Page created by Catherine Chandler
Our Promise
We collaborate with our clients to ensure that they reach their marketing goals.
It’s not just a simple cash for ad exchange.

                             GEO ExPro Media Guide
          GEO ExPro is driven purely by content - publishing "complex stories in simple words".
                  We are one of the best-read and most popular magazines in oil, gas & energy.

About GEO ExPro Magazine
                                          GEO ExPro is an interdisciplinary worldwide energy magazine and online publication. It is
                                          designed to explain and clarify geoscience and technology for everybody involved in the
                                          global exploration, production and development of oil and gas resources and the application
                                          of geoscience in the energy transition.

                                          Popular topics include, but are not limited to:

                                             GEO Physics               Exploration & Production           Industry Issues & Market Updates
                                             GEO Tourism               GEO Science Explained              Advances in Technology
                                             GEO Chemistry             GEO Education                      Energy Transition

                                          Articles in GEO ExPro Magazine and articles posted on the GEO ExPro Web App reflect the
                                          wide range of topics and issues that are of interest to the upstream geoscience community
                                          and beyond, from frontier exploration and emerging technologies to geotourism and the
                                          history of petroleum.

                                          Our editorial focuses change with each issue of the magazine, allowing you to submit articles
    6 Issues per Year                     and ads relevant to conference calendars and current industry trends. This flexible content
45,000 Copies Distributed                 offering ensures that your articles and adverts are published at the right times throughout the
       Worldwide                          year and are circulated at the relevant events.

                                      Next Generation
                                          The GEO ExPro Web App has been built with a native next-generation advertising platform,
                                          offering our advertisers the opportunity to have engaging interactive ads optimised for a wide
                                          range of devices.

                                          Furthermore, it gives the option to target advertising, so that readers have their experience
                                          enhanced with rich media ads that provide contextually relevant and insightful information.

                                            Access media-rich articles on almost any device using the browser
                                            Designed to offer easy access to our latest news and to our extensive archive
                                            Provides a great resource for users to learn about a wide range of relevant topics

       Interactive maps &        provides advertisers with the opportunity to bring their print ads to life and
          3D Models                       enrich their articles with interactive maps, diagrams and 3D geological models.

               Readership at a Glance

                    Readers                                                   Accessed in over 150 countries
                       Readership of over 22,000 per issue                       Highly qualified geoscience professionals
                       In 2019 was accessed by more                 Senior management and decision makers
                       than 320,000 unique users                                 NOCs, major & international independents
                       Sign up to digital weekly updates                         Multi-client seismic acquisition companies
                       Engage with global social media coverage                  Researchers and students at academic institutes
                       Download PDF version of each magazine
                       Read by delegates at conferences

                                                                                     Technical Content Manager
                                                                               GEO ExPro provide continued collaboration and
                       7,000+ magazines distributed per issue                  support throughout our ongoing multi-channel
                       Global distribution at conferences                      marketing campaigns. They offer professional
                       1,000’s of PDF copies downloaded per month
                                                                               expertise and advice to ensure we see maximum
                       Exposure within multiple digital channels
                       Digital subscriber list 6,500+ and growing
                                                                               return for our online and in-print advertising and
                                                                               editorial efforts.  
                       SEO-led content strategy for online articles
Featured Content in Print & Online

 Every magazine offers up to 30 pages of
 advertising space in high definition, full
 colour spreads. We maintain a 3:1 editorial
 to advertising ratio so every print ad gets                                                                                                                                Artificial Intelligence:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Structural seismic interpretation can be a complex and time-consuming task. In this case study, we
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     have applied an Artificial Intelligence (AI) fault interpretation workflow to a 28-year-old dataset
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     (1992) from the UK sector of the Southern North Sea.

 best exposure.                                                                                                                                                             Revolutionizing Our
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     The data focuses on the Dowsing Graben System (DGS), North Dogger Fault Zone. The complex,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     thin-skinned tectonics which define the graben feature are detached from the underlying Permian
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     tectonics. These are responsible for the surrounding hydrocarbon fields such as Lancelot, Excalibur,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Mordred, Guinevere and Galahad; however, recent studies illustrate the importance of the DGS on

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     the petroleum system (Grant et al., 2019). Knowing that faults can influence the petroleum system,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     they all need defining clearly and concisely so a greater understanding of the subsurface can be


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     The clarity of the AI results ensures a rapid and detailed understanding of the structural regime.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     As would be expected from the application of AI, the results are available very quickly, the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     interpretation is free of any interpreter bias and delivers an indication of the confidence in the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     structural interpretation.
                                                                                                                                                                            Figure 1: New tricks with old data: AI fault analysis of a 1992 dataset from the UK North Sea, revealing the structural complexity of the
                                                                                                                                                                            Dowsing Graben System.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Figure 2: Map showing the location of the Lancelot Study Area (modified after Underhill, 2009).

