GOOGLE WORKSPACE Increase Productivity and Save Costs - - 911 PC Help

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GOOGLE WORKSPACE Increase Productivity and Save Costs - - 911 PC Help
 Increase Productivity and Save Costs

GOOGLE WORKSPACE Increase Productivity and Save Costs - - 911 PC Help
Vlad Galant
                           President, Founder- 911 PC Help
At 911 PC Help, we recognize how important it is for your business to
grow and succeed. And in order to do that, your team needs a quick,
easy, and secure way to communicate and collaborate.

The problem is: you're not a technology expert. And you don’t have the
time or expertise to figure out which provider is best, how to set everything up,
how to make sure that it’s secure, etc. It can be overwhelming to think of all the
things you have to do.

At 911 PC Help, we believe that technology should be simple. We
understand how frustrating it is to have complicated technology that you can’t
understand or aren’t utilizing properly. It slows down production and can even
hurt your relationships with your clients.

That’s why we put together this Free Ebook for you. It will walk you through
the basics of setting up Google Workspace. We’ll talk about why Google
Workspace is such a great solution, how to set it up for your team, and we’ll
provide detailed instructions on making sure your data is secure.

We hope that you find this ebook helpful. If you have any questions or
concerns, or if you’d like some expert help in setting up Google Workspace for
your business, you can call me at 415-800-1130, or shoot us an email at
GOOGLE WORKSPACE Increase Productivity and Save Costs - - 911 PC Help
What is Google Workspace            1

Google Workspace and the Benefits   5
of Cloud Computing

Workspace Security                  9

Google Workspace and professional   14

Let's Get Started!                  18
GOOGLE WORKSPACE Increase Productivity and Save Costs - - 911 PC Help
An Introduction for Small Business Leaders
    If you run a business and have looked into digital solutions at
    all lately, you’ve probably heard of Google Workspace.

    This productivity toolkit from Google is the new version of
    Google’s G Suite. But what exactly does Google Workspace
    offer? And why should your business use it? Let’s break that

    Who is Google Workspace for?
    Most people associate Google Workspace with email hosting.
    But Google Workspace is much more than just email. It also
    includes a variety of apps and features such as:

        Google Calendar
        Google Drive
        Google Docs and Sheets
        Google Chat and Google Meet
        And, of course, Gmail

    Individually, all of these apps are powerful tools that can
    make running your business easier. Together, they can
    revolutionize how you do business.

    Benefits of Using Google Workspace
    It’s hard to deny that Google apps and tools are everywhere.
    Most people have either used the Google suite apps for
    personal use or at a previous workplace. This makes
    onboarding your new users a breeze.

Plus, Google Workspace is compatible with just about every
    device your business could be using. You won’t have to
    make a costly transition to new devices to use Google

    You won’t have to worry about randomly losing access to
    Google Workspace at the worst time, either. Google offers
    an incredible 99.9% uptime. With Google Workspace, there
    are no scheduled downtimes or maintenance windows to
    worry about.

    Finally, using Google Workspace is great for your
    organization’s cyber security. Google is secure and even
    HIPAA-certified. That’s hard to beat.

    While many of the same features offered through Google
    Workspace are free for individuals to use, businesses must
    choose a paid plan to take advantage of Google

    Google Workspace has three different plans you can use, at
    three different price points. At the time of this writing (March
    2022), the plans and prices are as follows:

     1. Google Workspace Business Starter ($6/user/month)
     2. Google Workspace Business Standard
     3. Google Workspace Business Plus ($18/user/month)

    With each step up the ladder, your business will have

3   access to more cloud storage per user, more participant
video meetings, and greater security and management
    controls. Which plan is right for your business will depend
    on the specifics of how your business operates, especially

    If you’re not sure whether Google Workspace will work for
    your business, you can try it for free!

    Getting started with Google Workspace is fairly simple. Just
    follow these steps:

       Sign Up at Google
       Activate your account
       Add additional users
       Verify your domain
       Migrate your email
       Set up additional apps as needed

    Google Workspace is a form of “cloud computing”. Cloud
    computing has been the “big thing” in business for a while now
    and that’s no surprise given how beneficial these services can

    Historically, the access and flexibility of cloud services were
    only accessible to big companies with big budgets. However,
    with small-business-focused services - such as Google,
    Amazon, Office 365, and Microsoft Azure - small businesses
    can reap those benefits as well!

    What is Cloud Computing?
    If you’re not already familiar with the term, cloud computing
    is hardware and software delivered to an organization
    through a network (generally the internet).

    Any business that uses computers can take advantage of
    cloud computing. Instead of the main computing taking place
    on a computer or server in the same location as the place of
    business, with cloud computing, that process goes to a
    separate, remote machine. In the case of Google Workspace
    those machines (servers) are owned and maintained by

    It may sound complicated but cloud computing boils down to:

    A way to free up memory and computing power on your
    organization’s devices.

