Global Financial Reform: A Regulator's Perspective

Global Financial Reform:
 A Regulator’s Perspective
                                                  Remarks by
                                      William J. McDonough
                           Federal Reserve Bank of New York
                  Basel Committee on Banking Supervision

         Delivered before the Foreign Policy Association Conference
Global Capital Markets and a New International Financial Architecture
                                               New York, New York
                                                November 17, 1999

                                                                                                           1999 ANNUAL REPORT

I am delighted to take part this afternoon          1990s in the belief that there was a need to
in the Foreign Policy Association’s conference      foster more effective banking supervision
Global Capital Markets and a New International      throughout the global financial markets. In
Financial Architecture. It is a special pleasure    developing the Core Principles, the Committee
to be here among so many old friends and            sought to craft a document that would have the
colleagues.                                         legitimacy, quality, and flexibility to meet the   I am convinced that the
                                                    needs of bank supervisors around the world.
    In my remarks today, I will focus primarily                                                        flexibility embodied in
                                                    To this end, the Committee made it a key
on issues related to my responsibilities as                                                            the Core Principles—
                                                    point throughout the various stages of the pro-
Chairman of the Basel Committee on Banking
                                                    ject to consult broadly with other supervisors,    combined with the
Supervision. First, I would like to give you
                                                    particularly those from emerging market            valuable substantive
a brief update on the Committee’s efforts to
implement globally an agreement reached                                                                guidance the principles
initially in September 1997 on Core Principles          The Core Principles document that resulted     provide—is the right
for Effective Banking Supervision. Second, I        from this process brings together concisely in
                                                                                                       model for achieving
will describe the Committee’s work to pro-          one place all of the fundamental elements
mote improvements in risk management,               needed to carry out effective banking super-       sustainable improvements
including some related lessons drawn from           vision—a remarkable achievement in its own         in financial market
the near-bankruptcy of Long Term Capital            right. Equally important, in my view, the
Management (LTCM). Third, I will discuss            document also balances the desire to set high
the Committee’s proposal for a new capital          standards for supervisory practices with a
adequacy framework to replace the 1988              pragmatic recognition that not all countries
Capital Accord and give you some idea of what       are in the same stage of financial market
our timetable is. Many of these efforts were        development. As such, the Core Principles
initiated prior to the Russian financial collapse   document is of particular importance for
in the summer of 1998. There is no doubt,           emerging market countries because it estab-
however, that all went into significantly higher    lishes a clear set of standards against which
gear thereafter.                                    each country’s current approaches and progress
                                                    can be measured.
    Let me turn first to updating you on the
status of the Core Principles for Effective             I am convinced that the flexibility embod-
Banking Supervision. This is an initiative the      ied in the Core Principles—combined with the
Basel Committee embarked on in the mid-             valuable substantive guidance the principles

