Generating Diagnosis Models using Integrated Physics-Based/Machine Learning Techniques: A Critical Comparison

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Generating Diagnosis Models using Integrated Physics-Based/Machine Learning
                     Techniques: A Critical Comparison

                                            Gregory Provan1
              School of Computer and Information Science, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland

                         Abstract                                   MLMs identify multi-dimensional patterns in data, and
                                                                 are agnostic to the underlying physical processes. However,
     Combining physics-based approaches and ma-                  the model-free application of ML has met with limited suc-
     chine learning (ML) to automatically generate               cess in scientific domains due to a number of reasons [10]:
     models of physical systems is of critical impor-            (i) while state-of-the-art MLMs can capture complex spatio-
     tance, given the limitations of either approach             temporal relationships, MLMs can have orders of magni-
     alone. This article empirically compares state-of-          tude more free parameters than physics-based models, and
     the-art parametric and non-parametric methods,              hence training requires significant labeled data, which is
     based on the availability of moderate amounts               rarely available in real-world settings; (ii) MLMs often pro-
     of data for a benchmark process-control system.             duce scientifically inconsistent results; and (iii) MLMs can
     We use a gold-standard ordinary differential equa-          only capture relationships in the available training data, and
     tion (ODE) model as a benchmark, provide the                cannot generalize to out-of-sample scenarios (i.e., those not
     learning algorithms with equation fragments and             represented in the training data). In addition to these draw-
     data simulated from the benchmark, and com-                 backs, to be able to learn from the available data, MLMs
     pare the auto-generated models with the bench-              may also require dimensionality reduction and feature engi-
     mark in terms of predictive accuracy, general-              neering, the latter of which is problem-specific [11]. Purely
     izability and equational fidelity. We show that             data-drive machine learning thus seems unlikely to bring
     the non-parametric approaches (in particular sym-           about high-accuracy diagnostics that are transferable to sit-
     bolic regression) generate models that have high            uations far beyond the available data, without any consider-
     test-accuracy, but consist of equations that dif-           ation of physical processes.
     fer significantly from the benchmark ODEs and
                                                                    Given data D, model generation can be defined as a type
     have poor generalizability. The parametric ap-
                                                                 of system identification [9]. Common system identification
     proaches that rely heavily on manually-generated
                                                                 techniques include methods such as (a) classical regression
     model fragments out-perform the non-parametric-
                                                                 (e.g., using L1, LASSO and L2 or ridge regression), or (b)
     based models, but entail greater manual inputs.
                                                                 stepwise regression with statistical tests. These approaches
     We discuss the implications of these results on di-
                                                                 employ non-linear optimization to learn the set of coeffi-
     agnostics modeling efforts for the future.
                                                                 cients that result in the best fit to the observations. For ad-
                                                                 equate data, the system identification problem is relatively
1   Introduction                                                 robust [9], and together with model-size constraints can be
A model is at the core of model-based diagnosis (MBD) in-        used to learn a parsimonious set of coefficients, especially
ference. Traditionally, an MBD model was assumed to be a         with stepwise regression.
manually-generated model based on physical principles [1;           In general, several other criteria beyond training-set ac-
2; 3], and if often called a white-box model. Machine            curacy are necessary for generating MBD models. Criteria
Learning Models (MLMs), also called (black-box) models,          that one can trade off during model construction include:
have been widely used, typically for applications involving      accuracy, size, explainability, and model scale. For exam-
signal-processing [4]. Models that incorporate both physics-     ple, parsimony is central to identifying a well-defined set of
based aspects and data-driven methods, i.e., grey-box mod-       equations; the standard strategy to satisfy this requirement
els, as less common for MBD inference, but have been used        is classical or stepwise regression. On another dimension,
recently [5; 6; 7]. Grey-box models can make use of data         [12] examines how multi-scale models can be learned.
for improving inference, e.g., [8], but still suffer from lack      This article explores the potential of using machine learn-
of interpretability of the black-box component.                  ing (ML) to integrate physical principles with measured data
    Manually-generated models based on physical principles       in order to generate white-box MBD models. This approach
are still the de facto gold standard for MBD, but this ap-       has been used for automatically generating models in fields
proach is manually intensive, and the models may not incor-      such as physics [13], climate modeling [14] and computa-
porate significant information that is not available to and/or   tional biology [15], but has not been adopted widely for
known by the persons generating the models. Model iden-          MBD. See [16; 17] for recent surveys of this approach.
tification is widely used to tune models to data [9], but this      We compare and contrast several well-known model gen-
too has limitations.                                             eration methods, including polynomial regression, Sym-
bolic Regression (SR) and linearization. We use the well-
known three-tank system as our benchmark model, from
which we generate data D and automatically learn models.
