Page created by Allen Bowen
Be sure to keep yourself                                    Welcome to the
up-to-date on the                                           Bauhaus-Universität Weimar
current situation by
regularly checking the
                                                            Dear students,
university’s websites
for information on:                                         You've chosen to study at the Bauhaus-Univer-
                                             Bauhaus-       sität Weimar – Great! An exciting time is ahead
current opening hours                       Weimar
                                                            of you, full of new challenges and experiences.

events (Student Orientation         Campus.Office        This brochure offers you an aid to arrive safely
  Week, Enrolment Ceremony,                Allgemeine       and get your studies off to a good start. You
  courses and classes) that are                             can consult this guidebook to find answers to
                                      Christian Eckert
  being held digitally                   Geschwister-       questions and quickly locate points of contact
                                      Scholl-Straße 15      well beyond the first semester. You are always
 the pandemic emergency fund           99423 Weimar
                                                            welcome to meet with us personally to clear
                                        +49 (0) 36 43 /
 the dining hall (Mensa) renovation          58 23 58       up any questions, uncertainties,
                                            studium@        or conflicts.
modified semester schedules
  and lecture period duration
                                 ›   Your student advisor Christian Eckert
                                             Studies    ›
                                          Advising and
                                             Services   ›

           
Organising the start of your studies               4
Studying in Weimar                                 7
Arrival and Residency                             15
Financial Aid                                     19
Room and Board                                    23
University Organisation                           31
Central University Facilities                     37
University Administration                         47
  Semester calendar                               47
  Degrees at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar       48
  Types of instruction                            50
  Grading                                         54
  Exams                                           55
  The BISON study portal                          57
  Thoska student identification card              58
  Leave of absence, change of degree programme,
  part-time study, Long-term study fee            59
  Students with children                          61
  Studying with disability                        63
Advising and Consultation Services                65

Glossary                                          75
Campus Map                                        78
4                                                                                        The dates and schedule for the »Studieneinführungswoche«
                                                                                         can be found on the web, and once you arrive you’ll get
                                                                                         other insider tips.
                        Organising the start                                       › University › Studies › New students ›
                        of your studies
       students who
                        Ten weeks before classes begin:                                              for a smooth and enjoyable start of your life
need visas should
     apply for them     As soon as you receive your letter of acceptance,                            in Weimar.
immediately upon
                        start looking for housing in Weimar (page 23).
acceptance to the
    university at the   »Studierendenwerk Thüringen« offers inexpensi-                               A week before classes begin:
German embassy
                        ve rooms in its housing facilities. Classified ads in                        »Studieneinführungswoche« (Student
       in their home
    countries, as the   the local press or on the web, student bulle-                                Orien­t ation Week) starts in the beginning
     process can be
                        tins hanging on message boards in classroom                                  of October.
                        buildings or the dining hall, as well as the online
                                                                                                     This is THE event prior to the start of the aca-
                        message boards on the university website can
                                                                                                     demic year in Weimar and is carried out with
                        also be helpful in your search.
                                                                                                     the help of student tutors. The tutors accompa-
                                                                                                     ny you throughout the entire week and attend
                        Two weeks before classes begin:                            International
                                                                                Welcome.Lounge       to all your needs to ensure a successful start
                        Have a look at your enrolment documents and
                                                                         ›    to your academic career (applying for your uni-
                        find out where in Weimar your orientation
                                                                                     University ›    versity login, receiving your »thoska« student
                        courses will take place at the beginning                  International ›
                                                                                     To Weimar ›     identification card, etc.). They also create an
                        of the semester.
                                                                                Welcome Events ›     individual schedule for you and show you all of
                        Participate in the International Welcome.Lounge                              the key places related to student life in Weimar.
                        where staff and student tutors assist you in
                        preparing your documents for enrolment and
                        residence permit and give usefull advices

                      Studying in Weimar

                      With its population of 65,000 residents, Wei-
                     mar is small enough for laid-back study, and
If you are interes-   yet large enough to offer plenty of diversions.
ted in the history
                      There are fascinating opportunities for art and
  of the Bauhaus-
 Universität Wei-     culture aficionados, lovers of nightlife, athletes,
   mar, take part
                      and foodies – opportunities comparable to tho-
 in our Bauhaus
Walk offered by       se you’d expect from a big city. The greatest of
   students from
                      these, of course are the cultural opportunities –
    every faculty
  several times a     not only because the titles of »European Capital
                      of Culture« (1999) and »University Town« (since   ›     2004) come with certain obligations in this re-
     University ›
                      gard, but also through the effect of key perso-
        Profile ›
Bauhaus.Atelier ›     nalities who have left their mark on Weimar
 Bauhaus Walk ›
                      in Germany.

                      Weimar occupies a relatively central location
                      in Germany, and can be reached by train, bus
                      or car (via Autobahn A9 and A4) from nearby
                      cities with internternational airports – such as
                      Frankfurt, Berlin, and Leipzig – in three hours
                      or less.
8                                                                                                                                      9

    Being a student in Weimar means studying at a                                 on the Ilm, the nearby Park Tierfurt, the historic
    university characterised by its easy accessibility,                           cemetery and the Schlosspark Belvedere – it is
    central location, amazing student-instructor                                  only a matter of time before you encounter the
    ratios and great facilities. Currently, some 4,000                            great names of those who have resided here. The
    people from Germany and around the world                                      numerous parks are perfectly suited to strolling,
    study at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar’s four                                relaxation, picnicking and leisure activities.
    faculties: Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism,
                                                              Every hour, bus     On the Ettersberg, some 10 km from the centre
    Faculty of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Art and          line 6 runs from
                                                                                  of Weimar, is the Buchenwald Memorial. The
    Design and Faculty of Media.                             the Goetheplatz
                                                              bus stop to the     permanent exhibit and paths leading around
    Nearly all of the academic buildings, as well as                              the expansive terrain explain the history of the
                                                            Memorial. At the
    the University Library, Student Services, the           visitors’ centre or   former concentration camp of Buchenwald, the
                                                           on the memorial’s
    computer pool, and the dining hall are concen-                                Soviet internment camp, and the memorial itself.
                                                             website, you can
    trated on a campus that is easy to navigate and       find out more about
                                                             scheduled tours.     If you want a short break after a day of stu-
    borders both the city centre and the Park on
                                                        › dying, Weimar offers four movie theatres;
    the Ilm.
                                                                   Memorial    › The »Lichthaus Kino« on Kirschberg and the
                                                                Buchenwald ›
    To experience the spirit of Weimar, pay a visit          Visitors’ service › communal cinema »mon ami« on Goetheplatz
    to the many museums and the locations where                                  usually run films that are out of the mainstream
    personalities such as Goethe, Schiller, Liszt,                                and put on selected theme-based events, whe-
    Nietzsche, Gropius, Itten and Kandinsky                                       reas the »Cinestar« in Schützengasse and the
    created their works.                                                          »3D-Kino im Atrium« show the proven mix new
                                                                                  releases and blockbusters.
    The spirit of history is not limited to the mu-
    seums and exhibits; you can feel it throughout
    the city. Even in the green spaces – the Park
10                                                                                                                                                     11

