Global worker Why is mining still so dangerous? The power of international union solidarity - IndustriALL Global Union

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Global worker Why is mining still so dangerous? The power of international union solidarity - IndustriALL Global Union
global worker
1 MAY 2019

                                                SPECIAL REPORT

                                                Why is mining still so dangerous?

                                                The power of international union solidarity

                                                Natalia Marynyuk
Global worker Why is mining still so dangerous? The power of international union solidarity - IndustriALL Global Union
A world in crisis
needs a pathway to
a better future, and
unions can provide it.
Valter Sanches
General Secretary

Welcome to global worker
This issue of Global Worker is published at a time when the global
political and economic climate continues to deteriorate.
A slowing economy has led to                Responding to these tragedies,             Natalia Marynyuk from IndustriALL
                                            IndustriALL is continuing the campaign     affiliate Metalworkers and Miners of
an even greater concentration of            for countries to ratify and implement      Ukraine says that in the face of union
wealth and power in the hands               ILO Convention 176 on Safety and           busting, protecting their members
of a few. Around the world,                 Health in Mines.                           is the goal of the union. Read the full
                                                                                       interview on pages 10-11, where she
corporate greed, combined with              In January, the International Labour       says that international solidarity and
weak regulation and legislation, is         Organization (ILO) released a report on    support was important in finding a
                                            the Future of Work. The report itself
fuelling workers’ rights violations,        has some limitations, but could be a
                                                                                       solution to a conflict which lasted for
abusive low wages and precarious                                                       many years.
                                            positive influence for the approval of
working conditions. But as always,          an ILO declaration at the International    Together with our affiliates, we continue
                                            Labor Conference in June. It calls for a   to mobilize international solidarity and
unions are on the frontline,
                                            new approach that puts people and          we achieve major victories along the
defending working conditions.               the work they do at the centre of          way. A world in crisis needs a pathway
                                            public policy and business practice.       to a better future, and unions can
Two of IndustriALL’s affiliated unions in
                                            IndustriALL has sought the same goals      provide it. Why we need international
India are featured on pages 12-13, with
                                            outlined in the report for many years;     union solidarity now more than ever
the AICEF and Unions United fighting
                                            read more about our position on            is discussed in the feature on pages
back against precarious work in their
                                            pages 19-21.                               14-18.
                                            To end violence against women in the       Valter Sanches
In a special report on pages 6-9, we
                                            workplace we need a strong, binding        General Secretary
take a closer look at why, in the wake
                                            ILO Convention. Affiliates took to the
of numerous tragic accidents, mining                                                        @ValterSanches
                                            streets on this year’s International
is still so dangerous. Despite safety
                                            Women’s Day on 8 March to mobilize
regulations and the efforts of unions,
                                            in support of an ILO convention
mining accidents take the lives of
                                            addressing gender-based violence,
thousands of workers every year and
                                            see pages 4-5.
seriously damage the environment.

Global worker Why is mining still so dangerous? The power of international union solidarity - IndustriALL Global Union
global worker | contents


  The dangers
  of mining                                                 6

                                      interview                                                     profile

                                                                                                    Indian unions
                                      Protecting union                                              fighting
                                      members in                                                    precarious
                                      Ukraine                                             10        work                                              12

                                      feature                                                       report

                                      Why we need
                                      international                                                 IndustriALL and
                                      union solidarity                                              the Future of
                                      more than ever                                      14        Work                                              19


                                                                    Organizing in
                                                                    Ethiopia                                              22

IndustriALL Global Union
Representing 50 million workers across supply chains in the mining, energy and manufacturing sectors at the global level.
HEAD OFFICE                             SOUTH ASIA OFFICE                       LATIN AMERICA & THE CARIBBEAN
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                                        SOUTH EAST ASIA OFFICE
AFRICA OFFICE                           809 Block B, Phileo Damansara II
                                                                                Published twice a year in English, French, Spanish and Russian
Physical address:                       No 15, Jalan 16/11
                                                                                by IndustriALL Global Union.
North City House                        46350 Petaling Jaya Selangor Darul
Office S0808 (8th Floor)                Ehsan, Malaysia                         Opinions expressed in this magazine do not necessarily represent
28 Melle Street, Braamfontein           Email:       the views of IndustriALL Global Union.
Johannesburg 2001 South Africa                                                   President: Jörg Hofmann
Tel: +27 11 242 8680                    CIS OFFICE
Email:     Str. 2, d 13, Grokholsky per., Room 203. General Secretary: Valter Sanches /
                                        129090 Moscow, Russia                    Editor: Petra Brännmark /
Postal address:                         Tel: +7 495 974 6111
P O Box 31016                                                                    Cover photo: IndustriALL Global Union
Braamfontein 2017 South Africa                                                   Design: Nick Jackson /

Global worker Why is mining still so dangerous? The power of international union solidarity - IndustriALL Global Union
On International Women’s Day this year, IndustriALL affiliates        Women’s participation in IndustriALL’s sectoral work is still too
demonstrated their determination to advance gender equality at        low and has yet to improve significantly. IndustriALL’s women’s
work. They called for women’s voices to be heard in unions, and       committee has endorsed a set of recommendations for new
more women in leadership positions.                                   strategies to address the gender imbalance in industries with the
                                                                      lowest representation of women.
Unions are fighting to end violence and harassment at work and
pushing for equal pay. Everyone has a responsibility to be part of
this discussion and the solution: this is not an issue for women to   THE RECOMMENDATIONS INCLUDE:
resolve alone.
                                                                        Each network and sector to set its own rules for increasing
Gender equality is not a women’s issue, it is a trade union issue.      women’s participation in meetings
Affiliates from all corners of the world took action, along with        Sectors and networks to devise strategies to analyze the issues
their national centres, to support the call for an ILO Convention       facing women in the workplace and in the union and develop
on gender-based violence in the world of work. This global action       campaigns to address them
highlights the continuing and widespread violence against women in
                                                                        Using global framework agreements to demand multinational
IndustriALL sectors and sends a strong message to the perpetrators
                                                                        companies to employ more women in male-dominated areas
and their employers that all forms of violence against women are
                                                                        and challenge companies on their performance on gender

Global worker Why is mining still so dangerous? The power of international union solidarity - IndustriALL Global Union
Global worker Why is mining still so dangerous? The power of international union solidarity - IndustriALL Global Union
global worker | special report

                                   WHY IS MINING STILL
    report                         SO DANGEROUS?
                                   Despite labour regulations and the efforts of unions, mining
    Text:                          accidents take the lives of thousands of workers every year
    Kimber Meyer, Léonie Guguen,
    Walton Pantland
                                   around the world and seriously damage the environment.
                                   Why is mining still so dangerous?

