Page created by Kenneth Morris
Message from the Editor
                                                               GENERAL ELECTION 2021

                       STORMY TIMES & STATIC POLITICS
                       T    empestuous times that include a fatal
                            pandemic, the storming of the U.S.
                       Capitol by right-wing insurrectionists,
                       and a tropical storm that killed 30 New
                       Jerseyans have contributed little appar-
     P.O. Box 66       ently in the end to galvanize the 2021
  Verona, NJ 07044     election cycle.      On one level it feels odd, this disconnect
                       between real terrors on the ground and a
                       languid political environment, but people
                       truly seem exhausted by it all.

                       It’s understandable.

                       The back-to-back demagogic eras of            out placating extremist devotees of for-
                       Chris Christie and Donald Trump con-          mer President Donald J. Trump.
                       tributed to a weakening of the NJGOP,         It adds up to a kind of perfect storm of
   Max Pizarro         culminating this year with the retirement
  Editor-in-Chief                                                    cynicism and complacency, assisted by a
                       from state government of Senator Tom          substantially depleted media in this state
                       Kean, Jr., Senator Kip Bateman, and Sen-      since the last highly contested guberna-
                       ator Chris Brown. The last report from        torial contest in 2009, which starkly
                       the state Election Law Enforcement            threatens our representative democracy.
                       Commission (ELEC) shows incumbent             Regardless of whom you support in this
                       Democratic Governor Phil Murphy with          election cycle, Democrat or Republican,
                       a 7-1 cash advantage over Republican          or a third-party candidate, the time has
                       challenger Jack Ciattarelli ($7.3 million     come to take our primary documents in
                       to $1.2 million).                             hand as citizens, and ensure, each in his
   Pete Oneglia                                                      own way, a contribution of substance and
 General Manager       We have gone through so much lately           thoughtfulness.     that the typically lurid and petty strains
                       of politics fail to penetrate with any kind   Let us commit to restoring our civic dis-
                       of motivating meaning.                        course; only then can we ensure an intel-
  Michael Graham                                                     lectual rigor in our public square now
       CEO                                                           absent, and a future now so gravely un-
                       Incumbents and their highly paid con-
                       sultants will say the mood has to do with     certain.
 John F.X. Graham
     Publisher         a job well done – nothing need change
                                                                     Max Pizarro
                       with so much going right. Such a state-
   Ryan Graham
 Associate Publisher
                       ment seems preposterous until one exam-
                       ines those pandering forces on the            Max Pizarro
                       opposing side, seldom able to move with-      Editor, InsiderNJ


              Ten Main 2021 Torque Points
LD8                                     Party ally Vince Mazzeo as the re-     here. Assemblyman Andrew Zwicker
Confident of two more years on the      placement for retired Republican       (D-16) faces former U.S. Rep. Mike
leadership throne, state Senate Pres-   Senator Chris Brown. Mazzeo’s rival    Pappas (R) in the battle to succeed
ident Steve Sweeney wants to protect    Vince Polistina, an engineer with      Bateman. Zwicker has already gone
state Senator Dawn Addiego in bat-      public contracts, presents a bigger    on record in support of reupping
tleground LD8 (57K registered           target for Sweeney and company         Senate President Sweeney, but if a fu-
Democrats to 48K registered Repub-      than Addiego’s opponent, former        ture regional caucus fight develops
licans) as a way of ensuring the ap-    BurlCo Sheriff Jean Stanfield. More-   he will side with home county Mid-
pearance of South Jersey robustness.    over, Democrats comprise a bigger      dlesex.
Of course, if she loses, he will also   share of registered voters than Re-
have the assurance of being able to     publicans (57,280 to 39,745).          Statewide
blame incumbent Governor Phil                                                  Significant turbulence in the lives of
Murphy, who occupies the top of the     LD16                                   regular New Jerseyans contributes to
Democratic ticket this year. Still,     The retirement this year of incum-     a sense of the unknown heading to-
battleground senate contests ulti-      bent Republican state Senator Kip      ward the Nov. 2nd general election,
mately fall on Sweeney’s shoulders.     Bateman and trending demograph-        but most polls show Governor Phil
                                        ics (LD16 now has nearly 20K more      Murphy winning reelection without
LD2                                     registered Democrats than Republi-     too much trouble (just look at the
If Sweeney loses Addiego, he can        cans – 60K to 41K) give Democrats      cash on hand advantage for the du-
save face by picking up Democratic      a shot at picking up another seat      ration, not to mention the registra-

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tion advantage for Democrats). Cer-     the state Election Law Enforcement     party and aborted his own Trump-
tainly, it comes down to turnout,       Commission (ELEC). His selection       flavored run for governor.
and Democrats shudder (only             of former Senator Diane Allen – her-
slightly) at the prospect of voters     self a raging moderate – said as
falling asleep and giving Republican    much. If Murphy buries Ciattarelli,
challenger Jack Ciattarelli a chance    the Republican will animate those      Over a decade ago, Somerset County
to claw some votes. If Murphy wins,     Republican allies of Trump who will    Democratic Committee Chairman
as most suspect he will, the margin     find a way to say he wasn’t tough      Zenon Christodoulou put his car in
of victory will say a lot about the     enough and lacked the capacity to      gear in a Manville parking lot and
condition of the minority party in      provide sufficient contrast with the   said, “We need a freeholder seat.”
this state. While he occupies the un-   incumbent. A double-digit lose by      They didn’t have one back then.
enviable position of trying to nego-    Ciattarelli will no doubt reawaken     Now, Christodoulou and Chair Peg
tiate a party split by Republicans      the backers of Phil Rizzo and Hirsh    Schaffer and their party have all five
who back Trump and those of             Singh (both defeated in the GOP        of them, though we no longer call
Bateman-Bramnick disgusted by the       Primary). Depending on how redis-      them “freeholder” seats. In 2021,
former President, the former Assem-     tricting goes for Republicans, look    Democratic Party running mates
blyman has mostly tried to package      for a potential return too by former   Commissioner Shanel Robinson and
himself as a pragmatic moderate. To     Republicans State Committee            Sarah Sooy will attempt to defend
date, he has spent $8.9 million to      Chairman Doug Steinhardt, who          against Republican challengers Mike
Murphy’s $5.6 million, according to     made the redistricting picks for his
                                                                               Kirsh (a Bridgewater Councilman)

                  EXPERTISE. SERVICE. RESULTS.

