Get your FREE card at - Dauphin County Library ...

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Get your FREE card at - Dauphin County Library ...
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Get your FREE card at - Dauphin County Library ...
September 2021

Dear Neighbor:

Greetings from all of us here at The Library! September is national Library Card Sign-up Month, and we
invite you to get your free card and take advantage of everything that Dauphin County Library System
has to offer.

Yes, we have plenty of interesting books – and so much more! From audiobooks and eBooks to DVDs,
streaming movies, and video games, you’ll find The Library has something to interest, educate, and
entertain the whole family.

Among our other services:
• Curbside Pickup: We’ll bring your books and other goodies to your car!
  eResources: Access to medical information, new language learning, online educational options for
  children and adults, and much more.
• Homework help and career assistance for children, teens, and adults in our community.
• Book Advisor: Connect with librarians to find your next great read or listen.
• Connectivity: Computers, internet access, Wi-Fi, and laptops.

Your imagination is the only limit to how you use your free library card! Apply online today at or use the form on the other side of this letter and return it using the enclosed

As soon as you receive your member welcome email, you’ll be able to access online resources. Once your
new card arrives in the mail, you will be able to place holds on books and other materials for borrowing.
Just bring your ID for verification when you are ready to pick up your materials, whether curbside or at
a customer service desk. Don’t forget to sign up for email notifications by providing your email address
on the application and check the box to be the First-2-Know about library news, events, and services.

We believe that The Library is “Your Place to Belong” – which is also the name for our exciting campaign
to enlarge and renovate Harrisburg’s McCormick Riverfront Library and expand programs and services
for children and adults. The project includes connecting the adjacent Haldeman Haly House – the home
of our original benefactor – to McCormick Riverfront Library.

We’ve included a brochure about this once-in-a-lifetime project, and you can learn more by visiting

And visit to learn more about library services and the eight locations available to you.
We look forward to welcoming you as a member!


Karen S. Cullings
Executive Director
Library Card Registration Form
Name________________________________________________________________ Birth Date________________________________
              Last				                               First			                        Middle 			                  Month            Day      Year

Mailing address_________________________________________________________________________________________________
			Street			Apt. #/ PO Box			City		State		 Zip

   Check if home and mailing address are the same. Complete below if different.

Home address___________________________________________________________________________________________________
               		                Street			                       Apt. #				                       City		              State		           Zip
Township or Borough___________________________________ Phone Number__________________________________________

Email address_____________________________________________________­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­______________________________________________

How would you like to receive holds and overdue notices/reminders?
Please check one:       Phone          Email                                                           heck here if we may use your email
Text notification is available. You must sign into your account to opt in.                            address to send information about
Current PA Driver’s or Non-Driver’s License Number of applicant or                                    library news, events and services.
(if under 18) applicant’s parent/guardian:
                                                                         Please indicate the types of information
________________________________________________________________________ that you would like to be notified about:
                                                                         (check all that apply)
Borrower Agreement: By signing, I accept full responsibility for all fines, fees or charges           Children’s News & Events
incurred on this account. I will comply with all library rules and give prompt notice of a lost
or stolen card or change in phone number or address. I understand that if I have added an             Research Help News
authorized user, I am also responsible for all charges caused by their actions, and they are          Grants Information
able to see and change all information on my account.                                                 Business Information
                                                                                                      Notification of New Titles
                                                                                                      Volunteer Information
Borrower signature					Date
                                                                                                      Book suggestions
________________________________________________________________________                              Adult Programming
Authorized User                                                                                       Teen Programming
Authorized users can borrow materials and have full access to your account. You are                   Education Communications
responsible for any charges incurred to your account by the actions of an authorized user.

If applicant is under 18 years of age, please fill out guardian information below.                Have you heard about The Library
                                                                                                  through any of the following?
Parent/Guardian Agreement: As the parent/guardian of this minor child, I agree to                 (check all that apply)
accept full responsibility for this child’s use of library resources, including all fines, fees       Newspaper          Radio/TV         Mailing
and charges. I understand that the Dauphin County Library System provides access
to a wide range of resources, including print and nonprint collections and the Internet.              DCLS website       Library Flyer
                                                                                                      Library Staff      Facebook
________________________________________________________________________                              Twitter            Other:____________________
Name of Parent/Guardian (print)
                                                                         Choose your preferred Library Card
________________________________________________________________________ color. (A substitution may be made if
Signature of Parent/Guardian				Date                                     your preferred color is not in stock.)
(required for all children ages 0-17)                                                                 Yellow             Green           Blue
                                                                                                      Magenta            Orange          Red
Select the location where you would like to pick up your library material:
                                                                                                      Purple             Teal
  Elizabethville Area Library Johnson Memorial Library     Kline Library
  East Shore Area Library     William H. & Marion C. Alexander Family Library
  Northern Dauphin Library    Madeline L. Olewine Memorial Library
  McCormick Riverfront Library
Date registered ____________ Staff name _______________________________________________                          Or save a stamp by visiting
Barcode _________________________________ Patron # ___________________________________                  today!
The Library      McCormick Riverfront Library and Haldeman Haly
                              House Expansion and Renovation
                              “One of Harrisburg’s most significant adaptive reuse
                               projects in the past 25 years.”
                                             ~David Morrison, Historic Harrisburg Association