provide—is the right model for achieving sus-      jected meeting is part of the Basel Committee’s
                          tainable improvements in financial market          ongoing commitment to ensure that the Core
                          practices. The fact that a number of other         Principles remain on point and relevant to
                          international groups have in recent years also     banking supervisors worldwide.
                          developed “core principles” in their respective
                                                                                 I must stress, however, that the most
                          areas of expertise confirms to me the value of
                                                                             important efforts to implement the Core
                          the Basel Committee’s approach.
                                                                             Principles continue to be the job of the indi-
                              Today, approximately 120 countries en-         vidual countries. Without the support and
                          dorse the Core Principles. Just last month, I      backing of national authorities to follow
                          am pleased to report, the Basel Committee, in      through with the implementation of these
Without the support       cooperation with the International Monetary        principles, our broader efforts simply cannot
and backing of national   Fund and the World Bank, produced a                be effective.
                          follow-up report entitled Core Principles
authorities to follow                                                            In this connection, the Basel Committee
                          Methodology. This follow-up report was initi-
through with the          ated in response to requests from a number of      has long recognized the need for effective
implementation of {the    countries for additional guidance on how to        training and seminars for participants in the
                          interpret and implement the Core Principles.       global bank supervision community. Over the
Core Principles}, our                                                        years, it has sponsored numerous programs that
                          What the methodology report does is to
broader efforts simply    develop specific criteria to evaluate how the      have been beneficial in allowing supervisors
cannot be effective.      Core Principles are being implemented in           from different countries to share experiences
                          individual countries. The new methodology          and exchange ideas for improved practices.
                          provides two sets of criteria for each Core        Building on its long-standing commitment to
                          Principle. One set of criteria focuses on issues   these outreach efforts, the Basel Committee,
                          deemed essential for the minimum imple-            together with the Bank for International
                          mentation of the Core Principles; the other        Settlements, established the Financial Stability
                          focuses on those issues deemed to represent        Institute in 1998. The Institute currently
                          “best practice.”                                   conducts leadership training targeted to super-
                                                                             visors in emerging market countries, facilitates
                              The International Monetary Fund and the
                                                                             technical assistance in individual countries,
                          World Bank currently use this new methodol-
                                                                             and provides training on a regional basis.
                          ogy to assess the banking sectors in individual
                          countries. Looking ahead, the Basel Committee          The Basel Committee also plays a key role
                          plans to bring together sometime next year         in the Financial Stability Forum, which was
                          supervisors from emerging market countries         established by the Group of Seven Finance
                          and representatives from the International         Ministers and Governors in early 1999.
                          Monetary Fund and World Bank to discuss the        Through the Forum, the Basel Committee is
                          lessons learned from this initiative. The pro-     able to share its experience in implementing

                                                                                                             1999 ANNUAL REPORT

the Core Principles with other organizations         highly leveraged institutions. Our goal was to
that have embarked on similar initiatives, such      provide a framework for identifying the
as IOSCO, the International Organization of          broader issues raised by LTCM, the appropri-
Securities Commissions. More broadly, the            ate policy responses for supervisors, and the
Financial Stability Forum is coordinating an         key risk management challenges for the
effort to improve awareness of, and accessi-         industry going forward.
bility to, training for regulators and supervisors
                                                          Under the leadership of Jan Brockmeijer of
                                                     the Netherlands Bank, the Basel Committee’s
    Turning to the Basel Committee’s efforts         report was completed in January 1999. It
to promote improvements in risk manage-              revealed a number of deficiencies in banks’ risk
ment, I will comment first on the work related       management practices. In particular, it noted
                                                                                                         The Basel Committee’s
to highly leveraged institutions. As I have          an imbalance among the key elements of the          report found that banks
indicated in other settings, the LTCM episode        credit risk management process, with too            did not obtain sufficient
and the proper supervisory response to it are        strong an emphasis on the role of collateral in
                                                                                                         financial information to
fundamentally about two things: leverage and         protecting against credit loss. This undue
good judgment. Leverage is an important part         emphasis caused many banks to neglect other
                                                                                                         assess the types and extent
of our financial system, and most of the time        critical elements of effective risk management,     of risk assumed by large,
it plays a positive role in enhancing market         including in-depth credit analyses of counter-      highly leveraged
liquidity and ensuring a more efficient alloca-      parties, measurement of exposure, and the use
tion of resources. At times, however, financial                                                          institutions.
                                                     of stress testing.
institutions can go too far in extending credit.
This is where the critical role of good judg-            To make sound credit decisions, banks
ment comes in. Let’s not forget that a banker’s      need to obtain sufficient information about
two most important decisions are whom to             the borrower to provide a comprehensive and
do business with and how far that business           timely picture of its risk profile and credit
relationship should be pursued.                      quality. This is true whether the extension of
                                                     credit occurs through a loan or through a
    One of the fundamental aims of supervi-
                                                     counterparty trading relationship. Yet the Basel
sors is to ensure that banks are using the right
                                                     Committee’s report found that banks did not
tools to make these difficult decisions. These
                                                     obtain sufficient financial information to assess
tools include risk measurement methods and
                                                     the types and extent of risk assumed by large,
risk management techniques that are appro-
                                                     highly leveraged institutions. In particular,
priate to the nature of the risks involved.
                                                     banks did not obtain the information needed
    Following the LTCM episode, the Basel            to assess leverage, risk concentrations in par-
Committee put together a working group to            ticular markets, or the liquidity risk profile of
focus on the relationship between banks and          individual institutions.