Global worker Why is mining still so dangerous? The power of international union solidarity - IndustriALL Global Union
global worker | special report

                                         The biggest obstacle to mine safety –           tailings dam burst, and the human and
                                         the reason so many miners die at work –         environmental consequences shocked
A methane gas explosion in a coal
                                         is profit. It is entirely possible to process   Brazil and the entire world.
mine in Pakistan kills four workers,
                                         mine tailings safely, but it costs more.
and traps another 40 underground. In                                                     A red deluge of 13 million cubic metres
                                         Mines can be reinforced to prevent
Zimbabwe, 28 artisanal miners drown                                                      of mud and toxic mining waste washed
                                         collapse, but this takes time. Safety
when the gold mine they are working                                                      away everything in its path. An entire
                                         is expensive, and would make some
in floods. An open cast mine in the                                                      community was swamped and the use
                                         marginal mines uneconomic. But can we
Congo collapses. An explosion kills                                                      of untreated water from the Paraopeba
                                         allow companies to kill workers to haul
304 at Soma in Turkey. Miners are                                                        River was suspended after the detection
                                         the last remnants of an exhausted seam
trapped in a copper mine in Chile,                                                       of metals at levels above what is allowed
                                         to the surface?
coal miners in New Zealand and                                                           by environmental legislation.
West Virginia are killed in accidents.   We have traffic lights, lanes for vehicles
                                                                                         The Brumadinho tailings dam failure is
In Brazil, as many as 300 people         travelling in different directions and rules
                                                                                         probably the worst industrial accident
die when the Brumadinho tailings         to make roads safer, instead of just
                                                                                         in the country’s history. It happened
dam collapses. Explosion. Collapse.      expecting drivers to be careful. The way
                                                                                         three years after a similar disaster in
Flooding. Fire. Carbon monoxide          to make mining safer is to put systems
                                                                                         Mariana, also in Minas Gerais, when a
poisoning. Lost bodies underground       in place, instead of allowing dangerous
                                                                                         dam belonging to the mining company
that are never retrieved. Grieving       conditions to persist and then accusing
                                                                                         Samarco Mineração, owned by Vale and
relatives who have no closure.           mineworkers of carelessness when
                                                                                         BHP Billiton, collapsed on 5 November
                                         accidents happen.
Miners die every day in China’s                                                          2015. Nineteen people lost their lives
coal mines, while in Pakistan,           The knowledge of how to make mining             and the mining waste reached the Doce
accidents happen every week, in          safer has been collated into codes of           River, a source of drinking water in
almost identical circumstances:          practice, guidelines, and ultimately, ILO       southeast Brazil.
a methane gas explosion in an            Convention 176 on Health and Safety in
                                                                                         At the time, BHP Billiton issued a
illegal or unofficial mine, with no      Mines. Adopted in 1995, C176 sets out a
                                                                                         statement confirming that Samarco
emergency service at hand, medical       framework for countries to create a safe
                                                                                         had signed a preliminary commitment
assistance, or protocol for dealing      mining environment, with requirements
                                                                                         with Brazilian prosecutors, assigning
with accidents. Miners dig their         for companies and rights for workers.
                                                                                         millions of dollars to finance a series
colleagues out of the ground and         This means creating a legal framework,
                                                                                         of emergency and safety measures
give them first aid.                     developing expertise in safety, and
                                                                                         that included prevention, mitigation,
                                         building an inspection mechanism
We face a numbing daily litany of                                                        correction and compensation for the
                                         that can enforce safety and sanction
terrible mining accidents, most                                                          environmental and social consequences
so routine they are difficult to tell                                                    of the incident.
apart, barely making the local news.     Crucially, for workers this means:
                                                                                         Nevertheless, history repeated itself.
Mining is always going to be more
                                                                                         What went wrong?
dangerous than office work. But this          The right to know and understand
inherent danger, and the relentless                                                      Although officials vowed to adopt
                                              the dangers
drumbeat of death, induces a                                                             strict safety protocols in their dams,
fatalism, and is an obstacle to               The right to refuse dangerous work         that never happened. Unions allege
attempts to make mining safer.                                                           that Vale knew about possible safety
Miners are expected to accept that            The right to participate fully in          problems at other dams, but ignored
dying at work is part of the job.             health and safety decision making          the warning signs.
And those who do make it to the                                                          The Public Prosecutor’s Office for the
surface face a host of diseases and      Only 33 countries have ratified C176,           state of Minas Gerais (MPMG) announced
injuries. Silicosis. Black lung. Lost    with Pakistan and China notably absent.         the opening of an investigation into
limbs. A toxic environment that          Creating inspection and enforcement             Vale for corruption, on suspicion that
poisons the local community.             mechanisms is expensive, and powerful           its managers could have deceived the
                                         mining lobbies are resistant. We need           country’s authorities when it said it didn’t
Occupational diseases kill more
                                         to assert that miners’ lives are more           know about the safety risks posed by the
people than accidents. People have
                                         important than profit. The key to               dam that collapsed in Brumadinho.
thousands of years of experience
and expertise in mining. Surely by       changing safety culture in the mining           So as not to hinder the process, the
now we know how to stop so many          industry is to agree to a global standard       MPMG, together with the Federal
workers dying?                           on mine safety – C176 – and enforce it          Prosecutor’s office and the regional
                                         with powerful unions and well-trained           and Federal Police, recommended, on
The truth is that we do. But it is       union safety representatives.                   1 March, that Vale temporarily suspend
cheaper to kill workers than to make
                                         The stronger the union, the safer the           its CEO, Fabio Schvartsman, together
mines safer.
                                         mine.                                           with eight other managers and four
                                                                                         people involved in the company’s risk
                                         THE CASE OF BRUMADINHO                          management. The company complied.
                                         Barely a few months have passed since           The investigation confirmed the existence
                                         the Brumadinho mining tragedy, which            of a conflict of interest between the
                                         killed 209 people and left 97 missing in        mining company and service providers
                                         the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. On 25        with regard to the auditing of dam safety,
                                         January 2019, Vale’s Corrego do Feijão          allowing the external auditors to be

Global worker Why is mining still so dangerous? The power of international union solidarity - IndustriALL Global Union
global worker | special report