                         Shopping fans can also get their money’s worth                              Friends of contemporary art can also enjoy
                         in Weimar. In addition to the »Atrium« in                                   the »Neues Museum«, »C.Keller« and
                         Friedensstraße, there is an increasing number                               the »ACC Galerie«.
                         of shops downtown where graduates of the
                                                                                                     Local radio and television stations provide infor-
                         University present their designs. There is also
                                                                                                     mation on exhibits, readings, and other events.
                         plenty to be found outside of Weimar – with
                         a semester ticket for regional trains, you can                              Grocery shopping can be done close to the
                         easily get to the nearby state capital of Erfurt,                           University in the downstairs supermarket in the
                         or the city of Jena.                                                        Goethekaufhaus on Theaterplatz or at the Nah-
                                                                                Clemens Beier, a
                                                                                  graduate of the
                                                                                                     kauf in Steubenstraße. If you want something a
         The fastest     Every year, events such as the backup_festival,        Faculty of Media,
     way to find out                                                              offers a unique    bit more conscientious and fresh, you can visit
                         Bauhaus Summer School, the Yiddish Summer,               impression of a
     about currently                                                                                 the farmer’s market on the Marktplatz from
scheduled events         the »Kunstfest« (Art Festival), the Goethe Wine        Weimar’s student
        is the event                                                             retail businesses   Monday through Saturday or stop by Rosmarin,
                         Festival, and the biggest festival in Thuringia,       in his film »Tante
 calendar on the                                                                                     an organic market on Herderplatz. There are
     city of Weimar      the »Zwiebelmarkt«, ensure that there is never a      Emma in Weimar«.
            website.                                                                                 also two organic supermarkets (on Eduard-Ro-
                         dull moment in the summer.    ›                                                                               senthal-Straße and Damaschkestraße) outside
     Veranstaltungs­     The programme of the »Deutsches National­                                   of the city centre. Large chain supermarkets
          kalender   ›
                         theater Weimar« (DNT), ranging from modern                                  can be found in the suburbs outside of Weimar.
 Find the current        dance to opera, concert performances, and                               .
theatre program-                                                                    Find student     If you prefer to leave the cooking to someone
me on the DNT of         classical plays is considered unique in all of Ger-   recommendations
                                                                                                     else, you cannot go wrong in one of numerous
 Weimar website          many. As a student, you will receive discount                     under:
                                                                                                 restaurants serving domestic and international
 nationaltheater-        admission prices at all of the venues of the   ›                                                                  University › cuisine. In addition to gourmet cuisine, there
                         DNT, the numerous small performance spaces                    Studies ›
                                                                                                 is a huge selection of cafés, bars, and pubs, as
                         and cabarets, and nearly all of the cultural             New students ›
                                                                                                 well as a bratwurst stand on nearly every corner.
                         facilities in Weimar and the surrounding area.

                           And it can all be found in a city centre where
                           nothing is more than 10 minutes’ walk away.

     The fold-out map      On those occasions when you have to go a
 on the inside back
                           longer distance, or simply do not have time
      cover shows the
 bus stops of line 1       to walk, you can reach anything in Weimar by
     in the city centre.
                           bike or bus. Bus line 1 (direction Ehringsdorf)
                           will take you from the railway station directly
                           to the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar bus stop
                           in less than 10 minutes.

                        Arrival and Residency

                        Entry requirements
                       Before travelling to Germany, international
  You are not permit-   students should find out about entry require-
ted to study or work
                        ments for Germany at the German embassy
  in Germany with a
   tourist visa. More   in their home country. The regulations differ
information available
                        widely from country to country. Find out from
                        the »Auswärtiges Amt der Bundesrepublik
                        Deutschland« or the »Deutscher Akademischer
                        Austauschdienst« (DAAD) whether you need a
                        visa and, if so, what type.

                        Spouses of students wishing to travel to Germa-
           Get more     ny must demonstrate knowledge of the German
      information on
                        language. Only certain German courses are
    residency law at:
                        recognised for entry to Germany. Look into this
                        ahead of time at the German Embassy in your
                        home country. Children under 16 years of age
                        are generally allowed to enter the country with
                        their parents.
16                                                             The International Office provides international students      
                                                               with checklists containing all of the important information
                                                               they need to begin their studies.
         Registration in Weimar
                                                        › International › To Weimar ›
         All students are required to register their place
         of residence at the residential registration office
         (Einwohnermeldeamt). Simply contact Weimar’s
         municipal office (Bürgerbüro) during opening
         hours. You can also make appointments at the                    City of Weimar registration certificate
         Bürgerbüro conveniently online.                                 Proof of financial means (examples of proof
                                                                             of adequate finances: scholarship, surety

        Bürgerbüro der Stadt Weimar
         Schwanseestraße 17, 99423 Weimar
                                                                             or proof of a bank balance of 8,000 Euro
                                                                             per year)
          +49 (0) 36 43/76 27 62                                         
                                                                          Proof of a German bank account                                     
                                                                          Proof of German health insurance
                                                                          Processing fee (approx. 100 Euro)
         For non-EU citizens, it is necessary to apply
         for a residency permit at the foreigners office.
         The procedure is complex and time-consuming.
                                                                         Ausländerbehörde der Stadt Weimar
                                                                          Schwanseestraße 17, 99423 Weimar
         You should therefore schedule an appointment                     +49 (0) 36 43 / 76 22 22
         as soon as possible following your arrival and         
         bring the following with you:
         a valid passport
         a biometric passport photo
         a certificate of matriculation stamped
           by the international office (page 40)

                        Financial Aid

                        A reliable source of financing for subsistence is an
                       important component of a successful acade-
     International      mic career. The average monthly expenses for
 students who are
                        students in Germany amount to 867 Euro. This
 not from the Eu-
ropean Union (EU)       figure comes from a »Deutsches Studieren-
  need a proof of
                        denwerk« study (2019) and takes into account
  financial means
    of 8,000 Euro       expenses for rent, food, transportation, leisure
         per year.
                        activities, insurance, medical costs, clothing,
    Refugees are        telephone, internet, and learning aids. Living
 entitled to apply
                        costs in Weimar, at some 712 Euro per month, are
   for the German
      Student Aid       below this average.
   (BAföG) at the
   »Studierenden­       If you are applying for a residency permit as
 werk Thüringen«.
                        an international student in Weimar, you must
       www.stw-        provide proof of finance (scholarship, savings
                        account, declaration of parental support).
                        Financing studies according to the Federal Vo-
                        cational Training Assistance Act (BAföG) is only
                        granted with a written application and at the
                        earliest from your first month of study.
     A list of all of
  the scholarships
   awarded by the
         Bauhaus-       You can also receive financial support from
20                                                                                                                                                       21

