GLCS Empowering - Gull Lake Community Schools

Page created by Marvin Glover
GLCS Empowering - Gull Lake Community Schools
June 2022

Empowering   Gull Lake   Class of      GLCS
 Students    Athletics    2022      Scholarships
    3           11         14           16

                                              Photo Credits: GL Yearbook Staff
GLCS Empowering - Gull Lake Community Schools
Superintendent Message
                                 Dear Gull Lake Families and School         These are just a few of the courses and program offerings
                                 Community,                                 available to our students. If you dive deeper into our
                                                                            comprehensive course catalog, you might find a few additional
                           Engaging and inspiring learners                  surprises you and your student have not considered before!
                           continues to be a top priority for               I encourage you to talk with your student about what best
                           Gull Lake Community Schools. We                  engages them as they build literacy skills and Career and
                           have heard from so many of you how               College Readiness. Talking with your student about potential
                           our comprehensive elective course                career pathways and experiences that motivate them is a great
                           offerings help keep your student                 way to help them dial in their optimal course choices and
                           focused and engaged beyond the 3                 explorations.
R’s. Our student growth is accelerated and enhanced by an
exceptional set of elective offerings throughout all grade levels           Our dedicated team of educators continues to build and
that encourage students to apply their learning to real-world               develop meaningful learning experiences so that you and
challenges. We continue to grow our teaching and learning                   your family have the very best choices available. Each year,
opportunities through the following offerings:                              our team works hard to make sure learning is dynamic,
                                                                            relevant, and adaptive to change. We look forward to serving
• Project Lead The Way courses                                              you and your student in the coming school year. Thank you
• Gull Lake Center for the Fine Arts electives including                    for supporting your child and our team as we partner together
  performing and visual arts learning spaces                                for an engaging and excellent learning experience.
• Additional STEM/STEAM curriculum K-12                                     Best regards,
• Gull Lake Virtual Partnership with weekly applications
                                                                            Raphael Rittenhouse/Superintendent
• Early Middle College                                                      Gull Lake Community Schools
• Dream Career Mentor program

                                                                               W.K. KELLOGG                         

                                                                               BIRD SANCTUARY

                                                                               Open Wednesday through Sunday • 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

                                                                                                 See you at the Sanctuary!

                                                                                                                                       MONTHLY BIRDS &
                                                                                                                                        COFFEE CHATS
                                                                                                                                    Second Wednesday of each
                                                                                                                                    month • 10 to 11 a.m.• Online
                                                                                                                                    JULY 13 Insect-eating birds
                                                                                                                                    AUG. 10 Gardening for birds
                                                                                                                                          SEPT. 14 Wrens

    Two 6-year terms will be filled at the November 8, 2022,
    General Election. Interested community members seeking
    these positions must submit a Nominating Petition
    containing at least 40 supporting signatures of registered
    voters in the Gull Lake Community Schools District or a
    $100 filing fee.
                                                                                                                                                  Photo by Kurt Stepnitz

    Petitions must be returned to the Richland Township                        EXPLORE TRAILS AND LEARN               LEARN WITH THE SANCTUARY!
    offices by Tuesday, July 26, 2022, at 4:00 p.m.                            ABOUT PLANTS & ANIMALS!
                                                                                                                      For adults • Registration needed
                                                                               For children & families
                                                                                                                      GUIDED BIRD HIKE • July 16
                                                                               STORYBOOK WALKS • Monthly
                                                                                                                      Walk the trails with Sanctuary staff and
    NOTE: To be eligible to cast a ballot you must be a registered voter.      A different story each month unfolds
                                                                                                                      watch for birds.
                                                                               along the Paved Path.
                                                                                                                      FIELD BOTANY • Begins Aug. 3
                                                                               WILD WEDNESDAYS • 10 a.m. to noon
                                                                                                                      Six-week course exploring plant
                                                                               June 29: Bald eagles
                                                                                                                      identification, taxonomy and ecology.
                                                                               July 13: Swans
                                                                                                                      Includes field trips and Zoom sessions.
                                                                               July 27: Raptors
GLCS Empowering - Gull Lake Community Schools

                                                                                                                                                             For information about the
                                                                                                                                                            upcoming Kalamazoo RESA

                 Drew Bordner – Director of Curriculum & Instructional Technology –
                                                                                                                                                              please go to

                 Ryan Intermediate Receives National Recognition for
                 Commitment to Empowering Students
                                                                                                                             DRIVER OF
Ryan Intermediate School announced that it has been recognized as a 2021-22 Project Lead The Way                             THE MONTH
(PLTW) Distinguished School. It is one of just 282 schools across the U.S. to receive this honor for
providing broad access to transformative learning opportunities for students through PLTW Launch.                           MARCH 2022
This year Ryan Intermediate students learned through exploration and discovery in the Science,
Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math (STEAM) Lab by becoming hands-on problem solvers while
collaborating with classmates. Through Programming and Patterns, students and staff explored control
structures with coding such as events, loops, and conditional block-based programming. They were
able to expand their computational thinking about how programs work and their applications within a

The PLTW Distinguished School recognition honors schools committed to increasing student access,
engagement, and achievement in their PLTW programs. To be eligible for the designation, Ryan
Intermediate had to have at least 75 percent of the student body participating in at least one PLTW
Launch module and had to offer at least one PLTW Launch module in each grade (K-5) during the 2021-                    Rhonda Krumske - BUS #19
22 school year.
                                                                                                                             APRIL 2022
“We are honored to recognize Ryan Intermediate for their unwavering commitment to provide students
with an excellent educational experience despite the last two years having been some of the most
challenging in recent history for students and educators across the U.S. due to the COVID-19 pandemic,”
said Dr. David Dimmett, Interim President and CEO of PLTW. “Ryan Intermediate should be very proud of
their achievements in unlocking their students’ potential and equipping them with the knowledge and
skills necessary to thrive in life beyond the classroom no matter what career path they choose.”

PLTW also honored Gull Lake Middle School for its fourth consecutive year of Distinguished School
Status, one of only 134 schools in the nation.

