invest in       This is why YOU should apply. If you
 our communities, however, it is an meet the criteria take the time to fill
 opportunity which is occasionally left out an application.
 unseized. We have had years where
 we have had no applicants from a            We are excited to meet our
 district and have had the scholarship
                                                community scholars.
 lapse until the following year.
   This means one of our students may
 have lost the opportunity to receive
 this scholarship.

                                      When is the Deadline?

       Applications are due June 26, 2020
                                        Apply today!
       Visit and click ‘Scholarship’ for the 2020-
       2021 College and Technology Center Scholarship applications

                                                                                   Community 14
Pioneer Family Recipes
         “The biggest compliment you can get is never taking
                          any of it home.”
                                                           SIX-LAYER BROWNIE BARS
                                                 ingredients                             direction
                                             1 Box Betty                Preheat oven to 350. Grease bottom only of
                                             Crocker original supreme   a 9x9-in. pan w/ cooking spray or shortening.
                                             brownie mix                In a large bowl, stir brownie mix, pouch of
                                             1/3 c. butter or           chocolate syrup, butter and egg until well
                                             margarine (melted)         blended. Press into pan. Bake 14 minutes.
                                             1 egg                      Top with coconut, toffee bits, chocolate
                                             2/3 c. coconut             chips and pecans. Drizzle evenly with
                                             2/3 c. toffee bits         condensed milk to within 1/2 inch of sides.
                                             2/3 c. semisweet           Bake 35-39 min. longer or until center is set
                                             chocolate chips            and golden brown. Cool completely; about 2
                    ta   Can                 2/3 c. pecans (chopped)    hrs. Cut into 6x4 rows for bars.
               Reni                          3/4 c. plus 2 T.                                                           Renita’s
                                             sweetened condensed milk                                                                    yer Bro
                                                                                                                                                 wnie   Bars

                “W                               hat could possibly
                                                 be better than
                                                 brownies? Great
                                                 question. How
                                                 does Six-Layer
                               Brownies sound? Perhaps a little out
                               of this world and, luckily for you, they
                                                                                   “It is a good recipe. You know, I’m
                                                                                 not one to venture, to try adding this
                                                                                 or subtracting that. Whatever the
                                                                                 recipe is that’s what I go by,” Renita
                                                                                 said. “So I would be okay for people
                                                                                 to pass it around.”
                                                                                   Renita said the biggest compliment
                               exist and is the recipe submitted by              you can get is never taking any of it
                               Renita Cantellay, Technical Support               home.
                               Representative of Kingfisher, in
                               Pioneer’s 60th Anniversary cookbook.                “I have fixed that numerous times
                                                                                 and I never take leftovers with me,”
                                  Renita doesn’t take full credit for            Renita said. “By the end of the day it’s
                               the brownie recipe, but had it ‘passed            gone.”
                               down’ from Betty Crocker. Though,
                               she does laugh and realize she could                  The recipe calls for cooling, so she
                               likely pass it off as her own, like the           warns that you should not refrigerate
                               Michelina’s Commercial “Mama                      it.
                               Michelina’s “Top Secret” Recipe”                   “I wouldn’t refrigerate it because it
                                  “You know that commercial...where
                               the guy is talking to his daughter and
                               telling his daughter there’s nothing
                               like Mama’s pasta,” Renita said. “And
                               Mama’s in the kitchen, she’s locked
                                                                                 makes it hard to cut because of all the
                                                                                 melted stuff that’s in it.”
                                                                                    Outside of possible mishaps with
                                                                                 cooling, it’s an easy recipe, and Renita
                                                                                 is happy to share it with you.
                               the door and she’s in there making
                               noise— and it’s just Michelina’s frozen
                                                                                   To see the referenced commercial, search ‘Mama
                               dinners and those things are like, a                  Michelina’s “Top Secret” Recipe’ on Youtube.
                                 She laughs, but is always willing to
                               share the recipe, and it’s owner, to                           Find this recipe on Pinterest
                               anyone that asks.                                                    @GoPioneerOK

15 GoPioneer

      May 2, 1983            Microsoft         introduces
Microsoft’s 2-Button Mouse   the Microsoft Mouse for
                             compatible PCs. The mouse
                             featured two buttons and
                             was available by itself for
                             purchase or would later
                             be bundled with the new
                             Microsoft Word software.
                             Microsoft      manufactured
                             nearly 100,000 units, but
                             will only sell 5,000 before
                             introducing a new version.