pressured and threatened. This resulted      On 26 March 2018, IndustriALL together         The global unions complained that
in the undue reduction of the minimum        with Building and Wood Workers’                the company also failed to adhere to
safety factor standards used to assess       International (BWI) filed a complaint          standards for tailings dam management
the stability of the Corrego do Feijão dam   against BHP Billiton and Vale under            outlined by the multistakeholder Initiative
in Brumadinho.                               the OECD Guidelines for Multinational          for Responsible Mining (IRMA).
Brazil’s National Mining Agency began                                                       The unions demanded that Vale must
checking if other dams, similar to the one   This complaint was also signed by              greatly improve safety, consult with trade
at Brumadinho, are at risk of collapse.      BWI affiliate, the Trade Union of              unions and civil society, and compensate
There are 88 upstream tailings dams in       the Construction, Concessions and              the victims in an expeditious and fair
Brazil built in the same way. The Agency     Engineering Consultancy Industries of the      manner in Brumadinho.
has since banned the operation of some,      State of Minas Gerais (SITICOP), and by
                                                                                            The co-chair of IndustriALL’s mining
ordering them to be removed by 2021.         IndustriALL’s Brazilian affiliate, CNQ-CUT.
                                                                                            sector and CNQ/CUT union president,
The Brazilian Senate has approved a bill     The complaint refers to the                    Lucineide Varjão, said:
that would impose a series of measures       consequences of the collapse of the dam
                                                                                            “There is an urgent need for a new
to improve dam safety, in addition to        in Mariana, and identifies violations of
                                                                                            model of mineral exploitation to
requiring new monitoring technology and      the OECD Guidelines for Multinational
                                                                                            ensure the participation of people
detailed emergency plans. The bill is now    Enterprises by Vale S.A. and BHP Billiton.
                                                                                            and workers, which gives foremost
before the Chamber of Deputies.
                                             The companies failed to:                       priority to the environment and society.
Valter Sanches, general secretary of                                                        Grievous events like these are not just
IndustriALL Global Union, explained:           1. Provide adequate remedy and               in Brazil, they are part of the movement
                                                                                            of capital for profit. Companies are
“In Brazil there are currently several            establish a legitimate remediation
                                                                                            becoming less and less concerned with
regulations on the way, emanating                 process involving affected
                                                                                            production, and more with finance.
from the Minas Gerais state or federal            communities and workers
                                                                                            Thus mobilization and trade union
governments, and they have removed
                                               2. Respect trade union rights                organization has to be supranational.
dams that were in a similar condition.
They took action after two very serious                                                     “That is why we have to continue
accidents.                                     3. Ensure observance of adequate health      to denounce and fight against the
                                                  and safety standards, including           unbridled release of environmental
“It is important to mention that in other         respect for laws on working time          licenses, and audits being placed in
parts of Brazil, Vale uses different
                                                                                            the hands of mining companies. We
retention methods that are dry and work        4. Act with due diligence to procure         fight against that unbridled ambition
well. Why do they do it in Pará (in the           the involvement of stakeholders,          for profit. Tragic crimes like this teach
north of Brazil) and not in Minas Gerais?         including trade unions                    us how valuable life is.”
Because iron ore mining is cheaper than
alumina, manganese and other minerals
which are higher in value, covering the      Almost a year after filing the complaint,       1    Protest against Vale, Switzerland, January
cost of the dry system which is more         disaster struck in Brumadinho.                       2019. IndustriALL
expensive, but not as risky.”                IndustriALL and the BWI immediately             2-4	In solidarity with victims of the Brumadinho
                                             reprimanded the company for failing to               mining tragedy, February 2019. CNQ
THE RESPONSE OF UNIONS                       heed the guidelines of the International
After the Mariana and Brumadinho             Council on Mining and Metals concerning
tragedies, trade unions, both in Brazil      the prevention of catastrophic failure of
and all around the world, have taken a       tailings storage facilities, published after
number of different initiatives.             the collapse of the Mariana dam.

    There is an urgent need
    for a new model of
    mineral exploitation to
    ensure the participation
    of people and workers,
    which gives foremost
    priority to the environment
    and society.

Global worker Why is mining still so dangerous? The power of international union solidarity - IndustriALL Global Union
global worker | special report

What are tailings dams and why are they dangerous?
WHAT ARE MINE TAILINGS?                               Tailings dams need regular maintenance and           There are also grave concerns for the safety of
                                                      monitoring to ensure that there is sufficient        legacy tailing dams that are no longer used but
Tailings are the waste products from mining.          drainage and the dam is strong enough to             still pose a considerable threat to life and the
Mechanical and chemical processes are used            contain the mining waste.                            environment if they fail.
to grind up rock into a fine sand to extract the      Tailings dams can pose a threat to local wildlife
valuable mineral or metal from the rock ore. All      as birds and animals bathe in and drink from
                                                                                                           ARE TAILINGS DAMS NECESSARY?
the unrecoverable and uneconomic remnants             the contaminated waters. Leakage of toxic
from this process are waste. They include finely                                                           Traditional storage facilities, such as the
                                                      substances from tailings dams can also cause
ground rock particles, chemicals, minerals and                                                             ones involved in the Brumadinho and
                                                      damage to the immediate environment.
water. Depending on the type of mining, tailings                                                           Samarco tragedies, are used by the mining
can be liquid, solid or a slurry of fine particles.                                                        industry simply because they are cheap. New
Many substances found in tailings are toxic,                                                               technologies are available that substantially
even radioactive, and it’s not uncommon to find                                                            reduce or mitigate the risk associated with
large amounts of cyanide, mercury and arsenic                                                              potential dam failures, such as the filtered
in tailings.                                                                                               tailings process, which reduces the amount of
                                                                                                           water to minimize volume and improve stability.
                                                                                                           Dry tailings disposal is another alternative
                                                                                                           that offers significant benefits in terms of
                                                                                                           environmental sustainability, as well as worker
                                                                                                           and community safety.

                                                      WHAT ARE THE CONSEQUENCES
                                               2      OF COLLAPSE?
                                                      In the past ten years, there have been 31
WHAT ARE TAILINGS DAMS?                               recorded major tailings dams failures, not
                                                      including the devastating failure of mining
Tailings dams are used to store water and waste       company Vale’s dam in Brumadinho, Brazil
that come as by products from the mining              on 25 January 2019, in which 300 people are
process. It is estimated there are at least 3,500     presumed dead.
tailings dams around the world. But as there are      In Canada, the Mount Polley copper-gold mine
around 30,000 industrial mines, the number of         dam collapse in 2014 released 25 million cubic
tailings dams is likely to be much higher.            metres of wastewater and tailings into adjacent
Tailings dams can be huge in size, as big as          water systems and lakes. That’s enough to fill                                                    4
lakes, and reach 300 metres high. As the slurry       20,000 Olympic swimming pools.
of waste is piped into the dam, the solids settle
to the bottom and the water is recycled to be
                                                      A year earlier, the mine’s owner, Imperial Metals,   WHAT CAN BE DONE TO IMPROVE
                                                      reported that the tailings dam contained 84,831
used in the separation process again.                 kilograms of arsenic, 38,218 kilograms of lead
                                                                                                           TAILINGS DAM SAFETY?
Rather than reinforced concrete, tailings dams        and 562 kilograms of mercury along with other
                                                                                                           Tailings dam failures are not inevitable and can
use earth or rock to create a barrage. However,       minerals and waste products.
                                                                                                           be prevented. Mining companies must listen
most tailings dams use the cheaper but more           In 2015, the Samarco dam collapse in Brazil          to workers and unions, who are frequently the
dangerous upstream method of construction,            released 33 million cubic metres of iron ore         first to flag safety issues but too often ignored.
using the tailings themselves to create a             tailings slurry into the environment, killing        IndustriALL Global Union has worked with the
barrier. The dam is then continually raised to        19 people, displacing 600 families and               multisector Initiative for Responsible Mining
accommodate more waste. These dams are                contaminating waterways for 620 km downriver         Assurance (IRMA) to set the highest standards of
more unstable and more prone to leakage.              until it reached the ocean. It is feared that        tailings dam safety along with the International
                                                      precious ecosystems and fish life that support       Council on Mining & Metals which has produced
                                                      indigenous communities will never recover.           guidelines on preventing catastrophic failure of
                                                                                                           tailings storage facilities. The mining industry
   RATIFY                                                                                                  must urgently adhere to these standards to
  ILO C176                                                                                                 prevent future disasters.