 We include up to three exclusive Foldouts
 per issue that are perfect for showcasing
 your best assets.

 We allocate the very popular Foldouts
 based on a points system*. You earn
 points for advertising in the magazine and
 online in 2020 and for booked
 advertisements in 2021.                                                                                                                                                    28 GEOExPro       September 2020                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  GEOExPro   September 2020   30

 *Deadline for using your points: Dec. 11, 2020

  Offshore Argentina:
                                                                                     Whilst the Malvinas Basin is an exciting and widely recognized underexplored oil and gas-prone
                                                                                     basin, traditionally the main target for explorers has been the Early Cretaceous transgressive

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Foldout Exclusives!
                                                                                     sandstones of the Springhill Formation – a prolific reservoir in the Austral Basin to the east.
                                                                                     However, reprocessed de-ghosted data has now revealed numerous Tertiary plays in the Malvinas

  Tertiary Play Potential
                                                                                     Basin offering new and highly prospective play systems still to be explored.

                                                                                     In the reprocessed PSTM line below, a previously unimaged thick syn-rift section with postulated
                                                                                     lacustrine source rock has been revealed. At this location, the base of the prograding sequence

  in the Malvinas Basin
                                                                                     marks the 35 Ma unconformity associated with rifting of the Scotia Plate to the south. With the
                                                                                     source rock modeled to be in the hydrocarbon window and migration pathways ascertained, the                                    Figure 2: Elevation grid and superimposed
                                                                                     identified Tertiary plays are believed to be associated with significant prospectivity.                                        magnetically derived chronostratigraphic
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    lines, supporting the timing of opening

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Showcase your:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    of the Scotia Plate. Searcher’s 19,182 km
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    pre-stack reprocessed seismic data is part
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    of a dataset offering >150,000 km of 2D and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    >12,000 km2 of 3D post-stack rectified and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    merged seismic data. The yellow polygon
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    is the approximate area of the Malvinas
  Figure 1: Searcher’s 2020 broadband reprocessed PSTM line in the Malvinas Basin.                                                                                                                                  Basin.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            „ Seismic Lines
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            „ Geological Profiles
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            „ Structural Analysis
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            „ Seismic Interpretations
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            „ Innovative Workflows
  58 GEOExPro September 2020                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            GEOExPro September 2020 60

GEO ExPro Homepage                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Online Articles

                                                                                                                     Featured Article
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Article Heading

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Advert Space

                                                                                                                           Advert Space

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Article Content

                                                                                                                                  Top Stories

                                                                                                                           Advert Space

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Advert Space

Editorial, Print and Events Calendar*
   Each issue of our six-part annual series focuses on a region and topic that fascinates the
   geosciences community right now. We time these special features to correspond with major
   international conferences, ensuring re-enforcement of marketing efforts during events that
   you attend and top-of-mind audience relevance despite your absence if you are not exhibiting.
   Magazine content is not limited to editorial focus and will include topics relevant to all
   conferences attended.
   Distribution During the COVID-19 Pandemic - Extra Focus on Additional Online Distribution
   The main distribution of the magazine is through the post and downloads of the PDF. However, we distribute thousands
   of copies at conferences during the year. The circulation might be less if physical conferences are transformed into virtual
   events but this is more than being compensated by the e-version of the magazine being promoted to the delegates at
   the virtual conferences. If a physical conference is postponed copies of the issue designed for that event will be held back
   and distributed at the conference at the new date to ensure your advertorial and editorial content is seen by your intended

 Issue Focus: Frontier Exploration and NW Europe; Superbasins; Seismic Interpretation; Gas, GTL and LNG
       EAGE Annual Conference, Online, December 8 - 11

 No.6          Prospex Online 2020, Virtual Event, December 15 - 16
               AAPG Global Superbasins, Online, January 25-26, 2021
               Africa Oil Week, Cape Town, South Africa, February 1 - 5, 2021
               NAPE Summit, Houston, TX, USA, February 8 - 12, 2021
               IP Week 2021, London, UK, February 23 - 25, 2021