  Our contributions are as follows.
   • We use a gold-standard ordinary differential equation
     (ODE) model as a benchmark, provide the learning al-
     gorithms with equation fragments and data simulated
     from the benchmark, and compare the auto-generated
     models with the benchmark in terms of predictive ac-
     curacy, generalizability and equational fidelity.
   • We show that the non-parametric approaches (in par-
     ticular symbolic regression) generate models that have
     high test-accuracy, but consist of equations that differ
     significantly from the benchmark ODEs and have poor
                                                                                   Figure 1: Three tank system.
     generalizability. The parametric approaches that rely
     heavily on manually-generated model fragments out-
     perform the non-parametric-based models, but entail          equations that are useful for simpler system representation,
     greater manual inputs.                                       e.g., linear models (see section 4.2).
   • We discuss the implications of these results on diag-           We represent the model Φ in the state-space form ḣ =
     nostics modeling efforts for the future.                     f (h, u), as defined over variables h, u, and parameters
                                                                  g, B, az1_0 , az1_2 , az2_3 .
2     Preliminaries
                                                                             dh1         1
This section describes the technical background for our ap-                          =     (u1 Q1 − Q1_2 − Q1_0 )           (1)
proach.                                                                       dt         A
                                                                             dh2         1
                                                                                     =     (Q1_2 − Q2_3 − Q2_0 )            (2)
2.1    Notation                                                               dt         A
Definition 1 (Symbolic Model). A symbolic model Φ is                         dh3         1
                                                                                     =     (u2 Q2 + Q2_3 − Q3_0 ),          (3)
a functional representation over a set X = {x1 , ..., xm }                    dt         A
of independent variables and a set Y = {y1 , ..., yq } of         where
dependent variables, together with parameters θ: {yj =                                      q
f (xi , θ) : xi ∈ X , yj ∈ Y}j=1,..q .                                     Qi_j    = azi_j B 2g|hi − hj |σ(hi − hj )        (4)
   This definition of model covers many model types, such                  Qi_0    = azi_0 2ghi                             (5)
as ODE, PDE, symbolic (temporal) logic, etc. In particular,
we focus on non-linear ODE state-space models Φ, where            We use σ(·) to denote the sign function of (·). The manip-
the first equation is the process model, and the second equa-     ulated variables, ui , correspond to the valve settings, whose
tion the observation model:                                       values can be set between 0 and 1.
Definition 2 (ODE Physics-based Model). An ODE PBM is             3     Method
an ODE of the form
                                                                  This section describes the methods we use for our experi-
                      ẋ   = f (x, u)                             ments.
                      y    = g(x, u),
                                                                  3.1     System Architecture and Inference
where the variables x, y have explicit semantic correspon-        Figure 2 shows the top-level architecture that we adopt for
dence to physical entities.                                       the training phase of our experiments. All experiments make
   There are many issues associated with the notion of level      use of a model library, that consists of ODE equations for
of model, in the terminology of multi-level models. For fluid     components, such as a valve, tank, pipe, etc. We use the
flow models, one could model at the level of flow regimes         gold-standard model Φ to generate the data from which we
(e.g., laminar vs. turbulent), or at a more abstract level        learn the model Φ̂.
where only steady-state conditions are assumed. We do not            Figure 3 shows the top-level architecture that we adopt
address those issues in this article.                             for the testing phase of our experiments. Here, we compare
                                                                  the performance of the gold-standard model (Φ) and learned
2.2    Running Example: Three-Tank Benchmark                      model Φ̂.
The system consists of three interconnected tanks, which             We performed inference in three main phases, which we
can have different inflow and outflow stream settings. In this    detail in the following sections.
work, we base our analysis based on the system represented          1. Simulation-Based Data Generation
in Figure 1. The specific configuration of these settings al-
low to configure a specific non - linear systems that are nor-      2. Model Learning
mally modeled by PBM approaches. We model this system               3. Comparison of Models on Test Data
using a set of ordinary differential equations (ODEs) that
represent the dynamics of the content of the fluids within        3.2     Performance Metrics
the tanks. Different assumptions over the system (e.g. con-       We evaluated model performance using metrics for model
stant density, no friction, etc.) can be used to derive simpler   size and accuracy, as well as combined metrics.