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                                                             154 West State Street, Trenton, NJ 08608
                                                                609 392 7070 •

                                                                     Carol R. Katz, Principal
                                                      Adam S. Guziejewski, Senior Director, Government Affairs
                                                                Mark T. Connelly, Policy Advisor

                     YOUR VOICE IN NEW JERSEY.
and Amber Murad (a Watchung                pleted, but intent on taking advan-       the GOP to get back in gear here? It
Board of Education member). If             tage of missteps at the federal level,    will be tough. The trendlines, num-
both or one were to lose, Democrats        some buyers’ remorse over the Mur-        bers and overall energy remain on
would still maintain a 3-2 or 4-1          phy Administration, by Kirsh’s reck-      the Democrats’ side in a county
edge on the commission. But times          oning, and the home county                where Democrats now dominate –
have changed since Schaffer and            candidacy of former Assemblyman           enough to send a force like Bateman
Christodoulou initially occupied           Jack Ciattarelli. Will it be enough for   into 2021 retirement.
leadership positions in the county
once dominated by the Batemans
and Frelinghuysens. They enjoy an
85.5K to 60K registration advantage
over their Republican rivals in a
county where liberal Phil Murphy
defeated Kim Guadagno in 2017 by
two percentage points, and where
Democrat Tom Malinowski in 2018
beat incumbent Republican U.S.
Rep. Leonard Lance 55K to 46K and
then, as the incumbent in 2020, beat
Republican challenger Tom Kean
73K to 65K. In 2016, Lance had
beaten challenger Peter Jacob, who
lacked Malinowski’s resources and
the runway provided by the Trump
midterm by 59K to 50K in Somer-
set, and Janice Kovach by a margin
of 34K to 22K). Daunting territory
for Dems as recently as 2009, when
GOP challenger Chris Christie beat
incumbent Democratic Governor
Jon Corzine 57K to 35K in Somer-
set, those numbers have been vigor-
ously sliding in the Democrats’
direction going back at least to
Christie’s second term, the Bridge-
gate scandal, and Trump’s demagogic
tour of the White House. This is the
first true test of the party’s defensive
strength here, with Republicans
downcast by recent years and de-

LD25                                     have a slight edge in registration here   friendly rivalry buzz.
Past recent close contests and shift-    (50K to 48K) but unaffiliated and
ing demographics in Morris County        independent voters lean R. Like           Consider this from InsiderNJ
                                         Gopal, Shepisi is seen as a star in her   columnist Carl Golden:
(the GOP still maintains an edge on
paper: 53K to 50K) during the            party and a future candidate for
                                         statewide office.                         “Murphy appears better positioned
Trump era make this contest one to
                                                                                   than McAuliffe, holding a lead rang-
watch as state Senator Tony Bucco                                                  ing from nine points to 13 points
(R-25) expects to stare down Dem-        LD21
                                                                                   over Republican Jack Ciattarelli, a
ocratic challenger Jeff Grayzel. The     The retirement of state Senate Mi-
                                                                                   narrowing of his margin but, at the
trend suggests LD26 could be the         nority Leader Tom Kean, Jr., creates
                                                                                   moment, a fairly comfortable edge.
new LD16, as long as the specter of      an opening in the district for long-
Trump threatens to hijack utterly the    serving Assembly Republican Leader        “While a McAuliffe loss would de-
Republican brand. But Bucco is a         Jon Bramnick (R-21) to go to the          liver a body blow to Democrats, a
strong name in LD25.                     senate, while opening the possibility     Murphy defeat would be seismic, ir-
                                         of new leadership in both the senate      refutable proof that Biden’s perceived
LD11                                     and assembly Republican caucuses          missteps, blunders and faulty mes-
Democrat Vin Gopal retired Repub-        (see Players). This is not a cakewalk     saging runs so deep that voters took
lican incumbent Senator Jen Beck in      for Bramnick, where damage during         out their displeasure and frustrations
2017, and now looks to hold onto         the Trump years could put the 21st        on the closest Democratic target.
his seat here to maintain the Democ-     in play (the GOP lags 45K to 50K
                                         to Democrats in raw registered vot-       “Even a split outcome —a McAuliffe
rats’ grip on a Monmouth senate
                                         ers) for Democratic Party challenger      defeat and a Murphy victory —
seat. A party builder and former
                                         Roselle Park Mayor Joe Signorello.        bodes ill for Democrats.
Monmouth County Democratic
Party chairman, Gopal is also viewed     But the incumbent fairly inoculated
                                         himself from splash by opposing the       “Republicans will blame a Demo-
as a future statewide candidate. If he                                             cratic loss in Virginia as an unmis-
can hold onto his battleground seat      president during Trump’s tenure,
                                                                                   takable sign that the Biden
(he and his running mates made the       and – based on his 2019 reelection
                                                                                   Administration has lost the trust and
11th a Democratic-leaning district –     performance – seems to have scared
                                                                                   confidence of the American people.
53K to 38K) – and do it in style –       away more seasoned challengers this       It is, they’ll argue, a repudiation of
he strengthens the case for future de-   year.                                     the Biden record of the debacle of
ployment in tougher, bigger con-                                                   the military withdrawal from
tests.                                   MURPHY VERSUS                             Afghanistan, its stunning inept han-
                                         MCAULIFFE                                 dling of the unprecedented immi-
LD39                                                                               grant surge at the southern border,
                                         The statewide races in New Jersey
Having assumed the seat this year of                                               and most recently his surrendering
                                         and Virginia provide a gauge for
the late Gerald Cardinale, Senator                                                 to the far-left progressives in Con-
                                         President Joe Biden heading toward
Holly Schepisi (R-39) looks to gal-                                                gress in the dispute over his $4.5 tril-
                                         the 2022 midterm election. Both
                                                                                   lion infrastructure package.”
vanize Republicans in a district al-     Democratic governors in those states
ways eyeballed as undiscovered           are also auditioning for national of-
country by Democrats. Democrats          fice, thereby unavoidably generating