Please contact:               Why is this project critical for our community?
Karen Cullings                McCormick Riverfront at 101 Walnut Street and the adjacent Haldeman
Executive Director            Haley House are in downtown Harrisburg’s heart. Combining both
717.234.4961                  buildings will allow The Library to increase our ability to provide critical
                              services, from providing internet access for those looking for jobs to         programs designed to help children learn and thrive.
                                                            In 2020, The Library’s eight locations served
                                                            more than 138,000 cardholders who borrowed
                                                            more than 600,000 items. Additionally, we
                                                            hosted more than 358,000 WiFi sessions, with
                                                            visitors spending 1.9 million minutes on our
                                                            public computers.
                                                            The need for our services continues to grow,
                                                            especially in Harrisburg, where 44 percent of
                                                            children live in households whose income falls
                                                            below the federally designated poverty level.

Just a few of the ways the project will help those in need
The added space will allow The Library to:

• Offer more than 3,400 square feet for a dedicated children’s and
  family area incorporating STREAM (Science, Technology, Reading,
  Engineering, Arts and Math) learning support.
• Create almost 800 square feet of flexible community meeting space.
• Expand space for community partnerships, developing ways to assist
  our most vulnerable residents.
• Provide expanded first-floor library space for ongoing partnerships
  as part of The Library’s role as second responder, such as the
  existing relationship with Dauphin County Human Services and
  Adams & Associates, a Job Corps company.

      To learn more about this unique project and how you can help, please visit
The Library

                                        Capital Campaign Donation Form
                                        Thank you for your contribution in support of the renovation
                                        and restoration of the McCormick Riverfront Library and the
                                        Haldeman Haly House.

Donor Information                                                      Donation Information
                                                                       I am proud to support the Your Place to Belong Capital Campaign
                                                                       in the amount of:
Name as you would like it to appear on donor recognition listings
   Check here if you wish to be listed as an anonymous donor.
                                                                            My donation is enclosed (made payable to Dauphin County Library System)

                                                                            This is a one-time donation
Company (if applicable)
                                                                            I will pay my donation over
                                                                                 1 year         2 years         3 years
Contact (if different than above)
                                                                            Please bill me
                                                                                annually         quarterly         monthly
First Name

                                                                       End Date
Last Name
                                                                       Call 717.234.4961 x1101 to set up a credit card payment schedule.

                                                                            Named Gift Opportunities: I/we would like to discuss a naming
Address                                             Zip
                                                                            opportunity. Please contact me.

City                                              State                     Check here if your employer offers a matching gift program

Home Phone
                                                                       Employer Name

Mobile Phone                                                           Signature

Email                                                                  Date

                                         Donations can also be made via credit card at

                                                    Please return this form to:
                                                       Dauphin County Library System
                                                     c/o Capital Campaign Committee
                                                   101 Walnut Street, Harrisburg, PA 17101
                                                 Tax Exempt ID 75-085-326 EIN 23-1352317
                                                                                                                               YPTB/Public Form

 Holiday Cards
It’s never too early to start
  planning your holidays!
Purchase your holiday cards now and be
part of this once-in-a-generation library
expansion and historic restoration project.
These stunning cards feature works by local
artists that depict McCormick Riverfront
Library and the Haldeman Haly House,
one of the oldest buildings in Harrisburg.
A set of 16 cards includes 4 different designs
with “Wishes for a Holiday Season Filled
With Joy and Discovery” printed inside.
     All proceeds will benefit the
Your Place to Belong Capital Campaign.
16 Holiday Cards for $20
   __________ Number of sets x $20.00/set
   __________ Amount enclosed

       Please mail my cards – $6.00 shipping
        Cards will start shipping in October.
       I’ll pick them up at my local library – FREE
   	You will receive a call when your cards have
     been delivered to your chosen location.
   Select pick-up location:
       AFL                ESA                   EV                     JOH
       KL                 MRL                   MOM                    ND

First Name

Last Name



State                                  Zip



Payment method
   Credit card (complete information below)
   Charge my:      Visa     MasterCard      Discover

Card Holder Name

Card Number

Exp. Date                                                       CVV


   Check made payable to Dauphin County Library System
Please return with payment to:
Dauphin County Library System
101 Walnut Street, Harrisburg, PA 17101.

   Order online at
Order your holiday cards today!
The Dauphin County Library System is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization,
contributions to which are tax deductible to the fullest extent permitted by law.
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