 Issue Focus: Australasia and SE Asia; Reservoir Management; Geoscience, Sustainability and the Environment
       APPEX Global 2021, London, UK, tbc
 No.1          Editorial Deadline: Jan. 29   Ad Material Deadline: Feb. 9   Publication Date: Mar. 1

 Issue Focus: North America; New Technologies; the Future for Geoscientists
       Frontier Africa E&P Summit, London, UK, May 19 - 20
 No.2          AAPG ACE 2021, Denver, CO, USA, May 23 - 26
               GeoConvention, Calgary, Canada, June 14 - 16
               Seismic 2021, Aberdeen, UK, tbc
               DEVEX Conference 2021, Aberdeen, UK, tbc
               Editorial Deadline: Mar. 19 Ad Material Deadline: Mar. 30        Publication Date: May 3

 Issue Focus: Europe; Robotics and Automation; Unconventional Resources; Energy Transition
       EAGE Annual 2021, Amsterdam, Netherlands, June 14 - 17

 No.3          Frontier Virtual Event: Innovation & Investment in Energy Summit, Online, June 24
               URTeC 2021, Houston, TX, USA, tbc
               Summer NAPE 2021, Houston, TX, USA, tbc
               SPE Offshore Europe, Aberdeen, Scotland, September 7 - 10
               Editorial Deadline: Apr. 30     Ad Material Deadline: May 11 Publication Date: Jun. 7

 Issue Focus: Middle East; Asia; Geophysics; Machine Learning and AI
       SEG 2021, Denver, CO, USA, September 26 - October 1

 No.4          GEO 2021, Manama, Bahrain, October 4 - 7
               SEAPEX SEC 2021, Singapore, October 12 - 15
               Frontier Virtual Event: World Oil, Gas & Energy Summit, Online, October 22 - 23
               AAPG ICE 2021, Muscat, Oman, October 24 - 27
               Editorial Deadline: Jul. 30   Ad Material Deadline: Aug. 10 Publication Date: Sept. 6

 Issue         Focus: North West Europe; Africa; Seismic Interpretation; Increasing Efficiency in E&P
               Frontier Virtual Event: Energy 2050 Summit, Online, October 21 - 22
 No.5          SPE Upstream Finance & Investments Conference, London, UK, October tbc
               SPE Annual Caspian Technical Conference, Baku, Azerbaijan, October tbc
               PETEX, London, UK, November 23 - 25
               Editorial Deadline: Sept. 10   Ad Material Deadline: Sept. 21 Publication Date: Oct. 18

 Issue Focus: Gulf of Mexico; Russia and the FSU; Non-Seismic Geophysics; Carbon Capture, Storage and Usage
       23rd World Petroleum Congress, Houston, TX, USA, December 6 - 10

 No.6          Prospex, London, UK, December tbc
               NAPE Summit, Houston, TX, USA, February tbc
               IP Week 2022, London, UK, February tbc
               Editorial Deadline: Oct. 29 Ad Material Deadline: Nov. 9      Publication Date: Dec. 6
* Schedule changes may occur without notice & new                                              For the latest events in our schedule please go to:
conferences will be added throughout the year.                                       
2021 Print Media Products & Specs                                                                 Material Specifications
 Product		Cost		Size                                                                                Requirements for Advert Material
 Colour Page GBP