Save the date for the Richland Art Fair                                                                                  John Walters - BUS #3

                                                                                                                Congratulations to our
The annual Richland Art Fair will be held on Saturday July 16th. Please join us at Gull Meadow Farms, as
over 90 artists will be selling their amazing photography, jewelry, paintings, pottery, and so much more.
A raffle drawing will be held for pieces of art donated by the artists themselves and the Gull Meadow
Farms market will be open for delicious goodies as well. Spend a few hours browsing through the booths
and chatting with the artists. The Richland Art Fair provides a wonderful opportunity for you to purchase
unique items for yourself or to give as gifts for others.
                                                                                                                Scholarship Winners
                                                                                                                After reviewing many scholarship
                                                                                 The proceeds from the          applications, the Gull Lake Area
   48th Annual                                                                   Richland Art Fair help fund    Community Volunteers, in conjunction
   Richland                                                                      many of our programs
                                                                                 including Bright Holidays
                                                                                                                with the Gull Lake Community Schools
                                                                                                                Foundation, are pleased to announce
   Art Fair                                                                      and Fall Warm-up. The
                                                                                 GLACVs provide community
                                                                                                                that High School seniors Austin Boucher
                                                                                                                and Johanna VanLandegent have
       Gull Meadow Farms                                                         emergency assistance and       each received a $1000 Gull Lake Area
          8544 Gull Rd                                                           medical/dental assistance to   Community Volunteers scholarship.
          Richland, MI                                                           those in need.                 These two students wrote excellent
                                                                                                                personal essays and have demonstrated
       Saturday, July 16, 2022                                                   Have fun shopping.             exemplary volunteerism. Thank you, Austin
        9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.                                                                                   and Johanna, for helping to make our
                                                                                 Hope to see you                community a better place. Congratulations
                                               Check us out on Facebook          there!                         to our two scholarship winners!
                              For more information go to                                                                                                                                    3
GLCS Empowering - Gull Lake Community Schools
Student Lighthouse Project 

Literacy Night
                               3rd Grade Field Trip Bowling

                        Auditorium Visits Grades 3-5
Rock Garden

5th Grade Field Trip Sherman Lake YMCA

GLCS Empowering - Gull Lake Community Schools
Kellogg Elementary News                                                    YOUR FOREVER AGENTS.
Mrs. Snead was nominated by her student, Carley, for the WVGU Cool
Teacher Award. The WVGU crew brought donuts and interviewed Mrs.
Snead, and Carley, and took pictures and video of the class.                  For You For Life

                                                                             Bill     Bill & Nora    Christine        Chuck            Dawn     Emily
                                                                           Clancy      Sikkema      Merryweather      Clancy           Snow     Anglin

                                                                           Jamie        Jami         Jennifer       Jenny          John          Joy
                                                                          VanDyke       Hale         Pickens        Doan           Wright       Watts

                                                                            Justin     Julie          Kathy          Matt           Nate        Rachel
                                                                          Ridderman    Hribar        Fosmoe          Watts         Bedecs     Cunningham

                                         Ms. Prowse was nominated                                     Contact an office near you to
                                                                                                      receive a free home valuation!
                                         by one of her student’s
                                                                                                          Richland | (269) 629-7653
                                         families for the Excellence in                                   Gull Lake | (269) 203-7315
                                         Special Education Award.           Scott
                                                                                                          Gull Road | (269) 488-1530

Students were so excited for field trips or
special visitors which were made possible
through funding from the Kellogg PTO. The
Alligator Sanctuary visited
Y5 classes. Kindergarten
went to Binder Park Zoo.
1st grade visited Mooville.
2nd grade walked to the
Kellogg Bird Sanctuary,
and then had a class picnic
which families were invited
to join.                                                                                                                                         5
GLCS Empowering - Gull Lake Community Schools
NHS Induction
The 2022 National Honor Society Induction ceremony took place May 20th in our new Gull Lake
Center for the Fine Arts. We welcomed the 2022 inductees and honored the graduating seniors. We
want to thank the seniors for their service and hard work, especially our graduating officers: Aiden
Crowley President, AJ Boucher Treasurer and Jack Markillie Secretary. Amanda Meinert will be taking
over next as our incoming President. Mr. Christopher Tracy was our guest speaker for the night.

GLHS NHS Supports Roof Sit - Tips for Kids Drive
Community Healing Centers, May 19, 20, and 21, held their annual drive to support its nonprofit programs. There were 6 shifts of
GLHS National Honor Society students that collected over $2,000.00 in donations at the Shell Gas Station on Gull Rd. The goal of
the campaign is to prevent and treat child abuse and neglect in Kalamazoo County. Thank you to the NHS students who helped with
collecting and community members who donated to a worthy cause.

GLCS Empowering - Gull Lake Community Schools
Richland Elementary Happenings
Richland Elementary
students celebrated
meeting their Kids
Heart Challenge goal by
sliming Mrs. Buckmaster
and Mr. Lecceadone!
The students raised
over $22,000 for
the American Heart

Thanks to all of the
parent volunteers
and our Richland
PTO for making it

Mrs. Koet’s first grade
class released their
butterflies and worked
on a fun science project
of phases of the moon
using Oreo cookies.

Bubble Man came to Richland
Elementary to show the first
graders all the amazing things
bubbles can do.               7
GLCS Empowering - Gull Lake Community Schools
MIDDLE SCHOOL                                                                                         Dr. Carmen Maring – GLMS Principal –
Mrs. Eddy's Flight & Space class had the pleasure to join Mr. Bohr's 4th grade class for an exciting lesson in rocket science. The lesson used balloons and air
pressure to model forward propulsion of rockets and show how air pressure can make a balloon zoom down a string race track. Mrs. Eddy's middle schoolers
took the lead and helped the 4th graders explore this lesson!

