Germany ahead of the 2021 federal elections - Kantar Public

Page created by Glen Morrison
Germany ahead of the 2021 federal elections - Kantar Public
Germany ahead of the 2021
federal elections

The German federal elections in September 2021 will mark a historic turning point:
the end of the Merkel era with the departure of the Chancellor after 16 years in office.
An entire generation has grown up and been politically socialised with Angela Merkel
as the ruling Chancellor. None of her male predecessors in office ruled Germany
longer than the first woman in the chancellorship - only Helmut Kohl also had a
term of office of 16 years. With Angela Merkel's departure, it is highly likely that the
so called "grand coalition" of CDU/CSU and SPD, which formed the government in             Oliver Sartorius
three of the four legislative periods under Angela Merkel's chancellorship, will also be   Director Political Research
replaced.                                                                                  and Advisory
                                                                                           Kantar Public Germany

Germany ahead of the 2021 federal elections - Kantar Public
I. The decline of the people parties and the
   fragmentation of the German party system

Thus, the end of the Merkel era will also mark the end of the dominance of Germany's two catch-all-parties (in German called
“Volksparteien”). The heydays of the centre-right CDU/CSU and centre-left SPD peaked in the mid-1970s with around 90 percent
vote shares at federal and most regional elections but had started to lose popularity since the 1980s. The process of German
re-unification defined a preliminary halt to the downward trend in the 1990s, but increasingly since the turn of the millennium,
voters have noticeably continued to turn away from the CDU/CSU and SPD. In particular, the three "grand coalitions" of the CDU/
CSU and SPD within the last four legislative periods (2005-2009, 2013-2017, 2017-2021) have obviously accelerated the downward
trend of the popular parties.

  The decline of the Catch-All-Parties
  Development of the vote shares of CDU/CSU and SPD in national elections





              1949   1953   1957   1961   1965   1969   1972   1976   1980   1983   1987   1990   1994   1998   2002   2005   2009   2013   2017

Only after the brief episode of the              With the reunification of Germany,                  The AfD is represented in all 16 German
conservative-liberal coalition (2009-            another party entered the federal                   state parliaments and, with 12.6 percent,
2013) both parties experienced a short-          political stage: the former East German             is the strongest opposition party in the
term upswing.                                    state party SED, which renamed itself               19th German Bundestag.
                                                 the "Party of Democratic Socialism
The prolonged decline of the                     (PdS)" as early as 1990 and initially               In its election manifesto for the 2021
popular parties was accompanied                  functioned primarily as an East German              Bundestag elections, it advocates,
by a differentiation of the German               regional party. In June 2007, it merged             among other things, Germany's
party system, with resembled the                 with the West German Electoral                      withdrawal from the European Union
fragmentation of other European                  Alternative for Social Justice (WASG).              and the abolition of the Euro as a
countries with proportional                      Since then the party has been called Die            common currency.
representation. Alongside the three              Linke. Currently, Die Linke leads the state
traditional forces of the conservative           government in Thuringia and is part of              With the establishment of a six-
CDU/CSU, the social democratic SPD               the Berlin state government as well as in           party system in the German political
and the liberal FDP, new parties entered         the West-German city state of Bremen.               landscape, new challenges arise for
the political arena one after the other:                                                             future government formations at the
                                                 In the wake of the financial crisis in 2012,        federal level as well: two-party coalitions
First, in the 1980s, were the Greens,            the Merkel government's centrist and                start to become the exception rather
who had their roots in the anti-nuclear          Europhile course led to the founding of a           than the rule.
power, environmental protection and              national conservative and Euro-critical
peace movements and who in their early           party called Alternative for Germany
phase competed as a protest-                     (AfD), which above all vehemently
and anti-party-party. They first entered         rejected the Euro and a supranational
the federal parliament in 1982. With             European debt management policy. In
the reunification of Germany, the                the wake of the refugee crisis in 2014,
party merged with Bündnis 90, which              the party adopted an increasingly anti-
had emerged from various GDR civic               migration and Islamophobic stance and,
movements, to form the all-German                after several evolutions, positioned itself
party Bündnis 90/Die Grünen. In 2021,            increasingly on the right-wing political
the party is in government in eleven             fringe of the party spectrum.
of Germany's sixteen federal states.
Germany ahead of the 2021 federal elections - Kantar Public
II. Impact of the Corona-crisis on the political