        Universität      scholarships. Scholarships honour outstanding          You can find job
 Weimar and who                                                               opportunities on
                         performance or social commitment. A schol-                                    Part-time jobs for students
can advise you on                                                            the Career Services
               them      arship is financial support that does not have           job board and        International students, who are not citizens
     is available at:                                                                 elsewhere.
                         to be repaid. The Bauhaus-Universität Weimar                                  from the European Union (EU), are only per-    ›                                                      ›
                         offers scholarships for:                                                      mitted to work in Germany with a work permit.
       University ›                                                                  University ›
         Studies ›       New students                                                Studies ›       The work permit allows you to work 120 full
      Application ›                                                          Advising and Consul­
     Financing your      
                          Advanced students
                                                                                 tation Services   ›
                                                                                                       days (1 day = 8 hours), which can be spread out
           studies   ›   
                          Study abroad                                          Career Services    ›   over 240 half-days (1/2 day = 4 hours). This allows

  The »Deutscher         
                          Discipline-related  scholarships
                                                                                                       you to work during semester breaks (page 47).
     Akademischer        
                          Scholarships  for theses or dissertations             Thüringen« also        You should also keep in mind that if you earn
Austauschdienst«                                                               lists a number of
     (DAAD) offers       Doctoral and post-doctoral scholarships           jobs for students
                                                                                                       more than 450 Euro a month, you will be subject
       financial aid                                                              on its website.      to higher health insurance premiums.
 options to inter-       In addition to the scholarships awarded by
national students.       the university, numerous sources of funding                  Financing    ›   You should also keep in mind that a job not         ›   from private and public institutions (e. g. from                To Job    ›   related to your field of study can have a signifi-
                         foundations) are available. Find out about                                    cant effect on the duration of your studies and
                         these opportunities. A good place to start is:                                cost additional time and energy. It is advisable
                                                                       to find a part-time job in your field, which

                        Campus.Office
                                                                                                       offers practical experience for you and your
                                                                                                       subsequent transition to a career.
                         Michaela Peisker
                         Scholarship advising
                         Geschwister-Scholl-Straße 15, 99423 Weimar                      It is possible to be an »Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft«
                                                                                         (academic assistant) at the university, working a maximum
                         +49 (0) 36 43 / 58 23 49
                                                                                         of 86 hours /month, which is not deducted from the 120 days
                                                 allowed on a student work permit.

                                                                                         Most of the jobs for students in Weimar require working
                         Appointment by arrangement                                      knowledge of the German language.

                          Room and Board

                          Rental accommodations are the norm in Ger-
                         many. Rent is paid by bank transfer into the
    In a shared flat,     account of the landlord once a month, usually
   there is usually a
                          at the beginning of the month. The termination
   so-called »princi-
   pal tenant« who        of a flat or a room is always possible only within
      is responsible
                          a certain deadline (usually three months in advan-
  for collecting the
    rent. The princi-     ce). For financial reasons, many students share a
    pal tenant then
                          rental with other students in a so-called shared
 pays the total rent
    to the landlord.      flat (in German, »Wohngemeinschaft«, or simply
                          WG). Each tenant has a private room and shares
                          the kitchen and lavatory with the other tenants.

 The residential fa-      Residential facilities of
cilities operated by
                          »Studierenden­werk Thüringen«
   Thüringen« near        »Studierendenwerk Thüringen« has many resi-
 the city centre are
                          dential facilities in Weimar in which only ma-
 shown on the fold-
 out map following        triculated students are permitted to live. The
           (page 78).
                          Student Housing office will be happy to help
        You can find      you find a suitable accommodation. The rents
     list of all of the
                          are all-inclusive – that is, they include all utilities,
  housing facilities,
rental prices for the     such as water, electricity, and heating. The rents
                          range from 103 to 333 Euro. Most of the dorms
24                                                                                                                                                    25

rooms, and forms for      are furnished (with a bed, desk, chair, wardrobe                            Private living quarters
 applying for a room
                          and shelving). There is a common kitchen with                               If you do not want to live in a student dormito-
in a dormitory on the
 »Studierendenwerk        a shared stove and refrigerator. Not provided                               ry, you can either rent a room in a shared flat or
 Thüringen« website
                          are kitchen appliances, flatware, pots and                                  rent a flat of your own. The average price for a
        under Housing
                         pans, dishes, and bedding. All of the rent prices                            room is 217 Euro (warm rent) per month. Inex-
                       › are based on a minimum rental period of six                                 pensive one room flats are available for as little
                          months. The rents may be higher for shorter        The first stop when      as 350 Euro. It is advisable to plan a few days in
        You can apply
                                                                              looking for a room
      for a room in the   periods.                                                                    Weimar for the search for suitable accommoda-
                                                                                is the university
                                                                                 online message       tion. Many rentals become available at the end
 Thüringen« housing       You should submit your application for a dor-         board. Here, stu-
 facilities starting on                                                                               of the semesters. This is a good opportunity to
                          mitory room as soon as you receive your letter     dents can post their
 1 April for winter se-
                                                                              advertisements for      find accommodation quickly and at a reasona-
 mester, and starting     of acceptance to the university, as the rooms       rooms directly and
 on 1 October of the                                                                                  ble price.
                          are granted on a first-come first-served basis.          free of charge.
   preceding year for
the summer semester.      You can apply online to »Stu­dierendenwerk        › Please remember that utilities (e.g. heating
                                                                                Message boards     ›
                          Thüringen« in Weimar.                                        Piazza or   › and water) and other costs are charged in ad-
                                                                                        Housing    › dition to the base rent. These additional costs

                                                                                 In Germany kit-      are usually charged at a fixed rate, which can
                         Studierendenwerk Thüringen                           chens in flats are
                                                                                                      change depending on annual consumption,
                          Abteilung Studentisches Wohnen                       generally unfurni-
                                                                             shed. When renting       and which may result in retroactive payments
                          Marienstraße 15 a, 99423 Weimar                    a flat, always check
                                                                                                      and price rises.
                          +49 (0) 36 43 / 58 16 60                            to see if it includes
                                                                                     an equipped
                                                           kitchen.    Electricity is supplied by the power company
                                                                                                      of your choice and must be paid in addition
                                                                                                      to the rent, utilities, and other costs.
26                                                                                                                                                     27

                         Mensen (dining halls) and cafeterias                                          Cafeteria Anna-Amalia-Bibliothek
        The current      In its Mensen and cafeterias, »Studierendenwerk                               Monday to Friday 10 p.m. – 2 p.m.
      menu can be
                         Thüringen« offers warm meals, snacks, baked                                   Platz der Demokratie 4
      found on the
     »Studierenden-      goods, and a selection of drinks from breakfast to
werk Thüringen«                                                                                        Cafeteria Am Horn
                         dinner time. A range of meals is offered every day
     website under                                                                                     Monday to Friday noon to 2 p.m.
           »Mensa«.      for lunch, including at least one vegetarian dish.
                                                                                                       Carl-Alexander-Platz 1
                         The prices range from 1.50 to 2.60 Euro.
                                                                                                       Hours of operation are often different during
                         Locations and Operating hours:
                                                                                                       semester breaks. The changes are announced
                         Mensa am Park/ ParkDeck
                         Monday to Friday 11 a.m. – 2 p.m.                                            in the respective dining hall or cafeteria.

