Global expertise to help you preserve and grow your wealth - PERSONALIZED WEALTH PLANNING GLOBAL AMBITIONS - Standard Chartered

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Global expertise to help you preserve and grow your wealth - PERSONALIZED WEALTH PLANNING GLOBAL AMBITIONS - Standard Chartered


                                                FAMILY PROTECTION

                                       LIFESTYLE PRIVILEGES

              Priority Banking

              Global expertise to help you preserve
              and grow your wealth
Global expertise to help you preserve and grow your wealth - PERSONALIZED WEALTH PLANNING GLOBAL AMBITIONS - Standard Chartered
Priority Banking | 01

                                                                 Scan to learn more about Priority
We all have different priorities in life. Be it securing our       Client WeChat mini program
family’s financial future, pursuing global investment
opportunities, spending more time on activities that we
are passionate about or being recognised and rewarded
for our achievements, our priorities are usually a
combination of these and more. And they will continue to
evolve and change over time.

At Standard Chartered Priority Banking we recognise that.

We work with you to understand and support your
priorities so that we can tailor the right mix of exceptional
service, unique benefits and innovative solutions with our
global expertise. Our comprehensive approach puts you at
the centre of everything we do, and recognises your total
relationship with us, giving you a distinct advantage in
achieving all your financial priorities.

Priority Banking treasures your trust and support. If you are
satisfied with our services, please recommend us to your
families and friends. Your referral is the best recognition of
our services.
Global expertise to help you preserve and grow your wealth - PERSONALIZED WEALTH PLANNING GLOBAL AMBITIONS - Standard Chartered
Priority Banking | 02

1   Needs Based Financial Planning
    ▖ We take a comprehensive portfolio approach to meet
     your financial goals

    ▖ Yourdedicated Relationship Manager supported by a
     qualified and experienced team can help you on a wide
     range of individual needs

    ▖ Leverage global business network and join hands with
     the world’s top asset management institutions to provide
     you with rich market information and product solutions at
     home and abroad

     Market leading: overseas experience with localization to
     build a global asset allocation platform

     Two roles: investment advice + product selection

     Four strengths: strategy + outlook + people + product
Global expertise to help you preserve and grow your wealth - PERSONALIZED WEALTH PLANNING GLOBAL AMBITIONS - Standard Chartered
Priority Banking | 03

2   Privileged Pricing
    ▖ Privileged
              foreign currency deposit rate and foreign
     exchange discount

    ▖ Whether at home or abroad, you can make cash
     withdrawals at all China Union Pay network ATMs free
     of charge1

    ▖ Fortelegraphic transfer via internet banking/mobile          Scan to learn more about
                                                                      global remittance
     banking to same name accounts among Standard
     Chartered Bank Global network, or overseas banks,
     100% free of handling fee, cable fee and correspondent
     bank fee charge2 for Priority Private clients; for Priority
     clients, only correspondent bank fee2 is charged for
     telegraphic transfer to overseas banks

    ▖ Free   domestic fund transfer via Online Banking
Global expertise to help you preserve and grow your wealth - PERSONALIZED WEALTH PLANNING GLOBAL AMBITIONS - Standard Chartered
Priority Banking | 04

3   Exclusive Benefits
    ▖ Global concierge service: on top of free breakfast for 2 at                                 Scan to learn more about
                                                                                                   global concierge service
     the world’s 10 luxury hotel groups, 7X24 phone concierge
     service is also available including: free admission to
     selected domestic golf courts, mentoring program on US
     top universities application, house rental service for
     overseas students, kids-parent equestrianism experience
     and health advisory, etc3

    ▖ Quarterly qualification reward with welcome reward to                                         Scan to learn more about
                                                                                                 Priority Client Loyalty Program
     fully recognize your trust in us. You can redeem gifts worth
     over CNY 1,000 throughout the year

                    8                              18                             80

     Naïve Blue Artistic Photo        Adult Weekend Ticket            Dyson New Supersonic
     (Naïve Face or Naïve Pet)      of Shanghai Disney Resort              Hair Dryer