Global worker Why is mining still so dangerous? The power of international union solidarity - IndustriALL Global Union
global worker | interview

                                                              Trade Union of Metalworkers and
                                                              Miners of Ukraine (PMGU)
                                                              Alexander Ivanou


                                            Tell us how you rose through the union ranks at
                                            a male-dominated workplace
                                            “When I started working, I joined the Trade Union of

Protecting our                              Metalworkers and Miners of Ukraine (PMGU), affiliated
                                            to IndustriALL Global Union. In August 2017, more than
                                            20 years after I first started, I was elected leader of the

members is our goal.                        trade union committee. I became the first, and so far, the
                                            only woman elected chair of the local union in it 85-year
                                            “Even though female workers represent slightly less than
                                            30 per cent of the company workforce, women are far
Natalia Marynyuk started her career         more active in the union than their male colleagues. Out
                                            of 114 PMGU activists at ArcelorMittal, almost 60 per
in 1996 as an economist at the blast        cent are women.”

furnace shop No. 1 of the state-owned       Kryvyi Rih was a large iron-ore mining and metallurgy
                                            centre during the Soviet Union and Kryvorizhstal Steel
Kryvorizhstal Steel Works. The plant is     Works exported products to over 30 countries around the
named after the city where it is located,
                                            Producing along the full metallurgical cycle, including
Kryvyi Rih, one of the ten biggest          mining of ore, production of concentrate, agglomerate,
industrial cities in Ukraine.               coke, cast iron, steel and rolled products, and with
                                            around 57,000 workers, the steel works was an attractive
                                            proposition to buyers when it was privatized in 2004.
                                            In 2005, the company was sold to Mittal Steel for
                                            US$4.81 billion, far exceeding the US$3 billion predicted
                                            by analysts. When Mittal Steel took over Arcelor in 2006,                    it became ArcelorMittal Kryvyi Rih.

 1 Natalia Marynyuk. IndustriALL
 2 Natalia Marynyuk. PMGU

global worker | interview

What did privatization mean for
you and your colleagues?
“When the process of privatization was
announced in 2003, workers and trade
unions expressed concerns about the
future of their jobs. There was a series
of protests demanding what we called
a social package to be adopted by the
government. It was to protect workers
and to be respected by a new owner after
“As a consequence, Kryvorizhstal Steel
Works was privatized with a compulsory
social package, containing 19 conditions
to be observed by the new owner. This
was a first in Ukraine. However, due
attention was not paid to all the 19
points, and the union responded by
organizing protest actions and meetings
to make the employer deliver on the
commitments, including promises of                                                                                                 2
wage increases.
“Between 2005 and 2018, ArcelorMittal
effectively more than halved the
                                              venue and agenda in an attempt to stop        How important is international
                                              workers from expressing their collective
workforce, from some 57,000 workers to        demands. But the union and the workers
                                                                                            solidarity for your union?
less than 21,000. The cuts were mainly        managed to hold the rally. They also sent
done through voluntary retirement,                                                          “Recognition of our dispute and
                                              an appeal to the CEO of ArcelorMittal
although that did not make it easier for                                                    international solidarity to support it
                                              Kryvyi Rih, signed by 12,000 people,
those who remained on the job. Despite                                                      were important in finding a solution.
                                              demanding higher wages, better safety
a drastic reduction in the workforce, the                                                   Already in 2015, with the support of
                                              and improved social dialogue. After
company’s production of cast iron, steel                                                    IndustriALL, trade unions at ArcelorMittal
                                              getting no answer, the union voted to
and rolled products has remained more                                                       in Kazakhstan and Ukraine sent a
                                              begin a collective dispute in April 2018.
or less the same, even slightly increasing.                                                 request to the company CEO, asking to
                                              “The following month, through mediation       let their representatives become part of
“Add to the increasing workload a lack        during a marathon 26-hour mediation           ArcelorMittal European Works Council.
of investment, leading to deteriorating       meeting, an agreement was reached
buildings and equipment, and you                                                            “At a meeting in Luxembourg in July
                                              between management and the unions.
can see a clear decline in workers’                                                         2018, unions at ArcelorMittal formed a
                                              The CEO increased the wage fund to
conditions.”                                                                                global network and committed to pursue
                                              UAH1.1 billion (US$40 million), and also
                                                                                            global social dialogue with the world’s
                                              dismissed the questionable HR director
How did your union handle                     who had failed to establish a social
                                                                                            largest steel company. And the Ukrainian
                                                                                            unions were part of it.
union-busting from the company                dialogue in good faith with the workforce.
management?                                   “There are still problems, but at least
                                                                                            “This platform has allowed the union to
                                                                                            raise its concerns on social dialogue with
                                              today we have social dialogue with the
“Conditions for the workers in the plant                                                    the top global leadership at ArcelorMittal.
started to seriously deteriorate when                                                       I am currently part of the ArcelorMittal
a new human resource director was             “Since June 2017, there has been an           Joint Global Health and Safety Council,
employed in 2017. There was clear             agreement on visa-free entry with the         which has also helped improve local
hostility towards unions from the start;      European Union, making it easier for          social dialogue.”
the terms of the collective agreement         Ukrainian citizens to travel to Europe. As
were not respected and union proposals        a result, many people have left Ukraine
were ignored.                                 looking for better working conditions and,      PMGU
                                              consequently, for the first time this year,
“The situation deteriorated, there were       the company has had problems finding            PMGU is currently the largest
fake union flyers, as well as social          enough skilled drivers.                         union at ArcelorMittal Kryvyi Rih,
media posts and articles in local media
                                              “After a roof collapsed in March last           representing over 70 per cent of
slandering the union. The HR director
                                              year, killing a worker, assessment of the       the workers. Around 10 per cent
even developed a special union-busting
                                              buildings and reparation works have             of the workforce is not organized,
programme for 2018 called ‘Action plan
                                              started.                                        and the remaining 20 per cent are
aimed at reducing unions’ influence’.
                                                                                              represented by 10 other unions
“Appeals from the union were ignored          “So, the issue of better wages and              including IndustriALL affiliate, the
by the management. When we called             conditions remains a crucial question for       Independent Trade Union of Miners
workers for an assembly, the HR director      the company.”                                   of Ukraine.
promoted false information about the

global worker | profile

The All India Cement Employees Federation (AICEF) and
Unions United both affiliated to IndustriALL Global Union in
November 2018. While defending the rights of precarious
workers and women, both industrial federations have led
struggles, built union structures and overcome challenges                             Unions: All India Cement
                                                                                      Employees Federation (AICEF)
posed by employers.                                                                   and Unions United
                                                                                      Country: India
                                                                                      Text: G Manicandan

  INDIAN UNIONS                                                                                                              1