Even more than the financial and Euro                                                                                         While satisfaction with the work of                         Conversely, government satisfaction
crisis after 2008 and the refugee crisis of                                                                                   the federal government was still                            rose to 63 percent and then remained
2014, the current Corona crisis is causing                                                                                    comparatively low in the run-up to                          at a similarly high level until December
profound and currently not even fully                                                                                         the pandemic, this changed abruptly                         2020. With the start of the vaccination
foreseeable changes in society. However,                                                                                      with the spread of the COVID virus                          campaign in December 2020, however,
it can already be seen that the political                                                                                     in Germany and the accompanying                             an increasing number of eligible voters
pandemic management in particular                                                                                             political measures. While 65 percent of                     were dissatisfied with the federal
will have a considerable influence on the                                                                                     eligible voters were still dissatisfied with                government's pandemic management
Bundestag elections in September:                                                                                             the work of the federal government in                       and thus with its work as a whole: the
                                                                                                                              March 2020, one month later the figure                      federal government left an increasingly
                                                                                                                              was only 36 percent.                                        courageous and clueless impression with
                                                                                                                                                                                          regard to the pace of vaccination, the
                                                                                                                                                                                          testing strategy and the enforcement of
                                                                                                                                                                                          uniform federal rules.

 Government Satisfaction & Approval of Pandemic Management
 ARD-DeutschlandTREND by Infratest dimap

             Satisfaction with the performance of federal government                                                                                                  Satisfaction with Corona-crisis management
  100                                                                                                                                                           100

    90                                                                                                                                                           90

    80                                                                                                                                                           80                                                                79 less / not at all
    70                                                                                                                                                           70
                                                                                                                                             64 less / not
    60                                                                                                                                       at all satisfied    60

    50                                                                                                                                                           50

    40                                                                                                                                       35 very             40
                                                                                                                                             satisfied /
    30                                                                                                                                       satisfied           30

    20                                                                                                                                                           20                                                                19 very satisfied /
    10                                                                                                                                                           10

     0                                                                                                                                                            0



                                                 Jul/ 20

                                                                                                               Feb/ 21
         Mrz/ 20

                                                                                                                         Mrz/ 21
                             Mai/ 20

                                       Jun/ 20

                                                                                                     Jan/ 21
                   Apr/ 20

                                                                           Okt/ 20

                                                                                                                                   Apr/ 21




 How satisfied are you with the work of the federal government?                                                                                                                                                     Universe: Eligible voters in Germany
 How satisfied are you with the Corona crisis management of the federal government and the federal states?                                                                                                                             Figures in percent

The strong correlation between                                                                                                After the almost simultaneous announ-                       A decisive question between now and
government satisfaction and                                                                                                   cement of the peak candidates of the                        the federal elections will be whether this
the assessment of the pandemic                                                                                                CDU/CSU and the Greens at the begin-                        shake-up in basic trust in the Union will
management is not the only remarkable                                                                                         ning of May 2021, the Greens passed the                     last or not.
thing; the associated approval ratings                                                                                        CDU/CSU in political sentiment for the
and vote intention for the CDU/CSU are                                                                                        first time and are currently virtually at
of note too. Before the pandemic at the                                                                                       the same level.
beginning of 2020, the ratings of the
CDU/CSU in the ARD Deutschlandtrend                                                                                           In addition to criticism of the mana-
were around 27 percent, those of the                                                                                          gement of the COVID-19 pandemic,
Greens within striking distance between                                                                                       several members of parliament of the
22 and 24 percent. With the onset of                                                                                          CDU/CSU had to deal with allegations
the pandemic, the CDU/CSU alone                                                                                               of corruption and enrichment in connec-
benefited from the drastic increase                                                                                           tion with the procurement of protective
in government satisfaction, reaching                                                                                          masks. Indeed, there was a number of
approval ratings of 39 percent as early                                                                                       resignations from office. All this shook
as May 2020, while the Greens dropped                                                                                         the confidence of parts of the electorate
to 18 percent in the same period. With                                                                                        in the Union's competence in govern-
the decline in government satisfaction                                                                                        ment and crisis management. For a long
from December 2021 onwards, the                                                                                               time, this was a central strength of the
Union's lead melted significantly back to                                                                                     Union as "state party no. 1" - a corres-
the pre-pandemic level.                                                                                                       ponding weakening could thus become
                                                                                                                              the Achilles' heel for the Union in the
                                                                                                                              election campaign.
Germany ahead of the 2021 federal elections - Kantar Public
III. Peak candidates for the Chancellor’s office