                         Marienstraße 15 b                                  In addition to the canteens and cafeterias,
                                                                            ›   the Haus der Studierende (M18) and the
                         Foyer – Bar am Park                                     bauhaus-atelier   ›
                                                                                                       Bauhaus.Atelier offer coffee and snacks
                         Monday to Friday 9.30 a.m. – 3 p.m.
                                                                                                       in a relaxed atmosphere.
       Due to the re-    Marienstraße 15 b
     novation of the
      dining hall, an    Cafeteria »Mensa am Park«                                                     INFOtake
     interim solution
        was provided     Monday to Thursday 7.30 a.m. – 7 p.m.                                         INFOtake is the first stop of the »Studieren-
     for the period of   Friday 7.30 a.m. – 3 p.m.                                                     denwerk Thüringen« in Weimar. It is located in
           tion work.    Saturday 11.30 a.m. – 2 p.m.                                                  the foyer of the »Mensa am Park«. There you
                         Marienstraße 15 b                                                             can find all the information you need and other
                                                                                                       services, such as:
                         Cafeteria Coudraystraße
                         Monday to Friday 8 a.m. – 2.30 p.m.
                                                                                                        The International Student Identity Card (ISIC)

                         Coudraystraße 13 B
                                                                                                       Information on waiver / reimbursement of the
                                                                                                         semester contribution and semester ticket
28                                                                                                 29

     Information on accident insurance
       for leisure activities and personal liability
                                                            INFOtake
                                                             Marienstraße 15 a, EG, 99423 Weimar
       insurance                                             +49 (0) 36 43 / 58 15 06
     Filing location for statutory insurance claims
      Application for or cancellation of dormitory
       internet connections
     Child identity cards to get free lunch
       for students’ children
     Information materials from »Studierenden-
       werk Thüringen« and the university as well as
       a listing of operating hours for »Studierenden­
       werk Thüringen« and university offices
      Assistance finding living quarters
       and dorm room referral
     Job listings on the internet
       and the cafeteria job board
      Supplemental payments
       for internship-related immunizations
      Tickets for »Studierendenwerk Thüringen«
       and university events

University Organisation

University Directorate

Präsidium (Executive Board): The »Präsi­dium«
leads the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar and
comprises the »Präsident«, the »Vizepräsiden-
tin/Vizepräsident«, and the »Kanzler«.

Präsident (President): The »Präsident« repre-
sents Bauhaus-Universität Weimar and leads
the »Präsidium«.

Vizepräsidentin / Vizepräsident (Vice-Presi-
dents): The »Vizepräsidentin / Vizepräsident«
are members of the »Präsidium« and are ap-
pointed by the members of the Bauhaus-Uni-
versität Weimar and confirmed by the »Senat«.

Kanzler (Chancellor): The »Kanzler« is a mem-
ber of the »Präsidium« and is head of the admi-
nistration of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar.
32                                                                                                                               33

                         Administrative bodies                              Fachschaftsrat (Student representative
                                                                            committee): The »Fachschaftsrat« are elected
                         Universitätsrat (University Council): The »Uni-
                                                                            student representative bodies for each faculty
                         versitätsrat« is an administrative body of the
                                                                            comprising 12 members. The members repre-
                        Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. It appoints the
                                                                            sent the concerns of the student body in the
         A faculty is    »Präsident«, the »Kanzler«, and other officials.
 a field and know-                                                          various administrative bodies of the university.
 ledge structured        Senat (Senate): The »Senat« decides issues of
teaching and admi-
      nistrative unit.   fundamental importance to the Bauhaus-Uni-         StuKo-Referate (StuKo committees): The
                         versität Weimar. It is composed of representati-   »StuKo-Referate« are responsible for the speci-
                         ves from all of the university’s member groups.    fic set of issues and is generally led nearly auto-
                                                                            nomously by two students. However, they are
                         Fakultätsrat (Faculty Board): The »Fakul­
                                                                            accountable to the StuKo.
                         tätsrat« makes critical faculty decisions and is
                         composed of representatives from all of the        The current committees are:
                         member groups of the faculty.                      Bauhaus Internationals
                                                                            Digitale Infrastruktur
                         Student Representatives                            Finanzen
                         Studierendenkonvent: The »Studierenden-
                                                                            Haus Infrastruktur
                         konvent« (StuKo) is the highest committee of
                         student self-government and represents the
                         interests of students to the leadership of the
                                                                            Kultur- und Sportförderung
                         university, Student Services, and the public at
                         large. Each of the student representative com-
                         mittees from the individual faculties nominates
                                                                            Politische Bildung

                         four of their members to the StuKo.
                                                                            Queer YMR

                          Interested in getting involved? Even without
                          being a student council member, you can just
                          contact StuKo!
       For more infor-    StuKo-Initiativen (StuKo Initiatives): »Initia­
     mation on StuKo
                          tiven« are generally long-term student projects
       initiatives and
 student self-govern-     not associated with studies that receive sup-
  ment Bauhaus-Uni-
                          port from the StuKo (financial or institutional).
 versität Weimar, see
     the m18 website.     Some notable examples are the students’ house       › – M(arienstraße) 18 – with the student café
                          S140 and the Kontor/ Stift student shop. The
          vertretung    ›
          Initiativen   › Bauhaus-Orchestra, the bike repair shop in
                          the basement of the dining hall and the soap
                          box derby »Spacekidheadcup«, that takes place
                          on 1 May every year.

                         The StuKo office
                          Simone Braun (Director)
                          M18, 2nd floor
                          Marienstraße 18, 99423 Weimar
                          +49 (0) 36 43 / 58 30 19

Central University Facilities

The Campus.Office is your first stop for all of
your concerns related to your studies. Here you
will find the Dezernat Studium und Lehre (Office
of Student and Academic Affairs) and the Inter-
national Office (page 39), the »Studierenden-
büro« (Student Office, page 38), the Allgemei-
ne Studienberatung (General Academic Advising)
(page 65) and the Career Services (page 70).

At the service desk you can get information
and help on the following issues:
 The thoska student identification card
 up/drop off of all »Studierendenbüro«
  forms (change of major, leaves of absence,
  fees for long-stay students, de-registration,
  part-time studies)
Registration and semester contribution fee
Name change

For issues you cannot take care of immediate-
ly, the service desk will direct you to the right
point of contact.
38                                                                                                                                            39

                        Campus.Office
                         Geschwister-Scholl-Straße 15
                                                                                             You can clear up major questions either at the
                                                                                             Campus.Office service desk or via the service
                         99423 Weimar                                                        hotline. If necessary, you will also get an
                         +49 (0) 36 43 / 58 23 23                                            appointment for a personal consultation.