    SET UP                                                        TRIALS


GLCS Empowering - Gull Lake Community Schools
Thank You Donors!                                                                        AIR TRAVEL
Mrs. Witteveen along with friends and family donated money which was matched by          KRESA students with vision impairments and their
Sonic Drive In restaurant to provide 50 sets of Koss headphones for student use. Thank   O&M instructors participate in Michigan’s first
you to the community, Mrs. Witteveen and Sonic Drive-In for your support of GLMS!        group air-travel lesson! This included navigating
                                                                                         escalators, moving sidewalks, and a tram,
                                                                                         experiencing the exhilarating experience of airplane
                                                                                         takeoff, and feeling the unique sensation of our
                                                                                         stomachs dropping with airplane turbulence (the
                                                                                         highlight for almost all the students!).

GLMS in the Center for Fine Arts
GLMS bands had the opportunity to experience the new Center for the Fine Arts this
spring. Thank you to the community for passing the bond to build this facility!                                                                                                                         9
GLCS Empowering - Gull Lake Community Schools
Cheryl Jolin – Yearbook/Newspaper Advisor -
The following students won awards at this year’s Michigan Interscholastic Press
Association awards for excellence in yearbook and newspaper publication. The
2021 yearbook earned a Gold for the book as well.
Gavin Hutchings Yearbook Sports feature photo
Keira Heinz Yearbook Sports Feature Writing
Allison Hirzel Yearbook Ad Creation
Keira and Gavin are this year’s editors. Allison Hirzel was last year’s business
Allison VanAvery Yearbook Student Life Feature writing
Iris Pierce Yearbook Organization Feature Writing
Grace Wood Yearbook Personality Profile
Madison Russell Yearbook Organization Feature Writing
Leah Thomas Yearbook Sports Feature Writing
Allison VanAvery yearbook graphics, opening and Theme development
Caleb Taylor newspaper breaking news coverage
Staff Yearbook People spread
Claire Boyle Yearbook (4) Photo Illustration, alternative story presentation,
opening and closing, colophon
Allison VanAvery (10) Yearbook Student Life Feature Writing, Sports Spread,
Academics Spread, Organization Spread, football page graphic design, mod/
sidebar, Cover, end sheet, opening and closing, Division pages, colophon
Allison Hirzel (2) Yearbook Sports Spread, alternative story presentation
Hope Rupe (4) Yearbook Feature Writing Academics, action photo, personality
portrait photo, mod/sidebar
Leah Thomas (4) Yearbook Feature Writing Academics, Sports Spread, Academics

Spread, academics photo
Mariah Johnson (4) Yearbook Sports Spread, Organization Spread, feature
photo, mod/sidebar
Gavin Hutchinon (1) Yearbook Organization Spread
Madison Russell (4) Yearbook Personality Profile, Sports Spread, Academics
Spread, club/performance photo
Yearbook staff (3) caption writing, headline writing, school spirit photo
                                                                                    AT BEDFORD VALLEY
Anna Clinton (1) newspaper breaking news coverage
DeWitt Renwick (2) newspaper review, sports feature story
Lily Page (1) newspaper informative feature
Aleah Heffron (1) newspaper personality profile

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                                                                                   PLAY 18 HOLES WITH CART MONDAY-THURSDAY AT BEDFORD VALLEY
                                                                                   5PM AND AFTER FOR $38. EVERY FRIDAY-SUNDAY 2PM AND AFTER
                                                                                   18 HOLES WITH CART IS $40. SCAN THE QR CODE TO BOOK YOUR TEE
                                                                                   TIME OR VISIT GULLLAKEVIEW.COM/GOLF/TEE-TIMES.

                                                                                   (888) 723-4456 GULLLAKEVIEW.COM 7417 N. 38TH ST. AUGUSTA, 49012
Gavin Hutchings yearbook sports feature photo and Allison VanAvery yearbook
graphics, opening and theme development photo.
Gull Lake Athletics                                Karyn Furlong – Athletic Director –

Spring Sports Recap
Once again our spring sport athletes had an amazing spring season
and are finishing the season
                                                                                        2022 Senior Athletic Award Winners
                                                                                Each year at our Senior Honors Program we recognize three male and three female
with many successes. Our boys                                                     athletes with prestigious awards. This year we presented the following awards:
golf team won the Regional
Championship and came in                                                                           Male –                                 Female –
second place at the MHSAA                                                                          Sue Foster                             Scholar Athlete of the
Division Two State Finals! Our                                                                     Leadership Award                       Year Award
girls soccer team won districts                                                                    Recipient                              Recipient
defeating the number one ranked
team in the state, Marshall!
                                                                                                   Colton Hicks                           Alexandria French
They went on to win again and                                                                      Female –                               Male –
are now Regional Champions!!                                                                       Sue Foster                             Athlete of the
Haidyn Garrison qualified for                                                                      Leadership Award                       Year Award
the MHSAA Track/Field State                                                                        Recipient                              Recipient
finals in the shot put. Our
softball teams, while very young this year, showed great
improvement and perseverance throughout the season
                                                                                                   Madelyn Howes                          Tyler Corstange
as did our Blue Devil baseball teams. Girls tennis made                                            Male –                                 Female –
a fantastic showing at MHSAA Regionals, narrowly                                                   Scholar Athlete of the                 Athlete of the
missing qualifying for the state finals by ONE POINT!                                              Year Award                             Year Award
Congratulations to all of our teams on an outstanding                                              Recipient                              Recipient
spring season!
                                                                                                   Jack Markillie                         Mackenzie Ford
Get Prepared for the 2022-2023 School Year
The 22-23 school year will be here before we know it! Make sure you have your student ready to participate in athletics. All students entering grades 6-12 next
school year are required to have a valid sports physical on file with our athletic office. A valid sports physical is one that is done on or after April 15, 2022.
In order to participate in any school athletic program, the student MUST be registered through If your student participated in a school sport this
year, they already have an account. Simply log in to their account, select the sports they would like to participate in next year and then upload their new physical
form….it’s that easy! Registering on and selecting their desired sports is how you sign them up for each sport. Once signed up they will begin to
receive information regarding that sport.
Listed below are the fall sport start dates and coach contact information. Access all of this information and stay up to date at
GULL LAKE HIGH SCHOOL SPORTS                                                   GULL LAKE MIDDLE SCHOOL SPORTS
All HS Sports begin Monday, August 8. Please contact the coach                 Girls Volleyball
listed for specific tryout/practice times or refer to our website, www.             Tryout Dates: August 23, 24, 25                                                                  7th Grade: 4:45 pm – 6:00 pm
Football: Don Eastman,                                      8th Grade: 3:30 pm – 5:00 pm
Cross Country: R obin Blackburn, and                        Coaches: L aurie Klok, and Katie Dolfman,
                Ken Fouts,                                Boys/Girls Cross Country
Boys Soccer: Jeff Corstange,                               First Practice: Monday, August 22
                                                                                   Coach Contact: Brendan Howard,
Boys Tennis: Ben Brott,
Girls Volleyball: Eric Belz,                              8th Grade Football
                                                                                    First Practice: Monday, August 22
Girls Golf: T.R. Walters,                                   Coach Contact: Josh Cunningham,