Model Accuracy
                                                                We evaluated model performance using several well-known
                                                                accuracy metrics, which are based on (1) the residuals be-
                                                                tween the gold-standard and MLM-generated simulation re-
                                                                sults, and (2) the modeling technique used in the evaluation.
                                                                We used the Mean Square Error (M SE, Equation 6), Mean
                                                                Absolute Error (M AE, Equation 7), the Akaike Informa-
                                                                tion Criterion (AIC, Equation 8), an AIC extension (named
                                                                full, 9) that includes the number of variables considered in
                                                                the final mathematical expression, and a coefficient of de-
                                                                termination dependent value (1/R2 ). In equations 6 to 10,
                                                                ne is the number of points considered in the evaluation, k is
                                                                the number of predictors, and yi and ŷi are the y th real and
Figure 2: Model generation (training phase). The gold-
                                                                predicted values of the dependent variables i.
standard model Φ generates training data from which we
learn the model Φ̂                                                                                n
                                                                      M SEi        =     = 1/ne         (ŷi − yi )2          (6)
                                                                      M AEi        =     = 1/ne         |ŷi − yi |           (7)
                                                                         AICi      =     ne + ne ln 2π + ne ln RSSi /ne + 2k (8)
                                                                          f ull    =     AICi + nE
                                                                                                 vars,i                       (9)
                                                                      Rbase,i      = T SSi /(T SSi − RSSi )                 (10)
                                                                   We estimate the performance metrics over individual
                                                                ODEs, and use the agglomerated values (average) for algo-
                                                                rithmic purposes (e.g. symbolic regression fitness uses the
                                                                agglomerated values for individual selection).
         Figure 3: Model analysis (testing phase)
                                                                4        Automated Model Generation
Model Size/Complexity                                           This section introduces the generic model generation task,
                                                                and the specific generation algorithms on which we focus.
Measuring model size/complexity is complex, as it entails
metrics over the number of variables, model order (e.g., lin-   4.1       Model Generation Task
ear vs. higher-order polynomial), and equation complexity.      We define a model generation task as fitting a state-space
We adopt two measures, which are used widely in evaluating      model Φ to data D.
model “quality". First, we use the number n of model vari-
ables, which is used for metics like AIC, BIC, etc. Second,     Definition 3. Given observational data D in terms of inde-
we use a measure of equation complexity based on the ab-        pendent variables, xi ∈ Rd , and dependent variables (func-
stract syntax tree (AST) underlying the equation. For exam-     tion values), zi ∈ R, for i = 1, · · · , ne , model generation
ple, Figure 4 shows the AST for the solution to the quadratic   aims to find a that model Φ that maps the x-values to the
formula:                                                        z-values by solving the following optimization problem:
                         b ± b2 − 4ac
                    x=                   .                                                  1
                               2a                                   β̂    =       arg min     k z − f (x, β) k22 +
                                                                                     β      2
                                                                                  αλ k g(x, β) k1 + (1 − α)λ k g(x, β) k1 ,
                                                                   where 0 ≤ λ, α ≤ 1 are regularization parameters, and
                                                                g(x, β) is some measure of model complexity.
                                                                   The first term describes model fitting, and the latter two
                                                                terms are regularization terms that enable us to control the
                                                                model complexity. Regularization techniques rely on solv-
                                                                ing convex continuous optimization problems where the ob-
                                                                jective is the familiar bias/variance trade-off (between error
                                                                on the training set, and the magnitude of the regression co-
                                                                efficients). Several loss functions involving general norms
                                                                are also possible and, in general, Equation 11 denotes an
                                                                infinite-dimensional optimization problem.