               Sweeney’s Main Battlefronts
Diving into LD2 & LD8                     So, what does it mean for legislative     Steve Sweeney (D-3), who does not
A lack of drama pervades the legisla-     contests this year?                       want to appear to lose ground in
tive races, where Republicans occupy                                                South Jersey, the key to his statewide
                                          There are really only two of them on      power.
too distant a position behind their
                                          the senate side (there are arguably a
Democratic rivals to do anything
                                          few others, LD16 among them, see          Republicans want to rattle LD11
relevant let alone significant. The
                                          Torque Points, but in terms of true,      enough to make Democrats there
gaps in both houses – 25-15 in the
                                          go-for-broke competitiveness, there       nervous enough to prevail on
state senate and 52-28 in the assem-
                                          are two).                                 Sweeney if it begins to look rough;
bly – put majority Democrats out
of danger.                                                                          while Republicans maintain an eye
                                          Two out of 40 districts.                  on LD39 in the event of a Demo-
As much as Republicans want to be-                                                  cratic sneak attack.
                                          The third or fourth represent head
lieve incumbent Democratic Gover-         fakes by one party to get the other to
nor Phil Murphy will drag on              commit resources and thereby dis-         But these theaters represent dummy
down-ballot allies, no evidence           tract the opponent from the main          parachute landings behind enemy
jumps out to confirm this. In fact, all   theater of operations.                    lines.
polling of the top-of-the-ticket con-
test between Murphy and his oppo-         Legislative districts 2 and 8 represent   The real contests fall within 2 and 8,
nent, former Assemblyman Jack             the main battlegrounds this year,         and between the two of them right
Ciattarelli, shows a double-digit lead    both of them seats that fall within       now, eight carries the most compet-
for the Democrat.                         the domain of state Senate President      itive weight.

LD2                                       mated. Not the most articulate             Mazzeo, of course, could always
The contest features a fight for the      politician, he nonetheless built sig-      open his mouth at the wrong mo-
open seat created by the retirement       nificant goodwill as an authentic At-      ment and emit another disastrous
of state Senator Chris Brown (R-2),       lantic County character: as the            “white out” comment, but remem-
and pits Assemblyman Vince                mayor of Northfield, and as a grocer       ber: he survived the year he made
Mazzeo (D-2) against former Assem-        and routine deliverer of fruit baskets.    that stumbling gaffe, and his allies
blyman Vince Polistina (R-2).                                                        will all but bubble-wrap him for the
                                          Republicans see him as a tool of the       duration of this cycle.
                                          Camden County Democratic Or-
Polistina ran for the senate seat once
                                          ganization, and no doubt before the        Advantage: Mazzeo.
before, back in 2011, against the late
                                          end of the contest, Polistina will find
state Senator Jim Whelan (D-2),
                                          a way to level the same charge             LD8
who beat him 53-47%. Mobilizing
                                          against his Democratic opponent.           This contest represents Sweeney’s
substantial amounts of money be-
                                          The engineer’s allies want him to riff     other priority this campaign season.
hind Whelan, Democrats painted
                                          more steadily on the plight of out-
Polistina, of Egg Harbor Township,
                                          of-work casino workers in Atlantic         State Senator Dawn Addiego (D-8)
as a public dime engineer with few
                                          City.                                      wants to win reelection against Re-
distinguishing marks on his public
service record. So far, in their effort                                              publican challenger Assembly-
                                          Perhaps he will as the race tightens
to elect Mazzeo, Democrats have                                                      woman Jean Stanfield (R-8).
                                          in the closing days, but right now
employed the same messaging               sources in both parties say Mazzeo
against their perennial foe.                                                         Despite the fact that Sweeney and
                                          leads his rival, in part on the strength
                                                                                     company will drop substantial re-
                                          of incumbent Atlantic City Mayor
Polistina, for his part, objected to                                                 sources in here to protect her and in-
                                          Marty Small’s local effort, and owing
Sweeney’s decision not to seat him in                                                sulate the organization from the
                                          to the absence from the contest of
the vacant senate seat, arguing that                                                 humiliation of a loss, Addiego has
                                          opportunistic organizer Craig Call-
constituents in the 2nd should have                                                  significant trouble here.
                                          away, who last year helped Republi-
the benefit of a seated replacement       can Congressman Jeff Van Drew
for Brown. Critics in his own party                                                  A former sheriff, Stanfield also offers
                                          (R-2) defeat Democrat Amy
say he spent too much time irritated                                                 voters the consistency of serving her
                                          Kennedy with a pinpointed GOTV
by the senate president’s Machiavel-                                                 career in the same party.
lian moves at the statehouse, and not
enough early precision aggression on      The dynamic could change if                Addiego is a former Republican who
rival Mazzeo.                             Polistina animates his campaign, but       changed from “R” to “D” around
                                          given the paucity of real contests         the time Van Drew changed from
Long seen as a GOP star, book smart       anywhere else, and the significance        “D” to “R”.
Polistina may find a tougher and          of the outcome for Sweeney, De-
slipperier foe in Mazzeo than a single    mocrats will likely deploy a cyclone       Never underestimate the political
appalling debate performance by the       of negative ads to swamp the Repub-        sorcery of the South Jersey establish-
Democrat suggests. Mazzeo, say            lican before he can make himself           ment.
sources, shouldn’t be underesti-          heard.