 2/1 Inside Front       £5,090		                  400mm x 280mm
                                                                                                    Use the PDF/X-1a standard, alternatively high-resolution CMYK
 Cover Spread                                                                                       TIFF files (360 dpi) if PDF is unsuitable for any reason.
                                                                                                    Create the PDF to the exact size in millimetres.
 2/1 Double Spread      £4,780		                  420mm x 280mm*                                    If your ad features white space around the edges, give clear
                                                                                                    instructions as to whether a border is to be added (or not) by us.
 Back Cover £3,420		                              With bleed 210mm x 280mm*
 				                                             Without bleed 180mm x 250mm
                                                                                                    Allow 3mm bleed on each outside edge for full page bleed
                                                                                                    adverts (so 210 x 280 => 216mm x 286mm).
 Inside Front £3,040		                            With bleed 210mm x 280mm*                         Do not add crop marks, colour bars, or margins.
 Cover				                                        Without bleed 180mm x 250mm                       All colour elements in files must be in CMYK (no Spot or RGB
 Inside Back £3,040		                             With bleed 210mm x 280mm*
 Cover				                                        Without bleed 180mm x 250mm
                                                                                                    Mono elements must be in grayscale (no Spot or RGB colours).
                                                                                                    All fonts should be embedded.
 Full Page		 £2,660		                             With bleed 210mm x 280mm*                         All colour and grayscale images should be in high resolution
 				                                             Without bleed 180mm x 250mm                       where possible (300 dpi or greater). Where lower-resolution
                                                                                                    images must not be used, please upscale to 300 dpi before
 Half Page 		 £1,600		 Horizontal 180mm x 119mm
 				Vertical 90mm x 250mm
                                                                                                    Line art images and pixel-based representations of text should
 Third Page £1,225		 Horizontal 180mm x 80mm                                                        be sized at 600 dpi or greater.
 				Vertical 59mm x 250mm
                                                                                                    Submitting Material
 Quarter Page £970		 Horizontal 180mm x 60mm
 				Vertical 90mm x 120mm                                                                          Adverts should be submitted as press optimised PDF files.
 5 Page		  1st choice                             Five pages of space for                           Submit print ads to
 Foldout		 of area £4,600                         illustrations and text
 			                                                                                                For complete ad spec details, please visit
 		2nd/3rd choice
 		        of area £4,100                                                                           Discount Rates:
                                                                                                    3-5 insertions – 5% discount
 7 Page		               1st choice of             Seven pages of space for		                        6+ insertions – 10% discount
 Foldout		              area £5,000               illustrations and text                            No discount on Foldouts.
 		2nd/3rd choice
 		 of area £4,500                                                                                  ** Special Foldout Offer Issue No. 1, 2021 – 25% off **
 * ADD 3MM BLEED                                                                                    As the points deadline in December does not give you much time to
 We will do our best to give you your preferred position in the magazine but this
                                                                                                    prepare a Foldout for Issue No. 1, we will offer the Foldout spaces in
 cannot be guaranteed.                                                                              this issue on a first come, first served basis. This 25% offer is valid until
                                                                                                    all places are booked. Please contact Kirsti Karlsson for more info.
 Please note: prices do not include VAT or TAX.

                                                                                                1/4 page
                                                                                                90mm x
                                                                            90mm x 250mm

                                                                                                                                                 59mm x 250mm
                                                                                                                                                 1/3 page vertical
                                                                            1/2 page vertical

                     Double page spread
                     420mm x 280mm
                        +3mm bleed

                                                                                                                        1/2 page
                                                                                                                    180mm x 119mm

                                                                                    1/4 page
                                                                                   horizontal                                Managing Director
                                                                                180mm x 60mm                                 Global Upstream Oil & Gas Acquisition

                                                                                                                    We choose to advertise in Geo ExPro
      Full page bleed                       Full page
     210mm x 280mm                         non-bleed                                                                over other industry publications as it is
        +3mm bleed                      180mm x 250mm                                                               certainly one of the best reads around
                                                                                                                    due to the high quality of its sector
                                                                                    1/3 page                        articles, relevant regional E&P coverage
                                                                                   horizontal                       and its global audience.
                                                                                180mm x 80mm

2021 Digital Media Guide
 The Web App includes advertising integrated into the                  Article adverts share exposure equally across our
 browsing and reading process of the user. Adverts are                 archive as articles are accessed by readers via direct
 placed on the homepage, within the listing of articles                shares and organic searches.
 and within articles themselves. Ads can include a wide
 range of interactivity and will resize according to the               We also offer advertisement space in our weekly
 device the reader is using.                                           bulletin, currently sent to 6,500+ subscribers. Logo
                                                                       sponsorship also available.
 Homepage adverts benefit from static placement and
 constant front page presence. In addition, they are                   To ensure content remains at the forefront of our
 also rotated on all article pages (except on sponsored                publication, we limit advertising on to
 articles).                                                            a maximum of 7 companies at any one time.

                                                                    GEO ExPro Online
                              Featured Hero Article                                             Article Title Banner

                                PDF Download
                                                                                                 Ad Position

                               Ad Position 1

                                  Top Stories
                                                                                               Article Content
    GEO ExPro Homepage

                                  Top Stories

                              Ad Position 2

                                                                                                 Ad Position
                                  Top Stories

                                                                                       Related Articles     Related Articles
                                  Top Stories

                              Ad Position 3
                                                                    GEO ExPro Weekly

                                  Top Stories

                                                                                                 Ad Position
                                  Top Stories

                                                                                           Article               Article
                               Ad Position 4
                                                                                                 Ad Position
                                                                                           Article               Article