ORGANIZING IN THE CEMENT                  counts between 75 to 80 per cent          for permanent workers, but also for
                                          contract workers. Almost all precarious   precarious workers. This has meant
INDUSTRY                                  workers are employed through third        significant wage increases and social
                                          party contractors and face a lack of      security benefits for our members.”
The AICEF was founded in 2008             job security, poor wages and bad
when cement unions affiliated                                                       A 98-day struggle by the AICEF’s
                                          working conditions.
                                                                                    Mangalam Cement Karamchari Union
to trade union centre HMS
                                                                                    resulted in the reinstatement and
came together to better defend             Defending the rights of precarious       regularization of terminated precarious
workers in their sector.                   workers, trying to regularize their      workers. The agreement also ensures
                                           work and increase wages have been        that when permanent workers retire
The AICEF has a total membership of
                                           the principal goals of the AICEF.        those vacancies are filled through the
about 25,000 workers, the majority
of whom are precarious workers. The                                                 regularization of precarious workers. This
members are found across cement           Mukesh Galav, general secretary of        has led to precarious workers achieving
plants in the states of Bihar, Gujarat,   AICEF, says:                              similar benefits, including free uniforms
Haryana, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh,                                                 and shoes, to permanent workers. In
Maharashtra, Odisha, Rajasthan and        “Through our struggles in the cement      2016, about 150 workers were made
Tamil Nadu.                               industry we have managed to reverse       permanent, and there is a process under
                                          terminations and regularize precarious    way for an additional 150 workers.
The AICEF organizes in an environment     workers. Our unions have played an
where the majority of the workforce are   active role in ensuring that companies    The cement industry in Rajasthan is
precarious workers; the cement industry   implement wage decisions not only         notorious for poor working conditions.

global worker | profile

working days for security staff employed
by third-party contractors at the ACC                                                      sector at employers such as the Uranium
Lakheri cement factory, the union plans                                                    Corporation of India and the Steel
to do the same for the factory workers on                                                  Authority of India are some of the major
short-term contracts, also working up to                                                   milestones achieved by the members of
12 hours per day.                                                                          Unions United.
“Working conditions are deplorable in                                                      While all members of Unions United are
many of the cement units,” says Mukesh                                                     unions affiliated to the national centre
Galav. “Unfortunately, we often have                                                       New Trade Union Initiative (NTUI), the
to fight with yellow unions, recognized                                                    federation is open to all registered trade
by the company as counterparts for                                                         unions in the manufacturing industry and
collective bargaining, to win workers’                                                     associated services across the India.
                                                                                      3    Currently, its membership is spread
The AICEF has a unique method for                                                          over several states, and in each of these
uniting permanent and precarious                                                           states the member unions participate in
workers in union activities. The              Unions United is an industrial
                                              federation formed in April 2018 with         joint calls to action from the central trade
constitutions of many of its unions are                                                    union organizations, including the recent
designed to include precarious workers        55,000 members in base metals, textile,
                                              mining, mechanical engineering,              historic countrywide general strike held
as members, with voting rights and the                                                     on 8-9 January 2019.
possibility to run for leadership positions   electronics and energy sectors.
like president or general secretary.          12,000 of the members are women.             Members of Unions United come from
                                                                                           sectors closely tied to global supply
The AICEF has launched a campaign                                                          chains and are conscious of the need
                                                Precarious workers make up over
to win equal wages for precarious work                                                     to build unity and solidarity within and
                                                90 per cent of Unions United’s total
and is engaged in a legal process to                                                       across the sectors nationally and globally
implement a recent judgment of the                                                         to defend workers’ rights.
Supreme Court of India calling for equal
wages for equal work.                         Union United’s membership of precarious      In multinational companies like Siemens
                                              workers include more or less all women       and KEC International, in addition to
                                              workers, as well as a large number of        signing collective bargaining agreements,
                                              male workers, in sectors like garment,       unions have taken initiatives to build
                                              base metals, and public sector steel         countrywide company councils together
                                              plants and uranium and gold mining           with affiliates of other national trade union
                                              units.                                       centres. Such initiatives strengthen their
                                                                                           capacities to engage in global works
                                              Reaching out to women precarious             councils and to take advantage of global
                                              workers in their homes and                   framework agreements signed with
                                              neighbourhoods and addressing women’s        IndustriALL.
                                              rights and social wages, including the
                                              demand to access housing and public          Unions United’s membership in the
                                              transport, have been central to the          garment industry works in factories
                                              organizing strategies of its members.        that supply to leading global garment
                                                                                           and retail brands. Its members at US
                                              Powerful campaigning on women                company Avery Dennison are currently
                                              workers’ rights by the garment workers’      engaged in a major struggle to regularize
                                              unions in Karnataka and Tamil Nadu,
                                        2     including equal wages, access to
                                                                                           600 contract workers and win recognition
                                                                                           of the union.
                                              crèches, appropriate toilet facilities and
                                              an uncompromising struggle against
“Being affiliated to IndustriALL Global                                                      Gautam Mody, says:
                                              sexual harassment to ensure a safe and
Union is an important step to ensure
                                              fair work environment, are some of the         “It is important for our members
AICEF’s efforts are complemented with
                                              core issues undertaken by its members.         to come together to strengthen
international solidarity support,” says
Mukesh Galav.                                 Job security has always been a major           union power and to build workers’
                                              challenge when organizing precarious           solidarity nationally and across
“And at the same time, the national and                                                      the global supply chain. Our
                                              workers. Members of Unions United built
international trade union network led by                                                     affiliation to IndustriALL is
                                              effective solidarity to resist large-scale
IndustriALL in the cement sector helps                                                       crucial to connect our members’
                                              victimization and employers’ violent
to reinforce AICEF’s work at a national                                                      struggles internationally and to
                                              attacks of union activists and precarious
level. IndustriALL provides much needed                                                      take advantage of the global union
platforms for training on occupational                                                       force.”
health and safety, learning from others’      Gautam Mody, convener of Unions
experiences, as well as developing a          United says that “firm political will is
union response to rapid technological         the fundamental feature of organizing
developments in the face of increasing        precarious workers.”
automation in the Indian cement                                                             1 Public union meeting, AICEF. IndustriALL
industry.”                                    Winning regularization of precarious          2-3 Unions United taking action. IndustriALL
                                              workers and equal wages in the public

global worker | feature


                                       Walton Pantland                      1

                          A world in crisis needs a
                          pathway to a better future.
                          Unions can provide it.
                          The women form a line outside their
                          factory gate in an industrial park outside
                          Istanbul, and link arms. They are old and
                          young, modern or traditionally dressed,
                          united in the moment. A mobile sound
                          system with a battery powered amplifier
                          starts playing a Turkish folk song.
                          “Resistance is beautiful!” shouts the young woman
                          at the head of the line, and the dance starts, weaving
                          back and forward, circling around. After being fired
                          for joining a union, the women at Yves Rocher’s
                          Flormar factory danced this dance every day for
                          almost 300 days, in sun and snow, and streamed it
                          live on Facebook, spread it on Twitter and Instagram.
                          And because of networks of global solidarity, their
                          voices are heard in the local community, in the
                          Turkish parliament, at the company headquarters,
                          at the ILO, and at retail outlets in France, Germany,
                          Switzerland and the US.