 Sports Physicals, Thursday, August 4, 2022                                  Not able to get to the doctor to get your sports physical for next year? No worries!
 Ascension Borgess of Richland will have a team on hand here at Gull Lake High School on Thursday, August 4 from 2:00 - 5:00 pm to conduct sports physicals
 for all our students. The cost is $30. If you do not have a parent present then you must have all consent forms previously signed. You may find the MHSAA
 required physical form on our website, under Athletic Office Info, then forms.                                                                                                                                        11
Gateway Class of 2022!
              Lynnette Walker – Gateway Academy Supervisor –

Cartier Brown                 Jean Gnakade                    Allison Myers                    Jenna Partridge                  Chelsie Shamblin
Derrick Burroughs             Holly Johnson                   Chasady Lindhout                 Brandon Pedersen                 Blake Vandenhout
Charlotte Chapman             Adrielle Jones                  Laney Manes                      Logan Pedersen                   Levi Warren
Alexa Daler                   Ninah Khan                      Colin Miller                     Caley Pollock                    Kenneth Williams
Grace Dingman                 Hana Lemon                      Dylan Moore                      Eliza Ramos

                                                     Pictured is Brandon Pedersen,
                                                     recipient of the Hawk-Erickson
                                                     Apprenticeship Scholarship with
                                                     recognition to Mike Johnson
                                                     of Rebel Foundation who was
                                                     awarded $1000

                                                                                              Adrielle and Jenna, Palmatier
                                                     Pictured is Allison Myers,
                                                     recipient of the Lambert Family
                                                     Scholarship Award in the amount
                                                     of $1000

Other scholarship recipients are on PAGE 17 OF THE COMMUNICATOR                               Gnakede, Jones, Partridge, Daler, Holden

                                        On behalf of the GLEC Staff, we congratulate the Class of 2022, Cohort 8!

                                        All students simultaneously worked on completing requirements for a high school diploma and earned college
                                        credits while participating in the Gull Lake Early College Program.

Matthew Ackley                         Jonah Evans                                 Ashley Miller                              Asher Smith
Zach Anderson                          Jacob Griffin                               Tessa Muday                                Olivia Smith
Rylee Bennecke                         Elizabeth Havilar                           Benjamin Nadeau                            Luke Souders
Joseph Bergland                        Joshua Hildebrand                           Faith Novak                                Braden Stanton
Bailey Birdsall                        Brianna Hopkins                             Savanna Owens                              Emma Temple
Madison Brock                          Aaron Jako                                  Melisa Owiti                               Ty TerAvest
Samantha Chavez-Cortez                 Alex Jonas                                  Lucas Rabine                               Drew Thompson
Adam Cole                              Trysten Klipsch                             Kaia Richards                              Sean Wakley
Mitchell Dame                          Lija Krasts                                 Zane Rickert                               Eric White
Abigail Decker                         Hannah Kwekel                               Daniel Rious                               Ellery Whitfield
Nicolas DeFrancisco                    Eli Mason                                   Brendan Schwab                             Aliyah Whitley
Mary Eilertson                         Lauren Meade                                Alexia Slone                               Marisa Wisser

Gull Lake Virtual Partnership
GLVP students, Danny and Chase      MAY MINGLE was a Partnership networking event filled with fun learning activities at Bedford. We are so happy
Boven, display their beach art      to be back together with our families.
creation while at the Partnership
Field Trip to Lake Michigan.
Pentwater is our annual camping
and place based learning trip.