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Republicans know their best shot of       legislative power, Allen’s BurlCo        their families less safe — all to try to
picking up a seat this year rides on      presence on the ballot this year could   appease their national party bosses,”
the candidacy of Stanfield.               help Stanfield down ballot.              said RSLC Deputy Director Edith
                                                                                   Jorge-Tuñón. “The hardworking
They are in the middle of an effort       The bottom line is Republicans will      people of New Jersey know they de-
to depict the incumbent as a flip-        be motivated to seek revenge on Ad-      serve better, and will vote this No-
flopper with no principles.               diego for abandoning them, while         vember to reject the failed policies of
                                          Democrats don’t enjoy any deep loy-      the Democrat-controlled Trenton
“Who is the real Dawn Addiego?”           alty from the senator.                   and instead choose commonsense-
reads a piece of mail that hit the dis-                                            conservative leadership being offered
trict last week.                          Against a candidate of the quality of    by the strong Republican candidates
                                          Stanfield, who weathered the worst       in these key districts.”
“Switched political parties and sold      attacks in 2019, it adds up to trouble
out to the Camden power bosses            for Democrats here.                      The RSLC’s new campaign will tar-
funding her campaign; accepted over                                                get the Assembly seats in LD-2, As-
350 lavish gifts and meals from lob-      Advantage: Stanfield.                    sembly seats in LD-11, and the
byists seeking to influence her vote.                                              Senate seat in LD-8. It comes as in-
It’s time for Dawn to Addie-Go.”          LD11 and LD39                            ternal statewide polling in New Jer-
                                          The Republican State Leadership          sey shows President Biden five points
Democrats will just as vigorously         Committee (RSLC) last week an-           underwater, that the majority of
and viciously attempt to brand Stan-      nounced a new six-figure paid media      New Jerseyans believe the state is on
field a tool of former President Don-     campaign in what it described as         the wrong track, and that 70 percent
ald Trump.                                “key legislative races ahead of New      of New Jerseyeans have thought
                                          Jersey’s November elections.”            about moving outside of the state for
But Stanfield, who has countywide                                                  a lower tax burden.
bonafides, stood up to that cam-          According to a press release, the new
paign two years ago when she se-          ads highlight “the stark contrast” be-   Sources in both parties describe the
cured her assembly seat.                  tween radical Democrats who will         GOP move as a way to get Sweeney,
                                          keep New Jersey the most taxed state     and presumably state Senator Vin
Former LD7 Senator Diane Allen            in the nation by following the failed    Gopal (D-11) substantially shaken
offers another weapon to the cam-         playbook of the extreme liberals in      to spend more money so the GOP
paign.                                    Washington, and the common-sense         can focus everything on LD8.
                                          conservatives running against them
Democrats could never beat Allen.         to put families first once again. The    That said, all these districts in ques-
                                          committee’s total investment in the      tion are competitive on paper, and
When she retired, they finally picked     Garden State in 2021, inclusive of       will require substantial resources, in-
up her senate seat.                       this new advertising blitz, is now       deed almost the entire concentration
                                          nearly $700,000.                         of resources in this legislative cam-
But this year she returned as the run-                                             paign cycle, to either hold or deny.
ning mate of Republican gubernato-        “New Jerseyans are tired of seeing ex-
rial nominee Jack Ciattarelli, and if     treme liberal politicians go to Tren-
the establishment anticipates little to   ton election after election to hike
no disturbance in the formation of        their taxes, kill their jobs, and make

                                 ENDORSEMENTS FOR THE NOVEMBER 2021 ELECTIONS:

GOVERNOR:                           Allison Eckel – LD 8               Shama Haider – LD 37
Phil Murphy                         Joann Downey – LD 11               Ellen Park – LD 37
                                    Eric Houghtaling – LD 11           Lisa Swain – LD 38
NEW JERSEY SENATE:                  Daniel R. Benson – LD 14           P. Christopher Tuly – LD 38
Stephen Sweeney – LD3               Wayne P. DeAngelo – LD 14
Fred H. Madden Jr. – LD 4           Verlina Reynolds-Jackson – LD 15   JERSEY CITY:
Nilsa Cruz Perez – LD 5             Anthony S. Verelli – LD 15         Mayor: Steven Fulop
Troy Singleton – LD 7               Roy Freiman – LD 16                Council at Large: Amy Degise, Rolando Lavarro,
Dawn Marie Addiego – LD 8           Sadaf Jaffer – LD 16               Joyce Watterman
Vin Gopal – LD 11                   Joe Danielsen – LD 17              Jersey City Council – Ward A – Denise Ridley
Linda R. Greenstein – LD 14         Joseph V. Egan – LD 17             Jersey City Council – Ward B – Mira Prinz-Arey
Andrew Zwicker –LD 16               Robert J. Karabinchak – LD 18      Jersey City Council – Ward C – Rich Bogiano
Bob Smith – LD 17                   Sterley Stanley – LD 18            Jersey City Council – Ward D – Yousef Saleh
Patrick J. Diegnan Jr. – LD 18      Craig J. Coughlin – LD 19          Jersey City Council – Ward E – James Solomon
Joseph F. Vitale – LD 19            Yvonne Lopez – LD 19               Jersey City Council – Ward F – Jermain Robinson
Joseph P. Cryan – LD 20             Annette Quijano – LD 20
Joe Signorello III – LD 21          Reverend Reginald Atkins – LD 20   HOBOKEN:
Nicholas P. Scutari – LD 22         Elizabeth A. Graner - LD 21        Mayor: Ravi S. Bhalla
Christine Clarke – LD 26            Anjali Mehrotra – LD 21            Hoboken City Council: Jim Doyle, Emily Jabbour,
Richard Codey – LD 27               Linda Carter – LD 22               Joe Quintero
M. Teresa Ruiz – LD 29              James J. Kennedy – LD 22
Sandra B. Cunningham – LD 31        Melissa Brown Blaeuer – LD 26      HILLSIDE:
Nicholas J. Sacco – LD 32           Pamela Fadden – LD 26              Mayor: Dhalia Vertreese
Brian P. Stack – LD 33              Mila M. Jasey – LD 27              Hillside Council: Lisa Bonnano, Craig Epps,
Nia H. Gill – LD 34                 John F. McKeon – LD 27             Robert Rios
Nellie Pou – LD 35                  Ralph F. Caputo – LD 28
Paul A. Sarlo – LD 36               Cleopatra G. Tucker – LD 28
Gordon M. Johnson – LD 37           Eliana Pintor Marin – LD 29
                                                                       Mayor: Michael Soriano
Joseph A. Lagana – LD 38            Shanique Speight – LD 29
                                                                       Parsippany Council: Cori Herbig, Judy
                                    Angela V. McKnight – LD 31
NEW JERSEY ASSEMBLY:                Angelica M. Jimenez – LD 32
John J. Buzichelli – LD 3           Pedro Mejia – LD 32
                                    Annette Chaparro – LD 33
Adam J. Taliaferro – LD 3                                              Mayor: Timothy Dougherty
Gabriela M. Mosquera – LD 4         Raj Mukherji – LD 33
                                                                       Morristown Council: Toshiba Foster, Nathan
William F. Moen Jr. – LD 5          Thomas P. Giblin – LD 34
                                                                       Umbriac, David Silva
William W. Spearman – LD 5          Britnee N. Timberlake – LD 34
Herb Conaway Jr. – LD 7             Shavonda E. Sumter – LD 35
Carol Murphy – LD 7                 Benjie E. Wimberly – LD 35
                                    Gary S. Schaer – LD 36
Mark Natale – LD 8                                                                         @32BJSEIU


         Zwicker v. Pappas: The Fight for
          Bateman’s LD16 Senate Seat
LD-16 in central                         Zwicker brings uncommon credentials     vaccine mandates is precisely the po-
                                         to Trenton, he is a physicist at the    sition of Kip Bateman.
Jersey is a bit unusual.                 Princeton Plasma Physics Lab.
It’s one of the few split districts in                                           Zwicker is a fan of Kip Bateman as
the state. The two assembly mem-         The Republican candidate, Michael       well.
bers are Democrats and the senator       Pappas, also has an interesting back-
is a Republican.                         ground. He served two years in Con-     “He showed what thoughtful and bi-
                                         gress in the late 1990’s. Former        partisan legislation and politics
Whether that breakdown remains           members of Congress don’t always        looked like,” he said of the retiring
will be determined Nov. 2.               run for state Legislative seats.        senator.