The Basel Committee’s report also con-          F establish meaningful measures of
                               cluded that banks should develop more effec-          potential future exposure as well as
                               tive measures of potential future exposure,           credit limits incorporating the results
                               in recognition of the possibility that credit         of stress testing, and
                               exposures can change over time as market
                                                                                   F monitor exposure on a frequent basis.
                               conditions fluctuate. The ability to measure
                               potential future exposure is critical when              I am pleased to report that the Basel Com-
                               dealing with large trading counterparties such      mittee’s recommendations on highly leveraged
                               as highly leveraged institutions, especially in     institutions have been reinforced by the recom-
                               volatile market conditions. Unfortunately,          mendations of subsequent efforts, including
A key lesson of the LTCM       methods for measuring potential future expo-        reports by the President’s Working Group on
                               sure have not kept pace with the growth and         Financial Markets and the Counterparty Risk
episode is that credit and
                               composition of trading activity.                    Management Policy Group. There is clearly
market risk cannot be seen                                                         widespread agreement between the private
                                    The Basel Committee’s report also showed
as completely distinct, but                                                        sector and the official community about the
                               that banks must develop approaches that better
are liable to interact and                                                         steps that firms need to take to address the
                               account for credit risk under distressed market
                                                                                   weaknesses in risk management identified in
reinforce each other under     conditions. A key lesson of the LTCM episode
                                                                                   the LTCM episode. The key remaining issue is
highly stressful conditions.   is that credit and market risk cannot be seen as
                                                                                   the strength of the private sector’s resolve to
                               completely distinct, but are liable to interact
                                                                                   implement these measures.
                               and reinforce each other under highly stressful
                               conditions. The use of more rigorous stress test-       For its part, the supervisory community
                               ing, therefore, could have given banks better       is carefully monitoring the efforts of banks
                               warning of the types of exposures they faced.       to follow through with the implementation of
                                                                                   improved risk management practices for highly
                                  Together with this January 1999 report, the
                                                                                   leveraged institutions. The Basel Committee
                               Basel Committee issued a sound practices doc-
                                                                                   intends to prepare a follow-up report on the
                               ument setting forth guidance for banks and
                                                                                   progress banks are making. In my view, the
                               supervisors on these topics. For example, these
                                                                                   degree of improvement will signal whether the
                               sound practices called upon banks to
                                                                                   industry has truly absorbed the lessons of the
                               F establish clear policies governing their          LTCM episode.
                                 involvement with highly leveraged
                                                                                       The approach the Basel Committee has
                                                                                   taken with respect to highly leveraged institu-
                               F adopt credit standards addressing the             tions mirrors its efforts in addressing other risk
                                 specific risks associated with these              management issues. A primary aim of the
                                 institutions,                                     Committee is to identify and promote prudent