     May 10, 1894                                               Pictured: GoPioneer Editor Madison McCollum and the Big Red Ball (BRB).

                                                                {A Series of Postponed Events
   The Birth of Wireless
                                                                    PIC OF THE MONTH
                              “Wireless” is born when
                              Guglielmo Marconi sends a
                              radio wave three-quarters of           The world has changed drastically in the last month. With the
                              a mile. Marconi’s work leads      spread of the COVID-19 virus most all events have been canceled
                              to the commercialization          world wide.
                              and proliferation of most of        This issue, we are taking a different turn on the ‘Community events’
                              the radio technologies we         and using it as a platform to educate and entertain with notable
                                                                technology dates in history!
                              know today.
                                                                  Unfortunately, the BRB and the GoPioneer editor have found
                                                                themselves sitting in the Kingfisher office, but hopefully we’ll be rolling
                                                                out to local events soon!

     May 22, 1980
 Happy Birthday Pac-Man!
                               Namco’s upcoming game                     Did you know...
                               “Puck-Man” is tested in                   We’re making history right now.
                               Japan. After receiving a                  Over the last two months Internet usage has
                               favorable initial testing, the            sored to unprecedented levels. Stuck at home
                               game is slightly tweaked                  with movie theaters closed, school canceled,
                               with the most major change                and offices closed— people are looking not
                               being the renaming of the                 only for ways to entertain themselves, but to
                               game to “Pac-Man”. This                   keep in contact as well. It’s hard to say what
                               would be the first game                   this will lead to, but there’s no doubt it’s going
                               popular with both men and                 down in history.

   May 17, 1991                                                         May 19, 1980
 The First Day of HTML       Tim Berners-Lee set up               Apple Introduces Apple III
                             HTML (hypertext markup                                                        The Apple III was introduced
                             language)     and      HTTP                                                   at the National Computer
                             (hypertext transfer protocol)                                                 Conference in Anaheim,
                             on a machine at the CERN                                                      California.   It   was   the
                             research lab in Switzerland.                                                  company’s first attempt
                             The server was launched                                                       at a business computer
                             onto the World Wide Web,                                                      and would later come to
                             effectively making this the                                                   be known as Apple’s first
                             first day you could get a                                                     failure.
                             website that could support
                             more than text.
                                                                     The next GoPioneer issue will be released in: June                   Community 16
Mr. & Mrs. J.M. Cope - Frederick - Celebrated their 73rd Wedding Anniversary March 22nd.
                     They have 3 sons (one deceased), 6 grandchildren and 5 great grandchildren.

            Chad & Michele Kliewer - Kingfisher - Celebrated their 25th Wedding Anniversary April 8th.

             Jim & Phyllis Bohling - May - Celebrated their 60th Wedding Anniversary April 17th.
                      They have 2 sons and 2 daughters, 8 grandchildren and 11 great grandchildren.

            Thomas & Rhonda Luckinbill - Blanchard - Will Celebrate their 56th Wedding Anniversary May 9th.

            Donald Roy & Judy Jenkins - Gage - Will Celebrate their 60th Wedding Anniversary May 28th.
                     They have 2 sons, 1 daughter-in-law and 1 granddaughter.

                           Happy Anniversary from all of us at Pioneer!
    Want your Anniversary published?
    To have wedding anniversary announcements of 25 years or more, simply submit your anniversary information including town,
    wedding date, and number of children, grand children and great-grandchildren to GoPioneer Magazine at any of the following
                                                    Standard mail:
        Email:                                      GoPioneer Anniversaries
        Subject: GoPioneer Anniversaries                                          
                                                    Pioneer Telephone Cooperative           Find Anniversaries under                        P.O. Box 539                            ‘GoPioneer Magazine’ on
                                                    Kingfisher, OK 73750                    our website.

GoPioneer (USPS No. xxx-xxx) is owned by and published eight times out of the year for the benefit of the approximately 32,000 member families of Pioneer
   Telephone Cooperative, Inc. EDITORIAL & CIRCULATION Contact: Madison McCollum, GoPioneer Editor Mailing Address: P.O. Box 539, Kingfisher, OK
73750 E-mail: Call: (405) 375-0274 Fax: (405) 699-3053 MANAGEMENT Richard Ruhl General Manager Jerry Kadavy V.P. Network
      Operations David Post V.P. HR/Legal Kim Grellner V.P. Marketing, Sales & Service Brenda Walta V.P. Finance and Administration/CFO
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