The intriguing race is for the Senate,   The Bateman name is held in high        That type of thinking probably
where Republican Kip Bateman is          esteem in the district thanks to both   helped Bateman survive in a district
retiring.                                the retiring incumbent, Kip, and his    that is growing more Democratic.
                                         late father, Ray Bateman.               Republicans are now outnumbered
Democrat Andrew Zwicker (pictured,                                               by about 21,000 voters in a district
top), who is now in the Assembly,        At a Sept. 22 debate, Pappas said his   that includes parts of Hunterdon
wants to “move up” and replace him.      support for a religious exemption to    and Somerset counties and one town

each in Mercer (Princeton) and Mid-       in New Jersey and this debate was no    untary, not compelled by the state.
dlesex (South Brunswick).                 exception.                              Time for some cynicism. Without
                                                                                  the state forcing the hands of
All things being equal, the Demo-         Pappas asserted that Zwicker is re-     school districts to merge, nothing
cratic registration seems to make         sponsible for increasing property       will happen.
Zwicker the favorite.                     taxes. This really is a hard argument
                                          to make, considering that property      There were no sharp, or passionate,
And that’s probably why the debate        taxes are levied by local govern-       disagreements during the debate.
between the two unfolded with             ments, not the state.                   But there was a minor dustup.
Zwicker avoiding attacks and Pappas
being the aggressor.                      Pappas explained that Zwicker’s sup-    Zwicker was stressing the need to
                                          port for such “unfunded mandates”       respect each other’s views when it
Zwicker’s opening statement stressed      as body cameras for police officers     came to the pandemic.
his support for clean air and water       contribute to rising property taxes.
and for preserving open space. Noth-      Pappas vowed to support no un-          “We have to do what’s right for
ing controversial about that.             funded mandates.                        each other – stop politicizing
                                                                                  masks and vaccines,” he said.
Pappas took a different approach,
                                          School taxes make up the biggest
talking about how the pandemic has                                                Pappas quickly responded that
                                          chunk of property taxes throughout
devastated New Jersey and how                                                     Zwicker fails to do that himself. He
                                          the state.
Zwicker by his silence has done                                                   asserted that Zwicker gave a dis-
nothing to oversee the broad powers                                               missive gesture to people demon-
                                          So, how about consolidating dis-
of the governor.                                                                  strating in Trenton because he
                                                                                  disagreed with them.
As Republicans are wont to do, Pap-
pas brought up the thousands of           Zwicker said he wants to “incen-
                                          tivize” districts to merge.             He said Zwicker’s “attitude was not
New Jerseyans who have died in
                                                                                  one of a leader.”
nursing homes. He said an investiga-
tion is definitely needed by the state.   Pappas didn’t disagree, but stressed
                                          that any such mergers have to be vol-   Zwicker let the comment pass.
The federal government, in fact, has
an ongoing investigation into nurs-
ing home deaths.

Zwicker agreed that an investigation
is needed, but stressed that nothing
about dealing with a pandemic that
last occurred 100 years ago is easy.

“The governor had to make some
very difficult decisions,” he said.

Property taxes are always a hot topic


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          LD25 Flashpoint: Trying to Find
             Drama without a Debate
Scan the events calendar of the New     Last year, it was a borough council     The local league began working on
Jersey League of Women Voters           debate that never happened; this        the debate in August, but things
these days and you’ll see myriad de-    year it’s a LD-25 faceoff.              never came together.
bates scheduled throughout the
state.                                  This is a traditionally-Republican      When I ran into Bucco at a recent
                                        district, but voter registration num-   event, he said he had no intention of
Over the next two weeks, for exam-      bers are getting closer, which makes    doing a league debate.
ple, the league is sponsoring debates   it an intriguing legislative race to    He did one last year, and there was a
for county commissioner in Mon-         watch.                                  problem. Bucco said he was told his
mouth, township committee in                                                    name tag – this was a virtual debate
Chatham Township, school board in       The GOP incumbents are Sen. An-         – could not include the title “sena-
Fair Lawn and state legislators in      thony M. Bucco and Assembly             tor.” That does seem odd. Being a
LD-11.                                  members Aura Dunn and Brian             senator is a public position and it’s
                                        Bergen.                                 certainly one all voters should be re-
But for the second year in a row, a                                             minded of.
debate in Morris County involving       The Democrats are Jeff Grayzel for
the league’s Mountain Lakes chapter     senate and Lauren Barnett and Patri-    Bucco’s reluctance ended any possi-
will not occur.                         cia Veres for assembly.                 ble senate debate this year.

As for the assembly, Dunn said it was        Democrats in the district reacted the                            can’t defend their extreme record of
a scheduling issue more than any-            way you’d expect.                                                putting children’s health and safety
thing else. She said one date sug-                                                                            at risk by protesting COVID safety
gested by the league, Oct. 5,                Sarah Carlson, the campaign man-                                 measures in schools, failing to con-
coincided with the lieutenant gover-         ager for the Democrats’ LD-25                                    demn Trump for provoking insur-
nor’s debate. Who would want to              team, fired off the following.                                   rectionists that resulted in the deaths
miss that?                                                                                                    of police officers, and voting to take
                                             “It’s disappointing to hear that                                 away a woman’s right to choose.”
More seriously and more generally,           Trump’s team in Trenton, Senator
many Republicans see the officially          Bucco and Assembly Members                                       Linking all Republicans to Trump
non-partisan League of Women Voters          Bergen and Dunn, can’t be bothered                               is standard Democratic fare these
as leaning left. So, it’s no real surprise   to give voters a chance to hear from                             days, but you wonder if the former
that some Republicans may not be             them before the election. It’s clear that                        president is really going to have any
anxious to take part in a league debate.     they are hiding from the fact that they                          impact on a legislative race.