global worker | feature

                                                                                          prosperity, we are competing in a
                                                                                          zero-sum game. Institutions that build
                                                                                          global consensus – from the UN and ILO
                                                                                          through to the EU and global unions – are
                                                                                          being undermined.
                                                                                          When the Soviet Union fell in 1991, for
                                                                                          the first time in history the world was
                                                                                          united in one economic system. The
                                                                                          world moved away from any attempt
                                                                                          by the state to regulate or control the
                                                                                          economy. Markets had won the argument,
                                                                                          and reigned supreme. For many, it was a
                                                                                          time of great hope, a belief in a future of
                                                                                          shared prosperity and an end to conflict,
                                                                                          the End of History. Until history reasserted
                                                                                          itself with a vengeance when the global
                                                                                          financial system crashed.
                                                                                   2      In 2008, the global economy, and all the
                                                                                          old certainties, collapsed. Banks were
Supported by unions in France, they         When we stand together,                       bailed out and investors were protected
have taken their picket line to Yves                                                      – at the expense of working people, who
Rochers’ Paris headquarters. This is
                                            we can win                                    have now endured a decade of austerity
labour solidarity 4.0, enabled by global    There are many stories like this: ordinary    that has torn apart the fabric of society. A
structures, amplified by social media,      people standing together in solidarity,       new breed of disruptive, parasitic disaster
uniting unions and consumers around the     finding strength in each other. A victory     capitalism makes cash from chaos rather
world against a pillaging multinational.    like this strengthens us, gives us hope,      than productive activity.
The picket line has come to your            and teaches us lessons on running
                                            successful campaigns.                         By saving the global economic system,
smartphone, tablet or desktop, and                                                        we risk destroying the future. As the
you can respond in real time.               Unfortunately, we have even more stories      developing world is subsumed into the
Faced with this resolve, the company        which don’t have a happy ending. Stories      global economy at a breakneck pace,
settles. Money has poured into the strike   where the company violates rights with        people in the industrialized West, for
fund from all over the world, and growing   impunity, fires union members, cuts           the first time, expect their children to be
global pressure threatens to damage the     corners on health and safety at the           worse off than them. The arc of progress
brand. It’s an emotional moment as the      cost of workers’ lives. Plants that close     has ended, and the global order is
striking workers sign the deal and agree    because speculators want a quick profit.      collapsing. As the political centre spins
to a package that includes 16 months of     Like the three thousand workers at the        out of control, things fall apart, and
salary.                                     Grasberg mine in Indonesia who lost           corporations and right-wing populists fill
                                            their jobs when they became a political       the gap.
The voiceless and marginalized have
found their collective strength and         football between the company and the
successfully resisted an assault by a       government. An international campaign
corporate giant. The union dusts itself     was not enough to change the situation.
off and goes back to organizing. It’s       And there are countless others we don’t
just another day on the front line of the   hear about because no union even gave
global struggle between capital and         them a voice.
labour.                                                                                     Institutions that build
                                            A perfect storm of crises
                                                                                            global consensus – from
                                            Even when we win, most of our
                                            victories are defensive. Sometimes we           the UN and ILO through to
                                            successfully fight off an assault on our        the EU and global unions –
                                            terms and conditions, but we’re not
                                            winning a lot of new ground. Labour is          are being undermined.
                                            on the back foot. Jobs are becoming
                                            more precarious. Fewer workers have
                                            good pensions. Inequality is growing.         We are living through a perfect storm of
                                            Every year, the share of wealth hoarded       crises, interconnected and feeding off
                                            by a tiny fraction of the super-rich grows,   each other: climate change, the erosion
                                            and the share left for the rest of us         of democracy, grinding proxy wars,
                                            shrinks. The balance of power between         refugees, fake news, conspiracy theories,
                                            capital and labour has tilted heavily in      jobs reduced to gigs before being
                                            favour of capital.                            automated out of existence.

                                            The crisis faced by labour is part of a       We have 12 years to dramatically reduce
                                            bigger political crisis. The centre ground    our carbon emissions if we want to
                                            collapses and the world is polarizing.        preserve any quality of life on Earth.
                                      3     Instead of working together for shared        Plastic pollution fills our seas and has

global worker | feature

entered our food chain, and climate          The politics of despair                        supply chains have lengthened, work has
change is wreaking havoc: floods,                                                           been outsourced and made precarious,
                                             New forms of media mean that we are
heatwaves and other extreme weather                                                         and unions represent a shrinking core of
                                             exposed to more news than ever before,
events are costing lives and billions of                                                    permanent workers.
                                             unmediated, immediate: we feel like
dollars. Climate protesters are being
                                             we are present as every event unfolds.         Capitalism is global, but our responses
arrested for shutting down cities, but
                                             This leaves us feeling overwhelmed and         are still national. Workers are encouraged
still the political response is inadequate
                                             powerless. It is difficult to get a measured   to distrust each other, and the version of
and the most powerful man in the world
                                             assessment of the world – we exist in a        events given by their own management
denies climate science.
                                             constant state of crisis. Instead of blaming   and national politicians gets precedence
Democracy is being undermined,               corporations and a global economic             over the accounts of labour violations
societies are polarizing and fascism is on   system that prioritizes growth over people,    reported by unions in other countries.
the march again. As nation states lose       right wing populists blame immigrants          But if the diagnosis is complicated, the
power, calls to nationalism grow. The        and foreigners. Working class people feel      prescription is simple: we need to reassert
world’s biggest multinational companies      alienated from distant elites, but it is the   the human right to dignity at work. We
have annual budgets far exceeding that       Right who are speaking for them.               need new forms of union organization,
of many countries. National governments                                                     and a new internationalism. The global
                                             Right wing populist governments – in the
have dwindling power to influence their                                                     union movement is all we have, the only
                                             US, UK, Israel, Brazil, Hungary, Turkey,
behaviour, and they are reduced to a                                                        counterpoint to global capital.
                                             India and elsewhere – are turning away
beauty contest and race to the bottom
                                             from global alliances and looking inward:
to provide the lowest wages and the
                                             Make America Great Again, Take Our
most favourable tax rate for the best
                                             Country Back, Brazil above everything,
                                             God above everyone. As global
Conflict rages around the world, fuelled     development erodes local identities,
by growing military budgets, making          identity reasserts itself in the most
weapons development a booming                reactionary way.                                Unlike NGOs or consumer
industry. Democracy is collapsing under
                                             The labour movement has yet to come             groups, unions have a
the weight of social media enabled
populism, and truth is lost to conspiracy.
                                             to terms with the future of work. When          mandate and democratic
                                             the first unions were formed, workers
Labour standards are eroded as work
becomes precarious.
                                             were gathered in factories and we               legitimacy.
                                             recruited at the factory gate. But as