     Figure 4: AST for solution to a quadratic formula             In particular, the parameter α determines the trade-off be-
                                                                tween the `1 penalty and the `2 penalty. If α = 1, then equa-
  We use a measure that captures the number of operators        tion 11 is equivalent to the lasso problem [18], and will facil-
and variables in an AST.                                        itate subset selection as the `1 penalty will drive regression
coefficients toward zero. If α = 0, the problem is equiva-                  We obtain an equation of the form ḣ = Ah + Bu, where
lent to ridge regression [19]. For any value 0 ≤ α ≤ 1, the              the full equation is given by
problem is termed elastic net regression. Although regular-
ization does facilitate subset selection, models generated by
                                                                             
                                                                                                   −.963      .954    0      h1
                                                                                               "                           #" #
Equation 11 are not equivalent to the problem of best subset
                                                                            h˙2        =         .954      −2.17 1.214     h2 +
   In the case of linear models, where the function                          h˙3                     0       1.214 −1.22     h3
f (x, β) = xβ and g(x, β) = β, there is a long history of                                     "
                                                                                                  .0065      0
using regularization techniques to address overfitting; even                                                       u1
                                                                                                    0        0
when regression coefficients are driven to zero, model se-                                                         u2
                                                                                                    0      .0065
lection is possible [18].
   However, unlike traditional system identification, we aim                In the experiments, we linearize ODE models using the
to constrain the process using physics, and there are sev-               Matlab linearization toolbox, with an equilibrium point of
eral approaches that have been adopted. We described the                 h1 = h2 = h3 = 0.1 [m] (for the state variables) and u1 = u2
approaches that we adopt in the following sections.                      = 0.1 (as the control variables). The same initial conditions
                                                                         for the state variables and manipulated variables were used
4.2    Parametric Approaches                                             for each simulation.
Model Reduction                                                             Even though ODE solvers would report the level of liquid
                                                                         level in the tank systems (i.e. h1 , h2 , and h3 ), ODE sys-
Model order reduction (MOR) is the process of taking a                   tem identification evaluates the derivative terms (i.e. C =
complex model whose computational properties preclude                    dhi /dt). Derivative values were estimated by estimating
efficient inference, and transforming it into a simpler model            ∆h/∆t after ODE-solver calculations.
that trades off some degree of inference accuracy, e.g., [20].
We focus on the process of data-driven model reduction,                  Multivariate Polynomial Regression (MPR)
given data D.                                                            Multivariate polynomial regression(MPR) is a regression
    Both parametric [21] and non-parametric [22; 23] meth-               technique in which the dependant variable is modelled as an
ods have been used; here, we employ a parametric approach,               nth degree polynomial of the independent variables. MPR is
as traditionally used in system identification.                          considered to be linear with respect to the unknown param-
    Given a gold-standard model Φ(θ) and space of possi-                 eters, so is considered a special case of linear regressions.
ble models Γ = {γi (θi )}, i = 1, · · · , q parameterized by             We used a Matlab algorithm in our experiments ([24]).
θi , MOR seeks to identify the model γ ∗ (θ ∗ ) that trades off             Given observational data in terms of independent vari-
accuracy for simplicity, where accuracy is the relative loss             ables, xi ∈ Rd , and dependent variables (function values),
k L(Φ) − L(γ ∗ ) k:                                                      zi ∈ R, for i = 1, · · · , Nd , MPR finds the best functional
                                                                         form that maps the x-values to the z-values by solving the
                                                                         following optimization problem:
      γ∗   =    arg min k L(Φ) − L(γ ∗ ) k +
                  γi ∈Γ                                                                 Nd
                αλ k g(γi ) k1 + (1 − α)λ k g(γi ) k1 .                        min         [k βi f (xi ) − zi k2 + λ k g(xi ) k,     (12)
                                                                             f ∈F ,βi
   Example: Linearization of Three-Tank Model:
   We transform the non-linear model g(x, u.θN L ) into                  where F is the space of nth degree polynomial functions
linear state-space form using linearization [?]. Here, we                from which f is chosen, βi is the parameter for f (xi ),
fix the form of the model as ΦL (x, u.θL ), given by ẋ =                0 ≤ λ ≤ 1 is a regularization parameter, and g(xi ) is some
Ax + Bu, and we need to find the matrix parameters that                  measure of model complexity.