    Users will access all the applications and platforms they need
    through the cloud, which comes with lots of benefits.

How Does Cloud Computing Help Your Business?
    Using Google Workspace or other cloud computing providers
    can offer huge benefits to your business. Those benefits

    Saving You Money

    Cloud hosting allows you to save money because you don't
    have to invest in a costly hardware infrastructure to support
    your computing needs.

    When you use a cloud computing service, the provider is
    responsible for maintaining the data centers, machines,
    software, and more required to keep the servers running. They
    do so on a very large scale which means they can keep costs
    low and pass those savings onto you, the customer.

    Keeping Your Data Secure

    With cloud-based services your data is kept on highly-secure
    servers with options to adhere to standards such as NIST, PCI
    DSS, HIPAA, and more!

    Cloud computing service providers have some of the best
    security protocols possible - much better than most small- or
    medium-sized businesses could manage on their own.

    Your data will be easily available to your users without
    compromising on security.

    Making Scaling Easier

    Cloud-based services can be set up fast and easy and you
    never pay for resources you don't need!

Even if your organization grew from 10 employees to 10,000
    employees, you would be able to seamlessly scale up your
    cloud computing to fit your new needs.

    Making Collaboration Simple

    Cloud services, applications, and data can often be accessed
    from anywhere, any time, and from any device.

    This means that your remote users, traveling users, or branch
    users can access all the resources and data they need without
    costly network configuration changes. All they need is an
    internet connection!

     Cyber security is a high priority for any business. And there’s a
     good reason for that.

     U.S. businesses lose billions of dollars each year to cyber-
     attacks. Most of the businesses suffering from those cyber-
     attacks are small- and medium-sized businesses that may never

     Luckily, Google has several great built-in security measures you
     can utilize to protect your business. Here are 4 steps to
     protecting your business with Google Workspace security.

     1. Enhance Google Workspace Security by Encouraging Users
     to Do a Security Checkup

     A security checkup is an easy way to get an idea of whether
     your data is safe and what steps you could be taking to
     improve your digital security.

     But each user in your organization needs to complete a security
     checkup for it to be as effective as possible. But it’s not a one-
     and-done measure. Most experts recommend doing a security
     checkup once every few months to make sure no new issues
     have cropped up.

     The security check ups will show which apps have access to
     sensitive data and highlight any potential security issues. Train
     all your users to go through the security checkup process which

10   entails these four steps:
1. Sign into their Google account
      2. Click on their account name
      3. Click Protect Your Account
      4. Click Secure Account
      5. Review and resolve any security issues

     You can find more information about the Security Checkup here.

     Having each user complete the process could be the difference
     between a disastrous cyber breach and keeping your business

     2. Enforce Multi-factor Authentication in Google Admin

     Multi-factor authentication is another simple yet highly effective
     security measure that your organization should be using. With
     multi-factor authentication, users must provide two or
     more pieces of verification information before they can
     access a resource.

     For example, this could mean users must provide a PIN from
     their phone as well as a username and password. When
     properly utilized, multi-factor authentication reduces the
     chances of a successful cyber-attack because it makes it harder
     to get into your systems.

     The first step to using multi-factor authentication is to educate
     your users on what it is, and give them time to set it up

     This is especially true in organizations where some employees
     may not be very tech-savvy. It can be frustrating for them to
     deal with a new technology that they’re not familiar with.

That’s why, at least starting out, we recommend enabling multi-
     factor authentication, but not enforcing it … yet.

     To enhance your Google Workspace security with multi-factor
     authentication, do the following:

      1. Sign in to your Google Admin console
      2. Navigate to Security > 2-Step Verification
      3. On the left-hand side, select an Organizational Unit or
         Exception Group
      4. Check Allow users to turn on 2-Step Verification
      5. Select Enforcement > Off
      6. Click Save

     From this point, you should continue to educate and encourage
     your users to enable multi-factor authentication.

     After an appropriate grace period, and with plenty of
     communication before hand, you should eventually change
     Enforcement to On.

     3. Use Google Workspace Endpoint Verification

     Google Workspace endpoint verification allows you to verify the
     devices people are working from and allow or deny access.
     Generally, the fewer devices you allow to have access to your
     data, the more secure that data will be.
     To enhance your Google Workspace security with endpoint
     verification, do the following:

        Sign in to your Google Admin console
        Click on Devices
        On the left-hand side, select Mobile & Endpoints > Settings
        > Universal Settings

Click Data access > Endpoint Verification
        To apply the setting to everyone, leave the top
        organizational unit selected. Otherwise, select a child
        organizational unit.
        Check the Monitor which devices access organization data
        Click Save

     4. Set Up Shared Drives

     Using shared drives can help prevent sensitive information from
     getting outside of the company. However, you need to carefully
     decide who should have access to each of the drives and
     folders, and also decide on a sharing policy.