  We need new forms of union organization, and a new
  internationalism. The global union movement is all we have,
  the only counterpoint to global capital.                                                                                         4

global worker | feature

A politics of hope - the union
path to a fairer world
Whatever happened to “another world
is possible”? The focus on crisis means
that people don’t hear the good news –
the small, undramatic ways in which we
make the world better. Every time we sign
a global framework agreement (GFA), we
win a commitment from a company to do
better, to establish industrial relations at
an international level.
We are everywhere. Unions are the
biggest democratic organizations
in the world. Our members mine the
minerals and the iron ore, produce
the steel, create the components,
assemble the cars and the ships,
the mobile phones and the washing
machines. Then break them down and
recycle them.
From the bottom of the value chain
to the top, union members build and
maintain the world. IndustriALL represents      on multinationals when we organize their        victories in the past mean that workers
55 million workers, the other global            workers around the world – especially           in advanced democracies experience
unions many millions more. The ITUC             when we organize the supply chain too.          relatively good conditions at work.
represents 207 million. What other global
                                                                                                Production has shifted to developing
organizations have this reach, and do so        Organize along supply chains                    countries. Many of them are
much with so little?                            Distributed global capitalism has               industrializing for the first time, creating
Unlike NGOs or consumer groups,                 long and intricate supply chains that           a new workforce from people who were
unions have a mandate and democratic            outsource exploitation. Components are          recently subsistence farmers. These
legitimacy. Unlike charities and pressure       manufactured around the world, using            workers are exploited in the same way
groups trying to solve problems from the        just-in-time procurement, and shipped for       that workers in the West were at the time
outside, unions give people the power           assembly. The further down the supply           of the Industrial Revolution, and they are
to stand together and solve their own           chain you go, the lower the standards           fighting back by building unions where
problems.                                       and the lower the unionization level. An        none existed before.
                                                advanced piece of machinery assembled
And unlike political parties, unions unite      in Europe by workers on good wages              But they don’t have to start from the
workers regardless of their political           with strong union representation contains       beginning. They are learning from
views, gender, race, religion or nationality.   raw materials extracted from the earth          experience. Unions in advanced
Whoever you are, whatever your identity,        by workers in desperate conditions,             countries have resources and expertise,
if you work for a living you are united         and components made by low wage                 and spending money on union building
by a common economic interest. This             precarious workers in repressive states.        is an important investment. At the same
produces inclusive politics rooted in                                                           time, unions in developing countries
experience rather than ideology: unions         Capital will always seek low wage, low          need to build sustainable structures. To
give us the opportunity for mass,               standard countries, because production          be truly independent, unions need to be
democratic participation in the economy.        is cheaper and profit is higher. It is in the   funded through the dues collected from
                                                interest of unions in developed countries       their members.
As global instability grows, many people        to care about this. Strong unions in
feel a sense of impotence. Unions can           developing countries make it harder
provide hope, and a realistic pathway
                                                                                                Defending and rebuilding
                                                for companies to undermine labour
to a better future. This means building         standards by moving. Organizing
alliances with consumer groups and              only at the top of the supply chain is          Unions have always understood
social movements, and speaking to the           not solidarity. We need to represent            internationalism. IndustriALL’s predecessor
issues people care about, instead of            everyone.                                       the International Metalworkers’ Federation
being perceived as defending a narrow                                                           was founded in 1893. After witnessing the
set of interests. We need to be present in      The solidarity model                            pointless and destructive horror of a world
the climate movement, in feminism, in all                                                       torn apart by competition and warfare,
                                                Union development is cyclical. The
the places where people come together to                                                        international institutions like the UN and
                                                countries that first experienced the
prefigure a better world. We need to show                                                       ILO, non-government organizations like
                                                industrial revolution developed the
that we are part of the future, not the past.                                                   the Red Cross and countless thousands
                                                first unions, and fought for the labour
                                                                                                of others were created to build peace and
But we are only as strong as our unity.         standards that we now take for granted.
We can’t beat multinational companies           Those standards were incorporated into
with national strategies, and we can’t rely     national law, and into ILO Conventions          But we are under attack. There is a
on national governments to protect us. All      and other global standards. Although            global trend away from positive industrial
we have is each other. And we can take          they are under assault now, union               relations: since 2012, the employers’

global worker | feature

                                                                                             The irony is that capitalism needs unions
                                                                                             and strong institutions to create stability
                                                                                             through higher wages and better working
                                                                                             conditions, ensuring that workers earn
                                                                                             enough to buy things and drive the
                                                                                             Taxation recycles surplus capital, keeping
                                                                                             it productive instead of hiding it offshore.
                                                                                             State institutions provide the physical
                                                                                             infrastructure, long term economic
                                                                                             planning and support for emerging or
                                                                                             changing industries that are necessary to
                                                                                             navigate the changing world of work.
                                                                                             The internet, for example, was built
                                                                                             on publicly funded research – and an
                                                                                             effective and Just Transition to a carbon
                                                                                             neutral future, with work and dignity for
                                                                                             all, will not be achieved by the private
                                                                                             The future will be built by global
                                                                                      6      consensus. As unions, we are among
                                                                                             the most representative organizations
                                                                                             in the world. And global unions like
group at the ILO has tried to undermine      Binding global mechanisms                       IndustriALL link workers, from the shop
the right to strike, and across the world,                                                   floor throughout the supply chain, to
                                             But it is not enough. Global corporations
in hundreds of different ways every day,                                                     the companies and institutions with the
                                             are often more powerful than national
employers are chipping away at a century                                                     greatest power to shape our world.
                                             governments, and domestic labour law
of labour gains. Workers – especially the
                                             is an inadequate tool. Just as national
young, and women - are bearing the brunt.
                                             collective agreements give workers                To paraphrase an old saying:
We need strong, democratic institutions      enhanced, negotiated protection, so we
to counter the power of multinational        need legally-binding global collective
corporations. Representative institutions    agreements.
translate workers’ activism into
                                             GFAs contain the nucleus of this idea,
structured power. For most of the
20th century, we relied on national
                                             reflecting a commitment to establish a
                                             global industrial relations standard. But
                                                                                               If not us, then who?
governments to manage employment
relations by legislating on workers’
                                             they are not legally-binding instruments:         If not this way, how?
                                             the next generation of GFAs will need to
rights and responsibilities. The law was
                                             be. The first example of an effective binding
                                                                                               If not now, then when?
a major weapon in the union arsenal.
                                             global mechanism is the Bangladesh
In the 21st century, we need a global
                                             Accord, a legally-binding commitment to
legal system. Because capital is global,
                                             improve factory safety. A precedent was
and countries compete, only globalized
                                             set in 2016 when two global brands were
labour standards can ensure that workers
                                             taken to arbitration for failing to comply.
everywhere can work with dignity.
                                             This is the future of international
The most effective way to do this is
                                             industrial relations, and we need to
through the ILO. ILO Conventions
                                             fight for it. IndustriALL is carrying out
represent years of expertise and best
                                             pioneering work in developing the
practice. When a country ratifies an
                                             mechanisms we need to negotiate and
ILO Convention, it incorporates it into
                                             enforce binding global agreements,
national law. This is why pushing for the
                                             but a lot more will need to be done:
ratification of Conventions is such an
                                             agreements must be reached, cases
important part of global union strategy.
                                             fought and precedents set.
The ILO is a hundred years old this
year. We need an ILO for the 21st            If not us, then who?
century, with a universal labour             A global crisis needs a collective               1, 6 A lgeria demonstration in Geneva, June 2018.
guarantee that provides all working          response that competing governments                    IndustriALL
people with the core rights of the ILO       and corporations are unable to give.             2-3 Flormar factory in Gebze, Turkey. IndustriALL
fundamental principles: freedom from         Despite warm words at Davos and                  4 Strike at Mayr-Melnhof in September 2018,
child and forced labour, freedom from        other global meetings, the people in                   Izmir, Turkey. IndustriALL
discrimination at work, and freedom of       charge have opposing interests and               5 Union vote at Akar Tekstil in September 2018,
association and collective bargaining,       cannot meaningfully work together. To                  Izmir, Turkey. IndustriALL
as well as the right to a living wage,       counter the collapse of the centre,
health and safety at work, and control       we need a people’s international, a
over working time.                           global ecosystem of interrelated –
                                             intersectional – struggles.