                         Operating hours:                                                   Studierendenbüro
                                                                                             Geschwister-Scholl-Straße 15
                         Monday to Thursday 10 a.m. – 3 p.m.
                                                                                             99423 Weimar
                         Friday 10 a.m. – 1 p.m.
                                                                                             +49 (0) 36 43 / 58 23 23
                         Studierendenbüro (Student Office)
           The forms
     are available for
                         The »Studierendenbüro« can help you with:                          phone consultation:

       download at:      
                          Applications and admissions                  The International     Monday until Friday 9 a.m. – 2 p.m.
                                                                      Office offers walk- › 
                                                                     in service especially
          University › 
                        Guest student application                       for international
            Studies ›                                                 students every Tu-
      Campus.Office › 
                         Registration                                                        Dezernat Internationale Beziehungen (DIB)
                                                                     esday and Thursday
                       Leave of absence                                from 10 a.m. to     The International Office is your point of contact
                                                                      1 p.m. at the Cam-
                          Part-time studies
                                                                       pus.Office service
                                                                                             if you are planning a stay abroad. It supports
                         Degree programme changes                              counter.    international students, both on their way to
                           and university transfers                                          Weimar and getting around the city itself.
                                                                             You can also
                         long-term study fee                             take language
                                                                                             International students can get information
                                                                           courses at the
                         De-registration                              Bauhaus Summer       on the following topics:
                                                                       School to prepare
                                                                        for a stay abroad    Visa and residency
                                                                           or to improve
                                                                         your knowledge
                                                                                             Housing search
                                                                              of German.
40                                                                                                                                                 41

                           Health insurance                               › Please note that backpacks and jackets are not
                                                                                     University     ›
                             Scholarships                                               Structure ›
                                                                                                      allowed inside the library. Your supplies and
                           Certificates in English                                   Central Uni- materials can be carried in a plastic bag
                                                                                 versity Facilities ›
                                                                                University Library ›
                                                                                                      (available from the front desk for 1 Euro).

                          Dezernat Internationale Beziehungen (DIB)
                           International Office
                           Geschwister-Scholl-Straße 15, 1. OG                                    Carrels group rooms
                           99423 Weimar                                                           You can use carrels and group rooms for free to
                           +49 (0) 36 43 / 58 23 73                                               write papers or hold discussions with your fel-
                                                      low students. Register for the rooms at the cir-
                                                                                                  culation desk or via phone call. In addition, any
                           Office hours:
                                                                                                  student can use the Building Materials|Natural
                           Tuesday and Thursday 10 a.m. – 12 p.m.
                                                                                                  Sciences library in Coudraystraße 7 and also the
                           and 1 p.m. – 4 p.m.
                                                                                                  Herzogin Anna Amalia Bibliothek.

        OPAC is a local    Universitätsbibliothek (University Library)
      online catalogue
  in which users can
                           The academic library at the Bauhaus-Universität                       Universitätsbibliothek
                                                                                                  Steubenstraße 6/8, 99423 Weimar
       search the inter-   Weimar offers a large selection of specialised
         net for library                                                                          +49 (0) 36 43 / 58 28 20
                           literature in the fields of architecture and urban
                           studies, structural engineering, art and design,
 For more informati-
                           and media. It is free for you to use. Register in                      Operating hours:
on on services, such
as literature research,    person at the circulation desk with your thoska                        Monday to Friday 9 a.m. – 9 p.m.
 copying services, in-
                           student identification card.                                           Saturday 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.
terlibrary loans, and
     training in the use
 of the online library     Some books can be requested in advance from the
        catalogue, see:    online collection. Ordered books can be picked up
                           at the circulation desk in the University Library.
42                                                                                                                                                        43

  In the SCC pools
and the University
                           Servicezentrum für Computersysteme
                           und Computerkommunikation (SCC)
                                                                                                        Servicezentrum für Computersysteme
                                                                                                         und Computerkommunikation (SCC)
     Library normal
printers are availa-       The computer centre (SCC) offers you important                                Steubenstraße 6 a, 99423 Weimar
       ble as well as
                           communications and media services. Matricula-                                 +49 (0) 36 43 / 58 24 24
 plotters for large-
 format print jobs.        ted students are allowed to use the university’s                    
  At the beginning
                           IT infrastructure, a university-wide network with
     of the semester
you will receive an        Wi-Fi access points, central storage and printing                             Sprachenzentrum (Language Centre)
 electronic printer
                           systems. You will be issued a personal user name.          The tandem         The »Sprachenzentrum« offers a wide range
 account. You pay
                                                                                 programme is an
     for the printed       You will get a free e-mail address in the Bau-                                of language courses. Registration takes place
                                                                                opportunity to im-
      materials with
                           haus-Universität Weimar domain and storage           prove your foreign       shortly before the semester begins. The regis-
        your thoska.
                                                                                    language skills
                           space for personal files on the central storage                               tration procedure generally consists of a place-     ›                                                           individually with a
       University   ›      systems, as well as additional space for projects,       native speaker.      ment test, online registration and the payment
          Structure ›
                           upon request. PC pools for general use are loca-    ›      of fees. Upon successful completion of a lan-
Central University
                                                                                      Universität ›
          Facilities   ›   ted at Steubenstraße 6 and Bauhausstraße 15.                                  guage course, you will be issued a certificate
                                                                                        Structure ›
               SCC     ›
                                                                                 Central University      which you may submit for recognition as credit
                           In addition, you’ll have access to the network               Facilities   ›
                                                                                                         toward your elective requirement.
                           from the student dormitories. All informati-          Language Centre     ›
           The eLab
       provides tool-      on related to your studies will be sent to the                                The Language Centre also issues DAAD certi-
     boxes, tutorials
     and e-learning        e-mail address that you received from the                                     ficates and administers the »Deutsche Sprach-
         courses for       university. To be sure not to miss out on any                                 prüfung für den Hochschulzugang (DSH)«
       learning with
       digital media.      important information, you should check your                                  to international students.     ›      messages daily or set up a forwarding address.
         University ›
            Studies ›
           Digitally   ›

                      Sprachenzentrum (Language Centre)
                       Coudraystraße 13 B, 2. OG, 99425 Weimar
                       +49 (0) 36 43 / 58 23 91

                      Universitätssportzentrum
   For more infor-     (University Sports Centre)
  mation on what
                       The »Universitätssportzentrum« mainly offers
the Universitäts­
   sportzentrum        activities designed to promote health and
 has to offer, see:
                       fitness. Once you are registered, have paid the   ›
                       fee and receive instruction at the sports centre
           News ›
Course Catalogue ›     at the beginning of the semester, you can get
                       started in sports and participate in activities
   Sports Centre   ›
                       under the direction of fitness experts.

                      Universitätssportzentrum
                       »An der Falkenburg« (USZ)
                       Belvederer Allee 25 A, 99423 Weimar
                       +49 (0) 36 43 / 58 24 51

University Administration

Semester calendar

Semester duration: In Germany, the academic
year is divided into two semesters. The winter
semester (WiSe) at the Bauhaus-Universität
Weimar always begins on 1 October and ends
on 31 March. It is followed by the summer se-
mester (SoSe), which begins on 1 April and ends
on 30 September.