                                                                                                            1999 ANNUAL REPORT

risk assessment and control practices by banks.     continues to be directly related to poor prac-
By setting out state-of-the-art practices in key    tices regarding credit risk management. A key
areas, the Committee provides banks and             focus of the report is the need for banking
their supervisors worldwide with the tools to       organizations to develop an overall business
measure industry progress toward the goal of        strategy for credit risk that incorporates the
effective risk management.                          tolerance for risk and the level of profitability
                                                    the bank expects to achieve from incurring
   In recent years, the Basel Committee has
                                                    various credit risks. A strategic approach to
engaged in a sustained effort to develop and
                                                    credit risk provides a coherent framework for
publicize sound practices in a variety of areas.
                                                    practices in such areas as credit-granting crite-
This has included papers on such topics as
                                                    ria, credit limits, and credit risk monitoring.     In recent years, the Basel
F the management of credit risk,
                                                        A second paper, issued by the Basel             Committee has engaged
F loan accounting and credit risk                   Committee in September, addresses the subject       in a sustained effort to
  disclosure,                                       of corporate governance in banking organiza-
                                                    tions. As you know, corporate governance,
                                                                                                        develop and publicize
F guidance for managing foreign exchange
  settlement risk,                                  especially the role of boards of directors, is of   sound practices in a
                                                    particular interest in this country. More intense   variety of areas.
F enhancing corporate governance in
                                                    competition, rapid change, and increased com-
  banking organizations,
                                                    plexity in many business activities mean that
F a framework for internal control                  responsible and independent oversight by
  systems in banking organizations,                 boards of directors plays a more crucial role in
F operational risk management, and                  ensuring that a firm’s business strategy is sound
                                                    and its leadership effective.
F risk management for electronic banking
  and electronic money activities.                      I am convinced that the need for strong
                                                    corporate governance is equally great in
For anyone interested, the details of these
                                                    emerging market countries, where banks and
reports are available on the web site of the Bank
                                                    other financial institutions face comparable
for International Settlements.
                                                    pressures. The Basel Committee’s September
    Before turning to capital adequacy issues, I    paper outlines several elements that are critical
would like to highlight some key elements           to a sound corporate governance process. These
from two recent papers on sound practice. In        elements include the installation of qualified
July, the Basel Committee issued for comment        boards of directors with clearly defined
a report on the management of credit risk.          responsibilities, the importance of oversight by
This is a particularly important topic since        directors and senior management, the need for
the major cause of serious banking problems         clear lines of management responsibility and

accountability, and the effective use of internal   capital adequacy. In addition to establishing
                            and external auditors.                              minimum capital requirements, the paper
                                                                                places an increased emphasis on the supervi-
                                Both the July and September reports pro-
                                                                                sory review of capital adequacy and the role of
                            vide a flavor of the Basel Committee’s efforts to
                                                                                market discipline. We refer to these elements
                            promote stronger risk management practices
                                                                                as the “three pillars” of our proposed capital
                            within the global banking community.
                                                                                adequacy framework, which together promote
                            Although these efforts sometimes receive less
                                                                                safety and soundness. This evolution in the
                            public attention than our work on capital
                                                                                Committee’s thinking about capital follows
                            adequacy, I believe that they play significant      from much of our recent work on risk man-
                            roles in helping to set standards for prudent       agement and the surveys we have conducted
In June, the {Basel}        risk taking that can be used by banks and their     on banks’ disclosure practices.
Committee released a        supervisors worldwide.
consultative paper laying                                                           In our view, the three pillars to assess capital
                                Lastly, I would like to update you on the       adequacy are mutually reinforcing, each
out our vision for a new    Basel Committee’s major effort to revise the        addressing the challenge of aligning capital
capital adequacy            1988 Capital Accord. In June, the Committee         relative to risk in banking organizations some-
                            released a consultative paper laying out our        what differently. The Committee’s belief is
                            vision for a new capital adequacy framework.        that by combining the approaches of the three
                            Our proposed timetable is to seek comments          pillars, we can better achieve our overall
                            from both supervisors and industry partici-         objective of ensuring an adequate capital
                            pants through March 31, 2000, and then to
                                                                                cushion across the banking system that at the
                            publish, hopefully by late next year, a compre-
                                                                                same time recognizes and encourages prudent
                            hensive set of proposals that is responsive to
                                                                                risk management.
                            the comments and industry input we have
                            received.                                               Let me highlight briefly the three pillars
                                                                                and provide some perspective on the key
                                During the comment period, the Committee
                                                                                challenges that the Committee faces in rela-
                            and its subgroups are working hard to refine
                                                                                tion to each. The first pillar has to do with
                            and further develop a number of the proposals
                                                                                minimum capital requirements. The 1988
                            put forth in the consultative document. The
                                                                                Capital Accord allowed supervisors in the
                            Committee also continues to consult actively
                                                                                Group of Ten countries for the first time to use
                            with banking industry representatives and
                                                                                a common yardstick for measuring the capital
                            organizations by holding seminars, inviting
                                                                                adequacy of banks. While the 1988 Accord
                            presentations at working meetings, and con-
                                                                                was a milestone achievement, its simple risk-
                            ducting surveys on various topics.
                                                                                weighting scheme has had difficulty incorpo-
                                The consultative paper represents an evo-       rating innovations in the way banks today
                            lution in the Basel Committee’s approach to         manage and mitigate credit risks.