       Gull Lake Virtual Partnership
        Class of 2022 Graduates!
            Annie Betts                      Anna Lucki
            Robb Blain                  Nathan McCormick
            Ethan Blow                      Paige McKee
         Donaijah Brooks                    Trinity Oman
        Matthew Buckholz                   Alyssa Phillips
           Allyssa Davis                    Alyssa Smith
           Emily Hargus                    Chase Stafford
            Daniel John                    Adam Stouffer
            Linda Junge                  Gage Sutherland
        Gabriel Kammerud                   Jordan Swope
           Claire Keegan                    Sierra Tamez
           Tristan Kidder                  Piper Thomas
          Hannah Kwekel                    Jacob Winfrey                                                                                                                              13
GULL LAKE HIGH SCHOOL                                                                   Class of 2022
Lauren E. Adams            Madelyn M. DeFrancisco   Andrew-James A. Hudson   Aleah M. Minehart        Caleb D. Smith
Haydin K. Alban            Kayla R. Dennis          Alyssa M. Hull           Lynn S. Mintgen          Elijah M. Smith
Kylie E. Anderson          Kirsten F. Dennis        Paige N. Hull            Conner P. Misner         Ella A. Smith
Taylor L. Archambault      Jack A. DeVore           Gavin M. Hutchings       Mia R. E. Morrow         Grace C. Smith
Angelo T. Archie           Nicholas W. Dorrance     Zarifa Ibrahimzada       Kellen J. Muller         Kyle P. Smith
Kaylie H. Artis            Ronja Drahanska          JaKobe A. Ingram         Carl T. Nelson           Kyle D. Sommer
Avery O. Baliff            Liam P. Drzewicki        Haylee R. Inman          Halle N. Nelson          Chase F. Stafford
Zachary D. Beach           Alaina P. Duffie         Benjamin D. Jackson      Reece S. Noble           Nyla J. Stanley
Hayden J. Belanger         Riley P. Eastman         Quinn N. Jacobs          Alyssa M. Noneman        Cordelia M. Stark
Matthew B. Bell            Rosalie A. Elms          Lauryn M. Jerke          Curtis J. Nuyen          Hayden K. Stillwell
Annie K. Betts             Mandy M. Esman           Lila J. Jibson           Trinity P. Oman          Brenden J. Stoneburner
Hazel B. Bigelow           Nicole T. Fadden         Daniel J. John           Alyssa Phillips          Adam P. Stouffer
Carter J. Birdsall         Nicholas J. Fahndrich    Linda M. Junge           Patricio Ortiz           Brady L. Strickler
Ryker M. Bishop            Mason H. Fisher          Gabriel N. Kammerud      Sebastian M.D. Osburn    Gage D. Sutherland
Robb A. Blain              Mackenzie A. Ford        Claire M. Keegan         Daniela Padilla Guizar   Jordan P. Swope
Ethan D. Blow              Shelby K. Foster         Keegan T. Killian        Davis G. Peekstok        Sierra R. Tamez
Madelyn M. Bonifas         Charles E. Fox           Kiley S. King            Anthony S. Perez         Leah H. Thomas
Austin J. Boucher          Alexandria S. French     Laura E. King            Cameron I. Perkins       Piper L. Thomas
Genevieve K. Boudeman      Tenlee M. Fulayter       Tomas B. Klipsch         Brenden J. Perry         Alyssa R. Thompson
Kyle W. Bouhanna           Ian P. Galbreath         Read J. Knapp            Madeline A. Phelps       Madilyn J. Thurtle
Paige C. Brenner           Haidyn A. Garrison       Scott E. Kosin           Madison C. Quinn         Lane S. Trim
Joseph G. Brock            Seth M. Gibson           Tristan Kidder           Autumn M. Reele          Myriam P. Troncoso Lerma
Donaijah J.R. Brooks       Ashlee G. Gilmer         Hannah L. Kwekel         DeWitt L. Renwick        Andrew J. Turmo
Matthew C. Buckholz        Paula Glasemann          Sara M. Langbo           Brianna S. Rice          Jonas I. Van Gelder
Nolan D. Buckhout          Leonel Gonzalez          Isaac M. Lapekas         Cecelia L. Riddle        Johanna L. VanLandegent
Brady M. Bussies           Andrew E. Graves         Noah A. Larsen           Emma C. I. Ried          Silas T. VanWormer
Sarah E. Campbell          Rachel K. D. Grimes      Lauren M. Leineke        Donte' D. Rious          Gavin L. Vroegop
Chaney Capman              Mary K. Hagey            Nathan O. Louden         Ruby Q. Risser           William R. Waldorf
Sophia R. Carahaly         Brendan T. Haineault     Brendan P. Loukes        Joseph E. Rohrer         Mira L. Wann
Madison C. Carr            Isabella J. D. Hakman    Anna T. Lucki            Zoe D. M. Ruel           Ethan L. Ward
Logan M. Cawley            Hunter S. Halley         Abigail R. Mackey        Hope L. Rupe             Xander J. Warner
Audrey F. Chapman          Reese W. Hamlin          Braylon J. Maddix        Madison Q. Russell       Lexis A. Wasick
Daniel J. Clancy           Michael K.L. Hamp        Luke D. Marchand         Carina L. Saad           Tyson J. Watson
Natalie Jene Clark         Kayla J. Hampton         Netta A. Margalit        Juan M. Salcedo          Bryce W. Wheeler
Alyvia A. Clemence-Dixon   Emily K. Hargus          Jack H. Markillie        Quentin P. Sander        Sarah N. Wheeler
Joseph M. Clifford         Mariah A.Harney          Kyler C. Martinson       Tessa M. Sandum          Adriona J. White
Anna E. Clinton            Keira J. Heinz           Erica M. Matherly        Chelsey J. Schram        Alivia A. Whitfield
Kyra L. Cochran            Ethan C. Hess            Samuel D. Matlak         Nathasia T. S. Scott     Jacob S. Winfrey
Spyder R. Combs            Stanley C. Hicks         Braden J. Mayo           Kaden D. Seeger          Amara M. Wood
Tyler J. Corstange         Joseph H. Hill           Nathan R. McCormick      Brendan M. Seiler        Anna M. Wozniak
Alex D. Cramer             Kaden T. Holtz           David J. McDowall        Trevor B. Senske         Jerry J. Wyman
Adrian J. Crossley         Griffen M. Holwerda      Paige A. McKee           Liam T. Shahid           Caroline J. Yapp
Aiden S. Crowley           McKenzy M. Hopkins       Carson D. McQueen        David J. Sharp IV        Ana Cristina Ysunza
Emilie F. Cunningham       Rylee S. Hovanec         Cael J.M. Miller         Maxwell F. Skrceny        Charreton
Ellie R. Curtis            Katelyn L. Howard        Jordan L. Miller         Sarah A. Sloan           Charlotte A. Zervic
Allyssa B. Davis           Madelyn J. Howes         Riley B. Miller          Alyssa C. M. Smith       Joshua A. Zomer
                                                                                                      Ava R. Zondervan

36 Distinguished Academic
                                                     Scholars Celebrated

       Front Row: Aleah Minehart, Jack Markillie, Avery Baliff, Madison Quinn, Rachel Grimes, Johanna VanLandegent, Madelyn Howes, Hannah
          Kwekel, Natalie Clark, Paige Hull. Second Row: Mary Hagey, Sarah Campbell, Kiley King, Shelby Foster, Isabella Hakman, Alyssa
          Noneman, Mackenzie Ford, Ava Zondervan, Brady Strickler, Ella Smith, Genevieve Boudeman. Back Row: Anna Wozniak, Hayden
      Belanger, Mandy Esman, Nathan Louden, Alexandria French, Joseph Rohrer, Aiden Crowley, Daniel Clancy, Andrew Graves, Jacob Winfrey,
               DeWitt Renwick, Austin Boucher, William Waldorf. Not pictured: Daniel John, Claire Keegan. Photo credit: Mark Yancy

   On Tuesday, May 31, 2022, the GLCS Foundation celebrated 36 Distinguished Academic Scholars and their
selected honored staff members with a reception at the Gull Lake Country Club. Distinguished Academic Scholars
   are Gull Lake Seniors who have earned a 3.9 grade point average or higher during their high school career.