global worker | report

                                                            GLOBAL COMMISSION
                                                            ON THE FUTURE OF WORK

                                                            Work for
FUTURE                                                      a brighter future


The Constitution of the International Labour Organization (ILO), adopted in the aftermath of World War I
with the idea that there cannot be lasting world peace without social justice, has been described as the
most ambitious social contract ever written. This year, 2019, will be the centenary of the ILO Constitution
and to mark this event, on 22 January 2019 the ILO released the report of the ILO Global Commission on
the Future of Work, entitled “Work for a brighter future”.

                                                          The ILO report calls      It is an impressive, visionary outline

                                      DOWNLOAD OR         for a new approach        for a new social charter. It is therefore
                                      READ IT HERE        that puts people and      not surprising that the International
                                                          the work they do at       Organization of Employers is already
                                                          the centre of public      trying to distance itself from it.
                                                          policy and business
                                                                                    IndustriALL Global Union has sought the
                                                          practice. It demands
                                                                                    same goals that are outlined in the ILO
                                                          the recognition of
                                                                                    report for many years. They are contained
                                                          rights to equality and
                                                                                    in the five strategic goals, and discussed
                                                          social protection. It
                                                                                    in, among others, IndustriALL’s documents
                                                          calls for a Universal
                                                                                    on sustainable industrial policy, on Just
                                    Labour Guarantee that will deliver decent
                                                                                    Transition, and on Industry 4.0.
                                    work, living wages, and safe and healthy
 Text:                              workplaces. It calls for an increased
 Brian Kohler                       investment in people, and a revitalization
                                    of collective representation.

global worker | report

If sustainability is about meeting the          Building a socially, environmentally, and      as though society is somehow powerless
social, environmental, and economic             economically sustainable future means          in the face of corporate interests. Yet
needs of today without compromising the         re-thinking some of the basic rules of         at the end of the day they are society’s
ability of future generations to meet them,     society, including what society expects        creatures and therefore must be subject
then the world is failing the test.             of corporations. Many government policy        to society’s control.
                                                thinkers have taken the position that
                                                                                               Control of wealth gives corporations, and
                                                society should not impose rules that
  SOCIAL: The world is sliding towards                                                         the individuals that own them, immense
                                                might prevent new business models to
  ever-greater economic inequality.             grow. This thinking ignores the reasons
                                                                                               power. Even governments fear that
  According to Oxfam, 26 wealthy                                                               power. The truth is that there is no power
                                                why society allows any business model
  individuals control as much wealth as                                                        in society capable of challenging or even
                                                to grow, or indeed even to exist. In
  the 3.8 billion people who make up                                                           balancing the might of corporations,
                                                a theoretical sense, society does so
  the poorest half of humanity. Social                                                         other than the labour movement. This
                                                because of the belief that there will
                                                                                               truth has led IndustriALL to position
  norms insist that wealth should be            be some benefit to society broadly –
                                                                                               sustainable industrial policies as one
  distributed in society primarily through      and this benefit has always been the
                                                                                               of its main strategic goals, because we
  employment. However, despite increasing       expectation that jobs will be created.
                                                                                               need long-term solutions to some of
  labour productivity and strong wealth         Not just one or two low-level jobs, but
                                                                                               the problems discussed above. Along
  creation, jobs are not being created,         jobs of sufficient quality and quantity
                                                                                               with sustainable industrial policy is our
  social conditions are not improving and       to enable a reasonable sharing of the
                                                                                               demand for a Just Transition for any
                                                wealth that is created and accumulated
  industrial wages are stagnant. This                                                          workers affected by changes beyond
                                                by the business. The wealth of one or two
  situation creates a combination of despair    individuals is not a legitimate public goal.
                                                                                               their control. The principle behind a Just
  and anger, as people feel cheated. Social                                                    Transition is that the benefits and costs
                                                Politicians justify all changes to business
  ills such as an epidemic of drug abuse,                                                      of the industrial transformation that is
                                                or tax regulations as creating jobs, and
  and political ills such as the rise of                                                       underway must be shared fairly.
                                                business people use the jobs argument
  populist demagogues, are the result.          whenever they lobby for or against a           It is not the technologies themselves
                                                regulation.                                    that are the problem, it is the logic
  ENVIRONMENTAL: The natural                                                                   driving their introduction. As capital
  environment is in crisis, with accelerating    If new technologies and platforms             utilizes technology to re-organize work
  climate change (with related ocean                                                           processes, lower labour standards and
                                                 do not create decent work in any
  acidification, severe weather events,                                                        reduce costs, trade unions must respond.
                                                 reasonable proportion to the capital that     If we can guide the implementation of
  wildfires and coastal flooding),               owners control and accumulate, then
  catastrophic declines in biodiversity,                                                       these new technologies, we could create
                                                 why should society allow these business       quality work with reduced working time,
  contamination of land and water                models to grow? Who benefits, and who         and improve occupational health and
  and air, deforestation, decreasing
                                                 pays the price?                               safety. If we fail in that task, high-tech
  fresh water availability alongside                                                           feudalism could be the end result. In any
  increasing populations. Meanwhile,                                                           case, the task is ours: no-one else and
  our consumption-based lifestyles have         Public policies, and the legislative and
                                                                                               no other organizations will fight this battle
  proven resistant to even the suggestion       regulatory framework that flows from
                                                                                               for us.
                                                them, should be crafted to be in the
  of change.
                                                public interest. Corporations should serve     For trade unions, it means understanding
                                                the public interest. Great challenges          the future of work and how it will affect us.
  ECONOMIC: Many products, goods,               such as Industry 4.0, or platform work,        It means considering the consequences of
  and resources are already being               or climate change, are often presented         climate treaties, and the United Nations’
  produced with the aid of a collection of
  disruptive new technologies including
  advanced digitalization, big data and
  artificial intelligence, next-generation
  robotics, the “internet of things”, 3-D
  printing, along with biotechnology and
  nanotechnology. Then, there are the
  new platforms of work: Uber, Clickwork,
  Amazon Mechanical Turk, Deliveroo,
  and a host of other forms of digital and
  crowd work that seek to make workers
  more precarious and powerless, and thus
  cheaper. This trend will continue, with no
  region or industrial sector immune. As
  for the natural environment, conventional
  economists insist that there can be
  infinite economic growth, despite the fact
  that we live on a finite planet.


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