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The just-concluded weekend brought     they could make “no time” for the         for office is providing the public
some traditional campaigning with      debate. Incumbent candidate An-           with an opportunity to compare
Bucco and the GOP team visiting        thony Bucco has declined to debate        their elected officials to those who
street fairs and festivals.            his challenger, Jeffrey Grayzel for the   are challenging their positions. Vot-
                                       position of Senate in LD 25. Incum-       ers deserve to see their candidates in
Democrats had an event with Rep.       bent candidates Aura Dunn and             action and to hear all sides of an
Mikie Sherrill on Saturday and one     Brian Bergen have declined to de-         issue before casting a ballot.
with fellow Rep. Tom Malinowski        bate their challengers Lauren Barnett
on Sunday. Democratic congress         and Patricia Veres for their positions    Whenever candidates decline an in-
members representing the district is   in the Assembly in LD 25. The can-        vitation to a debate on the issues, the
a sure sign things have changed.       didates and their campaign man-           voters lose and democracy suffers.
                                       agers were given an 8-week window         The League of Women Voters has
At the same time, the change is not    in which to choose a date. Republi-       hosted free and fair, nonpartisan de-
complete.                              can candidates did not refuse imme-       bates in LD 25 for more than 50
                                       diately; they gave the condition of       years. Incumbent candidates Aura
Malinowski on Sunday launched a        having the debate in-person rather        Dunn, Anthony Bucco and Brian
canvassing effort in Roxbury, a town   than via Zoom. Their Democratic           Bergen all participated in League of
that remains a strong Republican       challengers met this condition, how-      Women Voters debates in LD 25 in
bastion. Two years ago, Republicans    ever the incumbents then claimed          the very recent past, yet this year
won the LD-25 race there by about      they had no time in their busy cal-       they are declining to debate. The
1,300 votes. So the Dems have a lot    endars for a debate.                      Leagues of LD 25 are imploring the
of canvassing to do.                                                             incumbent candidates of LD 25 to
                                       Fair and unbiased debates are pivotal     reconsider their decision and put
The statement of the combined          to the functioning of our democracy.      their voters first by finding a date to
Leagues of LD 25: Morristown,          An essential component to running         debate.
West Morris, Warren and Mountain


The West Morris, Warren, Morris-
town and Mountain Lakes League of
Women Voters are disappointed to
announce that every incumbent Re-
publican candidate in LD 25 has de-
clined to debate this 2021 election
season. The reason given was that


   ELECTION 2021: Ongoing Troubled Times
     for the New Jersey Republican Party
When Governor Phil Murphy spoke            during lockdowns, failures on the         parking lots. Resistance to mask
at the two-hour Asbury Park pool-          state level to get money to those who     mandates and misinformation,
side speech-fest for the installation of   needed it, whether as small business      propaganda, and politicization of
the new Democratic State Chair-            loans, unemployment funds, and            vaccinations set New Jersey’s recov-
man, LeRoy Jones, he said that he          other state services put New Jer-         ery process back, and the long hot
was going to run his campaign as           seyans in a hard place. Many busi-        summer of 2020, marked by protests
though he was ten points behind            nesses, especially those in the dining    for racial justice and gym guys kick-
until the polls closed on election day.    and hospitality industries, simply        ing down doors to reopen their busi-
                                           could not survive. A haphazard and        nesses, Murphy be damned, left a
A Monmouth poll in May said that           confusing application process often       torrent of uncertainty and turmoil.
the Governor had a 57% approval            eluded the small businesses in need
rating with 35% disapproving, a fall       who were too busy trying to get by        What Governor Murphy had going
of 14% from 2020 when the pan-             week to week than to untangle Tren-       for him in 2020, politically, was that
demic began. The pandemic, too,            ton’s cumbersome machinery. All           he was free of an election year and
may well be the key to the entire gu-      the while, infection rates soared, par-   able to govern as he saw necessary
bernatorial election.                      ents had to adjust to virtual learning    and fit. This earned him the nick-
                                           for their children, and refrigerator      name “King Phil” from his detrac-
With businesses struggling to survive      trucks appeared in funeral home           tors, mostly Republicans but

certainly plenty of Democrats, who         signs of a fourth wave, particularly      sage with the voters as to why he
objected to his extension of emer-         among the unvaccinated, the pan-          would be a better choice than Mur-
gency powers and endless issuance of       demic will, once again, take center       phy. Simply not-being-the-other-
executive orders.                          stage in the weeks and months to          guy may have been enough for many
                                           come leading up to Election Day.          voters to cast their ballots for Joe
It is not the place here to assess the                                               Biden, but in New Jersey messaging
full political impact of 2020, but as      Governor Murphy has been making           is critical.
numbers began to decline, as vacci-        his rounds and enjoys the advantage
nation efforts were generally success-     of the incumbency and a record to         When InsiderNJ spoke to state-sen-
ful, Governor Murphy was able to           stand on. Historically, Democratic        ate hopeful Dan Cruz, a Latino Re-
fight back against what Ciattarelli        governors have not been re-elected        publican running against Senator
and Republicans had been picking           since Governor Brendan Byrne 44           Oroho, he said he respected
at: interfering in business, interfering   years ago. Republicans can and have       Ciattarelli but, at the time, was back-
in schools, mandating masks, etc.          made gains in a heavily Democratic        ing the more Trumpian Hirsh Singh.
With the approach of summer in             state, but the nationalization of party   One of his key criticisms? He said
2021, it became a priority to get          politics in the Trump and post-           that he did not see the GOP making
New Jersey open and back to busi-          Trump era has created an ideological      efforts in the urban areas and that
ness. The 2020 shore season was lost       minefield for both parties to contend     Democrats were winning the num-
and another year might well seal the       with, but none more so than the           bers game. Ciattarelli did make a re-
fates of those hardy seasonal busi-        GOP.                                      cent stop in Elizabeth, knocking on
nesses that did manage to survive.                                                   doors and talking about Republican-
Fortunately for the governor, infec-       With former State Democratic              safe issues like property taxes, but a
tion rates began declining and things      Chairman John Currie, Phil Murphy         city like Elizabeth remains solidly
rapidly began to reopen. The emer-         had an unshakable ally. It remains        blue, even if residents complain
gency was ended, the executive or-         to be seen the extent to which the        about the status quo. In this case,
ders stopped, people could take off        Essex-county power base, embodied         Ciattarelli demonstrated he was will-
their masks if they got their shots.       by the new Chairman LeRoy Jones,          ing to do what men like Cruz said
Those who didn’t get their shots and       will play ball with the governor, but     the GOP would not, but the effect
would likely never get vaccinated          leading up to election day, the party     was, for insiders, fundamentally op-
were no longer visually identifiable       leadership has rallied the rank and       tical. The GOP doesn’t make strong
as non-compliant. New Jerseyans            file behind the incumbent. Few De-        GOTV efforts in urban areas be-
could breathe a sigh of relief and the     mocrats see a Murphy alignment as         cause they need to focus their re-
Murphy-Ciattarelli race would start        a liability in the state, but the Re-     sources where it can be viable.
to take on more traditional forms          publicans have stormier seas to nav-
once again.                                igate, and Jack Ciattarelli is faced      Ciattarelli continues to lack name
                                           with charting a navigable course to a     recognition statewide, which will be
That is, of course, until the Delta        safe port as well as captaining a crew    problematic for the 37% of New Jer-
variant began to roar its ugly micro-      which is far from wholly united.          sey voters who are unaffiliated. The
scopic head.                                                                         Democrats have 38% of the voters
                                           Ciattarelli has put out the message       while just over one-fifth of New Jer-
With the COVID infection rates ap-         that Murphy will be “one and done         seyans are registered Republicans.
pearing on the Department of               in Twenty-One” but has yet to com-        Singh had encouraged people in his
Health’s blue curve starting to show       municate a clear and resonating mes-      mailers to “join the Republican Civil