      Valedictorian                                                            Salutatorian

                          Jack Markillie                                                             Alex French
               Parents: Mark and Monica Markillie                                         Parents: Scott and Joanna French
               Attending: University of Notre Dame                                        Attending: University of Michigan
                       Major: Biochemistry                                                 Major: Biomedical Engineering                                                                                                                       15
GLCS Foundation
                                                        Awards 47
                                                   Scholarships Totaling

Taylor Archambault        Liberty Ashbaugh           Austin Boucher          Sophia Carahaly             Daniel Clancy
Gull Lake Area Rotary      Michael Bailey         Gull Lake Area Community Gull lake Area Rotary        Mitchell J. Rossen
     Club, $1,000         Memorial, $4,000            Volunteers, $1,000        Club, $1,000            Memorial, $4,000
                                                 Kellogg Elementary School,
                                                 Jack Weber Memorial, $500

  Aiden Crowley            Mackenzie Ford             Shelby Foster         Alexandria French           Rachel Grimes
   Uggen Family -         Jill Adamski Memorial,    Fry Family, $1,500   Marv Hope Memorial-Gull         Pelletier, $1,000
    University of                 $3,000           Gull Lake Area Rotary Lake Area Rotary Club,
  Michigan, $1,000       Garside Family, $2,500         Club, $1,000             $1,000
                        Ladies of the Lake, $2,000                      Uggen Family - University of
                                                                            Michigan, $1,000

    Mary Hagey              Madelyn Howes              Lauryn Jerke           Claire Keegan              Lauren Leinke
 Coca-Cola Healthy         Gull Lake Education     Tom Collins Memorial,       Uggen Family -          Garside Family, $2,500
  Lifestyle, $1,000         Association, $500             $1,000                University of
                           Olin Family, $2,000        Darl Scott Golf         Michigan, $1,000
  16                                                 Industry, $4,000
Aleah Minehart              Madison Quinn          Joseph Rohrer          Tessa Sandum          Brenden Stoneburner
Ladies of the Lake,      Laurie Makin Cartwright    Robert W. Smith      Gull Lake Area Rotary    Gull Lake Education
      $2,000                Memorial, $3,000       Vocational/Trades/         Club, $1,000        Association Pathway,
Warrior CPR, $500        Garside Family, $2,500    Engineering, $1,000                                    $500
                        Ladies of the Lake Camille
                       Lawrence Memorial, $1,575
                      Jason Morse Memorial, $2,000
                       Uggen Family- University of
                            Michigan, $1,000

  Colin Stuck         Johanna VanLandegent         William Waldorf            Mira Wann             Bryce Wheeler
Marsha S. Tucker,        Jill Adamski Memorial,     Uggen Family -       The First Responders:    Tom Collins Memorial,
     $3,000                      $3,000              University of         Sergeant Collin J.           $1,000
                       Gull Lake Area Community    Michigan, $1,000         Rose Memorial,
                           Volunteers, $1,000                                   $1,500
                          Gull Lake Education
                        Association Pekkarinen,


          Alexa Daler                Jean Gnakade                 Adrielle Jones            Jenna Partridge
     Blair Holden Memorial         Blair Holden Memorial        Blair Holden Memorial     Richland/Gull Lake Area
        Gateway, $1,000               Gateway, $1,000              Gateway, $1,000        Lions Club Kay Maxson
                                                               Beth Palmatier Memorial       Memorial, $1,000
                                                                   Gateway, $1,000         Blair Holden Memorial
                                                                                              Gateway, $2,000
                                                                                          Beth Palmatier Memorial17
                                                                                              Gateway, $1,000
Ryan Intermediate Special Education
A group of special education students and their paraprofessionals from Ryan Intermediate helped plant the Village of Richland's Arbor Day tree.
A special thank you to Mr. English, who helps coordinate a class every year and to Bruce from GL Landscapes and Officer Daniel who helped make this
event possible.

                                                                                            8951 Park Street - Richland
                                                                                        (269) 629-9085 -

                                                                RICHLAND COMMUNITY LIBRARY

                                                                READING 2022
                                                                     Read Books. Get Prizes.
                                                                       Attend Programs!
                                                                     Note: You do NOT have to have a library card to
                                                                      participate in our Summer Reading Program.

                                                                                   VISIT OUR WEBSITE OR
                                                                                   STOP IN TO THE
                                                                                   LIBRARY FOR DETAILS

                                     Sports        Physicals
        Sports Walk inPhysicals
                       sports physicals at Gull Lake High School
                               Walk in sports physicals at Gull Lake High School
                                for the upcoming 2022/2023 season!