For the first time since the founding of the Federal Republic of Germany, an incumbent chancellor is not standing for re-election.
A structural advantage for the chancellor's party threatens to become a disadvantage in the fight for the chancellorship due to
the Union's unfortunate selection of candidates. instead of the usual two-way duel, a three-way contest between Armin Laschet,
Olaf Scholz and Annalena Baerbock is emerging. The leading candidates do not only represent the policies of their parties.
Personalisation in politics becomes all the more important the more the party programmes are perceived by the electorate as
interchangeable - a perception that has steadily increased at least over the last 20 years, for right or for wrong.

Direct Vote Federal Chancellor
ARD-DeutschlandTREND by Infratest dimap (June 2021)
                                                                                               Party supporters

                                                                                                               Armin               Olaf            Annalena          don´t know /
                                                                                                              Laschet             Scholz           Baerbock           no answer

                                                                                               CDU/CSU                                                  65           17 2         16

                                                                                               FDP                               32               25      9                       34

          29                                                                   29              AfD                          27         15                                         58
                                                                                               SPD                 15                                                67      11     7

                                                                                               Linke               15                       34                22                  29

  Armin Laschet             Olaf Scholz              Annalena              don´t know /
                                                     Baerbock               no answer          Grüne          6    10                                                       74    10
          +8                      +5                      -12                   -1

                                                                                                                                                   Universe: Eligible voters in Germany
If you could vote directly for the Federal Chancellor, who would you choose?                                  Figures in percent / Changes in percentage points compared to May 2021

Armin Laschet (CDU) –                                                Although Armin Laschet, as leader of the           They would like to see the Union's
‘the underestimated’                                                 much larger sister party, was ultimately           profile and programme become
                                                                     able to prevail, he enters the election            noticeably more conservative again. It
Already at the beginning of 2018, three                              campaign noticeably battered. The                  was therefore a clever tactical move on
quarters of Germans eligible to vote said                            Union did not live up to its name: even            Laschet's part to bring Friedrich Merz
in the ARD-DeutschlandTREND that                                     after the decision on the top candidacy,           into his campaign team, his rival within
it was time for a personnel renewal in                               the cross-fire between the CDU and the             the party who appeals above all to the
the CDU. The process of this personnel                               CSU did continue. In addition to this              needs of the value-conservative circles
renewal revealed deep rifts within the                               show of disunity, the CDU/CSU - unlike             within the CDU. Armin Laschet must
party, which were concealed for a long                               its main competitors, the Greens and               involve these parts of his own party
time by Chancellor and Party Chair                                   the SPD - has yet to adopt an election             base and mobilise them in the election
Angela Merkel. Neither the election of                               programme.                                         campaign if he wants to win
Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer as the                                                                                       the chancellorship in autumn.
new CDU leader at the end of 2018 nor                                Many conservatives within the CDU
the election of Armin Laschet at the                                 - especially in eastern Germany - are              What Armin Laschet has in common
beginning of 2021 could reconcile the                                dissatisfied with the party's centrist             with the early Angela Merkel is that
different currents within the party. In                              course, which was shaped by Angela                 he has often been underestimated by
both elections, the candidate of the                                 Merkel's refugee policy, the nuclear               political competitors and professional
conservative party wing, Friedrich Merz,                             phase-out and the abolition of                     observers. He has a strong will to power,
could not prevail.                                                   compulsory military service.                       a good political instinct and - as he
                                                                                                                        recently proved in the contest for the
                                                                                                                        CDU/CSU's top candidacy - above-
                                                                                                                        average taker qualities and staying

