Give Presents with Purpose this holiday season - Alberta's Promise

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Give Presents with Purpose this holiday season - Alberta's Promise
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                   Alberta's Promise - WINTER EDITION 2017                         View this email in your browser

                   Give Presents with Purpose this holiday season
                   Just in time for the holiday season, we are excited to launch Presents with Purpose, an
                   innovative campaign in partnership with many non-profits from across the
                   province. Presents with Purpose encourages Alberta businesses and citizens to buy gifts
                   that support local causes this holiday season.

                   How does it work?
                          1. Businesses and individuals browse the products offered by our many
                             non-profit partners at
                          2. They choose their favourite products and causes.
                          3. They contact the non-profit to purchase.
                          4. They make a difference by supporting programs and services for
                             families in Alberta.
                   Click the button below to start shopping, or contact Laura to find out how your non-profit or
                   business can get involved.

                                                    Shop Gifts that Give Back
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                   Register for PromiseConnect: The Art of the Pitch
                   December 1, 2017 | 12pm - 1pm
                   McDougall Centre, Downtown Calgary
                   Back by popular demand, Avnish Mehta from Stand & Command and one of Avenue
                   Calgary’s 2017 Top 40 Under 40 will continue sharing his insights on the art of the pitch for
                   your organization.

                   Every day, countless organizations are vying for the attention of prospective customers,
                   clients, donors, and other stakeholders. Is your organization cutting through the clutter?
                   Join Avnish to learn the art of the "fast pitch." You'll discover how to tell a clear, concise
                   story about your organization that communicates who you are, what you do, and why
                   someone would care.

                   This session will focus on presentation, the elevator pitch, communication strategy, and
                   improving impact. Participants will:
                          Understand how to better present themselves in all situations
                          Understand how to better create the right examples and narratives
                          Understand how to be authentic speakers and presenters
                          Understand how to use these tools in all day to day communications
                   Bring your lunch and a readiness to learn - we'll provide refreshments.

                                                           Register Now

                   Community Involvement Toolkit turns 1 year old
                   Let there be cake! Our Community Involvement Toolkit is celebrating its first birthday. The
                   toolkit - which is a free, downloadable resource from our website - guides small businesses
                   through five easy steps to creating a community involvement policy. The toolkit simplifies
                   community giving and was created with small businesses in mind, saving them time and
Give Presents with Purpose this holiday season - Alberta's Promise
resources. Company purpose is more important now than ever. Find yours and start
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                                                   Download the Toolkit

                   In case you missed it:
                   PromiseConnect | What is Google Ad Grants?
                   Couldn't attend our last PromiseConnect event? Watch the video online.

                   In October, we invited Stephanie Jackman, Founder and President of REAP (Respect for
                   the Earth and All People), to talk about how her organization used the Google Ad Grants
                   program to generate 45% more revenue in just one year. Google Ad Grants
                   gives qualifying charity organizations $10,000 USD of in-kind advertising on Google each
                   month. This lecture is part of the PromiseConnect series for Alberta's Promise. Find more
                   events at

                                                      Watch the Video

                   Check out our 2016/17 Annual Report
                   We are so excited to announce that our 2016/17 Annual Report is now live on our website.
                   The report features a message from our Executive Director, Judy Eng-Hum, and
                   celebrates our ability to build tools, empower partners, and forge meaningful
                   connections in 2016/17. Hear what partners are saying about Alberta's Promise and our
                   recently released Community Involvement Toolkit. Get inspired by some of the many
                   partnerships and donations we have helped facilitate. And look ahead with us as we
                   explore what's to come for our organization.

                                                 Read Our Annual Report
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                   Congrats to all Birdies for Kids participants!
                   This year, our partner Shaw Charity Classic helped raise $8.39 million for more than
                   480,000 Alberta youth representing 159 charities. Their Birdies for Kids matching program
                   accounted for $6.9 million of that total.

                   And guess what? Alberta's Promise partners participating in the Birdies for Kids program
                   collectively raised over $5 million. Way to go!

                   Shaw Charity Classic will soon be seeking charity applicants for next year's Birdies for Kids
                   program, so stay tuned!

                                               Read the Calgary Sun's Story

                   SAVE THE DATE: February 15, 2018
                   Celebrating 15 years of community connections
                   Alberta's Promise was founded in 2003 to encourage businesses, communities, and non-
                   profits to work together with the goal of enhancing resources for families across the
                   province. The year 2018 marks our 15th anniversary, and as we take inventory of what we
                   have accomplished together with our network of over 1800 business, community, and non-
                   profit partners, we can't help but be proud.

                   We have encouraged businesses to think creatively and strategically about their
                   community involvement. We have helped non-profits spread the word about the support
                   they need and why it matters to Alberta families. And of course, we have facilitated
                   countless community connections and partnerships for good.

                   Today, we continue to innovate, finding new ways to make great things happen in our
                   province. Our Community Involvement Toolkit empowers businesses to become more
                   strategic in their giving, and our PromiseConnect events unite the business and non-profit
Give Presents with Purpose this holiday season - Alberta's Promise
sectors through shared knowledge and experiences.
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                    So mark February 15, 2018 on your calendar, and be sure to join us in celebration of 15
                    years of community connections. Check our website for details in the New Year.