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War”—obviously putting himself            registered Republicans) and power-         Donald Trump. Ciattarelli himself
forward as the most Trump-like can-       ing along to Election Day. Without         rarely mentions the former presi-
didate while casting Ciattarelli as an    a clear and easily communicated            dent, which, to be fair, he should not
“establishment” type. In other            message, Ciattarelli’s campaign lacks      have to, but this demonstrates the
words, Ciattarelli actually held office   the ability to focus on being much         influence the former president has
and served the public in the Assem-       more than the Not Murphy. Mod-             over the party, even in New Jersey.
bly, whereas Singh, who has never         erate Republicans and conservative         Attempting to win the base means
won office, would bring a fresh, out-     Democrats have respected the for-          shifting to the right, but Ciattarelli
sider perspective.                        mer Assemblyman as a public ser-           and the State GOP know the base
                                          vant and also for being a voice of         isn’t enough. By asking for “wiggle
Trump did not win New Jersey and          reason and civility in a time of shrill,   room” from the base so that he can
Singh did not win the GOP primary,        incoherent chest thumping, tribal-         attempt to gain some of the crucial
this much is evident. But it puts         ism, finger pointing, and name-call-       independent voters, Ciattarelli had
Ciattarelli in the unenviable position    ing that spread from DC to state           to admit to abdicating some auton-
of trying to formulate a winning          capitals to town halls.                    omy in his own campaign’s direc-
message and he is staring at a Gor-                                                  tion.     To the outsider, then,
dian Knot.        Unlike Alexander,       The likes of Phil Rizzo (styled “Jer-      Ciattarelli appears to be a reluctant
Ciattarelli has no way of effectually     sey” Rizzo, to avoid association with      right-winger.
and literally cutting through it (be it   the governor) and Hirsh Singh made
huge sums of campaign money, or           no secret in exploiting Ciattarelli’s      It is a telling sign of the troubled
more importantly, huge numbers of         past criticisms of then-candidate          times for the Republican Party when

former Governor Christine Todd             into the Republican while progres-           fectively took away the most coher-
Whitman, the first female governor         sive groups like Garden State Equal-         ent cudgel Ciattarelli had to swing
of New Jersey, endorsed Joe Biden          ity lost no time in condemning               with. With rising case numbers, es-
and said the current GOP would be          Ciattarelli as dangerous and bigoted.        pecially among the unvaccinated
unrecognizable to her parents--she         But the move would score points              who tend to be, although are not by
said it had become a cult of person-       with the Republican base and, per-           any means universally, right-leaning,
ality and lost sight of its core values.   haps, warm up some apathetic                 Ciattarelli could be given that
Former Lieutenant Governor Kim             Trumpists who wished someone like            weapon back once more.
Guadagno joined the ranks of the           Singh or Pastor Phil had won the
unaffiliated voters as a result of po-     nomination back in June.                     Particularly dire for Murphy is that
litical struggles closer to home in                                                     the will to return to the lockdowns
Monmouth County. She is also               So, where does this leave Ciattarelli?       is low among the business commu-
known to be less than a fan of             The best thing that can happen to            nity. With the food industry espe-
Ciattarelli who ran against her in the     his campaign would also be a cata-           cially suffering—one is hard-pressed
2017 primary.                              strophic reversal for the health of          to pass a diner, restaurant, or pizzeria
                                           New Jersey, and it seems that the            without a Help Wanted sign in the
With respect to the lieutenant gov-        course of events might be turning in         window—to step back to 2020
ernorship, Phil Murphy has Sheila          that direction.                              could mean an inescapable fate. The
Oliver, the second person to occupy                                                     Murphy campaign knows this, and
that post, the second woman to do          With the rising number of Delta-             the Ciattarelli campaign knows this
so, and the first African-American.        variant cases and the reduced efficacy       as well.
As of this writing, Ciattarelli has yet    of the vaccines against this particular
to announce who would be his lieu-         strain, it is likely that further restric-   As both the incumbent and the chal-
tenant governor candidate, a deci-         tions will need to be reimposed to           lenger spar over topics that would be
sion which has been put off for            “crush the curve” as the governor            conventionally safe for political de-
weeks. It is likely that whoever           said repeatedly. Masks are now               bate, such as taxation, perhaps to the
Ciattarelli picks would be female          being recommended for both vacci-            relief of both, the exceptionally non-
(and consequently continuing a New         nated and unvaccinated people in in-         partisan coronavirus will force the
Jersey tradition of having women as        door settings where there is a               campaigns to realign and possibly re-
lieutenant governors and lieutenant        potential for high transmission. This        fight old battles. In such an in-
governor candidates) but speculation       is admittedly vague, and also an in-         stance, Ciattarelli has the best chance
still swirls. Additionally, whoever        evitable consequence of policy trying        to make his case and take some of
Ciattarelli picks is unlikely to bring     to catch up to data. During the              the wind out of the governor’s sails.
much star power if simply by virtue        height of the pandemic, the Repub-           Depending on how the summer un-
of how long it has been taking to          licans could make the case that indi-        folds and the economic effects there-
choose a running mate.                     viduals should choose how to handle          after will determine whether or not
                                           their health, and that the govern-           Governor Murphy will be compelled
Recent remarks by Ciattarelli about        ment did not have the right to im-           to return to 2020 tactics in a 2021
LGBTQ curricula being purged               pose mask mandates on schools and            battlefield. This time, however, with-
from schools, and that sixth graders       businesses. Instead, the average per-        out the shielding of a non-election
would not be taught “sodomy,” was          son should be free to decide. When           year.
red meat for the Murphy campaign.          the governor rolled back most re-
They were quick to sink their teeth        strictions in the Spring, Murphy ef-