Vorlesungszeit (academic period): The »Vor-
lesungszeit« is the phase of the semester when
students are required to be present and when
instruction takes place. It generally lasts 15

Vorlesungsfreie Zeit (semester break): The
»vorlesungsfreie Zeit« at the end of the acade-
mic phase of the semester, informally known
as »vacation«, is a time when no classes takes
place. During these weeks, you take your tests
and exams, write papers, and complete intern-
ships. It is also a time to recover, of course.
48                                                                                                                                                       49

                           Prüfungszeitraum (examination period):                   The transcript     Bachelor’s programme or extend the Bachelor’s
                          In February and July, following the »Prüfungs-
                                                                                   of records (per-
                                                                                 formance report)
                                                                                                       degree in a different direction. A successfully
     You’ll find the re-   zeitraum«, your examinations will take place.           documents stu-      completed Master’s degree is a prerequisite for
  registration dead-                                                             dent performance
  line and semester
                                                                                                       admission to a university doctoral programme.
                           Rückmeldezeitraum (re-registration                      over the course
      fee on the web.                                                                    of studies.
                      period): January/February and June/August is                                     Diplom (Freie Kunst): The »Diplom« program-  ›
         University › the period when you pay your semester fee and                                    me is divided into two phases: Study phase I
            Studies › register for the coming semester. You’ll find the         The diploma sup-       usually lasts four semesters and concludes with
      Campus.Office ›                                                          plement is an addi-
                      »Rüchmeldefrist« (re-registration deadline)                                      an intermediate examination. Study phase II
                                                                               tional document to
                           and semester fee on the web.                         the degree certifi-    lasts four to six semesters and ends with a the-
                                                                                cate describing the
                                                                                                       sis and an oral exam. At the Bauhaus-Universi-
                                                                               degree programme,
                                                                                assessing the qua-     tät Weimar, the Diplom degree also confers the
                           Degrees at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar               lity and content
                                                                                                       right to enter a doctoral programme.
                                                                                 of student perfor-
                           Bachelor: The Bachelor is a professionally quali-     mance during the
                          fying university degree awarded following six to
                                                                                   course of study.    Staatsexamen Lehramt an Gymnasien:
                                                                                                       The »Staatsexamen« qualifies you to work as a
     The study regu-       eight semesters of regular study. A Bachelor’s
       lations govern                                                                                  secondary education teacher. An examination
     the organisation,
                           thesis is required for successful completion of
                                                                                    In the »Praxis­    board composed by the responsible state tea-
extent, content and        the degree. The Bachelor’s degree enables en-        semester« (practi-
      sequence of the                                                                                  chers’ examination office of Thuringia adminis-
                           try into a career or continuation of studies              cal semester),
degree programme.
                                                                                students complete      ters the »Erste Staatsprüfung« (First State Exam).
      You can find an      in a Master’s programme.                              the practical part
          overview at:                                                                                 A practical preparatory internship (»Referenda-
                                                                               of their studies out-    › Master: The Master is a professionally qualify-         side the university    riat«) follows the »Erste Staatsprüfung« and ends
           University ›                                                           – for instance, in
                           ing university degree that you can earn at the                              with the »Zweite Staatsprüfung« (Second State
              Studies ›                                                             the form of an
       Campus.Office › Bauhaus-Universität Weimar after two to four            internship at a com-    Exam). Both parts of the exam comprise the
            Academic                                                               pany or school.
                       semesters of regular study. It can either be a                                  »Staatsexamen« and lead to teacher qualification.
         Regulations ›
                       deeper study of the discipline studied in the
The Bauhaus-Universität Weimar also offers individual                                                                                                   51

doctoral studies conferring the title of Dr. Phil and Dr. Ing
(engineering). Find out more from the Bauhaus Research School:                  It is important to   you can choose from a thematically limited ran-                                                                 take part in the
                                                                               first course of the
                                                                                                     ge, and electives, which you can choose freely
                                                                               semester to get all   from the modules on offer in your course of
                                                                              important informa-
                                                                                    tion about it.
                                                                                                     study or those on offer from a different faculty.
                                                                                                     A module generally lasts for a semester and ends
                        The »Erste Staatsprüfung« also qualifies you
                                                                                                     with a test in the form of a final exam or paper.
                        to enter a doctoral programme.
                                                                                                     Vorlesung (lecture): »Vorlesung« are presenta-
                        Ph.D./doctoral degree: The Ph.D. programme
                                                                                                     tions in which the instructor (e.g. a professor)
                        involves a six-semester doctoral phase. The aim
                                                                                                     conveys fundamentals and factual knowledge
                        is to produce the next generation of academics
                                                                                                     pertaining to a specific topic.
                        through a structured course of research in the
                       context of a graduate programme. The Ph.D.         The »Studienplan«         Übung (tutorial): The purpose of a »Übung« is
                                                                               (curriculum) is a
       The »Modul­      programme culminates in the submission of a        clear overview of all
                                                                                                     to practise and deepen understanding of the
  katalog« (module
                        doctoral dissertation, which if accepted leads     of the semesters re-      material covered in lectures.
      catalogue) is a
                                                                            quired for a course
       compendium       to the title of Ph.D.                               of study, including
      of the module                                                                                  Tutorium: A tutorium is a special form of the
                                                                               all possible core
descriptions for the                                                                                 tutorial in which upper-level students – tutors –
                                                                                  and required
respective course of
                        Types of instruction                                 elective modules.       help you to grasp tutorial exercises.
 study. The module
    description con-
                                                                              The course cata-
   tains information    Module: The classes you take in the course of      logue on the BISON
                                                                                                     Seminar: Seminars offer the opportunity for in-
  as to the content,
                        your studies are grouped into modules which             portal provides      depth independent study of specific topics under
 qualification goals,
                                                                             information on all
   instructional for-   form units based on scheduling and content.         of the classes offe-
                                                                                                     the guidance of an instructor and culminate with
 mats, ECTS points,
                        They provide you with instruction in various         red in the current      the presentation of your results, usually in the
and duration of the
            module.     forms – lectures, seminars, projects, and design                             form of an oral presentation. The presentation is
                        projects. There are core modules, which you are      Course catalogue   ›
                                                                                                     followed by a discussion offering the opportunity
                        required to take, and mandatory electives which                              for reflection and constructive criticism.
52                                                                                                                                                     53