                                                                                                             1999 ANNUAL REPORT

    More fundamentally, the 1988 Accord                  Because of the Committee’s desire to pro-
does not adequately differentiate among              duce a capital adequacy framework with a
degrees of credit risk. As a result, banks have      greater sensitivity to risk, some observers may
had incentives to take on higher risk exposures      note that we inevitably introduce a dynamic
within each of the Accord’s broad risk cate-         element into our standards. That is, the capital
gories. Banks have also tended to engage in          requirements for loans to troubled borrowers
transactions that lower capital requirements         will tend to increase at just the point when
without reducing economic risk. The effect of        such trouble is becoming apparent. I see an
these developments has been to erode the sig-        important positive aspect to such an outcome.
nificance of the Basel ratios as an indicator of
                                                         I would argue that the global financial sys-
a financial institution’s capital adequacy, par-                                                         The global financial system
                                                     tem needs to become better prepared to address
ticularly for the large, internationally active
institutions that were the original targets of the
                                                     potential credit problems preemptively, before      needs to become better
                                                     these problems have time to grow from minor         prepared to address
                                                     disturbances into major disruptions. Imple-
    To address these shortcomings in the 1988        menting capital standards that are more
                                                                                                         potential credit problems
Accord, the Basel Committee proposes two             responsive to the dynamics of risk could help       preemptively, before these
primary approaches: 1) a standardized approach       move us in this direction and away from a           problems have time to grow
that ties risk weightings to external credit         mindset that waits too long to address prob-
                                                                                                         from minor disturbances
assessments such as credit ratings, and 2) an        lems. In particular, the Committee is interested
internal-ratings-based approach that would           in hearing views on how we should think about       into major disruptions.
begin by mapping internal risk ratings into          these issues.
standardized risk weightings but might eventu-
                                                         The second pillar in the proposed new
ally evolve into something closer to the full use
                                                     capital adequacy framework has to do with the
of credit risk models. Each approach treats the
                                                     supervisory review of capital, a critical comple-
trade-off between simplicity and accuracy
                                                     ment to minimum capital requirements. The
somewhat differently, and thus one or the
                                                     consultative paper calls on supervisors to
other is likely to be relevant to banks with dif-
                                                     ensure that each bank has sound internal
ferent levels of sophistication.
                                                     processes in place to assess the adequacy of its
    Significantly, both proposed approaches          capital based on a thorough evaluation of its
attempt to introduce greater risk sensitivity        risks and capital structure, thus moving the
into the minimum capital standards. In my            Accord beyond a ratio-driven minimum capital
view, it is essential that we move forward in this   standard to a comprehensive approach for
fashion in order to enhance the responsiveness       assessing capital adequacy. In general, supervi-
of required capital to risk and to address the       sors have expected and continue to expect
unfortunate incentive problems that have             banks to hold more than the regulatory
evolved from the 1988 Accord.                        minimum amount of capital. In proposing