     *Gifts may be updated from time to time, please refer to the actual information displayed
      on Standard Chartered Bank Priority Banking WeChat Miniprogram.
Global expertise to help you preserve and grow your wealth - PERSONALIZED WEALTH PLANNING GLOBAL AMBITIONS - Standard Chartered
Priority Banking | 05

4   International Banking
    ▖ When  you qualify as a Priority Banking customer in any      Scan to learn more about
                                                                International Banking services
     country /region, your status will extend worldwide and
     your family can enjoy the same benefits as you do

    ▖ Fortelegraphic transfer via internet banking/mobile
     banking to same name accounts among Standard
     Chartered Bank global network4, 100% free of handling
     fee, cable fee and correspondent bank charge2, no limit
     on number of transactions

    ▖ Fortelegraphic transfer via internet banking/mobile
     banking to overseas banks, 100% free of handling fee,
     cable fee and correspondent bank charge2 for Priority
     Private clients, no limit on number of transactions; for
     Priority clients, handling fee and cable fee are waived,
     no limit on number of transactions

    ▖ CrossBorder Signature Witnessing and Document
     Verification service for remote account opening5

    ▖ Global
           Link: login to online banking and view all your
     SCB accounts at ease
Global expertise to help you preserve and grow your wealth - PERSONALIZED WEALTH PLANNING GLOBAL AMBITIONS - Standard Chartered
note:                                                                                                   Eligibility Criteria for Qualified Priority Banking Customer

1. For cash withdrawals abroad, ATM in some countries or regions may charge service fee. Such service              4
                                                                                                        Customers who maintain a daily minimum total amount of RMB 500,000 (or an equivalent amount in foreign
  fee is not charged by China Union Pay or Standard Chartered Bank. Please pay attention to the
                                                                                                        currency) every month of deposits and/or investments with the Bank will be eligible for Priority Banking member-
  reminders at the ATM upon cash withdrawals abroad.
                                                                                                        ship. If a customer keeps a minimum of RMB 2,000,000 (or an equivalent amount in foreign currency) outstanding
2. Choose “OUR” in the telegraphic transfer.                                                            principal amount of the mortgage loans with the Bank at the end of the last working day of the month, the
                                                                                                        customer will also be eligible for Priority Banking membership.
3. Qualified Priority Banking customers may call Aspire concierge service hotline 400 818 6696 for the
  above mentioned privileges until Jul 31, 2022.
                                                                                                        If the Priority Banking Customer fails to meet the Bank’s Eligibility Criteria above , the Bank shall have the discre-
4. Applicable countries and regions include Singapore, Malaysia, the Philippines, Indonesia, India,     tion to adjust the customer’s membership type or charge account management fee of RMB 150 (or an equivalent
  Pakistan, Thailand, Vietnam, UAE, Bahrain, Brunei, & Hong Kong. Such countries and regions may        amount in foreign currency) per month. Such fee may be deducted from any account the Priority Banking
  change. Please refer to the list of applicable countries and regions on internet banking/mobile       Customer opened with the Bank. The account management fee will be determined in accordance with the “Tariff
  banking when you perform the telegraphic transfer.                                                    Table for Consumer Banking Services of Standard Chartered (China) Limited” and may be changed from time to
                                                                                                        time due to market change.
5. Shall follow China and local laws, stipulations and regulatory requirements. Exclusive to eligible
  Priority Banking customers.
                                                                                                        For more details, please refer to “Priority Banking Services and Privileges Local Terms and Conditions”
Scan to experience the Priority journey with us

400 888 8322 / (86-755) 2546 7032                                             

Disclaimer: The above materials are for reference only. For details about terms and conditions, please
    visit the official website, WeChat and branches of Standard Chartered Bank (China) Limited

The English version of these Terms and Conditions are for your convenience and reference only. In the event
of any conflict between it and the Chinese version, the Chinese version shall prevail under all circumstances.
       Customers may seek advice from a third party with respect to the accuracy of the translation.
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