  All teaching staff      Kolloquium (colloquium): A »Kolloquium« is an                              Entwurf (draft): In a »Entwurf«, you will devote
        are referred to
     as »Dozentin« or
                          academic conversation about a specific topic.                             yourself to the architectural development of a
       »Dozent« (pro-     Conferences and some tests also take the form       After the presen-      structure or building subject to certain condi-
     fessors, academic                                                        tation of the pos-
                          of a »Kolloquium«.                                                         tions. You will document the result – the design
       assistants, and                                                        sible »Entwürfe«
          instructors).                                                       for your semester,     – in the form of drawings and models, someti-
                          Workshop: A workshop is a moderated class in           you can select
                                                                                                     mes accompanied by text.
                          which participants discuss certain topics, solve        three schedu-
                                                                                ling options for
                          problems, develop strategies and learn from             the upcoming       Fachkurs (studio course): The »Fachkurs« is a
                          each other.                                         semester. You will     basic introduction to a workshop of your choice
                                                                              find out by e-mail
                                                                                 which one has       under the leadership of a master craftsman who
                          Projekt (project): »Projekte« are blocks of ins-
                                                                                  been granted.      enables you to implement ideas and concepts
                          truction in which you deal with a specific topic,
                                                                                                     from your projects and courses in a practical
                          become aware of unresolved problems, and work
                          independently to develop new approaches.
                                                                                                     Werkstattkurs (workshop indroduction):
 You’ll find detailed     At the beginning of every semester, a so-called
 information on the                                                            Which seminars,       »Werkstattkurse« teach you the techniques and
                          »Projektbörse« (Project Auction) or »Modul-           drafts or studio
      »Projektbörse«                                                                                 methods of a workshop and are designed to help
     (Project Auction)    börse« (Module Auction) is held in which             courses you have
       and grading for                                                             to attend for     you implement your artistic and design ideas in
                          instructors present their projects.                   your degree can
individual classes in                                                                                a range of media and materials. »Werkstattkurse«
     the Faculty of Art                                                         be found in the
        and Design at:                                                          academic regu-       are therefore often oriented on projects.
                          Students can get an overview and decide which          lations of your    ›
                        courses they want to sign up for. The enrolment       respective degree      Exkursion (excursion): On »Exkursionen«, you’ll
         Gestaltung   ›                                                            programme.
                        in projects, Fach- and Werkmodule as well as                            visit exhibits and museums, tour companies or
                          scientific /academic modules will take place              University› construction sites, or participate in field studies.
                          online via the Bison portal.                                Studies ›
                                                                                Campus.Office ›
                                                                                   Regulations   ›
54                                                                                                                                                     55

                         Grading                                                                    60 ECTS points (two-semester Master) to 120
                                                                                                    ECTS points (four-semester Master). The calcu-
                         Leistungsnachweise (performance report):
                                                                                                    lated workload includes not only the time spent
                         »Leistungsnachweise« document your perfor-
                                                                                                    in class during the instructional period during
                         mance on tests throughout your studies and
                                                                                                    the semester but also preparation and review of
                         contain at least one mark. In addition, you will
                                                                                                    work completed in class (self-study) and exams.
                         receive credit points (CP) – or, ECTS points
                         – which you will collect up until your gradu-
                         ation. Your grade statistics are listed in the
                         BISON study portal.
                                                                             The »Prüfungsord-      Exams take place at the end of the instructio-
                         CP or ECTS: Credit points are a measure of your        nung« specifies
                                                                                                    nal period of the semester – in February for
                         workload, which you receive upon successful             conditions for
                                                                            exams and includes      the winter semester and July for the summer
                         completion of a module. The European Credit              rules such as
                         Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) is          admission require-
                                                                            ments, examination
                         designed to ensure that your performance is         dates, registration    Depending on how a module is designed, you
                         comparable to that of other students in the Eu-     deadlines, and the     will have to complete different tasks to complete
                                                                              format of exams.
                         ropean University Region and are transferrable         A list of points    it. To pass a module exam, you must receive a
                         to other universities.                               of contact can be     mark of at least »ausrei­chend« (4.0). If a module
                                                                                    found here:
      stunden« (also                                                                           consists of several tests, you must receive a mark
      known by their     Workload: One ECTS point corresponds to an   ›
     German acronym                                                               Universität› of at least »ausrei­chend« (4.0) on all of them.
                         average workload of 30 hours. You are expec-
»SWS«) list the num-                                                                 Studies ›
     ber of hours per    ted to accumulate a total of 30 ECTS points a         Campus.Office › Registration for exams: Generally, you are
week planned for in-                                                                  Academic
                         semester. For a Bachelor’s degree, 180 ECTS                                automatically registered for an exam 14 days
 class activities over                                                            Regulations   ›
     the duration of a   points (six-semester Bachelor) to 240 ECTS                                 from the start of the corresponding class. It is
                         points (eight-semester Bachelor); for a Master,                            possible to withdraw. Deadlines for withdrawal
56                                                                                                                                                         57

                           vary and are regulated by the examination                                    from the examination board. You must apply to
                           rules for your course of study.                                              the examination board for another examination
                                                                                                        date in writing by the deadline specified in the
                           What to do in case of illness: In case of illness,
                                                                                                        examination rules of your course of study.
                           you must submit a doctor’s note (possible from
      Students with a      an official doctor) which explicitly specifies          For further infor-   If the exam is failed in the second re-take, the
disability or chronic                                                           mation please make
        illness who are
                           inability to sit for an exam. The note must be                               failure is considered final. This generally results
                                                                                 an appointment at
      unable to sit for    submitted immediately, no later than 3 days            the »Allgemeine       in de-registration. You can then no longer con-
conventional exams                                                               Studienberatung«
complete them in an
                           after the exam. If the reason for the inability                              tinue your studies in this degree programme.
                                                                                         (page 66).
 alternative format.       is recognised, the exam is considered excused.
  Apply for an alter-
 native exam format        Failure of an exam: A module exam (or sub-                                   The BISON study portal
 by submitting a re-
 quest for disadvan-       exam) graded with the mark of »fail« (5.0)
 tage compensation
                                                                                                        The Bauhaus-Universität Weimar’s study portal
                           constitutes failure. If a module consists of
            (page 63).                                                               To use the full    BISON (an acronym for »Beratung, Informa-
                           several sub-exams, only the failed exam must             functionality of
                                                                                                        tion, Service Online«) provides a quick,
                           be repeated. Unexcused absence from an exam            the BISON study
                                                                                   portal, you have     direct overview of:
     The examination       results in failure. The respective examination        to log in with your
      board is a board
                           regulations provide more details.                       university login  Course catalogue, sorted by faculty
  comprised of pro-                                                                     credentials. 
                                                                                                      Module and exam registration
     fessors, staff, and
students of the uni-       Re-taking an exam: You can re-take an exam     ›  Grading statistics
                                                                                  Course catalogue ›
versity charged with
ensuring compliance
                           at the next test date (usually the end of the                             Student certificates
 with the provisions       subsequent semester). Your registration for                               Classes offered by the Language Centre
 of the examination        the exam remains valid, and you do not have                                    and »Universitätssportzentrum«
rules (e.g. admission
 to exams, recogni-        to re-register for the next test date.                                       Central events
tion of performance
              reports).    Second re-taking of an exam: In justified ca-
                           ses, an exam may be retaken pending approval
58                                                                                                                                                 59

                           Academic development opportunities                                     you can validate the thoska for the coming
                           in addition, BISON can help with:                                      semester. The terminals in the Marienstraße 13 a
                           Class search                                                         and the University Library allow you to top up
                             People search                                                        the credit on your card in amounts ranging from
                           Building and classroom search                                        10 to 200 Euro. You can pay for the top-up with
                           Change of address                                                    cash or an EC card.