ports Sports
      Physicals for the upcoming 2022/2023 season!
                 ● Comprehensive physical examination by one of our highly
        ● Comprehensive
      Sports Physicals
                     qualified         in sports
                                 medical              physicals at Gull Lake High School
                        physical examination by one of our highly
                 ● You do not have to be an established patient with Borgess
                               for  theorupcoming            2022/2023
                 ● Walk        qualified
                         in sports(cash
                                    physicals  medical
                                              at    paid
                                                  Gull    at High
                                                       Lake  time of service) season!
 k in    sports Comprehensive
            ● physicals
                 ● Walk
                       ●the      at
                          in sports
                                       do  physical
                                       Gull   at history
                                           not     have    examination
                                                            High  MHSAA sports
                                                                 be            byform
                                                                                   one of our
                                                                      an established
                                                                 School                       highly
                                                                                          patient with                     Borgess
                     for theout  & signed
                              upcoming     by  parent
                                        2022/2023   by or guardian
                                                    season!          ahead of time
 r the upcoming    qualified
           ● Comprehensive
            ● qualified
                             ● physical
                                      Cost:        $30   professionals
                                                            of our highly
                                                                 by one oforourCheck
                                                                                  highly     paid at time of service)
           ●● You
 nsive physical   Sports
                You do
           ●● Cost:   $30
                    do notmedical
                                                     byat one
                                             an established
                                         be an established
                                                             be    an
                                                                          with Borgess
                                                                               Borgess   historypatient
                                                                                                     part with   Borgesssports form
                                                                                                             of MHSAA
            ● Please
  edical professionals         $30       (cash   paidor     Check         paid
                                                                            sportsat     time of service)
rts Physicals
           ●●   Cost:  $30  (cash   or Check            at time  of service)
            ● filled
                Walk inhave
                          sportsthe   filled
                                  Walk     in     out
                                              sports       &
                                                        part   signed
                                                              of MHSAA
                                                        physicals  High
                                                                     at       by
                                                                         Gull Lake   parent
                                                                                      High Schoolor guardian ahead of time
  have to befilled  Please
                      the      in have
                          & signed
                           & signed  forbythe the
                                       by parent     orfamily
                                                   patient           history
                                                          at Gull Lake
                                                     or guardian
                                                                             of time
                                                                    ahead of
                                                              2022/2023             part
                                                                            season!         of MHSAA sports form
                              the upcoming        2022/2023       season!
  cash or  ● Check filled
      ● Comprehensive         outphysical
                    ● Comprehensive
         qualified  medical          at & time
                                                physical by
                                         examination      by  oneparent
                                                     of service)
                                                                       our  by or
                                                                  by one of our
                                                                                      of our highly ahead of time
                         qualified     medical professionals
 ports● physicals
  e the  You doqualified
         family        atYou
                    ●have   Gull
                 nothistory todo    Lake
                                be not
                                    an         High
                                    part  haveof
                                                to be    School
                                                        an         with
                                                                           patient form
                                                                         Borgess     with Borgess
               You (cash
           ● $30    do notorhave     to be   anatestablished     patient  with Borgess
  pcoming● 2022/2023
      ●  Cost:      ● Cost: $30  season!
                                Check     paid     time
                                        (cash or Check    ofpaid
                                                                   at time of service)
  signed    byCost:
      ● Please   parent
                have  $30 (cash
                    ● the       orhave
                                           the family     ahead
                                                           time ofsports
                                                         history             time
                                                                             form sports form
                                                                        of MHSAA
            ● out    & signed    by
                 Boe Bissett, PA-C
                Please    have by
                           filled out
                                      & signed
                                              of ourpart
                                               guardian highly
                                                         Dr. Avendt-Reeber
                                                 by parent
                                                           of MHSAA
                                                          ahead   of time
                                                             or guardian
                                                                         sports form
                                                                            ahead of time
                                                                                           Jen Squires, PA-C
 l professionalsfilled  out  & signed   by parent  or  guardian   ahead    of time
                             Featuring on site specialist for orthopedic concerns!
 to be an established patient with Borgess
             Location:      Gull Lake High      School                  If this day/time does not work
 or Check
        Boe  paid
         BoeBissett,  at
                      PA-Ctime of service)
             Bissett,PA-C                Dr.
                                         Dr. Avendt-Reeber
                                             Avendt-Reeber             Jen Squires,PA-C
                                                                       for Squires,
                                                                            your family, please call our
 family history
             Date:   partThursday,
                 Featuring   ofonMHSAA
                              on site   August sports
                                  site specialist
                                       specialist 4th     form concerns!
                                                   for orthopedic
                                                   for orthopedic    concerns!
                                                                       Richland office to schedule an
 d by parent     or
             Time:    guardian       ahead
                            2:00-5:00pm         of   time                   appointment at a more
                                                        If this day/time does not work
      Location:  GullLake
                          High School
                               School                         If this day/time does convenient
                                                                                          not work       time.
                                                             for your
                                                             for   your family,
        Date:      Thursday,
                                August 4th4th                Richland officeofficeto  Phone:
                                                                                       schedulean 269-552-2500
    Boe Bissett, PA-C
        Time:              Boe
                    2:00-5:00pm    Bissett,
                      Boe Bissett, PA-C          PA-C
                                          Avendt-Reeber            appointment
                                                        Dr. Avendt-Reeber           at
                                                                             Squires,   aDr.
                                                                                     atPA-C    Avendt-Reeber
                                                                                            Jen Squires, PA-CYou’ve worked hard
                                                                                           more                                            Jen   Squires,success.
                                                                                                                                            to achieve        PA-C
           Boe Bissett, PA-C                 Dr. Avendt-Reeber                  Jen Squires,
                                                                       convenient      time. PA-C
          Boe     Bissett,
            Featuring         PA-C
                         on site    specialist
                              Featuring         for orthopedic
                                            on site                Dr.
                                                    specialistPhone:     Avendt-Reeber
                                                                     for orthopedic       concerns!          You deserve         financial
                                                                                                                        Jen Squires,          advisors who
                             Featuring on site specialist for orthopedic concerns!
                    Featuring on site specialist for orthopedic    Phone:       269-552-2500
                                                      If this day/timeIfdoes this not   work does not work   work as hard for you.
                Featuring on site specialist for orthopedic concerns!
 ocation: GullLocation:
                  Lake HighGull
                              SchoolLake High School
       Location: Gull Lake High School                        If  this
                                                     for your family,forday/time
                                                                              your call
                                                                                            not work
                                                                                           our please call our
  ate:     Thursday,
                    Dr.  Avendt-Reeber
                        August    4th
            Location: Gull Lake High School
                 Date:       Thursday,
                   Thursday, August 4th
                                           August 4thRichland      yourJen
                                                             for office    family, Squires,
                                                                           to schedule
                                                                          Richland     office
                                                                       If this day/time does not work
                                                                                               to schedule Asanan Ameriprise private wealth Call us today and discover
                                                              Richland office
                                                          appointment        at  a to schedule an
                                    Schoolconcerns! If this day/time             does     not work
 ime:      2:00-5:00pm                                                         appointment       at a more   advisory practice, we have the   the personal service you
       Time:   Gull Lake
     site specialist     for High
                   2:00-5:00pm                                        for your
                                                              convenient       time.   family,
                                                                                     at a more
                                                                                   convenient time.  please call our
                                                                                                             qualifications and experience    deserve.
            Date:          Thursday, August 4th for your family,
                                                          Phone: convenient     please time.
                                                                      Richland office to schedule an
                                                                        269-552-2500                 our     to help navigate your complex
                                                                              Phone: 269-552-2500 financial needs. Whether it’s
                                                                   Phone: 269-552-2500
                                                                                                                                              TruVista Wealth Advisors
                                                                                                                                              A private wealth advisory
   Date:       Thursday,     August   4th                 Richland  office       to schedule
                                                                 investment management, tax
                                 Jen Squires,
                              If this
                           2:00-5:00pmday/timePA-C does not work strategies orappointment
                                                                               legacy planning,          at aofServices,
                                                                                                                 more     LLC