     Debate 2021: Murphy and Ciattarelli Go
         After Each Other, Jersey Style
Seldom does substance align with         The debate showed two candidates           reluctance to talk about property
politics in today’s era of anonymous     equally possessed of a tough and ed-       taxes and noted the state’s inflated
Facebook posting and virtual anger,      ucated New Jersey style, clearly de-       budget, an $11 billion jump from
where ugliness prevails as constituen-   lineating their views in unsparing         the years of former Republican Gov-
cies dissolve into complacency and       fashion, clashing throughout but in        ernor Chris Christie.
elected officials run from real rheto-   a civil, thoughtful and well-spoken
ric, or run to concocted slogans in      vein.                                      Both candidates’ views or records on
the 11th hour to spare themselves a                                                 New Jersey’s most vulnerable popu-
defining and well-considered stance.     Each tried to depict the other as an       lations jumped right to the fore of
But after a quietly nasty, empty sea-    extremist, as Democratic incumbent         the discussion, as Ciattarelli criti-
son of YouTube ads and TV mud-           Governor Phil Murphy seized on Re-         cized Murphy for his handing of the
slinging, substance and politics         publican challenger Jack Ciattarelli’s     pandemic, specifically pointing to
strangely merged against the back-       speaking role at a “Stop the Steal”        8,000 nursing home deaths our a
drop of enduring crisis as the 2021      rally to tie his rival to President Don-   third of all COVID-19 casualties,
Gubernatorial Contest came alive in      ald J. Trump and an insurrectionary        and Murphy objected to the Repub-
a hard-hitting, raucous first debate     right-wing mob. For his part,              lican’s comments about children not
on ABC News.                             Ciattarelli hammered at Murphy’s           being vulnerable to the virus.



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Ciattarelli said he didn’t quite express   The men disagreed too on law en-         “I didn’t see those signs; I can’t be
himself clearly when he spoke on the       forcement, with the challenger using     held responsible,” he said.
topic, and clarified that the delta        the Police Benevolent Association’s
variant is indeed different from           decision to forgo a gubernatorial en-    When the Republican challenger
COVID, but Murphy throughout               dorsement this year to skewer the in-    said he never held Murphy responsi-
strove to underscore Ciattarelli’s         cumbent as anti-cop; while Murphy        ble for marching or appearing at ral-
propensity to have it both ways on         talked about the delicate balance be-    lies where signs like “No Justice, No
COVID-19: publicly professing sup-         tween individual rights and public       Peace” appear, Murphy pounced.
port for the vaccine, but also cam-        safety and said Ciattarelli, the self-   “When did no justice no peace be-
paigning without a mask at GOP             professed law and order candidate,       come controversial?” the governor
primary events.                            should have snagged the endorse-         wanted to know. “Your picture and
                                           ment. Murphy noted that he had           name were on the invitation.”
On another occasion, as Ciattarelli        two other police endorsements, even
sought to depict Murphy as anti-           if he lacked backing from the PBA.       Tangled up with his rival, Ciattarelli
women, based in part on the Katie                                                   umped on the occasion to pivot to
Brennan scandal, Murphy said he            “Demoralized cops with curfews at        his favorite issue.
had apologized to Brennan and did          the Jersey Shore,” bewailed
so again tonight. The subject came         Ciattarelli.                             Murphy said if taxes are not your
up repeatedly during the hour-long                                                  issue, “New Jersey’s probably not
debate, as Murphy brought up               As an assemblyman in the Christie        your state,” and again dug the in-
Ciattarelli votes in the assembly n        years, Ciattarelli “rubber stamped       cumbent.
opposition to Planned Parenthood           Chris Christie’s agenda,” the gover-
funding, and Ciattarelli noting Mur-       nor said.                                The final stretch of the debate fea-
phy’s backing for a bill that would                                                 tured some more defining moments
allow legal abortions at seven             In a clash on property taxes,            for both men as Ciattarelli objected
months.                                    Ciattarelli said people would never      to teaching children that white peo-
                                           hear Murphy talk about property          ple perpetuate systemic racism and
“This has been the most anti-woman         taxes and bemoaned an existing           pressed for more consideration of the
governor we’ve had,” Ciattarelli said.     schools funding formula that sends       golden rule as a core lesson, and
                                           Abbot aid to towns like Hoboken at       Murphy advocating for the whole
“A guy who votes to defund planned         the expense of other had-working,        grim truth in classrooms. Murphy
Parenthood ain’t a governor for            cash-strapped New Jersey communi-        zinged his opponent hard when
women, period,” Murphy shot back.          ties.                                    Ciattarelli tried to explain his cam-
                                                                                    paign trail comments about not
The men disagreed on Tropical              Murphy – who already secured a           wanting “sodomy” taught to chil-
Storm Ida, which claimed the lives         millionaire’s tax during his tenure –    dren in schools – a subject better left
of 30 New Jerseyans last month.            pledged not to raise taxes over the      to “kitchen tables.”
Murphy took the occasion to speak          course of the next four years should
about climate change and brand             voters return him to office.             “There’s a lot going on at your
Ciattarelli as late to the game on the     As the sparred over their respective     kitchen table,” Murphy grinned,
subject; while Ciattarelli expressed       baggage, real and otherwise,             then grew grim as he chastised the
his dismay over the governor’s spe-        Ciattarelli defended his presence at     Republican for using “sodomy” as a
cific crisis response to Ida.              the Stop the Steal rally.                dog whistle.

Ciattarelli toward the finale criticized       rammed legalization through has                       At the end of the clash (they will meet
the governor’s support for recre-              created buyer’s remorse in the state,                 again on Oct. 12th in their second and
ational marijuana legalization, and            as evidenced by many municipalities                   final on-stage collision), Ciattarelli
reiterated his own support for de-             passing ordinances banning the sit-                   crossed the stage to shake hands with
criminalization. The way Democrats             ing of marijuana dispensaries in their                Murphy, who greeted him warmly.

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