Olaf Scholz (SPD) –                           The party base is thus reacting to the
‘the experienced’                             structural problems of the last two
                                              decades, in which the SPD has lost large
The candidate for chancellor of the           parts of its supporters to the Greens, to
Social Democratic Party of Germany            the Left, to the non-voter camp and also
(SPD), Olaf Scholz, is the only seasoned      to the right-wing AfD.
federal politician in the race for the
chancellorship. He acted as Federal           Although the party base did not elect
Minister of Labour and Social Affairs         him as party leader, Olaf Scholz was
2007-2009 and has led the Treasury, the       nominated as a candidate for chancellor
Ministry of Finance since 2018.               at a very early stage - namely in August
                                              2020. Since the nomination, the SPD has
Olaf Scholz is considered to belong           rallied remarkably united behind its top
to the more conservative wing of the          candidate. This is necessary given the
SPD and is regarded as a supporter of         gap between the candidate's realistic-
the Grand Coalition. This has probably        political convictions and the SPD's rather
contributed significantly to the fact         left-wing election programme. In order
that his candidacy for the SPD party          to bridge this gap, Olaf Scholz has in the
chairmanship in 2019 was unsuccessful,        meantime moved significantly closer to
although he entered the election as           the base of his party in terms of fiscal
the favourite and most prominent              policy and other policy issues. In the
candidate. Just as there is a need for a      political mood, however, the party has
more conservative profile in parts of the     remained around 15% for some time.
CDU/CSU after long years of the Grand         And so, the first voices are already
Coalition, there is - in a mirror image, so   being raised that the candidate is not
to speak - a desire for a more left-wing      generating the traction that would
programme in large parts of the SPD in        be necessary to overtake the Greens
order to distance themselves from the         and thus underpin the claim to the
unloved Grand Coalition.                      chancellorship.

Annalena Baerbock                             Annalena Baerbock is a political scientist   The main point of attack of the political
(The Greens) –                                with a Master's degree in "Public            competitors is her lack of government
                                              International Law". The former top           experience: Annalena Baerbock has
‘the fresh face for                           athlete was a member of the executive        never led a state or federal ministry so
profound change‘                              board of the European Greens from            far. Accordingly, she is trying to present
                                              2009 to 2012, she has been a member          herself as a candidate of change and
Bündnis 90/Die Grünen are putting             of the German federal parliament             her competitors as candidates of the
forward a candidate for chancellor for        since 2013 and has been party leader         status quo. Tactically, however, it was a
the first time. In contrast to the CDU /      together with Robert Habeck since            clever move to put a younger woman
CSU, the Greens have agreed on these          2018. However, Baerbock is still a           opposite the two older male candidates
personnel almost silently. The Greens,        comparatively unknown quantity for           from the CDU/CSU and SPD. In this way,
who used to be considered particularly        large parts of the population. In the ARD    she positions herself as a young, fresh
quarrelsome and internally divided into       DeutschlandTREND survey of May 2021,         alternative. Her candidacy reflects both
a realistic-political and a fundamental-      almost one in four eligible voters said      the generational and the emancipation
political camp, have already appeared         they did not know her or did not feel        issue: after Angela Merkel, she is only
united since the 2017 federal elections       confident enough to judge her - about        the second female candidate for the
and have thus been very successful in         twice as many as her competitors.            chancellorship.
the past elections on the state level,
all things considered. The fact that
the two party chairs Robert Habeck
and Annalena Baerbock have decided
the candidacy between themselves
has been held against the otherwise
grassroots-oriented Greens, especially by
political competitors.