                                                         See More Events

                    Santa Sacks program will bring holiday magic
                    to Alberta families
                    To understand the impact of Ronald McDonald House Charities Southern & Central Alberta
                    (RMHCSCA), you simply need to hear about the families they serve – those who are away
                    from home, and in need of a place to stay.

                    The Campbell family stayed at the Red Deer House in March 2015 when their little boy,
                    Zayden, who was born with tongue-tie, was recovering from a correcting procedure in the
                    neonatal intensive care unit.

                    Randi and Kyle Leeson occupied the Red Deer House twice – once in 2013 as their small
                    newborn daughter, Claire, spent time in hospital while her lungs matured, and another time
                    during Randi’s second pregnancy.

                    This year, the Kaid family spent time at the Calgary House while their two-year-old
                    daughter, Leila, underwent treatment for Leukemia. Her father, Timo, said, “This place is
                    kind of like a utopia. Lelia just loves the whole House.”

                    For these families, and for the 590 families served in 2015-2016, RMHCSCA provided a
                    home away from home so sick children could receive medical care in hospital. Equipped
                    with private family suites, recreational rooms, play areas, communal kitchens, and free
                    laundry facilities, both Houses – located in Red Deer and Calgary – give families a
                    comfortable place to eat homemade meals, share experiences, and get some much-
                    needed rest while caring for a sick child. Families pay a nightly fee of just $12 during their

                    As the holiday season draws near, many families staying in the Houses are preparing for a
                    different kind of Christmas. At a time of year when family means the most, many of
                    RMHCSCA’s clients will have to spend time away from family – and home – all while
                    dealing with the illness of a child.

                    But with your help and generous contribution to the Santa Sacks Program, RMHCSCA
                    families will feel the magic of the season and the generosity of Albertans.

                    RMHCSCA is seeking donations of high-quality unused and unwrapped gifts to give to
                    both Calgary House and Red Deer House families on Christmas morning. Due to the
                    immune suppressed nature of the children staying at the House, RMHCSCA is not
                    accepting used items or perishable goods. Gift cards are greatly appreciated, and taxable
                    donation receipts can be requested upon showing the value of the purchase. The deadline
                    for gift donations is December 15th.

                                                        See the Wish List
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                   Are you ready for GivingTuesday?
                   Imagine the "Black Friday" equivalent of giving back and supporting community. This is the
                   goal of GivingTuesday, a rapidly growing movement worldwide. Last year, more than
                   20,000 charities and businesses participated in GivingTuesday in 68 countries, with more
                   than 3,300 Canadian organizations taking part.

                   This year, #GivingTuesdayCa falls on November 28th, and charities, businesses, and
                   individuals can all get involved.

                   For charities: Become a GivingTuesday partner and access campaign ideas, a charity
                   toolkit, and volunteering toolkits.

                   For businesses: Become a GivingTuesday partner and access a toolkit for businesses, a
                   toolkit for retailers, volunteering toolkits, tools for businesses, and other great articles and

                   For individuals and families: Give to any charity, volunteer, fundraise for charity, send
                   charity gift cards, and take the GivingTuesday pledge.

                   Check out a list of registered GivingTuesday partners in Alberta and start planning your

                                                               Learn More

                   Time, talent, or treasure to spare?

                   Have a whale of a                    Help get kids in                  Are you ready for
                   time volunteering                    gear: Adopt a family              some football?
                   with TELUS Spark
                                                        Comrie's Sports Equipment         C.A.R.E. Housing Society is
                   Finding Nemo! Moby Dick!             Bank in Calgary has a waiting     selling tickets for a Grey Cup
                   Free Willy! Are these some of        list of kids who are in need of   Pool. Funds raised will be
                   your favourites? Put your love       certain sizes and pieces of       used to purchase or build and
                   of the ocean to use and give         equipment. Without it, they       maintain housing specifically
                   your time to help guide guests       are unable to participate in      for people with disabilities.
                   through the 2018 TELUS               the sport(s) of their choice.     Tickets are $2 each and the
                   Spark exhibit, Whales:               Help them out by reviewing        deadline to buy is November
                   Giants of the Deep.                  Comrie's Adopt a Family list      25.
                                                        and purchasing or donating
                                                        new or gently-used

                                                    See More Giving Opportunities
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                   Copyright © Alberta's Promise, All rights reserved.

                   Alberta's Promise makes community involvement easy. We help businesses plan their giving strategy, and facilitate
                   gifts of time, talent, and treasure to local non-profits that help children and their families. Working with over 1800
                   partners province-wide, we are a catalyst, creating impact for the non-profit sector and the Albertans they serve.

                                                                   Alberta's Promise
                                           2520 AMEC Place, 801 - 6 Avenue SW | Calgary, Alberta T2P 3W2
                                                 Toll-free 1.866.313.7500 |

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                              Alberta's Promise · 2520 AMEC Place · 801 6 Avenue SW · Calgary, AB T2P 3W2 · Canada
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