                                                                                                  Leave of absence, change of degree program-
                           Thoska student identification card

Further information        The thoska (»Thüringer Hochschul- und Studie-
                                                                                                 me, part-time study, Long-term study fee

  on where you can                                                           Before you decide    »Studierendenbüro« of the Bauhaus-Universität
                           rendenwerkskarte«) is your student identifi-         to switch your
 use your semester                                                                                Weimar can help you with questions related to
  ticket is available      cation card. Functions of the thoska:            major, take a leave
                   at:                                                     of absence, or even    leaves of absence, a change of major/transfer to
                        Student ID                                         exmatriculate, make
                                                                                                  another university, part-time study, or fees for ›
          University › 
                        Library card (also accepted in the                     an appointment
                                                                               with the »Allge-   long-stay students (page 61).
             Studies   ›     »Herzogin Anna Amalia Bibliothek«)              meine Studienbe-
      Campus.Office    ›
                            Payment card for dining halls, cafeterias,         ratung«, or with
                                                                            an subject specific
                                                                                                  Leave of absence: You can apply for a leave of
      In addition, you       and fee-based courses                           advisor from your    absence for a valid reason. Some examples for
        can obtain an
        International      Copying and scanning                            faculty, to avoid
                                                                             making the wrong
                                                                                                  when a leave of absence is justified:
     Student Identity      Rail, bus, and regional transport ticket                 decision.  Illness
  Card (ISIC) at the
     Student Services
                             within Thuringia (semester ticket)     ›    Maternity and parental leave
                                                                                    University ›
 Infotake. The card   DNT theatre ticket                                             Studies ›
                                                                                                 Voluntary national service
entitles students to
     discounts world-                                                    Advising and Consul­ 
                       Access card for selected buildings                                          Study-related foreign travel
                                                                               tation Services ›
       wide similar to       and rooms (when activated)                                          
                                                                                                  Administrative   duties
     those they enjoy
          in Germany.      At the Marienstraße 13 a, in the foyer of the
                                                                                                 Completion of an internship
                           Campus.Office, or the University Library
60                                                                                                                                                         61

                          The leave of absence is for a single semester.          a different univer-   the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. To do so, you
                                                                                sity, where you can
                          Generally two leaves of absence are permitted                                 must submit a written request approved by the
                                                                                   attend classes in
                          in a degree programme. Exceptions are made for          another field and     responsible examination board. A semester of
                                                                                    even take tests.
                          chronic illness, maternity and parental leave.                                part-time study counts as a half-semester. The
                                                                                                        study regulations specify whether your desired
                          Change of degree programme: If you want
                                                                                                        course of study is suitable for part-time study.
     For some degree      to change your degree programme at the
     programmes, the
                          Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, it is not necessary
      artistic aptitude                                                                                 Langzeitstudiengebühren (long-term study
                                                                                      The standard
      test or aptitude    to reapply online. Simply submit the applica-        duration of a course
 assesement proce-                                                                                      fees): If you exceed the »Regelstudienzeit«
                          tion form and performance reports you have           of study refers to the
dure must be taken                                                                                      (standard duration) of your programme by
                                                                               number of semesters
     prior to a change.   collected so far to the »Studierendenbüro«. The         scheduled for the
                                                                                                        more than four semesters you are required to
                          responsible examination board will decide how             completion of a
                                                                                degree programme.       pay 500 Euro per semester, in addition to your
                          you are placed in the new degree programme.         You can find detailed
                                                                                                        semester fee. Liability for the fee is based not
                          The examination board may accept you subject               information at:
                                                                                                    on your programme semester but on your total
                          to certain academic conditions. You can find     ›
                                                                                        University› semesters at university. All of the semesters
                          out who is responsible for the specific examina-                Studies ›
                                                                                                    you may have spent at other German universi-
                          tion board on the faculty webpage.                        Campus.Office ›
                                                                                                    ties are included in the calculation. Please di-
                          If you are an international student, be aware                                 rect any questions to the »Studierendenbüro«.
                          that changing your course of study may result in
                          the loss of your student visa. You should there-
                          fore be sure to contact the »Bürgerbüro der                                   Students with children
        In addition to    Stadt Weimar« (»Ausländerbehörde«) before
     your studies, you
                                                                              You can find detailed     The Bauhaus-Universität Weimar strives to
                          doing so (page 17).                                    information on the
     may also register                                                                                  create the best possible conditions for stu-
      as an auditor or
                          Part-time studies: You can complete your stu-      Thüringen« website at:     dents with children. Parents can take leaves
 (guest student) at       dies part-time in certain degree programmes at    ›
                                                                             Students with children ›
62                                                                                                                                                         63

     The »Allgemeine     of absence or study part time. Just schedule                                   Studying with disability
                         an appointment with the »Allgemeine Studien-
offers counseling on                                                                     You can        If you have a study-relevant sensory or motor
the financial challen-   beratung« (page 66) to find out what option                find detailed
  ges that arise from                                                                                   impairment, a chronic-somatic or a mental
                         is best for your individual situation.                   information at:
       having a child.                                                                                  illness, the »Beauftragte für chronisch kranke
                                                                          ›   › The »Studierendenwerk Thüringen« also offers                    University ›      und behinderte Studierende« (representative
        Counseling ›                                                                     Studies ›
       General Social professional day care at the day-                                   for chronically illness and disabled students) of
                                                                                Advising and Con-
        Counseling › care centre and space in family housing facili-           sultation Services   ›   the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar advises – even
                                                                                   Studying with
                         ties. In the dining halls, children up to six years                            before starting your studies – for all questions
                                                                                       Disability   ›
                         of age get a free child’s meal upon presentation                               about studying with disabilities.
                         of a special children’s ID with the order of at
                                                                                                        The focus of the consultation is above all the
                         least one adult meal. Flexible childcare offered
                                                                                                        application for individual compensation for
                         at the Bauhäuschen gives students the opportu-
                                                                                                        disadvantages (»Nachteilsausgleich«) for study
                         nity to place their children, aged twelve weeks
                                                                                                        and examinations, internships, excursions, leave
                         to seven years, in the trained hands of students
                                                                                                        of absence or required assistance. The advice
                         for up to four hours a day, up to a maximum of
                                                                                                        is confidential and solution-oriented – in the
                         10 hours per week.
                                                                                                        sense of a self-determined study.

                        BAUHÄUSCHEN – flexible childcare
                         Amalienstraße 13, Room 315 / 316                                              Beauftragte für chronisch kranke
                                                                                                        und behinderte Studierende
                         +49 (0) 36 43 / 58 10 10
                                                                                                        Michaela Peisker
                                                                                                        Geschwister-Scholl-Straße 15, Room 007
                         Office hours:                                                                  99423 Weimar
                         Monday to Thursday 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.                                             +49 (0) 36 43 / 58 23 49
                         Friday 8 a.m. – 2 p.m.                                               
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