IV. Issues and priorities in the election

Even though the Greens in particular are threatened with foreign and security policy attacks, none of the three parties is
questioning the cornerstones of German foreign policy. Instead, the federal election campaign will mainly revolve around domestic
issues: This concerns, on the one hand, the question of which priorities will be set for the post-Corona era (economy, digitalisation,
health, education) and, on the other hand, what priority climate protection policy will have in the election campaign. In addition,
the parties will each set their own programmatic priorities:

—   The Union is the only relevant             —    The SPD focuses on its traditional         —    For the Greens, combating climate
    political force that has not yet                theme of "social justice" under                 change is at the centre of their
    presented a draft programme for                 the guiding idea of "respect" and               election campaign. They are getting
    the election campaign at the end of             demands in its programme, among                 tailwind from a recent ruling by
    May. However, it can be assumed                 other things, a higher minimum                  Germany's highest court that
    that it will place conservative                 wage, more social housing, better               obliges the legislature to anchor
    economic, budgetary and security                care and better working conditions              the demands of future generations
    policy positions in the foreground              (e.g. a right to home office).                  more firmly in climate protection
    of its campaign. It will also try to                                                            law. The Greens want to initiate a
    score points against the SPD and                                                                phase of investment in the future
    the Greens with attacks on identity                                                             and thus create the entry into a
    politics (e.g. in relation to gender                                                            climate-neutral and sustainable
    language).                                                                                      economy.

—   This puts them in clear                    —    The right-wing Alternative for
    contradiction to the FDP, which has             Germany (AfD) follows its EU-
    spoken out in favour of tax relief in           and migration-critical tradition in
    its election manifesto. According               its election manifesto. It calls for
    to Corona, the Liberals want to                 Germany to leave the EU and the
    "unleash" the economy and reduce                Euro. In terms of energy policy, it
    bureaucracy. In addition, the party             explicitly opposes the EU's Green
    wants to strengthen digitalisation              Deal. It also calls for an end to what
    and rejects a softening of the debt             it calls the "abuse of asylum".

In line with the different programmatic emphases, a central conflict in the election campaign and presumably also in later
coalition negotiations is likely to lie in the future fiscal policy orientation of the federal government. These disputes will have to be
conducted in pandemic times against the background of an increased need for stability: The dominant feeling is that the society
as a whole is facing difficult times economically, in terms of climate policy and geopolitically. Those who want to be successful in
the election campaign will have to address the stability needs of a large part of the population on the one hand, but at the same
time also make a credible promise of renewal and create a mood of optimism. The right mix will not be easy to dose.
V. Power options: Connectivity to
   possible coalitions