 eTime:           orthopedicfor
   specialist for              concerns!                      appointment          at  a
                                  your family, please call our and preserve whatconvenientmore
                                                                 we can work with you to grow
                                                                                     you’ve                time.

  ugust 4th                   Richland office to schedule anconvenient       Phone:
                                                                                                     8712 Gull Rd
                                                                                     time. 269-552-2500
                                                                 worked so hard to achieve.
                                                                                                     Richland, MI 49083
 chool             If this day/time does  not
                                  appointment  work
                                                    at a morePhone:
m                 for your family, please call our
  4th             Richland office to convenient
                                      schedule an time.
                                     at a more 269-552-2500 Not Federally Insured | No Financial Institution Guarantee | May Lose Value
                                                                                                   The Compass is a trademark of Ameriprise Financial, Inc.
                                   convenient time.                                                Ameriprise Financial, Inc. does not offer tax or legal advice.
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                                                                                                   Ameriprise Financial Services, LLC. Member FINRA and SIPC.
                                                                                                   © 2021 Ameriprise Financial, Inc. All rights reserved. (07/21)

Board of
                                                 Gull Lake Community Schools                                                                                                 NON-PROFIT
                                                 10100 East D Ave.                                                                                                           U.S. POSTAGE
                                                 Richland, MI 49083                                                                                                           Kalamazoo, MI
                                                                                                                                                                              Permit No. 313

Carole Mendez
Vice President
Jeff Brown                                                                                ECRWSS
                                                                                      POSTAL CUSTOMER
Brad Bagley
Laura Zervic
                                  Gull Lake Community Schools Communicator is published quarterly by Gull Lake Community Schools, 10100 East D Ave., Richland, Michigan 49083.
                                                                                Occasional special issues published as needed.

Lin Marklin                     BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETINGS
Mini Paulose-Murphy             Parents and all other community members are encouraged to attend school board
Krystal Scott –                 meetings on a regular basis. Meetings are held on the third Monday of every month                         MEE TING DATES
Rhodes                          at the Thomas M. Ryan Intermediate School Media Center at 7:00 pm, unless
                                otherwise indicated. Upon request to the Superintendent, the District shall make                         July 18, 2022
                                reasonable accommodation for a person with disabilities to be able to participate
                                in the meetings. Official minutes of each school board meeting are available for                        August 15, 2022
Raphael Rittenhouse
                                                                                                                                           Sept ember 19, 2022
                                public inspection at the Superintendent’s office, 10100 East D Avenue, Richland, MI
                                49083, or may be accessed on the school website:

                                Michigan Department of Education
              Office of Health and Nutrition Services Summer Food Service Program

                                                                                                                                     Non-discrimination Statement: In accordance

                       FREE BREAKFAST AND LUNCH                                                                                      with Federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of
                                                                                                                                     Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies,

                                                                                                                                     the USDA, its Agencies, offices, and employees, and
                                                                                                                                     institutions participating in or administering USDA
                                                                                                                                     programs are prohibited from discriminating based
      Gull Lake Community Schools announces the sponsorship of the Summer Food Service                                               on race, color, national origin, sex, disability, age, or
                                                                                                                                     reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity in any
      Program for children. Free meals will be made available to children 18 years of age and under                                  program or activity conducted or funded by USDA.
      or persons up to age 26 who are enrolled in an educational program for the mentally or
                                                                                                                                     Persons with disabilities who require alternative means
      physically disabled that is recognized by a State or local public educational agency. The meals                                of communication for program information (e.g. Braille,
      will be provided without regard to race, color, national origin, age, sex, or disability, and there                            large print, audiotape, American Sign Language, etc.),
                                                                                                                                     should contact the Agency (State or local) where they
      will be no discrimination in the course of the meal service. Meals will be provided at the site(s)                             applied for benefits. Individuals who are deaf, hard of
      listed below:                                                                                                                  hearing, or have speech disabilities may contact USDA
                                                                                                                                     through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339.
                                     Kellogg Elementary                                                                              Additionally, program information may be made
                                                                                                                                     available in languages other than English.
                                     9594 N. 40th Street                                                                             To file a program complaint of discrimination, complete
                                                                                                                                     the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form,
                                         Richland MI                                                                                 (AD-3027) found online at:
                                                                                                                                     complaint_filing_cust.html, and at any USDA office,
                               June 20, 2022 – Aug. 5,2022                                                                           or write a letter addressed to USDA and provide in the
                                                                                                                                     letter all of the information requested in the form. To
                                  Monday through Friday                                                                              request a copy of the complaint form, call (866) 632-
                                                                                                                                     9992. Submit your completed form or letter to USDA
                              (Closed Monday, July 4, 2022)                                                                          by: mail: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Office of the
                                                                                                                                     Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights, 1400 Independence
                         Breakfast is served from 8:30am-10:00 am                                                                    Avenue, SW, Washington, D.C. 20250-9410; fax: (202)
                                                                                                                                     690-7442; or email:
                          Lunch is served from 11:00am – 1:45 pm                                                                     This institution is an equal opportunity provider.

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