                                                                                           Useful              Upcoming
                                                                                           Links                Events
                              Featured Collection

                                                                                               Sponsor Logos
                         Staff Pick              Staff Pick

Digital Advertising Rates (Please note: these rates do not include VAT or TAX)
 Sponsored Content:                                                                     Discounts:
 1 month:		       £3,000                                                                Introductory discount of 15% available to advertisers new
                                                                                        to GEO ExPro for bookings of 6 months or more. Please
 Home Page:
                                                                                        contact the Marketing Team for special rates offered on a
 1st Position     £1,640                                                                combination of print and digital advertising.
 2nd Position     £1,320
 3rd Position     £1,200
 4th Position     £1,100
 Article Pages:                                                                            #geoexpro Online
 Article Advert* £970
                                                                                           Over the past year, we have put a lot of focus and
 Weekly Bulletin:                  *Article adverts will also rotate in Position 4 on      effort into our digital presence and building an organic
 Static Banner    £420             the homepage when it is not in use.                     online following. All articles published via GEO ExPro
                                                                                           are promoted across our social media channels and to
                                                                                           our weekly geoscience bulletin. To date we have over
Exclusive Sponsored Content                                                                17,000 followers across social media, with a highly
                                                                                           interactive and engaging audience across LinkedIn,
 GEO ExPro now offer exclusive online sponsored content allowing                           Facebook & Twitter. Our weekly geoscience bulletin is
 you to publish relevant industry content with only your adverts                           sent to nearly 6,500 industry subscribers in oil, gas and
 and branding featured. This is not a shared space and all other ads                       energy.
 will be blocked. Only one piece runs per month. Please contact us
 for more information.                                                                     In 2019 we directed an impressive 12,000 unique
                                                                                           visits to from our LinkedIn social media
 Included in sponsored content, but not limited to:                                        channel via daily posts, featured hashtags and our very
   2 x ad banner spaces (top & base of article)                                            own #seismicsaturdays campaign.
   Up to 1,500 words (must be approved by Editor in Chief)
   Images & videos
   Direct links
   Company logo
   Labelled as ‘Sponsored Content’

   4 weeks featuring on homepage
   Promoted multiple times across social media and bulletin                                       Marketing Manager
                                                                                                  International Acquisition & Multi-Client

                                                                                            GEO ExPro is clearly our industry’s frontrunner
Ad Creation Process                                                                         in the changing landscape of publishing.
                                                                                            Innovative ways to advertise and a strong
                                                                                            focus online makes it an obvious choice in our
 In order to facilitate a simple and efficient process for the creation
 and implementation of advertising, we offer a flexible approach                            marketing mix.
 to helping you create your ad.
 The recommended workflow is to get in touch direct with Sales
 & Marketing Manager, Nathan Young-Ziolkowski, to discuss the
 requirements of the ad you want to show.
 We will then advise on the many options we have to offer to
 accommodate your marketing needs.
 Important Requirements
 GEO ExPro ad space is responsive to screen width and we
 therefore require you to submit two sets of artwork:
   Artwork for Desktop Viewing
   1130px wide by 320px high
   Artwork for Mobile Viewing
   480px wide by 470px high
 Images should be high-resolution JPEG or PNG.
 For custom ads we require HTML, CSS and any related image and
 code assets.
 Digital media can be submitted on a rolling schedule basis, but please note that we need the
 artwork 15 days prior to the desired upload date.
Driven purely by                   Worldwide conference                              Readership over
                                     distribution & global media
         content                             partnerships                                 22,000 per issue

   Optimised digital content            Distributed in print,                            Accessed by nearly
  drives increased traffic from      online & via social media                           every country in the
         search engines                                                                         world

         Advertise in Print & Online

           Seismic & Multi-Client

           Software & Technology

           Consultancy & Services  

Print Circulation and Free PDF Download

Marketing & Advertising Contacts

Kirsti Karlsson                   Nathan Young-Ziolkowski                                       Marcin Young-Ziolkowski
Sales & Marketing Director        Sales & Marketing Manager + Digital Editor                    Sales & Marketing Coordinator                           
+44 (0)7909 915513                + 44 (0)7495 521116                                           + 44 (0)7872 381750

Editorial Enquiries

Jane Whaley
Editor in Chief                                       Geo ExPro is published by GeoPublishing Ltd.   VAT number:   Company number:
                                                               15, Palace Place Mansions, Kensington Court,   GB933873202   5102530
+44 (0)1453 836229                                             London W8 5BB, UK

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