According to a political truism,             The two parties' ideas are also far apart     The SPD is thus in a similar position to
mathematical majorities are not yet          on budgetary policy and the debt brake.       the CDU/CSU: apart from the unloved
political majorities. Nevertheless, the      This applies all the more to possible         alliance with the conservatives, the only
parties need at least one power option       coalition negotiations involving the FDP.     power option left is the "traffic light",
that is perceived as realistic in order      On the whole, however, the Union's            i.e. a coalition with the Greens and the
to be able to exploit their potential as     candidate for chancellor, Armin Laschet,      FDP. Despite major differences with the
optimally as possible in the election.       is considered to be open to form a            SPD and the Greens on tax and budget
Not having a power option has most           black-green coalition for the first time at   policy, the liberal FDP is deliberately
probably a demobilising effect in the        the federal level.                            keeping such an alliance - which
long run. Accordingly, there is often talk                                                 currently governs Rhineland-Palatinate
of the parties' ability to join possible     Programmatically, the Greens have a           - open. Unlike in the past, the Liberals
coalitions.                                  much greater overlap with the Social          are looking for a power option beyond
                                             Democrats. However, all serious               the CDU/CSU, even though they have
Apart from the continuation of a             polls suggest that such a majority            greater programmatic overlaps with
coalition with the SPD, which can be         is highly unlikely. A third coalition         the conservatives, especially in terms of
considered rather unlikely due to its        partner would therefore probably be           economic and budgetary policy. If, after
current lack of popularity and the           necessary to guarantee a corresponding        federal elections, there would be only
change in the chancellorship, the            parliamentary majority. With the              a coalition between the CDU/CSU, the
CDU/CSU currently has only one               participation of the FDP would result in a    Greens and the FDP on the one hand
realistic power option: a coalition with     so-called "traffic light coalition" (red-     possible and an alliance of the Greens,
the Greens or - if it is not enough for      yellow-green), with the participation         the SPD and the FDP on the other hand,
that - a so-called Jamaica coalition         of the Left (“Die Linke”) a red-red-          the FDP could tip the scales as it has in
of Union, Greens and FDP. In order to        green coalition. The CDU/CSU and              the past.
keep the Greens as small as possible         the FDP like to use such an alliance as a
in such a constellation, the CDU/            projection screen for a slide to the left
CSU has proclaimed the Greens as its         in Germany in order to mobilise their
main opponent for some time now              own supporters. Nevertheless, such a
and has rediscovered their core issue        coalition seems very unlikely due to the
of climate protection. Nevertheless,         foreign and security policy stance of
central conflicts with the Greens in         the Left Party. Both the SPD and the
coalition negotiations are likely to arise   Greens demand a clear commitment
in questions of climate protection,          to NATO from it. This demand was
transport policy and energy policy: in       recently renewed by Robert Habeck
addition to an earlier coal phase-out,       as Green Party co-leader, whereupon
the Greens are also calling for a halt to    Left Party chair Janine Wissler gave
the Nord Stream 2 project, among other       a clear rejection to this request and
things.                                      accused NATO of a sabre-rattling and
                                             warmongering policy.
VI. Conclusion and outlook

After three of the last four legislative       At present, the most likely scenario          The political mood as measured in
periods, the so-called Grand Coalition         seems to be the formation of a                the current polls shows a high degree
is a discontinued model for the time           government with the participation of the      of volatility in the electorate. Should
being - a continuation seems more              Greens, who are currently most in line        government satisfaction rise noticeably
than unlikely. This is especially true since   with the desires for renewal. Depending       again over the summer due to the
Angela Merkel is not running again as          on who becomes the partner(s), the            improvements in the Corona pandemic,
the Union's candidate for chancellor.          new federal government will send              the CDU/CSU would most likely be
Nevertheless, it is almost a given that        out a more or less strong signal of           the main beneficiary. Nevertheless,
one of the two current coalition partners      "carry on like before" or a message of        unforeseeable events can also trigger
- CDU/CSU or SPD - will also                   departure. Should the CDU/CSU, led            a last-minute swing in the volatile
be involved in the next government.            by Armin Laschet, once again become           political mood. This was the case in the
Such a "dosed change of power"                 the strongest force and form a black-         immediate aftermath of the Fukushima
has a long tradition in Germany and            green alliance, the political guidelines      reactor disaster in 2011, or even before
corresponds to the ambivalent mood             of the Merkel era are more likely to          the 2002 federal election, when the Iraq
between the widespread desire for              be continued beyond climate policy.           war and a flood disaster on the Oder
renewal and the need for continuity            This applies in particular to a Jamaica       River carried then-Chancellor Gerhard
and stability.                                 coalition including the FDP. By contrast,     Schröder and his red-green coalition into
                                               a federal government led for the first        a second term in office.
                                               time by the Greens would tend to send
                                               out a message of "departure". This also       Not least because of the coronavirus
                                               applies to a traffic light coalition led by   pandemic, societies in Germany and
                                               the SPD and even more so to a - very          Europe are facing new main challenges
                                               unlikely - red-red-green alliance.            for the decade lying ahead. In this
                                                                                             respect, looking back is less helpful
                                                                                             than in previous years: The outcome
                                                                                             of the federal election in September is
                                                                                             completely open. The election campaign
                                                                                             has only just begun.

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