     There are several ways that you can configure your Google
     Drives policies. For example, you can:

        Let users share files outside of your organization
        Restrict sharing to certain domains
        Restrict all file sharing outside of your organization
        Control how users share links to files
        Restrict the access levels users can give to files
        Control who can access files stored on shared drives

     Google Workspace is a powerful tool for professional service

     Here are 5 reasons why…

     1. Your Professional Services Firm Can Easily Protect
     Sensitive Client Data

     Securing your clients’ sensitive data is an essential part of
     running a business.

     Even just one breach in your data security could
     permanently damage your company’s reputation and lose
     you hundreds of thousands, or even millions of dollars.

     Luckily, Google Workspace can make data security easier than
     ever before.

     Through Google Drive, you can securely share data with
     approved parties, significantly reducing the risk of that data
     ending up in the wrong hands. Google Mobile Device
     Management (MDM) and Encryption ensure that data is secure,
     even on mobile devices.

     Google Workspace offers advanced access controls that let you
     set policies about who has access to each file and whether
     they’re able to download, share, print, or copy those files. Plus,
     updating those allowances is fast and easy.

You can learn more about Google Drive and Google MDM in
     Chapter 2.

     2. Collaboration Within Your Professional Services Firm is

     These days, there’s no guarantee that your whole team is
     operating out of the same location. Fortunately, you can use
     Google Docs and Google Drive to seamlessly collaborate with
     teams working in remote- or home-offices.

     Real-time edits, suggestions, and comments can be used
     directly in Google Docs to further support real-time
     collaboration. You don’t need to worry about version control or
     edit-locking, either. Team members can work in tandem without
     any issues.

     3. You Can Easily Capture Client Feedback

     Google Workspace makes gathering and analyzing feedback
     simple. You can use Google Forms to get insights from both
     employees and clients.
     All you have to do is create a Google Form structured as a
     survey or questionnaire and send it out to the people you’d like
     to provide feedback. And these forms can be sent to large
     groups of people at once to increase the number of responses
     you receive.

     The data provided by employees and/or clients through Google
     Forms is automatically captured in Google Sheets so that it can
     be analyzed and summarized.

4. Project Management is Simpler Than Ever

     Through Google Workspace tools like Drive and Calendar,
     staying in touch with team members about deadlines or
     developments is as convenient as just clicking a button.

     “For many of our employees, Google Workspace is
     revolutionizing their team and project work. Teams are more
     organized because everything - including timelines, budgets,
     and progress reports - are stored transparently with the latest
     updates available for all to see online.”
     - Danny Attias, CIO, Grass Roots

     There are also hundreds of integrated apps available in the
     Google Workspace marketplace allowing your team to continue
     utilizing tools that they already depend on.

     5. Onboarding New Employees is a Breeze

     Most people already know how to use Google tools, either from
     previous jobs or personal use, so onboarding with Google
     Workspace is simple. Even those who haven’t used the Google
     suite before tend to pick them up pretty quickly because of how
     intuitive tools like Gmail, Google Drive, and Google Docs are.

     Don’t waste time training new employees to use complicated,
     counterintuitive tools when you could make onboarding easy
     with Google Workspace.

     We've covered a lot of ground in this ebook. We've helped you
     understand what Google Workspace is and how it can benefit you
     and your business. We've talked about collaboration, security, and
     how cloud computing helps you better serve your clients.

     We've also talked about Cloud Computing in general and how it
     can help your business. And in the last chapter we dived into how
     Google Workspace can help Professional Service firms,

     Reading through the last four chapters, I wouldn't blame if you if
     you are wondering:

     "That's great but where do I start? What can I do today?"

     Well, the simple truth is...


     That means that you need to take a good hard look at your
     current situation. You need to ask the hard questions - questions

         Are our teams able to effectively collaborate?
         Are we losing productivity to under-utilized technology?
         Are we losing money by trying to manage infrastructure
         How can we do better?


19   At 911 PC Help, our goal is to help you to get the most out of your
technology, save money, and increase productivity.

     One way we meet this goal is by offering you...

     A 100% FREE Cloud Computing Consultation.

     Without spending a dime we can help you determine if cloud
     computing is right for you, how it can help you save money, and
     which solution is the best fit.

     Simply visit us at

     Then enter your name and email address and one of our
     professional IT Experts will contact you for a Free Consultation.

     We'll review your current situation; we'll celebrate your strengths
     and help you identify where your weak spots are.

     Our business is to keep YOUR business safe, secure, and
     running smooth.

              Get Started Today!

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