best fit to the data, i.e., θL = [A, B]:                                 Variable Fidelity Model Generation
                  X 1                                                    Variable-fidelity modeling (VFM) [25; 26; 27] can be
 Φ∗ = arg min              k g(x, u, θN L ) − ΦL (x, u, θL ) k22 .       viewed as a model-generation task in which we generate
            θ           2
                 di ∈D                                                   an ensemble of k (simple) models, weighted by parame-
                                                                         ters βi , i = 1, ..., k, to approximate a gold-standard model
   We implement linearization by taking the gradient of the
                                                                         Φ(θ). Similar to MOR, VFM aims to select from a space
nonlinear function g(·) with respect to all variables and cre-
                                                                         of possible models Γ = {γi (θi )}, i = 1, · P  · · , q parameter-
ating a linear representation at an equilibrium point. Con-
                                                                         ized by θi , a composite model γ ∗ (θ ∗ ) = i βi γi (θi ) that
sider a nonlinear differential equation model Φ that is de-
                                                                         optimizes accuracy with respect to Φ, where accuracy is the
rived from balance equations with input u and output y.
                                                                         relative loss k L(Φ) − L(γ ∗ ) k:
Given the functional form dy dt = f (y, u), we linearize the
right hand side by a Taylor series expansion, using only the                           arg min k L(
                                                                                                           βi γi ) − L(Φ) k          (13)
first two terms.                                                                          β,γi ∈Γ          i
dy                             ∂f                   ∂f                      We represent a system S using a high-fidelity model
     = f (y, u) ' f (ȳ, ū) +    |ȳ,ū (y − ȳ) +    |ȳ,ū (u − ū)
 dt                            ∂y                   ∂u                   (HFM), Φ. We assume that the system S can also be simu-
                                                                 (11)    lated with lower-fidelity models (LFMs), each of which rep-
   If the values of ū and ȳ are chosen at steady state condi-          resents a simplification of the HFM. We represent a LFM
tions then f (ȳ, ū) = 0 because the derivative term du         =0      using ΦL : yL = ψ(xL ). We also assume that the HFM
at steady state. To simplify the final linearized expression,            takes into account a larger number of variables, parameters
deviation variables are defined as y 0 = y ȳ and u0 = uū.              and processes describing the physical system S than does
any LFM; hence, inference using the HFM is likely to be                      Kernel                     Description
more computationally demanding than that with the LFMs.                       K1         ×, /, +, −, | · |, ν, ν 2 , σ(·), sin, cos,
More precisely, our assumption entails that the state vector                                               ν
                                                                                                         e , log(ν)
of a lower-fidelity model, xL , is a subset of the state vec-                 K2                          K1 ∪ E 1
tor of the HFM: xL ⊆ xH . We represent a collection of                        K3                          K1 ∪ E 2
lower-fidelity models using Y = {φL1 , · · · , ΦLk }.                         K4                          K1 ∪ E 3
   In the general case, we model the relationship between
the outputs from the HFM and from the lower-fidelity mod-          Table 1: Symbolic regression kernels used in equation gen-
els using a mathematical function ξ, such that the output          eration, described using arbitrary variable ν for K1 and
from the HFM can be written as:                                    physical model fragments E1 , E2 , E3

                         yH = ξ(Y, β) +                   (14)
                                                                   consisting only of mathematical operators (physics-free),
where ξ is a mathematical function (denoted as a “linking          while the other kernels contain physical model equations.
function"), β is a vector of unknown parameters of the link-       The equation fragments, which are derived from Equation
ing function, and  is an error term. Equation 14 uses the         4, are defined in Table 2.
linking function as a surrogate model to “link" outputs from
models with different levels of fidelity. If we treat ξ(Y, β) as
                                                                       Name        Equations
a random process, then we can describe this task in terms of                       1                                                       0.5
a Gaussian Process [26]. In this article, we restrict our VFM          E1          A (Q1 x1 − az1_2 Sσ(h1 − h2 )(2g|h1 − h2 |)                 )
                                                                                   1                                          0.5
models to linear combinations, but more general forms are                          A (az 1_2 σ(h 1 −  h 2 )(2g|h  1 −  h 2 |)     )
                                                                                   1                                                       0.5
possible.                                                              E2          A (Q1 x1 − az1_2 Sσ(h1 − h2 )(2g|h1 − h2 |)                 )
                                                                                   1                                                       0.5
                                                                       E3          A (Q 1 x 1 − az 1_2 Sσ(h    1 −  h2 )(2g|h    1 −  h2 |)    )
4.3   Non-Parametric Approach: Symbolic                                            1
                                                                                   A (az 1_2 Sσ(h  1 −  h  2 )(2g|h 1 −  h  2 |)0.5
      Regression                                                                   1                                            0.5
                                                                                   A (az2_3 Sσ(h2 − h3 )(2g|h2 − h3 |)              )
We use symbolic regression (SR) for our parametric ap-
proach since it has been shown to outperform other para-           Table 2: Physical model fragments E1 , E2 , E3 used in sym-
metric models for small data sets [28]. Unlike traditional re-     bolic regression experiments
gression, symbolic regression (SR) does not assume a fixed
functional form; instead, SR learns the functional relation-          We define for the size function g(x) the size χ of the AST
ship and its constants [29]. Symbolic regression subsumes          of the SR expression, by summing the number of operators
linear regression, generalized linear regression, and gener-       and symbols in the expression.