this supervisory review of capital, the Basel        assess the strengths and weaknesses of a bank’s
                            Committee intends to foster a more active            risk management and capital allocation pro-
                            dialogue between banks and their supervisors         cesses relative to those of its peers.
                            with respect to the actual level of capital banks
                                                                                     The Group of Ten supervisors recognize
                            choose to hold.
                                                                                 the implications that this approach will have
                                I want to stress, however, that this proposed    for supervisory resources. In order to keep
                            approach to assessing capital adequacy is not        pace with industry innovation, it is clear that
                            intended to replace the judgment and expertise       we will have to step up our training and con-
                            of bank management. Nor is this approach             sider effective ways for making the most use
                            meant to shift ultimate responsibility for the       of our limited resources. The Basel Commit-
More extensive disclosure   adequacy of bank capital to the supervisors. On      tee also recognizes the importance of these
and greater dependence on   the contrary, I believe that managers are the        issues for countries outside the Group of Ten
market forces complement    ones with the most complete understanding of         and is working toward providing the training
                            the risks that their institutions face and it is     and other types of support needed to allow
improvements in risk        they who must have the primary responsibility        these countries and their supervisors to move
management, banking         for overseeing these risks.                          in this direction.
supervision, and minimum         The task for supervisors in this framework          The third element in the proposed new
capital standards.          is to evaluate how well banks are assessing their    capital adequacy framework has to do with
                            own capital needs relative to their risks, includ-   market discipline—another critical compo-
                            ing whether banks are appropriately addressing       nent of a safer and more stable financial
                            the relationship between different types of          system. More extensive disclosure and greater
                            risks. To this end, the Basel Committee is cur-      dependence on market forces complement
                            rently developing guidance to help supervisors       improvements in risk management, banking
                            evaluate internal capital assessments conducted      supervision, and minimum capital standards.
                            by banks. In the event that a bank’s internal        Of course, to add value over and above the
                            capital adequacy process is lacking, supervisors     minimum capital standards, improved disclo-
                            must have the knowledge and authority to take        sure must go beyond the simple reporting of
                            corrective action.                                   minimum capital ratios.

                                There can be no doubt that implementing              When banks disclose timely and accurate
                            the supervisory review of capital will require       information about their capital structure and
                            considerable insight and flexibility on the part     risk exposures, market participants can better
                            of supervisors because they will have to tailor      evaluate risks and act accordingly. The disclo-
                            their efforts to the unique risk profiles of par-    sure of timely and accurate information, in
                            ticular institutions. At the same time, this         turn, is an incentive for banks to ensure that
                            approach should allow supervisors to draw            the market perceives them not only as effec-
                            on their cross-institutional knowledge as they       tively managing their risks, but also as being