alized additive models into a larger class of methods. Sym-
bolic regression minimizes a given loss function defined
over the functional form of a regression function and the as-
                                                                   5        Diagnostic Evaluation
sociated parameters or coefficients. The functional form is        This section evaluates the ability of the generated models to
assumed to be anything that can be composed from a given           compute diagnoses for the benchmark model.
list of basic functions or operators applied to the indepen-
dent variables and arbitrary constants. For example, if the        5.1       Diagnosis Model and Fault Simulation
operators are +, and ×, then the space of all possible func-
tions is the set of all polynomials of arbitrary degree.           We create a diagnosis model ΦD from a “simulation" model
   A symbolic regression algorithm conducts a search over          Φ by adding fault parameters and fault behaviours to Φ. We
the space of possible model data structures that represent         define a set ϕ of failure parameters to the model, as de-
valid mathematical expressions. The data structure is an           scribed in Table 3. To define abnormal failure behaviours,
AST: a rooted binary tree where each non-leaf√node has an          we add an equation describing the failure behaviour for each
associated binary or unary operator (+, , ×, ·, log, etc.),        ϕi , i = 1, · · · , 7. Equations 16 through 20 show the fault
and each leaf node has an associated constant or indepen-          model, with the fault parameters shown in red. For exam-
dent variable. We also use operators denoting the absolute-        ple, an actuator fault corresponding to to inflow u1 is param-
value | · | and sign σ(·). The search algorithm is typically       eterized by ϕ1 , which when set to a value below 1 indicates
chosen to be a genetic algorithm, although several other           a sub-normal input flow denoting the actuator is stuck par-
search methods are applicable.                                     tially open.
   Given data D, symbolic regression solves the following
optimization problem:                                                              dh1          1
                                                                                          =       (ϕ1 u1 Q1 − Q1_2 − Q1_0 )                (16)
                 X                                                                  dt          A
          min          [k f (xi ) − zi k + λ k g(xi ) k,   (15)                    dh2          1
          f ∈F                                                                            =       (Q1_2 − Q2_3 − Q2_0 )                    (17)
                 i=1                                                                dt          A
                                                                                   dh3          1
where F is the space of functions from which f is chosen,                                 =       (ϕ2 u2 Q2 + Q2_3 − Q3_0 ),               (18)
0 ≤ λ ≤ 1 is a regularization parameter, and g(xi ) is some                         dt          A
measure of model complexity.                                       where
   In this article, we use both physics-free and physics-based                                            q
kernels to populate F, in order to compare the impact of the                Qi_j     =               2g|hi − hj |σ(hi − hj ) (19)
                                                                                          ϕj+1 azi_j B
different kernels. Table 1 shows some of the kernels that we                                        p
have studied in equation generation. Kernel K1 is a kernel                  Qi_0     = ϕi+5 azi_0 Sn 2ghi .                  (20)
Fault         Fault        Component        fault                  Model        nominal     actuator   pipe blockage     leak
       Type        Parameter                       range                                             fault         fault       fault
       Actuator       ϕ1              u1           [0 − 0.8]              ΦGS            0.001      0.003         0.006         0.01
                      ϕ2              u2           [0 − 0.8]              Linearized     0.08        0.09          0.16         0.25
       pipe           ϕ3              P12          [0 − 0.8]              VFM            0.07        0.08          0.11         0.18
                      ϕ4              P23          [0 − 0.8]              MPR            0.24        21.7          27.5         31.2
       leak           ϕ5              T1           [0 − 0.8]              SR∅            0.31        87.2         101.6        129.9
                      ϕ6              T2           [0 − 0.8]              SRK            0.21        76.1          82.1        103.4
                      ϕ7              T3           [0 − 0.8]
                                                                          Table 5: Experimental results for diagnostics evaluation
      Table 3: Fault parameters for diagnostics evaluation

 Type                  Model          Description       R2            models generated for scenarios 32-33; no kernels are used
                                                                      for this algorithm.
 Parametric            Linearized     4.2               0.998            For each model generation method, we selected one of the
                       MPR            4.2               0.9996        best-performing output models to perform diagnostics eval-
                       VFM            4.2               0.99          uation. We ran experiments for each of the failure-mode
 Non-Parametric        SR             4.3               0.998         types, and averaged the KL-divergence over that type. Ta-
                                                                      ble 5 summarizes the results obtained, where the smaller
   Table 4: Models adopted for experimental evaluation                the value the better the performance. In the table, SR∅ and
                                                                      SRK denote the SR equations generated using kernels K1
   We simulated data, denoted Dδ , using the diagnosis ver-           (no physics-based inputs), and K2 or K3 (physics-based in-
sion of the gold-standard model ΦD , and then used the diag-          puts), respectively. We include diagnostics results from the
nosis versions of the learned models for fault isolation. Ta-         gold standard model ΦGS as a baseline for the other models,
ble 3 describes the fault scenarios that we used, comprising          since no diagnostics algorithms will perform perfectly.
single-faults to (1) the actuators governing inflow of fluid;            Table 5 shows that the parametrics approaches that use
(2) pipes connecting tanks 1 to 2 and tanks 2 to 3; and (3)           significant model information perform relatively well. The
leaks in tanks T1 , T2 , T3 .                                         linearized model uses a fixed model structure that incorpo-
                                                                      rates all critical variables from the ODE model ΦGS . The
5.2     Experimental Design                                           VFM model corresponds to a linear combination of (simpli-
                                                                      fied) physics-based models, and its good performance mim-
We automatically generated four classes of models: 3 para-
                                                                      ics the excellent performance demonstrated in ML for en-
metric models (linearized, MPR and VFM), and several ver-
                                                                      sembles of simple classifiers [30].
sions of the non-parametric SR-derived model. For our
comparative analysis, we selected learned models that had                Table 5 shows that the MPR and the SR (non-parametrics)
high R2 values on the training data. The MLMs adopted                 approaches perform significantly worse than the paramet-
are: (1) linearized model (as described in Section 4.2); (2)          rics approaches that use significant model information. Un-
Multivariate Polynomial Regression (MPR) model (as de-                like the linearized model, these approaches are not automat-
scribed in Section 4.2); (3) variable fidelity model (VFM)            ically constrained to incorporate all critical variables from
(as described in Section 4.2); (4) non-parametric. Table 4            the ODE model, and the lack of control variables in some of
summarizes the models we have generated.                              these models hinders their performance, among other rea-
   For each scenario, we compute a discrete probability dis-
                                                                         Also note that the generated equations (Tables 6 and 7)
tribution P (ϕ) over the discrete set of faults ϕ. We use for
                                                                      show that the generated equations differ significantly from
our diagnosis correctness metric the KL divergence over the
                                                                      the gold standard equations in ΦGS . Hence although the R2
true and computed distributions, denoted P ∗ (ϕ) and Q(ϕ),
                                                                      performance measure on the training data is excellent, the
respectively. We define this metric as follows:
                                                                      generalization performance for diagnostics is quite poor.