                                                                                                             1999 ANNUAL REPORT

adequately capitalized. Market reactions to the      a large volume of information. More is not
public disclosures of banks can also play an         necessarily better.
important signaling role for supervisors in
                                                         In the area of disclosure, I should also
assessing the adequacy of a bank’s capital.
                                                     mention that my colleague Peter Fisher is
    A further reason to encourage disclosure         chairing the Multidisciplinary Working Group
beyond the reporting of regulatory capital           on Enhanced Disclosure, made up of represen-
ratios is that these ratios have become the pri-     tatives from the banking, securities, and insur-
mary focal point for investors and industry          ance industries, in a pilot effort to formulate a
analysts. The result has been that bank man-         set of public disclosure guidelines that makes
agements have had an incentive to focus solely       sense for an increasingly integrated financial
on improvements in these ratios, even when           market. The working group will assess the           The Basel Committee
the ratios are not fully reflective of risks. More   extent to which the pilot data can provide a        is seeking to design an
comprehensive disclosure could lessen this           meaningful basis for comparing risk manage-         expanded set of disclosure
incentive.                                           ment practices as well as the level and types of
                                                                                                         guidelines, taking into
    With these considerations in mind, the           risk across institutions and across countries.
                                                                                                         account the proprietary
Basel Committee is seeking to design an                  The Basel Committee supports this pilot
expanded set of disclosure guidelines, taking                                                            information needs
                                                     approach. It limits the burden on the banking
into account the proprietary information needs       industry and at the same time makes clear that      of banks.
of banks. I believe that fuller disclosure for all   the private sector has a key role to play in
banks can take us a long way toward effective        improving disclosure and enhancing market
market discipline. We also encourage banks to        discipline. Firms participating in this program
include in their fuller disclosures information      will have the opportunity to shape the en-
specific to their risk profile.                      deavor and influence the interpretation of its
    The timeliness and the quality of disclosure     results. Through their participation, these
are important. The frequency of disclosure           firms will be sending a clear signal about their
should reflect the nature of the risks involved.     willingness to improve market discipline.
Moreover, as transactions that shift risk be-
                                                         These have not been easy times for banks.
come more common and complex, disclosing
                                                     As a regulator, I cannot help but underscore the
the associated residual exposures takes on added
                                                     essential role banks play in the global market-
importance. Such reporting, in turn, requires
                                                     place. By intermediating credit between savers
that banks have in place the appropriate sys-
                                                     and investors and providing liquidity to the
tems to identify and measure these risks so that
                                                     financial sector, banks are the essential link in
the risks can be documented for the market-
                                                     well-functioning economies.
place. Finally, as we move toward improved
disclosure, we must keep in mind that the goal         Thus, while capital levels and risk manage-
is useful and reliable information—not simply        ment policies are without question important,

they do not take precedence over the responsi-      in the demand for cash over the transition
     bility of bankers to serve their purpose in a       period. Further, the Federal Reserve created a
     Schumpeterian world of creative destruction.        century date change Special Liquidity Facility
     This most fundamental of responsibilities           for lending to depository institutions from
     involves the use of credit judgment. By this I      October 1, 1999, through April 7, 2000.
     mean that bankers must not lend to excess           Among other things, this facility should help
     when times seem good and then lend too little       institutions to commit more confidently to
     when times appear more difficult. This is an        supplying loans to other financial institutions
     ongoing obligation of banks and is no less so as    and businesses through the rollover period.
     we approach the century date change.
                                                             Finally, the Federal Reserve Bank of New
         I believe it critical that banks approach the   York announced a number of measures in early
     new year with these thoughts in mind, and I         September intended by the Federal Open
     call on them to be attentive to providing for       Market Committee to promote the smooth
     their customers’ reasonable needs. By reason-       functioning of money and financing markets
     able needs, I have in mind that banks should        and to gain greater assurance that we will be
     think twice about huge demands based on             able to manage banking system reserves during
     what seems to be customers’ excessive concern       the century date change. The measures include
     about Y2K, but grant appropriate credit for         the expansion of collateral accepted in repur-
     realistic needs, even if this involves somewhat     chase transactions, the extension of the
     greater use of their own balance sheets than        maximum term of the Bank’s repurchase trans-
     would usually be the case.                          actions to ninety days, and the introduction of
                                                         a Standby Financing Facility.
         To aid in the year-end transition period,
     the Federal Reserve System and the Federal              The next several weeks will be a challenging
     Reserve Bank of New York have announced a           period for private and public sector partici-
     variety of steps to ensure adequate liquidity in    pants alike. By working together in the short
     wholesale markets and promote financial             term to ensure a smooth transition and over
     market stability. We approved last month an         the longer term to improve banks’ risk man-
     expanded range of acceptable collateral for dis-    agement practices and to develop a meaningful
     count window and payments system risk pur-          international capital adequacy framework, I am
     poses. In addition, there are in place a number     confident that we can be successful in not only
     of measures to ensure that an ample supply of       preserving, but also enhancing, our global
     cash will be available to meet possible increases   financial system as we enter the next century.

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