Definition 4 (KL divergence). For discrete probability dis-
tributions P ∗ and Q defined on the same probability space,           6     Summary and Discussion
V, the relative entropy from Q to P ∗ is     defined to be
                   P       ∗         P ∗ (v)
DKL (P k Q) = v∈V P (v) log Q(v) . Here Q(v) is                       6.1     Discussion of Results
                                                                      This article has presented a critical comparison of paramet-
the approximation and P ∗ (v) is the gold-standard distribu-
                                                                      ric and non-parametric approaches to automated generation
tion we’re interested in matching Q(v) to.1
                                                                      of diagnostics models. The results indicate that the greater
5.3     Experimental Results                                          the degree of physics-based information, the better the per-
                                                                      formance of the resulting diagnostics models. In particular,
We learned a range of models for each of the parametric and           the VFM approach performed best, in that it uses an ensem-
non-parametric classes. As an example of the output, Table            ble of pre-defined physics-based models. We can call the
6 shows a selection of SR models generated for the first 10           VFM and linearized methods strong physics-based models.
of the scenarios we examined. Table 7 shows a two MPR                    A second important outcome is that the approaches that
      Intuitively this measures the how much a given arbitrary dis-   attempted to learn significant model information performed
tribution is away from the true distribution. If two distributions    much worse than the strong physics-based models. This can
perfectly match, DKL (P ∗ k Q) = 0 otherwise it can take values       be attributed to many reasons.
between 0 and ∞. The lower the KL divergence value, the better           Sample Complexity: We have explicitly investigated
we have matched the true distribution P ∗ with Q.                     methods that work with limited data. Even given the rep-
#      Metric     Kernel    Equation generated                                                                    R2         χ
                1        full       K1      4.776e−6 x1 − 9.552e−6 x2 − 4.776e−6 σ(x2 )                                          0.9902      38
                                              + 4.776e−6 x1 + 4.776e−6 x1 σ(x1 − x2 ) + 3.992e−5
                2       full        K1      1.192e−5 (x1 − x2 ) + 2.383e−5 σ(x1 − x2 ) + 1.192e−5 σ(x1 ) − 6.984e−6              0.9817      33
                3       AIC         K1      1.214e−5 x1 − 1.214e−5 x2 + 2.427e−5 σ(x1 − x2 ) + 1.214e−5 σ(x1 )                   0.9856      41
                                              − 1.214e−5 x1 + 2.836e−5
                4       AIC         K1      1.307e−5 x1 − 1.307e−5 x2 + 1.307e−5 σ(x1 − x2 ) + 1.307e−5 sin(|(x1 )1/2 |)         0.98264     36
                                              + 1.307e−5 ∗ σ(x1 ) − 6.771e−6
                5       MSE         K1      1.148e−5 x1 − 1.148e−5 x2 + 1.148e−5 |cos(x2 )| − 1.148e−5 cos(x2 )                  0.97614     40
                                              + 1.148e−5 σ(x1 ) − 1.623e−5 x2 + 3.727e−5
                6       MSE         K1      4.87e−5 σ(h1 − h2 )|h1 − h2 |0.5 − 8.131e−20                                             1       19
                7       MSE         K1      1.214e−5 x1 − 1.214e−5 x2 − 1.214e−5 x2 + 4.015e−5                                   0.96865     19
                8       MSE         K1      4.87e−5 σ(h1 − h2 )|h1 − h2 |0.5 − 8.131e−20                                             1       19
                9       MSE         K2      4.558e−5 σ(x2 ) − 4.558e−5 σ(x1 ) + 4.558e−5 x2 σ(x1 − x2 )                           0.9961     48
                                                           1/2               1/2
                                              + 4.558e−5 x1 − 4.558e−5 x2 + 1.116e−6
                10      MSE         K2      4.87e−5 σ(h1 − h2 )|h1 − h2 |0.5 − 8.131e−20                                           1         19

Table 6: Symbolic Regression results for scenarios 1-10, with equations generated given R2 value and equation complexity

           #         Metric     Equation generated                                                                                    R2          χ
           52        MSE        548.09h3 − 185.22h2 + 1777.945h2 h3 + 567.359h1 − 15428.530h1 h3 + −239771.9661h1 h2                0.9996        27
                                  + 8.1236 + 124766.4943h21 + 119902.5816h22 + 9600.560h23
           33        MSE        0.0011|x1 + x2 − 2x3 |/(||x1 − u1 + x21 | − |u2 + x2 − x0.5
                                                                                          3 ||) − 0.0060u1 + 0.0011|x1 −            0.9999        68
                                  h2 |0.5 /|[|h1 − u1 + x21 | − |u2 + x2 − x0.5
                                                                            3 |]| + 0.0029σ(x1 − x2 )|x1 − x2 |
                                                                                                                   − 5.9760e−4

       Table 7: MPR results for scenarios 32-33, with equations generated given R2 value and equation complexity χ

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